05IK djouniir gjjMtate THURSDAY, JUNE 2(1, 1871. Hatos of Advertising. Ono column, ona yr. $7R 00 " . 40 00 " " " 25 00 ,iCnt.d,.Htv,;7;;v;nu;rTcf Z lin or less 3 tttn er loss S 00 jiusincas cards, tea ;ins or less, per Marriages aod Death, noticas inserted praiii!. Elk Lodga, A. T. M. Stated mooting of Elk Lodge i lipid at their Imtl on ths second and in t fourth Tuesdays of eanTi tniwith. o. fj. Mccracken, so'y. Temple of Honor and TemMranoe. Btfctun Temple No. 81, meet on ea:h alternate Thursday, at their Lndga Room, on Main street, over J. V. Honk's store. H. A. PARSONS, tV. R. Var Time at Ilidgivay. Eria Express TInst 2:20 n. m. do do West a m. do Mail East 4:62 p.m. do dn Went 10:03 a. ra. Local Freieht East 7:25 a. do do West. 6:49 p. tn. T. B. Cobb, of Tiontsta, was in town last week. Scuooii commenced school house yesterday. in ' the new TnE Commissioners of Elk county will meet at their office in Ridf way, Monday, July 3d, 1871. Tiiere will be services in Grace Church next Sunday, morning and evening, by Rev. J. A. Dooris. Methodist services in tho Court IIouso next Sunday, morning and even ing, by Rev. C. M. Heard. Kdkton Temple of Honor No. 81 will meet, this evening, at their Lodge room over J. V. H ouk's store. Last Friday and Saturday there was ncavy snowers ot rain Here. Jiut tne long-looked-for flood failed to put in an appearance. Is. Iv. lir.Y has commenced the rc. tion of a barn at Elk Creek Mill, which is to be when completed, forty feet wide by forty-eight feet lonsr. TnE new Jiuaid ot fccliuol Directors is composed of IJ. K. Ely, O. B. Grant, .Nelson Gardner, Iloruce Little, John Bryndlc, and J. V. Ilnnk. C. AY. BAnuETT'of the Cazcttc, was in our sanclurj, last Friday, avid had on a new suit of clothes. That fire in St. Mary's destroyed a clothing store. No Papsi Nkxt Wesk. There will be no paper usued lro;u this otace next wrick; it btimr. the weak of the Fourth our hand4 intend to celebrate. Hats. The latest thing on gent j nats, is a piper winu-uiiu mat Keeps a current of cool air constantly passiu; over tho face. An attachment can be adjusted to the fewer jaw by which a man can get away with more boarding Louse hash at one nioal than during a waek by theflld process. To ije Exposed. It is said that those highly virtuous individuals who send money to the New York "saw dust swind3e.iV' in the hope of receiving a return of counterfeit money are likely to come to grief. Their letters are to be retained and opened at the New Ycrk post office, and the name of the writer forwarded to the poet master where written, with instructions to post it conspicuously in the office with a statcment of the fact?. The idea is a good one, and if carried out, some rich dcvelopemeuts may be expected. Smalt. Pox. A rilivsiiMn !n Rlniir J I City, Iowa, uses an ointment made of charcoal and lard to prevent pitting in small pox. This is applied freely over the surface of the face, neck and hands as soon as the diseased is distinguished, and continued until all symptoms of suppurative fever have ceased. The application always allays the itching, aid seems to shorten the duration of the disease, and leaves the patient without a yeniish, the eruption protected by tlitTotBttuent not even showing signs of postuktion, the charcoal preventing the action of light and the lard that of air. Wk learn from the Gazette that our neighboring town, St. Mary's, has taken htcps looking to the organization ot a i fire department in that place, and that I ut a meeting held on the 19th inst., of R which Charles Luhr was chairman, and IVjleo. Ed. Weis secretary, it va . f olved that Cifteeo responsible citizens be appointed, who iu ia conjunction with the Town Counoil of the Borough to constitute a Fire Department. The Chairman then appointed a committee with instructions to report progress be fore a publio mcctinL' to be called l v C - - hem. This action speaks well for St. Mary's. How many fires will it take to :auae Ridgway to take Bimilar action? In another oolumn will bo fouud call issued by the Chairman of the Re publican County Committee, to the Re publicans of Elk County, requesting them to hold primary meetings on Sat urday, July 8th, at 5 o'oloek, p. m., for the purpose of choosing delegates to the County Convention to be bold at the Court IIqum w Ridgway, on W wthr-a o'clock P. . Let the members of the Couuty Com them aaeetingg