(Kill ajauntg galiiom. UtNRT A. Tahsoss, Jr., - Editor. THURSDAY, SF.PTEMtiSR 14, 1P71. LSTO2L!:AIIJTAT3 TICSS?. Auditor General: DAVID STANTON, of Reaver Co. Surveyor General: llOBERT B. B3ATII, of Schuylkill. Tim Republican Deiegatca, chosen to Ynrct in Ridgway, July 10th, 1871, will flense meet in tho Court House, nt iUdpwty, THURSDAY, SEPTUM 21st, 1871, Bt 2 o'clock p. m. W.S. HAMHLEN, Chairman County Committee. The Democratic party has no inJsra toity to offer for its past bad acts, and no ecuritj to gie for its future pood con duct. As a corscquencc, tho people do Hot trust it, and therefore it will he de feated at the ballot-box in October. Last year, for the firs time, the Re publican party carried Wyomiujr, elect ing its Delegatj in Congress by a small majority. This week there was an elec tion for members of tho Legislature, aind the indications aro that we carried that body, which last year was unani mously Democratic. There appears to 'be a very ceneral advanco along the wkl. Una ("KnrrPv'R Press, 'ent. 9th. i Elictiom returns from' California, ays the Triluuc, dilfercnt from ordi nary bulletins of victory, grow better as they come. Wc are now assured of the election of all three Congressmen, which is a gain of two; and the Republican nf tbn State is now nut at five j AUtiJu. ..J --- I thousand at least. In ten counties Rooth is reported to have gained lour thousand votes, as compared with the Presidential election in 1 JSC'S. The iotory is undoubtedly complete ami inepiring, and is to bo considered '-thv first gun for 1872." TnE Pittsburg Ccxctfr says, vigorous blows nt the Democracy aro being driven by some of the ablest Republican orators. Tho records of tho two partie; are being scrutinized as they never were before. The battle thw fall will bo one tin finance, taxation nnd indebtedness. Rigid economy is everywhere the rub jf Republicanism, whilst the grossest of oxtravaganae and corruption m.-nk tlx .hteps of Democracy wherever they l.olo the power. Judge us both by oui records, and we will be eati?tied. Ui der Republican rule debts divrease. tuxtition is levelled and economy ir every department is ius'fMcd on; under Democracy, the reverse. The Iii-ercs:e. The Democratic papers are raking groat hue aud cry over too Evans em bezzlement at Ilairisburg. This is done to withdraw attcution from the iiunicuve frauds ol the Tum uiauy ring iu Xew York, where tie 1 tern 01 ratio swindles have amouutcd to nlinobt as mauy millions us thero arc thousands iu the Evans affair. The difference of the two parties is strikingly exhibited iu the course of the party papers respecting these frauos. The Democratic papers have not t word to say against the wholesalo swiu dlers in New York, carried on for i long series of years. They protect and bolster up their thieves, on party grounds. They aro willing that the . people should be fleeced provided the 'money goes tuto the pockets ot JJcuiO' cratio plunderers. The Republican papers denounce fraud and swindling, no matter by whom perpetrated. They make it to be un derstood that a Republican office holder who does wrong can expect do mercy at their hinds. The people can judge from this, which is the safer party to have control of public affairs. Telegraph. It may not be generally known that jthe government pays more to us army pensioners than it does lor the support .of eithor the army or navy. The fol lowing are the figures for the present year: War appropriation, gaO.OOU.UOl'j . naval aDoroprmtion, 2U,0UU.UU0; pen sion appropriation, 834,500,000. Of 'the amount appropriated for pensions, $4,500,000 is lor the Butvivors of ine war ot lolJ. Robert Bonner is said to have 8278, O00 worth of horses in his stable. Mrs. Linoolns health ha3 been failing ever since th death t ber&oo. Tb.6 yield of honey in Minnesota is aid to be be lurger than has been