The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 07, 1871, Image 3
(6 Hi mmiij galtwatc THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER.7, 1871. r.atea cf Advertising. One column, one year ?7-r 00 " " 40 00 i " " 2r. 00 i " " (' lr.oo Transient advertising per, square of efr i linf or less 3 timrs or loss 2 00 Business curds, ten lines or less, per year,. fi 00 Marriages and Death notices inserted ,'Rrati. rEUt Loags, A. T. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will he held at. tlieir hall on lhs second and fourth Jesdnys of earh month. 0. L. McCRACKEN, Seo'y. Temple of Honor and Temnerancs. TWtlnn Tomple No. 81. mret on ear-h mttprnat e Thursdav. nt C'ir T.oclje' Room,, on Main sireot, oor J. V. HnnVs stor. II. A. TAHSOSS, tV. R. Car Time at nitlfficay. Erie Express Fast 1:41V m. do do West 2:( a. m. do Mail Eat P- m- dn Hi Wfl 10; 05 n. m. Local Freight Bust 7:2(1 m Hn do TTt r):ro-p m. Anxious Candidates Tor office. TrrR weather litis been changeable for the past week. Elkton T. of TI. will meet at their loci He room this everin s- An nnnnal amount of sickness Is re ported in this vicinity. Tt. P. Thati his moved from Mill street to V. F. Ely's house on Court Street. Fori hill heads,, statements, letter hen'ls, nnrl business cards, go to the Ad vocate office'. Jas. TI. ITaorhty has srrme east to purchase a fall and winter stock of poods. G. L. McHracken lias moved from Centre street to the residence of M. L, Ross on Main street. VisiTiNfi Cards printed at the Ar- TocvTE offhe nt 8100 for 50. Call and see specimens. TInw many doss are there in Ridsr wav that are wnrt'i kferinr for "fheir scrviees or worth killing for their hides? rlAVTNft just, received a lot, of new tvro wo nre prepared to do job work in n uoat manner, and nt low prices. Trrn ConiTi'siinnTs of Elk county will niet tit their tiffico in Ridgway on Friday, Sept. 15th, IS71. C. II. McDATTLEY, Clerk. . (1st Rroistehkm. Tt is the dulv ot every voter to seo that he is regis tered so that he difficulty in jetting in his vote at the next elec t'on. A OAMR of hie ball played last Sat urdav, between the Lone Star .Trs., of Ft. Mary's, and the Unkmwn .Trs., of Centrcville. resulted in the defeat of the later. Score, Lone Star Jrs., 64; Unknown Jrs., 20. Antrum 8 home magazine. inis tnagazioo wo find on our table for Sep tember. The frontispiece is entitled "Summer Evenm?," followed by a double page engraving, entitled 'Spring, Summer, and Autumn." Fashions and Stories go to make this a complete number. Terras 82 a year, Published by T. S. Arthur, Philadel phia, Pa. TnE public debt statement of the 1st of September shows a reduction of the National debt during; the month of 89, 200,270.50, or at the rate ot over $100,- 000,000 per annum. Sinoe the 1st of March, 1809, bonds have been pur . chased and canceled by the Treasury Department to the amount of 8219, 375,200, at a net cost estimated in gold of 8204,072,056. The revised and final tables of the census returns the population of the whole country at 3S,555,9S3. The G:J3 and 38.532,852, with other inter mediate diffdrcnoes. The larger esti-maU-irmes nearer to the results of the revision- Pennsylvania gains 10,248, "bcinij accredited now with 3,521,791 against 3,511,543 in the earlier reports. New York gains 11,913; Ohio, 2,579; New Jersey, 8,1 10; Delaware 10 probably by births; Maryland, 1,138. In the South the district loses 34; Alabama, 4,000; Florida, 11,017; Georgia, 4,748; Missouri, 807; Miss issippi, 31,780; Noith Carolina, 2,874; South Carolina, 29,394, and Texas 60, 421, On the other hand, Kentucky makes a gain of 13,883; Louisiana, 'J.S89. Tennessee, 21,108. The re sult, speaking generally, eubstracts from the South and adds to the North, while reapportioning the Northern increment. Sta(e Journal. MASHED. Noon TIckkk. On Tuesday. Pep. 6th, 1871. at St. Mary's Church, St. Mary s, Elk Co., Pa., by the Rev. Father Paioa, Mr. Thomas Noon to Miss Maoqii Bum, both of Ridgway, Pa. TfiAT pepper aneVsalt color which renders your hair m oonsp(evo9. can Mil b remedied bf using bottle or twof Nature'! Hair Restorative. 