are held, and delegates selected. Following are tho names of the ccntiomcu composing too iiopubh- can County Committee: Benerette Erasmus Morev. J. W. Brown. Bcniinger Joseph Patton, Jus. Suad- don. Fox John Collins, Abel Oresh. Highland D. B. Anderson, Levi Elle- thorpa. Hortoa J. 8. Chamberlain, U. W. Rog ers Jay B. A. Weed, James M. Brookins. Jon A. I. Wilcox, J. C. Mulone. Millstone Robert Steward, Hiram Rauc-ht. Ridgway G. T. Wheeler, J. C. Luther. Spring Creek L. F. rowers. Hiram Carman. St. Mary's Bero. Dr. Samuel Reynolds, Charles MoVean. Notice ito Postmasters. Post masters returning letters or papers ad dressed to persons who have moved away should explain if possible what has become of the person addressed or what is his present post office address. It is not fHifficient to say thattho letler or paper is uncalled for or is not lifted. The reason of its not being taken out should also be given or, if a letter, should be sent to tho proper address. The Latest Dodoe. Ouo of the reeent tricks of swindlers is to send out a statement lrom some pretended hotel to parties'statiug that a friend of theirs had died suddenly at the hotel leaving valuablo baggage, money, jewelry, watches, &c, and winding up by saying that all these valuables would bo for warded on the remittance of a small sum of mouey to pay charges. Look out tor them. Singular Coincidence. The Cin cinnati Enquirer says: "The anniver sary of the battle of Bunker Hill was an eventtul one to Mr. Vallandigham. lie ran the Southern blockade June 17, 1863; reached Dayton June 17, 1861 laboring under an apprehension of re newed military arrest; and died by acci dental violence, self-inflicted, Juno 17, 1871. It so happened that it was seven years after his return, and in a year in vvhich the figure seven so prominently appears to iiiuik tne cuwe. The Reason Wuy. The immedi ate cause of premature lading or blanch' in" ot the hair is an obstruction of the oil vessels which afford the coloring matter. The remote causes may be general ill health, trouble of miud, etc. lutico. in order to restore its natural color and beauty the oil vessels must bo restored to their unrinal condition. If is on this principle that Nature's Hair Re- storstivo is compounded, and it hus proved a complete success, wheievcr faithfully applied. It is not a poisonous dye, consequently the ellect is gradual, and in several cases two or three bottles are necessary to produco the desired suit. Sec advertisement. Wat.kino Feat. Weston, the cel ebrated walkist. has been successlul in winniuer his waser, that he would walk four hundred miles in five days. Dur- ing tne last nve uiues ooiu csum uuu tho audience were aroused to an intense state of excitement, the latter cheering almost continually, and the former win ning applause by walking backwards, runniug, j'Jiuuiiiu.uuu ud.vji.uiug uiuu, playfui tricks in order to demonstrate tna la.rSe amount ot physical iorce De held in reserve. At tho conclusion of the last round, he had eighteen minutes to spare. L:st op CArscsaet down far trial at A ffust Term 1871: 1 fl' l 1-! 1. T Tl lllninn fin tetta vs Jacob ReicUard, No. 1 April Teitn 1. i I It JV. IV. t'liui". J 1870. 2. Koch & Son vs Patrick Seed, No. G3 Jan. Term 1809 3. Armel Turley vs Geo. D, Smith, et al No. 33 April Term 18o"J. 4. Messenger " beeler vs TJilworta & Gcorze. No. 41 April Term ltJ 5. J. C. Cliapin'g heirs vs llryant & Euwer, No. 4 November term ISU'J. S. Hiram Woodward vs Thomas Tosier, No. 29 Nov. term 18159. 7. Thomas Turley vs B. A. Weed, No 88 Nov. term 18U9. 8. A. J. Lewis vs John W. Best, No. 9 Jan. term 1870. 9. A. H. Vackard vs John Kaul et al, No- 18 April term 1870, 10. James Douglass et al vs Thomas Lu cas et al, No. U'J April term 1870. 11. E. W. Bnsliley vs AUen Giles, Nos. 46 47 48 and 49 April term 1870. 12. James II. Billingiou vs Isaao Bow man et at, No. 10 August term 180. 1 3. Bernard AVeidenbreimer va Ueorge A. Rathbuu, No. 80 August term 1870. 14. Isaao ISowmau vs tu&uiaa irwiu, ro. 11 November term 1870. 15. fcpillan's heirs vs Michael IJanno- van, No. 19 November term 18iU. 16. Geo. W. Smith vs V. r. Anuerson, No. '22 November term 1870. . 17. Stearas, Clark & Co. vs D. e. Ander. son, No. 23 November term 8iO. 18. C.Brockway.Jr. vs Hortou township, No. 24 November term 1870. 19. l'.oubeu Winelow va Kdwin Fletcher, No. 25 November term 1870. 