THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1871. Rates of Advertising. One column, one year ...$75 00 40 00 . 2" 00 15 00 Transient advertising per square of eight lines or less 8 times or less 2 00 Business cards, ten linos or less, per venr. ....... 6 00 Mnrriagos and Death notices inserted gratis. Elk toags, A. T. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will he licld at their hall on tho second and lourtn Tuesdays of each month. g. l. Mccracken, Seo'y. Temple of Konor and Temnerance. Elkton Temple No. 81, meets on eash alternate Thursday, at their Lodge Room, ja Main street, over J. V. Honk's store. II. A. PARSONS, tV. R. Car Time at Kid way Erie Express East, do do West. do Mail East do do West . 2:20 si. m. , 2)20 a m. . 4:52 p. m. .10:03 a. m. local freight East 7:5 a. m. lo do West 6: 4 'J p. m. Dark peeling is at its height. Tuesday night there was a heavy log. Wilcox is going to celebrate tho fourth in grand style. TnE new barn of J. S. Hyde's has been raised. TnE Wilcox House, at Wilcox, is having a three story addition built on to it. JunaE Messenger talks of having a new fence in front or his residence, Main street. The Commissioners of Elk county will meet at their office in Ridgway, on Monday, July 3d, 1871. We hear of no efforts being made toward celebrating tho glorious iourth in Hidgway. TnE strawberry season is about over, and they are selling here at 20 cents per i irt, Horace Warnc.ii is going to put up a building, near the depot, to be used lor a saloon and restaurant. We notice a cuuplo of trees on tho front of the puliUo squaro have been broken down by the wind. G. L. McCracken's uiw house on Centre street, has lately received a fresh coat of paint. There aro uiueteen hundred and eleven, be the sarao mora or less, dogs in this place that could just as well be dispensed with. There was a heavy rain storm here last Tuesday, which was much needed and was tho right thing in the right place. J. K. WurTMiiKE has built a new fence around his lots on Centre street. I' red. Sclioening has also a new fence and now walk in Iront of his residence on same street. Which we wish to remark that the row storo, being built by W. C. Hoaly, is nearly completed and will add a hun dred per ceut. to tho looks of the west end of town. Last Saturday evening, Professor 5i'own, a blind musician, and his daugh ter, gave au entertainment at Messen ger's Hall. The perlortuauco was good taken as a whole, and Miss Anna's per formance on the violin was capital, and well worth the price of admission. Another Fire at St. Mary's. Thero was quite a fire at St. Mary's, last Wednesday, 14th inst., on St. Mary's street, next to Walker's hard ware store. Three buildings were de stroyed with most of their contents. Loss in the neighborhood of 2,000. Mas. J. V. IIouk, Main street, has on hand the finest stock of millinery and dress goods icvery brought into this '-neck 'o woods." Hats, bonnets, androbbons, in endless variety. Ladies ihiiig anything in her line will do well to give her a call. We would advise those young men that are in the habt of making "night hideous;" also those that attend publio entertainments for no other purpose than to disturb the performance, to desist in their operations, uuless they wish to gain notoriety by boarding at fort Lesser and getting their name in. print. On Sunday last, some of our "bovs" thought they would have a game of ball on the Alert ball ground, but the unlooked-for appearance of Constable Malone caused them to beat a hasty re treat. As this is the first time, boys, you get off easy; but should tho per formance be repeated look out for break- Office-Seekers are numerous in Elk county, flies in shad time is no com parison, and thcro is no danger of the offices having to go begging. At last accounts ten men were anrious toerve their country in tho capacity of High Sheriff; nearly ns many hopefully eye ing tha position of Treasurer; and can didates for Associate Judge! whew! 0UBB00ETAELB. "D:f. Modp.nwei.t" is again on our table. The June number contains a sheet of ex cellent paterns, a largo supplement and sixteen pages of fashion illustrations. $3 