The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, July 13, 1871, Image 3

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    (Bih, Ojmuiin gjitoqrfe
THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1871.
Itat03 of Advertising.
One column, one year $71, 00
" " " 40 00
J " " " 2o 00
I " " " 15 00
Transient advertising persnuare of eight
lines or loss 8 times or less 2 00
Business cards, ten lines or less, per
year. .. 5 00
Marriagos and Death notices Inserted
Elk Lodge, A. T. It.
SUted meetings of Elk Lodge will bo
held fit their hall on thi second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month.
o. l. Mccracken, Sco'y.
Temple of Honor and Temoerance.
Elkton T rniple No. 81, meets on ea;h
alternate T mrsday. at their Lodge Room,
on Main BU-eet, over J. V. Houk's store.
Car Time at Ridgway.
Erie Express East 2.20 c. ra.
do do West 2:20 a m.
do Mail East 4:52 p. m.
do do West 10:03 a. m.
Local Freight East 7:25 a. m.
ln ln Vioot 5:49 p. m.
Huckleberries are selling here at
fifteen cents per quart.
E, E. CrANOAi.L had a mesa of cu
cumbers last week of his own raisins;.
One Indian in Oregon was civilized
he hanged himself for love.
A stone culvert is being built on
Pouth street near D. D. Cook's resi
Religious Services will be held in
Grace Church next Sunday, morning
and evening, by Rev. J. A. Dooris.
Elkton Temple of Honor No. 81
meet ut their Lodgo Rcora, over J. V.
Houk's store, this evening.
The frame of the house, being erected
by E. C. Barrett on Court street, has
been raised.
Preaching in the Court House next
Sunday, morning and cvuning, by Rev.
C. M. Heard.
The Commissioner;! of Eik county
will meet at their office in Ridgw ly, on
Monday, July 24th.
C. II. McCAULEY, Clerk.
Rain has been the order of tho day
for a week past, but as yet no flood has
proctcd tli 4 hungry eyes of our anxious
Lutheran service! in the Cou-t
House, Ridgway, by Rev. J. Rrenctnan,
on tho 23d of July nnd tho Cth of
August. Gorman in the morning and
English in the evening.
Our report of tho Republican County
Convention, found in another column,
is rather meJirre owincr to tho failure of
fie fecretary to furnish ua with a copy
of tho proceedings.
Geo. Walker's building on
street, is being fitted up for the accomo
dation of Prs. Whipple & Hartley who
intend having a first-class drug store in
every respect. Thoy have ovr best
wishes for their suoaais.
TnnJ-jd welling house of Mr. Fred.
Wilmarth, at Wilmarth this county,
was destroyed, by fire, with its contents,
on the night of tho -fch inst. The Cre
was first discovered in the woodshoi,
but it is not definitely known as to its
Rattlesnakes Killed. Mr. John
Erooks, George Trump, and D. D. Nel
son killed Thirteen large rattlesnakes on
Thursday last.'on the mountain between
Wykoff and Mis Run. In some of the
6nakes thoy found five and six soft
shelled egs, some of which were nearly
as largo as hens' eggs. Cameron
Sawmill Burned. The largo saw
mill at Kane, known as Kaoo's mil! and
leased by Mr. Griffin, of Philadelphia,
accidentally took fire on Thursday lost,
Gili inst., and was totally destroyed to.
cether with nearly a million feet of lum
ber. The loss is estimated at from
IfW.OOO to 575,000; we have not learned
whether the property was insured or
Lv another column will befonnd an
advertisement of the Singer Sewlns
Machine, of which A. Cummings is tho
agent in Ridgway; persons desirious of
purchasing a good sewing machine
should call on Sir, Cummings and take
a look at the singer; it is cheap and
does its work in tbe best manner. Mr.
Cummings has also on hand a large
etoek of furniture, consisting in part of
chairs, bureaus, bedsteads, mattresses,
looking glasses, lounges, and baby
wagons. Mr. Cummings can be found
at all times, Sundays excepted, at his
wareroDms on Main street, under the
Democrat office.
.Tune 28th, 1871, at the residence ofOeo.
A. Rathbun. Ridgway, Pa., by tho Re. J.
A. Dooris. Rector of Grace Church, Miss
Nellie A. Rathbun to Mr. Alex. MoMurchy.