20. RDrine Run Coal Co. vs Laurie J. BUkely, No. 81 November term 1870. 21. Jonathan Bovuton et al vs A. l. Finney et al. No. 1 Jan. term 1871. 22. John 0. Reading et al vs A. C. Fin ney et ul, No. 13 January term 1871. FRED. ECHOENISO, I'ro. STATE KEWS.! About 800 new wells are going down in tho oil rctrions sixty in excess of the number being drilled the same time iu May, and 157 Ices than the number in process of drilling the same time year ago. Tho steel works of the Cambria Iron Company, Johnstown, are rapidly ap proaching completion. When in full operation at least 500 persons will find employment in addition to tho 4,000 that are already employed about the iron works. "Wilkcsbarre. June 22.Some 40 miners wertf temporarily imprisoned lie enrth vesterdav bv the fullinc in of the slope ot the Umpire mine, several miles from this place. All wero rescued, and are expected to recover from the effects of the foul air inhaled during their confinement. To Horsemen. When your horse come in wot wi'n perspiration, smooth his hair with a course brush a common broom is better than nothing in tne direction you wish it to lie when it is dry. 1 he animal will feel better, and it will bo only half the troublo to clean hitif the next time he needs it. Moths. The following recipe is said to have kept out moths from a fur niture warehouso for ten years past. May it do so for ten years to come: 'Flour of hops, one drachm; Scotch snuff, two ounces; gum campbor, one ounce; black pepper, one ounce; cedar sawdust, four ounces. Mix thoroughly, and strew, or put in papers among the goods." Furniture Polish. One pint of linseed oil, ono wioc-glass of alcohol; mix well together; apply to the cloth with a linen rag; rub dry with a soft cotton cloth, aud polish with a silk cloth. Furniture is iuipioved by wash ing it occasionally with soap-suds. Wipe dry and rub over with a very little lin. seed oil upon a clean sponge or flannel. lpo polished furniture with silk. Cure for Corns. Take a lomon, cut oil' a piece of rind, then nick the lemon so as to let in the toe with the corn the pulp next the corn; tie this on at night so that it cannot move; in the morning with a blunt knife you can pare it away to a great extent. Two or three applications of this will make a poor cripple happy for life. To Remove tue Taste of Wood. -A new keg, churn, bucket, or other wooden vessel, will generally communi cate a disagreeable taste to anything that is put luto it. To prevent this in convenience, scald the vessel well with boiling water, let the water remain i it until cold; then dissolve some pearl ash or soda in lukewarm water, addin a little lime to it. Wash tho inside of tho vessel well with this solution. After ward scald it well with hot water, an rinso with cold water before you use it 1 he reason tor this is the ready comb nation of resinons matter, with alkalies to form compounds soluble in alcohol Life. Men who have halt a dozen irons in the fire are not the ones to go crazy. It is the man of voluntary or compelled leisure, who mopes and pines and thinks himself into the mad bouse or the grave. Motion is all nature' law. Action is raau's salvation, pbysi can and mental; and yet nine out of ten are wistfully looking forward to the coveted hour when they shall have leis ure to do nothing the very siren that has lured to death many a "successful'1 man. lie only is truly wise who layi himself out to work till hie s lute. hour, and that is the man who will live the longest, and will hvo to most pur pose. ECOKS AND EYES. What do great liars do when they die? They lie still. Senator Wilson was the first to use the phrase "The New Departure." TIia lntin tvirtl Inr nrnmfln ia ft mu Her." No wonder that the female sex is so obstinate a student in a Western colleca is so addicted to taidiness that be is known aB "the late Mr. Tompkins." One hundred millions of glass chim- neys for lamps are annually broken in the United states. Learning is wealth to the poor, an honor to the rich, an aid to the young, and a support aud comfort to the aged. A history of tobacco will shortly be published. It will be illustrated with fine cuts; you can buy it if you chews. The nerve which never relaxes, the eye which never blanches, the thought which never wanders; these are the masters of victory. Tho poet says: The pleasure of pleasures, the greatest of all 1'anaceaa tor wimls tuat