lfOTrl(:rslwsr.. !lt founts gjnTucate. Ht.NttY A. Parsons, Jr., - Editor. THURSDAY, JUKE 29, 1871. HEPUBLICA1T STATE TICKET. -- Auditor General: DAVID STANTON, of Beaver Co. Surveyor General: IlOBERT B. BE AT II, of Schuylkill. 0THBEEPU35LICAJT3 OP ELE COUNTY. It is requested that you hold your primary meetings, at your places of elections, SATURDAY, JULY 8th, at 5 o'clock p. in., to choose delegates to meet in County Convention at the Court House in Ridgway, on MONDAY JULY 10th at 2 o'clock, p. in. W. 8. HAMBLEN, Chairman County Committee, Seventeen Democratic journals in Ohio refuse to tale the new departure pointed out to them by the late Demo cratic Convention. N2WS. The Memphis Appeal dedicates "Put me in my little bed" to tho "new departurists." It is quite evident, how ever, from tho feeling of a majority of Democrats' toward the "departurists," the parody "I'll knock you on your lit tle head," would be much more appro priate In the Columbus Sun of the 21st inst. tho Hon. A H. Stephens contro--verts the New York World and the new departure. Says Mr. Stephens: "If any Democrat has changed his opinion and come to the conclusion that the Radical policy was right, then it is not dishonorable for him to say so; but Avheu he does it, the only honorable nur.se far him to nursue afterwards is i to go and join that party." The new departure of somo of the Democrats reminds the Newark tourier of a little story of an apparently incor rigible old furmer, who publicly declared that he had at last "experienced re ligion." His rniun-ter shortly after asked ono of his neighbors if he saw any difference in the man, and the re ply was: "Oh, yes, a great difference. Before, when he went out to chop in the woods on Sundays, he carried his ax on his shoulder, but now he hides it under bis coat. It is stated in a New York paper that the Ingcrsalls, faiuoiu buildeis of row boats, intend to present President Grant with a neat little affair as a specimen ol their handiwork. It is to bear the name of the Swan; is ten feet long by three feet eleven inches in width. There aie nicklo-p'ated row-locks, and oars worked upon a new patent. In this charming little arrangement the President will take lessons at Long Branch in rowing. So says the paper from which we quote; but wo cannot help suspecting that the suggestion ot the present originated with Greeley, and is intended as a polite hint that Salt River is still navigable. Erie Republican. It is announced, says the Chicago Voist, that a small black worm has niado its appearance at Fort Dodge, Iowa, which makes a special diet on the larvae of the potato bug. It is regarded as a nigo of promise, if the worms will only multiply in proportion to the bug, and if they do, and effect a thorough exter mination, the next question will be, what is to eat ud the worm? Nature sometimes makes curious provisions mid perhaps that is ono of them. The farming community are' ready to give up tbo bug and take any reasonable vhanna nn a new ne9t. especially one that will not regard the potato vine as lin most toothsome of vegetation. Pass along the worms! The Fulton Republican says: "The editor of the Valley Spirit, who laved so fearfully in the court house in M o Connellsburg last fall, and who declared that, when the Democrats got into Bower, they would abolish the Four teenth and Ffteenth Amendments, last week took it all back, and swallowed the negro wool, smell, Booial equality Dohtical equality, big heels, flat noses, nnd all at one gulp, and declared that he felt better than he ever did in hia life before. But he beseechingly asks lis Democratic friends not to refer to it again, as it creates a nauseous feeling on TTeavens! what a bitter IH S7 UV U4MVU1 iWinn had to awallow, who were ao much afraid of social equality. . They make wry facos, but come cobly up to the work." ' DOMESTIC. Gold cloned in New York on Mon day