THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1871. Eate3 of Advertising. One column, one year 00 1 " " " 40 00 I " " " 25 00 " " " 15 00 Transient advertising per square of eipht 'lines or less 8 times or less. 2 00 Business cards, ten. Unas or less per your 5 00 Mnrriagos and Death notices inserted gratis. Elk lodge, A. Y. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be bell at tbeir hall on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. G. L. McCRACKEN, Seo'y. Temple of Honor and Temneranee. Elkton Temple No. 81, meets on eash alternit e Thursday, at, their Lodge Room, on Main Btreet, over J. V. Honk's store. H. A. PARSONS, W. R. Car Time at Rtdfftcatj. Irie Express East. 1:40 a. oi. do do West 2:20 a. m. do Mail East 4:52 p. m. ilo do West 10:05 a. m. J.ocal Freight East 7:2'.l a. m do do West - 5:50 p. ni FOH SALE, Oil KENT. Two lots and small house, situate in the village ot llidgway, Elk Co., Pa. on South street, opposito the residence of D. D. Cook. For particulars call on the subscriber, who resides on tho prop erty, offered for sale. CHAS. MEAD, llidgway, Sept. 19th," 137l.-n29tf. Some rain last week. Tut Bun croses the line to-day. Tntt weather at present writing is beautifully cool. Get your job work of all kinds printed at the Advocate office. D. D. Cook has moved into the Thayer House, and David Thaytr has moved into his new house on Mill street Dr. Boudwkll is to leave homo to morrow aod will be absent about two weeks. S. A. Rote will be prepared to take photographs, in the best stylo ot the art, in a few weeks. Republicans see that you aro regis tered ou or before the 30th of this mouth. J. II. Wilber is receiviug dnily t. largo supply of cookiug aud eating apples. Jontf Cum.minos is fitting up one part af Walker's new building for an oyster saloon. Mas. At-bkut Willis has gone to Wellsboro, Tioa county, and intends to pass the winter there. Phillip Lksskh is going to put up a new house, on Centre street, between D. S. Luthcr'o and Dan Seribner'.. Have you seenta specimen of those lithographic business cards? The best tiling out. Can bo had at the Advo. CATE office. Call and see specimens. Tni! Alert 15. li. C, of this place, will play a match game with the Sur prise club, of llellen, at Oyster's next Saturday, 23d Inst. Eleven cars of the Express freight, going west, were thrown off the track, near W. II. Osterhout's new tannery, last evening. We can get do farther particulars at present. No one hurt. Our teeth articlo, last week, was in correct so far as relates to C. L. Cody 1 ! 1 . iiaviug leeui arawo. unas. says ins teeth are all sound and that he has no desire to know "how it is himself." Tiierer is a bad place, on De pot street, where the side walk crosses the mi!I-raoe, that needs looking to. The fence has fell into the race, leaving a good place for soma person to walk off some dark nijrlit. Bta Potato. There is on exhibition at the store of Powell & Kiuie, a potato which weighs three and one-half pounds. This potato was raised by John Kime, who confidentially informs us that it was picked out from a number of mall specimens and was the smallest one of the lot. The law making the election of town ship officers come in October, has been repealed. Hereafter, township and borough officers will be elected in Feb ruary," seoond Tuesday. By reference to the phamphlet laws of 1871, page 1366, our readers can satisfy themselves on this point. Godet's Lauy'b Book for October, has put io an appearance. The frontis piece is entitled 'Nuttiog." The fash iens and rcadiug matter are first-class. This magazine Las few equals and no superiors as a lady 'a magazine. Pub lished by L. A. Godey, Philadelphia. Terms $3 joar. l5t,K coooty tia a population, ac cording to the late cenaai, of 8,433. Job Work ot all kinds done at the Advooati office. Tri Brookville Republican places the name of Col. A. I. Wilcox, of Elk county, at the head of its ticket, as can didate for Assembly. The