are sick, Iu to sit in the shade near a big stone wall And whittle a soft pine stick. It is a most sigoificent fact that since the war the public debt of the Unitod States has been reduced as much as the debt of England was roduced in fifty- f ve years. No shade of violet ought ever to be used in any sort ot evening dress, as the color vauishes entirely under au ar tificial light. Many a young lady has suffered for not remembering this. A trarden well kept, with the flowers well tended, and the beds, borders and walks neat and clean, is always indica tive of industry and good taste in a good family. Another method has been found to kill the potato bugs now doing so much injury in the west. It is very simple, being merely soap suds and soda, in the proportion of three pounds of the latter to a barrel of the former. The liquid is spriukled on the vines from a water ing pot, and it is said to be instant death to the troulesome iuccts. J ... An old Connecticut Indv, who was very muchtroubled by ttje prospect of tne lntroauotton ot gas in her villag and consequent disnse of whale oil sked with Much earnestness.' "What is to become of the)poor whales?" Two little sohool girls were lately prattling together, anu one of them said, "We keep four servants have got six horses and lots of carriages; now what have you got?" Wi'.h quite much pride the other answered, "We've dot a skunk under our barn." Printers' ink is being extensively used to keep grubs ott trees, lhe rela- tion!of printers' ink. to ;grub 'has, loo been koowu to editors, as it has bceu successfully used by them as a meaus wherewith to get thetr grub. Some ad vertiscrs discovered this use likewise. As an evidence of the wonderful ex pension of Methodism in America, th church ogau states the fact that duriu: the past year there was a new shurch completed, on the average, every three working hours, or lour lor every aay lu the year. It is the opinion of the leading mar. ket men of New York city, who have iust returned from a prospecting tour in Delaware ana iiew Jersey, mat the . . T T . , . . ceach crop in those sections will be good one, much better than it was last year. The peach was originally a poisoned almond. Its flesh parts were used to poison arrows, and the fiuit was for this purpose introduced into I ersia. The transplantation and cultivation, however, not only removed its poisonous qualities, but produced the delicious fruit we now enjoy. The editor of a Bangor, Maine, paper says he recently 6aw a number of young ladies enter a public ball with dishevel ed hair and hat rims apparently wrink eled, and he laucied with excited coun tenances. "Upon inquiring what the riot was about, says be, "imagine our chagrin when told it was the fashion Careful investigation shows that from one-half to one-third of the coal is left it the mines as waste, and that from twenty-five to forty per cent of that which reaches the Burface is lost in breaking, screening ana handling These losses are attributed to the crush ing effects of powder. An Arkansas woman, named Emily Lord, is reported to have had nine hus bands in ten years. Two died with sus picious suddenness, and three were di vorced. Y hat has become ot the oth ers is not stated. An exchange says sho is misnamed, for evidently slio is an Emma-Sarah of Satan. A young fellow, who had been mar ried tor a twelvemonth, said it was all sunshine, the next twelvemonth, said it was all moonshine, anu the latter period of his matrimouial career was wtthout shine at all, except when his better halt' touk it 'into bcr head to "kick up a a shine!" A sure cure forbugs of all kinds npon plants and vegetables, is to make a thin whitewash say a pint of slack lime to a pailful of water and sprinkle it through a watering can over the vines. It will, without fail, kill potato bugs, cut worms, or anything of that kind. Probably the first instance in history of a woman having been buried with military honors was that ot Miss Ii,sthcr Johnstone, a young English woman con nected with the German ambulance service, who died recently at Chalons, and was buried with military honors by the Prussians. "Corner loafing" with the use of abusive, indecent, or insulting language, whether addressed to any person pass ing upon any highway, to anv other person,, or to no person m particular, has been made a statutory oflenso in Connecticut, punishable