The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 17, 1871, Image 3

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    ilk owilg gtocatc
Sates of Advertising.
, one year..
" ' ......
..$75 00
.. 40 00
.. 26 00
" ' 15 00
t advertising per square ofeieP
Trail si
liiws or li
s 8 times or less. 2 00
cards, ten lines or less, per
6 00
and Dealt notioes inserted
Ek Lodge, A. T. M.
Stated meetitiits of Elk Lodge will be
held M their nau on the seoond nd rourtn
Tuesdays or cacti month.
O. L.'.MoCRACKEN, See'r.
Temple of Honor- and Tetnoerance.
T.lkton Temple No,' 81, meets on
alternate ThardjyfTjit, Iheir Lodes' Rnoin.
on Mam street, over J. v. Honrs store.
H. A. PARS0S3, tV. R.
. Var Time at Jlld$tcay.
Brie Express Kast 1:4 a. tn
do flo West 2:20 a. m.
do Mail East. 4:fi2 p. m.
do do West 10:05 a. m.
Local Treight East 7:29 a. m.
do do West..... 5: 60 p. m.
Pi-entt. Flies.
Doo days end on the 28th of August.
The roads are somewhat dusty at
P. T. Brooks has been repairing
the side walk on Court street.
Tni most fashionable watering place
we know of is Ross pump.
Thk crops in this section are looking
r red. WiLMARTR has moved into
house lately occupied by Judge Souther.
EianTECif new money order offices
have recently been established in this
Tn frame of W. II. Osterhout's
new house, on the hill above the tannery,
has been raised.
Tub piers in Dickinson's mill pond
pond, above the dam, are being repaired
andsaoadc higher.
Ar.L quiet along the Potomao this
week. We await developments. More
According to the panie laws of this
State, it is lawful to hunt pheasants,
squirrels and rabbits .after the 1st of
Warm. The thermometer up to
100 in the ,l.ade on Tuesday. This
is the warmest weather we have had
this season.
Tub canning and preserving of fruit
for Winter use occupies .the attention
of prudent housekeepers at the present
S. A. Rote, West End, is fitting up
a photograph gallery in Healy's new
building, and will be ready in a few
weeks to take photographs, as well as
all other kinds of pictures.
The Democrat will issue an arith
metic in a few weeks which is intended
to take the place of the ones now in
use in our publio schools. Its motto
will be "nine cubic feet make one
square yard."
The Republican nomination, in For
est county, as decided by the recent
primary meetings, ere as follows: For
Commissioner, T. D. Collins, of Flicko-
ry township, and T. B. Cobb, of Tion.
csta borough, lor Aulitor.
Personal. Laurie J. B'akely,
formerly editor of the Gazette, St.
Mary's, now publisher of the Catholic
Telegraph, Cincinnati, Ohio, paid our
tanctum a visit on Saturday of last
week. Laurie looks well aad we are
happy to note this evidence of prosperity.
W. M. Crane, agent for Hoofland's
German Medicines, was in town last
week tacking up advertisements and
distributing a neat little primer, discrip
tive of said medicines. While here
he called in and made axsontract with
us for a column advertisement, which
will be lound in thjs issue.
Da. P. II. C. Krumme, a former
resident of this place, who our readers
will remember loft Ridgway a few
weeks since in precarious health, to go
to St Joseph, Missouri, the resideaoe
f is lather, died there on the 1st
iiwt. It will only be with regret that
his many friends in this county learn
of his death.
Section 158 of tbe Internal Reve
nue Law imposes a penality of $50 upon
every person issuing or accepting pa
pet of any description, insufficiently
stamped, with intent to evado the pay.
meat, of the stamp tax chargeable there
on, and each instrument, document,
i iper, bill, draft, order or note, u reu'
dered invalid and of n effect.
Job Work done at the Advocate
UrCKiNSon Bros, are building
railroad, at Eaglevalley, whieh is to be
when completed about one mile and a
quarter in length. It is being built to
facilitate getting saw logs from the hill
into the river. It is, their intention to
put in about two million feet of lumber
the coming season.
