The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 28, 1871, Image 2
(11. (Sfitmtz Qkwt Henry A. Parsons, Jr. - - EJitor. TIU'RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2ft. 181. MPTOLBAH ETAT2 tTICSET. Auditor General: DAVID STANTON, of Beaver Co. Survoyor General: HOBERT 13. BEAT II. of Schuylkill. State Senator, OENL. JESSEE MERRILL, of Lock Ilacen, Representative, COL. A. I.WILCOX, of Elk. lECPlS'S C0TOT7 TICKET. Treasurer, C. It. EARLET. of Fox. Aiwointe Jndee, J. V. HOCK, of Ridgvray. Sheriff, X. C. OYSTER, of llorton. Commissioner, J. L. BROWN, of Jones. Auditor, THOMAS IRWIN, of Fprine Creek. Cur Ticket This week we present to our readers 'the names of our candidates lor county .offices. We say our candidates, not only because a portion of them are the nominees of the Republican party, but lecause they are all of the people; and untrammelcd by Ring influence, each :and every man on the ticket would bo -chosen by the people from among the many competent gentlemen willing to merve in publio positions, as the very ;bcst men that could have been selected. A part of them have been regularly placed in nomination by the Republican party, and tho remainder by the inde pendent portion of the Democratic party by such Democrats as can pee no valid reason why they should continue to bo owned, body and soul, by the three or four enterprising gentlemen who constitute tho lierctotoro omnipo tent Riug. Hence, this ticket is pre -eminently tho People's Ticket. As such, we place it at tho bead of our columns, and yield it our support, with lull confidence that if tho voters of the vonoty act upon their honest impulses .and upon their best judgment, ever) man on the ticket will bo triumphantly elected. Tho tinio ii f-hort, nn-t thr only danger is, that the people may not irive the subject suluVient attention, to -rorrcelly comprehend the situation. Al: that is wanted is investigation. I.ic in stincts of tho pcoplo are always with j the light. Tho great public hear beats patriotically when once aroused Therefore, every man who has the lies' interests of the county at heart should wake up to tho importance of breaking the power of this greedy Ring which fattening upon her vitals. We must by no means lose f-ight of the fact, that tho Ring managers, ever having a sharp eye upon their individual aggrandizement, are vigilant, untiring, and have laid their plans well. They havo distributed their nominations in such a way as to kilence many gentlemen whosa con . iciences even now smite them for what they are doing. The Riug will be lav ish of money, and will labor night and day with that desperate recklessness which is akin to despair. They stake all upon the issue. In case of success, they continue to revel iu the luxuries of power and profit. If they fail, they dread the terrible exposures which o change in the financial affairs of the caunty must tuake. Then, we must ex pect them to put foith their very best . efforts; and to break their power the friends of the people must expect to labor incessantly to be prepared for the firial struggle on the second Tuesday of October next. We propose to say a few words rn rc- i lation to some of the candidates boforo the public. Passing over our candidates for Auditor General and Surveyor Gcn eial, as their election is a foregone cpu- . elusion; we will say nothing of thoir i merits at this time. But will start with STATE SENATOR. We have a candidate in the field, but the district was carved out by its distin- guised architect for his own uso and benefit, and we have no reason to be lieve that Senator Wallace will not be re-eleoted, atd continue to misrepresent us for another term. As in the natural .economy, it is necessary to have an Aroh Fiend balow, what right have we to expoot entire immunity in tho politi . eal world? 