The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, July 20, 1871, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1871.
Bates of Advertising.
One column, ono year.. $75 00
.... 40 00
.... 25 00
.... IB 00
Transient advertising per square of eight,
linns or less 3 times or less 2 00
Dusiucss cards, ten lines or loss, per
yesr 5 00
Mnrriagos and Death notices inserted
Elk Lodge, A. T. M.
Stated meetings of Elk Lodee will he
held at their hall on tho second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month.
G. L. McCUACKEN, Seo'y.
Temple of Honor and Temoeranca.
Elkton Templo No. 81, meets on ea:h
altornato Thursday, at thoir Lodge Room,
on Main street, over .1. V. Honk's store.
II. A. PARSONS, iV. ft.
Var Time at Ilidgtcay.
Erie Express East 2:20 a. m.
do do West 2.-20 a m.
- do Mail East 4:52 p. tn.
do do West 10:03 a. tn.
Local Freight East 7:25 a. m.
do do West 5: M p. m.
Sherhjff McOauley hos cut down
the grass in the Court Square.
Doo days begin this year on July
Go to strangers lor charity, acquain
tances for advice, relatives for nothing.
Jackson & Co. are building a
new lumber shed back of their wagon
and blacksmith shop.
We are prepared to do Tacrs, Bill
heads, Letterheads, and Envelopes in
a neatmanner and at reasonable rates.
There was a heavy rain storm here
yesterday, and the signs are favorable
for a flood.
St. Mart's is putting up a good
many new buildings this season, and
making many other improvements.
The CommissioaeM of Elk county
will meet at their office in Ridgway, on
Monday, July 24th.
C. II. MoOAUT.EY, Clerk.
Cook & WeiiKNuitKNNrR, ft.
Mary's, have a largo assortment of Dry
Goods. Grocerimi, Provisions, Hats,
Caps, IJouts, and Shoes, wliiolt they are
selling Givoiiuiin a call.
"Wanted. A bey to do. chores1 for
liis board and schooling. No boy need
apply unless he is lurgo enough to take
caro of & horse, milk a cow, etc.
Centre street, llidgway, Pa.
1st annother column wiil be found
the announcement of tho name of "!.
It.S"!iron, of St. Mary's, as an Inde
pendent enndidittb fur the o$.ce 0!
Sheriff. Mr. Sexton is a man eminently
fitted lor thin responsible position, and
will it elected mako a prompt, vigilant,
and faithful cCccr.
Remedy for CnKo.vro Diarrhea.
Put a tablespoon of tthefit flour in a
tumbler of water; beat until it foams,
and drink immediately. If the patient
is thirsty, more water may be added.
It should be taken four times a day; be
fore meal times and on going to bed.
An oily exchange speaks thusly:
'The versatile and ubiquitous grasshop
per is congregating in the meadows
now, and is calmly chewing his cud on
mullen stalks and thistles, while he rubs
liis hind legs together in ccstacy, and
expectorates tobacco juice in the eyes
of the turkey who tries to prey on him.
Petroleum Report. From the
Monthly Petroleum Report of the Ti
fusville Herald we learn that the total
production for the month of June was
444,180 barreld, being an average daily
production of 14,80G barrels. This is
au increase over the previous month of
about 800 barrels daily.
Tiie Brookvillo Jeffersonian says:
An impecunious individual in Erie
iuuuiy, wuo couiun 1 anora to take a
paper, was fined 825 and costs, making
the who'e bill $50, recently, for detain
ing a stray cow that had been advertised
in the county papers. For that sum ha
ould havo received a newspaper for
twenty-Sve years.
Da. Bordwell visited Reynolds
villc, Jefferson county, lately, and Bays:
The town is growing slow but sure, sev
veral new buildings have been put up
this season and many more are in course
of construction.
Judge Shultz has sold nearly one
hundred acres of land in village lots,
and the fields are doted over with piles
of stoue and lumber for building.
The Judge has as fine a residence as
you will often see. His garden contains
an acre of level sandy soil; with a grove
of trees iu the centre The Judge has
done much for the place and deserves
to bo well rewarded f jr bis trouble.
TtoMH asij Health for July is on our
table and is a pood number. Home and
Health is one of the best health magazines
published. Terms $1.50 per annum. Ad
dress W. R. Dcluy & Brothers, 805 Broad
way ,New York.
