(Silt O0ttnlg pc0nfo. IIenbtA. Parson, Ja., Editor. THURSDAY. IrCTOBER 12. 1871. A. I Wilcox hai Wo aleoted to the AMembly, over English, in trt dinrio, tompoeed of the eounties of Cameron, Elk, tod Jefferson, by from 250 to 300 jnajority. State Election The State tiaa gooe Republican from Ua to fifteen thousand majority. VICTORY ! ELK COUNTY REDEEMED ! I UNION TICKET AHEAD ! EARLY AND OYSTER ELECTED Earley's Majority 150 1 Oyster's Majority 25! Honesty I Impartiality J Justice and Right ! ! Where is the Hing ? 'li has "folded its tent like the Arab" and gone up 'Salt River ! " The People Eule ! Glory enough for one day! Following are the returns so far as T beva been able to learn: BENEZE1TE. Auditor General, Wm. MoCandleM, David Stanton, Suryeycr General, James H. Cooper, Robert B. Beatb, Associate Judges, f'has. Luhr, Jeo. Dickinson, ,1 V Hunk, Assembly, Sdmuod English, A I Wilcoi, Treasurer, Joseph Wilhelm, O T. Earle, Sheriff, Jme MoCloskey, D C Oyster, BENZINOER. Kntjlish, Wilcox, Wilhelm, Earley, lIcCl-skey, Ujner, FOX, '.'ueCandless, majority, English, majority, iHouk over Dickinson, Oyster, Majority, Early, majority, llrown, majority, II OR TON, Wilhelm, majority, liickioson, Luhr, Houk, Jones, Wallace, majority, lioglish, majority, Ojsier, majority, Campbell, majority, Uarrctt, majority, C A Wiloox, majority, JAl. "Wilhelm, major'rtj, Ojster, majority, JONES, 'Wilcox, majority, Oyster, majority, Brown, majoriiy, Earley, majority, Houk, majority, Jones, majority, Irwin, majority, MILLSTONE. English, majority, Earley, majority, Oyster, majority, .Houk, majority, Brown, majority, Irwin, majority, XIDOWAY. Auditor General: MeCandless, dem Stanton, rep 80 45 80 45 85 35 50 76 50 51 81 190 23 159 53 380 3C M I 98 33 122 51 8 m 4 83 58 47 34 19 63 20 24 80 34 87 60 .51 45 40 .40 40 160 118 E A Wheeler, temperanoe eaafltate 1 Surveyor General: Jama H Coeper, dem 160 TtaWt B Beatb. ran . 118 Barr Spengler, temperance eaadiAato Aaieotate Juage, J3Tiekinsou, Chaluhr, , , J V Houk, . Jooee, Stat t5mV 7iwt Mmill, Ui 11 123 172 173 183 Wm Wallace, 159 Representative, Idmund English, 133 AlVVileoi, '148 Treasurer, Joecpn Wilhelm, 117 0 R Earley, 106 Sheriff, James McCloskey, 137 D C Oyster, 14S CommiMioner, Robert Campbell, ' 138 J L Drowq, 145 Auditor, C W Barrett, 132 Thos Irwin, 147 C A Wiloox. 134 SPRING CREEK, David;Stanton, 31 Wm. McCandlws. 16 Robort B Beatb, 61 James H Cooper. 16 For Convention, 61 For the Amendment, 01 J V Houk, 71 Julius Jones, 70 Geo Dickinson. 5. Charles Luhr, 6 Jessce Mearill, 63 Wm A Wallace. 16 A I Wilcox. 71 Edmnnd Eoglwh, 8 C R Earley, 73 Joseph Wilhelm, 5 D C Oyster. 74 James MoCloskey, 5 L Biorn, 73 Robert Campbell, 6 Thos. Irwitt, 73 W Barrett, 5 0 A Wilcox. 5 ST. MARY'S. Wm. MeCxodlcss, 184 David Stanton, 20 James H Cooper, 1M Robert B Beath, 29 Charles Luhr, 183 George Dickinson, 169 V Houk, 40 ulius Jones, 19 Wm A Wallace, 193 Jesseo Merrill. 28 Edaxund English, 189 I Wilcox, 30 oseph Wilhelm, 140 C R Earley, 71 James McCloskey, 171 D C Oyster, 29 P C Oyster 15 Robert Campbell, 187 J L Brown, 31 Clatk A Wilcox. 1 yew 180 C W Bavrctt. 