per annum, including monthly two papers and pattern sheet. Address S. B. Taylor, 301 Canal street, Now York. Oobey for July. "Tho Music Lesson" a stool plate graocs this number, along with a colored fashion plate, containing six beautiful designs of dresses; also the extension sheet with its largo number of late fashions in dress and lingerie articles; a page of children's fashions: an interest ing wood engraving of "Tha Poddlcr." There are nn unusual number of designs for fancy work given., among which will be found, in the front of the book, five de signs for making up and ornamenting a portfolio cover for manuscripts, drawings, etc Godey has presented his patrons tins month, tho commencement of his forty second year, with a novel slipper pattern. The ease with which it can bo worked gives promise of its becoming a fashionable slip per for gentlemen. To make old Kid Cloves New. Make a thick mucilage by boiliti" a lit tle flaxseed to which add a little dissolv ed soap and when tho mixture cools wipe the gloves with a piece of white flannel, previously fitting them to the hand. Use only enough of tho cleans- mixture to take off tho dirt without wetting through the gloves. To Cure Catarrh A correspond ent of the Hons cliold says: "Obtain a small vial of the tincture of iodine, drop from three to five drops of it into a nar row mouthed vessel containing a half pint of boiling water, and shutting your mouth closely, inhale the vapor arisiug from it through the nostrils. This done twice a day for some time will effect a cure, especially when tho disease arises from a scrofulous naturo, and will give relict to any oue suffering from the want ot tho discharge which the disease throws off through the nostrils." A Specific. An exchange says buckwheat is now. reported a specific for that "blarsted" insect, tho potato bug. It can be planted in tho hill or s wn between tho rows, after or at the time of the cultivation. Tho bug dis likes the buckwheat, and ''gits up and gits. We don't vouch for tho potency of the cure, but are assured that it has w rked wonders, and caused consider able scratching certain localities. It will certainly do no harm to try it. A Small Pox Remedy. A rres ponden of Siockton (Cal.,) Herald writer as folluws: I herewith append a receipt which has been used to my knowledge in hundreds of cases. It will prevent or cure tho small pox, though the pittings are filling. When Jenaer discovcicd cow-pox in England, the w-m-rd of science hurled an avalanche upon his head, but when the most sci entific school of medicine in tho world that of Paris published this receipe as a panacea for small pox, it passed un heeded. It is as unfailing as a fate, aod conquers in every iustanee. It is harmless when taken by a well person. It will also cure scarlet fever. Here is tho receipe as I have used it, and cured my children of scarlet fever; here it is as I have used it to cure small pox when learned physicians said the patient must die. Sulphate of eino, ono grain; fox gloves -(digitalis,) one grain; half a tea- spoonful of sugar; mix with two table spoonfuls of water. When thoroughly mixed, add four ounces of water. Take a spoonful every hour. Either disease will disappear in twelve hours. Tor a child smaller doses according to age. If counties woe5d compel their physi cians to use this, there would be no need of pest houses. If you value ad vise and experience, use this for that terrible disease. On Friday last several small boys of, town were out practicing with an old pistol, when Eddie Urennan received a charge of shot or slugs in the breast, inflicting quite a severe wound. It is said the thick clothing ho had on at tho time, through which tho shot passed, saved his life, as the shot struck him in such a way as to have proved fatal had it not met with some lmpeainieut. it is certainly a very bad practice to allow small boys to triflo with fire arms, and more so old and worthless pistols, unsafe even in skill! ul hands. -Drookville He publican That tamous ninth resolution in the Democratic platform, is as irritatiug to the old leaders of that party as was the hloodv shirt of