The glorious Fourth passed off very
quietly in Ridgway, and save the burn
ing of a small quantity of powder, in
the shape of fire crackers, everything
moved on in its appointed way. It was
designed to have a pio nio in the woods
near Dickinson's Mill,but, owing to the
inclemency of thoiweathct, it was not
held. In tho evening, however, thero
Wis a dance at Messsengcr's Hall which
passed off to tho satisfaction of tho par.
ticipants. ' , '
Remaining in the Postoffice at Ridgway up
to July 1st, 1871:
Ambrose, John Keys, William 2
3arr, William U. 2 I'agune, James
Bailey Miss EliiabelhMangard, Henry
Doty, Jonathan McGilveny, John
Darby, Patrick Maloy. Thomas J.
Donahue, James Mood, Henry
Dorley, Patrick Mill keys, Drias
Densraore. James M. Mrs. Joseph
Dealy, John Parkman, F. II.
Decker, Horace Tetton, F. A. 2
Evans, J. M. Hiss, Mrs. liolscy
Kly. Andrew Koff, Samuel
Gahan, Merla Rhymer, Wm.
Goodwin, John M. S'U'rcson.Rcv.J.Ii.
Gctz, Katz Tcrmanes, R. K. 2
Colla t'tfinll Willinmn. S F.
Hernugton,Mrs.A.F.2Watton, Henry
llilliara, Miss Cate tvolf. Miss Mary it.
Harrington, Ross Woder, F.
Hill, Irwin W. Williams, John
House. Youtcr Mrs. Wriiht. Sanil.
Klein, Miss Nellie
Knot called thirty days they will be
sent to the dead letter office.
Arthur's Home Maoazine for
July is on our table, and is an excell
ent number; it is as usual filled cram
full of choice readiug matter. ' Send
20 cents for a specimen copy to T. S.
ARTHUR & SONS, Philadelphia, Ta
Tub July NumiKRof "Peterson's Maga
zine" is on our table, -and is unusually
good, even for this unrivalled Monthly.
The principle embellishment is a spirited
sttel engraving, "Ahead of the Field," il
lustrating an old-fashioned lovestory. The
fristiion-plnte is on steel, end richly colored.
"Pttorsuu," bo it known, is celebrated for
tho surpassing style and beauty of his
Paris fash ion-plates. The stories are all, and by our very best waiters. It
gives more for the money than any other.
Iidofd. it is a standing wonder how so
?oo d a magazine nan be published at so
low n price, viz.. S2.00 to single subscri
bers, $1.50 to clubs of four; but it is to be
accounted for, we suppose, by the enor
mous circulation. As' tbe publisher says,
"a small profit on a largo edition is better,
both for I ho public and for him, thin a
largo profit on a smaller edition,' No lady
iif taste ought to bo without "Peterson "
Now is the time to subscribe, for the July
number begins n new volume, and sub
scriptions will bo taken, if desired, for six
months, at half price, so that tbe subscrip
tion may end with (he year. Address
Clins. J. Peterson, COS Chestnut street,
Music can no longer be considered a
lusuty, and. those who spend fabulous
sums in purchasing Sheet Musio are
simply throwing their money away. It
our musical i'rictnls will take the trouble
to procure a enpy of Peter's Musical
Monthly, they will see what their wiser
friends ore doing namely, getting bet
ter Music nt one and two cents a piece
than they are buying at thirty, forty,
and fiUy cents. Each number of this
valnahlw publication contains thirty-six
P'i:i's of Music, printed from full-size
music plates, embracing Sacral and
Secular Songs, Duets, Choruses, Polkas,
Waltzes, etc.. in every issue.
The July number commences Volume
VIII., and contains thirteen pieces of
Music, neatly bound, that would cost
just four dollars and fifty cents in sheet
form. You can get it by mail, post-paid,
by sending thirty cents to J. L. Peters,
509 Broadway, New York.
The newest and best, the most beau
tiful and brilliant, consequently the
most popular and fashionable songs are
Three Little Words, by J. A. Butter
field, author of ''Sweet Ethel May,"
"When you and I were Young Maggie,"
etc., and The Beautiful Days That are
Past, by the popular Frank Howard,
author of "Guees Who?" and "Little
The melody of Three Little Words is
as sweet as a wild wood-bird's love song,
and the words as beautiful as a flower-
strewn prairie.
Mr. Howard, in a letter to the pub
lisher, notifying him of the completion
of The Beautiful Days That are Past,
says: "I think tbe song one of tho
best I have ever written."
