.ijl 0;lh onntn SMcocate. Hemry A. Parsonh, Jr., - . Editor. TlM.RSIMY. OCTOBER 19.. 1871. THE STATION. Now that the heat and smoke of bat tle has cleared away, wo hopo to be ex cused for referring tlie cidses which produced snch results in tlto County. V'hat an anseriiptilntts and selfish Rinjj. vrhose pried fof Rain and ambition to control and manipulate all the officer in lh county, as well ns the Amfiiably listtict, to their own interest, is too manifest to need any mention here; who liavc for several years by a system of chicanery practiced at Primary Meet ing and in Conventions, thwarted the Vill ot the people, whose persistent ef fort in the same direction from year to jrar, baa this time culminated in one nf those Waterloo defeats which is ilwaya sure to follow such usurpation. Had the would be leaders possessed ny of the fut ilities which endear men Wach other, or those which would in ncire the masses with confidence in their 1?aderhip, with the large preponderance .f pirty vote in thoir favor, they might Ffill have held the power, but being en tirely of that selfish and negative char itieter, it was impossible longer to hold the people by the cry of "party nomi nation." Tbeir efforts to obtain votes exceeded any thins we have ever seen resorted to, of-which we would be shamed to make mention. Ihey now tand condemned before the people inn verdict is sealed "they have pone where the woodbine twineth." The benefits which may accrue to either narly from the result is of small ruomeut, l.nt in the principle that the novereiijn wjpple should have the privilege, as well ?njoy the rvht to siy who should rep. rcont them in the several positions of fconoi, profit or trust, if. paramount to oil other considerations, which wo think tins been thoroughly and successfully .demonstrated. The Representative district, carved r j the master hand of Wallace for his iitnllitp in this oountv. when the ttrm should rotate this way, his also been re nversed unfortunatoly for the pick, The b.Mt laid s"'irmi"s of mies and men, Guns aft ajlee." In onr representative clec, Col. A. T. 7i!eox, we inny well feel proud, llv sidiajr, in nur county, identified with her ritjvests, interested in her advancement, ..eqnntnted with our wants, experienced vi a legislator, and possessing a- lie :i-.es in an eu-.iiient degree, thwe rare pitiifiMlioiH, prjcal'ur only to hirnndf. ,v 1 for which he is universally admired he. oanot fail tJ hi a U'uful and influ- mem ber. Trocittiv.03 by tin Sovsraor. Kxe.c.ijrivR Oi-nr:. ) Harrish.irj;, O-it. 11, 1S7I F.JIihb Citizens of Vcmuyhunli: A tulamity without parallel in the bis :trv of our country has befallen the -Toi.perous arid beautiful city of Chicago, "lore than half of that great city, whose Matchless enterprise and growth bad u;ad it at once the metropolis of our own N'orthwest and the wonder of the tiviKrad world, now lies in ashes. On t' 'j vere of wiuter, ono hundred thou-s-ui t her people find theiuelvos liooioless and destitute of food and u'.:'i,i. Whilo tho bcarU Df the An:-'can peoplo are protoundodly vovcl in contemplating the situation of '.bn. Bufferers, and means ol relief are ! .