Nessus. It will forever cling to them as a reproach to their hy- pocrisy and a ridicule ol tneir pioiession of faith in that which they bad strove to defeat, and even now bate. iQi A TABidnt of Kalamazoo writes to a "school beared" in Ohio that he will take a school, as he Las "tot J terms school and i attended col'eige 4 years at detroit michigan and am 26 yrs avase.' The Reason Why. The immedi ate cause of premature fading or blanch ing ot tho hair is an obstruction of the oil vessels which afford tho coloring matter. The remoto causes may be general ill health, trouble of mind, cto. Ilenco, in order to restore its natural ooior and beautv the oil vessels must be restored to their normal condition. If is on this principle that Nature's Hair Re storative is compounded, and it has proved a complete success, whet ever faithfully applied. It is not a poisonous dye, consequently the effect is eradua and in several cases two or three bottles are necessary to produce the desired ra suit. See advertisement. . CU5AN8IN BLANKETS. It is quite as importaut to have blankets on our beds clean as to have the sheets pure and white. The Boston Journal of Chemistry gives the following method of cleansing blankets: "Put two large tablespoonfuls of bo rax and a pint bowl ot sott soap into a tub of ould water. When dissolved put in a pair of blankets, and let them remain over night. Next day rub and drain them out, and rinse thoroughly in two waters, and hand them out to dry. Do no wring them. But this is not the only domestic use to which borax may be put. Says the same Journal: "Jiurax is the best oookronch extorminator yet discovered. 1 his troublesome insect has a peculiar aversion to it, and will tiever return where it has once been scattered. As the salt is perfectly harmless to human beings, it is much to be prefered for this purpose to the poisonous substances com monly used. For cloansiog the hair, nothing is better than a solution of bo rax water. Wash afterward with pure water, if it leaves the hair too stiff. Borax dissolved in watct if also nn ex cellent dentifrice or tooth-wash." STATS NEWS. . The whole number of rafts run out of Red Bank, Clarion county, this year, reached 1,009. It is reported that the people ot Spring Hun, Frauklin county, aro ex cited over the prospects of coal being found in that vicinity, The oldest printer in Dauphin county is Gen Simon Cameron, and the next in age is Capt. Jacob Babb. The debt of the city of Lancaster is $351,428, making with the county debt, a total of SoU2,01j, or for each inhabitant. Andrew Brest, a soldier of the war of 1812, died at his residence in Jeffer son township, Mercer county, of cauccr in the face, on the 20th. He was in the 85th year of his age, and had been a resident of the county for nearly half a century. It was regarded as a strong case of circumstantial evidence in a Pittsburg court, the other day, ween the plaintiff produced the skillet with which his wife struck him, and showed the jury how nicely the three legs fitted into the holes in his head. HO OSS AND EYES. A good side show a pretty cheek. A Nashville editor a few days ago. published a sevon-liue puff for eight onions. Some people argue very logically too it is impossible to keep your word it you give it. The yearlSTl constitutes the 1875th of the birth of Christ; our present era having begun four years After his birth A good, practical education, iorlud ing a good trade; is a better outfit for a youth than a grand estate with the drawback of au empty sund. An act has passed the Legislature inflicting a heavy penalty upon all per sons who may hereafter be guilty of tuu mating or destroying haudbills. A potato bug was found the other day on the apex ot a church spire in A oodstock. lie used it as an observa tory. "Aw! how do you like my mustach, Mith Laura?" lisped a dandy to a merry girl. "Oh, very much. It looks like the f uz on the back of a caterpillar." Kettles may be cleansed of onion and other odors by disolving a teaspoon- ful ot pearlash or saleratus in water and washing them. This item is from a valuable agrieul tural journal: "Don't let your cattle stray; they wander