If your nearest musio dealer does
not have theso songs on hand, nor will
not order them for yoa, send 35 cents
for each ono direct to me, and I will
forward them to you by return mail.
To persons seudiog me the names and
address of all musio dealers they may
known, and stating in what magazine
they saw this notice, I will, for one dol
lar, mail them two copies of one song
and one of the other, and send a 35
cent piece free. Address the Publisher,
T. W. MARTIN, P. 0. Box 517,
Chicago, III.
A Flobal Curiosity. Take a
stick of elder, bore out tne pith, fill tbe
cavity with good earth, and sow to it
seed of several flowers that bloom at
the same time. Tho seeds will soon
germinate, and the plants grow up to
gether, with Ihe stems, branches and
leaves, they will apPear Srow rom
.he same root.
pcrial gjoticw.
Mr hair was falling off, I used two
buttles of Naturo's Hair Restorative
and it cheeked it at onco. It is clean,
safe and efficient. II your druggist hits
not got it, send direct to Procter Bros.,
Gloucester, Mass. See advertisement.
"Cleanpino TnE Blood," upon
which charlatans have harped so much,
is not a mere catch.woid and delusion.
The microscope shows that some diseases
exist liko parasitic growths upon the
globules of the blood, nnd it is further
known that somo subtle substances do.
Ptroy or expel them. These substances
have been combined to ronke Ayer's
Sarsnparilla, which does effectually ex
pol the disorders thnt breed and rankle
in the blood to rot nut as it were the
machinery of life. Mercer (Pa.)
Is Safe Esrosess Cheaper than Sancsrsns.
Our ccientifio periodicals have for
many months been instituting ft war
agaiust tho vendors of volutilc and dan
gerous kerosene. They have exposed
its treacherous properties, and giveu the
public an idea of how to detect the
fraudulent article, with very little
trouble or expense. There is, however,
one point which, although not alto
gether, has in a great measure been lost
sight of, namely, that it is more econo
mical for those ot limited means to
burn a high fire test and immaculately
safe oil than it is to consume the lighter
and more dangerous fluid. This fact
may be practically demonstrated in a
very simple manner. Take two lamps
similar in every respect, placo in the
one a pint of oil which t-tand a fire test
of 00 degrees, and in the other a pint
of oil which stands a firo test of 110
degrees of heat. The safer oil will not
merely measure n higher candlo power,
but it will also last a very much longer
time than the other. When the fire
test is increased to 175 degrees of heat,
the length of time which it will last is
increased in a much greater ratio than
the extra price for which it can be manu
factured. The reason of this is, that
the dangerous article contains a larget
proportion ot hydrogen, which has no
illumiuatiug properties whatever, nnd
tho safer article a larger proportion of
carbon, which is the light giving prin
ciple ot the oil. The dangerous arti
cle is also constantly evaporating and
wasting away without any benefit being
derived from it, while the safer article,
which cannot vaporize nt tho ordinary
temperatures of the atmosphere, remains
iotnet. Oil which will stand a firo test
of 110 degs. will commeuco to vaporize
at 90 degs. Oil of 120 degs. will vap
orize a 105 degs., and oil of 175 deys.
will give off vapor at 150 degs. Tho
latter oil may be considered absolutely
safe for every purpose, in fact it is as
safe as lard oil. Where there is ti pos
sibility of the oil being exposed to 105
degs. of heat, the high fire . test oil
should always be used. If these facts
were thoroughly understood by the
people, there would be little demand
for dungerous oil, which would bo almcst
driven from the market. Harrisburg
To Make Stale Bread Fresh.
Put the loaf into a clean tin, and cover
closely to exclude all water, and set
into a steamer or kettle of boiling water
for halt an hour; then remove from the
tin and it will look like fresh bread, and
be really almost equal to a new loaf.
An immetisd raft of cypress lately ar
rived at New Orleans from West Feli
ciana, It contained S50 logs, containing
over 1,000,000 fcot of timber. Most
of the logs were 70 to 90 feet in length
and four feet in diameter.
It is said that one of the Siamese
twins is living at the point of death at
their home, in North i'arolina. The
other is in good health. In view of
death, arraugemo its havo been made
for the immediate separation of the
living from the dead brother.
TJio war losses sustained by South
Carolina are estimated at 6326000,000
about two-thirds of her former great
wealth. In this estimate is included
tho cost of reconstruction.