-3 iC nrovided in every section of the '-untrf, I am confident that you will vjt permit yourselves to bo excelled jr. in ao occasion which so imperatively tl's for tho exercise of fraternal syui rathy and Chtistiao gen jrosity. The resideuts of the unfortuuate city vl Ota property has escaped destruction, fill to doubt promptly hasten to the v.siue. and exert themselves with cveu aire than their characteristic liberality .nd niuniGcenee. But their utmost en lavors will bo totally iuadequato to tho Rwanda of tho dreadful exigency. T!ou -(.he peoplo of Pennsylvania were ever mora prosperous in business, nor lest with greater abundance than at the ;rcseut moment. Let your own tneroi- lul exemption from suffering, therefore. tod the rioh blessings with which 1 bountiful Providence has endowed you plead with you effeetually in bohalf of sour most unfortunate countrymen. The Pennsylvania railroad company kindly offers the facilities of their road free of charge, for the transportation ot !l suoh supplies as are needed for the relief of the sufferers; and, aoting in the same spirit, J anticipate with grateful cleasure an spproDaiato response iroua every oity and town and home in this t'avored Commonwealth. JNO. W. GEA.RT, orriviAL Auditor Unnrral. iSnrrrjnr General. Venrcn- tinn. TowxBntr9. nencsfct.. . . B inzinger. . c'ox mKlilaiul... . i n .100 .,130 . 4 4.i. . 2t . 07.. 43. mo! 24! , 130 ! 07 i , 4 8 , m! r.o . 43 1 no;. 40; PS1 , 23 1 m, HJO'llSj 1fil CI , C7 8 t,3 no 87 23 117 01 20 Morton. Tay.... . mi no . 43, r.o 41 83 22! 10 I IMIOS . Millstone... . Uitljjway .. . . SpriiiU Creek St. Marys. . . 1 lllO'llS .! 10 1 oi . 1841 20 184 20 , 0(17.508! 1 007 .VIS1 l'r07i Scattering M. L. Itoss, .Tiulgo, lj A. 1. OSADALIS jTlIE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE JtOSADALIS am published on every package, tlicrc- lore it is nor a secret piep.irauon, consequently rllTSICIASS PRESf RIBE IT It is a cerluin cure for Scrofula, Syphilis in nil its forms, Rheuma tism, fckin Disease?, Liver Coui plaint and all diseases of the iJlood. one c? e:sabai:3 will do more pood Hunt te:i bottles of the Syrups of Sanupanlla. iTHC UNDilSIGNCO PHYSICIANS linvt tiFed Hcisu!n'tsi:itl'Pi',praetiro thr the putt tiiroo ytun atiil f.-r!y endorse it es a rt-iuiLlu Allcrativo and Blood Piiri!:er. CR. T. C. priT. nf JUltinors. nn. t. 3. liovKi:.', I)H. h. av. c. mi. !DR. F. O. D WM.i.I.V, DR. .1. S. M'AltKS, 01 Mrhriasrtlle, Ky. DH. J. L. McCATiTIIA, C'olumWa, S. C. 1 DR. A. D. "C)I5L;;, r.i!:'ec3ir.':, s. C. J. B. FItr..VCII U l-Oyr-, Kill River, P. AV. SMITTT. Jrrk-,n, Jlttrli. 'A. V. WHKKl-KH. l.niij, (liiio. H. HAI L, I.ima.O!i. 'CR.W'KN is ( '.!..(. -iliTiFvlllo. Vi. JSAM'L. C. .McFAJilMV, Xutkc' I l)Oii',T.-i.;i. 1 Our sii iro y " r.t i'Tif.'r 1 ? nrr Itrmtetl r.-msiki i.i it.;ii:i i t:.c (virtnesof K.Ma!i. Tvtro Me.Ii ! l3rolc.i"n v.- l'U".!-.1 ! K-itr.i(ni(-t lir t.i nny I ; 1 v in.1 c ctt iu""o:t m lhf ('.rr.n-i.t r." iI.vmv. H:mm!: 1HI to . t"rl tro iy l-y , Ko'a.i.'.Iii, ai'.u jcu viil rcsiturtl itu health. I Hosnr!:.lt is M t-- .V.t TVnrsW-'. !piici 81.00 j-iv I...:;..-, a -..urcr ilzautacturr if r.'.t.'jf. Lit-T ot Causes net do n lor trial at Nivenbcr Tetm 1S71, Klk County Common I'h'as. Comiui nciu;: Monday, Not. 6. 1871: 1 Tlwna B. MeLain va H. A. Weed. N,j. 10 April term "ISIj'J. 2 Thomas Tuvley v J5. A. Weed. 33 N'or. term 1S(0 ". Kitton N. Fr'nbic for vs Wm. Reei. 21 Junuaiy term 1!70. 