When so many caudidatea flood the
county for office, and the ring candi
dates become alarmed at their situation,
they should look out a more seoluded
spot than iu front of the drug store
when they want to reconcile one of the
old friends from the hill by placing in
his hand a vice greenback. The tuo
eeuful must not be too fast to his friends
on the hill, they may go baok on him if
the do toll him its all lovely, when the
greenbacks are nigh, they may tell him
the thing is all right you fee, and laugh
and say "blood and tunder and ouns
you're all right." Understand me.
Horrible Affair. Murder and
Suicide. The Greeneyed Monster
at work. a man shoots his wjfe
AND THEN HIMSELF. As we are going
to press, the horrible rumor reaches us
that a man named Rishards, residing at
Wilcox) this county, in tho employ of
the Wilcox Tanning and Lumber Com
pany, as a leathor roller, shot his wile
and then himself, this morning 17th
inst. Richards has been partly intmne
for some months past, arid this together
with his being jealous of his wife,
prompted him to the hellish deed.
Richards was killed outright, and, at
last accounts, his wifo was alive but in
a critical condition. We are unable to
learn further particulars ia time lor this
weeks issas.
Fatal Accidbnt. This unraiog
17th inst., Dan Downs, track walker on
the P. & E. R. R., was killed at the
eustern end of his section, about four
miles from the Ridgway depot, by the
eastern bound express train. He Lad,
probably, sat down on the rail to rest
himself, and, without thinking, went to
sleep; a sleep which cost him his life
uqd proved to be his long sleep. No
blame is attached to the ecginecr, as ho
did not see that there was any one on
the truck until after it was too lute to
stop the train. The deceased has re-,
sided iu Ridgway and vicinity foi sev
eral years, and was known as a sober.
industrious, hard working man, and the
only support of an aged mother, to.
whom his demise will be a sad blow.
lie was, we should judge, about tffeoty-
four year of age.
The Polite for Manslaughter.
When a man &aa been dosed to death
with mineral poisons, we are told that
his medical attendant has "lost a pa
tient." It would be rude to say "the
patient has been poisoned." Yet that
would be the truth, and it is treason to
humanity to disguise it. Dyspeptics,
nervous sufferers, debiliatcd and broken
dew invalids of every type, if jou
covet that inestimable blessing, physical
vigor, resort without delay to Hoofland's
German Bitter or to Hoofland's Tonic,
composed of the same, vegetable ele
ments with stimulant superadded.
These specifics from the medicine chests
of nature restore the strength, regulate
the secretions, purify the blood, invigo
rate the constitution, and clear the
brain. Principal Depot, G31 Arch
street Philadelphia, Pa. Sold every
where by Druggists.
One of the two prominent members
of the "ring" who not a great while
ago arrive! from Clearfield county, as
sets nix, now returns a yearly income
of over 85,000. Did it all come from
the banking business, or did a portion
of the three per cent, for receiving
and three per cent, for disbursing
with other titbits from the county go to
swell up this neat little sum?
By the carelessness, or whatever else
you choose to call it, of another mem
ber of tho "ring" the county or some
body loses at one pop $2,600 making
the expense to the county that particu
lar year about $2,800 for an attorney
nice salary for one year. And for
neat and rapid, legislation commend us
to this same member of the "ring;" a
law stands in the way of Wilhelm's
election to the Treasuryship, but
"Jeslo!" John G. dispels the difficulty
at once. Possible the nomination is
given Mr. W. as an offset for a little
blunder his attorney mado, of $3,000
too much, in bidding off a piece of
property a few years sinoe. And the
said lawyer appears to be very unfortu
nate, in his blunders, they are usually
expensive for somebody. It rather sug
gests the idea if such a man is compe
tent to swing tbe whole county.
Three things that never agree two
eats over one mouse, two wives in one
house, and two lovers after one lady.
