W?-l? x ' J Zr nT TWO DoLLAllS TKR ANNUM. HENRY A. PARSONS, Jn., Editor and Publisher LK COUNTY -THE 11EVVBLICA VOL. I. THROUGH A WINDOW. BT LOUIS! CUAHDLKn MOULTON. 1 11c here at rest In my chamber, And look through a window again, With eyes that are changed siuco the old time, And the sting of an exqulelto pain. 'Tift not much that I see for it picture, Through boughs which are green with tho Spring An old barn with Its roof gray and mosey, And obovo it a bird on the wing. Or, lifting my head a thought higher, Some hills and a village I know, And over it all the blue heaven, With a white cloud floating below. lu tho old days the roof seemed a prison, My mind and the sky were free, My thoughts with the birds went flying, And my hopes were a heaven to me. Now I come from tho limitless distance Where I followed my youth's wild will, Where they press the wine of delusion That you drink and are thirsty still : And I know why the bird with the Spring time To the gnarled old tree comes back He has tried the South and the Summer, He has felt what the Bweet things lack. 80 f come with a sad contentment, With eyes that are changed I see : The roof means peace, not a prison, And heaven Buiileg down on me. RIDGWAY, PA., THURSDAY' ri Uliii 1 tjf it; - w x and us brave as steel. But what I didn't liko, was his visiting the house of old Obadiah, and always being made wel come by Esther's mother, while I was soowlod at if I came within forty rod of the gate." Ah I" I said, tilling another pipe ; a slight twinge of jealousy, 1 per- caive V " Well," replied Dave, with a comical grin, " 1 guess that s what you may call it. And, such being the case, it is not to be wondered at that Esther and myBelf had many a spat about this Ab ner. I well remember the time when had quite a severe quarrel that is, DAVE PEARSON'S COURTSHIP. " I tell you, Dave Pearson, yoa Bhall never call me wife I And as these words were uttered, Dave Pearson gave vent to a little chuckle, took a huge quid from a capa cious box, and gazed thoughtfully from his cottage-window upon the craft that were floating past upon the Metetecunk river. I, the writer of this skotch, was spend ing a few weeks in New Jersey, wild fowl b hooting alontr the shores of Squan Barnegat, and in and about Little Egg Harbor iiay. Dave Pearson had been my mentor and boatman. On our return one even ing from a long and unusually success ful day's sport, which had put Dave in an unconsciously good humor, he related to me the following story of his court ship ; how he came to do so was in this wise : We had hod our supper, and, with " jest a drop of so'thing to keep out the cold," we sat down to spend the evening, I with my pipe, and Dave with his in evitable tobacco-box, as he never, under but circumstances, used the "divine weed," as somebody calls it, in any other shape than a chew. Just as his wife was leaving the room with the remains of our meal, and to wash the dishes in the kitchen. I being an honored truest, I was assigned the parlor casually re marked. "That's a hard-working wife of vours. Dave." "Yes," said Dave, gravely stroking his chin, with a gratified smile upon his honest countenance ; " and jest as good as she is hard-working. Do you know I came near not marrying my wife once r " You don't tell me I How was that. Dave ("' " Well, as you're a pretty good sort of fellow, and as the old woman won t get through her fixing-up for some time, I don't wind telling you ; but be careful never to mention a word to her, as she kind o' dislikes to hear about it." I readily gave the promise, and Dave, again having resort to his box, placed both arms upon the table, and commen ced : " When I was a young follow it was along among the 40 s, then 1 did what most voung fellows do I fell in love. And, of course, like all young fellows in the same condition, at one time I was as happy as they say a clam is at high water, and at another, as miserable as a uin.k rooster on a wet da v. " But that's neither here nor there ; the gal I was in love with was named Esther Hettrick. That's her," and Dave ierked his head in the direction of the kitchen. I nodded understanding. " Well, you see, I was mighty poor in those davs. that is. I was nothing but a hired hand : but if I was mighty poor, I was working mighty hard, and saving every penny I could earn, so as to be able to buy a boat of my own, and fur nish a little cabin on shore, in order to make myself master of the one, and to make Esther te mistress of the other." " And ion succeeded. I have no dnubt '" I said. " Hold on, boss not so fast 1 If I'm telling this story, I have to tell it in my own way. 1 mumbled something about sorrow, and Dave continued : "Old Obadiah Hettrick ho was Esther's father was a pretty 'cute chap, for a fisherman : had a boat of his own. a snug farm, besides a comfortable sum. iu the bank. Lor' bless you ! I never dreamed of owning as much as old Obey did : but I tell you. sir. Time makes a. great many changes." Dave, as be said this, glanced com placently round