4. Williafii J. lo:Ley, vs The Penn. II. Ii Company. '1' Ay ril term 1S70. ;". H. W. Juh!t'v, vs Allt'u (iilcs. 10. 47. -I. ami ! April term IS70. ti. Jatuen H. llilliti'nn, vs Ijnne BcHTUian ot ill. 10 August tirm 1S70. r. ,t- T t. . M' ,1 1. v . Ij. name. v 1 i,c iannerna:e Coal Company. 1 Novemb'-r titrm '70. S. Spilliine Hens, vi .ncli:iel Dano- van. 1.1 rvovemner ttrm iiU. 9. Geo. V. Smith, vs ). Ander son. J.Z November term 10- ptojrns, Clark & Co., vs Same 3 Noveuib'T term 1 870. 11. C. Urockwav, Jr, rs Hortou Township. 24 Ni'vember teim 1870. I'Z. Jonathan buynton et al, vs A. Finney it al. 1 Jan navy tcrtu '71. 13. John Cr. Ueadintr et nl. vs A. C. Finnev. 13 January term 1 S7 1. 14. J. J. Lawrence et nl. v Krieg's Heirs. 21) January term 17!. 13. Uobt. J. Kobinwu, v tleorgoD. MeFsenser. 4 April term 187 1. VI It. Charles Med'ill. vs Louis II. Garner. 20 Ausr'xt term 1S71. FILED. SCIIOKMXG, l'rothonottry. List of Grand and Traverrso Juro drawn for November term 1871: GRAND JLRORS. Benezette John W. Johnson, Edwin Fletchr, D. W. Dellaas. Charles II. ioslow, George lCnsilish, Jacob S. J. bnson, J. V. Winslow. BeDzinger George Niesel, Jacob Vollmcr. Fox Uriah P.ogers, John II. Mil!cr Horace Spanfienburg. Highland I) r. Anderson. Ilorton Willis Tavlor, Ailam Kem- mercr, James Moliau, John It, Keltz. Jay William (i. lhnaiag. llidi'wuy H. S. Thayer, Marcus French, W. S. Service. St. Mary's I5oro James Sneeringer, Gaorge Itettgar, Anton Jtssbarger. TRA Vl'RSK JTHOHS. Beoezetto William Jones, D. J. McDonald, Newton Johnson, Miles Dent, W. W. Walker, Charles Chase, John Derr. lleDz'nger Peter Ilubstritt. George William Knocht, Martiu Dippold. Fox William Wood, Ellis Brown, Andrew Howe, James It. Taylor, Martin Heirriok, C. W. Hitiby, Kliaa Moyer, Franklia Showers, G. W. Taylor, Itobert Wonderleicb. William II. Meredith. Horton Martin Phalen, ltobert Mc Iotosh, Jefferson Taylor. Jay Joseph Dill. Jonea T. L. liiowu, Laao Keefer, Godfrey V auk, btephen II. Smith. Itid-rway O. B. Grant. St. Mary's Boro Leonard Cook Spring Creek Edward Kline, Clin ton Paine, William Galbraith, James ti. George lot single year the locrraotivei io tha United States consumed $56,000, o worta n rxi. rom of elk covittr for Afcinte Jvttnet, ment. Se.nnfr. 3 M v. E CD Ml 100 143 4 83 44 47 21 154 10 193 541 7l 23 n 00 75! 132 501 05 23'17r 85 102 150 4 83 87 45 50 81 158 3 63 00 85 25 172 71 40 89 00 4 73 07 8 40 (15 4 8 0 67 30 72 25 112 10 14 01 20 132 03 28 10 133 143 '117 123 Oil... 291... 8! 71 51 6 189i 30,100 188 1'4M' 075 00 803 080 707 020 708 Wilcox, Treasurer, 1; P. C. Oyster, Sheriff, ME NEW DISCOVERY . la Chemical and Medical Selenoa. Dr. E. F. GARVIN'S' SOLUTION & COMPOUND ELIXIR I bj I FIRST AXD OXt.T BOT-fTTON- errr mndo inona tuixturo nf ALI, TIIK TWELVE Yalunhln nciro priucipula ol the WbllLknuwn eurativt agont, PINE THEE TAK, rXKClUAt.KD tn Cough, CoWa, Catarrh, Aathruu. Bronchitis, and cousupipnon. ctjiesj vITIIot;'r, fait A recent cold In three to aix lirnin; and nlo, hv its VITALISING, rrillFYIXO unit Kll MCLATINt effort?! upon the general Ajstem, is remnrkahlv ffTirarious in nil DISEASES Oi' THE BLOOD, lnduduiff StToiula ani llrupiinna of the akin, DyppeMi:, Liiaeaees of the l.irpr and Kiduua, Heart. JJiiitasc, 11 ml General Debility. ONE TRIAL CONV.NCES! ALBO, A Volatile Solution of Tar For INHALATION', tr-tlinr.t !TTlieation of HEAT. A ivinirkaUf VAI.t'Alil.Kdifcovcrr, as the whyl( appinttiM iun b.