to the most mysteri. ous places; we once saw a cow hide in a shoemaker s shop. An Indiana preacher asserted that no tobacco chewer could enter the King dom of Heaven, and his congregation has dwindled down to three women and a baby. A recent writer says that tho fences of the United States have cost more than all the craft that float upon our waters, salt and fresh; more, indeed, than any other class of property, except railroads. A Cleveland meichant lately received a package labelled, "1 box Tom. Cats." It took him some time to decipher the tact that the inscription meant a box of tomato catsup. A stranger went to a church at Mid dlctown, Connecticut, on a Sunday re cently, and sat down in a pew, when, just us he was getting interested in the sermon, a rough-looking, pious church member came in and took him by the collar and threw him into the vestibule, lie thought he would stay there and hear the rest of the sermon, when the sexton kicked him off the steps.. He went to the side of the church to listen to the seimon through the windw, when one of the brethern said "Amen" to something the minister said, and then spit tobacco juice out of the the win dow into the listener's eyes. He says a man cannot eDjoy religion much at Middletown. Turned Itei la tha NigM. The following amusing incident fur nishes a good illustration of tho way li quors ure adulterated now-a-days. We heard the other day of a singular, and, we believe, a new effeot of the ap plication of brandy as a medicine. A gentleman convalescing from an attack of sickness, was recommended by his phyeician to rub himself all over every morning and oveuing with tho best of brandy. The invalid accordingly sent to his family grocer, witb whom he had dealt for years, and ordered a samplo ,of the best old cognac. Home it came, and that evening it was tried outwaidly, of course Tho convalcsoont felt bet ter, and ho continued to feel better for a day or so. until he awoke one morning, and, to his horror, discovered that his entire cuticle at least where it had been rubbed with tho cognao had be. come a deep crimson color. lie sprang out of his bed in alarm. J he family were aroused; the servant was dispatched in hot haste for tho doctor, ihe in valid's wits were terribly shaken by this never-beforc-heard-of catastrophe. What could bo the cause of it? . He looked a picture for a painter as he sat before the largo looking-glass in the arm ctiair, and ruefully surveyed his crimson covering. It was almost ludicrous; it was almost as bad as Mr, Titmouse s predicament about bis purple green hair. But this could not be a laughing matter; it must be somo cxtraordiuary phenomenon, as he explained it to hi3 wondering and alarmed family. "And just imagine, my dear, how I shall look all my life if this abominable thing isn't cured liko a boiled lobster! 1 shall go by no other name. 0 dear! 0 dear!" The door-boll rang; the front door opened; in rushed the doctor. For au instant ho could not contain himself; he had to drop into a chair and laugh it out. "0, it's very funny to you, no doubt. doctor; but how would you like to go about all the balance of your days look ing like nn overdone lobster?" The doctor burst out again at this; but he saw that bis sick man and family we really alarmed, and ho soon sobered down to his usual pulse feeling. 'May be it s tho iodine, doctor, sug gested the anxious wife. "0, it s iroued in, no doubt, said the patient, indulging in tho ruling pas sion strong in death. The doctor shook his head. "Had that rubbiug been done as bo had prescribed?" "Yes, faithfully." "Good brandy?" "Yes, the very best; we use no other." "Let me have it." The brandy was brought. The doc tor tasted it, and shook his head again. "Ill take it homo toexamiuo chemi cally. Thero are so many tricks among the liquor dealers." U, no lear ot that with our grocer. He sells none but the best liquors, im ported directly by himself." Mo doubt. Ill look into it never theless." And calming the family alarm, tho good doctor departed, the pure old cog nac in his pocket. That evening came a note from him: "Dear L , make yourself perfectly easy. The cognao is