W have received the August number of
Qodey's Lady's Book. It Is as usual up
to time and full of choice reading matter.
Published by L. A Godey, Philadelphia,
Pa. Terms $8.00 per annum.
1 m
Revised Census Statistics. The
latest revised tables at the Census Oflice
shows the following aggregate . popula
tion of thejSlates; and organized Ter
ritories: 'A' hi to 33,581,080; colored
4,879,!:,23; Indian, 25,733; Japanese,
55; Chinese, 63,100; total, 48,540,
987. About the Wedding Rino. The
wedding ring is put on the fourth finger
of the woman's hand because, n the origi
nal formulary of marriages, it was placed
on tho top of the thumb with the words
'In the name ot the Father," theu on
the next finger with the word, "utid of
tho Son," and on the middle finger
with, "and of tho Holy Ghost," and
dually on the fourth with the "Amen."
The President Judges throughout
the Stuto will receive a salary of 85,
000 for the ensuing year,1 commencing
tho 1st day of June. The associate
judges will rcccivo'in lieu of the salary
now allowed by law five dollars for
every day they may be employed in the
discharge of their offioialduiics. The
salary of no associate judge 'shall be
less than thrco hundred dollars. The
judges of the Supreme Court' have had
their salaries raised to $7,000 a year. .
Masonic. The strength of the Ma
sonic order in the United States, as re
ported by the Committee on Correspon
dence of the Grand Lodge'of Pennsyl
vania, aggregated as follows: Number
of Lodges, 7.495; members initiated
duting the last year, 41,930; total num
ber of members in thirty-eight States
and ono Territory, 4GG,802. Theorder
is strongest in New York, where there
are uo'J loupes ana iu,0-i memoers.
Illinois comes next, with 006 lodges and
33,990 members. Pennsylvania has
310 lodges and 32,958 members.
TnE act pasjed by the Legislature at
the last session chanjnns: tho time of
holding borough and township elections
from October to March, has not yet been
signed byjjthe Governor, or at least it
is not published with thoj'general laws
passed during the session of 1871. The
bill was passed through both Houses
unanimously, and no doubt was enter
tained of its receiving executive appro
val. It is possible it may may have
been overlooked and will be signed and
published in the phamplet laws before
the October election. If not, township
and borough election will be held as
last year in October.
From and afer Monday, May 29th 1871.
Traius will run on this Road as follows:
Leaves Earley 7.10 a. m., arrives at
Daguscahouda Junction 7.45 a. m., con
nects with Local east 7.56 a. m , and
Mail west 9.50 a. m. Leaves Dasrusea-
honda 10.20 a. in., oriives at Earley
11 00 a. m. Leaves Earley 4.00 p. m.,
arrives at JJaguscahonua 4. oil p. m.,
connecting with Mail east 5.05 p. tn.,
and Local west 5.21 p. m. I n? case P.
& E. trains are late, Daguscahouda train
ho.ds twenty miuutes beyond the above
Tickets should always' bo procured
before leaving stations.
O. R. EARLEY, Sup't.
The Last Aldina. By George Sand.
T. li. Peterson & llrothtrs, Publishers,
Philadelphia. This is an entire new
book by this celebrated author, and will
prove to be very popular, and must have
a large sale, for George Sand's stylo is
noble, and beautifully rich and pure.
She has an exuberant imagination, and
with it a very chaste style of expression.
She uever indulges iu declamation, aud
yet her sentences are exquisitely melo
dious and full. She leaves you at the
end ot one of her brief, rich, melan
choly sentences, with plenty of food
for future cogitation. No one can ex
press the charm of them; they seem
like the sound of country bells falling
sweetly and sadly upon the ear. There
is hardly a woman's heart any whero in
the civilized world which bas not felt
the vibration of George Sand's thrilling
voico. She yearns to do good. The
popularity of her novels, ,rConsuelo, a
Love Story," "The Countess cf Rudol
stadt," a sequel to "Consuelo," "Jeal
ousy," "Indiana," "Simon," "Fan
chon, the Cricket," "First and True
Love," "The Corsair," etc., have never
been equalled by any writei. "The LaBt
Aldina, a Love Story," is issued iu a
large octave volume, with a portrait of
the author on tie cover, price Fifty
cents, and is for sale by all Booksellers,
or copies will be sent to any one, post
paid, by the Publishers, on receipt of
price by them.