the room." " Now, Obadiah was not a bad sort of fellow ; one of the easy-going sort of folks, you know ; but his wife, Abigail, sue was a stinger I "Ruled the roost eh V" Dave gave me a wink that expressed volumes, ana resumed : " She was down on me, she was could never abide me near the house. and 1 do verily believe she thought me one of the wickedest chaps in all Ocean county, But I didn t mind that much, for Esther naa 101a me, over and over again, that she loved me, and the old man, Obadiah, had said, 'Well, Dave, when you've got a boat of your own. and want to take my gal, I shall say narrv a word against it' " " Then all things, so far, were satis factory r " Yes, so far. But there was one thing that was anything but satisfao tory, and that was in the shape of Ab ner Sanford. Not that Abner was a bad sort of a chap ; for I half believed then, and know now, that be was m good, strong, generous-hearted fellow, heard not a word about it At this I "I didn't speak a woru, ami x uon t got mad, like a great fool for my ex- know what possessed me, but a feeling V.11. j i- - rrnnA I oftmo over me that Id have to reach for sweethearts about this self-same Abner. It was on Squan Beaoh ; I was sitting on a boat, mending a net, when Eather came along, looking just as spick and span as a newly painted scuooner ; and I thought I new saw her looking prettier in all my life. But, somehow or other, there's a something in tho mending of nets that makes a man think, and I had been brooding over Abner, till I was gloomy and savage as a meat-axe. Dear Dave,' Esther said, I am so glad to see you I I ve been to Martha Swain's with some eggs you know, she is so sick; so I thought I would come round this way Home, and see vou. - . v . 5 J1 " Which, ot course, Dngntenea ana cleared you immediately r I kind o' think it did a little ; but then, you see, when a man is determin ed not to be pleased, it is pretty hard to please him. I answered gruffly, that Martha Swain was nothing to me, and maybe if she wasn't a sort o' relation of Abner Sanford's. she wouldn't be thought so much of. I knew it was a lie when I said it, and Esther colored up a little; but I went on, getting more and more excited as I continued, till I finally told her she thought more of Abner than she did of me." "All true lovers are fools, I said, sententiously. Having never been in love myself, of course I was well quali fied to judge. " 1 guess you are about right there, sir. Whenl said Abner was tnougnt more of than me, she pave me such a look, and went off proud as any queen ; not that I have ever seen a queen, but you know what I mean." 1 assented witn a noa. " Of course we made it up again, and went on loving ono another, more, if possible than ever before. Between you and me," and here Davie lowered his voioe to a most impressible whisper, " this falling out and making up again is one of the chief pleasures of love-making." " There is no accounting ior tastes, said I. "Well, to make a long story short, I a last saved money enough to buy a boat, and became owner of the Spark ling Foam ; and, what was more, every thing having been settled, l was 10 ue married to Esther in two months from that time." " So the old lady, Mrs. Ilettnck, had come round '" Not much. She saw that things couldn't be helped, so she kind o put the best face on the matter, more especi ally as Esther generally had her own wav in the long run : but you had bet ter believe there was no love lost be tween us. And it's my private opinion in fact, I know it to have been so now she led old Obadiah a deuce of a life, for ever having given me a kindly word of encouragement or advice." " But that did not trouble you muca r " I don't know about that You see, I am a sort o' straight up-and-down fellow, I am, and when 1 don t tike any- bodv. I must show it. 1 tried Hard to be civil and polite to the old woman, but just a streak of ugliness would show itself now and then. Esther often spoke to me about it and begged me to be kinder to to her mother, reminding me that it was her mother 1 was cross to, and that a cruel word hurt her more than it did her mother." " And vour nromise was never with- held." I remarked, unconsciously assum ing the air of one who was propounding a solemn truth. " Right you are. my boy. Just about this time I had to run up to York with a cargo, so. bidding good-bye to .ustuer, and promising to return in a few days. I sailed, and I sailed, as the song says, You know the old saying about men un dertaking to do a thing, and God put- tins a stoD to it : well it was so in my " . , - r , . 