The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 19, 1871, Image 4

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    Teople who Should not Smoke.
In an trtiole on the medioal aspect of
gmoking tobacoo in the Food Journal,
Dr. E. B. Gray asks :
"Is smoking injurious?" This is an
every day question apt to be put by
patient to their doctors. Like most
broad questions of the kind, it involves
far too many considerations to admit of
being answered by a plain yes or no. A
medical man, who has long 'bfeett'a'-moderate
smoker, and watched the effect of
the habit on himself and others, here
offers what he believes to be the true
answer to the question.
First of all, there must be an under
standing about the quality of the tobac
co to be smoked. Bad namely, rank,
quickly intoxicating, and prostrating
tobacco (certain kinds of shag and caven
dish, for instance) must always be in
jurious. Few can Bmoke them at all
none, habitually at least with im
punity. So, too, with regard to quantity,
even good tobacco smoked to excess will
to a certainty be injurious to the smoker,
sooner or later, in some way or other.
Of the various evil efforts of excessive
smoking, more will be said presently,
Next, as to the smokers. There are
people to whom any tobacoo, however
smoked, is simply poison, causing, even
in small doses, vomiting, pallor, and
alarming prostration. Such people
never get seasoned to its effects, even
after repeated trials; and if they are
the.v will forever let it alone. They
will display still further wisdom by not
presuming to make laws for others who
him not the same idiosvnerasv.
No one can enjoy smoking, or smoke
with impunity, when out of health. The
phrase ' out of health," though it may
sound vague, is dt finite enough to frame
a general rule. At the same time, it is
nanfnl to know what, if any, are the
particular disorders and conditions of
health in which tobacco does special
harm. As far as the writer's knowledge
goes, these have never been specified by
medical writers as clearly as is desirable.
To begin, a man with a bad appetite
will, if he smoke, most assuredly eat still
less a noteworthy fact for smokers or
j. i .jn
others recovering irom wasting muera
or " off their feed " from whatever cause.
This effect of tobacco by the way, while
an evil to the sick man who cannot eat
enough, becomes a boon to tho starved
man who cannot get enough to eat;
an ample illustration of this was furnish
ed among the French and German
soldiers in the recent war. Again, no
man should smoke who has a dirty
tongue, a bad taste in his mouth, or a
weak or disordered digestion. In any
such case, he cannot relish his tobacco.
It should be a golden rule with smokers,
that the pipe or cigar which is not
smoked with relish had better not be
smoked at all. Indigestion in every
shape is aggravated by smoking, but
most especially that form of it common
ly known as atonio and accompanied
with flatulence. Diarrhoea, as a rule, is
made worse by smoking.
One of the commonest and earliest
effects of excessive or untimely smoking
is to make the hand shake. This gives
the clue to another class of persons who
ousht not to smoke persons, namely,
who have weak, unsteady nerves, and
suffer from giddiness, confusion ot sight,
- tremulous hands, tendency to stammer,
or any such symptoms. And if tobacco
does harm in mere functional weakness,
still less allowable is it in actual organic
disease of the system ; as, for instance,
where there exiBts any degree of paralysis
or other sign of degenerative change in
the brain or spinal cord. The improper
use of tobacco does beyond question
somehow interfere with due nutrition of
nerve substance. An illustration of this,
familiar to oculists and medical men, is
the so-called tobacco amaurosis, a fail
nre of vision occuring in excessive
smokers from mal-nutrition of the retina.
Another class of persons who ought not
to smoke are those who have weak or
unsteady circulations and complain of
such trouble as palpitation, cardiao
Eain, intermittent pulse, habitually cold
ands and feet, or chronio languor.
Lastly, there is reason for believing
that the habitual use of tobacco is
likely to retard the due growth and de
veloDment of the body. If so, no one
should become a smoker till he is well
past the period of puberty. Boys, more
over, have no excuse for smoking, for
they are spared the hard wear and tear
of adult lite.
Now, after eliminating those who
from idiosyncrasy cannot, and those who
from bodily ailment or from tender
years should not smoke, there will still
always be a large residuum of happy folk
who can smoke, enjoy smoking, and are
indeed the better for it. These are they
who nse tobacco without abusing it-
use it, that is to say, in moderate quan
tity, in due season, and honestly for the
sake of the comfort which it gives them
a comfort every bit as legitimate as
that which drinkers of tea, coffee, or
wine extract in each case from their
favorite beverage.
The Slrngglo for Existence.
All plants and animals tend to in
crease in a bigb geometrical proportion,
and the old problem of the nails in the
horse's shoe teaches na what an astound
ing affair is m geometrical rate of in
crease. Man is relatively a very slow
breeder, yet, if the population of the
United States were to go on increasing
at its present rate for OS 7 years, it would
cover the whole terraqueous globe so
thickly that four men would have to
stand on erven square yara or surtaoe.
But this is a mere bagatelle. When we
consider the reproductive capaoity of in
sects and plants, the nails in the horse's
shoe are left nowhere. When Arctic
travellers tell us that the minute proto-
ooccus multiplies so fast as to color blood
red many acres ot snow in one night,
such a rate of increase appears aston
ishing. ' But it is a mere trifle compared
to what would bappen if reproduction
were to go on unchecked. A plant
yielding one hundred seeds yearly would
in twenty years, if all the seeds were to
reach maturity, produce ten duodecil-
lions of adult plants I As this is one of
those stupendous figures before which
the imagination stands hopelessly baf
fled, let us try the effect of an illustra
tion. Supposing each of these plants to
be from three to five inches in length, so
that about twenty thousand would reach
a mile, the whole number just mentioned
would reach to a distance fifteen qua tril
lion times as great as that whioh is sup.