Tomatoes and Health. A Cor
respondent calls our attention to the
attack recenily made by a well-known
writer on the use of tomatoes as an
article of food and asks our opinion.
Ou tho contrary, tho experience ot the
public bas thoroughly tested and proved
their value. Don't eschew tomatoes.
Home aud Health.
mawi wwn,r
Suicide Our villneer. wero startled
on Sunday morning by tho announce
ment of the sudden death ot Joseph
Burchfield, ono of tho leading carpen
ters and builders of this place. Inves
tigation proved that ho had committed
suicide by taking laudanum. No tauso
is assigned for the rash act, unless it is
credited to intemperance on his part and
prodigality on the part of others, of
which he frequently complained lately.
Burned to Death. Ellen Lchan, a
little seven-year-old step-daughter of
Patrick Leanny, living near the Lake
Shore Railroad track, about oue hun
dred rods west of tho North East depot,
was fatally burned last Thursday. The
following are tho particulars: The
mother of the child, having to go to
town to mako somo purchases, and not
wishing to leave tho children alono in
the house, sent them into tho yard to
piny, and fastened the doors. But
Ellen succeeded iu opening the door,
and having got inside, thought ts build
a fire. Accordingly, slio seized an oil
can as sho had probably seen her
parents' do poured a portion ot the
contents iDto the stovo, and set it on
fire. When it was burning she at
tempted to sdd fresh fuel from the can.
An explosion followed, tiie Kerosene
flew over her clothing, nnd she was
soon enveloped in flumes. A neighbor,
who saw the little girl run out into the
back yard, caught up a pail of water,
which she threw over the screaming
child, and began to 6trip off her cloth
ing. A gang of workmen near by
came to her assistance, and the flames
were finally subdued, but not until the
little sufferer had.been burned so badly
that she only lived twenty-four hours.
A similar accident occurred at Crest,
line, O., on the 11th inst taking the
life of a Mrs. Henry. When will peo
ple learn to use kerosono properly?
Burglaries iu Warreu. The Jewelry
Store ot Mr. Otto Ilubcr was entered
by prying open tho back koor last Wed
nesday Light. J he door of tho new
Marvin Sate was blown open by drilling
a hole ani iuseriiug powder just over
the knob. All the watches, jewelry
and other valuables in the lower part of
the safe arc missing, to the vulue of five
or six thousand dollars. The burglar
proof vault, containing all that could be
put into it, was not opened. Consid
erable jewelry in the cases remained in
untouched. Two or three sledges,
hammers and chisels from the black
smith's shop of Mr. Knupp, and some
tools from the wagon shop of Mr. Boss,
were found in tho store.
The Giist Mill of Ensworth and
Reese was also entered by forcing the
side door and an old, small Herring
Safe was blown open. It contained
only the books and a pile of pennies
which were left on the table. General
ly they leave tho key in the safe, but
that night it happened to be locked.
The barn of P. Falconer, Esq., was
also entered and bis valuable bay horse,
bugcy and harness were stolen.
Tho young men sleeping in Mr. Hun
ter's Store adjoining Huber's were
awakened about two o'clock as they sup
posed by some unusual noise, but hear
ing frequent noises every night in the
Livery ratable back of tho store and on
the street, they thought little of it and
soon went to sleep again. Other parties
in stores and the hotels near by heard a
'noise but no body tried to hunt it up.
A year ago last February Mr. lluber
was robbed in the saiuo store. He
since bought a large new safe, but even
this didn I seem to make mm secure,
notwithstanding it did all any fire proof
sate claims to do it saved everything
in the burglar proof vault. Evidently
the burglars were old hands at the busi
ness and had surveyed the ground.
Among t lie watches taken were 25 or
30 belonging to customers. Mr.
Beccher lost ono valued at 150, Nate
Gibson, of Corydon, one gold and one
silver, both worth 8175, one belonging
to Mr. Barget, while other parties lost
those of less value.