district is composed of Jefferson, Elk and Cam eron counties. A prand rally by the Hcpublicans will elect their candidate. We hope they will-make a big effort to win. Venango Citizen. Tub great cause of so many young people being gray headed is on account of their having used the vile compounds which have flooded the market so long. Nature's Hair Restoiative is a sure remedy for this. Clear as crystal; no poison; perfectly sweet, clean and re liable. All druggists sell it. See ad vertisement. A Great Offer. Peter's Musical Monthly for October is to hand, con taining fifteen beautiful pieces of music, printed from full size music plates. It can be had for thirty cents. Tho Pub lislier also offers to 6end, post-paid, for one dollar, six back numbers, containing from ninety t) one hundred pieces of choice new music, worth at least 830 Send your order to the Publisher, J. L Peters, 599 Broadway, New York. The Young Folk's Rural for Sep tember, published by Mr. Lewis of the Western Rural, is filled brim full of nice things for young people The Col lege World pronounces it "the most en tertnining paper in existence for young people." Cash prizes are offered for best contributions for young .folks. 81.00 per year, and free for remainder of thisyear to new subscribers for 1S72. Specimen numbers free. Address II N. F. Lewis, Publisher, Chicago, 111. From the report of the Bureau of Statistics it that last year petro leum was the fourth article of export from the United Stp.tct-, and exceeded only oy Dreaastuns, cotton ana corn. Tho total value of the petroleum ex ported amounted to Dearly thirty-six millions of dollars. Our grand old Commonwealth is aeaia ahead. Cotton is one ol our national kings, with the South for its kingdom, but Pennsyl vania is the home of tliTee breadstuff, com, and petroleum. Forney's Press. Boprtblfcaa Conform Convention. The Republican Couferee Convention for this district, composed of Cameion, Elk, and Jefferson counties, met at Oyster's Hotel on Wednesday, 13th inst. Delccates present as follows: Cameron J. B. Earl, Aden Ilouslcr, 0. B. Gould. Elk Ed. Souther, E. J. Rnss, J. II. flagerty. After waiting until a late hour for he Jefferson delegates the Convention proi ceded to business. On motion of C. B. Gould, Col. A. I. Wilcox was nominated for the Legislature by accla mation, alter which the Convention ad- ourned. ED. SOUTHER, Pres't. C. B. Gould, Seo'y. New Census and Patent Laws. We are indebted to Munn & Co., pub Ushers of the Scientific American, New York, for a neat little bound vol ume of 120 pages, entitled as above. It contains the complete Census of 1S70, showing the Population, by Counties, of all the States and Territories, with their Areas, aod the population of the Princi- pal Cities. Also, the uew Patent Laws in full, with Forms, Official Rules, Di rections bow to obtain Patents, Copy rights, Regulations for Trade-Marks, Assignments, How to Sell Patents, etc. Also, a large vaiiety of valuable infor mation relating to Water-Wheelt, Steam. Engines, and other mechanism, with tpany usesul tables and recipes, 175 dia grams ol Mechanical Movements, etc. Price, 25 cents. A more valuable com pendium, for so small a price, has rarely been published. Dangerous Counterfeits. Within a week past, says the New York Bulletin, number of exceedingly dangerous counterfeits have made tbeir appearance. How large the number may be cannot be discovered, tor the counterfeit is so nearly faul'less, that it can with the ut most difficulty be distinguished from the genuine. The spurious bill is a twenty dollar greenback, and the only weak po'nts io the execution seems to be the central figure, the engraving ot which is rather coarse. Wben presented in a paokage, however, this figure is not seen in the counting, and the bill is apt to be passed with the others. The other parts of the bill are excellent, and will stand the closest scrutiny; several banks have been deceived with them. and they are indeed