known for many years. Tfc drua nnt follow that a man who bolts his food will have tho lock-jaw. New Hampshire has emancipated women so far. as to give her the privilege cf jpay-ng 1'P-r otcu ;tu':i- iiiui.k yn, New York, has a popula tion of 3!t,oUU. Mi. to i hun a million pounds of willw lenf were nnide nt . frinj:hi lust senpoii, and palmed off n preoti tea. Enston people who nrp m donht as to ihe best "watering p'nor" have got in the habit fit asking the milkmen. China exports ten, rliuWli, mush, ginger, borax, zinc, silks, fai-sin, fili grro wnifc, ivory ware, Jacketed waro and mornico. The New Hampshire compulsory edn entioti law permits lintno instruction to he substituted for '.lie twelve weeks' schooling, , Severe mmmrr droughts in the Miss issippi valley have rendered that river lower than it has been for nmny years before. Cattle now roam where a few iiion'hs ago steamboats went to and Iro. Isinj'ks has been discovered nrar the thrivini; German fctileniew, "Walhala, iu P ekens cmintv R, C, and the mines are being worked with a profit of from four to ten dollais a day per hand. The receipts ol fruit in San Fran cisco iu one day. August 24, were 18,- 000 boxen and "jj.'iil baskets of peaches, 2,000 boxes of plumbs, 2,200 boxes ot Rnrtlctt tind 800 of cooking pears, 1, 700 boxes of apples, 800 boxes of grapes, 50 boxes of figs, and 25 of 1 r.tb npp'i". A UENTd WANTED. We want '"000 active, enterprising. thorough men an t women, to whom we will Jrive constant work ind good pny. Wo pvblNh the BEST BtiOKS.'we ffive our npents the BEST TERMS. Tho best Bell ing Cook now is ! 3 fi t" ff' JlY SIGNuK BLITZ. Describing his wonderful feats and tricks, i with lauichnlilc incidents and adventures. Aircnts are sallinsr fiom 'JO to 4H copies u ib.y. Also, our Sew ramilj Bible, coip tinning Blackwood's Comprehensive Aids to tiie stil ly of the Si-.-i inures, and Nevins' new iiml improved riirtisv.ary of ihe Bible, together with Sixteen fine i-'teel Plate, four Maps in color?, n 1 -JOO superior en gravings on wood; Family Record, Family Album, An., &C. A Complete Prospectus of this Bible and agent, outfit lurnis-licd tree to nil who mean work. Our prn srninriie of NEW BOOKS for the Fall in- : eludes a NEW WORK bvMARK. TWAIN. Successful Agents will receive ti i t choice of territory on MARK. TWAIN'S forthei luing great work. C.rei.lai-!, Torin, c with full informa tion. H-iit free on nmiliciition to DCI l'liail ASH '' E A I', .Publisher. "11 Suns. mi Street, Philadelphia. Tln'.'iiaug'J'liuS. rHE NEW DISCOVERY Xa Chemical and iledical Science, Dr. E. F. GARVIX'S SOLUTION & COMPOUND ELIXIR FIRST AXD OXf.Y SOT.TTTON Tfr mn.ln In .me ruixtnrB nf AII. THK TWKLVK thIuuoId fu-tivu nriuuiiuU Li lh-i wtllkuowa curative nunt, V1SIZ TI5EE TAK, rXEQC.AT.KD !n Cju-hK, Col.'.s, CaUrth, Abtbcii, l!roacbitt?t auU couuniptiuo. CUHES) WITHOUT FAIL A remit Pol I In thrc-a to fix ltonrs; and alM), hr in VlTALtSI.NO. 1'UlUFVlNti i.nd M'l MCLATIXU tffectti ujioa Ihe guueral system, is renuirkjMv etfr'Ai-iou in all DISEASES THE BLOOD, includiuv .Sei-olula nuJ Eruptions of tiicBkln, J-iypffpsia, Diseaja of the Liver and Kidneys, Heart jUiacaje, aud livneiul Ucbiliiy. ONE TRIAL CONVINCES! A '-SO, A Volatile Solution of Tar For rNHAI.ATT.OX, without application of HEAT. A remarkaUy VALUAliLKUimovery, as the whole apparatus ran bscarried in ihe vest pocket, rt-ailv at any time xor the most cliectual uml jU6itively curuuvu use in All Dicascs of the osr, THROAT aud Ll.GS. TUB COMPOUND Tar and Mandrake Pill. for, U30 in conueption with tho El.IXIIt TAIt, in a romhiriHtion of tho TAVO incut vuluabla ALTEHAT1VK Meuicines known in the l'ro feaaion. uud renders thin Vill without exceptioa the vtTT bpst f ver oflureii. The SOLUTION aud COiirOUXD ELIXIB of is without doubt the Bt.t remody known in casts of CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER. It