2t. , i GlNDCcroR Ed..Satrr, of the P. k E. R. R. met with an accident last week, which resulted in a broken collar bone. He is getting along finely, how ever, hopes soon to to on duty again. Etie Oaictte. Brought IIomk. Mr. James Shafer, Jr., of Sinncmahoning, who was severely injured in the raih-oad ae cident near Westport, was brought home on Saturday last in a special car sent up for that purpose. He is getting bet ter, snd we are pleased to bo able to in form our readers that there is now no doubt ot his recovery. Cameron Het aid. The New Tannery at Stermno. We are informed that Messrs. Grant, Clark & Co., are pushing forward the work on their Tannery, at Sterling, as fast as possible, and they will probably have it completed and in working order by the first of December next. Tt will require five thousand cords of hemlock bark each year to keep it running, which, we believe, is about the amount required at the tanucry here. Cameron Herald. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Ridgway post office up to Sept. 1st, 1871: fbcry. Alfred Johnson. K. V. Benedict, John JCrise, Miss Mary Hrostrone, C. Knlberg. Anna Briggs, C. O. ..Tlclnemey, John Blomgren, C. J. Moran, Patriok Blanchard, William Mcmberp, Charles Burt, Thomas Miller, Mrs. Hair, 8. A. MoPhersoti, Alex Carroll Catherine McCarty, James Comans, John Mountain, James Collins. Clmrles 'au'ey, Mrs. Mary Crnll, Anna Shaffer, .T. F. Cnr.ron, Eugene Slulton. David F. Carlberg, Anna Silvis, Hanvlton Cwh, A. G. M. Nperry, L. L. F brnian. Halph Selnnd, Joseph Farley, Frinris Seymour, John Cowen, Geo. A. Slnwon, Miss Olive Oillouly. James Silk, Mrs. Mary Green, John C. Stickles. Geo. M. Mays, Win, W. Scott. Mis Kate Naveland, Charles TVank. Sigourncy,2 Mnyn, Majrgy fl'heelcr, Edward Holmes, Mary Washington. John Johnson, T. Witter, A. F. 2 If not ealled fiir in thirty days they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. JAS. H. HAGERTV, P. M. How to C(kik Green Corn. Com should be allowed to boil in clear soft water, and by itself alone. Not in salt water, for the salt hardens the corn; and not, on any account, boil the cars ot eorn with potatoes, ns so many do, for this greatly injures the taste and goodness ot the corn, and also hardens it. It is well known that the skin of the potato holds a poison which is freely nivcn to watr, rendering it unfit that corn should fco boiled in it. Perhaps you will think this unimportant and unnecessary, but I have eaten in hun dreds of families where corn was cooked in no other way except with the pota toes, and very much impaired in quality and wholcsomeness. All people would undoubtedly prefei a fine head of hair grown upon their own heads, to being bald, or wear ing false hair; and it has been the study of many of our learned men to find a remedy to restore the hair when it has (alien out,' and renew its color after it has become gray. Such a remedy has been found, and is now off ered to the world under the name of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Kenewer; and, to verify this statement, read the following: This is to certify that I was very bald; in fact, my head was perfectly smooth; and it is common in my family to grow bald early in life. I have now used four bottles of Hall's Vegetable Sieillian Hair Renewer; and the hair has grown out all over my head, and is now a natural brown. BARTLEY CONLON. Seipio, Ind., May 28, 1868. Personally appeared before uie Bart- ley Conlon, and, upon oath, says the abo"e statement is true. L G. BOTLEtt, Notary Public. Some forty years ago, when man's re spectability depended upon his taking a newspaper, a shrewd individual was one morning enjoying the luxury of perus ing hid paper although he labored un der the disadvantage of not knowing single letter of the alphabet when a more knowing neighbor of bis coming along and happening in, perhaps to bor row his paper, observed to him that he had his paper wrong end up. Tbe old gentleman, drawing himself up in the pomposity of affronted