1 J case. When X got to xorx, ana usu unloaded. I got a chance to run up to Newburg with another cargo. Money being what 1 wanted, and this giving me the opportunity of making some, 1 accepted it. I lost no time, you can bet your bottom dollar on that ; but by the time I had returned to York with load of bricks, this time it was quite four weeks before I again entered the Manssauan Inlet" " And durine thU time, your true love was wandering by the sad sea waves all alone. Dave paid no attention to my remark, hut continued : As soon as I fixed my boat all snug, and had anchored her securely, I made my way as quickly as possible to Es ther's house, intending to tell her of the good fortune I had had since I had been uurnv And ha riarmv over it together. As I walked up the road, I saw Esther standing at the gate, and my heart gave a great bound of delight; but what struck me as strange for I knew Bhe gaw me Bho made no movement to come and meet me. Approaching nearer, saw she was dressed in black, and, being tn.rt.lpd. I exclaimed : " Why. Kstner. darling, wnat is me tri aft fir V So, Dave Pearson, you nave come at last!' was all the answer sue gave me. Come at last !' I "-id 5 and why shouldn't I come V What is the meaning of that black dress 'r . - T tnnn understood it. During my absence her mother bad died, and she thought I had kept away from the funer al on account 01 my oibum wt m. Esther, her eyes flash ing. had no resnect for my poor mother. you might have shown some for me.' " It was no use my telling her I had arsruin? with a woman. When two peo ple are mad and quarreling, you know, they don t say exactly wnat tney mum. I suppose I said many things I ought not to have done, when, all of a sudden, Esther clenched her fist, and brought it down violently upon the gate-post for though she favored her father, she still had a spice of her mother in her and said : " ' I tell you, Dave Pearson, you shall never call me wife I' "With this she turned round, and walked up the garden path toward the house. My heart relented; I opened the gate, and followed, calling upon her to hear me explain. She paid not the loast attention, entered tue aoor, gave me a look, that I don't like to think of even now, and she slammed it in mv face." Dave refreshed himself with a glass of applo-jack, and continued : Well, that cot mv dander up. so I iest turned round and walked away, vowing vengeance against all woman kind, and Esthor in particular. I swore in my rage, that I would never go near her house again, and that I would kill Abner Sanford the first opportunity, for somehow or other, I laid all the blame on him. and hugged in the belief to my heart that he had been poisoning Esther's mind against me." Which was a very sensible thing to do." said I. knocking the ashes out of mv ninfi. and refilling it. " I neclected mv work, and I didn't care a darn whether school kept or not, ond kept on drinking more than was good tor me. The SDarkling Foam lay idle at her moorings, and both me and my belongings were going to rust and ae- X tried to pick a fuss witn a oner ; " There came a Sunday, I remember to leave my bed, and when cay. Ki.f- Vta trAA TYia Tlninlv fhn.t. 1A wn.fi norrv for me, and would not quarrel with a by being thrown violently against the man in misfortune. wrecn. " A magnanimous fellow ! I exclamed. it was some aaj s Deioro x was aoie winR9 where she sat upon a thornbush tu rfiiati vea of a patient have come to inonkov. which, perched upon a window w . II- 1 1 .... I n net ...Wrjn r1 1 1 1 C1 1 1 I . . . . ... n I . ..I . . . . . . . . u.u, 1 nAal. anrl imtoTioti whnn tlna mafrnin. I . i il.i -un .Aollr hna ilia T i i 1. ,1 i.nMT. uratnhitii, their nnnrar.lnnft cent creature commenoed to sing, the grt)tier, they club their money togother with great interest until they approached very air was burdened with a thousand to pay for the cure, which is generally him 8o nearly as to excite his approhon- dmerent notes, but his voice rose clear an expen8ive process. sions in regard to his personal satety. A and melodiously loud above them all. Thura in n. r.hean wav. however. wJiich i.iRi iournal savs if that monkey has a As I listened, one song after another jg tir8t tried a sort of exorcism, and a fir chance to dovelop, ho may yet bo ceased suddenly, uni-i in a iew minutes, and before I could realize that l was so, I found mvBelf hearkening to, that soli tary voice. This is a positive fact ! I looked around me in astomsnnieni. What! ore they cowed ' But his Bong only now grew more exulting, and, as if feeling his triumph, he bounded yet bisrher with each new gush, and, in one of those cold, leaden kind of days, you often see at the commencement of winter, when everything looks uuu ana grey, and objects, both on ocean and shore, oppress you with a sense of great desolation. Such a day, I need not tell you, did not make me feel particularly cheerful, so, to pluck up my spirits and drown care, I flew to that which, like tire, is a very good servant, but a bad master. Dave gave the bottle a little fillip with his thumb and forefinger, and re sumed : As I was wandering about the vil lage, nursing my wrath and hatred against all mankind, who should I see but Esther returning from church, with Abner walking-"bv her side ! That was enough. A feeling that had long been slumbering in my breast awoke with re- ewed energy, and my wnoio nature was filled with hate, revenge and mur- my life ; she was pale and careworn, ana