(ftlh founts giwMpft, Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor. THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1871. fcEPTOUCAN STATE TICSST. Auditor General: DAVID STANTON, of Beaver Co. Surveyor General: JIOBERT B. BRAT II, of Schuylkill. Vallaniififtam'i Death. Cinomnnti, June 18. Tbe Hon. Clement L. Vallandigham, who accidentally shot liimsolf in the abdomen or. Friday night, died at eighteen minutes before 10 o'clock .yesterday morning. Six millions of dollars were voted out of tbe State Treasury uuder the general appropriation bill recently passed .nt Ilarrisburg, and the Governor was allowed scarcely six hours to examine ;and consider it! This is a gigantic evil, and its rcpetitiou should bo prevented ;by a constitutional amendment. m The Wiluiingtou Commercial, in ref erence to the "new departure," says: "No Republican, it seem to us, can ob ject to these proceedings of the Democ racy. It is an endorsement, by our op ponents, of our finished work. "When even our enemies endorse it, must it iiot have been well done?" Connecticut responds to theDerno rrntio "new departure." The recent charter election in Norwich resulted in che election of a Republican mayor by '3 10 majority. Last year a Democrat was elected by 350 majority. Repub lican gain, CCO. So much for the hy pocritical "new departure." The wool jyed Democrats of Connecticu; won't bland on the platform. The importance of a single vote was again forcibly exemplified at the organ ization of the New Hampshire Legisla ture, in the election of the Democratic candidate for Speaker of the lower llouso by a majority of ooo in a total of J527. We see from this the absurdity of any voter excusing hiimelf from the excrciso of the rijjht of suffrage ou the plea that his individual vote, among so many, is of no consequence. Ilarris burg Telegraph. WaiTiNQ of the nomination of Horace Greeley for the Presidency, the Richmond Whig sagely observes: "If all tho editors iu the country would come together and determine to support ono of its own members for the Presi--dency, his election would bo certain. In fact, bb would receive every electoral vote. There would be and could be no opposing ticket known nor heard of throughout the luud. Having within the fraternity the very best materials in the land, all that is needed is the esprit ilu corps the brotherly harmony and ooncort, to eusuro success. Wha? Editor will be recreant to the Editor President?" The Democratic party of Pennsyl vania occupies a most humiliating posi tion. At its reoeut State convention at Hairisburg it in effect confesses to hav ing been a slanderer and libeler, retracts and apologises for its misrepresentations, aud acknowledges that the policy of the Republican party has been correct, aud deprecates "the discussion of issues which have been settled in the manner and by the authority constitutionally ap pointed." At their conventions here tofore the Democrats have taken just the opposite position, and have declared tho measures of the Republican party to be revolutionary, unconstitutional and void. Such inconsistency needs no com ment. It may safely be left with honora blo men in that party to determine whether they will continue a con nection with such an organization. (Bellcfonte Republican. No MORE grafio and terrible picture ,.1 a plague stricken city was ever con templated by horror stricken mortal eyes than is now presented by the fear fully afflicted capital of the Argentine RtDublio Buneos Avers. For a second time within a few months has that fell scourge of our race, the yellow fever, visited the city. At the first dread vis itation 25,000 human being fell be neath the deadly disease, then the fatal cpidemio abated, aud was thought to be -over; persons wno nau nea ironi me de vastated town returned, but no sooner had business been resumed than the in fection broke out with renewed force and malignity. AH communication is now out off with the doomed capital; it is only known that men, women and children are dying there by thousands, and a correspondent from Montevideo forcibly remarks that Buenos Ayres is "City of the Dead." Never has the yellow fever performed its work of death as enectuaiiy as in mis uuiunuuuw uuy This U the most productive year for strawberries in the experience oi i,au. iornia. The viaci will bear more aund -nntlv than ever before. . and there are ...also more of them. HEWS. DOMESTIC. Gold closed in New York last Mon day at 112J. The schools of Connecticut cost the State $1,621,383 last year. There is a family in Vermont con sisting of five sisters, who are all over ninety years