posed to separate the earth from the re
motest telescope star. The ray of light
which passes from the sun to the earth
in eight minutes, would be-750 thousand
millions of millions of centuries in pass
ing this line of little plants ! And in
similar wise I think it might be shown
of many insects, that their unchecked re
production could not long go on with
out requiring the assimilation of a great
er amount of matter than is contained
in the whole solar system. We may now
begin faintly to realize how prodigious
is the slaughter which unceasingly goes
on throughout the organic world. We
may now understand what is meant by
the " struggle for existence." Battles
far more deadly than those of Gettys
burg or Uravelotte nave been incessant
ly waged on every square mile of the
earth's life-bearing surface since life first Collect all the vegetable matter from
began. It is only thus that the enor- every nook and corner of the farm that
mous increase or each species has been your stocK win not eat, anu muurpuraie
kept within bounds. Of the many off
spring produced by each plant and ani
mal, save in the case of those highest in
the Bcale, but few attain maturity and
leave offspring behind them. The most
perish for want of subsistence, or are
slain to lurnisn tooa lor otner organ
isms. There is thus an unceasing strug
gle for lifts a competition for the means
of subsistence going on among all
plants and animals. In this struggle
the greater number succumb, but a few
favored ones in each generation survive
and propagate to their offspring the
qualities by virtue of which they have
Tichborne case in England, divided pub
lie opinion while the trial lasted.though
cleared up at last. A Frenchwoman
who had been deserted by her husband,
Martin Guerre, received him again, as
she supposed, after an absence of eight
years, and it was not until she had lived
with him three yearsand borne two chil
dren that she made up her mind ho was
one Arnaud who hud taken possession
of herself and property. We read that
in the trial which followed one hundred
and fifty witnesses were examined; a
large number, including the family of pogtj as tney con8ider this a little out of
Martin, swore positively to the identity, tno reguiar routine of farming ; but
recognizing him by his voice, manner, they may as welt kin labor to do this
appearance, and perfect knowledge of and eeoure the profit to themselves, as to
the family history. The real Martin 6en(1 their m0ney abroad and give the
had a crooked finger-nail, two scars un- profit8 to others ; this, too, will keep the
der his eye-brow, the left eye bloodshot, faborin2 men in their own neighbor-
and certain warts, etc., all which pe- hnnA . . clasa that ought to be encour-
The "Seven Dials."
This is the name given to a hard lo
cality in London, similar to the Five
Points in New York. Every great city
has its grotesque forms of vice and
misery : so many pens have touched
upon them that one almost recoils from
them : but London's street life furnishes
types which exist in no other city, and
could flourish under no civilization save
that which could necessitate such
satire as ' Ginx's Baby." This locality
in the west part of London affords one
of the worst places, probably, that civi
lization shines upon ; and it is a section
through which one must go daily, if he
lives in or above Oxford Street, and de
sires to arrive at the Strand. In this
section of the Seven Dials, the streets
are at all seasons of the year filled with
a species of thick, black mud ; there is
an unpleasant flavor of decaying animals
in all the region round about, the houses
are mean and very dirty ; so are the
women and children ; the sun rarely
ever penetrates there; and there are
numberless humble bake shops, where
nameless compounds are concocted for
the poor. The people themselves seem
of the very lowest class: they say but
little to each other, and what they do
say is usually unfriendly. Street fights
are of daily, nay, almost hourly oocur
renoe, in some parts of this choice local
itv. and to common are they that peopli
do not look cut of the window to see
who has been worsted. There is a West
ern insousiance about this which some
people find charming, but which really
can on It distrust. In the Seven Dials,
people seem to know but very little of
T. - . - J 1 1 . i. . 1 il
the rest of London, anu ausoiuwuy Hom
ing of the rest of the world. -J. hey are
an isolated community, shut out from
thnir fallow nt tha naot bv the Wealthy,
whose possessions lie on all tides of
How to Imtrovh a Farm. Many of
our farmers spend money freely in pur
chase of special manffTes guano, super
phosphates, bone dust, gypsum, etc.,
and usually nnd, or think they do, that
they realize a profit by it. I do not
wish to say one word to discourage them
from a continuance of the practice ; but
I would advise them to be a little more
careful in their experiments and statistics.
If a farmer puts a hundred dollars
worth of either of those special manures,
or any other manures that drain bis
pocket of the dollars, he should be able
to ascertain that he gets his money back
with a profit on it ot at least twenty per
cent, to pay for his labor and risks. He
can only ascertain this by cultivating a
measured port of the same field without
manure of any kind, giving it the same
oare and attention as the portion ma
nured. After he shall have done this
and measured or weighed the crops, a
little arithmetio will bring out all the
facts ; there should be no guess work or
hope bo about it.
If a merchant invests a portion of his
capital in any description of goods he
will know when these goods are disposed
of, whether he has gained or lost by the
operation; if the speculation has been
unsuccessful he will seek some other in
vestment for his capital. To bo a suc
cessful farmer it requires as much
shrewdness as that of a merchant or any
other pursuit in life.
Now, brother farmers, allow me here
to be a littlo critical. You will ac
knowledge that there is no manure that
you can buy, that will givo such satis
factory results as the manure made in
your own barn yards. Will it always
bring the aLSwer wet season, or ary
season P Yes, then, why do you not
make more of it ' or, why do you not
take better care of what you do make Y
I have seen some of your manure heaps
levelled out to a feather edge, which
edges should have bien shovoled up into
a compact heap, bo as to expose as small
a surface as possible to rain and sun
shine. These remarks will apply as well
to your milking and feeding yards as to
the main manure neap.
Tho Leghorns are valuable breed.
X bey are good layers, meaium-sizea, ana
the chicks tolerably hardy. They are
pure white.
The Garnet are fair layers ; the chicks
hardy, though in a less degree than the
Asiatics. For the table they sui j.ass all
other fowls. Their flesh is more juicy
and better flavored, and they are always
fat. While the young of other breeds
will not take on fat, and are unfit for the
table until nearly grown, Game chicks
are fat when quite small, and always re
main in that condition. There are
many different breeds of Game, some
handsome, some otherwise. For beauty
none can equal the Sumatra Fheasant
Games. They are excellent layeri, pa
tient setters and careful mothers. The
chicks are hardy and easily reared.