first proof whis ky, and won't hurt you. It was the logwood in it that did your business." JUIi'; LIST. The following aro the jurors drawn for August term of court, 1871: GRAND JURORS. Benezet llichard W. Doyle, Robert Rotherick, E. H. Dixon, Geo. W. Window. Denzineer Joseph Bidcel. Jr., Joseph Schaur, Anton Munich, Thomas Korner. Fox Mutuias Spooler, Sr., James Mo Cloekey, John Mosier. Horton S. A. Olmstead, C. E. Betnan. Jay William B. Hewitt, Josiati It. Movey. Jones Joseph Nye, Christopher Dill. Millstone J. C. Champion, William Kelley. Ridgway J. V. IIouk, James Rickard, Edward Derby. St, Mary's Geo. Ed. Weis, F. X. Ha- bcrbusli. TRAVERSE JURORS. Benezct Pialph Johnson, Jr. Benzinger Martin Fiolle, George Selle, Anton Bauer, Michael Lawler, Joseph Patton. Fox William Hewitt, James Farns worth, C. E. Green, Isaac Hays, John Tay lor, John Kuutzlenian, John Koch, David Meredith. Horton James Reilly, Allen Giles, Joseph Chamberlain, N. M. Brockway, Kedtord Seears, Harvey Parsons, Joseph Clinton. Jones A. I. Wilcox, Joseph Pistner, Daniel Smith, Michael Weidert. Jay Martin Clover, Joshua W. Roth- rock. Millstone James Grecnawalt. Ridgway Horace Warner. Spriug Creek D. G. McNaul, Robert Warner. St. Mary's Michael Slcbig, Chas. Mo- Veau, John Walker, Sr., Frank Gorg. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmure. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P. Vincent. Associate Judges J. K. Whitiuore, Jesse Kyler, District Attorney J. iv. l', nail. Sheriff Jaoob McCauley. Prothonotury $o., Fred. Schoening. Treasurer Henry D. Derr. County Superintendent Rufus Lucore. Commissioners U. Warner, John Barr, Louis Vollmer. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, Georee D. Messenger, and Joseph Wilhelm. County Surveyor Ueo innsiey. Jury Commissioners. Joseph Kcrncr, and Charles Mead. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Second Monday in January. Second Monday in April First Monday in August. First Monday in November. Every parent is like a looking-glass for his children to dress themselves by. Therefore parents Bhould take care to keep tho class brifirht and clear, not du I and spoted, as their good example is a ion inheritance lor tbe rising genera tion. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS NEW YORK CIRCUS. Director. D. BURTON, THIS CELEBRATED METROPOLITAN TROUPE 1 Is new on its usual Summer Excursion thrjiiih tho country, and the Director takes great gatiefactiou In announcing that by the introduction of NEW AND BRILLIANT FEATURES AND TUB ENGAGEMENT OF NEW AND CELEBRATED ARTISTES, It has been enabled to prepare a new pro gramme of performances lor tho present .eoson, which will be found in all respects, far more novel, diversified and attractive than any similar Exhibition hitherto pre sented to the American Publio. The En tire PrecB of New York, as well as the ei ling Journals of every city which the NiSW YORK STATE CIRCUS has ever visited, have concurred in pronouncing this E itablishmcnt the finest organization of the kind on this Continent, and with the IMCEEASED ATTRACTIONS ! Provided for the present tour, it is confi dently asserted as beyond the power of contradiction that the entertainments pre sented at every exhibition, are positively UNEQUALLED IN THE WORLD! An assertion which will be fully corrobo. rated by every ono who has had the oppor' tunity of visiting tho Chouses of Paiia and other European Cities. Th9 Entire 1 . Mammoth ! Compar y Will appear both Afternoon and Bvening in me uranuest imposition of DARING DARED ACK ,;RIDING AND "Wonders of Athlotic Skill I Ever witnessed in America, with novel and interesting exhibitions of sagacity and training by an unequalled colllection of iiiguiy raiueci reriormio"; Horses, TT! 1 1 . m 1 1 n . -.t Ponies, Dogs andMules. The cavalcade entering Town in Grand l rocession, will be preceded by the C-cldsn Dauphin Chariot The most magnificent specimen of Art and Elaborate orkmanship ever paraded ho fore the public. In short, all that careful management. lavish expenditure and untiring exertion can accomplish, will be done to maintain the reputation which the New York State Circus