dignity, ex claimed. "I would have you to know, 6ir, that I take a paper and pay for it, and have a right to read it which end up I please. About 200 men met in Boston a few days ago, and organixed the American Union Kelorai party. They declare for the thorough maintenance of civil and religious liberty, opposo the union ot Church and btate and all class legisla tion, and earnestly advocato re lor in. They invite the friendly co-operation of the National Reform party, recently organized in Baltimore, and request tha,t it plunge its name lo the uame thvj have adopted. Among thi Indians. Lieut. Hern don tells us that no tribes of aborigin cesare found in 'the deepost forests of South America, from the Andos to the Atlantic coast, that do not have and nse Doct Ayer's medicines and Lowell cot tons. "Tremont," "Suffolk," 'BooU," are seen stamped in large red and blue letters upon their garments, while Ayer'a Pills and Cherry Peetoiat are among the treasures of their habitations. Their native soil furnishes them all their food and most of their remedies, but they euffer from some afflictions which must have the interposition of higher skill. Sentinal, Liberty, Va. 1 A Coouso Drink. Mix half a tea-spoonful of powdered ginger, or a tea-spoonful of ginger, in a tumbler of water, and add a tea-spoonful of mo lasses. This will be found palatable, will quench the thirst, and will prevent tho ill effects which often follow an ovetdose of ice-wnter and cooling draughts. In the West Indies ginger is considered one of the best preventi ves for the summer complaints of the tropics, and we will add will be relished by moft persons .everywhere in warm weather. A Monstrous Wistakb. "Chronic Dyspepsia can't be cured," say the Doo tors. Heaven forgive them! Can't be eurcd! Why Hoofland's German Bit ters and Hoofland's Tonic have cured five thousand dyspeptics within tho last year! No man or woman affected with indisposition ever tried these matchless vegetable stomachics without experienc ing immediate relief. In acute Dys pepsia, the Bitters (which contain no alcohol) remove every symptom, and effect a perfect and permanent renova tion of the digestive functions in a week or ten days, and in chronic cases, the Tonio (which is also a diffusive stimu lant) acts with almost electric rapidity upon tho torpid stomach, restoring at once its gastric vigor, ncd the appetite of the invalid. Depot, No. 031 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by all Druggits. H00E3 AND EYJ23. There are 30,045 podt-officcs in the United States. Tho New Departure is called the New Fracturo of the Democracy. The chestnut crop looks promising this year. Theto are ten dogs to one voter in Houston, Texas. Pennsylvania has a population o'f 3,502,311. Stagnation A nation inhabited mostly by men. Borrowed accents. When music lends its charms. This year's grape crop is voiy large and fine. There are five thousand miles of railway in India. A couple were married down in Maine lust week whose ages were 78 and 80 years. An exchange tells of a man who puts 812 a year into the church cootribuiion box and $27.43 into his tobacco box. The vote at the late Kentucky elec tion was 215,820, the largest, it is be lieved, ever cast in the State. Philadelphia city has a population of 674,022, being tho second city in the Union. The loss by the great fire in Williams port is placed by the best informed busi ness men of that city at 300,000. Mother Winslow, of Canton, Me , aged 105 years, is claimed as the oldest Methodist in the oountry, it not in the world. Tho corn crop is so promising in Northwest Missouri that farmers are selling at from ten to fifteen cents per bushel in tbe held. Missouri has a population of 1,719, 973. St. Louis has 10,864, making her tbe fourth city in the Union in point of population. A figuring fellow computes that tho bands of magaiine readers in this country travel twelve thousand miles a year in cutting the leaves. The Union county farmer who was lost for twenty-four hours in his corn field, is pronounced convalescent. Corn juice had