Argument List for adjourned ses
sion of Court, Friday, Aug. 25th 1871:
1 In tho matter of the road to lead
from North St. Mary's road to intersect
road leading from Garner or Wiesenthat
road to Shiloh church. No August
sessions 1871.
2 M. McCullough & Co vs Jacob Be-
bairger. No 3 August term 1871.
8 MComas, Ulroan & Co. ys Cook
& Shaffer. No 10 August term 1871.
3 Armel Turley vs Geo. D. Smith et
L No 33 April terra 1869.
5 Same vs same. Same No and term.
6 Hickman, Hall & Co. vs Charles
II. Volk. No 94 April term 1368.
Festival. It is the intention of
the alert boys to hold a festival in
Mossenger'a Hall, on Wednesday even
ing August 23, to be followed by a ball.
Our oiticeos should assist tbe Alerts in
their enterprise and give them all tho
encouragement possible. Everything
to tempt the palate will be tor sale, and
several articles of value will be chanced
off. Those who desire to "tread the
mazy" can have an oppoitunity of doing
so after the festival. By all means go,
and make glad the hearts of our "base
ballists" by a liberal addition to their
treasury. Speaking of base ball we
would mention that the Alerts are about
to play the llenova and Biookville
Court Proceedings.
Following will be found the proceed
ings of the August setsions of Court:
V J. Koch & Son vs. Patrick Reed
judgment opened, Nov. oOth, 1869.
Hall & Bro. for plaintiffs, Ruthbun for
defendant. Verdict for plaintiffs for
Armel Turley vs. Geo. D. Smith ct.
al. summons in trespass, Rathbuv
tor plaintiff, Hall & Bro. for defend
ants. Verdict, guilty as to Geo. D.
Smith and John Vun Braband, and
not guilty as to Jacob Brown.-
George 1. Messenger et al. vs. Jas.
George ct al. summons in ejectment.
Hall lor plaintiffs, Ilathbua for defend
ants. Verdict for the plaintiffs.
Hiram Woodward vs. Thomas To
zier assumpsit. Hall & Bro. for plff.
Rathbun for defendant. Contioued.
Tbomns Turley vs. B. A. Weed
amicable action. Rathbun for plaintiff,
Hall & Bro. lor defendant. Continued.
Abraham J. Lewis, vp. John W.
Best summons in ejectment. Hall
for plaintiff, Rathbun for defendant.
Verdict for plaintiff.
A. H. Packard vs John Kau! et al.
assumpsit. Rathbun for plaintiff,
Hall & Bro. for defendants. Continued.
B. W. Bushley vs. Alleu Giles
judgment opened. Ruthbun for pluin
tiff. Hall for defendant. Continued at
cost ol plaintiff.
James EI. Billington vs. Isaao Bow
man et al trespass. Rathbun for
plaintiff, Hall lor defendant. Con
tinued at cost of plaintiff.
Bernard Weidcnbrenner v. George
A. Rathbun trespass. Hall for plain
tiff, Brown for defendant. Verdict for
plaintiff fur 8256.66.
Isaao Bowman vj. Thomas Irwin
assumpsit. Hall for plaintiff, Ruthbun
for defendant. Settled.
Spillane Heirs vs. Michael Danno
van ejectment. Hall for plaintiffs,
Ruthbun for defendant. Continued by
George W. Smith vs. D. F. Ander
son et al sci. fa. eur. mechanics' lien,
llathbun for plaintifft, Brown for de
fendant. Contioued by consent.
D. H. Stearns et al. vs. D. F. Ander
son et al sci. fu. sur. mechanics' lien,
llathbun for plaintiffs, Brown for de
fendants. Continued by consent.
Cbauncey Brockway vs. The Town
ship of Horton Case upon promises.
Rathbun for plaintiff, Hall for defend
ant. Continued by consent.
Reuben Winslow vs Edwin Fletcher
ejectment. Bathbun for plaintiff.
' Hall & Bro. for defendant. Continued.
The Spring Run Coal Company vs.
Laurie J. Blakely trespass in tho case.
Hall lor plaintiff, Rathbun lor defend
ant. Settled.