They can fly like a bird, and an ordin
ary fence is no obstaole in their way to
any garden. Nor oan they be surpassed
as scratchers. These are their objection
able features. But they have no equal,
even among the Games for the pot.
They are, however, not considered dead
game, hence they are discarded by those
who breed Games for the pit.
The new French breeds Houdan,
Lafleche, and Creve Occur, we have not
tested ourselves, but hear them spoken
of by those who have, as excellent lay
ers. The Bantams are only ornamental.
The Seabrights Silver and Golden
are the handsomest.
We have a cross between the Brabmas
and Sumatra Pheasant Games, which
we consider superior to any pure breed
ever bred by us. Tbey are a largo size,
weighing from 15 to ZU pounds a pair,
excellent layers, unsurpassed as setters
and mothers; chicks as hardy as the
pure Asiatics. They are not as clumsy
as the pure Asiatics, but cannot ny over
a fence four feet high. For the table,
they are equal to pure Games. They
nave all the points wuaout tne objec
tionable ones, of both parent breeds.
No fowls or eggs for sale.
In conclusion, then, it eggs are tne
principal object, Bolton Greys, or a
cross between them and some other
good variety, will give the best results ;
if fowls for the table, then the Games
or some cross with them, will be most
satisfactory. A cross bttween the Asia
tic and Games, between the Asiatic and
Bolton Greys, or between the uames
and Bolton Grevs would be better
tHttry'i sal Fa t 51 S4o. tor mixed, Mid M a KHo
tor white on the track and afloat, Including sllto,
for Nn a rhicncrn afloat. Corn lower and fairly ac
tive, cloning tlimi sale Western mixed in atore
annauoat,at 74 a7tto.
pROVTSiowa Pork waa (loll snd nnchangodi antra
nt f 13 (Bit for mean, ana nuzn ror prime mess.
Href In fair domnnd and firm i new prime mess. tn
a (22 tierce. Bacon lu fiur demand and firm at
St a die. i sales, Including long clear on tha spot.
;S quiet mm iiiiuiiHiigiHi ( pic.Klou
Laid a atiade Armor; quirt on the
at Do. Out meats quiet and unchanged)
name, IzaiZHo.
aiwit. .ntlvA fnr 1
city and Western, 1H0. for chsloe kettle rendered.
d loo. for prime western nrenrn, isecemoer ann
nnarr delivery. Dressed hoga active at a a AHo.
Batter dnll at 10 a Soo. for western, and 18 and use.
tor Stat and Orange county. Cheese In good de
mand i factories at 10 a He.
onornnraa nto firm nut leaa active at lls a
IS do. gold, dnty paid. Hire selling at t a Oc. for
domestic, anu 7 a 7to. ior lorcign. moiasses nun.
Rngars a shade lower and active i fair to good rctln
lug, 8 a 9So. i aalcs mostly low grades, at a M a Olio.
Refined sugars quiet; nurds 12?f a 13c. while A,
12 k al2Sc.
ftmnnirs Petrolenm Keflned aeld natter: aa'es
at 23e- tor ahnrt delivery i crude was quoted at
mho., ami napntna ion a no. -ibiiow my wns
quoted atSH a 0o. Whiskey dull at (I. Freights
Katea ra'lier firmer i n a 11 Jkil. for wheat to Liv
erpool by steam.
Liva htock Markpt The market for beeves
whs dull and depressed, and except for strictly
prime and extra steers, which were scarce, the
ruling pi Ices were iu'ly c, 4 lb lower. Rome
Texans were sold at 6 a 8c. tb., and commnu to
ptinie native steers at 9 alio., with a few extras at
11 H a i2o.
Hhcop wore wenk ft a Co. th , anil lambs dull
at 0 a 7e H. ID , atm-lug a declino of Mo. V tl.
Hogs Prices fell off to 44 a So. f ts., alive, and
0 a ac. Urvsaed, with pigs sold at 0c , ueU
1 1 1 n s t r a t e (1 Literature
-In the World tor only f 3.0O.
Combining the most tonut fill W'-odOnt lllnsti n.
TINKNTH, with brillinnt r-clontlfle and Jlesrrlp.
tlve Articles, Tales of Ailvriil uru, Wit end Humor,
Sloilts, rooms, Ac, tic, by Urn
Ablest Living Aulhyrs.
T)?c ehesnest, choicest, most vnlnnlila and attrac
tive literature for tho family evtr olfered.
A whole Library in Itself,
Contained In twenty-font" nnnibers, msklng four
The Aiken rremlum Land Sale.
A very timely enterprise for winter Is at
hand, now Is the "Great Premium Land
Sale," of the Derby Farm Property, nt Alkcn,
South Carolina. Few New Yorkers are better
known, none more highly esteemed, than Mr.
J. C. Derby, the originator of the enterprise re
ferred to. Aiken, 8. C, merits even more
than St. Augustine, Florida, tho appellation
long since bestowed upon the latter place
that of the Montpcllcr of tho United States.
So salubrious Is Its climate, so free from sud
den transitions of temperature, that had the
ancient Greek mytholoKists been aware of the
existence of the spot upon which Aiken
stands, It is reasonable to suppose that they
would there have placed the residenco of their
goddess Ilygeia Bhe who presumably presid
ed over tne neaitu oi numan nemgs, me en
terprise arranged by Mr. Derby affords a
chance to any person willltig to expend the
small sum ot five dollars In the purchase of a
share, a chance of winning at this charming
place a real estate prize ranging uetween tne
values of (25,000 aud (300. The tickets are
limited to l'J.OOO. in addition to the real es
tate prizes all ot wmcn are systematically
named and described in Mr. Derby's prospec
tus the sum ot 5,000 in greenbacks is to be
distributed in over five hundred prizes, vary
ing from the first one ol f 1,000, to tucmintmum
one or (a. uriner, every noiaer oi a ; ucrv
J. u. Holland.
" It aplres to be and gives an onrnet of Its be
ing the bent family inngazliie la America." Th
CtnipmntUmaUtt, JwwIoh, Ma'. '
" The best magazine lu America." 3ft. Vffnon
(Ohio) Ratmrr.