i n Hjpciflc for such disoasei, and should be ktpt in tlie houehnlil of every family, especially during tho) liiouihsiu which CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER aro liable to prevail. A small quantity taken daily will prevent contracting these terrible diseases. Solution and Comnound Elixir, (1.00 per Bottle Volatile Solution for Inhalation, (J.OOper Box Tar and Mandrake Fills, SOcta per box. StndforCircubirof POSITIVE CURES to your Unifgist, or to L. T. HYDE & CO., 80LB PItOPEIETOKS, 110 E. 22d at., A'ew For Sale by Gi G. MESSENGER, Druggist, Kidgway, 1'a. JTOTMCE. In the District Court of the the u'a. ) United Stales for the Western District of I'eun lu the mailer of John Fdrrer & Co. Bankrupts. In Bankruptcy. Western District of Pennsylvania, 83: At Hidsway. Pa., the 4th day of August A. I). 1871. The Undersigned hereby given notice of hid appointment us Assignee of John Jr'ai-rer Co., of St. Mary's, in the county of Lis, ana stare of l'enrsyl vania, within said district, who have been adjudged bankrupts, upon petition of their creditor, by the district eourt of said district. 11. MeO lUfvEIT, Ai'gT, 4s. .t4. 4 n M t u ulLio.n uk Li lu save : t It is one of the most remarkablo facts of tins leiiiarxunlu u in, t i mi i to tunny prKniiH ai I lie victim, of dyapopsiaur In digeslinn. but. it willinp vietiins. Now, we would not be understood to Fny t lint any one rr-pnnls riyppt'pKin wiili-favni-. or feels dispodcil to rank it amonjr llio luxuries of inc. rnr troni it. Those who lmvo m- pHiienep'l iis torments would scout mcli nn idea. All 'Irpait it, nnd would plailly (lis. pense with its unpleai-fltit faniiliiirilies. Mm k Tiiplpy. who was Jolly under all the trying oircuniytnnces in which he wnv placed, never lnvJ nn attack of dyspepsia, or his jolily would have speedily forsaken hilu. Of all the multifarious diseases to which the human system is liublc. there is pprhnps no one so generally prevalent ns dyspepsia. There are dise ises more acute and painful, nnd which more frequently prove fatal, but none the cfleets of which lire so depressing to the mind and so positively lisireHing to Ihe body. If thore is a wretched being in the world it is A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC. V!e have said that dyspepsia is perhaps tlio most universal of human diseases. This is implmtically the case :n the United States. Whether this general prevalence is duo to the character of the food, tho method of its preparation, or the hasty manner in vthioh it is usually swallowed, is not. our province to explain. Tho ureal f"t with which we are called to deal is this: DYSPEPSIA PREVAILS almost uuivci sally. Nearly every oilier person you meet is n victim, an apparently willing one: were this not the case, why so many sufferers, when a certain, speedy nnd sale remedy is within tho easy reach of nil who will avail themselves of it? Hut says n dys peptic: What is this remedy? t ) which we reply: This great nllevator of human sullering is almost as widely known ns the English language. It has alhiycl the agonies of thousands, and is to-day carry comfort and encouragement to thousands of others. This acknowledged panacea is not.e other than Dr. IIOOFI.AND'S GERMAN BITTERS Would you know more of the merits of thiri wonderful prepai alinn than can be h.nnod from the experience of others? Try it yourself, nnd when it. ha failed to fulfil the nsiiiraii' c ot its efficacy given by the proprietor, then nhnmlim faith iu it. LET IT I'.i: ItEinKMHEKED, first of all, that IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTEI'.S is not, a rum beverage. They ore composed wholly of the pure juice or vital principle of roots. This is not a met e unscitioii The cxlracts lrom h ieh they are corn rounded are prepared by one of the nb'est of (.ieriuaii