atll2j. There have been fresh disooveries of gold and silver in Arizona. Miss Sue Robinson, the actress, died in San Francisco on the 17tli, The grass crop of Connecticut prom ises to yield a good per ceotage ot bay. Cordon, 111., shipped 11,242 bushels of strawberries this season. The University ot Kentucky have bought Harry Clay's famous homestead, Ashland, for $00,000. The parties who arrested Ruloff are quarreling over the reward and it has gone to the courts to be decided. The largest railroad depot in tho world to be is at St. Louis, at a cost of 85,000,000. A bloodthirsty citizen of Richmond has written a novel, and threatens to kill the Richmond editor who refuses to publish it gratis. Westfield, Mass , mado 144,000 ratan and 75,000 whalebbone whips in May, and whips all creation in this manufac ture. The planting of rice in Louisiana has fallen off. so that a crop of 80,000, or 10,000,000 pounds, is considered an outside estimate. The capitul invested in boats on the Mississippi river, and in tho cargoos they are constantly carrying, is estimated at 81,500,000,000. The Indiana Legislature offered a bounty for dog-skius, to stop sheep kill ing. Now the fanners find dog-raising pays better than sheep culiure. North Carolina sends only 2,000 bags ot peanuts this season, against 20,0U0 ast vcar. and lears ot a tumine 'in tins delicious esculent are soicly felt. Piscataquis, Me., has not less than ten slate quarries, from some ot which nro obtained forty tons of slate per week, worth not less than $1,000,000. A portion ot Clinton Mountain, in Arkansas, including about one hundred acres, has 6unk, carrying trees entirely outot sight, and the space is continually enlarging. The Texas Pacific Railway is to be 1,515 miles in length. For 250 miles the road will be an air line; and in a stretch of 815 miles there will be but six bridges. During a thunder and hail storm at Rockford, Ccosa county, Ala., a dog was killed by a flash of lightning while beius fed bv a child. The child was not hurt. The stone pier for the kast river bridge has reached the height of twenty feet above the foundation. Eighty workmen are employed, and the num ber will be increased to 200, From five to seven hundred emigrants leave California for Oregon by every steamship. They are tempted by cheap land and reports ot great productive ness aud hopes of finding gold. The country at and near the eastern end of tho IJoosic tunnel is coming into notice us a place of su:umer resort for s'jch as desire a quiet, rather than a lashionable country life duiiug the hot weather. Sinner county, Kansas, had not a single inhabitant in the summer of 1870. It now has a population of 3,000. It has one paper, tho Oxford 2Yme, de voted to the interests of the county, and it is one column larger than any paper in the Southwest. This county is on the Osage Diminished Reserve. J Tho penitentiary bill, which has pass ed the Illinois Lesn&luture, provides for a continuance of the present system of management, the appropriation of 8330, 000 for the payment of outstanding in debtedness, aud S3o0,0UO to meet lu- ture expenses. The bill passca by a strict party vote; the Radical majority sustaining, and the Dcmocratto minority repudiating it. The locusts are making night hideous n the vicinity of Mquaoketa and Iowa City. The forests are full ot them, and their numbers are daily increasing, while, of course, their ravages upon the foliaxo of the trees and bushes is tear ful. It is said their constaut noise is so great that the farmeis of the localities where they most abound cannot hear the tow-bells ot their cattle grazing among the timber. One of the best managed "effects" during the Pope's jubilee was produced in Cuarlestowu, boutu Carolina, at tne close ol an address delivered by torch- ht in tbe cathedral by the lion. 31 P. O'Counor. Almost the last words uttered by the speaker were "There is still