John G. Reading et al. vs. A. C.
Finney et al ejectment. Hall tor
plaintiffs, Rathbun for defendants.
Continued at cost of plaintiffs.
Com. vs. L. S. Dodd selling liquor
without license. Defendant pleads
gu ilty; sentenced to pay a fine of 850
to t lay school district and costs of prose
cut ion, and stands committed, &c.
( ,'oa. vs. William McKay, Samuel
Mo Kay and Sarah Jand McKay forci
ble entry and detainer. Nolle pros, to
be entered upon payment of costs by
befi indants.
( loin vs A. S. Hill and C. R. Earley
d isturbance of the peace at election.
Con tinued until next term.
C'oiq vs Michael Shortstraw assault
and battery with intent to kill. De
fendant not guilty. Prosecutor Robt.
WL'ibur, and defendant each to pay one
half l;he costs.
(loin vs Milton Winslow, John Pal
mer, Anson Hanscom and Edwin Gil-burg-
malicious mischief. Defendants
got g uilty, and T. T. Sawyer, prosecu
tor t pay one htlf the costs, aud the
defendants the other halt.
Com. vs Frank Keller assault and
battijry. Nolle prot allowed as to
Thomas Griffin on payment of costs.
(Jom vs Frank A. Loesch malicious
tuinchief. Ignored. Prosecutor, Frantz
K tiler, to pay costs.
Com vs Frank Pa rod us assault anl
buttery. Defendant guilty, and sen
tenced to pay a line of $25 and the
costs ot prosecution, to undergo iro-
' prisonment in the county jail for th
term ol sixty days, and stand oommit
ted, &o.
Com vs John Grace assault and
threatening to do bodily injury to in
formant. Nolle prot allowed oi pay
ment of costs by defendant,
Cora vs William Daily--gambling.
Not arrested.
Com vs William Daily threatening
to do informant bodily injury. Not ar
rested. Com vs Robert Apkcr and George
Conneri cutting down and carrying
away timber trees belonging to com
plainant. Not a true bill, and county
to pay costs.
Com vs Horace Stark assault. Con
tinued., :
Com vs John Flanagan assault and
battery with intent to kill. Continued.
Com vs James O'Hara obtaining
money under false pretence. Case
continued upon renewal of recognizance
in sum of $1,000 to appear at next
Com vs Mathias Becker surety of
the peace. Defendant ordered to enter
into recognizance in the sum cf 8500
with sufficient security to keep the
peaco towards the complainant for the
term of two years, pay the costs of this
proceeding, and be remauded to the
sheriff till order is complied with.
Com vs William Collins, Jr. bas.
tardy. Not arrested.
"Com vs Thomas Garrity selling li
quor to men of intemperate habits and
keeping a disorderly house. Settled.
Com vs Joseph llelsher assault and
battery. Recognizance of prosecutor,
Daniel letter, forfeited.
Cora vs Francisco Loesch, Julius
Loesch and Frank A Loesch malicious
mischief. Frank A Loesch guilty on
the third count in the indictment and
not guilty on tbe other two counts, and
the other defendants not guilty. Sen
tenced to pay a fine of $25 to Common
wealth, half for use ot informer, and
the costs of prosecution, and stand
committed, &o.
Petition for publio road iu Millstone
township, to lead from the muuth of
Wynkoops run to or near A. Zimmer
man's, in said township. Ordered to
bo filed. George Wolrasley appointed
surveyor, and Samuel Beers and Pcrrin
appointed viewers.
Report of viewers for private road to
lead from the publio road leading from
the Shiloh x'resbyterian church, in St.
Mary's to the Garner road, in Benzin
ger township, ti tho farm of Charles
Schissel at a point at or near tho corner
of Thomas GarrityV land, on Elk creek,
in said, county. August 10. 1871.
Confirmed niti and the road ordered to
be opened twenty feet wio?.
' The P. & E. Railroad ha jiearly 2,
700 cars of all kinds.
The foolish practice of writing Esq.,
after every nun's name is growing out
of fashion.
