The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, July 20, 1871, Image 2
(Slit dfmtnfij gtopft. lltsnr A. Parsons, Jr., - Editor. THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1871. &EPUELICAH STATE TICKET. Auditor General: DAVID STANTON, of Beaver Co. Surveyor General: 110HEHT B. BHATII, of Pchnylki.ll. Th New York Slots. The riot in the streets of New York City, lust Wednesday, 12th inst., is. the themo which our exchanges ore at pres ent discussing, and almost without tx ceptbn they denounce the rioters and point to Mayor Hall as promoting the riot by issuing his cowardly order, through Superintendent Kelso, forbid ding the Orangemen's parade. Following are extracts from somo of 'the leading New York papers: The Herald says we cannot refrain from congratulating tlie community Hint the Tnnjcty of law was vindicated and the rights of the people upheld. The Sun says about one hundred men paraded yesterday in the Orange ranks to vindicate the right of citizens to assemble, and about one hundred men were killed and wounded in putting down the mob who desired to deprive them of that right. The result shows that if the city authori ties had never yielded to the mob thcro would have been no riot at all. The World says th Governor's action is eeuerally applauded, but if that was the omivsn lotiursuc. lie is inexcusable : for reaching so tardy a decision. ri. r;, nv vestcrdav's procession with all its abnormal features, was a noble vindication of the niigM of popular will mid of the justice which lives in the un perverted instincts of a free people: but the procession had its melancholy side. The Iribune snys the whole blame for the riot is on the Tammany leaders, and con cerns both Mayor Hall and Governor lloff. .man. NEWS- An Enslshman was telling tlio late Col. Isnao O. Barnes, of Mnsuchupetts, of tlio great speed of the cars in Eng land: 'hy Colonel, in tuy country they go scvcuty-Gve inilns an hour." J hey do. snvs the Colonel, "they couldn't run long at that rate, for they'd run off the d d little Island." A lean bean soup is sometimes de sirable, especially io boarding houses ar.d hotels. Jlcro is how to moke one: "Tuke a lot of wator, wash it well, and boil it until it is brown on both tides; then very carefully pour one bean into it, and let it simmer. When the bean begins to grow restless, sweeten with salt, then put it up in air tight cans, hitch each can to a brick, and chuck them overboard, and thn soup is done." No more than four or five years ago a distinguished Boston publisher of much experienco advised tho friend of a certain young lady that she had better stick to school-teaching sho would never make anything of a writer. It was but a new proof of the fallability ot the wisest ot us, for thn young lady was Miss Louisa M. Alcott, whosic new book "Little Men," sold 26,000 copies buloro the day of publication. An exchanue says that it knows of a bov who by accident swallowed a silver lmlf.dollar. Thev euve him warm wot tcr and tartar emeti'3, nod antimonial wine, and noked their Ctmers down his throat until the boy thought be would throw up his toe-nails. After a while a doctor come along who understood such cases. lie administered a Email dose ot patent medicine, and iu less than ten minutes the boy threw up the hulf-dollar in five-cent pieces- Science is a great thing. No MAN is a man until he is tried; till he has passed through the ordeal; through deep w ater and scorching fires. A man surrounded with comforts, ttiends and relations, food and raiment; whose barns are filled with plenty, and whose presses gush out. with new wines; who eats his fill: sits and reads, doles about, takes his ease and pleasure; smoking his pipe and chewing his quid: is he a man; J?ar Irom it. A man is not a man until he is proved has passed the ordeal; drauk the bitter cup 10 lis very urc.; risen uuuvo n.c a wju flicts; mounted tho billows of the wave. L;st of CArsrsset down fur trial at Au Riist Term 1871: 1. Tho Elk Co, R. Tt. and Mining On. tctte vs Jacob Rcichnrd, No. 1 April Term 1870. 