" tcrlbner's Monthly hns no equal on this conti
nent." JVis Jitrx ( Va ) Uaietle.
Tho Kubscrliition Price of the Monthly Is 84. bnt
we will send the magazine for hit vear, (Nov. '71 to
'72) and the twelve back uumuers tur live dollars as
Nrnd Ten Cent for tpnlmrn number of lait year,
or leenty-fioe- cent for a tptcimtn number of the
MonlhUi am Ki.AMfiKlt. for thi vetir.
Keml'tin Check on any Bank in theTnltfd States
(payable to our order,) or fohi uinre money oruer,
or scuduiouvy in KcglsUred Letter.
Sorilmer & Co.,
054 Rroadway, N. !f.
to the Wrbtkbh Woki.ii (a large s
nage Heekly paper) receive, grati. a
Magnilioent $3 Uteri Engraving. 28 by
38 lllohea, entitle 1 "TH, NATIVITY
OF OUB LOKD," or one of Jiang's
Charming S4 ChromeR, 14 by 17 inches,
entitled HAVE PATIKNrK" a lit
tle country girl teasing a dog one of
the mnstattractive little artistic gems
ever issued. Terms (.1 a year. Your
choice between the two premiums,
hpeclmen copy of Wfbtrkn Woiu.u,
with lull description, sent for stamp.
AOfeNT WANTED,-Anv cno
who will engage to act hh a local age t
and semi 81, shsll receive a peifect
copy of either premium he desires, with
(nil Instructions, anil tho Wkstkhn
WORM) for three mouths free. Loe.l
Agents can cRHlly make 5 a day.
Aildreas JAMES H. ELLIOTT, l'ull
llshor, 3S Kiumlleld btruet, .Boston,
M ass.
CHINKS can be obtained at
about ono-hilf the usual rntes
bv oiderlns direct, singer's. 40
cts. per dor., t Wheeler & Wllnou, 00 cts.i Howe's,
Wets; Grover & linker, Wets., and olheis in pro.
portion. Enclose the amount and Kecdles w ill be
retutntdb llrstmuiL address
Watertown, N. Y.
it with the manure heap, or, with swamp
lime and gypsum from a compost heap,
collect leaves from tho woods which con
tain more potash than many of tho
phosphates in the market. Fork over
this compost heap once or twice in tho
course of a year, and top drc your
grass land with it Leave a Btnp across
tho field not so too dressed, aud it "book
farming" will not satisfy you, you will
begin to learn by " example.
To do this work will require laoor,
and labor costs monev : labor is always
worth money when well directed and
DroDerlv amlied. By pursuing this
course, you accomplish two putposes-
adanted to the wants of farmers in gen- . will receive an enfrnvinir or other work of
erai than either oi tne iuu Dreeas.
canter Weekly Intelligencer.
Spanish Moss.
This rjeculiar formation, which is
called cypress moss, is one of the curi
osities of the southern forests, abound
ing in the swamps and in the valleys of
the lare rivers. In the vicinity ot tne
(iulf of Mexico it bangs irom tne oran-
ches in long wreaths, and so bountifully
clothes the forest as to well-nigh con
ceal every other object giving to the
woodland scenery a uniformly gray and
A French Tichborne.
art, 'ully equivalent in amount to that sum
The distribution of these various prizes is posi
tively arranged to Uike place on tne 1st ot
November next. About that time of the year
It will be a pleasant thing for some shareholder
to have become the possessor of tho " Derby
Mansion," a beautiful country bouse, embow
ered in trees, and ventilated with the health
ful breezes that are wafted to It from orchards,
graperies, and gardens gorgeous with brilliant
flowers, luls, tne lirst prize, Is valued at
$25,000. Any moderate person might perhaps
be satisfied to obtain lor bis five-dollar bill the
second prize Roscville Farm the very name
of which is fragrant with Southern zephyrs
and suggestive of the delicious atmosphere
breathed by dwellers in that happy latitude to
which the ruthless winters of our more north
ern regions never come. The amount to be
given away in this enterprise is $100,000, and
the best guarantee of the fairness with which
It will be conducted is tbd fact of its being un-
01 Mr. J. J.
von tmrirove tha annearanco as woll as sombre armearance. The moss derives
enrich the farm. no sustenance from the tree from which
T J.-nl allatifmn ft 1-af m ftK it is suBoended it merely hangs upon
Four hundred years ago there was a int and saving all the manure that can the branches ; and we have frequently acr the general ruanagemert
use eelehre in France which, like the bo mado bv collecting and applying to seen the upper part of the festoon dry Derby.
the manure or compost neap every spear "."""""i "
of vegetation that is grown on the farm; enjoying a rapid growth. It is, there-
this, you will soon find, will pay ; then fore, an atmospheric plant, and gathers
buy as much of the fertilizers as may its support by abrorption from the at-
prove themselves to be profitable by the mosphere. It grows indiscriminately
tests above named. POn he tree ??lhe lowlands, though
Tfeo inrnnHnn of an much labor- u seems more inniiy upou vuo at
: u: trmiT,r ua. cvoress. A ereen tree is necessary to
a :?it... its rjreservation. as the decay of the bark
i .-a i, n,o4oiro a. Imn. disenfiraees it from the branches. Ihe
j.-jj.n . ... tk in kn, moss is erathered as an article ot com
. i:i: ti a k f,0 ,nrlr r,f merce. and is larselv used for beds and
collecting the material and making com- cusnions. it, receives its growiu cmeuy
r ANTE D. Pnrtles who have a very small cop-
ftl nr nnn iriv. nociirltV. And ATQ llCSlrOUS lit
making money in a light, honorable, pleasant, busi
iiess at homo, or to travel. Address M. M. 111
TON, Pittsburgh, Ptt.
and female ; .'" per week permanently. Ad
dress J. 11KN KY 8VMUS1)S, No.4 Liberty square,
11 oh tun,
tJTOP, AOKNTH." Don't work for t.lOOper
3 dny, we warrant vou yon can make t.10.00
PEK DAY SURE, selling our goods. Business
liirht and honorable. No glfc enterprise, no Hum
bug. 30 000 sold in one week Address
Pittsburg. Pa.
