The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, August 03, 1871, Image 3
THURSDAY,AUQUST 8,1871. Rates of Advertising. One coUrran, one year...... ....$7f 00 l " " " 40 00 i . ii 25 00 J " 15 00 Transient advertising per square of eight Vines or less 8 times or less- 2 00 Business cards, ten lines or less, per year........... 5 00 Marriages and Death notices inserted gratis. . , Elk Lodge, A. T. K. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge i held at their hall on the second and ill be fourth Tuesdays of each month. O. L. McCRACKEN, Seo'y. Temple of Honor and Temnerance. Elkton Temnle No. 81. meets on ea:h allernut e Thursday, at their Lodgo Room, on Main street, over J. v. noun a sioro. II. A. P.IRSOJJS, W. R. Car Time at Illdgway. Erie Express East 2:20 a. m. do do "West 2:20 a m. do Mail East 4:62 p. m. do do Went 10:03 a. m. tooal Freight Kast 7:25 a. m. rto do West...... - 5:49 p. m. August come io with cood grace and "old Sol" is doing his level best Blaokberbies have commenced ripening in this vicinity. Personal. Hon. Henry Soother is in town. Rev. Wi, Sampson paid Ridgway a visit last week. There will be serviced iafGrace Church next Sunday morning by Rev. J. A. Doorsis. New Safe. W. H. Schram of the Hyde House, has just received a new fire-proof 6afe. The work on tVio fouadartoa of the addition to the Masonio Hall u nearly finished. R. V. Kim 8 has moved the old house, in front of his new residence on Centre street, to the back end of bis lot. H. A. Parsons, for over twenty three years a resident of this place, left for Newark, Ohio, last Tuesday, where he intends carrying on a boot, shoe, and leather etore. Died. John Dwar, mentioned in our lost issue as having been hurt by a fall ing limb at Daguscahonda, died from the effect of his injuries on Friday the 28th ult. Mad. Fot's Skirt Suppirter Corset 'S. Cord English pat'd, and other styles. Climax pat'd corset steels to be had at Mrs. M. E. Malone's, Main street. '.Ridgway, Pa. Ladies will please call and examine for themselves. Pet en IIouanTAiLiNa is pnttiug the Court House in readiness for court next week; this reminds us that some of our subscribers are in arrears, and that next week will be a rmd tint to come and settle up. A word to the wise is sufficient. Smash. Up. James Wilber had 1een riding out, last Sunday, and was taking the horse and buggy back to the Hydn House barn. As he was turning into tho u-e, leading to the barn, bit horse became - frightened ana run; tearing down one itNth of the'' railing running along the side w.'.L, demolish ing the buggy, but, fortunately, hurting do one. II. J. Bowers, on the first inst., while at work in the bark woods near Eagle valley, met with a painful and needy fatal accident. He had layed his axe down by the side of the tr?9 he was peeling, when, by some mischance, he slipped and fell, the axe striking him in the back and inflicting an ugly wound about three inches long. Dr. Bordwell dressed the wound and reports tho pa tien as doing well Finger Sawed Off. iast Satus day, 28th ult.. P. H. Leach, of Sinne mahoning, this county, while taking oS ytt sap of a log in a new bolting ma chine which he had just put up, at Wheeler's Mill, Mill Creek, this county, had the fore-finger of his right hand cut off, aid the second finger slightly sawed. It seems he reached over the saw to get a piece of thellab, which had dropped off, when his finger was caught by the saw. Public Auction. Will fee sold at public auetion it the late residence of the subscriber on Wednesday, August Oth, 1871, at 10 o'claok a. m, arge lot of household furniture, consisting of -chain, tables, carpets, &c, o. One Sharp's Rifle, a perfect hunting gan, with sabre bayonet. Terms Cash for all sums under $25, over that sum four month's credit, notes to be given with sufficient endorsers. HENRY SOUTHER. On Tuesday afternoon a gentleman, of the benzine persuasion, had his countenance demoralized by another gentleman, (ft on the side walk in front of the Hyde House. Two panes of glass were broken during the gentle manly affray of these gentlemen. Bark peeling is about at an end. It is estimated that there has been nearly 45,000 cords peeled in this vioinity during the past tscason. 