3 years 1S5 homas Irwin, 31 The votes standing to the credit of P. C. Oyster should go in with the count for D. C. Oyster, the "P" in the 6rt name beirjr. caused by a typograpb. cal over sight in using a "D" with the lowcrorner.jiuashed down. Ed. Every man is Uallr to nrculent. "Good luck" cannot always bo de pended upon. It will not prevent trains running oft the track, steamboat boilers from exploding, machinery Irom mangling, horses from running away, sidewalks from being slippery, tire from burning, lightning from striking, or injury from the careleee of others. The questions to be answered are precisely the an me as in fji'O insur ance, is it not cheaper to let a relia ble company take the risk than it is to fake it yoursell? Is not the pro tection offered worth more than it costs? Every prudent man will act with ref erence to future contingencies. Bodily injury by accident is one of the most fre quent causes of distress to a man's fam ily, if fatal to him ; and to himself, also, if only disabling bun irom business. In either case, this mode of iioswaoce couies to you with certain relief. List of Grand and Traversrse Juro drawn for November term 1871: OKAND JUaOP.8. Benerette John W.Johnson, Edwin Fletoher, D. W. Dellaas, Charles II. Winslow, George English, Jacob S. Johnson, J. W. Winslow. Beozinger George Nis6, Jacob' Vollmer. Fox Uriah Rogers, John II. Miller, Horace Spansonburg. Highland 1) D. Anderson. Horton Willis Taylor, Adam Kern- merer, Jamea Mohan, John R, Keltz. Jay William Ci. I nomas. Ridgway II. 8. Thayer, Marcus 7rencb, W. S. Service. St. Mary s Boro James Soeenoger, George Rettgar, Anton Jessbarger. TRAVEB4B JURORS. Benezette William Jones, D. J. MoDonald, Newton Johnson, Miles Dent, W.W.Walker, Charles Chase, John Derr. Benxioger Peter Hebstritt. George William Knocht, Martin Dippold. Eox William Wood, Ellis Brown, Andrew Howe, James R. Taylor, Martin Ueirrick, C.' W. Rigby, Elias Moyer, Franklin Showers, G. W. Taylor, Robert Wonderleich, William II. Meredith. Horton Martin Phalen, Kabert Mc intosh, Jefferson Taylor. Jay Joseph Dill Jones T. L. Biown, Isaao Keefer, Godfrey Wank, Stephen U. Smith. Kidgway U. IS. Grant. St. Mary's Boro Leonard Cook Spring Creek Edward Kline, Clin tot Faioe, Willutn GilbnUb, JauiHisamnU of tlu ani also of other iob 1 S' . w. xixvrr. .,; ... A GENTS WANTED. We want G0OO active, enterprising. thorough1 men and women, to whom we will rive constant, work vnd rend pny. We publish the HK8T HOOKS, we r.ve our agents the BEST TERMS. The best sell- Ins; Book now is Br SIONOR BLITZ. Describing his wonderful feats and tricks, with laughable Incidents and adven urn. A rents are letting from 'JO to 40 cop es a day. Also, our New r'arailj Bihlo, con taining Blackwood's Comprehensive Aids to the study of the Scriptures, and Nevins' new and Improved Dictionary of the Bible, together with Sixteen Fine Sleel Plates, four Mnps In colore, and 200 superior en gravings on wood; Family Record, Family Album, Ac, &c. A Complete Prospectus of this Bible and agents outfit furnished tree to ajl who mean work. Our pro gramme lit NEW BOOKS for the Fall in cludes a NEW WORK by MARK TWAIN. BrSuccessful Agents will receive first choice of territory on MARK TWAIN'S forthcoming great work. Circulars, Terms, Ac, with full informa tion, sent free on application to DUFFIELD ASH'EAD. Publisher. 