-'C'irned in the vett jKK-ket, readv at nny time f(r ihuxiifittt-ncctual and positively curaiva uae in All Discuses of the NOSE, THROAT and LlGS, THE COMTOUXD Tar and Wandrako Fill. fir uw In rontiertlon villi thr ELIXIR TAR, la n eomhinnt'on f the TWO iuit vnluahls ALTERATIVE Medicim known in the l'ro fSbion. and runderu thia Pill without exception the TtTT beat ever otfore.1. The SOLUTION and COMPOUND ELISLU of in triihout doubt tU llust remedy known in cases of CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER. It. ii a Specific for rueh dineast', and alioul.1 V kept in the t.o.i-htlil of every Juunly, uupeciallf during tLoso m oris ha iu whitli CHOLERA flKD YELLOW FEVER sreliWc to fTCr.nl. A fmr.U r,uantity laki'n daily will preveut routxucliug lueao teniblc duieoses. Solution and ComTvrarid Elixir, $I.C0 per Cottle Volatilo Solution for Inhalation. CJ.Oflpcr I:ok Tar and Msadrako Ti'la. f 0ct por box. Stnd for Circular of FOSITIVE CX'KES ts your Lru'guit, or to L. F. HYDE & CO., SOI.Il PHOPHIETOKS, 110 B. 22d St., Xitv 1'ork. Fcr .ch!o by G. G. MESSENGER, Druggier, Kidgway, J 'a. 4 GENTS WANTED. thoioimh men and women, to wl.oni w vill give cot-stanl work m good pny. V pybli.sU the UK ST r.OfllvS, we e:ve on seems the BKST TKRMS. The best ted in Cook now is f.t SIGN'OR BLITZ. Describing h wonderful feats and tricks, with laughable incidents and adventures. Agents arc selling from 20 to 40 copies a day. Also, our New Familj Iiible, con taining lllnckwood's Comprehensive Aids to the stiuy of the 0 riptures, nail ev 113 newuml improved D'f tiomry of the Bible, together with Sixteen Fine Steel Plates, four Mu a in colors and 200 superior en gravings ju oua; iiiimly Record, Family Album, e &o. A Complete Prospectus of this UiUle nud agents outfit furnished free to all who mean work. Our pro gramiie nf NEW BOOKS for the Fall in cludes a NEW WOKK by MAKK TWAIN. fifeSucceisful Agents will receive first choice of territory on MARK TWAIN'S forthcoming great work. Circulars, lerms, So., with full informa tion, sent free on application to DtFFiKLD ASHMEAD, Publisher. 711 Sunsom Street, I'uiladelphia. Tln25aug2Iiu3. S0J ONG TY )H0 DO EC DOLLA1LO Worth of Husio F o it; 8 3. Subscribers to Fs- TEU8 Ml'SICaL MoN- thlt are getting their A New School Book, by II. 8. Pkrkins. rnce 7.60 per doi. ( outaius over two Music for less than and two eeult a ricc6 hundred new beautiful Songr, Du- Those who have not eta, etc.. by Will 8. seen this Musical Hats, Wiiiti R,Magatino should seud Thomas, etc EverylSO cents for a sample thing is new, fresh, loopy. The nuisio is and sparkling. Con-1 by Hays, Tuonas, tents and specimen Kinkkl, Pbkhlky, pages sent free. Sau-ana other popular copies mailed free 01 writers. postage to teaohersj Two back numbers for 6 j cents. Liberal, for 40 eeuts. Four terms for introJuO' hack numbers for 70 tion. cents. Address, ;. 1. PETE3S, 059 BmiItj?, JTjt Tori r 1 LK fc-sa 1871. 1 1 reutu I rer. Shtriff (Joints, tinner. Andilort. ... 