It is estimated that the losses by the
hail storm tn Northumberland county
will exceed $50,000.
"Do not attempt to do more than one
thing at a time." lien Franklin.
That is when you have finished slander
ing your neighbors, go and say your
prayers; hut don't atttmpt both at
In Wyoming the bridegroom does
tho fainting and takes the kissing st
weddings, while the bride whispers,
"lean on me, dearest."
Special glrticfji.
People have been so humbugei with
dirty, poisonous hair preparations, that
they hail with delight the new article
styled Nature's Iluir Restorative. Clear
as crystal, and it does the work most
effectually. See advertisement.
The microscope shows the color of
the hair cue to a deposition ot pigment
in its substance. When the hair glands
become enfeebled, this pigment fails.
One after another the hairs become
white, or fall out, producing baldness.
Baldness is easy to prevent but hard'
to cure. Ayer's Hair Vigor stops it;
even restores the hair sometimes: al
ways restores its color. Immediate
renovation is at once visible: softness,
freshness and the gloss of youth. This
great ornament should be preserved
sinoe it can be by Ayer's Hair Vigor,
which is beautifully clean and free from
anything injurious to the hair. Tri
bune, Springfield, N. Y.
Kane, McKean Co., Fa.
R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore so
liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro
prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention
to the comfort and convenience ot guests,
to merit a continuance of the same. Tbe
only stables for horses in Kane and well
kept night or Jay. vln23yl.
J U. WiLBER, ' '
Main St. (Holes' New Building), Ridg
way, Pa.
Peaches, Apples, Wattermelona, Pine
apples, Cucumbers. Tomatoes, and a gen
eral assortment of fruit Kept ou hand and
received daily.
From and after Monday, May 20th 1871.
Trains will run on this4Road as follows:
Leaves Earley 7.10 a. m., arrives at
Daguscahooda Junction 7.45 a. m., con
nects with Local east 7.56 a. ni., and
Mail west 9.50 a. m. Leaves Dagusca
hooda 10.20 a. m., arrives at Earley
11.00 a.m. Leaves Earley 4 00 p. m.,
arrives at Daguscahooda 4.50 p. m.,
connecting with Mail east 5.05 p. m.,
and Local west 5.21 p. m. In case P.
f & E. trains are late, Daguscahonda train
holds twenty minutes beyond the above
Tickets should always be procured
before leaving stations.
C. R. EARLEY, Sup't.
Leaving the East and arriving at
Chicago or Indianapolis, how shall we
reach the West? The best Line is o
knowledged to bo the C, B. & Q., joined
together with the B. fc M. Railroad by
the Iron Bridge at Burlington, and
called the Burlington Route,
The Main line of the Route running
to Omaha, connects with the great Pa
cific Roads, and forms to-day the lead
ing route to California. The Middle
Branch, entering Nebraska at Platts-
niouth, passes through Lincoln, the
State Capital, and will this year be
finished to Fort Kearney, forming the
shortest route across the Continent by
over 100 miles.
Another branch of the B. M., di
verging at Red Oak, falls into a line
running down the Missouri through'St
Joe to Kansas City, and all Kansas,
Passengers by this route to Kansas,
see Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis
souri, and, by a slight divergence, can
see Nebraska also.
Lovers of fine v lews should remem
ber the Burlington Route, for its towns
"high-gleaming from afar" its tree-
fringed streams its rough bluffs and
quarries its corn-oceans stretching
over the prarics further than the eye
can reach. ,
Land-buyers will be sure to remem
ber it, for they have friends among the
two thousand who have already bought
farms from Geo. S. Harris, the Land
Commissioner of the B. & M. R. R. at
Barlingtou, Iowa, or among the four
thousand home-steadors and pre-emptors
who last year filed claims in the Lincoln
land office, where "Uncle Sam is rich
enough to give us all a farm."
llE are authorized to announce the
Y name of C. R. SEXTON, of St.