711 SanBotn Street, Philadelphia. vln25aug24m8. THE NEW DISCOVERY . la Chemical and Medical Boienee. Dr. B. F, GARVIN'S' SOLUTION & COMPOUND ELIXIR 09 I I I v -p TinST AJJD ONLY BOLT-TION em mnia in one mixture of ALL T1IK TWKLVK valuabla active principali of the eUtknowu onttiva ageut, pim; TREE TAIt, rNEQUALED tn Cough, CoWm Catarrh, Aatbma, Droucbitis, and cuummption. CUItES "WITHOUT FAHj A recent eoM In three to fix totir: nd alsn. tiy iu VITALISING, I'UEIFYIXU n4 STI MULATING effect upon tliu (jeoeral srsttm, is remnrkablv efilr-acious in all DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, Includuix' ticrolula and Erupiion of theiikin, Ityipepau, DiMUH of the Liver anil Kidne, Bvart lliwaie, and General Debility. ONE TRIAL CONVINCES! LSO, A Volatile Solution of Tar For INHALATION, without npTilipjition of HEAT. A remarkably VALUA11LE discoverr, aa the whole apparatus can bj-iameil in ibe vvst pocket, readv ut any time for the moat effectual and positively curaiive use in All Diseases of the NOSE, THROAT and LI OS. TI1E COMPOUND Tar and Mandrake PHI. for use tn connection with the ELIXIR TAR, is a rombinntion oi'etho TWO most valuable ALTERATIVE ite-licun'i, known in the l'ro-fe-nion, and renders this Fill without exception the very best ever offered. The SOLUTION anatOJtPOUXD ELIXIB of is without doubt the Best remedy known in eases of CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER. It in .Specific for such diseasea, and should be kept in the houwhoM of every tuuuly, etpei'itiUy daring those mouths iu which CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER arc liable to prevaiL A small quantity tukon daily will prevent contracting Uigmj terriblo diseases. Solution and Corapcund Elixir, (1.00 per Bottlo Volatile Solution for Inhalation. $5.00 per Box Tar and Mandrake Tills, SOcts per box. Bond for Circular of POSITIVE CITRES to your Druggiet, or to F. HIDE & CO., SOLE fKOPBIETORS, 110 E. 22d St., Xw rork. For Sala by Q. G. 5IKSSEXGER. Drug3Ut, UiJgway, l'a. DAGUSCAHONDA lAILSOATJ. From and after Monday, M iy 23tU 1871. Train j will rua on this lloal aa follows: Leaves Earlev 7.10 a. sn , arrives at Daizuscaboada Jiiuctioo 7.45 a. in., coo Dects with Local east, 7.5(3 a. tii , and Mail west 9.50 a. m. Leaves Dausca honda 10.20 a. m., artive at Earley 11 00 a. ru. Leaves Euriey 4 00 p. ui., arrives at Dagusothooda 4.50 p. m. connecting with Mtil east 5 05 p. ru. and Local west 5.2 1 p. in. In case P & E. trains are late, Daguscahonda train ho'.ds twenty minutw beyond tha above time. Tioltets should a'ways be procured before leaving atalio is. C. R. E VPLEY. Rup't. s HO US EG DULL A Worth of Musis FOR 83. A New Sohsol Book, by II. 8. Puhkins. Price $7.50 per dot. Contains over two Subscribers to Ps ters Musical Mom thlt are getting their Musio for less than hundred new and beautiful Songs, Du ets, etc. by Will ti. two certli a piece Those who have not seen this Musical Hats, W b b t t a r, Thomas, etc-. Every tiling is new, fresh, and sparkling. Con Magazine should send 80 cents for a sample copy. The music is by Hats, Thomas, KlXKKL, PitaSLEY, tents and speoimeo pages sent free. Satn-'anJ other popular copies mailed free of; writers postage to teachers Two back numbeis tor bo cents. Liberal terms for introduo tion. for 40 cents. Four hack numbers for 75 cents. Address, J. L. PETERS, 953 Broadway, ttew Tori. VIBllll. Ir you want any 'visiting cards, call ! at the Advocate office and tee those we have nrinted. We have some fine f " ' work:. ......... Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diitaaea of tha Throat and Lnnra, uoh as CouRha, Golds, Wboopins Cough, Uronohitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Amon tha pnat illscm-cries of modern scienco, few nro of morn real vnlno to mankind tlmn this ef foctnnl retm-dy fur nil rlicfl?s of llio Tliront anil Lnnga. A vast trial of its virtues. throughout thit mid other countrie, lin sliown that it . docs surely ami rfl'ecttiollv control them. Tha testimony of our best citi zens, of all clusse, ehtblilic the fnct, that CiiKimv 1'kctoha will and lines relievo mid cure the afflicting disorders of tlie Tliront titid Lungs beyond any other lnedicine. The most daagerous alt'ectioiis of the I'nhnonnry Orpins yield to Its power) mid cases of I oii.Mimjv. tlon, curej by tlila preparation, mo pubhe lv known, so remiiritnule n lianlly to be be lieved, were they not' proven beyond dispute. As a remedy It is'ndcqtmtc, on which the public mny roly for full protection. By curing I'ougli, tho forerunners of more serious dUcnsc, it snves unnumbered lives, and an amount of suffering not to oe computed. It chnllcnges trinl, mid con vinces tho most sceptical. Kvi-ry family i-liould keep tt on hand as a protection npiim-t tlie early and ucporceiveil attack of Pulmonary Affections, which are easily met at first. Hut which become incurable, and too often futnl, If neglected. Ti n der lungs need this dfence; and It is unwise to be without it. As a safeguard to children, amid he ai-tressing diseases which bpet the Throat and Chest of childhood. C'lir.mtr l'leroiui- is invaluable ; for, by its timely e. multi tudes are rescued from premature praves, and saved to tlie love and ntluition ccntuul on thein. It acts speedily and surelv against ordinnrv colds. seeurbip; sound and licnith-rcstorine slcen. No one will suiror troublesome Influenza mid nnin- ful Ilionchltis, when they know iiow easily they enn be cured. Orieitnilly the nmiluct of Ion?, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, no cost or toil Is spared in making every bottle in the utmost I fiossiow pcnection. It may oo continently re ied upan as possenfing all the virtues it has ever exhibited, aud camible of producing cures as memorable as the greatest it has ever cilcctcd. PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chemists. BOLD BT ALL DIHJGGISTS EVERrWUEBB. i oi mu i y llidgway, Pa. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAI HAIR RENEWER. Krorv vpnr infi-enses tho Tiomt- larity of this valuable Hair Prep aration, which is due to merit alone. We can assure our cad patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion tor restoring ubay or a aded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. Tho scalp, by its use, becomes white mid clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic proper, ties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes tho hair-glands. By its use, tho hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and wm create a new growtn, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical Hair-Dressing ever naprL ns it reouires fewer nimlica- tions, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. nayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachu setts, says, "The constituents aro pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold byallDrtiggltltand Dtalen in Jfedicfnef. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOB THE WHISKERS. As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or laded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in otte preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL 4. CO, XTASHUA, t OSADALIS j J. HE INGREDIENTS THAT m !LU.irOSE KOSAUAL1S aro ' published on every package, there fore it is not a secret picp.iriition, conscqucutly IrilTSICUXS PRESCRIBE IT it. . f. c.r,,i. I, I. VCIIUIII Ull u Ui 1 IUIUIU, Syphilis in all its forms. Rheuma tism, 8kin Dixcates, Liver Com plaint and all uiacasts ot tin lilood. 