Thig curi0us phenomenon I have wit- der. I resolved to waylay Abner on his her eyes were red as it from crying. My netae& ,nany times since. Even in the ...... .. - 1 1 1 , 1 4 ri I. V.. 4- I . . " . return, and kill him. that ship or die. There were plenty of linos at hand, so, taking one, and coil ing it upon the beach, I commenoed to fasten it around my waist When it be came known that 1 naa maae up my mind to go off, every ono tried to dis suade me from it oui n was ui 110 use. I don't believe there was any power on earth that could have prevented me from trying. It's sure death,' said one ; but I didn't care ; he would have had to uso a stronger argument man that to deter me then. " When all was in readiness, and with 1! err, tr line attached to my wrist. I walked toward the sea, and waited for a good opportunity in a returning wave to make the plunge. The opportunity soon came, but at that instant Esther sprang forward, threw her arms around my neck, and entreated me, in the name of the love I used to bear her, not to go. "That maddened me 1 dont know why, but it did and I strove roughly to unclasp her bands from about my neck. She only cluug the tighter, and, amid her tears and sobs, called me her ' dear, dear Dave,' and told mo that Bhe loved me dearly. " Love 1' I said, bitterly. ' Keep your love for those that want it such as Ab ner Sanford, there. " At these words, she loosed her arms, turned on me a look of reproach, and fell fainting on the sands. I gave one glance at her, and then I was battling with the sea. " Well, I don't know much about it, but, anyhow, the poor fellows were saved though terribly frost-bitten and they do say that I was the man that did it. However, what I know is, that when I came to know anything, I was lying in bed, terribly stiff and sore, with big gash upon my xoreneac, causea Tho Mocking Bird. streams of water directed against it make .1 a fnViii imm-ofainn n.nd to hasten The family of birds to which this I , . .i' .n . Woaf. nf songster belongs is one of the charms ot f 2 500 to 3,000 kegs of powder is in- A .1 a anil (hlttf P.TA TtA- I - . . 1 . . . 1 1 sorted in a hill side, ana expioaea, iu MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. our American woods, ana tney are pe culiarly American. It embraces the cat bird, tho brown-thrush, and other birds well-known to every boy in the land whose time has not been spent in a routine of dull city lifo. The whole genus is called Miiivs, and deservedly, for they are a sot of mimics ; but tho mocking-bird is tho king of them all. It is a shy, active, migratory bird, leed- mg on insects, berries, and worms, anu for point of song is superior to all other denizens of our woods. It has even been preferred to the nightingale for the mellowness, modulations, and gradua tions, as well as for extent of compass and brilliancy of execution. Its powers of imitation are such that to a blind man, it would seem that the whole feathered tribe had assembled to try their skill in song, when it chooses to exorcisa this faculty. It can adapt its tongue to any note, from the feeble chirp of the chicken to the scream of the hawk. It deceives tne sportsman, cheats and terrifies birds, whistles to the dog, and. imitates almost every sound, animate or inanimate. It loves to build its nest in gardens, near our houses. In the Gulf States they are found all the year. Some go North in the spring and return in October being most plentiful near the seashore, on sandy districts with few trees. Webber's account of this magnificent such a way as to shatter and loosen a vast bulk of earth and stones, whereup on the water is brought into play ogainst You know already that tho gold Is saved in long sluico boxes, through which the earth and water are run, and in the bottom of which it is caught by quicksilver ; and so far the whole oper ation is simnle and cheap. But in order Good country butter An old ram. Parental acres The old man's corns. "Long and successful reign" Th8 deluge. ; Monogram doughnuts are an Ohio product Dolls' eyes form the staple of a largo manufactory in Birmingham, England The eyes are packed in hogsheads, and Bent to all parts of the world. . . An Omaha paper advises the people "not to make such a tuss about tne to run off this enormous mass of earth gnootirjg 0f one constable, as there are and gravel a rapid fall muBt be got, into f t oandidates for the position." some deep valley or river; and to get this has been the most costly and tedious part of ahydraulio mining enterprise. At Smartsville, for instance, tho bod which contains the gold lies obove the present Yuba river, but a consid erable hill, perhaps two hundred and fifty feet high, lies betwoon the two, and through this hill each company must drive a tunnel before it can get an nnifall for its washings. One such over forty candidates for the position. The Texas Pacifio Railroad is to bd 1,515 miles in length. For 250 miles tho road will be an air line ; and in a stretch of 815 miles there will be but six