drill 43imli glduociite THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1871. Hates of Advertising. On oolnmn, one year..... 00 i " " " 40 00 I" " " 2100 " " " 15 00 Transient advertising per square of eight linos or less 3 times or less 2 00 Business cards, ten lines or less, per year 6 00 Marriages and Death notices Inserted gratis. Ilk Loage, A. T. M. fltnted meetings of Elk Lodge will he held at their hull on tli second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. G. L. McCRACKEN, Sec'y. Tub Irish World promises to give in lis next issue a splendid full-pno illustration of Marshal MoMahon at tho head of his army entering Paris. Personal. Hon. O. W. ScoGeld and family will lesvj Warren during tbe present month for a trip over the Pacific Railroad, to California and the PaciGo coast, Nothing Likb It. we refer to Nature's Hair Restorative, advertised in another column. It is in nnn hntl'n and as clear as ice. No gum, do filfli, no poison. Examine iU Soe adver tisement. Tenure of Honor and Temoerance. Elkton Temple No. 81, meets oa e; alternate Thursday, at their Lodgo Room on Main street, over J . V. Honk's stor. H. A. PARSON'S, W. B. Car Time at Ridgway. Erie Express East... do do West... do Mail East. do do West local Freight East.., do do AVest.... ,.. 2:20 a. m .. 2:20 a m .. 4:fU p. m. ...10:03 a. m. ... 7:25 a. m. . 6:4! p. The weather for the past low days Las been quite cool. 'Going in Swimmino" is f7e just now, among our boys. thing We notice a new fence las been been built around the property on Main street, nest the bank. A MAN named Sam Rice, in the em ploy of W. II. Osterhout, while peeling bark on Tuesday, June 31, had hia left foot badly cut by the axe he was using slipping and striking his foot. Da. II. F. C. Krumme, who has been traveling abroad for his health, ar rived at this place last Monday. We are pained to hear that his health is not improved, but rather declining. Grove Meeting near Brockway's Mills, Little Toby, next Saturday and Sunday, June 17th, and 18th. Pleadi ng both in the morning and afternoon of each day. The Democratic Coutity Committee met on tlio Gth inst., and it was Itrsolerd, That the primary meetings he held on Saturday, July 1st, at cii o'clock p. m ., except where otherwise ordered by the township executive committee; and that the County Convention meet on Mon day, July Sd, at tiie Court House, iu Ilidg way, at one o'clock p. m. A BnASUrt ns of tho first water, belong ing to Mr, E. Souther, laid an egg one day thi week measuring around leugthways nine inches Kant, rtrcn inches the smaller way, and weichinr five and one-fourth nances team. Eggi.-tts will please take no tice of this remarkable cee, and immedia tely report at this office anything that heals ft. as the above mentioned hen has not y el lnid her biggest. ' The can be seen any day eicept Sunday Democrat. The itulwt are ours; and we think the story a little scant. Lost. Last Saturday afternoon, 10th mat., a little girl nhnut three yrars nf age, youngest child of Nelson Garduer, who resides about five and a half miles northwest of this plac3, oa tho Smeth poi't pike, and a crazy woman, living at Mr. Gardners, started out to gather ber- i and not returning for a long time, Mrs. Gardner became alarmed and started after them, but ouly succeeded in finding the cup, they had taken to gather berries iu, a few rods from the house, and that they had rested at a bark shanty, a half a mile or more from the house. Mrs. Gardner returned home, and a search was at ouce institut ed, continuing until dark, without fur ther result. The next rooming, Sun day, the search was renewed by about a hundred men, and at about 10 o'clock they were rewarded by finding the ob jects of their search, three mites from where they had started. Tho crazy wo man looked very much fatigued, and, from appearances, hnd carried tho child, iu her arms, all ni:ht. The little one ppeared all right, and as bright as a silver half dollar; said she had slept ound but had seen a bear sometime uring the night. TnE following items v.e clip from the Forest HqnihUcun: A rattlesnake having eleven rattles on the extreme hind end of his tail was killed on Holcuian's island a few days ago- VVe have heard several other snake stories, but hesitated about pub lishing them, because the SDakcs und the stories wero most too l&rgo. T. li. Cobb, Esq., met with a painful theugli not serious accident on