0"s Eorns cr eosadalis will da moro pood tlmn ten bottles ot the Syrups ot hanuipurilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIAN3 liiivfcuscd Rosndalisintlicirprsctire I'or tlie p:ist tliree yc;irs en.l fit cly endorse it as a rcliublo Alterative and Blood Purifier. DH. T. C. Pron. of Baltiraoie. Oil. T.J. UOYKIX, " 1)11. It. W. CAKR. ' int. r . u. ija.. r.i.i. i . DH. J. S. SPARKS, r Nkholssville, Kv. DH. J. L. McC.VHTHA, Columtls, DR. A. B. NOBLES, F.dgecomb, N. C. TJ2ED A!iD ESE023ED BT J. B. rRr..VClI li SON'S, fall River, .Mas. F. W. SMITH, Jsrli son, iich. A. V. WHKKLt.it, Lima, Ohio. M. HAIL. I.ini . Oh in. 1'RAVkN A CO.. f;nt.lonsvll. Vt. SAM'L. G. Mcl'AiJDil.N, Miulitte. lo.a, iciiii. O'.ir spi-e vri'.l not slln-r ei sny ex. t'mloil ri'inaik in rciiitioii In tho virtiu-sot Koi.ad.ili4. Totio Motik'sl HrolessmnwepiiaiTnTeea t Mi.J t.xm !rrt superior to sny they bava rwr u.sea in Clio trcs'nicnt oi ainsi.a iilood ; snd to tlii-nlllirted we say ti y U.Kadnlis, au t you will be TtrfWj to ueauo. Rosadalls la soM by all Cninrlsts, price si.ou per Du-.tiu. jtouree ' is. cLsmrs cat a 1 i tfTr.ifKitrima Chtmiiil, POWELL & KIME. Powell & Kitnc Having erected Urge aed HU MTr)pd new fitre HoawottUic oil ftoee ti lire, and filledtt froreexUar te garret with the choicest goods of all descriptions, tkal can be found in any market, are fall pre pared to receivetLMr old customer, end supply their wants at bottom gores WHOLESALE 03 RETAIL. their nfsortjicut Is sow template, oesv prism j DRY GOODS, GROUKUIE3, CUOCKKRV, HARDWARE, CLOTHINO, 150013 AKDSIIOE3, II ATS AN D CAPS, NOTIONS, ete., eto. POEK. FLOUBs. SALT. Feed, Boa. Butter, DUIKD APPLES, DiUKD s'tiACIIBS, Canned Goods, I In short avorytaisg wanted ia the Ceaatry by LUMI3KRMKX, FARMERS, MS- CH.VN'ICS, "MINERS, TAN- NEus, lai;orino;mbs, EVERYBODY ! Alt a full sUak ef MANILLA ROPE of the'best manufaotnre, of suitable aiies for rafting and running pat pose. &m Mm sis i Kilgj, Tt ., Mireli iV1. i71 Jg!JBi!iL"L'lWSjjjii rpHG SLN'Cttt J. lianufacttoiflj Company. AT THE. "WORLD'S AIR, 0Mtiute4 bf tte leasee of the ptopl HnneltfA the CreM Aerard o! tlie HIGHEST 8 ALES ! lad aave left all rival e far beklnd tbem, for Uey MOLD 1JT1STO One Hundred and Twenty-seven Thousand, Kight Huudred and Thirty-three Maohined! btlnj more than forty thoutand in advance ef etbir sales ot the previovs year, nj ever forty-four thoutand mor than thi tain f mny otkrr Company for 1870, as chown bj the following flgnres from sworu re turns ef the sale ef Licensees. The Singer Mnnufactur. ing Company sold over the Florence 8ewinc Machine Co., 101.171 Machines. Sold over the Wiloox & Gibbs 8. M. Co., 68,941 do Bold over the Weed Sew ing Machine Co., 02,83; do Sold ever the Grover & Baker 8. M. Co.. 70,431 de Bold over the Howe Ma chine Co., C2.077 de Sold over the Wheeler & Wilson Man'fg Co., ' 44,624, de all et which is mainly owing tdtho popu lar .ty of what is known as the "NET FAMILY RGWINO MACHINE," which is now fast finding its way into every well regulated household. For Circulars giving full particulars of Machines, their Folding Lasts or many varieties of wood and finish, their Attachments for numerous kinds of work, which, till recently, it was thought that delicate fingers alone could perform, as well as particulars about all