8ome evils we are compelled to submit to. This ia one. We must watoh and wait. Our candidate, Gen. .Jeasee Merrill, of Lock naven, is a gentleman ia every way qualified to . T make a Brat-olas senator, u e is popu jar with the people, nti with anything 2ik9 ill equal elitooe, would diitnt prominent, taVntol, but unprincipled competitor. But with eticli on outra geous district, there is lit'.le Impo of success. We penk thus candidly, be cause we do not mean to utter a word or make a prediction in this article, that tlin result will not prove to be true Our candidate for REl'RFSENTATlVE, Col. Alonxo 1. Wilcox, is so well known to every man, woman and child in tbo distrtJt. that it is hardly necessary to speak of him at all. His name is a tower of strength. Many years ago he represented this district in the Legisla ture; and although then but a yonng man, he acquitted himself creditably, and with entire satisfaction to his con stituents. Since that, time, and dunnp the lust twenty years, he has been con stantly and largely enzaged in businessf and has necessarily become familiarly acquainted with all the interests and wants of the district. It is not saying too much when we tay that there is not a man in the district who could and would so well watch its interests as he. It is at great personal sacrifice that he has consented to besome candidate. He is suio to be elected. But wo owe it to hiui as a compliment, that his ma jority be not small. Let us give him an .overwhelming vote. Then cornea the people's candidate foe COL'S TV TREASURER, Dr. Charles R. Early. You ali know the Doctor. Although a lVmocrat, born and bred n Democrat, constitu tionally, and wo fear irretrievably yet, his is a spirit that could not forever sub mit to Ring dictation. Although the Iling had cunningly thrown a few slioes to somo of his warmest friends fot itlio purpose of keeping the Doctor quiet; and in this they touched him in his tendorest point; for his proverbial weakness has always been, that he would make greater sacrifice and suffer more for the benefit of his friends than for hi mscll. lie has lived among us for twenty-five tvenr, and many is the time he has traveled the county from centre to circumlercnne sometimes on a blood ed charger, sometimes on a three-legged gray; and often on Shank's two-legged marc. lie never, in all bis practice. stopped Ui ask the question whether or n t lie was likuly to get pay for "nis trip. His only question was, "can I be of servicv?" Tlii.s unselfish character istic has kept him in position whore thf. . fiiee lor which he is now a candidate 0'i!(l beut'fit him by giving him cm ;i!oyuent. He pledges himself to dis charge the duties of his office himself iu prsMii. Ho is a I', to bn sure; but where is the dilTuroiico in county O TieoM, so long os he is an independent , iti.'