2. Koch k Pon vs Patrick Eeed, No. 08 Jan. Term 1809 3. Armcl Tnrley vs Geo. D, Smith, et at No. 88 ApriPTcrm 180!). 4. Messenger Wheeler vs Dilworth & George. No. 41 April Term 1809. 6. J. C. Chapin's heirs vs Bryant & Euwer, No. 4 November term 1809. 0. Hiram Woodward vs Thomas Tosier, No. '.29 Nov. term 18G9. 7. Thomas Ttirley vs B. A. Weed, No. 88 Nov. term 1809. 8. A. J. Lewis vs John W. Best, No. 0 Jan. term 1870. 9. A. II. Packard vs John Kaul et al, No- 18 April form 1870. 10. James Douglass et at vs Thomas Lu cas et al, No. 29 April term 1870. 11. K. W. Bnshley vs Allen Giles, Nos. 48 47 48 and 49 April term 1870. 12. James H. Biltington vs Isaac Bow man et al, No. 10 August term 1870. 13. Bernard Wcidenbrenner vs George A. Rathbun, No. 80 August term 1870. 14. Isaao Bowman vs Thomas Irwin, No. 11 November term 1870. 15. Spillane's heirs vs Michael Danao van, No. 19 November term 1870. 16. Geo. W. Smith vs 1. F. Anderson, No. 22 November term 1870. 1". Stearns, Clark & Co. vs D. F. Ander son, No. 23 November term 1870. 18. C.Brockway.Jr. vs Horton township, No. 24 November term 1870. 19. Reuben Winslow vs Kdwin Fletcher, No. 25 November term 1870. 20. Spring Run Coal Co. vs Laurie J. Blakely, No. 81 November term 1X70. 21. Jonathnn Boynton et al vs A. C. Finney et al. No. 1 .Inn. term 1871. 22. John G. Reading et al vs A. C. Fin ney et al, No. 13 January term 1871. FRED. SCIIOENING, Pro. POWELL & KIME. SHERIFF'S SALES. Powell & Kimc BY virlua of a writ of Levari Facias, Issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Elk county, and to me directed, I will expose to sate by public vendue or outory, at the Court House, in Ridgway on MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1871, at one o'clock p. m., all that certain traot or pleoeof land situate In the township of Bemiogcr, cornuy of Elk, and State of Pennsylvania, beginning at a post at the southwest corner of warrant four thou sand eight hundred and eighly-four (4884), thence north fou hundred perches to the northwest corner of said warrant 4884, thence east two hundred perohes, thence south four hundred perches, thence west the choicest goods of all descriptions, that two hundred perches to the place of begiu- ninir. containing live hundred acres, and . . . . ii - . I v : . v. . ..i..h narl nf ttiirrint four I can oe ,ouna ,n any marae. are .ui.y pre- --s s"ht hundred and eighly-four And have left all rival, far behind them, 1 . - . . . ! BLUk I fnv (tip V Having erected a large and well arranged new Store House on the old site, since the fire, and filled it frora cellar to garret with pared to receivethelr old customers, and supply their wants al bottom figures WHOLESALE OF. RETAIL. JUNG ECHO F 1FTY DOMESTIC. The Alabama clnims will amount to ;.jbout thirteen million dollars. Little "Tad" Lincoln, the youngest :Son of President Lincoln, died in Chi cago on the morning of the 15th inst. An Tndiananolis merchant has been in business thirty-two years and never ....orttcoil ITn runs a rccauut ware- UUtVlllui I . house on a curb-stone table. N. Y., claims the fast . ilnnhle team time on record. Last oolf TTninn nud Dutch Boy made their mile in 2:3 4. Every crime has a causo cr inotiye urnmotinfr it. Statistics show that in -nine-tenths of the cases whisky is the lever that directs all misdesds. James Gordon Bennet has formerly made over the N. Y. Ihrahl newspaper -to his sou, valuing the entire property and good will at tlireo million ot dolmrs Tho horn of a Patn-Mninn ox lias Wn forwarded to Baltimore. It is ;vi,T.rii..n innhes Ion?, seventeen inches in oironmlVrAnca at tho base, and will i hold seven quarts. Thn fi.