the most daogerous counterfeits afloat. Business men would 6o veli to lock cm for tkm. The Game Laws. We believe the following covers tho game laws of this State: All persons are forbidden hunt ing pheasants from the 1st of August to the 20th of December. Squ irrels and rabbits from the 1st of Aogcat to the 1st ot January. All pens, anares or blinds for pheasants and turkeys ate pro hibited. Penalties 15 in eaoh case for the above. It is unlawful at any time to kill a night hawk, wltippoorill, finch, thrush, lark, sparrow, wren, martin, swallow, woodpecker, (which includes tho flicker and ap-uckle,) dove, bobo link, robin, and starling, or any insectiv orous bird, or destroying the nests of any wild birds whatever, under a penalty of $5. Sunday hunting is prohibited under a penalty of 85 to 822, and im prisonment from ten to twenty-five days. It is said that in Mifflin, Juniata and Snyder counties, this State, are large numbers ot a singular sect called Ornish. These people somewhat resemble the Dunkerj in their religious belief; but their customs include many peculiarities cliaiucr.eristio of themselves alone. They exceed the Quakers in their efforts to attain simplicity of dress. The men fasten their attire with hooks aud eyes, and look upou buttons as an abomination in the fight ol the godly. The Ornish girls wear a blue cotton dress, the waist ot which comes just below the armpits, while tbeir heads are covered with close fitting skull caps, which give tbeir faces a ghastly appearance. They have no poor; scoffers say that it is because wheu one of their number becomes poor they turn him out ot the society; but that is a slander, for they are not only thrifty but charitable, never refusing to enter tain a stranger without money and without price. They lorswear all things that pnttuke ot worldly vanity, practice toe right ot baptism, immersion, an celebrate the Last Supper in mutton urotn. Some of the Bostou papers, the Her ald among them, make a good deal of fun over General Butler, who weeps at ttie memory ot his lather in various of his political speeches. The Herald re minds tnein of one of Artetnus Ward'i stories, which was never iu print before Arteiuus had just lost his lather, ami one day, at the store in his native vil lage, he met a veteran dru,nkard, sonic WU years ol age, who had been constant ly "corned" on new rum tor about forty Tears. "Hal, Uhailes, said tho vet eran, "so you ve lost your father? Charles assented. "Wal, continued the veteran, "1 ve neither father nor moth er. "And tho old cuss" Arteruu used to say, "leaned up as;ainst a barre ot number 2 tuarkcral aud wept because ne was un orphan: Cousin Norma is responsible for the followiu coucerninir Jitu Smith and Johnny Green, who after having grand bout one night, concluded to go homo. Arriving at bmith s house which they knew by some peculiarity mat even a urunken mau couldu t mis. lake, tht-y commenced to f hout: "iMi.ssuH bum bic mith! Ho. Mis- sus-niith!" wiri.. .1 . . . iiiiui uo you want, ou drunken brutes!" shouted Mrs. Smith from the window. "Em yourn Miss Mith?" "Yes I am. Who are vou and what aoyou want." . .... ''t.i ycr Missus Sum hie ith. come 'ere and pick out Missur Smith, for Jonnny urcen wants to go-omt. Printing in oolors and bronzo speciality. Give us a call. HOOSS AND EYES. "Mm over bored" an editor. Early pearl A baby's tooth. Why is a corn-field like an army of icon . solders: i5oth bave kernel. What would you give a thirsty bats man? Why a full pitcher. A country editor reports money as close, but uot close enough to be reach ed. A guest at a'Western hotel, findins a hair in tho butter, ordered the waiter to bring him some "bald-headed butter." Josh Billings, says; "I am not afraid to trust a man for a small amount, if be is a good whistler. One hundred and seventy-nine trains, carrying passengers, daily arrive and depart from Chicago, eighty-three of which carry the United states mails. "Salt" is the subject of