bridges. During a thunder and hail storm at Rockford, Coosa oounty, Ala., a dog was killed by a flash of lightning while be ing fed by a child. The child was not hurt One of the reporters of the New Or- tunnel, driven for the most part through ieallg RctmUican, who has just fallen heir solid and very nam rocK, nas just uueu to spia,uuu, nas wu u mum-u completed. It cost $250,000 and two tion, and at its expiration will return to years labor, and was over three thousand niB duties. feet long; and until it was completed a maohine has recently been perfected not a cent s wortn oi goia couia ue wsou jn Lonlon, with whioh a writer, using a pen in the usual manner, can at the same time produce a duplicate so small as to be invisible to the naked eye, yet so distinot that a microscope Will reveal nvorv line and dot. A most useful ap plication of the apparatus will be ior out of the claim. An Abyssinian Superstition. Africa is the abode of Buperstition. Even their science of medicine is notn- . t t i. . , . . i rtiir.A.Tinn or rne e songster is so pleasing xnai we insert ing but a gystem of absurd conjuring. f " T,rivate m9lTa part ot it nere : -1 saw now leapiug Th unor in which one ot tne i mos, m oanoVeg and securities, up from its favorite perch on a tree-top, much in the manner 1 had observed De fore ; but now it was in a different mood, and seemed to mount, thus spirit like. uDon the wilder ecstasies, and afflicting nervous affections is cured is thus described by a modern traveller : Tho name of the disease is the tigre- tior ; it commences with fever and lin- which makes the pa- floating fall on the subsiding cadence tient very thin and debilitated, causing I entrance upon the premises of a citizen vt mat imsBiuuntB nuuy m puumu nim to Stutter in a curious way, u oi vincinnan, a low uigum vs" the listening ear of love, for I could see no on0 but tt person afflicted with the driven away and nearly frightened out his mate, with fainter bars across her .10 diaaun cun understand. When of thnir senses by the shrill cries of a legible under microscope power, but which no imitator could see or even sus pect the presence of. Two burglars endeavoring to effect au arm-chair was rigged up with pillows, to make me easy and comfortable ; for, I can assure you, I was just as sore all over as it s possible ior a man to do, ana I could make no movement without assistance. The second day I was up, I hoard somebody enter the room ; but I paid no attention, as I thought it was old Martha Swain, who had come to nurse when it was found 1 was hurt, and had been with me ever since, when I heard a voice say, Dave Pearson, will you speak to me r tremendous drenching with cold water. This may be effectual, but it has also the disadvantage of very otten hasten ing the patient's death. The more opproved method is a cere mony of a curious kind, and much like that adopted in tho medieval cases of ta rmitisui. A number of musicians a-e hired, and the friends and relatives of found occupying the responsible posi tion of Chief ot Police. knew great but my foolish pride would not permit me to own it ; so I growled out like a great savage brute tnat x was, What do you want Y ' She came and stood in front of me ; I never saw a woman so changed in all On tho great farm of Col. Thompson, in Wells, Minnesota, is a cheeso factory which has a capacity for making into cheese the milk of 3,000 cows, but now only works up the daily product of 225. It in three stories high : the main build- inr in hv 82 feet built of brick. A s , , : uMv hoort cravn n. oreiit. mmn. for II Yzr.. j : .1 J ;.,,! ... . , .-u xi lnir is 3a bv 82 feet v., ?-T2i 0 j bwiis anu quivenug iupi-ui.o, m.w, the unhappy patient assemDie wuu mem -o 01 ,, r.nn,r driven ;t xtrau tf.utlinr. Mil mv inv was I i : j 4ji i.j .j i i I itAun MeinB ot VM-Iiorso power arives iv. aw " 1 j . j - i nsimninn. it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ih i i 1 1 1 1 i t . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . lucu . ... . . , i ui.rmi.an mrn 1 1 r tw , u i i i o .. W H.l, nrinn wonl.I not ,T V " 7CS Y, " ' u " "" -"ft""" " " 1. " tho tnnnliinerv. Wa rose to tall again more Doiaiy on tue billowy storm of sound. No wondbr the other biros were silent to listen, ior, one after one. he hurled the .notes of each I upon its ear, so alchemyzed with splen- intoxicating liauor. The music then strikes up, and the patient, at first only slightly anectea Dy it, in a snort wue commences to dance violently. Women, as we have seen in the case of other dis orders, are oftener attacked by the ti eretier than men ; and when a woman has it. she is loaded with all the ban- the machinery. Water is supplied from an artesian well. There is a butter room attached with steam churns and all necessary appliancos. Col. Thomp son intends to increase the number of his cows to COO soon. Philadelphia hos lotely been favored by the exhibition of a learned pig, which, bv the aid of cards, tells tuo "Why. Dave," I said, "I had nc idea brutal obstinacy kept me