So far we hear of no clue to the bur
glars. The Town Council met early
Thursday morning and offered a reward
of $300 for the arrest and conviction of
the thieves and appropriated 8200 to
search for them. For some time they
employed a night watchman, but he was
dismissed not long ago. Now they try
to shut the door after the horse and
jewelry are stolen. A private subscrip
tion was also made to employ a detec
tive to work up the case.
P. S. Mr. Falconer found his horse
and buggy on Thursday, in the woods
just this sido of Frewsburg. The horse
was unharnessed and grazing near tbe
road; Tho buggy and harness were
down in the woods thirty or forty rods.
Two men who stopped at the Russell
House hero on Wednesday are suspect
ed ot the burglary, but we do not hear
of their apprehension. Mail.
Elk County Directory.
President Judge L. D. Wetmore.
Additional Law Judge Hon. Jao. V.
Associate Judges J. K. Whitmore, Jesse
District Attorney J. K. P, Hail.
Sheriff Jacob MoCauley.
Prolhonotury 4-0., -Fred. Schoening.
Treasurer Henry D. Dorr.
County Superintendent Rufus Luoore.
Commissioners H. Warner, Juhn Barr,
Louis Vollnier.
Auditors Clark A. Wiloox, George D.
Messenger, and Joseph Wilhelm.
County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley.
Jury Commissioners. Joseph Kerner,
and Charles Mead.
8econd Monday in January.
Second Monday in April
First Monday in August.
First Monday in November.
There are sixty-one daily newspapers
published iu Pennsylvania.
Leaving the East nnd arriving at
Chicago or Indianapolis, how shall we
rcaoh the West? The best Lino is ac
knowledged to be the C, B. & Q , joined
togethor with the B. fr M. Railroad by
the Iron Dr'idge at Burlington, and
called the Burlington Route,
The Main line of tho Route running
to Omaha, connects wilh the great Pa
cific Roads, and forms to-dny the lead
ing route to California. Tho Middle
Branch, entering Nebraska at Platts
mouth, passes through Lincoln, the
State Capital, and will this year be
finished to Fort Kearney, forming tho
shortest route across tho Continent by
over 100 miles.
Another branch of the B. M., di
vorginz at Red Oak, falls into a line
running down the Missouri through St.
Joe to Kansas City, and all . Kansas.
Passengois by this route to Kansas,
see Illiuo's, Southern Ima, and Mis
souri, aud, by a slight' divergence, cun
see Nebraska also.
Lovers of flue views should remem
ber the Burlington Route, for its towns
"high-gleaming from afar" its tree
fringed streams its rough bluffs and
quarries its corn-oceans stretching
over the prarics further than tho eye
can reach.
Land-buyers will be sure to remem
ber it, for they havo friends among the
two thousand who have already bought
farms from Geo. S. Harris, the Laud
Commissioner of the B. & M. R. R. at
Burliugtoti, Iowa, or among tho four
thousand home-steaders and pre-emptors
who last year filed claims in tho Lincoln
land office, where "Undo Sam is rich
enough to give us all a farm."
Clandestine Marriaoes. The
act in relation to clandestiuo maniages,
passed by tho late Legislature, was
sic;ued by the Governor on the 2d of
June, and is therefore a law. 1 ho act
That no justice of tho peace, clergy
mau minister, or other person who shall
tako upon himself to perform the mar
riage ceremony, shall be liable for the
peualty for joining iu marriage per
sous under the age of twenty-one years,
as provided in tho second section ot an
act, entitled "An act to prevent clan
destine marriages," approved February
fourteenth, Anno Domini ono thousand
seven hundred and twenty-nine, unless
such justice of the peace, clergyman,
minister, or other person performing tho
marriage ceremony, shall, at the time,
of joiuiug them in marriage, knowingly
or willfully perform such marriage cere
mony in disregard of the provisions of
the first section of the act aforesaid.
Under the original aot of 1729, tho
person performing the marriage cere
mony iu the case of minors was liable
to the penalty whether ho did it "know
ing or willfully" or otherwise, but in
case of prosecution under the new law
it will be necessary for the plaintiff to
show that, the ceremonv was knowingly
or wilfully performed, otherwise the de
fendant is not liable to the penalty.
How to 00 ui Smivr Bosoms.