article used by their Machines, such as Twist, Linen Thread, 8 pool Cotton, Oil, &o., io., apply to any of their Authorized Agents, vr to TUB 8IXOKB MANUFACTURING CO., 468 Broadway, New York. Philadelphia Office 1100 Cheatnot fit. A. CUMMIX3S, Ajteot, Ridgway, Pa. elaltjalyUsaT. STEREOSCOPES. VIJ5W8, ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES E. &, H.T.ANTHONY & CO. C31 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Invite the attention ef the Trade to their extensive assortment of the above goods, of tAnr era u&ftci(ien, and imnrfai. Also, PHOTO LANTERN ELIDES ad GRAPnOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. H. T. ANTHONY k CO.. 691 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Importers and Maoufaotnrers of PnOTDORAPHIC MATERIALS. Tln2yt. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN DAN SCRtliNER WISHES TO IN- foriu tbe Cittxens of Ridgway, tod the pnblie goterally, that be has started Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let apon the most reasons. ble terms. llls will also do job teaming. Stable in tha Brooks Barn, near tbe PoetOfEoe, on Mill street. AU orders left at tho Post Offioe will meet prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1670. tf. X L Revolvers! Tho New X L Revolvers. No. 1 32-100 Cal.. No. 2 82-100 Cal.. short. No. 8 82 100 Cal.. long. No. 4 88-100 Cal.. for Pocket Revolvers, aro utuurptuud. They use the ordinary Copper Catridge and are beautiful is shape oca nnisn. THE BALLARD DERRINGER, 11.100 CeL, has no equal as ft Perrioger, full and eomplete stock of Gudi, Rifles, Pistols, Ammunition and Sportsmen Goods, Manufactured by KSBTO A HULBZST, 88 Chambers and 86 Reade Streets, fend for CatalogoH. FIW YORK. TlalSwia CiUrtLF., A. DANA. Irtltor. A UrnvfifCTsI the Present Times. 1 ' Iiuandod far PsopU Now on Earth. tneMisc Fsrmen. stechanles. Msrchsnts, Pre fcssleaal Mca, Workers, Thinkers, and I liar, aw ! Roaesl Polks, aut Ike Wives, Sou, aai Utanhtara ot alt suelu 0LT OK st D0L.IUS. A VKAtt t K Bfjlf DRCD CO PI EH FORSV Or las hii Oa Osat a Onpx. Let there be a. e Clab at ever rost Offlee. MI.WHKLTltv,IJA TKAR, f th same slse and gsnsral eharsnwr a THB WKEKLT. but with a rraatcr varletf ot tnlsestlaasons rosrtin, and fnrnlthlni tha n to Its saMarlbvra with sjrealw fraslmass, besaetei It eoniea iwk a week Instead of one onlr . THI DAILT 81 K. tS A VEAE. A praimlnsntlr roadshi newipiuMir, with t. Ursssi clrenlstltn in Ilia wonil. re. ntm pendent, snd lt'rle In pontics, ail tun news from evrrtrhor. Tir.i een.-s n eapy ; bv aiSiU & eenu s mouth, or a rar. TERMS TO CL.U3S. " TDK DOLLAU WEEK I. T C5. Five copies, on rear, separatslr a'ldretsM. roar Hollars Tsa entiles o Vesr, senntelv aililresisd (u au extra eup to Ui getter up nminu). Klakt Dollnrs. Twsntr copies, one yenr, sepnrntelv sdtlreseA (S id aa axirseupr Ui Uisettr op of emu). Fifteen Dallnrm. Flftv eoplx. ob tsar, to ons s ldress innd tha Benu-neelE. une yenr to seller n n cif clnb), Thlrtjr-throe Dollars. Fiftr rnplet, one resr. 'epsrstelv S'ldrosred (and tu euil Weekly oueye-irrou-eltrr nn of cnih), , v Thtny-Ovo Oolliin. . . Flit, itollars. TO hanarnd roies, one y.-r. nsrstrlv Sn'o'f r1h,Bj Vr trnne jel??; THK KIMI-WEERLY SCX. lv eoeles, ontrssr.teparstelv nfli,..t,. - . Elaht Dollar.. on Tr. Mmsralelt addrosacd (snt aa utn copjr to cuter up .f el m), rilxtecn Dollurs. tJSXD TO l it MOXET S '2,I1' "rdert. rhefflr, or drnfn on irr arfciSl'?'