-st Bantist church in the United Rtnf-a was formed in "Providence Plantations" in 1039. There are now 17,445 churches and a membership of 1.410,503 There are 53,000 miles ot railroads in operation in the United Mates ThM-fi cost is nut down at 82,400,000, 000, or just about the amount of tho . national debt Franklin said: "A newspaper and Bible iu every house, and a good school 1 i ? - i. nMinrtinla Clin. Havikg a Good Time, A tele graphic dispatch from London, dated July 5th, says: "iue American Kuights Templar, from Pittsburgh, Pa., were entertained in uiagnilicietit style yesterday by the Earl of Shrewsberry ind Talbot at Ins seat at Alton lowers- in Staffordshire. In honor ot the day and ot his cuests. the Earl caused the American Aug to be raised over the hall by the side of the ancient banner ot the Talbots. rivine servico was held in the chapel, and a banquet served in the hall. The Earl in a most cordial speech welcomed the Americans, and Sir Kuight V. U. xuuor, ot iew Orleans, made an appropriate response." dollaTIS Worth of Musis FOR- $ 3. Subscribers to Ta- tebs Music M. Mos thly arc getting their Musio for less than two centt a piece Those who have not seen this Musical Magazine should send 30 cents for a Baraple copy. The musio is by Hays, Thomas, Kinkkl, Pkrslkt, and other popular writers. Tw( back numbeis for 40 cents. Four back numbers for 70 cents. A New School Book, by II. S. Tebkins rrice $7.50 per doz. Contains over two hundred new and beautiful Songs, Du ets, etc.. by Will 8. Hats. W e u s t k b, Thomas, etc Every thing is new, fresh, and sparkling. Con tents and specimen paces sent free. Sam- copies mailed free of postaze to teachers for 65 cents. Liberal terms for introduc tion. Address, J. L. PETSSS, 59 Broadway, Hew York vlnlltt. rjlIIE SINGER Manufacturing Company. AT THE "WORLD'S FAIR. Constituted by tlio homes of the people Received tho Groat Award of the HIGHEST SALES ! MRS4V heina the same premises which I . V i r t .1 I .1 -. -,1 t. - I Francis van aiarneviiio, ujr uceu unmu m eighth dav of February, A. V. 18C5, I errant cd and conveyed to Lewis Mitchell and Mitchell A. Mitchell In fee. HU.pd and taken in execution as toe nrnnertf of Lewis Mitchell ana Witcneii A. Mitchell, and to be sold by Sheriff. Siirriff's Office. Ridgway, Julj 12, 1871.1 vlnlOts. BY Their assortment Is now oomplcte, com prising DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, etc, etc. POEK, FLOUR, SALT, Feed, Beans, Butter, The whole anthracite tonnage of the Pennsylvania carrying companies lor 1871. tin to May amounted to 3,- 370,017 tous, iiL-ainst 6,040,540 tons to the samo dato last year, being a decrease ot 2.CC1.G33 tons. The actual pro iluminn of anthracite coal foots up lor tho year l.4."7,077 tons, against 5,515, 4'J5 on the same date last year, being a net decicase on last year's production to the corresponding date of d,050,41d tons. The prodnction of bituminous coal for the year is 772,912 tons, airainst 539,841 tons to the correspond- inor time lust year an increase of 233, 070 tons, Tho total production of all kinds of coal lor the year is 3,230,889 tons, against 6,054.231 tons to corres ponding time last year a decrease of l,B2o,a42 tons, Altoahet. A grain of prudence "10URT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, j the Hon. L. V. Wktmorb, President Judge, and Hons. J. K. Whitmore and Jesse Kyler, Associates, Judges of tho Court of Quarter Sessions, urpuans' uoun, uyc and Terminer, and General Jail Dclivory, for the trial of capital and other offenses in the County of Elk, by their precepts to me directed, have