old, and of throe brothers all over eighty years old. There are eighteen Deniocratio can didates for Governor,-in Maine, and it is doubtful if any ol them can be elected. Iowa has planted a corn crop to raiso 100,000,000 bushels. All that remains is to raiso, and harvest it. A Syracuse firm paid $17,000 in one day last week to fanners living in the town of Van Burcn, Onondago county, for tobacco. Crop reports from Georgia and Ala bnma are bad. Farmers were late in planting, and excessive rains, with cool weather, have done much injury. The death warrant of Laura Fair, sentenced to be hanged nt San Fran cisco, has been sigued aud placed iu tho sheriff's hands. The convicts in the Iowa penitentiary I intent the absence o! womau's refining influence. There are no females in the building. The Michigan Farwcr thinks the supply of domestic; wool this season will be short, and that while there may be fluctuation in price, the downward dip cmnot lotitf continue. It is now estimated that there will be at least ono hundred thousand tons of whtat fur exportation of this year's crop in California, and fully five cargoes of old crop are available for exportation In sections where the "bug" affects the peas, it is sometimes customary to sow this crop tho first or second week in Juno. The bug seldom attacks crops sown so late. But the yield is usually small. The farmers of Iowa have been very much annoyed by the immence flocks ot wild pigeons, the ravages of which have compelled them in many instances to entirely re-sow their fields. The birds are in such numbers as to cause whole acres oi sprouted grain to disap pear almost instantly. 1 ljrcon a meat is at a discount. Brighani Young celebrated his seven tict.li birthday ou the instant by a royal repast, at which were eighty- seven men, women and children, all near rclatious or connections of his family. His private secretary read an address, which closed with the wish: 'May you live till the rulers of every nation on earth shah acknowledge the wisdom of God iu your administration seek unto you for counsel, and reco'i oi.o you, ns you truly, are, tho frieud of God and man!" FOREIGN. It is reportedjthat a plot to assassinate :ho Pope has been discovered. While almost every other great com mercial city is gluing rapidly in popu lation, Liverpool has lost thirty-five thousand iu ten years. Brigandage has been nearly suppress ed in Greece. Turkey has given valu able assistance by arresting all brigauds on the fro.itier. The weather in Great Britain con tinues cold for the season. There was a now storm of an hour's duration in Birmingham on Saturday. The festival of the Corpus Christi was celebrated in Montreal, on Sunday, with unusual uiairnilieence. It is calculated that 8,000 people were iu the proces sion. The French Imperial Guard will be reorganized under the name of the Re publican Guard. Over 2,000 women, convicted of incendiarism in Paris, will be transported to New Caledonia. About 180,000 French prisoners yet re main in Germany. FAMINE IN PERSIA. London. June 12 Late advices from Teheran say famine in one district of Persia reached such a state that the starving people had killed and eaten fifty children. Time of Cutting Wueat. The best time for cutting wheat is when the giain has acquired the consistency of stiff dnugh, and can be kneaded between tho thumb and forefinger. Grain so cut is plump and heavy. Left until it is entirely ripe, it shrinks, and thcro is more loss from shattering of the seed, and from broken heads; morever, it has been proven by repeated experiments that wheat cut before it is fully ripe will yield 50 per cent, more flour than the same grain will produce when dead ripe. Some of our readers who have lived fifty years may bo lad to know what they have accomplished in that time. Accordiug to a rrench statistician, the average man has, at that age, slept 6, 000 days, worked C,5O0 days, walked sUU days, amused himself 4,000 days, spent 1,500 in eating, and been sick 500 days. lie has eateu 17,000 pounds ol bicad, 16,000 pounds of meat, and 4,(UU pounds of vegetables, fish, &c, drank 7,000 gallons of liquids. There are 18,250 days in a halt century, and irom tne aoove statement, it would seem that a man slept just one-tbird of tne time. The best guardian of a woman's hap piness is her husband's love; and for her honor ber own affection. The first ingredient in conversation is truth, the next good sense, the third, good humor, and the fourth wit. All Falted provisions should be watched and see that they are kept un der tho biine, for if one piece of meat lies up it will spoil the whole barre1. If the brine looks bloody, it must be scalded and more salt addc.d, when cold pour back.. Rkv. C. M. IIitABn, Editor. Little Sunday-schools. 