something to do, no doubt, with his loss in a corn field. Thero is a Walnut tree in Addison, Vt., five feet ten inches in circumfer ence, one hundied aud twenty feet high, and it is sixty feet to tho first limb. Poultices of tea-leaves, moistened in hot water are preferable to all other remedies in tho first stages of burns and scalds. Or take raw onions, pound or mash fine as possible, and apply at once; it will give immediate relief. Lightning struck a house in Centre ville, Iowa, a few evenings since, melted the hands and pendulum of a clock on the mantle, jumped over the heads of two ladies in the room, and disappeared iu the cellar. A list ot fifty words to be spelled was given out at the Orange county, N. Y., Teachers' association the other day, and the word "cahcinnation" was spelt no less than fifteen ways by tbe assembled teaobers. In response to an inquiry of a scien tific publication whence come fleas? a western journal says it does not care a nickle. but would like tc know where in thundet tbey go to when you go for them. A confidential circular from the "Southern association" has been issued in New York with an accompanying pamphlet, affirming that the "lo3t cause" is not lost, and proposing meas ures for a peaceable dissolution of the Union by creating a secesiion party in the North, making the vote of the South solid, and suliU'.i .-s . T"? ion to ballot. , Tho alarming increase of the dis orderly elemont in the rising generation may well excito tho attention of thoughtful persons. The New York Mail thinks the po litical evil of tho present day is that ''every roan is for himself, and tho scalawags do the office holding. An Irishman leaning against a lamp post as a funeral procession I passing by, was asked who was dead. "I can't exactly say sit, but presume it i the gentleman in tho ooffio." One fruit-packing establishment in Baltimore now employs 800 persons, and puts up 800 cases of canued pcaohes, and 200 cases of tomatoes daily. The Srn Francisco Call says that three hundred and fifty persons in that city possess property ot the aggregate value of 8190.000.000. or nearly two thirds of all the wealth of the place, which is estimated at 8300,000,000. The army worms commenced opera tions on Aug. 21st, in the vicinity of Selim. Ala., and are now committing fearful ravages. The cotton crop will be materially ehortoned. Although the area of tho State of New Jersey is about 200 square miles less than that of Massachusetts, it has 240,000 acres more of improved land. The cash value of the farms is more than double that of those in Massachu setts. Tho Post-office Department has es tablished 2.407 new offices and dis continued 834 offices, making a net in crease in number of o Dices created dur ing the year, 1,555. On the 30th of June last there wore 30,045 offices in the United States. The number of cases acted upon' by the Department, involvingessablishments, discontiuances, changes of name and site, resignations, removals, and deaths, was 9,416, or 140 per day. SHERIFF: WE are authorized to announce the name of C. R. SEXTON, of St. Mary's, as an INDEPENDENT candidate for the office of High Sheriff of Elk County. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS E OR SALE. The villnee moportv. formerly owned bv Dr. W. Shaw, at C'entreville, Elk Co., Pa. Consisting of a two story house with Drug Store attached. For sale by DR. J. S. EORDWEIiti, n20tf. Ridgway, Elk Co. Va. Terms easy, part cash and balauce on time. A good location for a physician. ESTIilY JfOTIVE. Strayed from the subscriber in Jay twp., Elk county Pa., about the 10th of July last. Oue light red, 6 year old stag, blind in one eye, formerly owned by George Nulf. Also one large, red, yearling, with a cross, cut in the hair, on right hip. Any one returning, or giving informa tion, of said cattle will be paid for all trouble. L. N. BBIGGS. Caledonia, Pa., Aug. 21st 1871. 