.rn, capable and willing to discharge. ;he dune of tho office himself. It is ill important ar. this time that the l'r usury should pas out from under the control f the 15'iiir, and that a complete jluingH in the custody of the county fi nances should take place. Elect Dr. Kar v mid t lis is sure to be aoua. 11 s ipponcrt, Mr. Willieltn, olt'uough a jjeutli'iuau ot luu standing, ana great wealth, isit-ry largely cnaed in busi ness. So inuc-h fo that ho could not if ho were so disposed, give any personal attention to the duties of the otice ot Treasurer. lie rubiibly does not care to bo elected otdes for the- purpose, of oiving somo fiii-nd the benefit of the office. It seetu.s to u. there can le no doubt of tho Doctor's elee ion. there would be so much common senso, s.i much publio benefit, nnd so much jus tice in it. Next on the list, is DAN. OTSTEll, Our popular nominee for Sheriff. Ever; body kuows him. lie is fully cunipe teat to discharge the duties himself, and will do so. He is one of the people. The duties of Sher.ff, are many times un pleasant both to the officer and the victim. In the lighter duties, such a serving writs, Fubpoenas, jury notice &o , Dan would U it up so pleasant!) that we would rather like it. 15ut when it conies to the sterner duties, such ar- t angitig some of his constituents, we thiuk it woul-1 not exactly suit his Uste yet he would not fliueh from his duty, wherever it might lead him. He is of Republican proclivities. Uut as in the case of Dr. Early, we submit to our Democratio friends, "where is the difference, iu couuty offices?" Let us have a Sheriff with whom it will be a pleasure to transact business. AVe are going to have such an one io tho per son of Daniel Oyster. Then we have as a candidate for ASSOCIATE JUDGE, Our esteemed fellow citizen and neigh bor, Jacob V. Ilouk, Esq. His aute cedeuts ate Democratic, but as the peo ple are determined to rise above party this year, it is not worth while to (peak of h.s party ties. Ho is a lover of justioe, is opposed to ullcliquos and Ilin-s, and a u citizen bus always been ia the front rank of thoso laboring Jor the publio good. Ila has resided anion; us for pearly tmnly ytaw, has repeaudl; fi'led important township positions, and rays with credit to biiorif and satis faction to the people. As a uilizon uo man in the county stands higher. Ho will make an excellent Judge. Let us give hiin a rousing maj irity. Tor COUNTY AND COUNTY AUDITOR We have for the former, J. L. Brown, Esq., of Jones ownship, and for the latter, Thomas Irwin. Esq , of Spring Creek. They are both well known nil over tho county. Are men ol business capacity and experience, particularly adapted to the positions for which they have been nominated. In case of their election, of which we have no doubt. the interests of tbo conn'y will bo well cared for. They are both competent, honest aod fearless just the class of men we need at this juncture in the history of the county. Let every man vote for them. The duplicates lor tho taxes of 1871 are in the hands of the Collectors, tho time allowed for paying directly to the Treasurer having pssed, and those who have neglected to make payment Cud that an additional 10 per cent, has been added in accordance with a special en actment passed at the late session of the Legislature through tho influence of Mr. English. The party who are ask ing for the election of Mr. English con tinually harp about heavy taxes, yet they will put in nomination a man who by his act adds five per cent, to the taxes ot our county, and then ask thoso who suffer from his act to vote for his re elcctiun. l'rookvillo Rrnublican. Main has got ol)0,00t) tons of ice for which she cannot fiud a customer. A CENTS WANTED. tie want fiOUO active, enterprising, thorough men nn.l women, to wuom we rill give cotBtatit work iivl good pay. We p.ihlish the UKST It lOICS, we give our agents tho REST TERMS. The best sell ing (look now is Br SIGNOIl BLITZ. Describing his wonderful f.