ordered the aforesaid na med Courts to be holdeu at Ridgway, in ani for the County of Elk, on the First Monday of August, 1871, it being the 7th day of the month, and to continue one week. justices of the Peace, and Constables, of I DRIED APPLES, said County, that, they are by these prcs hnts commanded to be then and there, in their proper persons, at ten o'clock, A. M., of said day, willi their rolls, records and inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those thines which their offices apper tain to bo done, nud that all Justices of said County, make returns of all recogni zances entered into beforo them, to the Clerk of the Court, as per Act of Assem bly of March 4th, 1834. And those who are bound to prosecute me prisoners mat are or shall be in the Jail of the County of Elk, and to be then and there to prose cute agaiost them as shall be just TAfVUl Mi'f! ATILHY. 81 in every district, are the principle sup- jg worth a pound of craft, r i ..aI Anil sii n 1 1 1 w . ! a- JACOD McCAULEY, Sheriff. Ridgway, June 29, 1871- Canned Goods, porters ot virtue, morality ana civn liberty." Tho descendents of William Penn still draw a pension of 1,000 a year from tho British Government, for being tnries in the revolution and losing their property in Pennsylvania, then valued . at 500,000. Theodore Tilton says that out of. the w;n;nn nd ft nuarter of books in the world nhout five hundred are worth reading We prcsuaio Mr. Tilton and others would differ widely about tno be- lection of the five hundred. Wninrmfdnns are said to bo found innrn profitable in Georgia than cotton, A farm of a few acres, a capital of $300, with one laborer to do the work, makes returns of 810 per diem. From tho 3d to the 7th over 11,000 melons were shipped from AuguBta to New York, and these shipments were only a begin ning. Suivrna and Dover, Dela ware, n distance of tweWe miles, and extending tar back on either side of the Boasters are cousins to liars. Confession of faults make half amends. Denying a fault doubles it. Envy shooteth at others and wound- eth herself. Foolish tear doubles dangers. God reaches U3 good things by our hands. He has hard work to do who has nothing to do. It costs more to avenge wrongs than to bear them. Judo not that ye be not judged. Knavery is tho worst trade. Learning makes a man fit company for himself. Modest is a guard to virtue. Nnt to hear coutcience is the way to silence it. One hour to-dav is worth two to rn ntrnw. Prouds look make foul play on fair faces. Ouiet conscience trives sweet sleep. Small faults iudulged in are little thieves. Thn boughs that bear most bend r-mmtrv road, the country is almost one unbroken peach orchard. And cot- Virtue and happiness are mother and withstandmsr the lato heavy frosts the only apprehension now expressed is that the trees are too full of fruit. The shipments began on Thursday, thirteen days earner man iuosb ui jmi, FOREIGN. Buenos Ayres, May 28. The plague , still lingers in the city; in consequence of its prevalence, the deaths during the last week were double the normal average. An interesting report relative to the plague is published; it gives 23, 000 as the total number of deaths dur ing the ravages of the plague that is, from January to May. This is a very heavy loss out of a population of ouly 170,000 persona. Trials being sanctified, inoreaso faith, and faith being increased "Su Tul to the trial. daughter. Wise men make more opportunities than thev find You never lose by doing a good turn. Zeal wituout Knowledge is uro wuu out light. In short everything wanted In tho Country by JTOY LIST. The following are the jurors drawn for AuguBt term ot court, lbil: GRAND JURORS. Benezct Richard YY. Doyle, Robert Rotherick. E. H. Dixon, Geo. W. Winslow. Denzineer