For Fruit Stains on Napkins,
Table Cloths, etc. Pour hot water
on the spots, then wet with hartshorn or
oxalio acid a teaspoonful to a tea cup
of water.
To Clean Furs. Shake and whip
them well; then brush; boil some flax
seed; dip a rag in tho water and wipe
them slightly. This makes them look
nearly as good as new.
A NEW style of collar for ladies is of
white linbn, standing up at the back,
and turning over at the front, like a
man's, and is embroidered on the cor
ners with a monogram, aid edged with
handsome lace.
To Remote Iron Rust. Dip the
rusty spots in a solution of tartario or
oitrio acid; or wet the spots with lemon
juice and rub on hard, white soap and
expose it to the heat; or apply lemon
juice and salt and expose it to the sun.
Thy It. A lady who has tried it
gives the following method of exter
minating the repulsive bedbug: "It
any of your readers need a sure remedy
lor bedbugs they can have mine, and
cleanse the bouso of this troublesome
vermin without expense. They have
only to wash with salt water, filling the
cracks which they frequent with salt,
and jou maj iook ia vain for them."
It is estimated that tho people of the
United States pay 100,000,000 a year
for medicines and medical services, ex
clusive of 525,000,000 for patent medi
cines. Daniel Styles, of Trcscort, Wisconsin,
is now in bis 100th year, find has been
a Freemason for 80 years. The local
papers deslare him the oldest Free
mason tn America.
A Michigan man thinks that eternal
vigilance will be the price ot potatoes
this year.
Elk County Directory.
dent Judge L. 1). Wetmore.
Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P.
Associate Judges J. K. Whitmoro, Jesse
Kyler. .,
District Attorney J. K. P. Hail.
Sheriff Jacob MoCaulcy.
rrothonotury o., Fred. Schooning.
Treasurer Henry D. Derr.
County Superintendent Rufus Lncore.
Commissioners H. Warner, John Ban-,
Louis Vollmer.
Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George D.
Mossenger, and Joseph Wilholin.
County Surveyor Geo Wilmeley.
Jury Commissioners. Joseph Kerner,
nnd Charles Mead.
Second Monday in January.
Second Monday in April
First Monday in August.
First Monday in November.
Tho Annual List of Income and Special
Revenue Taxes f jr the year 1871 for the
counties of Warren, Elk, Cameron and
McKea'n, are nnw completed and in my
hands for collection. I will attend to re.
ceiving taxes at the Ilyde House in Ridg
way, on Tuesday the 2Slh day of July.lttTl,
and nt St. Mary's an Wednesday the 201 h.
All persons neglecting to pay these taxes
ten days after this notice will be charged
5 per cent, addition and 1 per cent, per
month for further delay.
P. FORI), Dept. Col. 19th Dist Ta.
Snelhport, July 1, 1871. Tlnl9t2.
anin, v
231, 1871. J
W. D. of Pennsylvn
Pittsburgh, June
This is to give Notice: Tiiot tin the 10th
day of June, A. D. 1871 a Warrant in
Bankruptcy was issued against, tho Kstato
of John Farrar & Co., of St. Mary's
in the County of Elk and
Stnto of Pennsylvania, who liavo
been adjudged Rnnkruptsonthe petition of
their creditors; that the payment of any
debts and delivery of any property belong
ing to such Bankrupts to them or foi their
use. end tho transfer of nny property by
them are forbidden by law: that a Meeting
of the Creditors of the sitid Bankrupts, to
prove their Debts, and to chooso one or
more assignees of their Estate, will bo
hold at a Court of r.finkmptcy, to be hold
en nt Ridgway in eai.l District at tho oflice
of S. E. Woodruff, before S. E. Woodruff
Esq., llegister. on the 4th day of August,
A. D. 1871 at 3 o'clock, p. ni.
nl8!2. C. S. Marshal, us Messenger.
Manufacturing Company.
Constituted by tho homes of the psople
Received the Great Award of tho
Ami have left all rivals far behind them,
for they
solo r.v ts-.o
One Hundred and Twenty-seven
Thousand, Eight Hundred and
Thirty-three Machines!
being more than forty thowiand in advance
of their sales of the pveviovs year, and
over forty-four thousand more than the talei
of am ofier Company for 1870, as shown
by the following figures from sworn re
turns of tha sale of Licensees.
The Singer Manufactur
ing Company sold over
the Florence Sewing
Machine Co., 101,173 Machines.