57 77 51 Ml 55 70 50 5flj 70 10 157 53 180 tlO 180 25 180 188 85 01 50 172 03 120 82 130 75 83 141 8 47 8 8 5 7 !1 48 47 00 03 83 00 70 50 75 W) 61 (111 55 52 42 00 82 73 32, 32 75 35 40 01 37 07 42 03 47! 47 80 35 17 21 17 21 18 22 17 15 22 150 1J7 100 137 148 138 145 132 184 147 70 i r, 73! 5 74 1 6 73 5 5; 73 10;140 711171 29jl87 31 183 180131 547 ' 71 4 H40 1 700 ! 770 830 731 810 829 732 15. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is widely known as one of the most cfTuctual remedies ever discovered for cleansing the sys tem and purifying the blood. It has tlycrowinjrep- " utation, based on its Intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable, cure?. So mild as to be safe and benefieial to children, and yet so searching as to ell'ectuallv purge out the great cor ruptions of the blood, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system fi r years, soon yield to this powerful anti dote, and disappear. Hence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Km pt ions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, 1 toils Fimyios, Pustules, holes, Sst. Autlionv's Fire. Rose or Erysipe las, Tetter, Salt Khcum, Scald Head, Itinirworm. and internal Ul cerittiOHs of the Uterus, Stomach, auu liiver. It also cures other com' plaints, to which it would not seem espeel nllv adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sia, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart In;en.e. Female Weakness, Debility, and Leucorrhoca, when they are manifesta tions of tho scrofulous poisons. Jt is an excellent restorer ot licalin ana strength in the Spring, liy renewing the appetite and vi'-or of the tliwstive orirans, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guor ot the season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better, and live longer, for cleansiii" the blood. The system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of life. Pit EPA R ED B T Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., l'raetiral and Analytical Chtmiitt. 80LD BY ALL DUUGGIBT3 EVERYWHERE. J-or f'Hie bv (J. G. MESSENGER. D.-u'iri-t, l'liiifiwjy, I'a. HALL'S VE6ETABLE SICILIAI IIAIR RENEWER. Every year increases the popu larity of this valuable Hair rrep aration, which is due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the on lv reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Gray or Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, bv its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic proper ties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes tho hair-glands. By its use, tho hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical IIair-Dressino ever used, as it requires fewer applica tions, and gives the hair a splendid, flossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, LD, State Assayer of Massachu setts, says, " The constituents are pure, and carefally selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparation for it intended purposes." Sold by all Druggisli and Denier n itedidnM, Price One Dollar. Buckingham'3 Dye. FOR THE WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO NA.8KUA. N.H. SAOTSSABONM SAILHOAD. From and after Monday. May 29th 1871. Trains will run on this lload as follows: IjeavesEarley7.l0a.nl., arrives at Dasiuscahouda Junction 7 45 a. m., con nects with Local east 7 56 a. ni , and Mail west 9 50 a. m. Leaves Dagrusca honda 10.20 a m., anives at Earley 1 1 00 a. m. Leaves Earley 4.00 p. m., arrives at D:iu-cahooda 4. 