25l3. NOTICE. Whereas my daughter JU. LAMA BURLINGAME was taken lroni her home in the year 1862, notice be ing given at the tiaie, and, whereas, she has since been taken out of this State so that I do not know where 6he is. Now, this is to again notify all persons against harboring or trusting jier on my account, and to request her lo return to her home and her allegiance and escape the extreme liability of being cut off or disinherited from any part, or parcel of property or in come, possessed by me. ERASTUS BURLINGAME. Wilcox, August 18th, 1871. n25t3. s ALE IN BANKRUPTCY'! In RCGOrdAnnA with nn not tf Pntim.... approved the 2d day of March, A. D. 1867, entitled "An act to estublish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States," the Undersigned, assignee of the estate of John Farrer & Co., bank rupts, will expose to publio sale on FRIDAY, SEPT. 8th 1871, At one o'clock F. M., at the store lately occupied by said bankrupts, in the borough of St. Mary's, Elk county, Pa., their en tire stook of Goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Hardware, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Oils, &o., &c, &o. O. H. McCAULET, Assignee. St. Mary's, Pa., Aug. 23d, 1871. 25t3. DACrUSCAHONDA . EA1L30AD. From and after Monday, May 29th 1871. Trains, will run on this Pkoad as follows: Leaves Earley 7.10 a. m., arrives at Daguscahonda Junction 7.45 a. m., con nects with Local east 7.56 a. m., and Mail west 9.50 a. m. Leaves Dagusca honda 10.20 a. m., anives at Earley 11.00 a. m. Leaves Earley 4.00 p. ni., arrives at Daguscahonda 4.50 p. m., connecting with Mail east 5.05 p. in., and Local west 5.21 p. m. In case P. & E. trains are late, Daguscahonda train holds twenty minutes beyond the above time. Tickets should always be procured before leaving stations. C. R. EARLEY, Sup't. s ONG JIFTY dollaRS HO EC Worth of Uusis FOR 83. Subscribers to Pi- A New School Book, by H. 8. Perkins, Price $7.50 per doi. Contains over two hundred- new and beautiful Songs, Du ets, etc. by Will 8. Hats, Viiitib, Thomas, etc. Every thing is new, fresh, tees Music m. Mon thly are getting their Musie for less than two cent! a circa Those who have not seen this Musical Magazine should send 30 cents for a sample oopy. lue mueio is by Hats, Thomas, KlNKSL, PsaSLKY, and other popular writers. Two back numbers for 40 cents. Four hack numbers for 75 and sparkling. Con tents and apeoimen pages sent free. Sam copies mailed free of postage to teaohers for Go ceuts. Liberal terms for introduc tion. ceuta. Address, , , ? PSTE3S. 959 Eroaiway, Hew Yori. ETOLINSTOH. Leaving the Ea3t and arriving at Chicago or Indianapolis, how shall we reach the West? Tho best Lino is ac knowledged to be the C, li. & Q., joined together with the B. & M. Railroad by the Iron Bridge at Burlington, and called the Burlington Route, The Main line of tho Routo running to Omaha, connects with the great Pa cifio Roads, and forms to-day tho lead ing rouie to California. The Middle Branch, entering Nebraska at Platts mouth, passes through Lincoln, the State Capital, and will this year be finished to Fort Kearney, forming tho shortest route across the Continent by over 100 miles. Another branch of the B. M., di verging at Red Oak, falls into a line running down the Missouri through St Joe to Kansas City, and all Kansas. Passcngois by this route to Kansas, see Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis souri, and, by a slight divergence, can see Nebraska also. Lovers of fine views should remem ber the Burlington Route, for its towns "high-gleaming from afar" its tree fringed streams its rough bluffs and quarries its corn-oceans stretching over the prarics further than the eyo can reach. Land-buyers will be sure to remem ber it, for they have friends among the two thousand who have already bought farms Irom Geo. S. Harris, the Land Commissioner of the B. & M. R. R. at Burlington, Iowa, or among the four thousand home-steadcrs and pre-emptors who last year filed claims in the Lincoln land office, where "Unole Sam is rich enough to give us all a farm." $1,000, REWARD I A reward of One Thousand Dollars will b paid to any Physician who will produce a medicine that will supply the wants of the