'Somebody out west "hits tho nail on tho head" alter this fashion; "Much or nothing," is the motto of some people. Hence, as do many old peoplo, bo do many children Buffer for want of help. A distinguished educa tor who happened to dwell a few months on the frontier, refused to take a Sunday-school class of a dozen fifteen to eighteen year old boys, because, as ho Raid, he couldn't give his time to less than a hundred pupils! Hill he ever hear the "Inasmuch as ye did to unto one of the least?" Is he alone in that error? Two or three neighbors can have a Sunday-school. It is amusing to hear Christian fathers and mothers, with halt a dozen children, mourning becauso they can't go to Sunday-school. Meet atone of the houses, sing, say the Lord's prayer, get the "Leaf Cluster" for three dollars, a dozen Testaments, a dozen Bearcan question books, and anything more you want; tori dollars will "out fit" you. Then talk, sing, study, relig iously enjoy yourselves together for an hour, nud that is a Sunday-school. H ho cannot bold them? Don't be afraid to go throngh the form for a few. Don't imagine you are born to do noth ing until you can do something great. A calf is a legitimate start for a stock farm, and a half dozen ot them make a splendid start. So every little new-born spirit will carry new bitth to others, and honest labor, though small, will tell in tho hundreds of conversions, perhaps, before you die. i Having Tepcnd3 on Using. "Whosoever hath not, from him shall bo taken away even that be hath." Matt. 13:12. This is one of our Lord's enigmati cal saying. It seems to contradict it self, for how can that be taken away from a person which lie has not? To express tho truth in a simple pro position it is this: He that does not use his talents will soon lose them, lie who neglects his opportunities of doing &ood will soon have no opportunity to improve. There are many persons in the Church who appear to have none. They have not the ability to work for Jesus. They have not a voice to speak of their Lord. As tor money, they have none to give to religious objects. They think they cannot labor in the Sabattwschool, and so they do not. They give nothing and get nothing. They do no work and receive uo reward. From these persons that appear to have not wnl bo taken away what they have. The servant buried his one tal ent and appeared to have not. When the day of reckoning came, from tho servant who nppenreu cot to have one talent was taken away that which he really sessed. Pious Snails. Some peoplo are like snails; they car ry their spiritual homes urouud with tiieui on their backs. You never see them twice in -tlie same church. They are religious vagabouds forever on tho move, and without any fixed abode. Nothing short of death in their family gives them a pastoral connection. It is astonishing how many moribund parish ioners the pastor ol a city church can have. This is a wretched habit, aud nothing too severe can he said in its coudeuination. W. If. II. Murray. Everything in nature and crace ia nc'ive, full of life and motion on the wing. The sun, the moon, the spark ling heavens, the floods, tho rippling brooks and flowing founts; the birds warble on every tree, in ectasy of joy; flower hidden from all eyes, sending forth its fragrance of full happiness; the mountain stream dashes along with a sparkle aud murmur of pure delight. The object of their creation is accom plished, aud their life gushes forth in harmonic work. O plant! O stream! worthy of admiration to the wretched idler! Th9 Useful I'seile. "flow, little uotice is ever taken of you in the world," said a pin to a needle. 'You are always about your work, slip ping iu and out so softly, but never stopping to be praised. When a pretty dress is finished, who thinks oi the needle that sowed it? Even the holes that you make are so small that they close up directly behind you." "I'm content to be useful," said the needle. "I do not asked to be praised. I do not remain in my work, it is true; but I leave behind me a thread which shows that my course has not been ic vain." So let us quietly pass through life, doing our duty as we go, remembered for some good work left behind, when we ourselves have departed. Some have their work outsde, much seen and noticed biinging in thoso who are afar off; others are all within doors; they have a quiet, unobserved path, just amongst tbe liviug family, with whom is all their engagements and about whom is all their