the sohool boy's composition: "The salt is a spice which spoils the potatoes if you forget to put it on." The boy who wished that he was a fountain that he might always be play ing, didn't reflect that a fountain doseo't play unless it works well. A quarrelsome couple were discussine the subject of epitaphs and tombstones. and the husband said: "My dear, what kind of a stone do you suppose they will give me when I die?" "Brimstone, my love!" was the affectionate reply. An old bachelor recently gave the following toast: ' Woman the morn- ing-star of manhood, acd the evening star of age. Bless our stars, aod may they always be kept at telescopic dis tance! The wife of Nathan Baker, of Nota way county. Mo., having the census of the State near ber heart, has given thereto in fifteen years of wedded bliss no less than 19 children. Ur tbese 13 survive. Mrs. Baker is but lit. A natural son of Aaron Burr, now 7C years of age, is living in Ohio, and rawing a pension as a soldier of the Floridian war. He hates bis father's memory, but epeaks tenderly of his mother, who was a well-known tad beautiful Wasbiogtoa U): There are "278 Maconio kidyes 111 Alabiuia, and 18.720 members of th Maso lio ofiler. There were 880 mitia tions for the yeal ending August 1 1871. A ladv of Mobile is said to .very ill from the.tcffects of poison manifesting itself in sores about the mouth, caused by bitting her thread while working with rreeo sewing silk. A vounir man who has just married little beauty, says she Would have been taller, but that she was made of such precious material tbat naturo couian afford to do it. Squabbles, an old bachelor, shos his stocking which he has just darned, to a maiden lady who contemptuously remarked, "Pretty gooa lor a ma Harner.' Whereupon Squabbles re joins "Yts, good enough for a woman darn her! An Indiana man claims to have sue ceeded io playing a thorough confidence game upon the potato bugs, ue planted a crain of corn in each potato hill, and as the corn came up first, the bugs thought it was a cornfield and slatted for other scenes. A darkey who preferred being killed in a railroad smash-up tnnn in a s'.eam boat explosion, cave his reasons as f ol. lows. If you is run ober by de cars and killed, wy dare you is; out it you is blowed up in de biler whar whar are you? A resident of Lanesboro, Pa., pos sesses a nock ot thirty-nine turkeys, which have formed a limited co-partner ship with crows iu exterminating the grasshoppers. The turkeys and crows meet aud freely mingle, ana seem greatly to enjoy each other s society. A hardworking but poor German farmer, in Livingston county, Missouri whose farm was adverti-e 1 tor sals for debt, in ppico of all his industry and economy, still plowed and toiled, and few days ug-i dug up a box containing 81,700 in gold. Somo julge in s.ime court, held somewheru, had occasion some days ago to say to a n officer; "Tell that man to takeoff his hat." The Wearer of the hat happened to be a lady, aod ber head-dress a "sailor" of the latest style "Why, uncle Johnny, says his friend, "an vou afford to eat shad at 25 cents a pound?" "Mine Gott," said uncle Johnny triumphantly, "I cm put him in to tne ice chest aud keep him till he gets sheaper. Shipmno Taos, with or without strings, at the Advocate office. SHERIFF: are authorized to announce the name ot t; It. SK.VlUM, or St. Mary's., as aii IXuSI'KXDEN'T candidate for Ilia ofiieo of Ilicli Sheriff of Elk Countj . HEW ADVERTISEMENTS ADMINISTRATRIX' K C T I C K. No tice is hereby given that letters of Ad uiiui stratiou on the estate of Daniel Downs. ucc ased. lule of Ridgw.