Kiiduy evening of last week. IJe was coming to town from the Coon creek mill, in a light buggy with his small (earn on a smart trot, when one of tho foro wheels struck a stump, und threw Mr. Cobb out and he s'ruck hie fo'ebead ou a stone, lie has a bluck eye, a peeled forehead, and stiff .neck, but will soon bo nil right again. The horses bciug gentle, stopped us soou rs the accident occurred, elso serious damage might have resulted. Tho Messrs. Cobb htivo jubt finished anew steam mill a nine and a half un Coon Creek, from their other in ill. which wus set running last week. They have also made arrangements to lease two mills on Hemlock Creek, ahum President. These mills, with the one on Tom's Run. Clarion count v. make five largo saw mills they are running. They will employ during the summer .L- I . r iimnuis ncout no men on nn average. and in the winter un indefinite number. i'hey are the most extensive lumber men in this region, and deserve to be rich men if energy and management will do it. EOQES AND EYES. June is the month of roses. Croquet is nice lor cirls with small feet. It is no joke to say that tho French havo tukcu rans. Dotroit has a colored base ball club called the "Waving Lillies." I he following sentence contains all tho letters of the alphabet: ''Mix eight raw julips quick, very boozy friend." inrce v ice j'resiuents nave died in office, George Clinton. Elbride Gerry and m. li. King. According to the last census, there are eUU.UUU more women than men in Logland. The meanest man in Lowell, Mass, given a box or strawberries tho tWLiuioi s contour. Bbv. C. M. Hi-Ann, Editor. New Goods. J. V. Houk, Main street, Ridgway, Pa., has received and is daily receiving a large and varied stock of new goods which he is dispos ing of at marvelously low prices. His tdock consists, in part, of Dress Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Notions, and, in fact, everything anybody wants, .As his stock is bran new, first-class, tip top, and cheap, persons should consult their interests by giving him a call. Nearly a Fire. Saturday night, June 1st, at about 10 o'clock, the alarm of fire was given at W. II. Osterhout's new taancry, caWing a general uproar until the causa of the alarm was dis covered. It appears that one of the men, returning home, after the others were asleep, and thinking to have some lun at their expense, placed a fire-cracker, on the wiodow sill, and lit it, which exploded setting fire to some clothing, hanging on nails drove in the side of tho building, aud destroying some fifty dollars worth before it could be arrested. Tho man that lit tho fire-cracker pays ior the clothes, and concludes'that fire cracker fun don't pay. Corpus Christi in St. Marys'. Last Thursday, Corpus Christi, was ia ly observed by our neighbors in St Mary's. The day was unusually fiue and passed off to the satisfaction of all Ic was estimated that there were more people in attendance than on any former occasion, even in the memory of the 'oldest inhabitant." "Ye local" at tended, aud can say that he enjoyed himself "muchly." The procession formed at about 10 o'clock, and, alter making the usual rounds dispersed. The procession, as it passed the Luhr House, numbered, by actual count, twelve hundred aud eighty-six persons; previously, however, some three or four hundred had loft the procession, at va rious points along the route, making at the start a processiou of fifteen hundred persons. Wo sighted C. B. Gould, of the Cameron Pres, who is looking hale and hearty. Also had a '-confab" with "Curt" Barrett, of the Gazette. At 4:30 we got aboard the local, arriviug safely home at 6 o'clock. P. S. There was only five or six fights, and, as no blood was drawn, we conclude they didn't amount to much. Constable "Cris" Sexton was promptly on band, and to him we attribute the preservation of order. Nevertheless, lager beor, balogua sausage, limberger cheese, sour kraut, and pretacls, were, free to all for cash. Baku.; on. Tun Cr.ossr.o Path. By mime Uollins. Hie name of Wilkie Coll. us now stands almost at the head of tho list of the living English novelists. His plots are intricate, his stories full of mys tery, ana ins power as a write iiriqucstion nine, neuavenero ine leum volume ol a new. clicnp and popular edition of the works of this celebrated author, now in course of publicatiou by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Philadelphia, which are having