solicitude; but "the Lord has need of them;" aud iu them, how ever feeble, he can houor himself. When the wind blows hard against us, it is best to hold firm at anchor; since striving then to get forward is wasting strength in vain. "13b thou faithful unto death" Dot the death of the body, but the death of self in all its willing and wishing and "I will give thee a crown ot file. The holy Comforter is showing me more and more beauty and comfort in a life of faith on the Son of God, which is continual Jiving out of te'f on Chrut. POWELL & KIME. Powell & KJinc 1 Having erected a Urge and well arranged new tore House on the old site, since the fire, and filled it from cellar to garret with the choicest goods of all descriptions, that can be found in any market, are fully pre- i pared to reoeivethelr old customers, and supply their wants at bottom figures WHOLESALE OS RETAIL. Their assortment Is now complete, com prising DRY GOODS, GROCERIE3, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, etc., etc. PORK, FLOUR, SALT, Feed, Beans, Butt er DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, Canned Goods, In short everything wanted in the Country by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERS, LABORING MEN, EVERYBODY ! Also a full stock of MANILLA ROPE of the best manufacture, of suitable sizes for rafting and running purposes. ilsll ASS ill; EiJgway, Pe., March 1&, 1371 IV YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO THAYER & HAGERTY Mala Street, Fidgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS ot FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. THAYER & HAGERTY. vln2. Ridgway, March 1st, ld70 SPECIE PAYMENT I GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOB. OR JOB WORK A T THE RID G WA I WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock before buying a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use tho best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY : I employ none but First Class JUe- chanics ; I uso nothing but the lest Refined Iron. I think it will bo to your interest to give me your order. Having twenty-five lumber wagons in course ot costruction, 1 wnl be able to Pnrnicli nnv nnrtw v tt firsf ftp Anrll All otder.3 by mail, also any orders left with W. S. Service at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. JACKSON cD WEAVER tf NATURE'S HAITI HESITATIVE Contains no LAC SULPHUE-No SUGAS 07 LEAD Ho LITH ARGE No NITRATE OP SIL VER, and is entirely free from the Poisonous and Health-dsstroying Drugs used m other Hair Prepay tons. Trfinspnrent and clcnr as crystal, it will not soil the hnest inline. perfectly cafe clean and efficient, dosidcratums long sought tor and .found nt lust: It restores and prevent the Hair lrom i becoming Gray, imparts a oft, closny, np penranco, removes lMndmti, 13 cool and refreshing to tho head, checks the Hair from falling off, and restores it to a great extent when prematurely lost, prevents Headaches, cures nil humors, cutaneous eruptions, and unnatural heat. As a dressing for the hair it is tho best article in t lie mar Ret. Dr. O. Smith, Patentee, Ayer, Mass. Prepared only byPKOCTEll ISUOTHiZKS, Gloucester, Mass Tho genuine is put up in a panel bottle, made expressly for it, with the nanta of the article blown in the glass. Ask your Drucrgist for Nature's Hair Restorative, and take no other. E5ySend two three cent stamps to Procter Brothers for a "Treatise 00, the Human Hair." The information tt con tains is worth $o00,0J to any person. FOR SALE BY G. G. MESSENGER, DRUGGIST, Miin Sticot, Ridgwny, Pcnn'a. vlnllyl. iTIie most Complete llustnong College in the l ulled Mates. Affording facilities for acquireing a thorough practical business education, possessed by no other School in the country bince its incorporation in looo, noarly SixteenThousand btudents, representatives from every State in the tnion. have attondod here. No vacations. Students enter at any time, and receive private instructions throughout the entire course. N. B. Circulars with full particulars and All necessary information, on addressing SMITH & COWLEY, Principals, PlTTSDUKGH, Pa. established in 1830. WELCH &, GRIFFITHS' Saws! Saws! Saws! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish ings, uud Machinery. 