within us that mystic want of the snnl Faith." Immediately there flashed out from tho walls of the ruined cathedral, like a visiou,a colossal figure of Faith a female in brilliant robes of white, having her hands clasped and her soft eyes raised and fixed intently upon a large white cross planted upon a rock! The effect upon the dense crowd of human beings which gathered around the vision was electric A report of the last meeting of the Nauvoo grape and wine-growers' club gives some interesting statistics of the grape and wine crop iu Hancock county, Illinois. The amount of wine manu factured in Nauvoo in 18G8 amounted to 73,550 gallons, chiefly Catawba. The crop of that year, however, was moder ate, many vines not bting in bearing. In 1870 Nauvoo alone, it is estimated, made 150,000 gallons, while outsido the limits the crop was estimated at 25, 000 gallons. Dallas, Hamilton and Warsaw, the other wine-growing neigh borhoods, produced about 60,000 gal lons more, making a total of 235,000 gallons. The vines wintered well last winter, and the prospects are favorable to a good ciop this year, with aa in creaa id yield. In Chicago tbe Sunday liquor law excitement continues. Tho Germans contend stoutly for the Sabbatical lager. A Detroit man is trying to invent a self-adjusting door-boll with six-shooter attachment, for tho benefit of peddlers. Mrs. Anna Tlaco, of Portland, Me., has lived to the ao of 102 years. She is the widow of n revolutionary soldier who enlisted in Lee, New Hampshire, and served throughout the war, and she cow receives a pension from the govern ment. Sho still retains lior mental and physieial faculties to a remarkablo degree- - - Louisville can boast of confidence operators only eight years old. A young gentleman ol six who had invested in a puckage of. prize candy and drawn a pair of Attleboro sleeve buttons was swindled out of his jewelry by an urchin two years older, who offered bim a fabulons price for his prize, and per suaded him to hold a bundle of waste paper for sccuriiy while he went around the comer to get the money. FOREIGN. A mulatto woman called Madam Angelo has just walked 1,000 miles in England, in as many consecutive hours, being the third person known who has achieved this feat. London, June 20. A dispatch to the daily News states that the report of the attempted assassination of the Pope has not been confirmed. And that it is probable that the report was spread fur some political purpose. POWELL & KIME. Powell &'K.ime Having erected a largo and well arranged new Store House on the old she, since tbe fire, and filled it from cellar 16 garret With the choicest coods of nil descriptions, that can be found in any market, are fully pre pared to reccivethelr old customers, and supply their wants at bottom figures "WHOLESALS OS RETAIL. Their assortment is now complete, com jjF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP ao to TnAYER & HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, fa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW.WARE. TOBACCO AND CIOARS. A Large Stock of Grocsriea and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add Bold as cheap aa tne CHEAPEST. ana ONE HUNDRED PRINCE & CO. Mcfobcons & Farfor Grq ONE HUNDRED SINGER SEWIMG MACHINES AND ONE HUNDRED EXCELSIOR MOWERS TO BE GIVEN AWAY vln2. THAYER & II AGERTY. prising ltidgway, March 1st, 1870 SPECIE PAYMENT I GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR DRY GOODS, GROUERIE3, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, etc., etc. Crawford Cnmty System. The system of making nominations by a direct vote of tho people, is tho fairest and most honorable which could be adopted, because it represents the truo idea of Republicanism and self government, and because, also the del egate system is corrupt, debased by bud men, and without a single feature to commend it to tho public confidence. But whenever