silent ana i geemed strained in emulation, if the f ;0fiiPV that her friends can supply. LmUr of davs in a week and a year. you were such a desperate fellow." looked doggedly at her. mocking-bird breathes forth in one of During the dance, which often goes ond his own age, beside computing in- " I watched them enter the house, and " Oh, Dave, she said, do, do forgive it(1 Uitt3i bewildered, and bewildering on for geverai days, and when her ges- terest, and indicating the time of day. then went to the back, whore I knew me I You are good, kind, generous, extravaganzas, the other birds pause al- tures and contortions reach a climax, she pjcs have been capable of all these feats i -i 4 a i i i . . i i a . j l,... an A T am Vint a. rtnrtr. w.'il lr wo- . i , j 1 L 1 ; 1 ... . . ... . . , , Old uoaaian Kept ms nets, uuu, piuaiug - . r - most luvariuuiy, uuu riuam uueui, uum throws Olf the trinkets and tney are re- before, but the X nuaaeipnia aminai ex- up the nandle oi a oroKen oar, wen uuui. jumo t, u,g g0ng was done, inis, i assure you, gt0red one by one, to their owners. At down the road and waited. It was get- and how sore it has made niy heart to be ig n0 ngment of the imagination or gullget 0f the day on which the treat ting night now, and the snow that had bad friends with you. I was wrong, iHusi0n of an excited fancy ; it is just as ment enda, if it ends successfully, she been threatening for some time began Dave, dear Dave! Forgive me! lake substantial a fact as any one in natural win Bn Bt once start off, running at a me to your great, iovmK uean, uu history. Whether the other birds stop reat Daoe for gome hundreds of yards, from envy, as has been said, or from an(j then suddenly drop down prostrate, awe, cannot be so well ascertained ; but ,nan comeg up to her and tires a mus- I believe it is from the sentiment of awe ; ket ovel her head, strikes her on the falling very fast The wind had also risen, and it was blowing a perfect hur- - ricane. The drifting and blinding snow Erevented my seeing the sea, but I knew ow angry it was. for I heard it break ing and roaring on the beach with a fury that threatened to swallow up the land. Though I had murder in my heart, I pitied the poor fellows off the coast, and wished they had plenty of sea-room, as the wind was blowing dead on shore." Dave paused a moment gave a sign of contrition, and then went on with his story. " How long I had waited for Abner, I don't know I bad a sense of being bit ter cold, but if it had been ten times colder, my hate would have kept me there till morning when, all of a sud den, I heard, nigh on shore, the boom of cannon. 1 knew what that meant some vessel in distress and it was fol lowed by another and another in rapid succession, in a moment, ADner was forgotten, and my only idea was to hur ry to the beach, and give what aid I could to the vessel, which, if not already on Bhore, would soon be driven there by the wild, tempestuous wind. " When 1 arrived on the beach, 1 lound many there before me, all intent upon the same errand as myself for you must know none of us lose much time in has tening to a ship's cry of distress. We had no life-boat down on this part of the coast then, and even if we had, it wouldn't have been of much use. I have seen many a rough sea, but that beat all I have ever seen. As the waves rolled on the shore, they Bcooped deep hollows in the sand, and went tearing and tum bling back with a maddened fury that was terrible. " Old fishermen men who had never been a day away from the sea in all their lives shook their heads, and said that nothing could be done, the ship must be left to the mercy ot Providence. All this time, none? bad soen the vessel, for the falling snow prevented objects titty yards distance being seen, yet the steady and incessant firing of the can nonhoard above the roaring of the tempest told us of her deep and dire distress. " Women were wringing their hands and begging, against their own judg ment (for they knew as well as any, how foolhardy wouia do sucu an undertak ing the men, for the sake of the moth ers, sisters and wives of those on board, to try and save them. " At last they sent up a rocket and another, and finally they lit a Bignal- light and by its glare we saw her " There she lay, not a biscuit's throw from the shore, beam-ends on, and the sea making a clean breach over her. Just at that very moment I heard an imploring voice, close by my side, say, Abner, Abner, pray do try ana save them I' "I turned quickly, and there stood Esther and Abner. me be to you as I once was.' " I hardly know what 1 said in reply, but I mumbled out something about Abnor Sanford, and she hud better go to him for comfort " At these words she gave a little cry of pain, clasped her hands in anguish, and said, Dave Pearson, you don't know what you are doing ; you are breaking mv heart' " She then turned toward the door, and I heard her open it. I could stand for, as I certainly have felt it myself in listening to tho mocking-bird, I do not know why