30,000 cord for the Wilcox tannery, and from 7,000 to 8,000 cords for each of the tanneries here. LIST Or LETTE23 Remaining ic the Ridgway FostofQoe to August 1st, 1871: op Beaty, Johnny Barr, W. U. Blehl. Miohcal Bunel, August Brant, Martin J. Breannen, Francis Burknns, Jr. C. Beach, Edwards Clark, James N. Carr, Jas. Collins, P. P. Cappett, Martin Caldwell, Wm. Canner, Aleston Davis, Thomas J. forpander, A. G. Qasten, Wallace Gewen, Geo. A. Hnwliug, James Hines, Wm. E. Hallahan, Thomas Hcfforn, John Homes, William E. Imdorf, Henry Eramps. Emel Magee, Wm. R. Miller, Jessie B. MoAuliffe, Bridget MoKea, Nelson McCanny, Saml. R. Mewville, A. H. Morgan, A. T. Nikolaus, Wm. Negley, John Strickle, George M. Bull, Luna Mrs, Stover, W. C. (Shads James A. Saxton, T. J. Bwanson, J. O. Thurher, Hanly E. TJpdyke, Geo. E. Wooden. Joel Wilson, William John Hellenback.Mrs.A.E White, Hannah Miss Howard, Mrs. Ann If not called for In thirty days thoy will be sent to the Dead Letter Offioe. JAS. H. HAGBRTY, P. M. WiTnouT a Newspaper. Nothing presents a sadder commentary upon the present unhealthy condition of our a w once loved and prosperous country than the large number ut families, both in town and country, but more especially in the latter, that subscribe to no paper ot any kind. Hundreds and thousands of families are thus crowing up in ut ter ignorance of what is transpiring in the world arouai them and ignorant of the mighty events of the day But who can tell the vast amount of injury that is being inflicted upon the rising generation those who are to take our place in the busy wot Id at no dis. tant day growing up witliout any knowledge of the ptesent, the past, or any study of the future, this ignorance, too. being imbued into them by the sanction of those who should, and doubtless do, know better, did they only think of the injurious effects of their insane course. Let ' the head of every family think of this, and place in the hands ot those for whom he is responsi ble,1 the means of acquiring a thorough knowledge of the moving panorama in which we enact our different parts. Exchange. Carpet-bag 3uis. Our Democratic friends have much to say about carpet-baggers and their baleful influences in Dixie. We out siders looking quietly at the workings of the Ring are led to ask, who are its controlling spirits? We have been in- informed titt the old covies who formerly hcU ojutrol here, have been superceded by recent importations from Clearfield, who now elect delegates, pack or buy conventions, and nominate whomsoever they please, save infer, they make a slip, as in the case of our old friend, the successful lumberman, James with the Mo who was nominated in spite of them. "Do you mind that now?" "Understand me!" Are the people of Elk so ignorant, or so blindly attached to party, that they will thus allow a single family of carpet-baggers to nominate and elect any man who suits them, and who will send grist to their mill in St. Mary's? If they are, then they must foot the bill to the tune of $2.40 per yard for earth exca vation; 3 per cent, for collecting, and 3 per cent, for disbursing their taxes. But we do not believe the people of Elk are so thoughtless or so thankless as to throw astae me men wno tor years have proven true and tried lead ers, to take up with novices who owe what little success they have had to the very men they spurned in their recent nominations. But this same family, pleased with their success, hitherto, would go a step further, dictate to to the Republicans whom they shall nominate, if, happily, they might, thereby, add to the strength , of these already mournfully weak and 1 incompetent nomkioe.With these points before us what aa we, the poor perse cuted people do, but arise in our might and with one herculean blow break, for ever, this family ring; shattering it bo ', utterly that some of its pieces