dishonest politicians hold counties in their control, by tho forco ot the delegate system, they havo boon loud in declaring tbo tjrawtord county system of making nominations by a direct vote of the people, a failure, and that the Republicans ot Crawford county, whero the system originated, aro disgusted with its operations. This plea has been tried a hundred times in this county when an effort has been made to introduce the same system here. Of course there is no truth in the alle gation, as is shown in a recent election for the purpose of testing in Crawford county whether the mass of tho Repub lican party are willing to confess they are not fit to judge who shall be their pQRK, FLOUR, SALT, nnnHnl'irnQ fnr nlhnint nnsitinn. At the " election referred to, the vote was, for repeal 84; against repeal in favor of the system, 2,227. This may be con sidered an overwhelming majority in favor of the system in the county which has used it the longest, having origi nated it. The advocates of the propo sition to introduce this system in Dau phin county have now nn argument which its opponents cannot answer. Let these facts be well known to tho next Republican county convention. State Journal. TO Till 8UB3CBIBBBS OF FOR EVERYBODY The New Monthly Journal, DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, ART, SCIENCE, HUMOR, AND MANUFACTURES THE BEST TALENT IN THE COUNTRY is engaged, and no pains will be spared to make it the Best Illustrated Family Paper. SI 50 Per Annum, in advance. Feed, Beans, Butt ex , DRIED APPLES, Oil JOB WORK AT THE R1DGWA1 WAGON SHOP. Call and examine tny stock beforo buying a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the best selection of Michigan WniTE OAK AND HICKORY; I employ nono but First Class Me chanic i I use nothing but the lest Refined Iron. I think it will bo to your interest to give me your order. Having twenty-five lumber wagons in course of costruction, I will be able to fnrnish any party by the first of April. All orders by mail, also any orders left with W. S. Service at tho Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. JACKSON & WEAVER. NATURE'S 11-RESTORATIVE Tho Host liberal Oiler Subscribers. ever maia ofTer To seouro a large ciroulahon, we the following unrivaled inducements: To the Fire Hundredth Subscriber and each alternate Five Hundredth after, we will present ono of the celebrate 1 Singer Sewing Machines, valued at 60, or Prince & Co. Melodeon of same value. To the Thousandth Subscriber, and each Thousandth one after, we will present one of the well known Soiberlinc Excelsior Mowers, valued at $110, or a Prince & Co. Parlor Oman of same value. There is no deception in the above offer, and we refer, with confidence, to the J. F. SEIBERLING CO., Akron, Ohio, or any of their numerous agents who have been in structed by the Company to guarantee our oners, ua are authorized to receive sun soriptions. Also to Messrs. GEO. A. PIUNCE & CO., or Tho SAGE, SONS & CO. Lithozraphine. Printing and Manu facturing Co., Butialo, N. Y. CflAHLEi A. DAJTA, Editor. She goltar tofcltj Sttx A Newspaper ol thoProitent Time. Imoudod fur rco:lo lioxr on Earth. Including F.irme.s. Mechanic, Merchants, Pro fou;cmal Meu, Woikcrs, TnLnkerx, nd s i tlan. nor of riono.t Poiki, tad tko Wives, 6ons, ni Uoa.'UWra uf ull suoO. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR f oxa ncsoatD copies port sso,' Or 1 than On Cent a Copy, let ttiort M a $50 Clab at ororr Port OiUce. SKWI-WEEK1.Y UVX, A TEAR, of tho sntne tlza and itonur.il character at Till? WEEKLV, bnt with n creator variety ot mltcal'nncons rotiltnir, and firnlshlnjr the n-n-o to Its ruoscrlbeis with (rtoatr frostincss. because It ooaict twlco a wock Instead of once only, THE DAILY BCN, tO A Y3AR. A proBmlncntlr road iWo n"tTpaper. mm tho Ini'tfuftt. circulation in the world. Fre, Inrlo- fie'tdent, mid tearlca In politics. Ail the nrwi 'mni cvtTywhero. Tw. cents a copy ( toy luaU, 6U coats a mouth, or 99 7 cur. TEBM3 TO CLXJB3. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY SUX. Five copies, one yair, sopara:lr Mrosd. Four l-illatK. Ten rore one veir. pnnrntoly addressed (and aa extra cup to thcucucr ui 01 cluu). Eljrtit o!!nrf. TiTontv copin. one yenr. ppnmtflv ndi-rscd (u .a aa extra dpy W tueiiottxr up or nnb). JKiltci n liallurs. Fifty cipl". nnn vcar. to ono n'Ulrrcs mud to Beim-V ceiiiy ouu year t- cotter no uf clah), Tlilrty-tliroo I)o!fnrs. Fify ronlr . on? venr, cpr.rntelv n idrcFsctl (aad Wu bciai-lft ceklyoiieyp'irTo t'i'ircr ni- o. 1 luM, 'X3ir:yiiva Lo!E:rs. Dno r.nndrrd erti one vc.r. V rue mMrcTH (i l tha Daily for ono year to tho iri-rtpr 111 of clu;". t'ilty IofUr. Ore lia-idred oooinp, ono vcar, H-oarattly nd drc"ca ran.! tl.0 Dully lor oac vo,ir to inr L-.'tlrr upolcluo), eixty Uollara. TE3 BTI.TII-WEEXLY StTX. Flvo conies, ono year, separately nridrivrirt. Eitl.t Hollnrs. Ten cot les, ore rerr. rcpara'elv addressed fan! aa ixtra copy to feiwr up "f 1 1 , .-,). Sixtccu Dollars. KESD YCUR KIOXEY ? CLr1" wden. checks, or drnfm c.n Ketr LP'S'.TJJf ""7 f "."vooioiit. If not, tnen reaUior in lcttera coiitaliilau u;onoy. Addicsi "au"-r I. W. E-WLAND, pnbllfher. Bun office, hew Yort City. RAILROADS. T?iFrr Wortb of VxLzk FOR 8 3. DIlIED.rEA.CHES, A New School Book, by H. S. Peekins Price f .ouper Uoz Contains over two hundred new beautiful Songs, l)u eta, etc.. by N ill S. llAIS. WEBSTER, Tuomas, etc. Every thing is new, fresh, and sparkling. Con tents and specimen pages sent free. Sam- copies mailed free of postage to teachers for ti5 ceuls. Liberal terms for tion. Subscribers to Tb tees Musical Mon thly are getting their Jluric tor less man and two cents' a ticco Those who have not seen this Musical Magazine should send 30 cents for a sample copy. The musio is by Hats, Tuomas, KlNKKL, PEBSLET, and other popular writers. Two back numbers for 40 cents. Four introduo" Iback numbers for 75 Icents. Canned Goods, Address, J. L. IETESS, S59 Eroadway, New Yort vlnlllt. mi list. The following are the jurors drawn for August term of court, 1871: GRAND JURORS. Benezet Richard W. Doyle, Robert Itotherick, E. H. Dixon, Geo. W. Winslow. BenzLneer Joseph Bideel. Jr., Joseph Schaur, Anton Munich, Thomas Kerner. Fox Mnthias Spooler, Sr., James Mo Closkey, John Mosier. Hortou S. A. Olmslead, C. E. Beman. jayVilliara B. Hewitt, Josiuli K. Uorey. Jones Joseph Nve. Christopher Dill. Millstone J. C. Champion, 'William Kelley. ltidgway J. V. Houk, James Itickard, Edward Derby. St. Mary s Goo. id. cis, i. a. na- bcrbush. TRAVERSE JURORS. Benezet Ilalph Johnson, Jr. Beiizinger Martin Fielle, George Selle, Anton Bauer, Michael Lawler, Joseph I'atton. Fox William Hewitt, James lams. worth. C. E. Green. Isuao Hays, John Tay lor, John Kuutzlcuiau, John Koch, David Meredith. Horton James Eeilly, Allen Giles, Joseph Chamberlain, N. M. Brockway, Bedford Begars, liarvoy i-arsous, jusepu Clinton. Jones A. I. Wilcox, Joseph 1'istner, Daniel Smith. Michael Weidert. Jay Martin Clover, Joshua W. Roth- rock. Millstone James Green wait, ltidgway Horace Warner. Spring Creek D. Q. McXaul, Robort Warner. St. Mary's Michael Sleblg, Chai. Mo Vean, John Walker, Sr., Frank Gerg. In short everything wanted In the Country by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERS, LABORING MEN, EVERYBODY ! Contains no LAC SULPHUR No SUGAR OP LEAD No LITH-AUGZ-No NITRATE OP SIL VER, and is entirely free from the Pc:sonou3 and Health-dsstroying one Dollar, Drugs used in other Hair Prepara tions. Transparent and clear as crystal, it will not soil the finet fubric, perfectly safe, clean and efficient, desidoralums long sought for and found at last! It restores and prevent tne Hair Irom beooming Gray, imparlH a soft, glossy, ap pearance, removes Dandrutf, is eool and relVeshing to the head, checks the Hair