people better than tho article known as on. FannjrEYs Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Panacea. It must be a belter Cathartic a better Alter-' ative, a better Sudorific, a better Diuretic, a better Tonic, and in evory way better than the Pan-a-ce-a. No matter how long it has been in nse or how lately discovered. Above all it must not contain anything not PDBKLT VEGETABLE. $5.00 REWARD ! ! A reward of Five Hundred Dollars will be paid for a medicine that will perma nently cure more casos of Costivencss, Constipation, Sick or Nervous Headache, Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, Jaun dice, Rheumatism, Gout, Dyspepsia, Chills and Fever, Tape Worms, Boils, Loins, Sido and Head and Female Complaint than nn. iuiiijrEs BLOOD CLEANSER OR PANACEA, which is used more extensively by practio ing physicians than any other popular medicine known. For Sale by G. G. MESSENGER and WHIPPLE & HARTLEY, Ridg way, Pa. vln22yl. -pROPOSED AlEOTUENT TO TE3 CONSTITUTION OF PENNSYLVANIA, JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendmend to the Constitu tion of Pennsylvania. Be it Retolvcd by the Senate and Ilouse ot Representative! of the Commonwealth of renn tylvania in General Attembly met. That the following amendment of the Constitu tion of Commonwealth be proposed to the people for their adoption or rejeotion, pur suant to the provisions of the tenth article thereof, to wit: AMENDMENT. Strike out the Sixth Seotion of the Sixth Article of the Constitution, and insert in lieu thereof the following: "A Slaie Treasurer shall be chosen by tbe qualified electors of the State, at such times and for such term of service as shall be prescribed by law." JAMES n. WEBB, Speaker of the House of Representatives. WILLIAM A. WALLACE, Speaker of tbe Senate. Approved the fifteenth day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. JNO. W. GEARS'. Prepared and certified for publication pursuant to the tenth article of the Con. slitution. F. JORDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Office Sec'y of the Commonwealth , V1L Harrisburg, July 6th, 1871. J 12 0 JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO THAYER & HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW.WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as tho CHEAPEST. TH&.YER& HAGERTY. vln2. W. S. SERVICE- GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAY1 THE LARGEST STOCK OF THE BEST NO OTHER IN STOCK- s to rii $1 HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. PHICES WILL SUIT I GOODS WILL PLEASE! 1 sell m STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! W. S. SERVICE, No. 1 Masonio Hall Building, Rid A way, Pa. NATURE'S HAIR RESTORATIVE fi i H R j fi EH Contains no LAC SULPHUE ITo SUGAR OP LEAD No LITH ARGE No NITRATE OP SIL VER, and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health-dsstroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepara tions. Transparent and clear as crystal, it will not soil tho finest fabric perfectly safe, clean and efficient, deaidcratums long sought for and found at last! It restores and prevent the Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy, ap pearance, removes Dandruff, is eool and refreshing to the head, checks the Hair from falling off, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous eruptions, and unnatural heat. As a dressing for the hair it is the best article in the market. Dr. O. Smith, Patentee, Ayer, Mass. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS, Gloucester, Mass. The genuine is put up in a panel bottle, made expressly for it, with the name of the article blown -in the glass. Ask your Drucgist for Nature's Hair Restorative, and take no other. Cy8end two three cent stamps to Procter Brothers for a "Treatise on the Human Hair." The information tt con tains is worth $500,09 to any person. FOR SALE BY G. G. MESSENGER, DRUGGIST, Main Street, Ridgway, Penn'a. vlnllyl. The most Complete liuBlnegg College in llie United States. Affording facilities for acquireing a thorough practical business education, possessed by no other School in the country Since its incorporation in 1855, nearly SixteeuThousand Students, 'representatives from every State in the Union, have attondjd here. No vacations. Students enter at any time, and receive private instructions throughout the entire course. N. B. Circulars with full particulars and All 'necessary information, on addressing SMITH & COWLEY, Principals, Pittsburgh, Pa k BUSINESS CARDS. ENRY SOUTHER, Attorn ey-at LaW Ridgway, Fa. (feb20'6.8), (1 A. RATHTJCN, Attorney-at-Law JT Ridgway Ta. 2 2 tf. JOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg. way, Elk county Pa. mar-22'GGl A S. HILL, Physician and Surgeon. . Kersey, Elk Co. Pa. X O. W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-ATLAW. vln23yl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa. JEYNOLOS HOUSE, RETKOLDSTHlE.JirriESOUCO, PA H. S. BELNAP, Pboprktor . JS. Bordwcll, M. D. Eoleotio Physioan . Office and residence opposite the Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt attention will be given to all calls. Office hours : 7 to 8 A. M- ( 12 to 2 P. M. ; and 6 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, 66-tf. D R C. H. FULLER, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, Ridgway, Pa. Residence and office opposite tho Thayer House. 11 S. HARTLEY, M. D., Physician and Surg con, RidffWav. Pa. Oflinn in Wnllcer'n Rnilil in it Special attention givon to Surgery. O ffice uuura iruiu o a. ra. 10 iu p, m. liesiuo nc on Main Street, west end. All calls promptly attended to. vln2yl. GG. MESSENGER,. Druggist and Parma ceutist, corner Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign andsDomestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or liight. vlnSy. CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main Strcet,;Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Howo Sewing Machiuc, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, oto done with the samo accuracy as heretofore. Satis faction guaranteed. vlnly. W. C. HEALY. DEALER IN IU? GOOCS, CSOCE&ES, HIOVISIONS, PRODUCE, FRUITS, &c. vlnStf. West End, Ridgway, Pa. YDK HOUSE, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa, W II. SCURAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct SO 18G0. M ORTON HOUSE, ERTF.. TA. Jf. V. Moore, (laic of 'the Uyde Uoutu) Proprietor, Open Day and Night- DoOtf. DRS. BORLAND & St. CLAIR, franklin, Pi-., Give special atten tion to Chronic diseases, and those pecu liar to women and children. Dr. Borland, diagnoses discses by an ex amination of the urine, and by this Old German method has successfully treated thousands of cases without seeing ihem. THE OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, Kane, McKcnn Co., Pa. R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the samo. The only stables for horses iu Kane and well kept night or day. vln23yl. HALL & BRO. Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELS COUOT raHSYLYAMA. JOilN O. UALL.... JAS. K. V. UALb DR. G. WHIPPLE, Dental Surgeon. Office in Walker's Building. All kinds of dentistry done in the best style, and all work warranted. Ho will visi Kane on the 1st, 2d, and 3d; Wilcox on the 10th, 11th, and 12th; St. Mary's on the 21st, 22d, and 23d of each mouth. At all other times he can be found at his office in Ridgway, Ta. vln2yl. KERSEY HOUSE, Cshtbsvilib, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for tbe patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuanoe of the same. J H. WILBER, FRUIT DEPOT- Main St. (Holes' New Building), Ridg wav, Pa. Peaches, Apples, Wattcrmelons, Pine apples, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, and a gen eral assortment of fruit Kept ou hand and received daily. vlnltf. ESTABLISHED IN 1830. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' Saws!" Saws! Saws! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish ..'.Li ings, and Machinery,! CSTGet the BEST, they wiU prove the cheapest. ' Prices reduced. Send for price List ami Circulars. WELCH & GRIFFITHS, Boston, Mass., or Detroit, Mick, vja!2ta8.