. """eoient. ir not, ti,n ref inef IstMn isalitsiulna iiioney. AilUrci. I. W. K.Vr.LAWI, Pnb'lfhe-, Son oAee, ftcw Vork Cstr. RAILB0AB8. PKTXADELIHIA V EEIE BAH, BOAS SUMMER TIME TABLE. O N and after MONDAY, At'O. 7th, 1871, tlie trainH on the rinlatlelchia Erie Railroad will run as follows: WKSTWAllll. Mail Train leaves Philnilelphia. 7.10 p.m. " " " Riilgway 10.0o a. m. arrive at Erie 8.30 p. m. Erie Exp leaves n il rniel pti ia ... 1 SO p. ra " " " Kulgway...- iMO a. m. " " arrivs at Krie... 7.40 a. m. Accomoaaiion, leaves iienovn,...i.io a. m. " ' Ridgway,..u. 4il p. tn. " arr at hne .0ti p. m. AKTWAUU. Mall Train leaves Erie. 11.S0 a. tji. " " " Riilgwny.... 4.52 p. m. " " arrive at Unhid' n... 7.8(1 a. in. Erie Express leaves Etie '.MR) p. m. " " Fidgaay... 1.40 a. . " " ar'at Thilniielphia 5.(10 p. n. Accomodation, leaves Kane 6X0 a. an. " Ridgwsy... 7.5 a.m. arr at St. Miirys 8.30 am. " leaves St. Mnrys 10. CD a m. " arr at l!enoTo.... 6.40 p. m. Mail Enst connccle eatt and weit at Erin wlthLS&MH K W and at Cony and Irvinetoh with Oil Creek, and Allegheny il R W. Mail West with we?t bound Irnins on 1, S & M 8 R W and at Corry and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W. Warren Accommodation vast uud wift with trains on L 8 and M 8 R eaut aort west and at Corry with O C mid A It U. . . Erie Accommodation East nt Corry and Irvineton with O C and A R R W. Eltuira Mail and ItnH'nlo Express maVe elose conneciiuu at Willinnisporl with N O R W trains north aud south. Catawissa passenger trains will be run east from Williamsport on Elraira Mail. MM. A. li.VLimiN. Gen'l Ptip'U NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing June 5th, 1ST!. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. TOE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS BURGH AND l'OINTS ON -'THE l'HIL'A. & ERIE R. B. ooisa soitu. Pay Express leaves Oil City at 2 10pm Arrives at Pittsburgh " 55 p in Night Express leaves Oil City 9 45 p in Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 40am Mail leaves Oil City 9 45 a in Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 00 p nt OOINO MOUTH. Bay Express leaves Pittsburg at 8 35 a ra Arrives at Oil City at 3 05 p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 10 10 p m Arrives at Oil City 5 f5 a m Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 12 SO p ov Aarrives at Oil City J 45 p nt Close Connections made at Corry for Pittsburgh with trains East and West on P. & E. U. R. Pullman Pallaco Drawing Room Sleep, ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Corry and Pittsburgh. Ask for Tickets via Aiiegneny alley k. R. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Supt. PAPER FOR THE PEOl'LE. THE CLOSE. ESTABLISHED 18CS-1 ' An Independent Evening Journal. Servtl by Carrier at Teu Cents per week. Ask your newsdealer for it. THE GLOBE as the ouly I.fDEreiinixr afternoon journal, reaohing a popula tion in New York and vicinity of over Thrbi Millions, is rap. Idly gaining tbe position of the great leading evening paper of tho Metropolis. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM, WITH ITS LOW RATES, IT IS UNSUR PASSED. TERMS OF THE GLOBE. Subscription. By Mall, One Month. Wo.; Three Months, Jl 50; Six Months, $8; One Year, $5. Advertising. ' Per lino, nonpariel measurement Ordi dary, lOo.j Special Notices, 20e. Reading and Publio Notices, iiOe.; Business Nodosa; 60o. Address TUB GLOBE PRINTING COMPAKY. Prlutlnc; Hotree Uyt&t. No". Ytftk