We have often heard ladies express a
desire to know by what process the fine
gloss observed on new linens, shirt
bosom, eto., is produced, aud in order
to gratify them, we subjoin the follow
ing recipe for making gum arabi
starch: Take two ounces of gum arabic
powder put it into a pitcher, and pour
on it a pint of boiling water (according
to tho degree of strength you desire),
and then, having covered it, lot it set
all night. In tho morning pour it care
fully from the drcs into a clean bottle,
cork it, and keep it for uso. A table
spoonful of gum water, stirred in a piut
of starch that has been made in the
usual manner, will give to lawns (either
white or printed) a look of newness
when nothing elso can restore them
after washing. It is also good (much
diluted) for thin white musiia unl bob
inet. Ex.
Motto for Grocers. Honest tea is
the best policy.
Payn, the walkist, caved at tho end
of his 45th mile in New York. As he
was 19 hours doing it, it was about time.
Philip Sidney said: "I am no her
ald to inquire of men's pedigrees: it is
enough for mo to know their virtues."
It is a curious fact, demonstratad by
the British census, that the population
of Ireland is actually less than the num
ber of Irish iu the United States.
The State of Miohigan contains
5,154 inland lakes, covering an area of
1,114 miles, besides a water front on
the great lakes ot more than 1,850
A map of Asia and two quarts of ci
der were the contributions in a Connect
icut town toward a Fourth of July celo
bjation. The committee drank the one
and had a light overooat male of the
My hair was falling off, I used two
bottles of Nature's Hair Restorative
and it checked it at once. It is clean,
safe and efficient. If your druggist has
not got it, send direct to Procter Bros.,
Gloucester, Mass. Seo advertisement.
Remedy for a Felon. Take the
yolk of an egg, with an equal amount
of soft home-made soap and an equal
quantity of common salt; and a teaspoon
fal of spirits of turpentine; mix well,
aud apply the poultice on going to bed.
If the felon be &o far advanced as to
rendor lancing necessary, then apply a
new one after lancing, as before,
tt -r:i r r"i tiitt
Wl3 nro Bulhnrizrd to nnnonnce tho
name or C. U. SEXTON, of St.
Mary's, as an INDEPENDENT candidate
tor the olhce ot Hun slientl ot Xjk
J Wnlchmalicr, F.ngrnver and Jeweler,
Main Flrnet. llidgway, fa. Agent tor t bo
Howe Fewing Machine, nnd Morton (..old
Pen. Repairing Watches, etc.. dono with
the same accuracy ns heretofore, hatis
fnction guaranteed. vlnly.
Tho Annual List cf Income nnd Special
Revenue Taxes f&r the year 1871 for tho
counties of Warren, Elk, Cameron and
MoKean, are now complctpd nnd in my
hands for collection. I will nttcml to re.
eciving taxes at the Itydc House in llidg
way, on Tuesday the th dny ct July,til,
and at. St. Mnry a on Wednesday the -oth
All pcrons neptlectinp to pny these taxes
ten days after this notice will bo charged
6 per cent, addition nnd 1 per cent, per
month ior further demy.
V. FORD, Dept. Cot. 19th Dist.,Ta.
Sniothport, July 1, 1871. vlnl'Jt2.
Orphan's Court Sale.
By virtuo of an order of the Orphan's
Court of Elk Countv, the undcrsijrued. Ad
ministrator of L. U. Zimmerman. late of
said county, decensed, will expose to salo
by rubho v endue, ou
Saturday, July 8th, 1S71,
at 2 o'clock, p. m., on Uie'premises, all the
interest of the decedent in and to lots Nos.
42 and 43 in the Village of Ccntreville,
with tho buildings thereon erected.
Terms CASH on confirmation of sale.
vlnllts. Administrator.
Or, Ways and By-Ways in tho
HiddenJJlLifo of American
By officer S. McWattcrs. A narrative
of 2o years' experionno among Bank Rob
bers, Counterfeiters, Thieves, Pickpockets,
Lottery Dealers, Confidcnco Men, and
Swindlers of all classes of society dis
closing marked instauccs of diabolical ven
goauco and deep laid plans of mischief and
outrage, aud showing tho modes by which
they were iraced out nnl scoundrels
brought to justice. A lnrgo vohimo of
over (150 pages; 130 full pnge engravings.