will have to be hunted for, if ever found, in Clear field whence they eame. Arouse, then, people of fclk, regard less of party or ef creed! Arouse in the might of an honest purpose, and ehow the Ring that you want no favors show to a single family or a single tow who shall pot exoept all alike. A citizen of Penobsoot, Maine, bas five daughters, whose aggregate weight ic more than 1,000 pounds. KateE8Tell'b Dramatic Troupe. This troupe will give an entertain ment in Messenger's Hall on Friday and Saturday evening, 4th and 5th inst. The evening'! performance will com mence with the great sensational drama entitled "Moll Pitcher or, The Witch of Lynn," This troupe is said to be first-class. Admission 60 cents, re served teats 75 cents. Snooks fcaa a Batificaafcnn JMestlng. On the nominashun of Judge I tell you I'm a Democrat to the back bone, and when I heard of the nominashun of the Hon. Q. Spikes I throad my hat and seys I'll have a ratificashun meeting on this. So I gets Peter Punch to tak our old eow bell and go down town and niak noiz about it; so he took a 2 gnlon jug (a favorite Democratic campaign document) on his back and started down town, and I got the cart and oxen and went after a load of pitch pine nots. I had a darned big lod now I tell you it made old buck nip and pur to keep np with the bull, but they fetched them in. By the time I got thar the whole town was on hand and the 2 galon jug Was opened and past round. Our nomine was thar and of course ho took 2 drinks to our 1. After we made our bonfire we called on Spikes, our nominee, to mak us a speach. So he got on the cart) and took off his cap, and give it a magestio wave and then the uicetin was opened. He scys, "fel- er citizens, hie, I am hio, Democrat hie, to the back bone hio, I fought the Re publicans, hie, through the onplesant slaughter, hio, and I'll do as ' you all want me to, I'll give everyone of yes a license in Sctatchville, hio. Here '.he crowd called him to order, as another 2 galon jug had arrived, and past the fire water round agin but he got rather sick and called tor bis son to finish as the enishels of his name is the same, and he got J of the votes that was counted to our nomine, but we had to agorn for the fire water wuz out of the jug and the pine nots all gone. So we agorned until alter eleckshun. More then. John Snooks. Have vou ever tried Nature's Hair Restorative? You will be delighted .with it. Clean, Bife, sua efficient. 'It in driving all the poisonous compounds out of the market. It is as clear as crystal. See advertisement. H33IS AND EIES. Detectives say there are $10,000,- 000 of counterfeit national bank notes in circulation. "They say" is the biggest kind of humbug, and slanders more people through ignorance and thoughtlessness than a wish to destroy their good name. A Maryland paper has the following "personal:" "Senator Grimes is home, that good old soul, we soon shall see him more; his health is better tbaa it was for several years before," Yoaog men generally swell while sowing tneir wuoj oats. jjul tney always shrink fast enough when the devil step into the field iu the autumn to harvest the crop. Thirty years ago, Thoman H, Benton said, in the U. S. Senate, that there were men standing before him who would see the commerce of the Indies climbing the Rocky Mountain slopos, and diffusing itself over our widely ex tended country. That time has arrived. Piquea township, Lancaster county, according to the census of 1870? is the most valuable farming township in the United States. The average value per acre is $200, and there are only 11 un productive acres in the township. During the fiscal year ending June 30. there was issued 150,925,967 stamps for tobacco, snuff and cigars, be ing an inorease ot 0,033,00 over tne issue of the preoeding year. This in dicated an increase in the revenue of ,500,000. Out West they tell a story of a dog which was greatly interested in music He attended a singing school, and was subsequently found in the back yard with a music-book in front of him, beat- ma