Joseph Bideel. Jr., Joseph Schaur, Anton Munich, Thomas Kerner. Fox Matnias Spooler, Sr., James Mo Closkev. John Mosier. Horton 8. A. Ulmsieaa, u. r.. ueman. Jav William 11. Hewitt, Josiah R. Morev. JonesJosepn Kye, cnnsiopner jjiu. LUMBERMEN, J? All dir. its. ME- Aiuisione J. v;. v,ihuhiuii, n; rtnllev. Ridgway J. V. lloua, James lucKaru, Edward Derby. St. Marv's Uoo. Ed. Yteis, . A. ua berbush. TRAVERSE JURORS. Rnnczet HaluU Johnson. Jr. Beiizincrer Martin Fielle. George Sollo, Anton Bauer, Michael Lawler, Josepb Pat ton. For William newitt. James tarns wnvih. C. E. Green. Isaao Havs. John lay lor, John Kuutzlcnian, John Koch, David Meredith. Horton James Keilly, Allen ones, Jniwnh Chamberlain. N. M. Brookway, Redford Segars, iiarvey rarsons, juseu Clinton. Jones A. I. Wilcox. Joseph l'istner, Daniel Smith. Michael Weidert. .Ihv Martin Clover. Joshua W. Horn j rock. Millstone James GreenawalU Ttidirwav Horace Warner. Sorinir Creek D. G. McNauL Robert Warner. St. Marv's Michael Slebig, Unas, fllo- Yean, John Walker, Kr., trans uerg. CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERS, LABORING MEN, virtue of a writ of Fenfifioni Ez- porta, lssueu out oi iuu vum t ui mon Pleas of Elk County, and to me di rected, 1 will axposo to sale by public vendue or outcry, ut the Court House, in Ridgway, on MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1871. at one o'clock p. m., all that certain tract or piece of land situate in the borough of St. mary's. bounded and described as fol lows: Beginning at the intersection of St. Mary's and Centre streets, in said borougn, thence south 45' cast along the west side of St. Mary's street eighty-nine and one half feet more or less to the northease corner of MoNally's lot, thence south 80" west along McSally's north line seven. h. five feet to the northwest eorner of said MoNally's lot, thenoe south 45' east along McNally's west line twenty-lire feet to the southwest corner of McNally's lot and the northwest corner or Jacob Bieberger s lot, thence south 6 cast along Jacob Bieber eir's we;t line thirty -five feet to said Jacob CLOTHING, Bieberger's southwest corner and north line oi mnu oi mm v. ."..j thence south 79J west along said KuntVs north line forty-four and one-half feet to the southeast corner of John Butsche's lot, thence nonh 10J west along said Butohe's east line, sixty. one feet to a post, thence north 24J west along said Butsche's east line to sail Butsche's northeast corner on thesoutherley sido of Centre street, thence north (53.1 east about one hundred and fifty-oue'andono'tcnth feet to the place of beginning, coniainiug muuauu mi hundred ani fifty-one square feet of land more or less, upon wnicu is ernuieu out Two-Story Frame Building with stone cel lar, fronting fort j -two and one-half feet on St. Mary's street, and forty-four and one. tenth feet on Centre street, occupied as a store aud dwelling, and having one story additio? on the south side thereof sixteen feet by thirty feet; also, one Old House, twenty-four by twenty-six feet; also, one Fraaie Barn, twenty by twenty-four feet, and one Two-Story Dwelling House, twenty-six by forty feet, not finished. Seized and taken in execution as the property of James Coyno aud F. H. fiie bercer, aud to te sold by JACOB McCAULEY, Sheriff. 