For circulars nud terms address tho pub
lishers. J. B. BURR & HYDE, Hartford,
Conn. vlnl8t3.
Proposing an amendmend to tho Constitu
tion of Pennsylvania.
He it Resolved A; the Senate and Iloute of
Representatives of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania in General Assembly met, That
the following amendment of tho Constitu
tion of Commonwealth be proposed to tho
people for their adoption or rejection, pur
suant to the provisions of the tenth article
thereof, to wit:
Strike out the Sixth Section of tho Sixth
Artic'e of the Constitution, and insert in
liou thereof the following:
"A State Treasurer shall bo chosen by
the qualified electors of the State, at such
times and for sucn term of service as shall
be prescribed by law."
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
Approved tho fifteenth day of Juno,
Anno Domini 0119 thout-uud cijjht hundred
and sevunty-one.
Prepared and certified for publication
pursuant to tho tenth article of tho Con
stitution. F. -JORDAN,
Secretary of tho Commonwealth.
Office Sec'y of the Commonwealth,
1 20.
Harrisburg, July 6th, 1S1,
published on every package, there
fore it is not a secret picparalion.
'tis a certain euro for Scrofula,
Syphilis in all its furnia, Ulieumi
Iimii, Skin Diseases, Liver Com
liimtit and all diseases of the
will do more pood than ten bottles
of tho Syrups of iyirsopanlla.
have used flosaduhs in thoir practice
for the put three years and freely
eridono it lis a reimblo Aitcrutiva
and C!od Purifier.
DTI. T. C. rVC fX, or Baltimore.
OU.T. '. UOVKI V, "
ini. n. w. o ami. "
nit. r. o 11 w Vf'ixv,
UK. J. S. SKAHKS,! Nichclasvill,
K y.
DR. J. L. SIcCAIlTHA. Columbia,
DR. A. B. N02I.ES, Kdgecomh, N. C.
J. II. FItn.VJII li EO.NS, Fall ilivar,
r. AV. SMITI', Jnckwn, Mich.
A. V. IVHKKI.l.jl, Lima, Who.
H. MAI.I.. Oiiio.
CRAVL.V A CO.. ;..L'mirvi", Vi.
SA.M'L. O. Mel ADIj.N, Jiuiir.i-s.
boru, Telia.
Our RpAeu v.-i'.!nnt illn-r m rj ex.
tf'fuicJ i-f.-utikH iu jWntMiii to tua
. irlumor l'liicaJftli. '1 utli.' .V ik-al
i'roie.sirtn wo ciutiiintro a FU-U
crrtmj.'nr l' miylhcy tiue vcr
u:.ea in ui watmriti ol tiispusttl
Blnoi ; nnd to Ihf nfiljrtiHl v Ky try
KoalaUt, and )ou wiil La rtstoitj
to iitallU.
Romdalt nM by ill Dnip-'lsts,
pnoo j.ut Lutl.u. AciiieM
Manufacturing Chmitts,
Baltimore, Mr
Subscribe for tho Elk County Ad-
00 .
S T O T E & !
No. 1 Masonic Hall Building,
Ridgwny, Pa.
Contains no LAC SULPHUB Ho
' VES, and is entirely freo from the
Poisonous and Health-destroying
Erogs used in other Hair Prepara
tions. Transparent and clear as crystal, it will
not soil the finest fabric perfectly safe,
clean and efficient, desidcratuma long
sought for and found at last!
It restores and prevent the Hair from
becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy, ap
pearance, removes Dandruff, iu cool and
refreshing to the head, checks the Hair
from fulling oiT, and restores it to a great
extent when prematurely lost, prevents
Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous
eruptions, and unnatural heat. As a
dressing for the hair it Is the best article
in tho market.
Dr. (J. Smith, Patentee, Ayer, Mass.
Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS,
Gloucester, Mass. The genuine is put up
in a panel bottle, made expressly for it,
with the name of the artiole blown in the
glass. Ask your Druggist for Nature's
Hair Restorative, and take no other.
JigySend two three cent stamps to
Procter Brother for a "Treatise on the
Human Hair," The information tt con
tains is worth $500,00 to any persou.
Main Street, Ridgway, Pcnn'a.
The most Complete HuNinesii
College in tbe lnlted States.