PIIRI i I One package of PROF. Lsos' MAOIC
wUllLO i compound-will instantly Curl the
stralghtest hair of either sex (without injury), Into
wavy lingleta, or heavy massive uris, In every
case, or money refunded. Price 25 cts. per package,
poet paid, or a for 50 cents. Address uuLuuuuii,
Uxbridg-o, Mass.
in the winter season. Cattle, in times
of scarcity in the winter, feed upon it,
and trees upon whicn it is aounaani are
sometimes felled to supply them.
The disguised drams, falsely called
medicines, sold in bar-rooms as " tonics"
and " stomachics," have nothing in com
mon with Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bit
ters. That famous invigorant does not
owe its stimulating properties to fiery
and adulterated Alcohol, but to medici
nal roots and herbs never heretofore com
bined. The effect of the Bitters in cases
of constitutional debility, chronio indi
gestion, liver complaint, ana all diseases
tending to consumption, is so marvellous
that except to thosa who have felt or
witnessed it, the result seems incredible.
830 Weekly Newspapers
circulating in all the Northern Statea of tho Vnlnn.
Rest and cheapest medium of its kind In tho world.
bsuroaies sent on application to
JK. W. iOSltK, 41 1'urkRow, '. Y.
The Great BloooPurifier
Went for Him.
culiarities the accused possessed. Quite
as much contrary evidence was, nowever,
adduced, and to increase the perplexity
of the situation another man suddenly
aged by constant and well-paid employ
ment J productive labor being the found
ation ot' national success.
Flowing down red clover is one of the
A rough looking specimen of humanity
was recently promenading up Chatham
street, New York, when he came plumply
upon a Jew.
Without word ot warning tDe rougn
Do not Hoard your earnings, but in
vest them in first-class lla'droad Bonds,
paying you good interest. Write to
Charles W. Hassler, No. 7 Wall St.,
New York.
, j . . i . . . , - i " o . .... I Tlltuuuh wwu ui nmiiuiK vug"
appeared, declaring himself to be the cheapcBt and quickest methods of im- knocked him 8prawiir,o, into the gutter,
wooden leg, and his answers were not so
clear as those of No. 1. He was indeed
quite confused when confronted with
the rival claimant, who browbeat him,
and charged him with being an impos
tor. And yet Wooden-leg was the gen
uine article, and succeeded in proving it.
He had lost his leg in battle, and Ar
naud, who had been his companion, bad
wormed out all the family secrets and
turned them to his own account.
rjrovine farm land. This plan cannot be
too often, nor too strongly urged on the
farming community. I have tried and
seen it tried bv otners oiten, ana always
with success. The best time to do this
is when in full bloom, and the seed about
commencinsr to form. Not only the
Picking himself up, and taking his
bleeding nose between his finger and
thumb, he demanded au explanation.
" Shut up. 1 11 bust ycr agin 1 said
the aggressor, approaching him again.
" 1 have never done nothing mit you ;
so, what for you mash me in de nose '("
Cramps and pains in the stomach are
the result of imperfect digtstion, and
may be immediately relieved by a dose
of Johmon's Anodyne Liniment. A tea-
spoonful in a little sweetened water is a
green crop plowed under, but the roots demanded Abraham,
enrich and mellow the soil, putting it in
good condition for the reception ot any
crop. American istocu journal,.
Which is TnE Best Breed of
Fowls? This is a question that has
been uddressed to us by several suscrib
ers of the Intellioencer, who desire an
answer through our columns, io ans
wer this auestion properly requires a
short description of the different breeds,
or an enumeration of the peculiar points
of each. The large Asiatio breeds are
by some considered the most valuable on
account of their large Bize and quiet,
domestic habits. They weigh at maturity
from 20 to 26 pounds, and occasionally
exceed tho latter weight, i ne nens are
Building Societies Prosperous in Enc
In London, there are 52,000 members
of 2.000 Building Societies which have
made returns, possessing 1,217,000 of
assets : and the number of societies is
believed to be really double the number
stated, many very important societies be
ing omitted in the returns. In addition,
there are Land Societies, which serve a
similar purpose, and owning 2,000,000,
The Building Societies of London alone
llhx.AnnahAnt II It 111 ill ( If II I 1tirlor1
. inn ,nn kJ n .; cood lavers. but want to set frequently,
a very large item in the population of They are good setters, but are rather
Kara cluaisv though careful mot tiers, ire
are of the middle class, clerks and shop- chicks are very hardy, and more easily
" Yes yer hev ; yer Jews crucified
Jesus Christ, and 1 have a mind to go
for you again.
" But, mine Uott, dat vash eighteen
hundred years ago, said the Jew.
" Well, I don't care if it was ; I only
heard of it last night I" replied the un
washed, and he went for him again.
Heavy oats are good for horses ; none
will deny that ; but oats can't make a
horse s coat look smooth and glossy when
he is out of condition. Sheridan's Cat
airy Condition Poieden will do this when
all else fails.
A valuable Indian compound, for restoring the
health, Bod tor the permanent cure of all diseases
arising from Imparities of the blood, such as
Hcrofula, Scrofulous Umnor, t'nnccr. Can
cerous Humor, Kryslpelna, Canker, Halt
li lieu in, l'lmplcs nnd Humors on the
Fnce, Ulcers, Couglnt, Catarrh,
llronchlils, Neuralgia, Uliea
maiism, Pain in the Side,
Dyspep-la. Constipation,
Costtveness, Piles,
Ilendnche, Dizziness, Nervousness, Faint
ness at the Stomach, Pain in the Back,
Kidney Complaints, Fcmalo Weak
ness, nud GSeneral Debility.