Mary's, as an INDEPENDENT candidate
for the office of High Sheriff of Elk
vlD23yl. Ridgway, Elk County, Pa.
tr STRAY. Came to the premises of the
JQ subscriber in Bcnezette township,
Elk Co., Pa., about the first of August, a
large, roan colored, ox with bras knobs on
his horns. The owner is requested to call,
prove property, pay charges and take him
away, or he will be sold according to law.
Benezette, Aug. 16th, 1871. vln25t3,
$1,000 IlEWARD I
A reward of One Thousand Dollars will
be paid to any Physician who will produce
a medicine that will supply the wants of
the people better than the article known as
'Jill. Fjt nit JVEiyS
Calebratei Elcoi Cleanser or Panacea.
It must be a better Cathartic a better Alter
ative, a better Sudorifio, a better Diuretic,
a better Tonic, and in every way better
than the Pan-a-ce-a. No matter how long
it has been in use or how lately discovered.
Above all it must not contain anything mot
$5,00 REWARD ! !
A reward of Five Hundred Dollars will
be paid for a medicine that will perma
nently cure more cases of Costiveuess,
ConHiipation, Sick or Nervous Headache,
Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, Jauu
dice, Rheumatism, Qout, Dyspepsia, Chills
and Fever, Tape Worms, Boils, LoinB, Side
and Head and Female Complaint than
mi. rgiiMtjrErs
which is used more extensively by practio
ing physicians' than any other popular
medicine known.
For Sale by G. G. MESSENGER
way, Pa. vln22yl.
J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,
Main Street, .Ridgway, Pa. Agent to r the
Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold
Pen. Repairing Watches, etc,, done with
the same aocuracy as heretofore. Satis
faction guaranteed. vlnly.
Proposing an amendmend to the Constitu
tion of Pennsylvania.
Be it Reiolved by tin Senate and Iloute or'
Rrpretentativet of the Commonwealth of Venn
tylvania in General Anembly met. That
the following amendment of the Constitu
tion of Commonwealth be proposed to the
people for their adoption or rejection, pur
suant to the provisions of the tenth article
thereof, to wit:
Strike out the Sixth Section of the Sixth
Artio'.e of the Constitution, and insert in
lieu thereof the following:
'A State Treasurer shall be chosen by
the qualified eleotors of the State, at such
times and for such term of service as shall
be prescribed by law."
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
Approved the fifteenth day of June,
Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred
and seventy-one.
Prepared and certified, for publication
pursuant to the tenth artiole of the C oa
siiiution. F. JORDAN,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Office Seo'y of the Commonwealth, 1 12t.
Uarribburg, July Oth, 1871. f 20,
s TO r E S !
i sell mmm
No: 1 Masonic Hall Building,
Ridgway, Pa.
Contains no LAO SULPHUR No
VER, and is entirely free from the
Poisonous and Health-dsstroying
Drugs used in other Hair Prepara
tions. Transparent and clear as crystal, it will
not soil the finest fabric, perfeotly safe,
olean and efficient, desideratumg long
sought for and found at last!
It restores and prevent the Hair from
becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glssy, ap
pearance, removes Dandruff, is cool and
refreshing to the head, checks the Hair
from falling off, and restores it to a great
extent when prematurely lost, prevents
Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous
eruptions, and unnatural heat. As a
dressing for the hair it is the best article
in the market.
Dr. U. Smith, Patentee, Ayer, Mass.
Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS,
Gloucester, Mass. The genuine is pui up
in a panel bottle, made expressly for it,
with the name of the article blown in the
glass. Ask your Druggist for Nature's
Hair Restorative, and take no other.
Big-Send two three cent stamps to
Procter Brothers for a "Treatise on the
Human Hair," The information tt con
tains is worth $500,00 to any person.
Main Street, Ridgway, Penn'a.
Tbe most Complete IluMness
vunctvuiucKuueq states.