50 p. m. ounDection; with Mail east 5 05 p. ra and Looal west 0 21 p. tn. In case P. & E. traios are late, Diguseahooda train ho'.da twenty mioules beyond the above f.me. . Tickets should always be procured betore leaving stations. (J. R EARLEY, Sup't. . Ui' Wohk at this offi?e. 0i)rK years, wiih a con- 'Srftivi-S tan PuWELL & KIME- Fowoll & Kitne Havlrg erected Isrgo ni trUl arrsxgsj rtxr EtQ afoM on ti M ail, iJflc Ikt Crc, Mid St:d it frvr: ci Jar to gtrret wMh the choicest gocd of 11 droriptioB, that 1 can b found in any market, nra fully pre pared to reoeircthclr old customers, and supply their wanU at bottom figure WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. Tbfir aamirtincut Is now toatjtlt, Mm prising DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, ROOTS AND SHOES, HATi AND CAPS, XOTIOXS, et., etc. PORE. FLOUR. SALT. Food, 14 o:na. Butter, DRIHD Ari'LHi, DiHUD PKACnMS, Canned Goods, In short STervihis w mtci la tk Onntry by LUMrERMEX. FARMERS. ME CHANICS, 'MINERS, TAN NERS, LAUORINGr.MEN, EVERYBODY ! AUv a full iteek of MANILLA ROPE of the best manufacture, of suitable slies for rafting and runniog purpone. HE SINGER Uanafacturin's Company. AT THE WORLD'S 1AIR, CoLsUlut4 by U10 tiomo of U10 peoplo- Reoetd tho Great Award of the HIGHEST SALES ! And hart left all mals far behind thorn, for they SOLD IJT 1S70 Oue Hundred and Twenty-seven Thousand, Eight Huudred and Thirty-three Machines! being more thannry thouiand in advance of ethir sales of the previovs yenr, and overor'v-our thoutand more than the lalrt of any other Company for 1870, as shown by the following figures from sworn re turn ef the sale of Licensees. . Tie Singer Manufactur ing Company sold over the Florence Sewing Machine Co., 101.173 Mtelilnos. Bold ovr the Wilcox & Gibbs 3. M. Co.. 98,013 do Sold over the Weed Sew ing Machine Co., 92,831 do Sold over the Grover & Baker 8. M. Co.. 70,431 do bold over the Howe Ma chine Co., 52,077 do Sold over the Wheeler & Wilson Man'fg Co., 44,624 do all ot which is inainlv owing to tho popu larity of what, is known as the "NK V FAMILY SEWING MACHINE," which is now fast finding iis wny into eveiy weil regulated household. For Circulars giving full particulars of Machines, their Folding Cases of many .arte: it s of wood and finish, their Attachint-nis for numerous kinds of work, which, till recently, it was thought Hint delicate hngers alone could perlnrm as well as particular about nil urticles used bv their Machines, such as Twist Linen Thread, Spool Cotton, Oil, &e., ic apply to any of their Authorized Agents, or to THE SISGEn MANUFACTURING CO. 4i8 Broadway, New York, rklladelpbiu Office 1106 Cbeetnul ft. A. CUM MINGS, Azent, Ridgwpv Pa. Tl10jlyl8,7. aTEIlliOSCOPES. VIBW8, ALBUMS, CHT.OM08, FRAMES E. & H. T. ANTHONY &, CO. GSl DROADWAY, SEW TORK, Invite the attention ef the Trado to their extenfive assortment of the above goods, of taetr own publication, and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GRAPHOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSBMITB. B. ft H. T. ANTHONY & CO.. 091 lirondway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Importers and Mauufaoturors of rnOTDGRAPIHC MATERIALS. TlnL'yl. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN DAN SCIUBNER WISHES TO IN- orui the Citizens of R'ulgway, and the public generally, that be lias starteda Liv. ery Stable and will keep GOOt) STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let upon the most reisous- ble terms Bgi.Ua will also do job leaning. Stable in the Urooks Barn, near the rost Office, on Mil' street. All orders left at the Font Office will meet prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. Elk County Directory. FresUent Judge L. 1). Wet more. Additional Law Judste Hon. Jno. P. Vincent. Associate Judaea J. K. Whitmore, Jesse District Attorney J. K- f. uau. SueritT Jacob MoCauley. Proihonotbry to., id. Scbcentng. Treasurer llenrv D. Derr. . . .. .. Couutv Suneriutendent Kufus Luoore. Couituissiouers ll. Warner, John Uarr, Louis Vo timer. Auditors Clark A. Wiloox, George Messenger, and Joseph Wilbelin. Countv Survevor Ueo Wilmsley. Jury Commissioners. J osupn Ecrner, and Charles ileaa. TIME OP U0LDINQ COURT. Second Monday in January. Second Monday in April First Monday in August, first Monday ia !ovest?. CnAHLKi A. DASA, Editor. Zht gofeltf rcMij Sim. A KoTTWpnperot tho Pranent Tlnxm, Intontn for Toopto Kotr on Earth. fnelniiiR ririno-s, Mcantoi. MordianW, Pr fnaional Men, Woman. Thinkers, aai all Ma-i. ner ef Hnnwt Folks, and the Wires, 66ns, tad Daughter, of all uoH. OMLT OXK DOLLATX A TKAR t ONK QCNDHEDCOPIEH FOkIM, Or la tuan On Cont a Copy. !,et tlwre be tf SO Club at eyjrr Toit Office. SEMI-WEEKLY f CM, 1 A TEAR, ef tho eiire slza ant general eliamctcr as TrtB TVEEKLT-, bnt with a rrpatf variety ol mlaesllancona rcadins.and rnrnliMug the ntr to iti sanscrltwi with Kr.al'.'r frealmcn. bcaauw It com en twlr. a woek Instoad of once only. THE DAILT (SCN, 88 A VEArt. A preBmlnontlv rsn'l-.b'e newspmier. v.ttt th tarkfua; cire:iiKt:m in thfl worm. Kr. tn. pculpnt. ami learlo:. In notltiv4. A I r.ii n.wa f'-iiii vv.-rywlmi-u. Tif i cema a Copy ; by Biall, SO ceuu a luuuth, or 90 a year. TERMS TO CLUB 3. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY FIT. copiea. one year, separator aiMreiwA. Four Dollars. Tun ror'a. "nn yen, acn irnteir a'Mrcsseil (and nj uxifdoupy to the fewer up oOltiu). Eight iotlnr. TTontr conlea, 0110 rmr. 3pnrntelv alilreed (aiu au exu-a cj; y W lue n'tti- np of clnhl. Fifteen Dollar. rm- cnpl". ens rew, tn ono a.lilrnej (nnl ( berai-u aek.y one year to cet'.er 11 1 ol clubj, Thiriy-iU.-oo Jiollr.r. Fif T ropi.",. , Tear, sepai andrene (r ta bciiil-Wceklyuliuy'Mvto peffT m r lnh). TUirjy.flve Doiliira. ?na hnnlrad enijea, nne vcr.r, it er.n ml lre (on 1 tlu I'u.iy lur on. ye..r tn ilj jrrtrr i-i cf :' vim n.iiini-.. b'-i-ilrwl exoiM, ona v-er. a-puiHt.ly ae- drs-e 1 1 np Of i:lbb). w, uuiij lurone yenr lt ' re l"?Uiv bixiy Oollara. THE SEnr.WKZn.LT HVV. riY. cobiw, occ yaiir, sepaiateh- n-'rhiv-tp, , Ktctit titln. Ten e.e !.. on. T(.rr .fwr.!v ainrcvU (ana Watccu Dollar. MEND T03; SIOXET I' J:!"""" " restaur uoouluinsc ioauy. A ldresi I. -vr. Eircujrn.T.,, , bun effico. .ew York Ony. RAILE0ALS. PSIIADZLIEIA & EEIE EALtSOaf SUMMER, TIME TABLE. ON ond after MONDAY. AVO. 7th. 1871, the trains on the Philadelphia it Erie Hnilrond trill run ns follows: WESTWARD. .Mail Train leaves Philadelphia.. 