with his tail on a tin pan, and howling "Old Hundred." Josh Billings sums up his mortality experience thusly: "Men, it they ain't lazy, live sometimes until they are eighty, and destroy the time a good deal as follows: "The first thirty years he spends in throwing stues at a mark, the second thirty he spends in examin ing the mark tu see whar the stuns hit and tne remaiuucr uo djicuu, m vuodiu stun throwing and in nussing the ru matii." Mechanics are the palace boilderi of the world; not a stick is hewn, not a atone is shaped in all the lordly dwell ing of the rioh, that doesn't owe its beauty and fitness to the skill of the mechanic The towering spires that raise their giddy heads among clouds depend upon the mechanic's art for their strength and symmetry. Not an edifice for devotion, or business, or eemfort, but bears the impress of their hands. How exalted U their vocation and their calling. Iowa stands at the loot of the list of whiskey manufacturing Stutes, haviQg but one distillery. The States which elect Governors this year, are California, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey and Ohio. The apple crop throughout Pennsyl vania, as far as we are able to learn from our exchanges, promises even a larger yield than last year, when they were very plentiful. One may insert a thousand excellent things in a newspaper ana never near a word of them from its readers. But let a line or two not suited to their tastes creep in by acoident or otherwise, and one hears of it Irom every quarter. A lady writes to know if it is proper that is, if it is ladylike to retaliate by squeezing back when a man squeezes your hand. An editor answers: w ell, you might squeeze easy, just enough to let mm know that you are doi aisposea to be mean about it. But don't turn round and ask him, 'How is that for high?' or he might think you too for ward." A now game called the old "dot" game, has been introduced, and is said to afford considerable amusement. Each player must be provided with pencil and paper. Let one of the party read aloud distinctly and not very fast and, as be or she reads, let the rest each make a dot for every word read. When tho page is read, count the words and then let each player count his dots, and Fee who has been accu rately "up to time " The Rochester Democrat is slightly sarcastio on a railroad line in that vi cinity. It says that a gentleman took the train a few days since, on what is termed "the huckleberry road,"running between Avon and Mount Morris. After the train started from Avon he discovered that he had left a valuable dog behind, but on arriving at Mount Morris the lost dog was found sitting at the station awaiting the arrival of his master. DAGUSCAHONDA RAILROAD. From and after Monday, May 29th 1871. Trains will run on this Road as follows: Leaves Earley 7.10 a. m., arrives at Daguscahonda Junction 7.45 a. m., con nects with Local east 7.00 a. m., and Mail west 9.50 a. m. Leaves Dagusca honda 10.20 a. m., anives at Earley 11.00 a. m. Leaves .hurley 4.UU p. m., arrives at Daguscahonda 4.50 p. m., connecting with Mail enst 5.05 p. m., and Looal west 5.21 p. ra. In case P. & E. trains are, late, Daguscahonda train holds twenty minutes beyond the above time. Tickets should always' bo procured before leaving stations. O. R. EARLEY, Sup't. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law. Judge Uoa - Jno. P. Vinoent. Associate Judges J. E. Whitmore, Jesse Kyler. District Attorney J. K. r, Hail. Sheriff Jacob MoCauIey. Prothonotary 0., Fred. Schocning. Treasurer Henry D. Derr. County Superintendent Rufus Lucore. Commissioners H. Warner, John Barr, Louis Vollmer. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George D. Messenger, and Joseph Wilhelm. County surveyor (ieo ilmsley. Jury Commissioners. Joseph Eerner, and Charles Mead. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Baoond Monday in January. Seoond Monday in April First Monday in August. First Monday in November. Following is a list of the Post Offices in Elk oounty: Arroyo, Spriug trees tp. Beneiette, Benezette tp. Brandy Camp, Horton tp. Caledonia, Jay tp. ' ." '' Dents Run, Benezctte tp. Earley, Fox tp. Hellen, Horton tp. Kerssy, Fox tp. Ridgway, Ridgway tp. St, Mary's, St. Mary's Boro. Williamsville, Jones tp. Wilmarth, Ridgway tp . Wiloox, Jones tp. ROSADALIS THE INGREDIENTS THAT COMPOSE ROSADALIS arc published on every package, there fore it is not a secret preparation, consequently PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE IT It is a certain cure for Scrofula. Syphilis in all its forma, Rheuma tism, Skin Diseases, Liver Com plaint and all diseases of the Blood. ONE BOTTLE OF ROSADALIS ' will do more good than ten bottle of the Syrups of Sarsapanlla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Rosadalis in theirpractica for the past three years and freely endorse it as a reliable Alterative and Blood Purifier. DR. T. C. PUGH, of Baltimore. Utt.T. J. BOYKI.V, " DR. R. W. CARR. ' DR. V. O. DAN NELLY, " DR. J. S. SPARKS, .of NlcholaivM. Ky. DR. J. L. McCAUTHA, Columbia, DB. A. B. NOBLES, Edgecomb, N. C USED AND JIND0ESID BY J. B. FRENCH & SONS, Fall Biver. Mass. F. W. SMTTH, Jackson, Mich. A. F. WHKt:LLK,Liiua,Ohio. B. HALL, Lima. Ohio. CRAVEN A CO.,, Vi SAAI'L. O. McFADDEN, Wiufrees- boro, Tens. Our space will nnt allow 01 any ex tended remarks in irlation to the virtuesof Kosa'Jalis. Tutho Medical Profession guarantee a HuiU x tractsuoeriorto any they have ever uied in the treatment of diseased Blood; and to theatriicted we aay try Rosadalia. and you will be feature to healtlj. Bosadalls is sold by ill Dnirelata. price $1.00 per buttle. Aiiurea S3. CLSXE.3 & CD llMtitvturhig Ihcmuti, - Baltihosc, ja. 3La Leaving the East and arriving at Chicago or Indianapolis, how shall we reach the West? The best Line is ao knowledged to be the C.,B. & Q , joined together with the B. A M. Railroad bj the Iron Bridge at Burlington, and called the Burlington Ronte, The Main line of the Ronte running to dmahn, connects with the great Pa cific Roads, and forms to-day the lead ing route to California. The Middle Branch, entering Nebraska at Platts mouth, passes through Lincoln, the State Capital, and will this year be finished to Fort Kearney, forming the shortest route across the Continent by over 100 miles. Another branch of the B. M., di verging at Red Oak, falls into a line running down the Missouri through'St Joe to Kansas City, and all Kansas. Passengeis by this route to Kansas, see Illinois, Southern Iowa, and Mis souri, and, by a slight divergence, can see Nebraska also. Lovers of fine views should remem ber the Burlington Route, for its towns "high-gleaming from afar" its tree fringed streams its rough bluffs and quarries its corn-oceans stretching over the praries further than the eye can reach. Land-buyers will be sure to remem ber it, for they have friends among the two thousand who have already bought farms from Geo. S. Harris, the Land Commissioner of the B. & M. R. R. at Burlington, Iowa, or among the four thousand home-steaders and pre-emptors who last year filed claims in the Lincoln land office, where "Uncle Sam is rich enough to cive'us all a farm." ANNOUNCEMENT. SHERIFF: WE are authorized to announce the name of C. It. S EXTON, of St. Mary's, as an INDEPENDENT candidate for the offioe of High Sheriff of Elk County. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS J H. WILBER, Main St. (Holes' New Building), Ridg way, I'a. Peaches, Apples, Wattermelons, Pine apples, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, and a' gen eral assortment of fruit Kept ou hand and received daily. vlnltr. $1,000 MWA&B I A reward of One Thousand Dollars will It paid to any Physioian who will produoe a medicine that will supply tne wants or the people better than the article known as on. FnmrKTs Celebrated Blood Cleanser or Panacea, It must be a better Cathartic a better Alter ative, a better Sudorifio, a better Diuretio, a better Tonio, and in every way better than the Pan-a-ce-a. No matter how long it has been in ubs or how lately discovered. Above all it