a very large paie, ior ivitKte Collins is cer tainly ouo of the most popular of living novelists, aud no writer uf tirtion better uudersiauds the art of story-felling than ho does. Tho great, popularity of his novels already published in this Bcrics, comprising "The Dead Secret," '-Hid.) aud Seek," "After Dnvk," "The Yellow Mask," "Sister Hose," "The Stolen Mak," "Mud Monkton," "The Quceu's Revenge," and 'Sights A-Foot," have never been excelled, "basil'' is issued iu a targe octave volume, with a portrait of the author ou the cover, price 75 cents, and is for sale by all Book sellers, or copies will be ceut to any one, post -paid, by tho Publishers, on receipt of price by thetn. It being uniform in size and price with tho new and cheap editions of the Works of Alexandor Dumas, Charles Lever, Henry Cockton, and George Sand, now in course of publication by T. 1). Peterson 4 Brothers, Philaduldliia, Pa., who will send their Catalogue to any one writing for it. Library orders filled at low discounts. Some of out txchauges err in assert ing that Decoration day wus made a legal holiday by Congress. There were fuur holidays made by the 41st Con gress, to-wtt: Januaiy 1st, July 4th, December 25th, and Thanksgiving day as appointed by the President. There was a joint resolution introduced into thofederalhou.se making May 30th a legal holiday, but it did not become a law. Following is a list of the Post Offices in Elk county: Arroyo, Spring Creek tp. Benezette, Benezette tp. Erandy Camp, Horton tp. Caledonia, Jay tp. Dents Uuo, Benezette tp. Earley, Fox tp. llellen, Horton tp. Kersey, Fox tp. Ilidgway, Ridgway tp. St. Mary's, St. Mary's Bora. Williaiusville, Jones tp. Wilmarth, Ridgway tp. Wilcox, Jones tp. A patron ot a certaiu newspaper once said to the publisher, "Mr. Prin ter, how is it that you have never call ed on mo for the pay of your paper?" 'Oh," said the man of types, "we nev er ask a gentleman for money." "In deed," replied the patron, "how do you manage to Ret aloug when they don't pay you?" "Why," said the editor, "after a certaiu length of time we con clude that he is no gentleman, and we ask him." "Oh uh yes I see. Mr. Editor, please give me a receipt," and hands him a V. "Make my name all right on your books." The Girls. They think of Ilymeu and can't help sighing. When their lovers lorsake them they can't help cry- . n. . . .1 1 1 I. ing. Ihey sit at me wmuow, auu can t help spying. Into private matters they can't help prying To get eacli a beau they can't help trying. When together, their tongues can't help plying. At the mirror they can't befp twisting and turning and trying. They screw up their corset, bring on the consumption! and cau't help dying. other day, and then returned the box and took five cents for it. Any work whereby men and women earn au Honest livelihood is neither to he despised or ridiculed, except by uraimess lops and silly belles. Tho snail stands a chance for the toothache. Somebody says he has 110 rows nf teeth, with 111 on each row, or One man in Lewistown, Maine, who is over seventy years of nge, has never sent or received a letter through the post-office. A white frarment appears worse with slight suilin-j; than do colored garments much soiled so a little fault in a good man attracts more attentiou than great offenses in a bad man. The phrase "robbing Peter to pay Paul" originated in England in l.r)(J0. when the estate of St. Peter's Cathe dral were appropriated to the repairs of St. Paul's Cathedral. In Detroit, a club ol bachelors has been foimed, the cardinal prinoiple of which is that no lady shall be married by any member uuless she can bring her husband 20,000 and a brick house. It is not generally known that olate glass of superior quality is made in this country, though the quantity manufact ured is small. The only establishment for this puriiose is located at Lennox. w ' luass. George D. Prentice is buried in Cave Hill Cemeterv, at Louisville. Above his grave is a small Grecian canopy, resting on four columns; in the centre is an urn, and on the top a lyre with broken string. T. ? . I . . id is a curious iact, mat tne essay wincri m. rrevost-raradol, ilie late Minister of Franco to the United States, recited wheu graduating at Col lege, was "On Suicide. In the ruiddlo ages when a lord gave a feast, he was obliged to so arrange his invitations that at table each gentleman found himselt seated beside a lady, and the