7.10 p.m. ' " . " Uidgwuy 10.05 a. m. ' " arrivo at Erie S.3 I p. in. Erie Exp leaves riii:uV1plim...l'J p. ra " " Kidgway 2.1'!) a. at. " " arrire at Eric 7 U) a. m. Accomodation, leaTes KenoTa....7.15 a. ' ' Uiilgway,..o p. m. " srr at Kane ti.OOp. nt. HAKTWAllll. Mill Train leaves Erie 11.30 a. w. " " " Ridgway i.iii p. sa. " " arrive at l ttilad'a... .'M a. Erie Express leaves Erie 9.00 p. m. " " l'idgway... 1.4C u. ra. " arat riiilndclphia.. S.tM) p. n. Accomodation, leaves Kane 5.(0 a. fx . " Uidgwuy... 7.'io a. In. " nrr atSt.Mnrs H.CO arc. " leavPsPt. Mai js 1U.50 a w. " mr at l'.ei.uvo C.-itp. ir. Mail Fust connects vast and wm al Kriu with L 8 & M H II W and at tony ai.-l Irvinelon with Oil Creek unJ Al'ieglieoy H K W. Mail West with wet bound trair.s on 1', S M 8 It W and nl Corry and lrvinrlo:t wiih Oil Creek 11 ml AlK-gnetiy It It W. irnrien Af oouirr.ouutiuii esat ninl weat with iraius on L S und M 8 K eart ami west and al t'orry with O C and A ll K a . Ki 10 Acconnruilalion Last lit t'orry ana Irviuetnn iili O C and A K R W. Eiiuira Mail and ItufTnlo Express maVe clece coiinecii.iii ot il'iauinport with N O K V Ivuins north and south. Caiawisa pasmcer trains will ba run eusl tiotu Wiiliuinsport on Eltnira Mail. Vt M. A. UALUnlN. Uen'l Rup'a. NKW TIMS TAI5LB. Commencing June oih. 1671. ALLEGHENY VALLEY II. R. TUE REST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS- BUKtill AND POINIrjUM THi 1'UIL'A. k EKIE K. 11. GOIMJ SOUTH. Pny Express lenvei Oil City at 2 10 p m Arrives at Pittsburgh 7 o j p in Night Express leaves Oil City 9 4'i p m Arrives at Pittsburgh G 4D a tu Mail leaves Oil City 9 4o a tn Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 00 p in c-.oixo .foam. Pay Express leaves I'i.tnburg at 8 3" a m Arrives ut Oil City at 3 Ofi p ui Night ExprrFeleaves Pittsburgh 10 10 p m Arrives at till City 6 b& a m Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 12 30 p nv Aftirives at Oil Citv 7 45 p m Close Conucetious made at Corrv for Pitisbiirgh with trains East and West on P. & E. K. It. Pullman Piillace Prawing Room Sleep. ng Cars on Night Express Trains between Curry and Pittsburgh Ask lor Tickets via Allegheny Valloy R. K. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. 8urt. APEIl FOR THE PEOI LK. 1 THE GLOBS. ESTAULlbHEU 18CS. An Independent Evening Journal. 8orre4 by Carrir at len Leiiis per wear. . Ask your newsdealer for it. THE GLOBE as tho only IDKFBnnisr atlfcrnoon journal, reaching a popula tion in New York und vicinity of over Tiibeb Millions, is rap. idly gaining the position of the great leading eveuiug paper of the Metropolis. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM, WITH ITS LOW KATES, IT IS UNSURPASSED. TERMS OK THE GLOBE. ' Subscription. By Mail. One Mouth, 60a. Three D. I Months, $1 it); Six Mouths, 3; One Year, $5. Advertising. ' Per line, nonpariel measurement Ordb dary, 10c; Special Notices, 2l)c.: Readme 1 ..,. v.:.u . 11 . . ' ana 1 uuuu ivwsvv, ovu, , wuaiucu OtlCSa) 60c. Address TUE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY. Prlot'io'g House Square Tiv Yvrk '.