43FGet the BEST, they will prove the cheapest. Prices reiuce l. Send for price List and virei-iutrs. WELCH & GKIFFITUe, Boston, MabS., or Detroit, Micb. Vlnl2t38. ONE HUNDRED PRINCE & CO. MdoOeon k Parlor Organs ONE HUNDRED . SINGER SEWING MACHINE 8 AND ONE HUNDRED EXCELSIOR MOWERS TO BE GIVEN AWAY to tub subscribers or EVERYBODY Tho New Monthly Journal, DEVOTEE) TO FOR LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, ART, SCIENCE, HUMOR, AND MANUFACTURES THE BEST TALENT IN THE COUNTRY is engaged, and no pains will be spared io make it the Best Illustrated Family Paper $1 60 Per Annual, ia advance. The Jiost Liberal Offer 07er male to Sv.bscribors. To secure a largo circulation, wo offer the following unrivaled inducements: To the Five Hundredth Subscriber anil each alternate tive Hundredth niter, we will present one of the celebrate 1 Singer Sewing Much in en, valued at $',) or a I'rihce & Co. Mclodeon of same valu. To the Thousandth Subscriber, and each Thousandth one after, wo will present one of tho well known Heiherling Excelsior Mowers, valued at $110, or a l'rince & Co. Parlor Organ of same value. there is no deception in the above oner, and we refer, with confidence, to the J. 1'. SEIBE11LINQ CO., Akron, Ohio, or any of their numerous agents who have been in structed by the Compun; to guumntce our oners, "uu are authorize! to receive tub- script ions. Also to Messrs. GEO. A PIUNCE & CO., or The SAGE, RONS ii CO. Lithographing, Printing and Manu faoturing Co., Bullulo, .. i. The manner of Conducting Trill lo c.s fcUe-Tra Each letter containing subscriptions will be numbered immediately upon opening, and the names of the suliscriberR will he registercc in a book in precisely the same order as opened, and when a letter con tains more than one name, they wnl be registered iu the same order an in the let ter ond each name standing opposite CO), 1,000, 2,500, Sc., will be entitled to 11 SEWING MACHINE, or MULODEON. as above mentioned. Each name s anding opposite 1,000, 2,000, 3,0 )0, &c, will be entitled to an EXCELSlOll MOffEit, or PARLOR ORGAN. N. 11. Immediate notice wil1 be sent to each fortunate subscriber, mil the Prizes shipped from the manufactory where made, (e.xoept the Sewing Machines, which will be sent from the warerooms of Mr. J. 8. Dawley, the General Agent in this city,) as soon as possible after answer is received, naming selection and giving dircctions'how to ship. Arrangements are also made by which more expensive Machines or Instru ments may be selected by paying the diff erence in price. A due acknowledgement will be expected in all cases, with permis sion to publish in our next issue after. Agents Wanted Everywhere. Direct all Communications and Subscrip tions to HENRT II. SAGE, Publisher, 26 Allen St., Buffalo. N. Y. We have made arrangements by which we ore enabled to furnish "For Everybody" in connection with the Advocate, at $3 per annum, for both publications. Those who have already paid their subscriptions, can obtain it one year by remitting to us One Dollar. N. B All subscriptions will bo entitled to portioipate in tho Prizes offered by tue Published of 'For Everybody." STEREOSCOPES. VIEWS, ALBUMS, CIIROMOS, , FRAMES. E. &H.T. ANT HO NY & CO . 691 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Invite the attention of the Trade to their extensive assortment of the above goods, of their own publication, and importation. Also, FHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GRAPUOSCOPES, NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.. 691 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel Importers and Manufacturers of FHOTDGRAPJIIC MATERIALS. vlu2yl. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN i? id crav. DAN SCRiBNER WISHES TO IN form the Cittzens of Ridgway, and the public Rcterally. that he has start eda Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK.GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let upon the most reasona ble terms. BQSwHe will also do job teasing. Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the Post Office, on Mil' street. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt atten tion. AUg 20 1870. tf. CI1AP.LE3 A. DAXA, Editor. A Novrspnpcrot tho Present Times. Intended for People Kovr on Enrth. Including Farmers, Mechanic, Morchnnts, Tro fculoiinl Men, Wuilicrs, Thinkers, and all Jlan uor ot Honost Fu'.kl. aud the Wlvo. Sous, and Daughter of all sues. ONLY ONK DOLLAR A YEA It t ONE tlCMDKCD COPIES FOB. 850. Or lesi than One Cent a Copy. Let there be 839 Cluti at every Post Office. V SEMI-WEEKLY BOS, 84 A TEAR. f the mo lo unit general character us TfR WEEKLr, tint with a (rreatcr variety ot mlnTOllnncons roatlinx, and furnishing tho ni"v to its jutlwerlboiawlth nretcr freilinuB. booaueu It comeVlce week Instead otoneoouly. TIIEIJAILT SUN, 86 A YEAR. A preJmlnenY.'v renrlibie newnpcr. vitn tio larL-nsi eirdiiloi Inv'i in tti woria. l'rn. In-le-pendent, oimI lt'-rii-leVi In lifilltiu. A'l llio ni'ws tiom everywhere. 