chemists. Their effects can be beneficial only iu all case3 of the billiary MMem. llooll.tui's Oennaii Bitters stand without au ciiual. nctirg jnoniptly mid vigorously upon the liver; they remove it torpidity mi l cause health ful secretion of lule thereby supplying the stomach with Hie lmt indispensable, elements of sound digestion in prcper pro portions. lhev purify tho lilonil, cipmsinir the vital fluid of all hurtful impurities nnd su planting them with the elements of genuine ticalth'.ulncss. ciw, there are certain classes ot per sons to whom extreme liiiters arc not only unpalatable, but who tind it impo-i!lo to alio them wiihout positive discomfort. l or itch Dr. JIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TON It! ins been specially prepared. It is intended for use where a slight -alcoholic stimulant is require 1 iu couuecliou with the well known Tonic properties of the pure Ger man Bitters. IIOOFLAND'S TONIC acts with almost marvelous effect. It not only stimulates ihe rlagiring and wasting energies, but invigorates and permanently tretigthens its action upon Ihe Liver nd .Stomach thorough, perhaps less prompt tiiau the littei-a, when the eame tuiiititj is taken is none the Icms certain Indigestion, Biiliousne's, Physical or Ner yous prostration, yield readily to its po tent iiinuence. It civcs I lie invalid a new ami si longer hold upon life, lemoves le- I'l'eisiun ot spirit, uml inspires cheeriul ness, lin Xlr. lloollaiid's benefactions to the human race are not confined to his celebrated GERMAN BITTERS, or his invaiuable Toxic, lie lias prepared an .ther medicine, which is rapidly winnin; iis way to popular favor because of its in trinsic merits. This i IIOOFLAND'S PODOPHYLLUM PILLS, a perfect substi tute for mercury w ilLout any of mercury evil qualities. These wonderful Pills, which are intend ed to act upon the Liver, aro mainly com posed ot Poclophylun, or the vital priuci pie of the mandrake root. It is the medi cinal virtues of this hcatth-civing plant, in a pcriceMy pure aud highly concentrated form. The Podophyllin nets directly on the Liver, stimulating its functions and causing it to make its billiary secretions iu regular and proper quantities. The inju rious results which invariably follow tho uso ot mercury is entirely avoided by their use. But it is not upon the Liver only that their powers are exerted. Tho extract of Mandrake contained in them is skillfully combined with four other ex tracts, ono of which nets upon the stomach one upon the upper bowels, ono upon the lower boweW, und prevents any gripitig effect, thus producing a pill that influences the entire digestive and ulimen'ary system. in nn equnl and harmonious manner, and its action entirely free from nausea, vomit ing ""ping pains common to ull other purgatives. 1 'usscssing these much desirable qualities the Podophyllin becomes invaluable as a FAMILY MEDICINE. No household should be without them. They are perfectly safe, require but two tor an ordinary dose, are prompt aud effi cient in action, and wheu used in connec tion with Dr. lloolland's German Bitters, or Tonic, may be regarded us certair. spe cifics in all eases of Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, or any of tho disorders to which the system is ordidarly subject. The PODOPHYLLIN PILLS act upon the stomach and bowels, carrying off improper obstructions, while the Bitters or Tonio purity the blood, strengthen and invigorate the frimc, give tone and appe tite to the stomach, and thus build up the invalid anew. Dr. HoofUnd, having provided Internal remedies for disease, has given the world one mainly for external application, in the wonderful preparation known as Da. IIOOFLAND'S UUciEU OIL. This Oil is a sovereign remedy for pains and aches of alt kinds. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Toothache. Chiltlaius, Sprains, Burns, Pain iu the Back and Loius, Ringworms, etc, etc., all yield to its external application. Taken internally, it U a cure fur Heart burns, Kidney Diseases, Sick Headaches, Colio, Dysentery, Ciolera Morbus, Cramps, Pains iu the Siomaoh, Colds, Asthma, etc These remedies will be Bent by express to any looality, upon application to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, at the GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, Ne. C31 ARCH ST.. PHILADELPHIA. J CHA3. M. EVANS, Proprietor, Formerly C. M. JACKiON it CO. T.i; Jit:ni lift irt for t ils by 'Sltrttjg'utt Stortctr$l nixi Hfim.ii vcaiin tttry trttrt, . rluClyl. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Throat and Iiungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whoop lug Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Among tlio great discoveries of modern science, few nro of more real vnluo to mankind than this ef fectual remedy for nil dlsencs of Ihb Throat nnd Lungs. A vast trial of its virtue., throughout this nnd other countries, has shown that it does surely nnd effectually control them. The testimony of our best ritl- rens, of all classes, establishes the fact, that CiiKimr Pkctoual will and does relieve mid euro tho nfllicting disorders of tlie Throat nnd Lungs beyond any other medicine. Tho most dangerous affections of tho Pulmonary Organs yield to its power; and cases of (oil'tnnp tioil, cured by this preparation, nro public ly known, so remarkable as hardly to bo be lieved, wero they not proven beyond dispute. As a remedy it is' adequate, on which the public may rely for full protection. By curing Coughs, the forerunners of more serious disease, it saves unnumbered lives, and an amount ! snllenng not to bo coinnuted. It challemros trial, and con vinces the most sceptical. Every family should keep it on hand as n protection against the early mid unperceived attack, of Pulmonary Affections, which nro cn-ily met nt first, but wiucli become incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected. Ten der lung need tint defence; and it is unwise to be without it. As a safeguurd to children, iitnid tho distressing diseases which besot flic Throat nnd Chet of childhood, CiiKiuiY 1'i.ctohai, is invaluable; lor, by its timely n, multi tudes nro ren ued from premature craves, and saved to the love and affection centred on thi ni. It acts speedily and surely against ordinary cold", securing sound anil health-rctormg sleep. No one will stiller troublesome Influenza nnd pain ful Uronchitis, when they know how easily they can be cured. Originally the product of long, laborious, nnd successful chemical investigation, no cost or toil is spared in makinir every bottle in the utmost fiossible perfection. It may bo confidently re ied upon as possessing all the virtues it has ever exhibited, and capable of producing cures ns memoraoie ns the greatest it lias over eiiecreu. PREPARED ET Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowe!!, Mass., Practical nnd. Analytical Chemists. SOLD BT ALL DUUOGI3T3 EVERYWHERE. i or Snio by U. G. MlWEXfn R, rreggist, Kirlfwav Pa. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAB IIAIIt EENEWEE. Every year 'increases the poi Hi larity of this valuable Hair Prep aration, which is due to merit alone. Wo can assure our ohl patrons that it is kept fully up to its high standard ; and it is the on ly reliable and perfected prepara tion for restoring Gray or Faded Haik to its youthful color, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. Tho scalp, bv its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandrufli and, by its tonic proper ties, prevents the hair from fulling out, as it stimulates and nourishes tho hair-glands. By its use, tho hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a njv growth, except in ' extreme old