must not contain anything hot PURELY VEGETABLE. (5,00 REWARD ! ! A reward of Five Hundred Dollars will be paid for a medicine that will perma nently cure more cases of Costiveuess, Constipation, Sick or Nervous Headache, Liver Complaint, Bilious Disorders, Jaun dice, RheumatUm, Qout, Dyspepsia, Chills and Fever, Tape Worms, Boils, Loins, Side and Head and Female Complaint than dr. wauiurEirs BLOOD CLEANSER OR PANACEA, which is used more extensively by praotio ing physicians than any other popular medicine known. For Sale by ii. G . MESSENGER and WHIPPLE & HARTLEY, Ridg way, Pa. vln22yl. CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main Street,.Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, eto done with the same acouraey as heretofore. Satis faction guaranteed. vlnly. -pROPOSED AMENDMENT TO TEE CONSTITUTION OP PENNSYLVANIA. JOINT BESOLCTIOlf Proposing an amendmend to the Constitu tion of Pennsylvania. Be it Retolved by the Senate and House of Repretentatwet of the Commonwealth of renn tylvania in General Assembly met. That the following amendment of the Constitu tion of Commonwealth be proposed to the people for their adoption or rejeotion, pur suant to the provisions of the tenth article thereof, to wit: AMENDMENT. Strike out the Sixth Bed Ion of the Sixth Artio'.e of the Constitution, and insert in lieu thereof the following: "A State Treasurer eliaa be chosen ty the qualified electors of the State, at such times and for such term of service as shall be prescribed by law." JAMES H. WEBB, Speaker of the House of Representatives. WILLIAM A. WALLACE, ( Speaker of the Senate. Approved the fifteenth day of June, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-one. Prepared aad oertified for publication pursuant to tke tontk article of the tCon stitutiem. F. JORDAN, Secretary of tke Commonwealth. Offioe Seo'y ef the Commonwealth, 1 12t. Harrlsburg, July btb, i71. f 1 20. Subscribe lor tho Elk County Advocate. W- S. SERVICE. GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAY! THE LARGEST STOCK OF THE BEST-NO OTHER IN STOCK S TO rssx HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLESS ARIETY. PEICES WILL SUIT ! GOODS WILL PLEASE! LL CHEAP! STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FEEE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! W. S. SERVICE, No. 1 Masonio Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa. NATURE'S Contains no LAC SULPHUE No sugar or lead-No lith- AKCrE-No NITRATE OP SIL VER, and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health-dsstroying Drugs used in other Hair Prepara tions. Transparent and clear as crystal. It will not soil the finest fabric perfectly safe, clean and effioient, desideratums long sought for and found at last! It restores and prevent the Hair from becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy, ap pearance, removes Dandruff1, is cool and refreshing to the head, checks the Hair from falling off, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous eruptions, and unnatural heat. As a dressing for the hair it is the best article in the market. Dr. U. Smith, Patentee, Ayer, Mass. Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS, Gloucester, Mass. The genuine is put up in a panel bottle, made expressly for it, with the name of the article blown in the glass. Ask your Druegist for Nature's Hair Restorative, and take no other. gySend two three cent stamps to Procter Brothers for a "Treatise oa the Human Hair," The information tt eon tains is worth $500,00 to any persoa. FOR SALE 1Y G. G. MESSENGER, DRUGGIST, Main Street, Ridgway, Pena'a. vlnllyl. Tbe most Complete Dullness , College In tli e United States. Affording facilities for acquire ieg a thorough practical business eduoation, possessed by no other 8choolin thecountry Sihoe its incorporation im 1855, nearly SixteenThousand Students, representatives from every State in tne Unien, have attonded here. No vacations. Students enter at any time, aad receive private instrwolions throughout the entire course. N. B. Circulars with full particulars and AU seoessary information, on addressing SMITH & COWLE?, Principals, rmsiu&au, Pa BUSINESS CARDS. ' 31 ENRY SOOTHER, Attorney-at-Law tiiugway, ra. (feban'0.e;, I A. RATHBUN, Attorney-at-Law IJT BidgwayPa. 