8hf.biffs Omen. Ridgway, July 12, 1S71. vlnlOts. BY virtue of a writ of Levari Fac las, is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk county, nnd to mo directed, I will expose to sale by puhlio vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in Ridgway. on MONDAY, AUGUST 7, 1871, at one o'clock p. m., all that certain tract of land lying west of tho Philadelphia and Erie railroad, in the towuship ot Ridgway, county of Elk, State of Penn sylvania, commonly known as the "John sonburg Coal Lot." containing four hun dred and forty (440) acres of land more or less, and bounded and described as fol lows, to wit:' Being parts of warrants thirty-two hundred and eighty five (o'JSo) and forty-eight hundred and fifty (4850), beginning at a post corner sianuing one hundred and forty-Beven (147) rods west and eighteen and four-tenths (18 4-10) rods north of the southwest corner of a one hundred and ninety-eight (198) acre lot lying on the west side of the Johnson burg tract, thence south one hundred and seventy-six (170) rods to a post corner, thence east one hundred and fifty '100) rods to a post corner, thence south one hundred and Beventy-four (174) rods to a post corner, thence west two uunareu (U00) rods to a post corner, thenoe north tne hundred and seventy-six (170) rods to a post corner, thence west one hundred nnd fifty (100) rods, thence north one hun dred and seventyfour (174) rods to a post corner, thence east two hundred (200) rods to a post corner, the place of beginning. Seized nnd taken in execution as the property of George Dickinson et al., at the suit of Samuel A. Crozicr and George K. Crozer, aud to be sold by JACOB McCAUEEY, Sheriff. SIIEB1FF 8 UFFICB. I Ridgwoy, July 12, 1871. J vlnlOts. SOLO JIMSTO One Hundred and Twcnty-soven Thousand, Eight Huudred and Thirty-three Machines! being more than forty thousand in advance of their sales of the prcviovs year, and over forty-four thousand more than the, talrt of any other Company for 1870, as shown by the following figures from sworn re turns of tho sale of Licensees. The Singer Manufactur ing Company sold over the Florence sewing CrjAULEi A. D.VMA, Editor. A Kqwupnper ot tho Present Tlmfis. Intended Tor Teoplo Novr on l.nrtli. Inclntflrg Farmors. Merhmilc'. Morchantu, Pro feHlonnl Hon, Wuikcra, Thlnkora, dad all Man ner of Honest Folks, aud the Wives, Sous, ami daughter j ot all inch. ONLY OXE DOIiLATt A YEAR I ONE nUNDUTJD COPIES FOR 30, Or lata than One Cent a Copy. Let there be a V3U CIUD at ovorr Pott oflloe. BEKI-WEEKllT BUN, 82 A TEAR, ef tho ennio alae ann general character a THE WEEKLV, bnt with a creator variety ot mlftcollancona readini, and tnrnlslilng tho n-wa tolti oao.crlbi with Rioltur froshness. because Itcouias twice i wceklnstealotoDco only. THE DAILY BUN, 60 A YEA II. A preeminently roadiblo newinaier. with tlo larnst clraiimtltin m tha wortft. I'rAQ, lnl9 pendent, ana f?arle.-a In politics. A'tr'ni n?wa rrn:n every whuro. Tw- cena a copy by niatv 50 cents a month, or 00 a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY KTTN. Five eoplos, one year, aeparately af(1reii1. Four inllnrn. T?n copies eno ycir, pennrntolr a'MrpWJCd (and an extra cup) to the getter up "f ctiiD). :cut l)o!lar. Twenty copies, one yefir, aopnrntrh- n'Mrcsetl (a id an extra copy fcj tlio getter up nf cmb). Fifteen Dollars. Fifty cop!. one yen?, to one address (and tlio SuniMtockly one year to exttrr ni uf club), Thlrty-thrco DoHiim. Fifty copies, one year, separately addressed Oiml tue &t!uilWueklyoceye:i ri cotter ur ot rinh), Thirty-Ovo Dalian. Dne hnndred eol,-, ope rcv, to "tin adilrcm t ind tun Uaiiy for onu yeitr to the x. 'ter in ol clo"- Fifty Dollars. jne nonnrca copies, one year. separat?lv nd- scfi nmi. the Dally tor one your to i ne eel tcr drei ni. of club), blxty Ootlurs. THE 8E.1II-WKEKLY BUN. Five copies, one year, separatclr nrldTefed. Einrht Dollnn. Ten conies, one yorr. sopnra'clv ndnrcbsed (anil an extra copy to getter up of tl'ih), Bixtccn Dollars. 