same plate, knife, fork and glass served both. A man in Jersey City, who had rav. ished kiss from a school girl, was fined by the magistrate, horsewhipped by the big brother, and snatched bald-beaded by his own wile. Aud it was oDt much of a kiss after all. The combined populations of the eight largest cities of the United States New Vork, Philadelphia, Biooklyn, Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Boston and Cinciuuatt are less than the popu lation ol the city ot London, as an nounced by tho recent British eensus. The advocates of vaccination have beeu delving for statistics, and now come out with tbe statement that dur ing tho ccutury preceding its introduc tion, 45,000,000 people died of small pox in Europe, while only 9,000,000 have died from that cause sinee. Only one death in fifty is uow attributed to this disease iu London, while tho pro portion fur the last century was one in fifteen. Tho arrival of immigrants at New Voik last mouth was laiger than during any previous mouth this year. Nearly every week from 5,000 to 6,000 immi grants are landed at Castlo Garden. The majority ol these are Irish, and the Germans are next in point of num bers. Last month the arrivals were 43,471, making 77,101 thus far this year. In May, last year, 40,828 ar rived, making the total op to the end of that aioDtb b5,&7. (Jot; to Ccicg, tni Cculdn't Stop. A gentleman was walking up the sttep street townrd tho State IIou.se in Albany one evening, nnd a boy and sled came rushing down ogainst the man's legs, and nearly threw him down, and sent the boy and sled tumbling into the gutter. 1 he boy scrambled up, and like a little gentleman apologized, say ing, "1 bog pardon, sir, but 1 got to go ing, and couldn't stop." Exactly like the world i,? this. Boys aud men get to going, and cannot stop, and drive on to destruction, loung men run into bad company, drink, swear, go on from step to step; deeper and still deeper they sink into sin. Re monstrate with them, a?k why they be have so badly, why they rush on to cer tain ruin, ond they will all tell us, "We got to going, and could not stop. There are thousands of women in the streets of great cities, debased, miserable, rush ing straight to perdition. Ask them why they pursue a course of crime which is so degrading and brings such woe, und they will tell you, "We got to going, and could not stop." Tho broad road is thronged with those who rush on to ruin. They know it, see the danger ahead, tremble with lear, deplore their course of sin, but they have "got to going, and cannot stop." Tho power of habit, the currents ol in fluence, the allurcnjcn's of 6in, all com bine to hurl them onward to their doom. God sets good men, afflictions, nnd collisions in the path of the sinner to stop him in his career. W hen he is up. set, crustied, and .rebuked by severe providences, then is tho time for him to retrace his steps. But, if he docs not heed the divine admonitions, ho wi soon bo going the downward way faster than before, and find it even more dim cult to stop. Ruin, eternal ruin, is tl; certain doom of millions, because ' they get to going, and cannot stop. Bap ti;;t Union. In the reoent decisions of the Courts it is held that a marriage ceremony, though actually and legally performed, where it was in jest and not intended to be a contract of marriage, and it was so understood at the time by both par ties, and is so considered and treated by them, is not a cootract of marriage, lutention is necessary, as in every other contract. TO NEBRASKA. CALIFORNIA,- AND KANSAS, AND TIIE B. Si M. R. R. LANDS. The llortrajo Esdssasi The New Haven Conner relates the following: In a lawyer's office, in a r; mute part or the fcta'o, Jay a mortgage for eleven hundred dollars, which ras within a few days of being due. One moruing the man, of whose place the mortgage was bold, called and inquired if the paymcut could not be put off for a short time. He was a inuu somewhat advanced in life, and very intemperate He pleaded for a time; but to no pur pose. Uvereomc witu emotion, tne old man sank into a chair, und there sat for two hours, apparently unconscious of anything passing arouud him, when carriage drove up to the door, and a lady stepped Irom it. fche catered the olhce Alter standing a lew moments, eyeing the old man with interest ond emotion she spoke; the old man looked up. "father, now ao you no: Oh, Sarah, I am well, but sad. am glad