1 m ccnis a cop t by mail, 80 emu a mouth, or S,1 year. T2RM3 ToPL.TJES. THE DOLLAR WEftJil'Y KOJT. Five copies, one your, saDarateHS''',re""''- Ten enpiei, one vi-ir, pnn!-ito1y nc!lre??tt3 (aI,1 an exir.i cup lotheiioUcr nj nfrluD). V Eiirlit Dnl!nr Twenty ciitc, ono venr, Pernrntrlr nrtclrmiica (a..ilun vxiraony kj u.e nctfir up of cinbi. riuee uuhuth. fflv copfi-a. ono yenr, to ono B'ldrcni inml tho Beml-W eek.y one yeiir 1 1 mater n r orcliibi, Tiilny-eiireo Dollars. Fifty copies, one nr, epnrntelv nnrtrcsscrt (;ind t.ie tttil tenlyolieyr.irto cetter mm cluM, I'Uiriy.flvo u!lirs. Dno Jinndrefl roHrs, one venr, tn one ad'tre-n t in-1 tlij iiailyfor one ye;ir to ihoicHcr in or cm . Fllty Dollar.,. .ine nnnnrcn eonirs, ons y'nr. separately nl- u;i i. emu), fckjitr Italic. liiim wii;ui.Jloroue V(l:ir In 1np ,pltn,. THE SE.WI-WESJtLY BOX. Tive cooks, one year, lepnratclv nnireser1. KiBht Dwlinrn. lea corlr,, one verr. ronaraielv nKlressuU (aul uu extra copy to seller up of 1 in). blxtucn Dollars, HSND TOUR KOXEY jTWt opi.-e orilei-.r!iek, or diafr, on Kew s or s, wherever convenient. If tint, tnen resiiier li fct.era canuiijitii: money. Addrcsj I. W. E.VntA !tn, rm.'l'he-, fcuu efflco, ftevr York City. RAILROADS. PHILADELPHIA iu ZEIS EAILSOAj. SUMMER TIME TABLE. N nnd after MONDAY, JUNE 5th, 1871 , the Strains on the PliihidclphiaiSt Erie Railroad will run as follows : WKKTWAKI). Mail Train leaves Philadelphia. 7.10 p.m. " " " Uidgway -10.0:5 a. m. " " arrive at Erie .:() p. m. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia... 30 p. m " " Ridgway 2.'0 a. m. " " arrive at Erie 7.40 a. m. Accomodation, leaves lienova, ...7. 13 a. 111. ' ' l!i'lgway,..5. 4'.) p. ni. " nrr at Kane 8.00p. ni. KASTWARD. Mill Train leaves Erie ...-11.30 a. m. " " ltidgway 4.52 p. m. " " arrive at Phil id'a... 7. 'ill a. m. Erie Express loaves Enc 9.00 p. 111.' " " " Fi3gwny... 2.20 a. m. " " sr-nt Philadelphia.. 5 50 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane 6.00 a. ni. " ' ltidgway... 7.23 a. m. " arr ntot. Mar.ys o.!!0 am. " leaves St. Marys 10.30 a ui. " nrr at Rcnovo 0.4dp. m. Mail Enst conuccts east aud wctt at Erio with LSiMSK IV and at Corry and Ii vineton with Oil Creok aud Atlcgheuy 11 K W. Mail West with west bound trains on L S & M S R W nnd at Corry and Irviuetou with Oil Creok nnd Allegheny R R W. Warren Accommodation east and we.H with trains on L S and M S R east and west and at Corry with O O and A K R W. Erie Accommodation East nt Corry nud Iivineton with O C and A R R W. Elmira Mail nud Buffalo Express make close connection at Williainsnui t with N O R W trains north and soutii. Catawissa passenger trains will bo run. cast from Williamsport 011 Kltnira Mail. WM. A. BALL) WIN. Ueu'l Sup't. NEW TISIW TALL! Commencing June 5th. 1S71. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. THE UEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS BURGH AND POINTS ON THE PlllL'A. & EtllE R. R. COINU SOUTH. Day Express leaves Oil City at 2 10am Arrives at Pittsburgh 7 55 p ni Night Express leaves Oil City S 45 p ni Arrives at Pittsburgh (i 40 a ia Mail leaves Oil City 8 4i a nt Arrives at Pittsburgh G 00 p m aoi.su MOBTII. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at 8 35 a m Arrives at Oil City at 3 05 p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 10 10 p m Arrives at Oil City o bo a m Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 12 30 p nv Aarrives at Oil City 7 45 pm. Close Connections made at Corry tor Pittsburgh with trains East and West ou P. & E. R. R. Pullman Pallace Drawing Room Sleep. ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Corry and Pittsburgh. Ask lor Tickets via Allegueny valley k. R. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Sunt. DR. G. WHIPPLE, Dental Surgeon. Oliice in Walker's Building. All kinds of dentistry done iu the best style, and all work warruuted. He will visit Kane oa the 1st, 2d, and 8d; Wilcox on the 10th, 11th, and 12th; St. Mary's on the 21st, 22d, and 23d of each month. At all other times be can be found at his office ia Ridgway, Pa. vln2yl. J II. W1LBER, NEWS DEPOT- X Main St. (Holes' New Building), Ridg waj, Pa. Latest Periodicals and Newspapers kept constantly on hand. Also dealer in Freth. Fish, Oysters, Tobacco, and Confectionary. vlnltr. CONRAD MEYER. Inventor and Manufacturer of the CELEBRATED mOU FEAHS FIAHOS, wABEROCliS, tfo. 723 Arch St., Phlla. Has received the Prize Medal of the World's Great Exhibition, London, Eng. The hiibest Prizes awarded when and wherever exhibited. ESTABLISHED 1823. vluOStu.