-iy township, Elk Con uty, Pennsylvania, havini been erant- ed t o the undersigned, all persons indebted to ' estate will please make immediate po; meut, aim those huvine claims or de nm nds will present them properly uuthcnii- Civtett tor boh lenient without uelav. JOHANNA DOWNS, Administratrix SepLilst, 1871. ni'Jii. OR SALE. The village piopcrty, formerly owned by u r. v. auiw, a.' Uentrevil e, UK Uo., Pa yj jnsisiing oi a iwo story nouse witu Drug o tore auueneu. f or sale oy DR. J. S. BORDWELL. n20tf. Ridjjwny, Elk Co. Pa. Terms easy, part ciifh and balance on li me. A (rood location for a physician. T D PARSONS, MTnnufaoturer and Dealer in Boots & t: hoes, Main St., opposite Hotel, o?27y W:l30X, Pa. LA3US3AH0NDA RAILROAD. From and Monday, May 29ih 1871. Trains will run on this Road as follows: Leaves Earley 7.10 a. m., arrives at Dag uscahouda Junction 7 45 a. m., con nects with Local east 7. 56 a. m., and Mail west 9.50 a. ni. Leaves Dagusca bond a 10.20 a m., anives at Earley 11 00 a. m. Leaves Euriey 4 00 p. ni., arrives at Dtgu-'cuhonda 4.50 p. m., connecting with' Mail east 5.05 p. m., and Local west 5.21 p. m. In case P. Si E. trains are late, Daguscahonda train ho. da twenty minutes beyond the above t:tno. Tickets should always be procured before leaving stations. (5. R. EAPLEY, Sup't. RILING F IFTY ;H0 dullaIiS EC Worth ef iIu3lo FOR 83. Subscribers to Pi. New School Book by II. S. PtBKtxs. Price $7.50 per doz. tees Ml'sical Mon thly are getting their Music for lees than two cetiti t ritce Those who have nol seen this Musical Magazine should vend 30 cents for a sample copy. The musio is by Hays, Thomas, KlNKKL, PKISLIT, uii.i other popular writers. Two back numbers ontains over two nndr.'d uew and eautiful Songs, Dn ens. etc.. by W ill n. H ats, Wiiirit, homas. etc- Every tl-iing is new, fresh. nd sparkling. Con tents and specimen ages cent free. Sam- Copies mailed free of postage to teachers for 65 cents. Liberal terms for introduc tion. for 40 cents. Four hack numbers for 75 cents. Address, J. L. FITSSS, 959 Eroadway, New Yorl. vlnlhf. SuBscRiiiS for tbe Elk County Ad-T0CAT1. JUaUNQTOIT. Leaving the East and arriving at Chicago or Indianapolis, how shall we res oh the West? The best Line is ac knowledged to be the C, B. & Q , joined together with the B. it M. Railroad by the Iron Utidge at Burlington, and called the Builington Route, The Main line of tne Route rnnning to Omaha, connects with the great Pa cifio Roada, and forms to-day the lead ing route to California. The Middle Branch, ' entering Nebraska at Platts mouth, passes through Lincoln, the State Capital, and will this year be finished to Fort Kearney, forming the shortest route across the Continent by over 100 miles. Another branch of the B. M., di verging at Red Oak, falls into a line running down the Missouri through St Joe to Kansas City, and all Kansas Passcngeis by this route to Kansas, see Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis souri, and, by a slight divergence, can Bee Nebraska also. Lovers of fine views should remem ber the Burlington Route, for its towns "high gleaming from afar" its tree fringed streams its rough bluffs and quarries its corn-oceans stretching over tho prarics further than the eye can reach. Laud-buyers will be sure to remem ber it, for they have friends among the two thousand who have already bought farms from Geo. S. Harris, the Land Commissioner of the B. & M. R. 11. at Burlington, Iowa, or among the four thousand home-steaders and pre-eniptors who lust year filed claims in the Lincoln land office, where "Undo Sam is rich enough to uive us all a farm." $1,000 REWARD ! A reward of One Thousand Dollars will 1 ,nid to any Physician who will produce a m dioine that w.ll supply the wants of ihe people better than the article known as Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Panacea. It must be a better Cathartic, a better Alter ative, a better Sudorific, a better Diuretic, a better Tonic, and in every way better than the l'an-a-ce-a. No uiat'.er how long it has been in use or how lately discovered. Above ail it must not contain anything mot Pl'RELV VEGETABLE . $5.00 REWARD ! ! A reward of Fivo Hundred Dollars will be paid for a medicine that will perma nently care more cases of Costiveness, Constipation, Sick or Nervous