by a fine not exceeding seven dollars. A western journal suggests that "if the Democratic papers had only shown one-half the zeai in fighting JelF. Davis when he4 was President of the rebel confederacy, that they now evince in hting hii when he is onlythe presi dent of a life insurance company, they would have done tho State some ser vice. .Vmong the Mohammedans no lengthy legal process is necessary to divorce a wife from her husband, lhe "liege lord" simply says to bis wife three times, ,'You are divorced!" aud the thing is done. lhe wile, however, has no such power over her husband. A member of the Legislature, from a remote and isolated district, sat listen ing to appropriations for repairing breeches in the canal, and finally sprang up and said, "See here, Mr, Speaker, who is this fellow, Canal, who wears out so many breeches? I've counted ten of them already, aud one pair lasts me yean The round figures of the railroad in terest are easily learned and remember ed. The whole length of all the rail roads in the world is 120,000 miles The cost of the same was, in round numbers, ten billions of dollars. Those of Great Britain aro the most costly, and those of the United States tho least so. The railway system of the world is supposed to give employment to over uua million persons. In the island of Goa, near Bombay, there is a singular vegetable called "the sorrowful tree," because it only flourishes in the night. At sunset no nowers are seen, and yet half an hour after that it is quite full of them. They yield a sweet smell, but the sun no sooner be gins to shine on them, than soruo of them fall off, and others close up; and thus it continues to flower iu the night during all the year. The best way'to patch up a quarrel is to plit the difference. A conclusive argument against suicides is, that it ia the height of impoliteness to g ) rivv here until you are seat t'vr. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS AGENTS WANTED FOR KNOTS UNTIED; Or, Ways and By-Ways in the Hidden;' Life of American Detectives. By officer O. S. MoWatters. A narrative of 25 years' experience among Bank Rob bers, Counterfeiters. Thieves, l'ickpockcts, Lottery Dealers, Confidence Men, and Swindlers of all classes of society dis closing marked Instances of diabolical ven geance and deep laid plans of mi?chief nnd outrage, and showing tho modes by which they were traced out anl scoundrels broupht to justice. A large volume of ovor (550 pngcsj 80 full page engravings. For circulars and terms address th pub lishers. J. B. BURR & HYDE, Hartford, Conn. vlnl8t3. U. S. MARSHALL'S OFFICE, ) W. D. of Pennsylvania, V 1'ittBburgh, June 231, 1871. J This is to give Notice: That on the 15th day of June, A. D. 1871 a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the Kslato of John Farrar Hi Co., of St. Mary's in the County of Elk and State of Pennsylvania, who have been adjudged Bankrupts on tho petition of their creditors; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belong ing to such Bankrupts to them or foi their use, snd the transfer of any property by them ar forbidden by law; that a Meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupts, to prove their Debts, and to ohoose one or more assignees of their Estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be hold en at Ridgway in said District at the office of 8. IS. Woodruff, before S. H. W ooUruB Esq., ltegister, on the 4th day of August, A. D. lcil at 8 o clock, p. m. A. MUKDOCII, n!8t2. U. S. Marshal, as Messenger. X 1L Revolvers ! The New X L revolvers, No. 1 22-100 Cal.. No. 2 32-100 Cal., Bhort, No. 8 8 100 Cal.,long, No. 4 38-100 Cal.. for Tocket Revolvers, are unsurpasted. They use the ordinary Copper Catridge and are beautiful in shape acu hnish. TUE BALLARD DERRINGER, 41-100 Cal., has no equal as a Derringer. Full and complete stock of Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Ammunition and Sportsmen's Goods, Manufactured by MEHWIN & EULSEST, 83 Chambers and G5 llcade Streets, Send for Catalogues. NEW YORK. vlnl8wl0. leqal. Lewis Boyington 1 In Common Pleas vs y of Elk County. Sophronia Boyington, J No 15, Jan. T.,'71. Libel in Divorce, a viculo matrenionii. To Sophronia Boyinnton, respondent above named: You aro hereby notified that the sub poena and alias subpoena in the above case having been returned non est inventus, yo. are hereby