these inferior creatures should not. also. It must be known that these creatures differ from each other as do men and women in their vocal powers, and there is usually one bird in a neigh borhood that supremely surpasses all the rest. It is another remarkable fact, back with the flat of his sword, and colls her by her Christian name. If she can answer to it, she is considered cured ; for those who have the tigretier, says an eye-witness, are always unable to an swer to their Christian nauios. hibits reasoning powers whioh are un precedented. This may readily be be lieved, when it is stated that among the visitors was a countryman who was so astonished, that he exclaimed t " Why, that 'ere darned hog knows more than I do 1" This may be considered tho tiroudest triumph of piggy thus far. It - i...Y vi.li it no longer ; I tried to follow her ; but, that all other mocking-birds retire from Lor' blesB you I I couldn t stir, and, like the immediate neighbc a great baby, l commencea to cry weakness made me do that, I suppose and blubbered out the word lusther! "In another instant she was in my arms, and covering me witn Kisses, Hush! here Bhe comes; not a word to her, as she don't like to have it spoken about." At this juncture, Esther, with her bright pleasant face, entered the room, and said, " Come, Dave, if you have to catch the first tide in the morning, it is time you and the gentleman were in bed, for it is near ten o clock. neighborhood of this ac knowledged monarch, to such a distance that you can hear but the faintest notes from them in the pauses of his song, and it sounds as if they but prolonged the echo." Balancing of Soxes, A correspondent of the Boston Herald has discovered a method for restoring the equilibrium of the sexes. He would . . . . ! iL. do it by sending young woman in tue course of empire. Emigration, he argues, for the last twenty years, has been steadily tending to increase dUpropor- i it. ,1.. 'Plio tion OI trie buB iu lun ubu young men have gone West, while the young women remain at home. In Iowa there are said to be thirty thousand more men than women, the majority of whom are unmarried. They need wives out there. Why not organize female enii gration societies for the purpose of sup plying the West i " There is not a State west of the Mississippi but has from ten thousand to thirty thousand more men than Women, the most ot whom are single. Young women need not throw away their lives in Boston Bhops and Lowell factories if they would onlv resolve to act in concert and seek husbands and homes in the West It may be said the men ought to come East for wives. The women ought to go half way. at least. Instead of se cret societies, which do more harm than good, why not form a ' Marriage B ureau Thousands might be provided with hus bands and homes that would otherwise remain single if such an institution wera not in oueration under the man agement of respectable parties. Such institutions exist in Europe. Why be ashamed to get a husband by such means instead of an old-faskioued five years' courtship One of those new torpedoes, mistaken for a sugar-plum, lifted the top of a lit tle I'biladeiptua boy s nead. Illegible signatures. What a silly pedantry that is that in duces some little people to sign their names so that no ono can decipher them. If anything that a man puts upon pa per ought to be bold and unmistakable, it is his signature. The habit of signiug with a hieroglyph sprang up with peo ple in high places no credit to them and those in lower places contracted it aping their betters as usual, and thereby honoring the character inherited from their Darwinian progenitors. Scores of letters from conspicuous no bodies come under the eye, wound up with conglomerations of dashes and flourishes, that supposing them to be ex cusable as the signs manual of bishops and first lords, are absurd as the sub scriptions of people of no note. The culminating point of inconsistency is reached wheu the name is written so vilely that the writer has to enclose bis card to tell you what it really is. Often the body of a letter thus signed is legi ble enough, showing that the corres pondent has learned to write properly, and that his scrawly signature is a mere affectation. It may be said that the hieroglyph prevents forgery ; but this is a bad ar gument tor the more complicated a writing the easier can it be imitated. Far more difficult is it to counterfeit a simple hand which bears, as all simple hands do bear, a character peculiar to him who wrote it The habit is quite unpardonable ; and a man who puts a puzzle in the most m . 