age. It is the most economical IIaik-Dressing ever used, as it requires fewer applica tions, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., Stato Assayer of Massachu setts, says, "The constituents aro pure, and carefully selected for ex cellent quality; and I consider it the JBest Preparation for its intended purposes." Sold by all Drvgnlata and Dealert in Medicines. Price One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye. FOB THE WHISKERS. As our Kenewer in many cases requires too long a time, find too much care, to restore gray or faded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation, which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL &. CO., NASHUA, N.H. umi, TlIE INGREDIENTS THAT iCOMPOSE KOSADAMi? nro .published on evory package, therc- foro it is not a secret picparation, consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT It is a certain euro for Scrofula, Syphilis in all its forms, ft liciniu tisin, Skin Diseases, Liver Com plaint and all dijcatcs of the Ulood. a ONE E0KL3 C? r.03ADALI3 will do more pood than ton holilcs of the Syrups of Sar.panll.i. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIAN3 have u?ed Rosaduhsin tlioirprnctu-o tor tha past three years ami t.ii i'y endorse it as a reliable Allcralivo and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. l'Unn, of Baltimore. DK.T.J. UOYKl. " I) II. R. M .CAHR. " Dll. V. O. DANNKLI.Y, ' DH. J. S. SPAHK.S,! NlchcIssvUl, Kv. DJl. J. L. McCAUTIIA, Columbia., S C DR. A. 0. NOBLES, F.dgecomb, N. C. used AiiD k:do?.:id by J. B. FRENCH lOr.S, Fall River, Mass. W'. SMITIT, Jaclunn, Mil h. p. A. . Wlihl-.Lj-.it. l.uoa, Oiiio. B. It ALL. Lima. Ohio. CRAVtN ii CO.. (innlonsville, Vl. SA.U'L. G. Alci AULi..N, iUiulrtu boro, Tcii.i. Our space will not allow oi ar.y pr. tended remark iu jciaiuu i i, virtueaol' RuMolalii. 1 wtl.e '' .lik Profession w e guaiui'co a K'.n,a 1 tractanucriorto any they have ev used in tho trea ment cf d.'.'usid Blood ; and to thoaiitirtftl we w..y t: y Rosaiialis, cud )oa will te rtnoiif to health. Rotadallr Is si.ld Yy allDnirlsts priue $1.50 per buf.io. Auuru. r3. CL?:!rr.:n t co :.u;-.;i::i'V r.ruht, Sxl-r.v.i.-, V. PoTtELLfc KIKE. IPoweii & Kline Having erected a large and well arranged new Store House on the old site, since the fire, and filled it from ct Uarlo garret with tho choicest goods of n'l descriptions, that can be found in any market, are fully pre pared to reccivetlielr old customers, nnd supply their wants ul bottom figures WHOLESALE OH RETAIL. Their assortment Is now complete, com- pribiug DHY GOODS, GROCERIK3, CROOKKIIY, II A RD WARE, CLOTHING, BOOTS AN'D SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, etc., etc. PORK, FLOUR, SALT, Feed, Houns, Butter DRIED.APPLKS,' DIUED PEACin:S, Canned Goods, Iu short evcrytU'tij w Rted In the Country by LUJ.BEr.MEJT, FARMER3, ME CHANICS, MINEltS, TAX- XLRS, LABOHING.MEN, EVERYBODY ! Also full atook of Manilla: wo:pe of the best wanufaoture, or auitabl 'eiita 1 for rafting and running purposes, , IUdgvrsy, Pt., Mareli ad, 1871 Hfi SLVGER Zuanufacttcrhg Company, AT THE WORLD'S JtAJIl, Constituted by the homes of the people Received the Great Award of the HIGHEST SALES ! And hove loft all rivals far behind them, for they SOLD 1.V1S10 Ouo Hundred and Twnnty-scvrn Thousand, Kipht Iluudred and Thirty-three Machines! be in fr more than forty tlmtimimi in advance of clliir sales ot ihe previovs year, and nrtr forty-four thousand more than the fates of any othrr Company for 1870, ns tihown by the following figures from bwoiu re turns of ill a sale of Licensees. The ijinger Manufnctur. mg Couip.iny Holdover the rloreuce bewinir Mnchiue Co. 101,173 Maohiucs. Sold owr the Wilcox & Gibbs S. M. Co.. 08,043 do do do do do Sold over the Weed Sew- ire Machine Co., 'J2.8C1 tiold over the Grover & linker S. M. Co.. 