Affording facilities for acquireing a
thorough praotical business education,
possessed by no other School in theoountry
Since its incorporation in 1855, nearly
SixteenThousand Students, representatives
from every State in tho Union, have
atlondod here.
No vacations. Students enter at any
time, and receive private instructions
throughout the entire course.
N. B. Ciroulars with full particulars and
AU necessary information, on addressing
i SMITH & COWLEY, Principals,
FiiisBUHQii, Pa
ENRY SOUTHER, Attorney-at, Law,
Kiugwny, l'a. (febasi'O.H),
i V A. RATH BUN, Attorney-nt- Law
JC, Ridgwny l'a. 2 2 tf.
JOHN 0. HALL, Attorney at law, Rid.
wny, Elk county Pa. tnar.22'G(U
4 H. HILL. Physician and Burgeon,
U,X. Kersey, Klk Co. Pa.
, Dealer in Boots, Shoes and Leather.
Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. vlnltf.
veyor, St. Marys, Pa., holds himself
in readiness at all times, to perform jobs
in his line. 2 8
V uiiDn o.k i.. 0
a Railroad and Michael streets, St.
Marys, Pa. Native Wines, good Lager
Beer, etc., constantly on hand. - 2 5
WILLIAM GEIS, Restanrant, Mi
chael street, St. Marys, Pa., keeps
the best of Lager Beer and Native wines
constantly on hand. 2 8
C II. VOLK. ' Manufacturer and Dealer
, in Lager Beer, opposite the Railroad
Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa.
H. S. BELNAP, Pbopribtor .
JS. Bordwell, M. D. Eclectio Physicaa
a Olhce and residence opposite the
Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt
attention will be given to all calls. Office
hours : 7 to 8 A. M- ; 12 to 2 P. M. j and
6 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, C6-tf.
jyvL C. H. FULLER,
RinowAV. Pa.
Residence and office opposite tho Thayer
m S. HARTLEY. M. D.,
.1 Physician and Surgeon,
Ridgwny, Ta. Offico in Walker's Building.
Special attention given to Surgery. Oflice
hours from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Residence
on Main Street, west cud. All calls
promptly attended to. vln2yl.
Druggist nnd Parmaceutist, corner"
Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A
full assortment of carefully selected For
eign and Domestic Dru'gs. Prescriptions
carefully dispensed at all hours, day or
night. vln3y.
vlnStf. West End, Ridgway, Pa.
Ripgway, EtK Co., Pa.
W. II. SUtiUAM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenience of
guests, to merit a continuance ol tho
Oct SO 18GS).
M. V . Moore. (Jute of ilia JJide House)
nODen Day and Night-
traxklin. Pa., Give special atten
tion to Chronic diseases, and those pecu
liar to women and children.
Dr. Borland, diagnoses discscs by an ex
ftmir.ution of tho urino, and by this Oht
Or man method has successfully treated
thousands of cases without seeing ihem.
DWARD MoBRIDE, Watchmaker and
Jeweler, Railroad street. St. Marvs.
l'a. Engraving and repairing done on
snort notice, ana in a workmanlike man
ner. Wutche3, and everything in the Jew
elry lino, constantly on hand. 2 8
Dentrd Surgeon.
Ollice in Walker's Building. All kinds of
dentistry done in tho best stylo, and all
work warrantod. Ho will visit Kane on
the 1st, 2d, and 3d; Wiloos on the 10th,
11th, and 12th; St. Mary's on the 21st,
22d, and 23d of each month. At all other
limes he can be found at his office in
Ridgway, Pa. vln2yl.
John Collins, Proprietor. '"
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at.
tentlon to the comfort atmI nnnvAniATinA
of guests, to merit a continuance of the.
Attorneys - at - Law
JOiINO. HALL.......... JA8. K. p. UALB
Lewis Boyington " In Common Pleas
' of Elk Countvv
Sophronia Boyington, J No.15, Jan. T.,'71.
Libel in Divorce, a vioulo matremonil.
To SophroKia Boyington, respondent abovs
You are hereby notified that the sub
poena and alias subpoena in the above case
having been returned non est inventus,
you are hereby required to appear on tho
being the 7th day of the month, to answer
the complaint in the above ease,
Sheriff s Office,
Ridgway, Juno, 1, 1871. tlnlUto,