required to appear on the F1KST MONDAY IN AUGUST, 1871. being tho 7th day of tho month, to answer the complaint in tho above case. JACOIJ McCAULEY, Sheriff. Siieeiff's Officb, 1 Ridgway, June, 1, 1871. J vlnlote. nOURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, 1 1. it.ii t n vP-...AnD T . .1 . J 111 U 11W1I. M. X, .IJIUIlb, X LCliUIUi U'lge, ana lions. J, H. hit more and Jesse Kyler, Associates, Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions, Orphans' Court, Oyer and iermiuer, and beueral Jail Delivery, for the trial of capital and other oti'enses in the County ot Elk, by their precepts to me directed, have ordered the aforesaid na med Courts to be holdeu at Ridgway. in and for the County of Elk, on lhe First Monday of August, 1871, itbeing the 7th day of the month, and to continue one week Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, usiiccs of the Peace, aud Constables, of said County, that they aro by these pres- ins comiiunued to be tuen and lucre, in heir proper persons, at ten o'clock, A. M., of said day, with their rolls, records and inquisitions, and other remembrances, to o those t!unrs which their oiiices apper tain to be done, aud that all Justices of said County, make returns of all recogni zances entered into uelore them, to thi Clerk of the Court, as per Act of Assem bly of March 4th, 1834. And those who are bound to prosecute the prisoners that are or shall bo in the Jail of the Couuty ot Elk, and to bo then and there to prose cute agiinst them as shall be just- JACOB McCAULEY, Sheriff. Ridgway, June 29, 1871 Elk County Directory. l resiueut juuge 1j. u, uoimoro. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P. Vincent. Associate Judges J. K. Whitoiore, Jesse Kyler, District Attorney J. K. P, Hail. Sheriff Jacob McCnuley. Prothonotury o., Fred. Scha-ning. Treasurer Henry D. Derr. County Superintendent Rufus Lucore Commissioners U. Warner, John Barr, Louis Vollmer. Auditors Clark A. 'Wilcox, George D. Messenger, and Joseph wiinelm. County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissioners Joseph Kerncr, and Iharles juead. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Eecond Monday in January. Second Monday in April First Monday in August. First Monday in November. established in 1830. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' Saws! Saws! Saws! SUPEKIOll TO ALL OTHER?. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish ings, and Machinery, Ey-Get the BEST, they will prove the cheapest. Prices reduced. Bend ror price .List and Circulars. WELCH 4 GRIFFITHS, Boston, Mass., or Detroit, Mich. vlnl2t38. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ADVOCATE TO NEURASKA. CALIFORNIA, AND KANSAS, AND THE B. & M. R. R. LANDS. The "Burlington Ronto," so called, lies right in the path of the Star of Em pire. It runs almost immediately in the centre of the great westward movement of emigration. Crossing Illinois and Iowa, it strikes the Missouri river at three points. These three points are the gateways into three great sections of the trans Missouri region. The Northern gate ia Omaha, where the great Pacific road will take you to tho land of gold and grapes, sunny mountains, and perpetual summer. Tho middle gate is Plattsmouth, which opens upon the south half of Nebraska, south of the Platte river, a region un surpassed on tho continent 'for agricul ture and grazing. Just here are the B' & M. Railroad lands, concerning which Geo. S. Harris, the land officer at Bur lington, Iowa, can give you all informa tion, and in the heart of them is Lin coln, the State Capital and present ter minus of tho road. The Southern gate leads to Kansas, by connection with the St. Joe Road at Hamburg, running direct to St. Joe and Kansas City. ine trains ot the Uuriington run smoothly and safely, and make all con nections. It runs the best of coaches Pullman Palace and Pullman dining cars, and thould you take the journey for the journey's sake alone, you will be repaid; cr take it to find a home or a farm, and you cannot find cither better than among the B. & M. lands, where you can buy on ten years' credit, and at a low price. vln2yl. W- S. SERVICE. GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAY! THE LARGEST STOCK OF ME BEST NO OTHER IN STOCK S TO WE 8 HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLESS ARIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT ! GOODS WILL PLEASE! iKAP! STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! W. S. SERVICE, No. 1 Masonio Hull Buildiug, Ridgway, l'a. Orphan's Court Sale. By virtue of an order of the Omhan's Court of Elk County, the undersigned, Ad ministrator of L. U. Zimmerman, late of said county, deceased, will expose to sale by Publio Vendue, on Saturday, July 8th, 1871, at 2 o'clock, p. m,, on the premises, all the interest of the decedent in and to lots Nos. 42 and 43 in the Village of Ccntreville, with the buildings thereon erected. Terms CAisn on confirmation of sale. JOHN GREEN, vlnllls. Administrator. BUSINESS CARDS. HENRY SOTJTnER, Ridgway, Pa, Atlorney-at Law, (fcb29'6.8), A. RATHBUN, Ridgway Pa. Attorney-at-Latr 2 2 tf. rOHN O. IIALL, Attorney at law, Pldg. way, Elk county Pa. mar.22'601 AS. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, , Kersey, Elk Co. Pa. HA. PARSONS, , Dealer in Boots, Shoes and Leather. Main Street, Ridgway, Ta. vlnltf. GEORGE WALMSLEY, County Bur veyor, St. Marys, Pa., holds himself In readiness at all times, to perform jobs in his line. 2 8 X. SOUO, Saloon-kecDer. corner nt Railroad and Michael streets. St. Marys, Pa. Native Wines, irood I.a Beer, etc., constantly on hand. 2 8 "TTILLIAM GEIS, Restaurant, Mi- V chacl street, St. Marys, Pa., keeps the best of Lager Beer and Native wines constantly on hand. 2 8 C ' II. VOLK,' Manufacturer and Dealer , in Lager Beer, opposite the Railroad Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. JTEYNOLOS HOUSE, SSYXCLSSVimVJEFFEESOITCO, PA. II. S. BELNAP, FnorniETOR . J. !. Bordwell, M. D. Eclectio Physicaa Office and residence ODDosite thn Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt attention will be given to all calls. Ofiioe hours : 7 to 8 A. M- ; 12 to 2 P. M. : and 0 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, 66-tf. D R C. H. FULLER, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, RlBGWAY, Pa. Residence and office opposite tho Thayer House. TS. HARTLEY, M. D., Physioian and Surgeon, Ridgway, Ta. Office in Walker's Building. Special attention given to Surgery. Office hours from 8 a. tn. to 10 p, m. Rcsidenco on Mnin Street, west end. All calls promptly attended to. vlu2yl. fi G. MESSENGER, " JT" Drugpist and Parinnceutist, corner Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully (selected For eign and Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or sight. vln3y. HEALY & HORTON. DEALERS IN rr.Y C-O0D3, C35CS3IS3, P30VI3I0N3, PRODUCE, FRUITS, &c. vlnStf. West End, Ridgway, Pa. YDE HOUSE, RinowAY, Eik Co., Pa. W. 11. SUliltAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, tho now proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct 30 18G9. jJ-ORTON HOUSE, Tr , ERIE. PA- 21. V. Moore, (lute of the tiyde House) l'roj)rii'tor. Open Day and Niglit- RS. BORLAND & St. CLAIR, franklin, Pa., Give snecial atten tion to Chronio diseases, nnd those peou liur to women nnd children. Dr. Borland, diagnoses diseses by an ex amination of tho urine, aud by this Old Ctrmm mclliod has successfully treated thomands of cases without seeing them. T7DWARD McimiDE, Watchmaker ani Xj Jeweler, Railroad street, St. Marys, l'a. Engraving and repairing done ou short notice, and in a workmanlike man ner. Watches, and evcrythingiu the Jew elry lino, constantly on hand. 2 8 TARSONS, Manufacturer aud Dealer ia Boots & Shoes, , Main St., opposite Hotel, ov2"y Wit3ox, Pa, yR. G. WHIPPLE, Dental Surceon. Ollioe in Walker's Buildiuir. All lin.la ,.e dentistry done in the best stylo, aud all worluwarranted. He will vinit I'm. the 1st, 2d, and 3d; Wilcox on the 10th, 11th, and 12th: St. Marv'a on Hiu 91a, 22d, and 23d of each month. At alt other times he. can be found at his otfioa iu Ridgway, Pa. vln2yl. KERSEY HOUSE, CiisratviLLE, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. ' Thankful for the nalronai? 6 LnrAlnlorA so liberally bestowed upon him, tho new yiupnuior, nopes, ny paying strict at tention to the comfort .and of guests, to merit a continuance ut th same. JgOARDINQ HOUSE, Near the Depot, Wilcox, Pa. The undersigned has onened n lrrel,.i irghouse at tho above nlace. wli. i amply prepared to satisfy the wants of thosa nuuiuajr tt.uiiiiui who ineir custom. aiAKTO SOWERS, Proprietor HALL & BRO. Attorneys - at - Law. ST. 'MARY'S, ILSC0TOTYPlTNS7l7i.lTIA. aoas a. hail....... K. f. JIALI,