70,481 eold over the Howe Ma chine Co.. C2.C77 Sold over i lie Wheeler & Wilson Man'fc Co., 44,024 i all of which is mainly owing to the ppu- iar.lv or whnt is known ns the ".i t I FAMILY SKVYIXQ MAC-MINK," which is now taut find in a its way into cveiy well regulated household. For Circulars giving full particulars of Machines, their Folding discs ol ninny variei les ot wood and finish, their Attachments for numerous kinds of woi'U. which, till recently, it was thought that delicate fingers alone could perform, i ns well as pniticilars about all articles used by their Machines, such as Twitt, l.inen Thread. Spool Cotton, Oil. &c. &c, apply to any of their authorized Agents, or to THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 4M Broadway, New York. Philadelphia Office 1100 Chentnut St. CUMMINGS, Ascot, Riiigwav Pa. vlnl0julyl3m7. STEltEOSCOPIS. VIEWS, ALUUM8, CI1KOMOS, THAMES. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO. o'Jl UKOADWAV, NEW YOK li, Invito the attention of tho Trade to their eximirive usHorltneut of the hhove noo Js, of their okh publication, ana tmj'ortalivn Altio, I'llOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GllAPUOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OT YOSEJJITE. E. i II. T. ANTHONY & CO.. C'Jl liroadway, New York, Opposilo Metropolitan Hotel, Importers and Manufacturers of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. vlo.'yl. NKW LIVKKY STABLE in BSD DAN SCRUJNER WISHES TO IX- forra the Cittzeus of Ilidgway, aud tho public gccerally, that he has btarteda Liv ery Stable und will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES j and lSuggies, to let upomho most rcasouu hie terms. BUe will also do job leaning. Stable in tho Brooks Earn, near the Post Office, oa Mill street. AU orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. X Li Revolvers! The New X L Revolvers. No. 1 22-100 Cttl., No. 2 82-100 Cel.. short. No. 3 02 J,00 Cad-long, No. 4 38-100 Co.!., for Pocket Revolvers, are unturnaiied. They use the ordinary Cjpper Catridge and are beautiful 10 shape acd nmsli. THE R ALL All D DERRINGER, 41-100 CaL, has no equal as a Derringer, Full and complete stock of Guns, Rifles, l'iatols, Ammunition and o . ., Manufactured by 83 Chambers and G5 Reade Streets, Fend for Catalogue!. NEW YORK. Tlnl8wl0. . CQAULEi A. DA:;a, Editor. A New spnperof the Present Times. Intended for Fcoplo Now oo t'.urtb. Including Farmc.s. Mechanics. McrrhinU, Tro (enaionnl Men, Wolkera, T.'ilnkcni, and all Mm,, nor of Uontxl Fo'ikt, and tha iVIvu?, Eons, ui Dauthtor of all inert. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR I ONE HUNDRED. COPIES FOX 930. Or le? tiinn Ono Cont a Copy. Let there bo a 930 Clab acyjry l'oat Ofllse. SEMI-WEEKLY STJX, fa TEAR, of fan snma alio na general charactor at TIIR WEEKI.r, but with a Rroater variety of ln!spol!anoons rcadinz, and Ounluhlnjc t!io nnw, to Iti anoaurlboiB with non.vr frusliacsj. buo,iu;i It cornea twice a week instead of ojcd ojiy. THE DAILY SUN, 90 A Y2AU.. A re?mlnnt!r s'taWo newapier. wttli tie IrtrifB' circuiHtlnii in tho worm. m," .. no'Klent, nvtl liatlo-a tn no liles. A I rho ntwn f,-n:n cvi-rywii.iru. .Ttv i cen.J a Copy ; l(y muil. 50 ccjii uioi.tli. orf,!i iijmr. TERMS TO CLUBS. TRE DOLLAR. WEEKLY WTJX. Tivc coplos. one year, seuarutelv rrTrf.;I. Fohf Dollnrs. Ton rortCH, one ver. sernratoiv a-t'Irr-wca (a. it aa exiiacoii to the fetter u,i "I "liiu . Elclit Dollnn. rwentv conte. ono ysar, en-.rifel? aildrc-suj t .d uj extra eu7 w tiiaii otter nn of emu.. FifC'icu iioliut'K Flftr copl-. one enr, toeno nlcirnas (.mil tl. j tj-'iiil- Aock y ouo ye.ir to cctli'r un of oluhi. Tblrtr-rlirc.i Dollars. Fif"? cop'c?, nun vnr. -ep?tntelT ondrrcii (n-il toe Stuil-Vvcoklj oucyci--.. xoinr m- . i ni'.i, Tiiirty.Qvo Diillurn. ftiadreit en- lis, on vn.-.