has fairly won that of being the BEST CIRCUS IN THE WORLD! Will Exhibit at Wilcox, Thursday, June 29th, Ridgway, Friday, June oUth. Centreville, Saturday July 1st. REMEMBER THE DAY AND DATE. Admission - - - 50 Cents Children under 10 years - 25 Cents Doors open at 1 and 7 P. M. . Performance at 2 and 8 P. M. legal. j " In Common Pleas V of Elk County, a, J No.15, Jan. T.,'71. Lewis Boyington vs Sophronia Boyington Libel in Divorce, a viculo matremonii To Sophronia Boyington, respondent above named: You are hereby notified that the sub- peena and alias subpoena in tho above case having been returned uon est inventus, you arc hereby required to appear on the 1'lltST MONDAY IN AUGUST, 1871, being the 7th day of the month, to answer the complaint in t lie above case. JACOB McCAULEY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, 1 Ridgway, Juno, 1, 1871. J vln!5to. A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. TH3 GLOBE. ESTABLISHED 18C8. An Independent Evening Journal. Served by Carrier at Ten Cents per week. Ask your newsdealer for it. THE GLOBE, as the only I.f depend en? afternoon journal, reaching a popula tion in New York and vicinity of over Three Millions, is rap. idly gaining the position of the great leading evening paper of the Metropolis. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM, WITH ITS LOW RATES, IT IS UNSUR PASSED. TERMS OF THE GLOBE. Subscription. By Mail, One Month, 60c; Three Months, $1 50; Six Months, $3; Ono Year, $5. Advertising. Ter line, nonpariel measurement Ordb dary, 10c; Special Notices, 20c; Reading and Publio Notices, 80c; Business Notices; 50o. Address THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY. Printing House Square, New York. AGENTS WANTED. A general eent wanted for this oounty to procure insurance for a first class In surance Company, of Philadelphia. Inquire at thuomce. vlnl4. jgOARDING HOUSE, Sear the Depot, wiicox, ra. The undersigned has opened a large board irghouse at the above place, where he is amply prepared to satisfy the wants of those who may avorhim with their custom. MAUT1N BUWJSK8, I'ropnettr HALL & I3HO. Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELS COUITTY POSYLYAN1A. JO.IN a. HALL.....- IkS. K. P. HALL TO NEBRASKA. CALIFORNIA, AND KANSAS, AND THE B. & M. R. R. LANDS. Tbe "Burlington llonte," so called, lies right in the path of the Star of Em pire. It runs almost immediately in the centre of the great westward movement of emigration. Crossing Illinois and Iowa, it strikes the Missouri river at three points. These three points are the gateways into three great sections of the trans Missouri region. Tbe Northern gate is Omaha, where the groat PaeiGo road will take you to tho land of gold aod grapes, sunny mountains, and perpetual summer. Tho middle gate is Plattsmouth, which opens upon the south half of Nebraska, south of tho Platte river, a region un surpassed on tho continent for agricul ture and grazing. Just here are the B' & M. Railroad lands, concerning which Geo. S. Harris, the land officer at Bur lington, Iowa, can give you all informa tion, and in the heart of them is Lin coln, tho State Capital and present ter minus of the road. Tho Southern gate leads to Kansas, by connection with tho St. Joe Road at Hamburg, running direct to St. Joe and Kansas City. Tho trains of the Burlington run ) smoothly and safely, and make all con ncctions. It runs tho best of coaches Pullman Palace and Pullman dining ears, and should you take the journey for the journey's sake alone, you will bo repaid; or take it to find a home or a farm, and you cannot Cud either better than among the B. & M. lands, where you can buy on ten years' credit, and at a low price. vln2vl. it W- S. SERVICE. GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAY1 THE LARGEST STOCK OF THE BEST NO OTHER IN ST OCK S TO.TJS SI IIOUSE FURNISHING! GOODS IN ENDLESS ARIETY, PRICES WILL SUIT I GOODS WILL PLEASEJ SELL M STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! W. S. SERVICE, No. 1 Masonic Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa. Orphan's Court Sale. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Elk County, the undersigned, Ad- ministraior oi it. v. Zimmerman, laie of said county, deceased, will expose to sale by Publio Vendue, on Saturday, July Sth, 1871, at 2 o'clock, p. in., on the premises, all the interest or me ueceaent in and to lots Nos. and 43 in the Villa ee of Centreville. with the buildings thereon erected. Terms CAM1 on confirmation of sale. JOHN GREEN, vlnllta. Administrator. BUSINESS CAEDS.' HENRY SOUTHER, Attorn ey-at LaWi Ridgway, Ta. . (feb29'6.8), (1 A. RATIIBTJN, Atlorney-at-Lavf JT Ridgway Pa. 2 2 tf. JOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg. way, Elk county Pa. mar-22'601 A 8. HILL, Physician and Surgeon, Kersey, Elk Co. Ta. TT A. PARSONS, JULe Dealer in Boots, Shoes and Leather. Mam Street, Ridgway, Pa. vlnltf. GEORGE WALMSLEY, County Sur veyor, St. Marys, Pa., holds himself in readiness at all times, to perform jobs in bis line. 2 8 I'll X. SORG, Saloon-keeper, corner of. J a Railroad and Michael strcois, St. Marys, Pa. Native Wines, good Lager, Boer, etc., constantly on hand. 2 8 WILLIAM OEIS, Restanrant, Mi chael Btreet, St. Marys, Pa., keeps the best of Lager Beer and Native Win8 constantly on hand. 2 8 CH. VOLK, 1 Manufacturer and Dealer . in Lager Beer, opposite the Railroaa Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. JEYNOLOS HOUSE, reyi:oldsville,:jeffe8soitco1 pa. II. S. BELNAP, Proprietor . JS. Bordwell, M. D. Ecleotio Physican. s Office and residence opposite tha Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt attention will be given to all calls. Office hours: 7 to 8 A. M-; 12 to 2 P. M. ; and 6 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, CO-tf. C. H. FULLER, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, Ridowat, Pa. Residence and office opposito tho Thayer House. m S. HARTLEY, M. D., I Physician and Surgeon, Ridgway, Pa. Office in Walker's Building. Special attention given to Surgery. Oifioo hours from 8 a. m. to 10 p, m. Residence on Main Street, west end. All calls promptly attended to. vln2yl. G. MESSENGER, " Druggist and Pnrmaccutist, corner Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at ail hours, day or night. vln3y, HEALY & HORTON. DEALERS IN EF.Y G-00E3, CSOSEHIES, P30VISI01T3, PRODUCE, FRUITS, &c. vln8tf. West End, Ridgway, Pa. HYDE HOUSE, Ridowat, Elk Co., Pa. W. II. SCIIRAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the ooml'ort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi the same Oct 30 18G9. MORION HOUSE, Tr ERIE. PA J. . Moore, (late of the hyd House) Proprietor. Open Day and Night- RS. BORLAND & St. CLAIR, fran&li x. Pa.. Givesnecial attun. tion to Chrome diseases, and those pecu liar to women and children. Dr. Borland, diagnoses diseses by an ex amination of tho urine, and by this Old German method has successfully treated thousands of cases without seeing ihem. T71DWARD McBRIDE, Watchmaker and 2j Jeweler, Railroad street, St. Marys, Pa. Engraving and repairing done oa short notice, and in a workmanlike man ner. Watche3, and everytliingin theJew elry line, constantly on hand. 2 8 PARSONS, Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots & felioes, Main St., opposite Hotel, ov27y Wiloox, Ta. KERSEY HOUSE, Cbntueville, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the catronaee so liberally bestowed upon him, the aer pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, ' to merit a continuance of the game. . ' s ONG HO dollaRS Worth of Husis F O R $ 3. Subscriber to Pb tees Musical Mon thly are getting their Musio for less than EC, A New School Book by H. 8. Perkins. Price $7.50 per doi. Contains over two hundred new and two cent! a . piece Those who have not seen this Musical Magazine should send 30 cents for ) sample copy. The musio is by Hats, Thomas, Kinkil, Pebbliy, and othe? popular writers. Two back numbeit for 40 eents. Four back numbers for 75 cents. beautiful Songs, Du ets, etc. by Will S. Hats, Webster, Thomas, eto. Every thing is new, fresh, and sparkling. Con tents and specimen pages sent free. Sam- copies mailed free of postage to teachers for 66 cents. Liberal terms for introduo tion. Address, J.L. PETERS, S59Ereaiway,':ia York.