Headache, Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, Jaun dice, Rheumatism, Clout, Dyspepsia, Chills and Fever, Tape Worms, Boils. Loins, Side and Head and Female Complaint than dr. MtuRjrasrs BLOOD CLEANSER OU PANACEA, which is use-1 more extensively by practio ing physicians thau any other popular medicine known. For Sale by U. G. MESSENGER and WHIPPLE & HARTLEY, Ridg- way, Pa. ln22yl. JpROPOSED AEiraaSNT TO TH3 CONSTITUTION C? PENNSYLVANIA. JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendmend to. the Constitu tion ot Pennsylvania. Be it Resolved by the Senate and Ilouae ot Repi-tientativtt of the Commonwealth of Venn lulnani't in General Attembli met. That the following amendment of the Constitu tionof Commonwealth be Droposeu to th people for their adoption or rejection, pur auanl to the provisions of the tenth article thereof, to wit: AMENDMENT. Strike out the Sixth Section of the Sixth Article of the Constitution, and insert in lieu thereof the followinc: "A State Treasurer slia.l be chosen by the qualified electors of the State, at such times and for i'len term of service as shall be prescribed by law." JAMES H. WEBB, Speaker of the House of Representatives WILLIAM A. WALLACE, Speaker of the Senate. Approved the fifteenth day of June Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. J.M1. W. UEAltr. Prepared and certified for piblication pursuant to the tenth article of the Cou- suiution. F. JORDAN, Secretary of the Commonw -'th. Office Sec'y of the Commonwetlth , 12t. llarrihburg, July otli, 1871. J 1 - U I F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO THAYER k IIAGERTY Main Street, F.idgw&y, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTION3, ROOTS. SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WAUE, WOOD AND WILLOW.WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGAR8. A Large Stock of Groccrios and Provisions. Tbe BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cbea; as the CHEAPEST. THAYER & IIAGERTY. via. W. S. SERVICE. a XI I ( m I I GO AND SLL! IT WILL PAY! THE LARGEST 8TOCK OF THE LEST OTHER IN STOCK s to rvs nOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLESS ARIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT I GOODS WILL PLEASE! n mm? STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FllEE! FIIEE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! W. S. SERVICE, Ko. 1 Masonio Hall Building. llidgway, Pa. NATURE'S HAIR RESTORATIVE n B Contains no LAG SULPHUE-lTo SUGAE OP LEAD No LITH-ABflE-No NITEATE OP SIL VER, and is entirety free from the Poisonous and Health-dsstroying Drugs used in cthsr Hair Prepara tions, Transparent and clear as crystal, it will not soil the finest fabric perfectly safe, clean and efficient, desideratuuia long sought for and found at last! It restores and prevent the Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a eoft, glossy, ap pearance reinures LUndruff, in cool and refreshing to tbe bead, checks tbe Hair n oui tailing oil, ana restores it to a great cxi cm wueu prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous eruptions, ana unnatural heat. As a dien3iug for the hair it is the beat' article id i ue uiarKet. Ur. M. Smith, Patentee, Ayer, Mass. Prepared only by PROOIKK UROTHBUS Gloucester, Muss The genuine is pui up m .nuci uuiiiw, maue expressly tor it, with the name of the article blown in thJ glass. Ask your Druggist for Nature' llair Keetnraiive, and take no ether. jajrera two tliree cent stamps to Procter, lirothurs for a 'Tre.uite oa the . uman Hair " The information tl con tains is worth f 500,0 J to any person. FOR SALE BV G. G. MESSENGER, DRUGGIST, Main Street, Ridgway, Penu'a. Tlnllyl. Hie imial uiiilfi Coin gv is (lie t ailed Mule. Affording facilities for acquireinc a borough practical business eoWi.iinn povfetxed by no other School in ihecounin Since its incorporation in 1855, nearly SixteeuThousand Students. nnrnai.ii.u. rora every State in the Union titonded here. No vacations. Students enter at anv inie, aud receive private instruotions brougbout the eutire course. N. 15. Ciror'arn with full nartinnl.r. .a ill necessary information, on ... fi fWk SM1TII & COW LEY, Principal . PnTsatrajB, Pa BUSINESS CARDS. 