1 . . Hydraulic Mining. A correspondent of the Evening Fort, writing from California, says that the ancient river bed from which so much gold has been taken in this State is in many places covered witn eartn to tne denth of two or three hundred feet. Once, perhaps, they say here, it ran in a valley, but now a huge hill covers it To dig down to it and mine it out Dy ordinary processes would be too expen sive; therefore hydraulic mining has been invented. Water brought from a hundred or one hundred and fifty miles away and from a considerable higbt, is led from the reservoirs through eight, ten or twelve inch iron pipes, and, through what a New York fireman would call a nozzle five or six inches in diameter, is thus forced against the side of a hill one or two or three hundred feet high. The stream when it leaves the pipe, has such force that it would cut a man in two if it should hit him. Two or three and sometimes even six such streams play against the bottom of a hill, and earth and atones, otten oi great size, are washed away, until at W. a creat slice of the hill itself gives way and tumbles down. At Smarts- important part of his epistle ought nev- ville, Ximbuctoo and Jiose s uar, i sup- er to oe uisappuiuteu u ue gnu no im pose they wash away into the sluices swer ; for the time that could be given Wit a dozen acres a day. from fifty to to a reply may be completely used up two hundred feet deep ; and in the in disentangling the web that shrouds muddv torrent which rushes down with the name. railroad speed through the channels prepared for it, you may see large rocks helplessly rolling along. Not all the earth contains gold. Ot ten there is a superincumbent layer of The following are some of the names of highways in London : Addle street Kottun row, Gutter lane, Fryingpan alley, Vinegar yard, Mincing lane, The fiitvormorefeetwhichisworthless.be- Poultry, Shoe lane, Inkhora court, . i i i, I . A I P.nillumifiv trnot T lore tney reacn tue immense grvei uo- poait which marks the course of the ancient river; ana irom tnis gravei, water worn and showing all the marks of having formed once the bed of a rush- . . , :i ? a . l -,T J, L ing torrent, trie goia istaKen. u naer graav pressure this gravel which contains, you must understand, rocks of large size, and it is not gravel in one sense vi the word, at all has been cemented together, so that even the powerful Candle wick street, rater JNOBter row, Amen corner, Sermon Lane, Creed lane, Cripple-gate, Houndsditch, Tripe court. Grub street, Halfpenny alley, All Farth ing lane, Baudyleg walk, Shoulder-of-Mutton alley, Cat's castle, Hen and Chicken lane, Birdcage walk, Noah's Ark alley, Stinking lane, Turn Again lane, Honey lane, Out-throat lane, Do little lane, Labor in Vain street Pig alley, Blow-bladder street, and Ebenezer place. i i. i . i . y i 1 1 i la not wondenui tnat ne suouiu uuw more than the spectator, but it ia sur- E rising that the latter should have ad the grace to own it. The great work undertaken by the city of Chicago some three years since of deepening the summit line of the Illi nois ard Lake Michigan Canal is nearly completed, and the water of Lake Mich igan will soon run into the Chicago riv er, thence into the Illinois river, and so down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico. One result of this improvement will be a constant renovation of the Chicago river, heretofore so foul and un savory, by a current of pure water from Lake Michigan. A further advantage will be an increased facility of navigat ing the canal. It is not expected that ..... . l I l . M any perceptible lowering oi tue lerei oi the great lakes will be effected, the new outlet being of insignificant capacity compared with the Niagara river, which has never as yet sufficed to drain off the lakes faster than they are filled. Heaven help the man who imagines he can dodge enemies by trying to please everybody ! If such an individual ever succeeded, he should be glad of it not that one should be going through the world trying to find beams to knock and thump his head against disputing every man's opinion, fighting aud el bowing, and crowding all who differ from hiin. That, again, is another ex treme. Other people have their opinion, so have you ; don't fall into the error of supposing they will respeot you more for turning your coat every uay, iu match the color of theirs. Wear your own colors in spite of winds and weath er, Btorm, and sunshine. It costs the vacillating and irresolute ten times the trouble to wind and twist, and shuffle, that it does honest manly independence to stand its ground. A fashion report gives us some cheer ing intelligence in saying that there is a strong disposition on the part of many gentlemen to kick at the dress coat busi ness, and insist upon their right to wear whatever kind of ooat happens to , be convenient for them to wear. They in sist with truth, that the exactions with respect to dross exclude all the brains from society, and that society will never amount to anything so long as all the energy must be expended on a neck-tie in order to eet there. At present the brainless people have quite the best of it ; in fact they are the only ones who can properly sustain a position in a cir cle from which ideas are excluded, and clothes made to take their place. It is astonishing ihat these views are just be ginning to be understood. People of sense have long understood it, and have; acted accordingly.