Sold over the Wileox &
Gibbs S. M. Co., 08,943 do
Sold over the Weed Sew-
ir.e Machine Co., 92,801 do
Sold over the Grover &
Baker S. M. Co.. 70,431 do
Hold over the Howe Ma
chine Co.. 62.G77 . do
Sold over the Wheeler &
Wilson Man'fc Co., 44.G24 do
all ot which is mainly owing to the popu
larity of what is known as the "NEW
now fast finding its way into every well
regulated household. For Circulars giving
full particulars of Machines, their Folding
CiiBes of many varieties of wood and finish,
their Attachments for numerous kinds of
work, which, till recently, it was thoughf
that delicate fingers alone could perform,
as well as particulars about all articles
used by their Machines, such as Twist,
Linen Thread. Spool Cotton, Oil, Sao., &o.,
apply to uuy of their Authorized Agents,
or to
4j8 Broadway, New York.
Philadelphia Offioe 1100 Chestnut St.
A. CUMMING3, Agent,
Ridgway, Pa.
BY viriua of a writ of Levari Facias,
issued out of tho Court of Common Picas
of Elk county, and to me directed, I will
exposo to sale by publio venduo or outcry,
at tho Court House, in Ridgway on
nt one o'clock r. ni., nil that certain tract
or piece of land situate in the township of
ltenzingcr, county of Elk, and State of
Pennsylvania, beginning at a post at tne
southwest corner of warrant four thou
sand eight hundred and eighty-four (4881),
thence north fom hundred perches to the
northwest corner of said warrant 4884,
thence east two hundred perches, thence
south four hundred perches, thence west
two hundred perches to the place of begin
ning, containing five hundred acres, nnd
bcinir the western part, of warrant four
thousand eight hundred nnd eighty-tour
(4884). being the same premises which
Francis Van Marseville, by deed dated t he
eichth dnv of February, A. D. 18G5,
grunted and conveyed to Lewis Mitchell
and Mitchell A. Mitchell in fee.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Lewis Mitchell and Mitchell
A. Mitchell, ana to be sola by
Sheriff's Office.
Ridgway, July 12, 1871. f VlnlOts.
BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Ex
ponai, issued out of Ihe Court of Com
mon Pleas of Elk County, and to me di
rected, 1 will expose to sale by publio
vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in
Ridgwny, on
at one o'clock p. m., all that certain tract
or piece of land situate in the borough of
Ht bnnnilorl nnd described as fol
lows: Beginning at the intersection of St.
Mary's and Centre streets, in said borough,
thence south 40' cast along the west side
of St. Mary's street eighty-nine and one
half feet more or less to the northease
corner of McNally's lot, thenoo south 89
west along McNally's north line seventh,
five feet to the northwest corner of said
McNally's lot, theuco south 45' cast along
McNally's west lino twenty-five feet to the
southwest corner of McNally's lot nnd the
northwest corner of Jacob Biebcrger's lot,
thence south G eaBt along Jacob Bieber
ger'B west line thirlyfive feet to said Jacob
Biebcrger's southwest corner and north
line of land of hoirs ot Anthony Kuntz,
thence south 79J west along said KUntz's
north line forty-four nnd one-half feet to
the southeast corner of John Butsche's lot,
thence north 10 J west along said Butche's
east line, sixty. ono feet to a post, thence
north 24 j west along said Butsche's east
lino to Bail Butsche's northeast corner ou
thesoutlierlcy side of Centre street, thence
north 63J east about one hundred and
fifty-one and one-tenth feet to the place of
beginning, containing ten thousand three
hundred ani fifty-one square feet of land
more or less, upon which is erected one
Two-Storv Frame Building with stone cel
lar, fronting forty-two and one-half feet
on St. Mary's street, and forty-four and
one.tenth feet on Centre street, occupied as
a store and dwelling, and having one story
audition on the south side thereof sixteen
feet by thirty feet; bIbo, ono Old House,
twenty-four by twenty-six feet; also, ono
Frame Barn, twenty by twenty-four feet,
and one Two-Story Dwelling House,
twenty-six by forty feet, not finished.
Seized and taken in execution as the
property of James Coyne and F. II. Die
he rgur, and to be sold by
Siifhifp's Officb.
Ridgway, July 12, 1871. vlnl9ts.