8EXD TOCIl MONEY ft Post Office orders, cheeks, or drafts rn Kcir York, wherever convenient, if not. tnen register Irt. letters contalolnic money. Addresb I. VT. ENOLANrt, PHbllfher, Bun ofilce, Kuw York City. Machine Co., 101,173 Macliincs Sold ovar the Wilcox & Gibbs S. M. Co.. 08,943 do Sold over the Weed Sew ing Machine Co., 92,831 do Sold over the Grover & Baker 8. M. Co.. 70,431 do Bold over the Howe Ma- ' chine Co., 52,077 do Sold over the Wheeler & Wilson Man'fg Co.. 44,021 do all ot which is mainly owinz to tho popu Uritv of what, is known as the "NE iT FAMILY SEWING MACHINE," wliich now fast finding its way into every well regulated household. For Circulars giving full particulars of Machines, tucir roiuing Cases of many varieties of wood and finish, their Attachments for numerous kinds of work, which, till recently, it was thought that delicate fingers alone could perform, as well as particulars about all articles used by their Machines, such us Twist, Linen Thread, Spool Cotton, Oil, &c, &c, apply to any of their Authorized Agents, or to THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 458 Broadway, New Vork. Philadelphia Office HOC Chestnut St. A. CUM MINGS, Ascot, Ridgway, Pa. vlnl9julyl3m7. RAILROADS- PHILADELPHIA & EEIK EAILE0AD. O' DRIED JPEACnES, STEREOSCOPES. VIEWS, ALBUMS, CI1ROMOS, FRAMES. E. &H.T. ANTHONY & CO 591 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Invite the attention of the Trade to tlieir extensive ossortmentof the abovo goods, of their own publication, and importattfin. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GRAPIIOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO.. 591 Broadwav. New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Importers and Mauufacturcrs of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. vlu2yl. SUMMJJR TIME TABLE. Nand after MONDAY, JUNE 5th, 1871, the Strains on the Philadelphia; & Erie Railroad will run as follows : WKSTWAttD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia. 7.10 p.m. " Ridgway -10.03 a. ni. " " arrive at Erio 3.30 p. ni. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12 30 p. m " " " Kntgway a. ni. ' ' arrive at Er ie....... ..7.40 a. ni.. Accomodation, leaves Kcuova....7.Ki a. in. " IUdgway,0.4il p. in. " arr at Kane S.thjp. in. KASTWAUU. Mill Train leaves Eric .11.30 a. ni. ' " Ridgway..... 4.62 p. in. arrive at I'hiUd'a... 7.30 u. ni. Eric Express leaves Erie U.O!) p. in. " Fiugway... 1!.UU a. in. ar-at Philadelphia., u 5) p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane f.(J0 a. m. " Ridgway... i.'. -Lin. " arr at St. Marys 8.30 ant. " leaves St. Mirys 10.30 a in. " arr at ltenovo li.HJ ;i. in . Mail East connects cast nnd wott til Erio with L S & M S R W and at t'orry hii.I lrvineton with Oil Creek and Alleghany It K W. Mail West wtth wost bound trains on L S & M S R W and at Corry nnd lrvinetO!t with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W. Warren Accommodation eRt and vrst. with trains on LI and M S R east nxd west aud at Oorry with O C and A R R V'. Erio Accommodation East at. Corry sn-.l Irvineton witii O C nud A K K W. Elinira Mail aud liuffrvlo Express mnko close eouncciion at Willhinisport with N ll R Y trains north and south. Calawissa passenger trains will bo run. cast from Willinmsport on Kimiru Mnil. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup-t. YOU WANT TO BUY EVERYBODY ! r GOODS CHEAP NEW HVEIIY STABLE IN A Fenian over the water was called on for a toast. He pave the following: "All hail! the American aisle! Proud bird of freedom all bail! The fowl that no one can invaigle, Or put salt on its beautiful tail." A Locomotive whi&tlo can be beard, under ordinary circumstunces, 8,300 yards or nearly two miles; the noise of a railway train, 2,800 yards; the bark of a dog or the report of a musket, 1,800 yards; the roll of a drum, 1,600 yards, and the human voice, 1,000 yards- established in 1830. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' Sawsl Saws! Saws! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish ings, and machinery. FSr-Qet the BEST, they will prove tho ! cheaneat. Prices reduoed. Send for price List and Circulars. WELCn & GRIFFITHS, Boston, Mass., or Detroit, Mich. vlnl2t38. J D. PARSONS, Manufacturer and Dealer in BooU & Shoes, Main St., oppoeite Hotel, Ov27y Wilcox, Fa. Also a full stook of MANILLA ROPE of tho best manufacture, of suitable .sixes for rafting and running purposes. OO TO TnAYER & IIAGERTY Main Street, F.idgway, P. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS, SHOES, 11 ATS AMU UAfS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW.WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The UEST BRANDS ot FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. DAN SCRIBNER WISIIES TO IN- form the Cittzens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has starteda Liv I cry Stable and will keep i GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES I and, Buggies, to lot upon the most reasona bio terms. C?,He will also do job teaming. Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the PostOffioe. on Milt street. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt attcn tion. Aug 30 1870. tf. X Li Revolvers! NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing June 5th. 1871. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS BURGH AND POINTS ON TUB PUIL'A. & ElUK It. It. OOl.fll SOUTH. Day Express leaves Oil City at 2 10 pm. Arrives at Pittsburgh 7 6" p in Night Kspress leaves Oil City 9 45 p m Arrives at Pittsburgh t 4 m Mail leaves Oil City 9 43 a in Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 00 p ni QOJNO NOKTII. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at 8 35 a nv- Arrives at Uil uny at p " icht Express leaves Pittsburgu iu io p m Arrives at Oil City o 05 nv Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 12 30 p m. Aarrives at Uil rniy Miipra Close Connections made at Uorry lor Pittsburgh with trains East and West oa & K. H. K. Tollman Pallaoe Drawing P.oom Sleep. ing Cars on Night Express Trains boiweou Corry and filUDurgn., Ask for XicKeis via Aiiegneny vuucjr i. Tln2. TniYER & nAGERTY. 6&U Ridgway, p., March H, J U. W1LBEH, 1 Main St. (Holes' New Building), Ridg way, Pa. Latest Periodicals and Newspapers kept constantly on hand. Also dealer in t resit Fish, Oysters, Tobacco, an't omcutionary. vlniu, The New X L Revolvers. No. 1 22-100 Cal.. No. 2 82-100 Cal.. short. No. 3 82 100 CaL.long, No. 4 38-100 Cal.. for Pocket Revolvers, are uiuurpattei. They use the ordinary Copper Catridge ind are beautiful in shape and hnisu. THE BALLARD DERRINGER, 41-100 CaL. hat no equal as a Derringer. Full and complete stock of Guns. Rifles. Pistols. Ammunition and Sportsmen' Goods, Manufactured by IffiBTO Si EULBEIiT, 83 Chambers and CJ.Ileado Streets, Fend for Catalogue. NEW YOKE. h Tlol8wl0. R. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Supt. A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. THE GLOBE. ESTABLISHED 1808-1 An Independent Evening Journal. Served by Carrier at Ten cents per weoc Ask your newsdealer for it. THE GLOBE, as the only I.nBPBnKNP uflbrnoon journal, reaohing a popula tion in New York and vicinity of over Tubes Millions, is rap. idly gaining the positiou of the great leading evening paper of the Metropolis. A8AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM, WITH ITS LOW RATES, IT IS UNSURPASSED. TERMS OF THE GLOBE. Subscription. By Mail," One Month. 50o.: Three Months, $1 50; Six Mouths, $3; Ouo Year, $5. Advertising. Per line, nonnariel measurement Ordi. dary, 10o.; Speoial Notioes, 20c; Reading and Public Notices, o0u.; Business Notice.; 50c. Address 1UE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY. Printing House Square, New Yolk.