to see you, but sorry for your aged mother nnd invalid sister. I can not return to them, for it will bo to tell them they have no home; nnd this they cut not bear. It will kill your mother. Father, father," said the daughter, could you live a temperate life it this were riaid?" Yes, oh, yes: but it cannot be. have nothing to pay with." "Now sign the pledge, and here s th money. I be old man put bis name to the pledge, aud departed to his home with a happy heart. The daughter had saved eleven hun dred dollars, by working in a factory. P.2l'.i:n and Eu:h;:s. So business should be engaged in, on which the blessing of God cannot be asked, uuok ol tne rumseiicr asking God to prosper him in his business, which would bo iu effect asking God to send him fathers, husbands, brothers and sons, that he miht debauch and ruin them. As well the murderer piay for victims, or the devil that hell may be peopled. Religion has to do, not only with tho choice ot business, but wtih the man ner of its prosecution, God may be glorified, or his cause dishonored, by the manner in which business is done. An active business man, conducting his business according to Christian piinci ples, scrupulously just and honest, tak ing no mean advautagc, giving to the laborer his hire, aud more than the mere payment of wages, having au eve to the highest and best interests of all whom he employs, and giving ot his incomo to God, as God prospers him, such a man is a witness tor Ood in bis busi ness; he confesses Christ in his business, aid such a testimony is worth a thous and veibul testimonies uuaccompanied by such occulur demonstrations, buch a life, is like a city on a hill that cannot be hid, and sheds a hallowed influence far and wide on evory side. JUSY LIST. The following are the jurors drawn for August term of court, led: (IRANI) JURORS. Bencnet Richard W. Doylo, Robert Rotherick, K. II. Dixon, (ieo. W. Win slow. Dcnzincer Joseph Bhlecl. Jr.. Joscnh fccnaur, Anton Munich, Ihomts Kerner Fox Mnthias fpiolcr, Sr., James' Mo. Closkcy, John Mosier. llorton S. A. Olmsfeail, C. E. Beman Jay William 1). Hewitt, Josiah 11. Mnrey. Jones Joseph Nye, Christopher Dill. Millstone J. C. Champion, William Kelley. Ki.lgway J. V. Houk, James Rickard, bdwara Derby. St. Mary's Geo. Ed. Wela, F. X. Ha berbusu. traverse jurors. Bcnezet Ralph Johnson, Jr. Benzinger Marti.n Ficlle, George Sello, Anton Bauer, Michael Lawlcr, Joseph fat ton. Fox William Hewitt, James Farns worth, C. K. Green, Isaac Hays, JohnT.iy lor, John Kuntzlem.in, John Koch, David Meredith. Horton James Roilly, Allen Giles, Joseph Chamberlain, N. M. llrockway, Keulord Seirars, Harvey Parsons, Joseph Clinton. Jones A. I. Wilcox, Joseph Pistner, Daniel Smith, Michael Weiuert. Jay Martin Clover, Joshua W. Roth rock. Millstone James Grccnuwalt. Ridgway Horace Warner. Spring Creek D. G. McXaul, Robert Warner. St. Mary's Michael Slchij, Chas. Mo Vean, John Walker. Sr., Frank Gerg. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. VVctmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P. Vincent. Associate Judges J. K. Whitmoro, Jesse liyier. District Attorney .T. K. P, Hail. Sheriff Jacob McCaulcy. Piothonothry $c., Fred. Schocning. Treasurer llenry D. Dcrr. County Superintendent Ruftis Lucore. Commissioners H. Warner, John llarr, liouis Volliner. Auditors Chirk A. Wilcox, George D. .Messenger, aim josepn nuiiclin. County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissioners. Joseph Kerner. ana inarles .Ueaa. TIME OF IiOLDIXa COURT. Second Monday in January. Second Monday ia April First Monday in Angupt. First Monday in November. Tho "Burlington Route," so called, lies right in the path of the Star of Em pire. It runs almost immediately in the centre of tho great westward movement of emigration. Crossing Illinois and Iowa, it strikes the Missouri river at three points. These three points are the gateways into three great sections of the trans- Missouri region. The Northern gate is Omaha, where the great Pacifio road will take you to tho land of gold and grapes, sunny mountains, and perpetual summer. Tho middle gate is Piattsmouth, which opens upon the south half of Nebraska, south of the Platte river, a region un surpassed on the coutincnt for agricul ture and grazing. Just here are tho B' & M. Rnilroad lands, concerning which Geo. S. Harris, the land officer at Bur lington, Iowa, can givo you all informa tion, and in tho heart of them