This preparation 1b scientifically and chemically
herbs and barka, that its frood effect are realized
lmmedlutely after conimoncius to take it. There is
no disease of the human system for which the Vko-
KT1NK cannot be ued with perfect safety, as it does
not contulu anv metallic compound. For eradicat
ing the sstem of ull impuilties of the blood, It has
no equal, it has never fulled to effect a cure, giv
lna- tone and strength to the system debilitated by
disease, iia wouueriui enccts upon These com
plaints are surprising to all. M any have been cuied
by the Vkokunk that have tried many other rem-
etuea. it cau wvu ue cojil-u
$. Walk, Pr4frt.tfin - R. H. McDom.ib 4 Co., Dr.itf liu
Qn. Ar.iiU, Snn Franc!-., C.I., nnd M Cemro.rt. ttrl, N, T,
BULLION!- Uenr Teatlmony to their
'Wonderful Curative Effect.
Ttoy an not s vile Fancy Drink, Made ot Poor
nam, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse
Liquors doctored, spiced and sweetened to purse tho
taste,called ,,Tonlcs,'""Appetliers," ,,RestorerV,"aie.,
that lead th tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, Hril are
a true Medicine.made from the Kntive Ilnots and Horba
of California, free from nil Alcoholio fStlmn
Innts. They are the GREAT III.OOD PURI
a perfect Renovator and Invlgorator of the 8ynem,
carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring theblood
to a healthy condition. No person can tnka these Bit
ters according to directions and remain long unwell.
provided their bones are" not uestroyea by mineral
poison or other means, and the tltal organs wasted
beyond the point of repair.
They nre a Gentle Purgative a well ns a
Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting
as a powerful agent In relieving Cungertion or Inflam
mation of the I.Ivor, and all tho Visceral Organs.
old, married or .Ingle, at the dnwn of womanhood or at
Uie turn of life, tiicso Tonle Bitters have no equal.
For Inflammatory nnd Chronio Rheuma
tism nnd tJont, Dyspepsia or Indigestion,
nylons. Remittent nnd Intermittent Fa
vors, Disease of tho lllood, Liver, Kid
ui vs and lilndiler.them Hitter have been most
snocossful. Such Disease ore canacd by Vitiated
lllood, which Is generally produced by derangement
ot tho Digestive Orgnna.
ache, Tain In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of th
Chest, Diizlnesa, 8our Eructations of the Stomach.
Dad Taste In the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation ol
the llcnrt, Inflammation of the Pain In the re
gions of the Itldncrs, and a hundred othor painful symp
toms, are the oflflpriiurA of Dyspcpftla.
They Invtirorato the Stomach and stimulate tho torpid
Liver and Bowels, which render them of unequalled
efficacy lu cleansing the blood of all impurities, and Im
parting new life and vigor to the whole system.
FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Blotches. Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car
buncle, Rini-Wormn. Scald Head. Fore Ere", Erysipe
las. Itch.fccurf., lligroloi-HtloiiN of the Skin, Humors aud
Disenifi of the ekls, of whatever name or nature, ais
literally dug up and onrrM out of the system in a Bhort
time by the uo ol these Ultters. One bottle In such
eases will convince the most incredulous of their cura
tive eOt-cis.
Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you Bnd Its Im
purities bursting throuch tho skin in Pimples, Erup
tions or Sores ; cleanse It when you Bnd It obstructed
and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when It is foul,
and your fcetluzs will tell you when. Keep the blood
pure, and the health of the svstem will follow.
Pin, Tnpe. and oilier Worms, lurking in the
system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed
and removed. Ssys a di.tinirul.hed physiologist,
there is scarcely an individual upon the face of the
earth whose body Is exempt from the presence of
worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the
body that worm. exit, but upon the diseased humors
and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of
disease. No System of Medicine, no vermifuges, no
anthelmintics will free the system from worms like
theBe Bitters.
1. WALKER. Proprietor. R. II. McDONALD St CO,
Druggists and Oen. Airents. San Francisco. Cslifnrnla,
and 32 sod 34 Commerce Street, New York.
CE Its, n LT KIIKI M ami ALL. OTHb-K.
Dr. P. T. KEENE having Jnst returned from
Ecuador andbiought with him a quantity o! tho
genuine CimduranKo Bark, secured through the
odicial recoinm.nda-lon and assistance of His Ex
ellencv, the President of Ecuador and the Govern
mrntofthat Republic, wo are prepared to flllortb-rs
for it, to a limited extent, and at a price about one
mmrter of thst w hich the cost of tliu Urt very small
supply compelled us to charge.
A spurious ttnicie in uuw a'lveruncu unu
as Cuudnraiigo We have, nt consid rable ex
pense, aud with the co operation of the authorities
ol Loa, Ecuador, the province whore the plant.
frows, so directed tho channel of our supply as
o Insure that none but the srenulne article shall
be sold by us, and we particularly call the attention
ol the public, for their proteclon M this fact.
UO Ceilur til., Mew Y ork.
D. W. BLT99, M. D , Washington, I. 0.; '.. K.
BLISS, M. D.,Miw York; P. T. KEEKE, M. D.,
New Y'oi k.
Mystery. The greatest mvstery in
the world to us is that housewives will
use any other lightening, save J. Monroe
Tayler's Cream Yeast Baking Powder.
Building Societies are even moro de-
veloned out of London than in it. Lan
cashire alone is estimated to have 1,428
societies, with nearly 60,000 members ;
but these are the imperfect returns, ana
the number should probably be doubled.
In the town of Burnley there are 3,000
members of building societies, owning
about 1150,000 worth of property ; in
Oldham there are 66 societies, each con
taining, on the average, 100 shares worth
120 each, or nearly 800,000, which
may be considered the property acquired
every fifteen years ; in xuancnesier,
Ashton. and other places, Building So
cieties manifestly play an important
part, the chief supporters, according to
unanimous testimony, Deing too " mm
hands." It is the same in other parts of
England. Newcastle, Sunderland, .Liver
pool, Leeds, Halifax, and Bradford have
all powerful societies ; one society in the
latter town is spoken of as having 621,
000 out on loan, and another has 290,
reared than those of any other class of
fowls. They are, however, great feeders
and not inclined to hunt their tood.