from tailing on, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevent Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous eruptions, and unnatural heat. As a dtcssing tor tho hair it Is ho best article in the market. Dr. G. Smith, Patentee, Ayer, Mass. Prepared only byPUOCTElt BROTHERS, Gloucester, Mass The genuine is put up in a panel bottle, made expressly" for it. with the name of the article blown in tne glass. Ask your Druggist for Nature' Hnir Restorative, and take no other. f.?iopd two three oent stamps to Procter Brothers' for a "Treatise oa the Human Hair." The information tt con tains is worth $500,03 to any person. FOR SALE BY G. G. MESSENGER, DRUGGIST, Min Street, Ridgway, Peua'a. vlnllyl. The manner of Coniustins will be as follows: Each letter containing subscript ions will be numbered immediately upon opening, and the names of the subscribers will be registered In a book in precisely the same order as opened, and when a letter con tains more than one name, they will be registered in the same order as in the let ter, and each name standing opposite C0J, 1,500, 2,500, to., will bo entitled to a SEWING MACHINE, or MKLODEON. as above mentioned. Each name s anding opposite 1,000, 2.000, 3.000, &o., will be entitled to an EXCELSIOR MOWER, or PARLOR ORGAN. N. B. Immediate notice wil' be sent to each fortunate subscriber, and the Prizes shipped from the manufactory where made, (except the Sewing Machines, which will bo sent from the warerooms of Mr. J. S. Dawley, the General Agent in this city,) ns soon as possible after answer is received, naming selection and giving diroctions'how to ship. Arrangements aro also maao dj which more expensive Machines or Instru ments may be selected by paying the diff erence in price. A due acknowledgement will be expected in all cases, with permis sion to publish in our next issue after. Agents Wanted Everywhere. Direct all Communications aud Subscrip tions to HENRY H. SAGE. Publisher, 20 Allen St., Buffalo, N. Y. We have made arrangements by which we are enabled to furnish "For Everybody" in connection with the Advocate, at $3 per annum, for both publications. Those who havo already paid their subscriptions, can obtain it one year by remitting to us K, B All subscriptions win be entitled to norticipate in the Prizes offured by the Publisher of "For Everybody." STEREOSCOPES. VIEWS, ALBUMS, CIIROMOS, FRAMES. E. &H.T. ANTHONY & CO. 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Invite the attention of the Trade to their extensive assortment of the above goods, of their own publication, and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES nnd GRAPLTOSCOrES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. PHILADELPHIA &. Tturc RAILROAD. SUMMER TIME TABLE. ONandafterMONDAY,JUNE5th, 1871, the trains on the Philadelphia, & Erie Railroad will run as follows : WKSTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia. 7.10 p. m. ' " " Ridgway 10.():J a. m. arrive at Krie 3.30 p. m. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12. 30 p. m ' " " Ridgway 2.20 o. m. " " arrive at Erie -7.40 a. iu. Aeoomodation, leaves Renova, ...7.15 a. iu. Ridgway,..5.49 p. m. " nrr at Kuue 8.00 p. in. KARTWAIIU. .Mill Train leaves Erie 11.30 a. m. " " " Ridgway....- 4.52 p. m. " " arrive at Phil id'a... 7.30 it. m. Erie Express loaves Enc '.1.00 p. iu. " " " I'idgway... 2,20 a. m. " " an-at Philadelphia.. 5 50 p. ni. Accomodation, leaves Kane 5.00 a. m. " Ridgway... 7.25 a. in. arr at St. Marys 8.30 am. " leaves St . Marys 10.30 a m. " arr at Reno vo (1.40 p. 111. Mail East connects east und wett a't Erio with L S & M S It W and at Corry aud lrvinctoi) with Oil Creek aud Allegheny U 11 W. Mail West with west bound trains on I S & M S R W aud at Corry and Irvinetou with Oil Creek aud AUcgiier.y R U W. Warren Accommodation east and west with trains on L S and M S R east and went and at Corry with O C nnd AUK W. Erie Accommodation East at Corry an 1 Irvinetou with O C and A R R W. Elmirii Mail nnd Buffalo Express mako close connection at Willinmsport with N C R W trains north and south. Catawissa passenger trains will be run east from Williaisnort on Klmlr Mail. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gon'l Sup't. NEW TIM5 TABLE. Commencing June 5lb. 1871. ALLEGHENY VALLEY JL R. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS BURGH AND POINTS OS THE PHIL' A. & ERIE R. R. coma south. Day Express leaves Oil City at 2 10am Arrives at Pittsburgh 7 63 p m Night Express leaves Oil City 9 45 p ui Arrives nt Pittsburgh 6 40 a m Mail leaves Oil City ' 9 45 a in Arrives at Pittsburgh (iUOpu GOING KOUTH. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at 8 35 a m Arrives ut Oil City at 8 05 p in Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 10 10 p iu Arrives at (1:1 City DMani Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 12 30 p m, Aarrives at Oil City 7 45 p m Close Connections made at Corry for Pittsburgh with trains East and West on P. & E. R. R. Pullman Pallaoe Drawing Room Sleep, ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Curry and Pittsburgh. Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley R. R. J. J. LAWRENCE, Gen. Sunt. cm Also a full stock of MANILLA HOPE of the best manufacture, of suitable sues for rafting and running purposes. The most Complete Iluslueftg College intbe United States. Affording facilities for aoquireing a thorough practical business education, possessed by no other School in the country bince its incorporation in Iojo, nearly SixteenTuousand btudenta. renresentatives from every State in the Union, have attonded here. No vacations. Students enter at any time, and receive private instructions throughout the entire course. B. B. Circulars with full particulars ana All neceFsary information, on addressing SMITH & COWLEY, Principals, FlTTSDUBOU, Pa. CONRAD MEYER. Inventor and Manufacturer of the TT.TSTm4TT!T! TftflW TftAME PIANOS. WASSEOOUS, No. 723 Arch St., Pfclla. (g JIH JMB llli lloa received tne irue .ueuui 01 iue World's Great Exhibition, Loudon, Eng. The highest Prizes awarded when and wherever exhibited. ESTABLISHED LS2J . vluOSia. Ridgway, ft-, March 2d, I'71 . J II. WILBER, NEWS DEPOT Main St. (Holes' New Building), Ridg- waj, Pa. E. li II. T. ANTHONY & CO.. 591 Broadwav. New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Importers and Manufacturers of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. vlo2yl. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN R10QWAV. DAN SCR1BNER WISHES.TO IN- form tbe Cittzens of Ridjjway, and the publio gccerally, that he has started Liv ery St abb) and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let upon the moat reasona ble terms BQs-He will also do job teaming. Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. THE GLOBE- ESTABLISHED 1808. An Independent Evening Journal. Served by Carrier at Ten Cents per wees Ask your newsdealer for it. THE GLOBE, as the only I.dkpbndknc afUrnooa journal, reaouing a popula tion in New York and vioinity of over Taaia Millions, is rap. idly gaining the position of the great leading evening paper of the Metropolis. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM. WITH ITS LOW RATES, IT IS UNSUR PASSED. TERMS OF THE GLOBE. Subscription. By Mail, One Month, 6O0.; Three Months, $1 50; Six Months, $3; One Year, $5. Advertising. Per line, nonpariel measurement Ordi, . . i . .1 1 . 11 i Latest Periodicals and Newspapers kept constantly on hand. Also dealer in Fresh Fish, Oysters. Tobaceo, and Confectionary, lnltf, I. 1 t . i ; nrt . 11 1 PostOffioe, oa MU' street. All orders left nary, iuo.; opecm. """. "uK at the Post Office will meet prompt atten tion. THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY. Aug 20 1870, tf. I Printing House Square, New York.