Affording facilities for aequireing a
thorough practical W;1BessH education,
possessed by no other 'dohool in the country
Riv,CnTK ino?nUott in 1855, nearly
Sixi eenThousaau Btudent., representatives
No vacations. Btudents enter at any
time, ,4 receive private instructions
throughout the entire course.
if B--iLnroi'1r with full particulars and
All necessary information, on addressing
6MITH & COWLEY, Prinoipals,
rmsBuaau, Pa
HENRY 80CTHER, Attorney-at Law
Ridgway, Ta. (fcbStCO-S),
2J. A. RATHBUN, Attorney-at-W
JT. Ridgway Pa. 2 2 If.
JOHN O. HALL, Attorney at law, RMg.
way, Elk county Pa. , . mar.22'66l
AS. HTLL, Physician and Surgeon,
. Kersey, Elk Co. Pa.
, Dealer in Boots, Shoes and Leather.
Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. vlnltf.
Tvevor. St. MarvB. Pa., holds himaalf
IA readiness at all times, to perform jobs
in nis une, 2 3
J X. SORO, Saloon-keeper, corner of
JP Railroad and Michael streets, St.
Marys, Pa. Native Wines, good Lager
Beer, etc., constantly on hand. ' 2 8
WILLIAM OEIS, Restaurant, Mi
chael street, St. Marys, Pa-, keeps
the best of Lager Beer and Native wines
constantly on hand. 2,8
CH. VOLK,' Manufacturer and Dealer
. in Lager Beer, opposite the Railroad
Depot, St. Mary's, Elk oounty Pa.
H. 3. BELNAP, Proprietor .
JS. Bordwell, M. D. Eclectio Physicaa
, Office and residence opposite the
Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt
attention will be given to all calls. Office
hours : 7 to 8 A. M-; 12 to 2 P. M. : and
6 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, 60-tf.
Ridoway, Pa.
Residence and office opposite tho Thayer
Physician and Surgeon,
Ridgway, Va. Office in Walker's Building.
Special attention given to Surgery. Office
hours from 8 a. ni. to 10 p, tn. Residence
on Main Street, west end. All calls
promptly attended to. vln2yl.
Druggist and Parmacentist, cornor
Main and Mill street?, Ridgway, Pa. A
full assortment of carefully selected For
eign andsDomestio Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at all hours, day or
night. vln8y.
vln8tf. West End, Ridgway, Pa.
RinowAT, Elk Co., Pa.
W. n. SCn RAM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenience of
guests, to merit a continuance oi thu
Oct 80 1869.
rr ERIE' PA-
Al. V. Moore, (late of the Hyde House)
Oen Day and Night-
franklin, Pa., Give special atten
tion to Clironio diseases, an those pecu
Ijar to women and children.
4 Dr. Borland, diagnoses disescs by auex
mination of the urine, and by this Old
German method has successfully treated
thousands of cases without seoing thcui.
EDWARD McBRIDE, Watchmaker and
Jeweler, Railroad street, St. Marys,
Pa. Engraving and repairing done oa
short notice, and in a workmanlike man
ner. Watches, and everything in the Jew
elry line, constantly on band. 2 8
Dental Surgeon.
Otiioe in Walker's Building. All kinds of
dentistry done in the best style, and all
work warranted. He will visit Kane on
the 1st, 2d, and 8d; Wiloox on the 10th,
11th, and 12th; St. Mary's on the 21st,
22d, and 23d of eaoh month. At all other
times he can be found at his office ia
Ridgway. Pa. vln2yl.
Cbntrbvilli, Elk Co., Pa.
John Collins, Proprietor. ;
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
a liherftllv Vn.ln n.l . . l: iL .
j w.vnvu ufwu mm, in a new
proprietor, hopes, by paying etriot at
tention to the comfort and convenience,
of guests, to merit a continuanoe of tlie a
Attorneys at - Law
OiI O. HiLt.-...-...ra..JA8, K. . HALL
lbTABLlSUED lNle30.
Sawsl Samt Saws!
Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish
ings, and Machinery.
eSTGet the BEST, the will prove the
Prioes reduced. Send for pries List and
Boston, Mass., or Detroit, Mich.
luI2t38. ,
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