BY virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, is
sued out of tho Court of Common Tleas
of Elk county, and to mo directed, I will
exposejto sale by publio vendue or outcry,
at the Court House, in Ridgwny. on
at ono o'clock p. m., nil that certain tract
of land lying west of the Philadelphia
and Erie railroad, in the towuship ot
Ridgway, county of Elk, State of Penn
sylvania, commonly known as tho "John
sonburg Coal Lot," containing four hun
dred nnd forty (4 10) acres of land more or
less, and bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit: Being parts of warrants
thirty-two hundred and eighty-five (3285)
and forty-eight hundred and fifty (4860),
beginning at a post corner standing one
hundred and forty-seven (147) rods west
and eighteen and four-tenths (18 4-10)
rods north of the southwest corner of a
one hundred nnd ninety-eight (198) ncre
lot lying on the west side of the Johnson
burg tract, thenco south ono hundred and
seveuty'six (170) rods to a post corner,
thence east one hundred and fifty (100)
rods to a post corner, thence south one
hundred and seventy-four (174) rods to a
post corner, thence west two hundred
(200) rods to a poBt corner, thenoe north
one hundred nnd seventy-six (176) rods to
a post corner, thence west one hundred
nnd fifty (150) rods, thence north one hun
dred and seventyfour (174) rods to a post
corner, thence east twohundred (200) rods
to a post corner, the place of beginning.
Seized and' taken in execution as the
property of George Diokinson etal., at
the suit of Samuel A. Crozier and George
K. Croier, and to be sold by
Sukbiff's Officb,
Ridgway, July 12, 1871. vlnl9ts.
rirliiA of a writ of Farie Facial (wav
ing inquisition) issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas or JSIK county, anu to me
Hirmted. I will emose to sale by publio
vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in
Ridgway, on
at one o'clock p. m., all that certain tract
or parcel of land situate in Benzinger
township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, on
th North of St. Marv's road and being
t!,B lan.t which was known as the lands
owned by the estate of Jacob Hoffman de-
. .. ..... k i
ceased, containing utty-nve acres oi ianu
and adjoining laud of Capt. Hobdell on the
north and the St. Mary's Coal Company on
tha south, and fronting on 8t. Mary's road
according to the plan of the settlement of
St. Mary's.
Seized and taken in execution aa me
property of Geo. Weis, and E. C. Shultz at
the suit of Joseph Heller, administrator,
and to be sold by
fcriKsirr's Orrics. 1
Ridgway, July 12th, 1871. J vlnl9ts.
Inventor and Manufacturer of the
Y7ARER00US, Ho. 722 Arsh St., Phlla.
Has received the Prize Medal of the
World's Great Exhibition, London, Eng.
The highest Prizes awarded when and
wherever exhibited. ESTABLISHED
1823. . . vlnG3m,
Subscribe for the Elk County Advocate.
KANSAS, AND THE 11. & M. R. R.
The "Burlington Ronto," so called,
lies right in the path of the Star of 'Em
pire. It runs almost immediately in tho
centre of the great westward movement
of emigration. Crossing Illinois and
Iowa, it strikes the Missouri river at
three points.
These thrco points are the gateways
into three great sections of tho trans
Missouri region.
Tho Northern gate is Omaha, where
the great Tacifio road will take you to
tho land of gold and grapes, sunny
mountains, and perpetual summer.
The middle gate is Tlattsmouth, which
opens npon the south half of Nebraska,
south of tho Platto river, a region un
surpassed on the continent for agricul
turo and grazing. Just here are the R
& M. Railroad lands, concerning which
Geo. S. Harris, tho land officer at Bur
lington, Iowa, can give you all informa
tion, and in the heart of them is Lin
coln, tho State Capital and present ter
minus of tho road.
The Southern gate leads to Kansas,
by connection with the St. Joo Road at
Hamburg, running direct to St. Joe and
Kansas City.
Tho trains of the Burlington run
smoothly and safely, and roako all con
nections. It runs the best of coaches
Pullman Palace and Pullman dining
cars, and should you take tho journey
for tho journey's sake alono, you will bo
repaid; or tako it to find a homo or a
farm, and you cannot find cither better
than among tho B. & M. lands, where
you can buy on ten years' credit, nnd at
a low price. vlnCyl.
in mmvi
No. 1 Masonio Hall Building,
Ridgway, Pa.
Orphan's Court Ealo.