Their flesh is of good quality, though
coarser grained than that of some breeds.
The chicks, when small, are quite bare,
and are not ht for the pot nearly as
youDg as the Games are. They are
handsome birds, and tue mates present a
noble, majestio appearance. The Brah
mas lieht and dark and Cochins are
at present the most prominent breeds of
this class, t ne Dranmas we consiuer tue
most valuable. For laying, the non-set
ters are decidedly superior to all otners,
Thfiv will lav more eees m a year man
other breeds. The chicks of some breeds
of this class are non-bardy, but still
much more difficult to rear than the
Asiatics. To this class belong the Jlol
tnn Grevs. or Creoles, the Spanish
White-faced Black, and White and the
Poland s. Of this class the White-faced
Black Spanish are the most prominent.
They are good layers, make a handsome
annearance. but in this climate must be
wU sheltered in winter. The chicks
arfl garni- hardy. The Polands are hand
some fowls. They have very large
crests or top-knots. One variety is en-
Mutilated $5 bills are in circulation
so ingeniously manipulated as to pass
without detection, unless attention is
specially directed to them. The follow
ing description of the process of mutila
tion, given by I'eterson s JJeteclor, makes
detection easy: The "dodge" consists
in making ten bills out of nine, and is
so managed that there is but one past-
ins to each of the manufactured notes.
The nine whole bills are taken, and
from thn right of the first one-tenth is
sliced olt ; irom the right ot the second
two-tenths ; from the right ot the third
three-tenths, and so on to number nine,
from which nine-tenths are taken from
the richt. or what amounts to the same
thing, one-tenth from the left. Number
one is passed as it is, with a tenth gone
from the right: the one-tenth taken
from number one is pasted to the residue
of number two, from which two-tenths
had been taken: these two-tenths are
made to answer the place of the three
tenths taken from number three, and so
l throuch. Thus nine fo notes are
completed, leaving the original uumber
nine, with a tonth gone from th 1 fr, s
a tenth note. It will be seen tun' ut a
tenth is gone from each bill, ai. d u
different place on every one, an J a "'it
ingenious pasting maaes me loss i i-
ceutible to ordinary observers, ii is
certain that large numbers of these mut
ilated bills have been put in circulation,
It extends Its Influence Into every nart of the hit
man organism, commencing from the foundation.
correcting uiseaaeu action, and restoring vital pow
ers, creaing a ho lthy formation and i-urllk-uMon
ui me uiooh, driving uu disease, anu icuviug; na
ture iu punurui im suuiieu pai l.
The advertiser, having been permanently cured
ot that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple
remedy, 1 anxious to make known to his fellow
sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it.
he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of
charge), with the directions for preparing and
using tne snme, wnirli they will tind a hi kk C'uiik
ties wishing the prescription will plouse address
1S4 bouth Second bt.. WlUlamsburgh, N. Y.
l'ltEi-AKKU ny
boston; mass.
Price 9 1 -23. Bold by all .Druggists.
Relief irnflrnntecd in Ave mlnutca. by Inhala
tion. Hasiili;heHtti;!iUuionlui irom the medical
i profession. Price $2 tier box. Kent by mail, post-
'nrra hsnnalrl . 11 1 tit (if nrl ft-
M M. II. FARNHAM 4 CO., -10 Broadway, N. Y.
Q Scld by all DruiisUiU, r. o. Bux 2SU.
rv 8end for onr now Price List and n Club form
will accompany it, containing full directions mak
ing a large sa tug to consumers anil remunerative
to club organise! a.
31 cV .HI VESEY STREET, New York.
P. O. Box 50 .3.
Relieved and enred by Dr. Sherman's Patent Ap
pliance ami Compound. Oftlce 67 llroadway, N. Y.
beud loc. lor book with photographic likenesses of
o rc
O unity tur 500.
BII-I.S representing 188 aent as a curt-
j. u. bfcAUOllLi, uurretsvllle, u. fh$
to sou cui, l i'iiT
nna l.t, ntitl nflor enrn ftll llelll-V Ward
Beeiher's case, letters and portrait. Kewaro ol
truvvliing impostors, who pretend to have been as
tistanu of 1m. BHEKMAN.
rB are now mannfactnrlng a superior paint at
nn liiill the mice t ordinary paint. It Is a
brown, but the shade oan be vsried by the addition
The taking photographs of tbe features
of criminals in iaiU and penitentiaries.
which for many years has been one ot tirely black, except the top-Knot, wnicu
the most effective agencies iu the deteo- I i. whita. and o lartre as to cover the
tion of crime in America, has. strange to avea. Tha Bolton Greys are tbe best
. . , 1 . IT 1 I - " .. . . - i , 1 L 1
say. iu Deea auopiea dv ureal cntain i layeri of all lowia. r0 ureej yet iu
by an acfM Parliament, which will go troduced will lay near so many eggs as
into effect in November next thev. Thev are decidedly the most val
uable, though not the most prominent
nA .,V, -. .... aw,.. ot this class, iney are aimuuu w w
for hila. exercise: for rheumatism, new ooiainea in weir punyr,
A cross b-
JUl UUS, DACllDQ , IU IUDUU1BI.UUU, US W I " T, , . , 11
flannel and patience S for gout, toast and tween them and the Brahma, , u
fnr tha rjvit.nar-.ria. a rtantiat Inr I piuuauir ud m
debt, industry ; for love, matrimony.
more valuable fowl for
the farmer than any known pure breed.