2 a tf. JOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg. way, Elk county Pa. mar.22'0(U AS. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Kersey, Elk Co. Pa. - , H A. PARSONS, 1, 1 Tt 1 - -ei . , . . 9 ase&ivr 111 jiooib, onoes aou earner. I Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. vlnltf. GEORGE WALMSLEY, County Sur veyor, St. Marys, Pa., holds himself in readiness at all times, to perform jobs in his line. 2 8 X. SORG, Saloon-keeper, corner of tj Railroad and Michael streets, St. Marys, Pa. NutiVe Wines, good Lager Beer, etc, constantly on hand. 2 8 WILLIAM GEIS, Restaurant, Mi chael street, St. Marys, Pa., keeps the best of Lager Beer and Native wines constantly on hand. 2 8 CH. VOLE, 'Manufacturer and Dealer . in Lager Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk oounty Pa. JTEYNOLOS HOUSE, EEYITOLPSVTLLE, JEFFE&S02T CO, FA. H. S. BELNAP, Pboprietoe . T S. Bordwell, M. D. Ecleotlc Physican J a Office and residence opposite the Jail, on 'Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt attention will be given to all calls. Offioe hours: 7 to 8 A. M-; 12 to 2 P. M. 5 and 6 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, 66-tf. D R C. H. FULLER, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, Ridowat, Pa. Residence and office opposite tho Thayer House. TS. HARTLEY. M. D., Physioian and Surgeon, Ridgway, To. Offioe in Walker's Building. Special attention given to Surgery. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Residence on Main Street, west end. - All calls promptly attended to. vln2yl. GO. MESSENGER, Druggist and Parmaoeutist, corner Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vlnSy. HEALY & HORTON. DEALERS IN DSY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS,' PRODUCE, FRUITS, &o. vlo8tf. West End, Ridgway, Pa. HYDE HOUSE, Ritioway, Elk Co., Pa. W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct 30 1800. Jjr-ORTON HOUSE, Tr ERIE. PA- M. V. Moore, (lute of the Hyde House) lroprictor. Open Day and Night. niiOif. DR3. BORLAND & Sr. CLAIR, fbanklin, Pa., Give special atten tion to Chronio diseases, and those pecu liar to women and children. Dr. Borland, diagnoses diseses by an ex mination of the urine, and by this Old German method has successfully treated thousands of cases without eaeing ihem. TT1DWARD MoBRIDE, Watchmaker and l2i Jeweler, Railroad street, St Marys, Pa. Engraving and repairing done oa short notice, and in a workmanlike man ner. Watches, and everything iu the Jew elry line, constantly on hand. 2 8 DK. G. WHIPPLE, Dental Surgeon. Offioe in Walker'a Building. An kinds of dentistry done ia the best style, and all work warranted. He will visit Kane oa the 1st, 2d, and 3d; Wilcox on the 10th, 11th, and 12th; St. Mary's en the 21st, 22d, and 23d of each mouth. At all other times he can be found at his office in Ridgway, Pa. vln2yl. KERSEY HOUSE, Cenbvili.b, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. m Thankful far the patronage Leretelore so liberally bestowed upon him, the sew pro crietor. hones, bv cavinir ctriot at. tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, (0 merit continuance ot the same. . HALL & BRO. Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ' ILK COUmmSTLYANLl. ' ' "' JOiIHQ. BALL..-U..U...JA8. K. P. BAH LEOAL. Lewis Boyington ) la Coernoa Pleaa va l f Elk County, 8ophronia Boyington, J No.15, Jan. T.,7l. Libel in Divorce, a vieule matremeaii. To SophroKia Boyingtan, respondent abov named; You are hereby notified that the sub- Eocua and alias subpoena in the above ease aving been returned son eat inventus you are hereby required to appear on the FIRST MONDAY IN AUGUST, 1871, being tbe 7th day ef the month, to answer the complaint ia the above case. JACOB MoCAULKY, Sheriff 1 SusBirr's Officii. ) Ridgway, Juno, 1, 1871. violate.