By virtue of an order of the Orphan's
Court of Elk County, the undersigned, Ad"
ministrator of L. U. Zimmerman, late of
said county, deceased, will expose to sale
by Publio Vendue, on
Saturday, July 8th, 1371,
at 2 o'olook, p. tn., on the premises, all the
interest of the decedent in and to lots Nos.
42 and 43 in the Village of Contreville,
witii the buildings thereon ereotod.
Terms CASH on confirmation of sale.
vlnllti. Adminittrator,
ENRY SOUTHER, Attornoy-at Law
KiUgway, rn. (fob2!)'0.P),
1 A. RATHBUN, Attorney-at-Lnw
JT. Ridgway Pa. 2 2 tf.
rOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Rldr.
U way, jiia county ra. mar-:w eiil
8. HILL, Physioian and Surgeon,
Kersey, Elk Co. Pa.
1 M . ni nanvti
XX dealer in Boots, Shoes and Leather.'
Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. vlnltf.
veyor, St. Mnrys, Pa., holds himself
in readiness at all times, to perform jobs
In his line. 2 8
X. SORG, Saloon-keeper, corner ot
; a Railroad and Michael streets, St.
Marys, Pa. Native Wines, good LageP
Beer, etc., constantly on hand. 2 8
WILLIAM GEIS, Rostanranf, Mi
chael, St. Marys, Pa., keeps
the best of Lager Peer and Nut'.vo wlnos
constantly on hand. 2 3
CH. VOLK, 'Manufacturer and Dealer
. in Lngtr Beer, opposite tho Railroad
Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa.
II. S. EELNAP, Proitietob .
JS. Bordwcll, M. D. Eclectic Physicnn,
OIBce and residenco opposite thn
Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt
attention will be given to all calls. Otlico'
hours : 7 to 8 A. M- : 12 to 2 P. M. ; and
6 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, Cti-tf.
RtnowAT, Pa.
Residenco and office opposite tho Thaycc
1 S. HARTLEY. M. D.,
Physician nnd Surireon
KiUgway, ra. Odico in Walker b Building.
Special attention given to Surgery. Office
hours from 8 a. in. to 10 p, nt. Residenco
on Main Street, west cud. All cullj
promptly attended to. vln2yl.
Druggist and Parmacentisf, cornor
Main and Miil streets, Ridgway, Pa. A.
full assortment of carefully selected For
eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescription
carefully dispensed at all hours, day oi'
uight. vl:i3y.
vlnStf. West End, Ridgway, Pa.
RinowAT, Elk Co., Pa.
V. 11. SUHKAM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage herctoforo
so liberally bestowed upon him, the now
proprietor, hopes, ty paying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenience of
guests, to merit a continuanco ol tho
Oct SO 1SG0. .
F.T1TF1.. PA.
M. V. Moore, (ate of the JJyda House')
Open Day and Night-
FBANKMH, Ta., Give special atten
tion to Chronic diseases, and thoso pecu
liar to women and children,
a Dr. Borland, diagnoses diseses by an ex-
initiation of the urine, and by this O'.tl
Gtrmin method has successfully treated
thousands of cases without seeing them.
EDWARD McBRIDE, Watchmaker and
Jeweler, Railroad street, St. Marys,
Pa. Engraving nnd repairing done on
short notice, and in a workmanlike man
ner. Watches, and everything in tho Jew
elry line, constantly on hand. 2 8
Dental Surgeon.
Oliice in Walker's Building, All kinds of
dentistry done in the best style, and all
work warranted. Ho will visit Kalie on,
the 1st, 2d, and 3d; Wilcox on the 10th,
lltb, and 12th; St. Mary's on the 21st,
22d, and 23d of each month. At all other
times he can bo found at his office in
Ridgway, Pa. vln2yl.
John Collins, Proprietor.
Thanitful for the patronago heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, tho new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort . nnd couvenienco
of guests, to merit a continuance of the
Attorneys at - Law
Lewis Boyington In Common Pleas
vs of Elk County.
Sophronia Boyington, J No. 15, Jan. T.,'71.
Libel in Divoree, a viculo matrenionii.
To Sophroxia Boyington, respondent abova
, You are hereby notified that the sub-
E'oena and alias subpuuua in the abova case
aving been returned nou est inventus,
you are hereby required to nrpear on tho
being the 7th day of tho month, to answer
tha complaint in the above case.
' 1 Shsriff)
SnEarrr's Office, ' ' '
Ridgway, June, 1,
1871. vlnl5to. '