New York Market,
Flour un Mi!The market was 8 a 10c. low
er and rather more active fur eiport in tun shipping
extras, but otherwise dull, aud luo laiuny brands
weie reduced lu some rosea ma. v uui. itye Hour
advanced 10 a ao. bbl., but corn meal remained
dull. We uuoU) i Bupeinue fstate anil Western,
tti 25 a $.&: extra BUte, die, (7.2o a $7.40; West-
era spring wheat extras, $7 a f7.a0; do. double ex.
trao. 7.fio a as '2A , dn wiuter wheat extras and dou
ble extras, 7.60 a fcl.TS; bouthero bakers' and fam
ily brands. t 25 a 10 8outhern ahlppuig extras,
16.25 a 7.7a. Rye dour, Hue and auuertlne, 5 a
fa. 80. Corn meal-Western, etc., ti.M) a $4.30 i
urauuywiiie, o., .au a
Cotton Was stead v on favorable Liverpool ad.
vioea. Miuuiing uplaiius, aisv. , uw uu., . u.
Grain Wheat abowed a partial and Irregular de
cline, but. r.l,uu,d Mrm. with a good export ueiuand i
sales at il.6) all 67 for spring No.! and No 1, ti w
a 11.62 tor red winter bute. l 64 i 67 tor amber
Illinois and Michigan, and l.7i a ti. ior prims io
choic wbitAv kv. Ii furWfiUra. Barley unset
tled at U a Me. lur prime Western. OaU dull aud
WANTED An Agent In every county. Address
W. DAY, High folnt, Mercer Co., 111.
ONLY 60 CTS. tor 100 buff envelopes printed with
anvthin less tliuu twenty wurus. Usumules 10
Celita. F. BAFFOUU. Scotland, Conn.
Atteutlenl U racers, Dr (gist, ad Other t
Teas! Teas! Teas!
Merritt hunter, ios wan st., n. y., sen
Hue leas In tb. and Htb. packages to dealers at
importers' yr.cea. Write lor paiuouluis.
Spirit Photographs
Full Information how to obtain them, and a beau
tiful specimen seut to any part of the world ou re
ceipt of 26 CaiNTS. Address
air TT TaX TT T T7 TI
170 West SpringUi ld Bt., Boston, Mass.
YOU t.ouot
Nothing, exoept the Sewing Sfachine, has ever
been invented which so much relieves tbe lalior of
the household as the Wringer... But its nsefulness
dees not end here. The saving of clothing is of
much greater ImiMirtaiice. It is often remarked
that articles of hue texture last twice as loug when
wrung in a Wringer as w hen wrung by haud.
Tim Nnvni.TV bus eoir-wheela on both ends.
Tbe rolla are allowed to separate lreely at either
end. These, besldoother advautagea which it cou
talus, seem to be iuiiisiieusable to a practical
wringer. AVw York Jndepetulent. .
Tbe Novelty Wringer ha .become an Uidis
peusuble institution in tiiousauds of families. Aud
we believe its great Hint increasing poiiularity is
fully merited for the Novklty evidently possesses
all the reiiuisites ot a Urat-cluss, practlcar machine.
Indeed, alter using one for msny months in our own
family, we are prepared to Indorse the Novelty as
unsurpassed thelaundresasaysuiywi!!,bysny
or tne several wriugers previously uieu. jnwrrr
ifarat Xev Yorker.
Sold everywhere. Sold everywhere.
IN. 13 llielps AC Co.,
GENERAL AGENTS, 102 Chambers-street,
For two new and popular works.
of dry paints. It is mixed ready Kir nse, and la sold
bv the gallon. It la suitable for houses, barns,
fences, depots, bridges, lrelglit oars, boilers, smoke
stacks, metal roofs. o. We alBO manulactnre our
celebrated A't-oiftf Hoofing for covin lug roof s of all
descriptions. For pneo list, sauipbs, io , addresa
the KEAUY ROOF1NU CO.. 64 Cuurlland ht-.N.Y
VUNN CO., PubliBhersteien
ilrtc Ainrriean, 37 I'ark How.N.
Y1., obtain paieuta everywhere.
2.Si.-eiiie:m-i'ieuce. Kvt-rvthiuir
beud (or latent laws and Uulde to
Open daily from 10 A. x. to 3 P. M., and on MON.
DAYS aud Til URSDAYS from 6 to 7 If. K.
Interest commence on the first day of each
WM. VN NAME, President.
HENRY R. CON KLIN, tecietury.
OQIY for flrst-olass Pianos. Sent on trial. No
JVj agents. Address U. S. PIANO CO., 643
Broadway, N. Y-
ierc. ,i
aT VI af-V A
The Aiken Premium Land Salel p
To tub Holy -Land, by Mrs. s. m. unsworn. Tins
u.rir irivu. her extH-rience during a txmr through
Europe and the Fust, lu company with " Mark
Twaiu " and the "Quaker Clly " isuty. Weoffer ex
tra tarms aud preroiuius to agents, bend lor circu
lars. J. B. BURR, HYDE CO., Chicago. 111.,
aud Hartford, Couu.
of universal demand, which can be ' shoved "
by adveriiain-, may uuu apurcuaser Dy addressing,
stating full particulars, Bt'BINUsS, Box Sue, Mid-
dleWwn, inuuge county, a. x.
with the Green Tea Flavor. War
ranted to suit all taste, for
tale everywhere. And tor sale
wholesale only by tbe Urea
A ilantie V Pacific Tea t'a.,
H Church. sU, New York, P. o.
Box 3506. Seiul or Tile.
Jfectar Circular.
The rdstributlon of Prlies will take place at
No Postyouemeut.
One Hundred Thousand Dollars
to be awarded to lucky shareholders, In Real Es
tate aud Greenbacks.
Finest climate in the World. Exempt from lung
complaints slid malarial fever. The luvoriUj result
of Southern!' iu the summer, aud NurLuumuis in
tho wiuter. fat tuU pal Uc uuu s audi ess
' J C. DERBY, General Manager.
Principal Office, Augusta, Ga. New York Office,
69 Liberty SU
chubs . ot CUE
m fiaisanw. Dlnohana fin.uln at
and all Diseases of Horse Flesh. ' "!
Oct 14-;
Eight O'Clocki"