-nts and trick1!, wi;h laughable mentions ana adventures. Agents arc selling from 20 to 40 cop es a day. Also, our New Fiimilj Bible, con taining liiackwooil s Lomprcncnsivn aius to liie study of the Scripture", nnd Xevins' new nnd improved Diction iry of the Bible, together wiili Sixteen K ne Ste I Plates, lour Maps in colors, nd '.00 mirinr en gravings on wood; Family Record, Family Album. &o.. &o. A Ooaipleto Prospectus f lit is t iblo an-l agents out St furnished free lo si) wlia mean work. Our pro l amme if NEW BO lvS lor the - cl ides a NBW WORK by MA !K '1 WAIN. gjjf-Sucees-ful Agea wil -Koeive first oho oo of territory on MAR'.C TWAIN 8 forihioming greai work C reuUrs. forms, &c, with full m.oina Hon. sent rce on at-piici'inn io DUI'TIKLD ASM M BAD. I'lVshe 711 Siinsim Street, I'nil. d Jip iia. Tln25aug'Jtm'.. THE NEW DISCOVERY la Chemical and Medical Ecleoo. k I A . A Dr. E. F. GARVIN'S' SOLUTION & COMPOUND ELIXIR FIRST AND OXI.Y BOI.TTOV ever mn-ln In one mixture, of ALI. Till: Ttt KLVK Talunhlu itctiva priucipuia ot tha wUlkkaowa urativ agent, I'I Ii TREE TAIt, TJNEQUALED In Cjut'h", CoMs, Catarrh, Aathnut, lironchitis, aud ooasumpiion. CURES AVIXIIOTJT FAILi A recent cold In thTeo to fix hours ; and also, fry its VI TALIKINO, l'VRIFYINO nml fcTI lUI.ATINU effects upon the general nyitcrn, is remnrkably eliicacious in all JJlSjEASI.S F iiii; BUIUU. IncludinK ."-cnjiola and Eruptions of the skin. Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Liver and Kidueya, Heart Llutase, and General Debility. ONE TRIAL CONVINCES! ALSO, a Volatile Solution of Tar For IOTALATIOX, without nppllration ot HEAT. A ivmarkalily VALUABLE discovery, as thewhole appiratus rau hacairieii in tho vest pocket, readv at any time for the most cfiectual and jxisitively iwaiive use in All Diseases of thr KOSE, THROAT stud LI AGS. TUE COlirOCND Tar and Mandrake Pill. for ns in connection with the ELIXIIt TAB, is a combination of the TWO nioat valuable ALTERATIVE Medicines known in ti.s I'ro fesbion. and renders this till without exception the very best ever oifere-1. The bOLLTXON and COiirOUXD ELIXIE of aaaBBaaai MaaT it without doubt the Best remedy known in eases of CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER. It is a Rpcrifie for such diseases, and should be kept in t he household of every family, especially during those luouihs in which CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER arc liable to prevail. A small quantity taken daily will prevent contracting these terrible disease. Eolation and Compocni Elixir, 11.00 per Bottle Volatile Solution for Inhalation. $5.00 per liox Tar and Uaadrake Fills, (Oct per box. Send for Circular of POSITIVE CURES to your Diut'fKt, or to L. F. HYDE tfc CO., 60LB PBOPEIETOE3. 110 E. 22d SC, Xtw York. For all ,0. G. ME33ENGEK. Drpggiat, ftUgWajfjlA, Aycrs Cathartic Fills, T"r the rcJipf iul cure --I nM deriim TTifnl hi th" -i"iii-in h, In !, jiiid l-mv-eH. I hey mo u iiiihl nperlont, nml nu excellent imi-jrntivc. tleliiR pui-ely vege table, they no mercury or mine, rut whatever. .Muc h ni'rioiis Mrkncss rt it. I (nllciin i iievcii. oil bv their Ihiich' iitfoj and everr family "hoiihl have thorn on hand for their pioU-rlion ami relief, when reipiin it. Long experience has proved thcia to be the nil', est, uri"t, unit best of all the I'llln Willi which tho market uboiimls. By their occasional life, the blood Is purified, (lie corruption of the y tcin expelled, obstructions removed, nml the whole inii' hinei v of lilo rePtoml to Its healthy nclivitv. Inteni'il organ- which become clogued nail Kluczi-h are cliviiiterl liv Am r'K I'ill. and stimulated into nctioii. 