-, r-i fan rd'trex i h JJally for onu ycur ru it, a, tf,." f ,' ";" . , litfy lllur:.. r . 1 "! Ulu U"ny 'otor.o year ,) , r;.r oixi7 Coltare. TKE tT.MI.WEEKLT XIJX. . Five ror.i", or.c. ycur, acmrn;..l . irt.i,.. p, - , fii!H Uottnr. lea coripB, one vor rcrarnielv u inrcis d. uni ua cxlni coiiy to teitrr n;i . r , 1 , .v ""U ixtccn Dollur.i. rrD YOUft EIOSSY v ' or-ier.oSv.:a, or diaft' In Jctlcr tur.tdilui; ,i tinot. int'iirecUtvr -Vi1:-l'sj I. .v. e;:ct, v-i, r-;,-). tan office, .vow VcrU City. ! RAIlItOArS- . PIULAIELIHIA & ERIE KAILE0AD SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and afier MONDAY, ;AUO. 7lh. 1S71, the trains on the Philadelphia Si Erie Railroad will run as follows: wi:sTWAiu. Muil Train leaves Philadelphia.. 7.10 p.m. " " " Ridjiwny lO.M.i a. in. " " arrive tit liiie :J.:M p. n,, Erie Exp leaves Ph;iadi'lpliia...lJ p. m itiiijrivny " " arrive at Eiie Accomodation, leaves llenova. . " ' idKway,. " air at Kni.e.... ll.tSTWAHK. .7 !(! rt. ..7.1) ii. -V-1U p. ..S.W p. Mall Train leaves Eric ll.-ltl a. m. ltidjfwa.v 4.;-.-l p. m. " " arrive at Philud'u... 7.;!ll a. m. ..-r... i -, ..... trie x-xprees leaves 1.11c it.till p. m. ' " " rulgwuy... J.ii a. in. " " r.r'nt Philnuelphia.. ;;.()() p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane 5.10 . m. " Ridgwny... ".--I n. in. " nrr ntSl. Marys X.:!0 am. ' leaves St. Marys 10.;!0 a in. " fm r r.l Renuvo (i.Jitp. m. Mnil EiiKt connects east nnd welt nt Erie with L S & M : It W aud nt t'orry and lrviuctou with Oil Creek nnd Allt'nlieuv I' ll W. Mnil West Willi west bound trains on E S '& M S It V.' uml at Corry and li'vinetoa with Oil Creel; and Allegner.y R R V. Warren AcxiniiiodiUioii eusi and west, with ii-ains on L S und M S 11 east' and west and at Corry with O O and A li R V. Ktiu Accuiniiioilatinn East nt t'orry and lrvini'toii with t) O mid A R R W. Eliuira Mail mid i'.iitl'iilo Kxpros inak. eli te coiiiicciion ul Williiunsport with N O R W trains noiih and souih. Caiuwin-a ptHisenp-r ivaiua will Icrurt cast l'roui Wiliiiiiiisport on Elmira .Mail. WM. A. EALIJU'lN. Uen'l Sup't. NKW TIME TAULU. Commencing June Cth. lb'71. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. THE BEST ROUTE EETWEEN P1TT3 EUltfiH AND POINTS ON 'THE PiilL'A. & ERIE R. R. UOINO SOUTH. I'ny Express leaves Oil City ul 2 10pm Arrives al Pittsburgh 7 55 j, m Night Express leaves Oil City 9 45 p 111 Arrives at Pittsburgh G 40 a ni Muil leaves Oil City 0 45 a m Arrives al Pittsburgh 6 CO p m liOINO NORTH. Puy Express leaves Pi.tsburg at 8 3-j n nt Arrives al un t;ity al 3 jj u m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 10 10 p m Arrives at uu v.ny 5 jjj a m Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 12 'M n nt Aarrives at Oil City 7 43 p m Close Connect lous made at Con v fur Pittsburgh with trains East und West on P. & E. R. R. Pullman Pallace Drawing Room Sleep. tug tars on Mglil i.xprets Trains betweou Corry and Pittsburgh. Ask Jor lickets via Allegheny Vullcv R. R. JJ. LAWRENCE. Gen. Sunt. rATER'TOR THE 1'EOi'LE. T3SS C-L02S. ESTAliLIlsHEl) 1808. ' Au Independent Evening Journal. Served by Carrier at leu Cents per week. Ask your newsdealer fur it. THE GLOBE, as the only I.tDgPENnrue alibi noon journal, reaching a popula tion in New York aud vicinity of over Tun Kg Millions, is rap. idly gaining the position, of the great leading . evening pAiper of th Metropolis. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM, WITH ITS LuW KATRS. IT N nvcro " ITS LOW RATES, IT 13 UNSCR- 1 A:stl), TERMS OK THE GLOBE. Subscription. By Mail, One Month, 50o.; Three. Months, 1 00; Six Months, S3; On year, $5, Advertising. JJ Per line, nonpariel measurement n-.i:. dary, 10o.; Special Notiuet, 20o.: Reading an fublio Notioes, BOc.j Business Noiiees 60o. Address ' THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, Printing House Square; H w York