is Lin coln, the State Capital and present ter minus of tho road. The Southern gate leads to Kansas, by connection with the St. Joe Road at Hamburg, running direct to St. Jco and Kansas City. The trains ol the Burlington run smoothly aud safely, and make all con nections. It runs the bent of coaches Pullman Palace and Pullman dining cars, and should you take the journey for the journey s sake alone, you will be repaid; or take it to find a home or farm, and you cannot find either better than among the B. & M. lands, where you can buy on ten years' credit, and at a low price. v1n'2v1. BUSINESS CAKDS. H ENRY SOUTHER. Ridgsy, Ta. Attorney-at Law? . (feb2fl'0 8), 4 A. BATHBTJN, JT Ridgway Ta. Attorney-at-Law 2 2 tf. JOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg. way, Elk county Pa. mar-22'661 AH. HILL, Physician and Surgeon. . Ktrsey, Elk Co. Pa. Main t A. PAR80NS, Dealer in Boots. Shoes and Leather. aiii Street, Ridgway, Pa. ylnltf. GEORGE WALMSLEY, County Sur veyor, St. Marys, Pa., holds himsel in readiness at all times, to perform jobs in his line. 2 8' X. SORG, Saloon-keeper, corner of Railroad and Michutd streets, SU nrys. Pa. Native Wines, irood Lnirer Beer, etc., constantly on hand. 2 8 Marys WILLIA chael IAM GEIS. Restanrant. Mi. street. St. Marvn. Pa.. Vp the beat of Lager Peer and Kativ wiues constantly on Land. 2 8 Cn. VOLIt, 'Manufacturer and Dealer In Lngtr Beer, opposite tho Railroad. Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa. JTEYNOL03 nOUSE, EE YN0LISV1L1EJEFFEESC1T CO, PA. H. S. BELNAP, PRopwiToa . J. W. C- GEARY- FOLLOW THE CROWD NEW ADVERTISEMENTS IF YOU WANT TO SAVE WICN2Y It will lead to tbe store cf LEGAL. Lewis Boyington "1 In Comm on Picas vs V of Elk County. Sophronia Boyington, J No 15, Jan. T.,'71. Libel in Divorce, a vicula matrsmonii. To SnphrorJa Bcuinqlon. resvoni:nt alore named: You are hereby notified that tho sub poena and alias subpoena in the above case bavins; been returned non est inventus. you are hereby required to appear on the I'llltsl' iMtl.MlAY J. AUGUST. 1871. being the 7th day of the month, to answer tho complaint ia the nhove case. JACOB McCAULEY, Sheriff. SurruiVs Office, Ridgway, June, 1, 1871. J vlnlotc. W. C. GEARY, Who keeps constantly on head th lr.rgest ana ucst selected stock or PAPER FOR THE PEOlLE. THE GLOBE. ESTABLISHED 1808. An Independent Evening Journal. Served by Carrier at leu Cents per week. Ask your newsdealer for it. TIIE GLOBF. as the only I.depsndem r uftbruoon .journal, reaching a popula tion in New York and vicinity of over Three Millions, is rap idly gaining the position of tho great leading evening paper of the Metropolis. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM, WITH ITS LOW RATES, IT Is UNSURPASSED. TERMS OF THE GLOBE. Subscription. By Mail, One Month, COct Threo Months, $1 50: Sii Months, 3; One ear, $5. Advertising, Per line, nonnariel measurement Ordi dary, 10c; Speoial Notices, L'Oc: Heading ana I'ublic Notices, tSUc; Business Notices; 60o. Address TIIE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY. Printing House Square, New York. AGENTS WANTED. A general agont wanted for this county to procure insurance for a first class In surance Company, of Philadelphia. Inquire at this ofnee. Vlnl4t4. Hope is called the anchor, but there must be anchorage as well as anchor. And so hope takes bold ot tho everlast ing love of God, the "everlasting cove nant, ordered in all things and sure," the prison and Gnishcd woik ot Christ, the word of God, the promises as spo ken to the soul by tho Holy Ghost, and the power aud faithfulness of God. lis has "cast my sins behind his back, and says, "He will remember them no more;" so if the devil likes to remember them, be may go behind, and feed upon 7iem. We love to sit down before the Lord, and least with him. I FALL heavily into thine arms, with all my weights. Thou wilt sustaiu; thou wilt still further bless me in thy love, and use me ior thy glory, in life or death, as seemeth beet. n -r- T AU VtrJun fl IIIVKAif hilt T m A .'4 U vu.uvi. - , , - U I M 1 not a burden to thee, my Lord, for thou I dott lovingly bear with alt ' Orphan's Court Sale. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Elk County, the undersigned, Ad ministrator of L. U. Zimmermau, lute of said couuty, deceased, will expose to sale by Public Vendue, on Satur4ay 7 8tt 1871, at 2 o'clock, p. in., on the premises, all the interest of the docedent in and to lots Nos. 42 and 43 in the Village of Ccnlrerilie, with the buildings thereon erected.. Terms CASH ou confirmation of sale. JOHN GREEN, vlnl4ts. Administrator. JJOARDING HOUSE, Near the Depot, Wilcox, Pa. The undersigned has opened a large board irghouse at the above plaoe, where he ia amply prepared to satisfy the wants of those who may avorhiin with iheir custom. MARTIN SOWERS, Proprietor HALL & I3HO. Attorneys - at - Law. ST. MARY'S, tlZ COUNTY PNITSYLYAITIA. a. IIALL.. ........ .MM JL. K. t. BALL DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTION3, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, GLASSWARE, WOODEN WARE, AND WILLOW WARE. ALSO Hats, Caps, fioota & W:s OF ALL INSCRIPTIONS Ever offered in town, which he offers to the public at lower prices than any other store this side of Philadelphia. CCUNTRY PRODUCE GREENBACKS AND SPECIE TAZE3 IS EXCIIAKCE FOR GCODS. PLEASE GIVE US A CALL aad examine f ot yonrselv en. vln5lf. Tbe most Complete lluslneiu College in the United States. Affording facilities for acouirelng a thorough practical business educatioa, possessed by no other School in the country Since its insorporatioa in 1855, nearly SixteenThoueand Students, representatives from every State in the Union, have attonded here. No vacations. Students eater at any time, and receive private instructions throughout tbe entire course. N. B. Circulars with full particulars and AU neoeesary information, oa addressing SMITH ol UUWLLI, Principals, VTf TSBtrBQB, Fa !. Bordwell, M. t. Eolectio Physican Othco and residence nnnosiin iha Jail, on Ccntro St., Ridgway, Pa. Trompt uLivuLiuu win no given to au cails. Onice hours: 7 to 8 A. M-1 12 to 2 P. M. : and 0 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, 6G-tf. D" C. H. PULLER, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN", Eidqwat, Pa, Residence end office opposite the Thayer House. TS. HARTLEY. M. D., ,, , Physician and Surgeon, Ridgway Ta- Office in Walker'a Building. Special attentiou given to Surgery. OHioe hours from 8 a. in. to 10 p. m. Kosidcnoa on Main St.rett, went end. All callt promptly attended to. vln2yl. GG. MESSENGER, " Druggist and Parmaceulist, corner Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment, of carefully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescription! carefully dispensed at U hours, day or night. vlnSy. HEALY & NORTON. PEALEaS IU D2T G3CD2, QS3aa33, TBOVISIONa, PfiODUCE, FRUITS, &o. vlnSif. West End, Ridgway, Pa. HYDE HOUSE, EmawAT, Elk Co., Pa. W. n. SCHUAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, tho now proprietor, hopes, by raying strict at tention to the comfort end convenience of guests, to merit a continuance ol the same. Oct 30 100J. jyjORTON HOUSE, if v EIIE, PA M. V. Moore, (late oflUe Uyd Eowi) Oipen Day and Night- DP.S. BORLAND & Sr. CLAIR, taAKKLlN. Pa.. Give SDeoial attan. tiou to Cbronio diseases, and those peou linr to women and children. Dr. Borland, diagnoses diseses by an ex amination of the uriue, and by this Old German method has successfully treated thousauds of cases without 3eoing ibem. IDWARD McBRIDE, Watchmaker and li Joweler. Railrotd street. St. Uuvl Pa. Engraving and renairinv Hnn short notice, aud in a workmaulike man ner. Wutches. and everything in IhaJnw. elry line, constantly on hand. 2 8 PARSON3, Manufacturer and Dealer ia Boots Ss shoes, Alain St., oppsaite Hotel, ot27y Wnaox, Ta. KERSEY HOUSE, CsMrai-riLLi, Elk C Pa. Jo:i: Collins, -Proprietor. Thankful for the Datronasa hanLMnr eo liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying atriet at tention to the eomfort and of gucstB, to merit a continuance of the same. JONG ECHO A New School Book, oy 11. 8. PlEKINS. Price $7.60 per do. Contains over two hundred new and beautiful Bougs, Du ets, etc.. by VViLt B. Hats, itiiiiii, Thomas, etc- Every thing is new, fresh, and sparkling. Con tents and specimen pages sent free. Sam- copies mailed free of postage to teachers for 65 cents. Liberal terms for iatroduo Lion. Address. J. L. PETERS. 069 Sre&iwar. New YarV' vlnlltt ' JpiFTY dollaRS Worth of Vials FOR S3. Subscribers to r. tbks Musical Mom tult are getting their Music fur less than, two eentt pieee Those who have not seen this Musical Magaiine should send 30 eenta for a sample copy. The musio ie by Hat. Thomas. Kiskil, Pbeslit, and other popular writers. Two back numbeis for 40 cents. Four hack numbers for 74 cents.