'J Ims incipient il. i a-o is changed into hrnlt li, the value of wliich chimin1, whoa reckoned on tho va-t inollllti'les who en.l'-y it, can htinllv be computed. Their Mtgnr coaling inaki-.s them pleasant to take, and iirefevvc-sllieir virtue? unimpaired for tiny length of time, fo that they ate ever frrh, and perltetly reliable. Altliousa seai' lilnir, Ihcv nie mild, nml oiiciato without UistiiihaiK'e to tlio conlitiitioii1oruict,or occupation. Full direction-! nro irlren on tho wrnnner to each box, how to ne Iheui lis ft Family rhysic, and for the following complaints, which Uieso M-utH rapmiv cure: For l.rM'iii or Vnillvrntion. l.ltJon. ni'ii. Lunirnnr and &, r AM''-f .tin y ph'.iul'l be taken inoilornl-'ly to sliinnlati1 Die etotu- ncn, ami reftove its hcalthv tone and action. For JMv-r C'oimliiit ami ilu vnvious - ym li tem, riiiion IIi-ua Iir. hit U UchcI. itcnr. Jaiiiidiro nr rr'ri firkni'M. mi lus olic and Iieiioua Icier.. litey sli.iukl be juiiVioii.-ir tnken for each ruse, to correct tho di'oawd action or remove the obstruction!! which cause it. ' For IiTnristo,.T or 'ninrrJMipn lint ono m!!d ihie'is ffcncn'llv reiiiii'c-l. For Ilht'iimatiHtn. iit, Ciravpl. I pltarlnn of tti lli-ui't. I'uiii in tho Miile. (luck ami toll,, they should be coutin-unu.-lv taken, as iT,iiii't-l, to change tho diseased notion of the system. Willi rucU change thoso complaints -lisa'ppear. For lftrfty an-l XfropMlral ftwoHinfr. tb.oy fhoulil be tiiUcn l-i latTte ami trc-pient Uotu to produce tho cttei-t ol'a drastic, purge. For siiri-ainn. a large dose should ho taken, as it produces the deeiicd effect by sytn pathy. .n'a THiinrr Pill, ttiko one or two to promote din'Cstioa an-l rcliro the stomach. An occasiotinl doe Ftimttlatcs the Momarh and bowels, re'tores the appetite, ami invigorates the Fyst-'in. It -ace it is ollcii mlvuiitngi-niis wht-ro no feiions derangement exists. Ono who fcets tolerably well, oilen finds that n dose of thec I'ill makes him feel decidedly better, from llu ir cleansing and renovating eflctt on tho digcalivo uppaiatus. rnKrAr.i:n by Jr. J. C. ATF.K & CO., Vrartienl Chemists, LOWEIZ, MASS.. V. H. A. FOIt SALE BY ALL MtUUUIsrd EVERYWHERE. For t'ulu ly . G. MESSENGER, Druggist, llidjjway, I'a. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR EENEWEE. Every year increases the Iiopu-LVep- lanty of this valuablo liair i'rep aration. which ia due to merit alone. We can assure our old patrons that it is kept fully up to its hirh standard ; and it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Gray or Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. Tho scalp, by its use, becomes white anil clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic proper ties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes the hair-glands. By its use, tho hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands, to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most economical IIair-Dressisg ever used, as it requires fewer applica tions, and gives tho hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, Sl.D State Assayer of Massachu setts, says, "The constituents aro pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold by all Druggists anrl Dealers in Medicinal. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOR THE WHISKERS. As our Kenewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded SVhiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish, this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which wilt neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Prico Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N.H. MBALIS The ingredients that COMPOSE KOSADALIS are puMislied on every package, thcro foroitisnnfa secret picparation, consequently rnisici vxs prescribe it It is a certain euro for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, Rheuma tism, Skin Diseases, htver Lom otil i tit and all diseases of the Wood. CITS E0TTL3 C7 SKATAHS will do more good than ten bottles of tho Syrups of Sarsupurtlla. THE UNDEtlSKSNEO PHYSICIANS have used Itosadalia in their practice tor tho past three years and t icly endorse it as a reliable Alterative uiiU Ulood Purifier. PR. T. C rron, ot Baltintot. DU.T.J. UOYKIN, " DR. R. W.CAHH. ' DR. F. O. DANXKLLY, ' Dli. J S. SPAUlvS,-of Nicholasvillt, DR. "l. JIcCARTHA, ColtunDia, S. t. DR. A. a NOBLES, Eilgecomb, N. C USLD AUD ISSCnSID EY J. B. FRE?CH t SONS, Kail Uiv7. Mas. P. W. SMITH, Jscltwm, Mirh. A. . v iir.r.i.iif. i' tun, ujuo. 11. II Al I.. I.iiml.Ghio. 2 CRAVLN & fO.. Pnnmism, V toio, Tenn. O'.ir space wKl Dft sIIot i sr j- ex. toiidetl remniks iu rrmtiiin t.i ti c vinuesol UuNailslii. 1 otii'J )! ji I'roiession we (jusmnteoa iu.U 1 x turt superior to any they ha s ect lined in the tres;ment of t.a.(.j Bloud i and lo thnsltl'rted wo my t y Uusiioalis, suj you will Le ruiun I to hujlta. RosaJall Is sol t 1-y a!irri"Ti' price per U'ttM. Auun S3. ft C. llanufacturirg C!.emu. . Pivrmpuf, Ua, PoWELL & EI ME. Powell & li.iuic Hnving erected a large and well arranged new Store House on the old lite, since tbo fire, and filled it from ciUnr to garret with tli o choicest goods of all descriptions, that enn be found In any market, are full pre pared to reoeivetlieir old customers, and supply their wants Hi bottom figure WZCLZSALS 02 RETAIL. Their assortieut ia now complete, ecav prising DBY GOODS, CROCK RIE3, Ci OCKER.Y, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, II ATS AND CATS, NOTIONS, etc., ote. PORK. FLOUR. SALT. Feed, JJuuim, Cutter. iiRIKU Al'I'LKS, DKIKD I'KACUES, Canned Goods, :,yciiiuj wanted iu the Country UliiKUME.V, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, 'MINERS, TAN- NERS, LABORING MEN, EVERYBODY ! Aim full stock of MANILLA ROPE if the best manufacture, of suitable eiies for rafting aid running purposes. Hldgway,rf.,MtMh v.n jskmanrasra I HE SINGER Hanti&cttirtnff Company, AT THE MOULD'S t'ATR, Constituted by the homes of the people Received the Great Award of the HIGHEST SALES ! And have left all rivals far behind them, for they SOLD IJV 1STO One ITundrfd and Twenty-seven Thousand, Kipht IluuJrpd and Thirty-three Machines! being more than forty thtmtani'm advance of etlinr lilies ot the previovs yenr, nnd evevfurty-four thousand more thin the sales of any othrr Company for 1870, as shown by tho following figures from sworn re turns of lb j sale of Licensees. The Singer Manufactur ing Company gold over the Florence Sewing Machine Co., 101,178 Machines. Bold ovwr the Wilcox Gibbs S. M. Co.. 8,98 do do do de Bold over the WccdSew- irg Machiue Co., 12,831 Sold over the Grover t Baker S. M. Co.. 70,431 Bold over the Howe Ma chine Co., 52,677 Sold over the Wheeler & Wilson Man'is Co., 41.C2-1 do ill ot which ii nmiiilv owini; to the popu lar .ty or what, is known an the "MS r KA.M1LY MACHINE," which ia now fust finding its way into every well repulated household. For Circulars giving full particulars of Machines, their Folding t asesot ninny enricnes (if wood and Imish, their Attnchmrnis for numerous ktnda of work, which, till recently, it was thought that, delicate fingers alone could perform. as well as pai-ticilim about till articles need liv their Machines, gueh as Twiel, l.incn Thread, Spool Cotton, Oil. &c. &c, apply to any of their Authorized Agents, or to THE SINGER MAXTJFACTUMXd CO., 4o8 ItroaJway, Now York. Philadelphia Office HOG Chestnut Ft. A. CUM MINGS, A-eot, RiuVwav Pa. vlnlOjulylS.n". ST E HEOa COPES, VIEWS, ALBUMS, canoMos, FRAMES. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO 591 BROADWAY, NBW YOKK, Invite the attention of the Trade to their ixtorjf ive asortmetitof the above goo Is, of thnr btcn publication, and importation. Also, TUOTO LANTERN SLTDE3 and GRAPnOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITK. K. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.. C91 Itroadwny, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Importers and Manufacturers of rnoTDGRArmc materials lnJyl. NEW LIVE It Y STABLE IN DAN SCRIRNER WISHES TO IN- form tho Cittzeng of Riilgway, and the public gcccrally, that be has startcda Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggiea, to let upon Iheaiost reasona ble terms KS-He will also do job teaning. Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the Pest Office, on Mil' street. All orders left at the Post OEGoe will aieet prompt atteu tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. X L He vol vers! The New X L Revolvers. No. 1 22-100 Cat. No. 2 82 100 Cal., short. No. 3 32- 100 Cnl.,long, No. 4 38-lUOCal.. for Pocket Revolvers, are unsurpasced. They ute the ordinary Copper Catridge and are beautiful in shape aud finish. TUE RALLARD DERRINGER, 41-100 Cal, has no equal as a Derringer. Full and complete stork of Gudb, Rifles, Pistols, Ammunition nod , . Sports-men's Goods, Manufactured by 83 Chaoibeis and Co Reade Streets, Fend for Oatlgite. NBW YORK. !18w0. it J - - - w . CHARLES J CBAHLE3 A. DASA. Editor. Slic goiter ffMguit A Newspaper ol tUePreeent Times. Intcndod for I'ooplo Now on r.artti. Incln(!m! Fnne:s, Mechanics. Merchants, Tro f.uionsl Men, Woikers, Taioktrs, anil a I Man. nsr of Hoaen Folks, and the Wire-, Sous, anil Vsaithtsrs of all inch. OKLT ONE DO I, I, Alt Jk TEA It I OKE n INDUED COPIES FOB 050, Or ls tisn On Cent a Cpy. Lot there be a JSO Club at svory Post OiHot. ICWMTEtKLY tSCS, M A TEAR, ef tan S:inie else an gensrsl iaractr as THI3 WEKKLr, bn wih a areator variety of ' mlftnelianonns roaJine, and fnmuMnj tbo nrwt to Its sntnerlhers with arealer trosunsss. beanuie It oomss twlcs a WMkfnsteaJ of ones only. THE IJAILT 8CX, tO A VEAR. A prsJmtnOTttr r?a1 iti'e newsp r. wta the tarwsi. c:roti!s'.n in Uio woi-il. Krs ini rniUput. si 1 trailers In politic. A 1 tlio p..-, fi-d'ii evvTywJiui'o. Twj cents a ooijy;by lusll 60 oauts a ino.itli. or SO a year. TnH3M3 TO CLUBS. TUE DOLLAR WEEKLY nr. Flva coplss. one ysar, aoDaratelraiilmifft. Four Hollar. Ten ror'a, eas tmt, rnintelv arMrcsseo. (anal aa extra oon lo llie setter up n cliiii). Eislit iollnr. Twantr eonles, one yeir, sopiratelr aitdresKca (ja an cxorseojiy Vi uieaertamp of cinbl, fifiecn DalLarav Fifty cnpl' year, to one address tnnd ttie cui.nvv.j) uns)t.'.ir it vvupr no t.rctub), Thletv-tliroo llnllnpa. Fifty roplfs. oa vr, .onsratelT atdrn:eA (and tus atuu n caKlyouaypnT -o L'dlter m oirluh), Tklrtr-BVH Dntlnra. De handrsit en"les, nne Tear, t- rna ad lrcvs . .... umj wr ub, yeap ,o HlOfr(.;Ter utof clan). Hr, iii... Xnr biiidrml r-ri-s. oni anaiat,l a. niVfeiui1? uo"' a-" of cluli), Uty Uollara. THS 8E.V I-WEEKLY 5CN. FIT eoaiss, oua yaar, separatetv n1ii..rt .Irbt I, ..II. Tii 'llC,iJr!.T,"'r",,,"'"l",r """"a (sad Wlxtceu Dollars. 