1 rE.N.?r SOUTHER, Attorney-at Law iLv 8l ;.BATfLB' Attorn.y-at-Lair -A 'ugwJ ra. 2 2 tf. J'OHN 0. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg. v way, Elk oounty Pa. mar.22'601 4 8. HTI.L. Pbysiciaa. and Burgeon XV -kersey, WO. Jra. X O. W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT'LAT. In28yl. Bidgway, Elk, County, Pa. JEYNOLOa HOUSE, BEYNOLTSVIX.LS, JEFFESSCH CO, PA. Hi 8, BEINAP, PaorniiTOR . JS. Bordwell, M. D. Eolectio Physicaoi . Office and residence opposite the Jail, on Centre St., llidgway, Pa. Prompt attention will be given to all calls. Office hours: 7 to 8 A. M- i 12 to-2 P. AI. ; and 6 to 7 P.M. Mar. 22, 66 tf. C. H. FULLER, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, Bidowat, Pa. Residence and office opposite tho Thayer House. m S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Office in Walker's Building. Special attention given to Surgery. Olfica hours from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. llesidenu on Main Street, west end. All oalli promptly attended to. Tln2yl. 0. MESSENGER, Diuggist and Parmaceutist, corner Main and Mill streets, Kidgwny, Pa. A fu II assortment of carefully selected For eign anusDomestio Drugs. Prescription carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. ln3y. C1HARLE3 HOLES, J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent- lor tho Howe Sewing Machine, and Murtm Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc, done with, the same accuracy as heretofore. Satis faction guaranteed. vlnly. W. C. HEALY. DEALER IN BUY GOODS, GEOCEBIES, PS0VIS:01T3, PRODUCE, FRUITS, &o. vlnSlf. West End, Ridgway, Pa. HOUSE, KincwAT, Elk Co., Pa. II. SCH RAM, Proprietor. Thnnkful for tho pntronnge heretofore so liberally bestowed upou him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort nn.l convenience of guests, to merit a conlinuunco oi tliu ts nine. Oct SO lSGi). 1rORTOX HOUSi 1U. AI. T ERIE, PA- iluoix. lute vf tkt JJyJe House) 1'ropiiftor. Open Day and Night- DRS. BORLAND & Sr. CLAIR, t-BANKLiM, Ph., Give special atten tion to Chronic diseases, aud those pecu liar to women aud children. Dr. Uorlaud, diagnoses diseses by an e ati.inaiiou ot'tlie urine, and by this Old airmail method has successfully treated il ousauds of cases without sceiug ihem. fiMiE OLD BUCK.TAIL'8 HOTEL, L Kaue, McKcan Co., Pa. R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bjslowed upou him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and convenience of guests, io merit a continuance of the same. The unly stables for horses iu Kaue aud well kept night or day. vlulWyl. HALL & BHO. Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELS COUNTY P2JESYL7A1TIA. u. ttAbU.. JAS. V V HALO TVR. 0. WHIPPLE, Dental Sure-eon Oihce in Walker's Building. All kinds of dentiitry done in the best stylo, and all work warranted. He will visit Kano ou he 1st, 2d, and 8d; Wilcox on tho 10th, 11th, and 12th: St. M iirv'o nn lid 1 .. 22d and 23d of each month. At nil ti, limes he can be found t hia ic.. .- Ridgway. Pa. vln vl. KERSEY HOUSE, ClCNTitKVlLLE, ELK Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, tho new pro prietor, hopes, by paying atrict at tention to the comfort Ld convenience of guests, to merit continuance of tha same. J" H. WILBER, FRUIT DEPOT- Main St. (Holes' New Building), Ridg. way, Pa. Peaches. Apples. Wattermelnn. T:- apples. Cucumbers Tomatoes, and 'a gen eral assortment of fruit Kept 0u hand and received d'tily. viultr. established in isou.J WELCH & GRIFFITHS' Tavs! Saws! Saws! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnuh-' ngs. and Machine. f9Get mo BEST, il,.- :n . l cheapest, ' ' rv" lQ Cifo ija'AJ ,Uee BtUi f0r pl,ce ti"t a WL :il 4 GRIFFITHS. Boetoa, Ai8lf., M Dj.