8S5a TOCR MOXEY rl.Z ra 8 oers. eSeelte. or drnft on Vtw Tor, wlisrover conreDirnt. If not. tnea reitUisr in tollers coutalulua lnoaor. Addrai. ""wr I. W. Ejrcl.fl Wn, Pnhllfh", Boa otDco. Sew York Ciy, RAIIROADST PHIIAEELPHIA & ERIE DAIlKOflS SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after MONDAY. A TO. 7lh, 1871, the trains on tho rhiladcliihia jt Erie Railroad will run ns follows: WRSTWAltn. Mail Train leaves I'hiladt'pphia. 7.10 p.m. " " K:dRway lO.Uo a. ra. " arrive at Krie. ...... o.'M p. at. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia. ..12 :0 p. sa Kiliwny Z a. rn. " arrive at. Erie -...7 ! a. rn. Accomodation, leaves l!ennva....7. 1) a. ni. Kidgway,..,.HI p. ni. " hit nt Knne Mi'Jp. m. r.sTM aui. Mill Train leaves Erie .11. HO a. m. " " Uidj;wtiy.... 4,'i'i ji. ui. " arrive al'a... 7.:t(l n. bi. Erie Bxpress liavrs Enc O.df) p. w. " " r. tiiwny... I. Hi a. ni. " ar-at Philadelphia. S.trtl p. id. Accomodation, leaves Knne 6.1 0 a. tn. " " Kulgway... i.-. ui. arr at Si. Marys t.:il am. " leavea St. Marys l(t..".(l a m. " arr at Renoto li. hJp. in. Mnil Eaat conuecla east nnd wett at firin rith L a A M S It W and nt Corry at.d Irviucton with Oil Creek aud Allegheny K R W. Mail West vritli wct bound trains en L SAMS II W and nt Corry and lrvineton run Oil Creek unci Adi glieny R R n. Wnrven Acuotnniodalion cat ninl west rith trains oti L, 8 and M S R rn'-t nu t west and at Corry with O C and A It & ' . Li to Accommodation hint at Corry an. I Irvinetnn with () C mid A R U W. Elmira Mail nnd lhitTaln hxpreas tnat'o elope connection at Yilliamt on with N (J R Vi traius north und south. Catawiasa pafaenjrer trains will he ram east from Wiliianmpoi t on l:uira Mail. KM, A. BALDWIN. ieul Pup't. NEW TIME Commencing June uth. lo71. ALLEG II EN Y V A LLEY R. R. THE BE3T ROUTE RETWEE:! PITTS BURGH ANU POINTS ON TUB PHIL' A. & ERIE R. It. . GOING "IMTH. Day Express leaves Oil City at 210 pm. Arrives at Pittsburgh j b p nt Night Express leaves Oil City 9 45 p iu Arrives at rtilatnirgU b 411 a in Mail leaves Oil City 0 4- a m Arrives at Pittsburgh C 00 p ut r.alXO KDRTU. Pay Express leaves Pi tsburg at 8 35 a m Arrives at Oil City at 3 00 p in Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 10 10 p m Arrives ut Oil Cily o u't a m Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 12 'M p ia, Aarrives nt Oil City 7 45 p ut Close Connections made at Corry fur Pittsburgh with trains East and West ou P. & E. R. U. Pullman Pallace Drawing Room Sleep, ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Corry and Piiuburgh. Ask for Tickets via Allegheny alley R. R. 3. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Sunt. A l'AWSK FOR THE PEOi LE. THZ GL0B3. ESTABLISHED 1803. 1 An Independent Evening Journal. Sorveil by Carrier at Tin t'ents per week. Ask your newsdealer for it. THU GLOBE as the only I tniPBNnaKf alttrnoon jourual, reaching a popula tion iu New York and vicinity of over Threk Millions, is rap. idly gaining the poailiou of the great loadiug evening paper of the Metropolis. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM. WITH ITS LOW RATES, IT IS UNSURPASSED. TERMS OF THE GLOBE. Subscription. By Mail, Oao Month. 60o.; Three Months. $1 50; ix Months, $3; On Year, $5. Advertising. ' Per line, nonpariel measurement Ordi dary, 10c; Special Notices, 20c: Raailiug and Publig Notices, Oo.; BueiuesaNoiicea 600. Address TUE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY. Prlnfinj Hems &qusro, Nr Yflnl