The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, June 08, 1871, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, JUKE 8, 1871.
Hates of Advertising.
One column, one year.........
i " " " ......... 40 00
" " 25 no
' 13 00
Transient advertising pcrscpiare of eight
linen or less 8 limes or less It (10
Business cards, ten lines or lcss: per
ypnr f 00
Mnrriagcs and Death notices inserted
Elk Loago, A. T. M.
Stated meetings of Elk Lodge i
lield at tlieir linll on (lis second and
ill be
rues Jays of each month.
o. L. Mccracken, Seo'r.
TctwIo til Honor and Temooranca.
Elktnn TerapVe No. 81. wet on ea:h
alternate Thursday . at. ttrnir Lodjo Ttnom.
oa Main street, er .T. V. HnuVs store.
Vat rime at tlldgtcay.
Krie Express East 2:'0 r.. m.
,to do West 2:20 n. m.
1o Mail East 4:Ii2 p. m.
,o do West 10:0!. a. tn.
Local Freight East 7:25 a. tn.
In do West 5:4'.) p. m.
Notiob change in
licad of this column.
car time at the
KtTK-n.YiNo en cacs the attention
of our boys just now.
Thk weather hero bits
mi J dry for tlic past week.
ChANW.e cliiinis that be has tho
talest tutnato liint in town.
Gko. Walkku is roing tn build nn
addition to bis building on Main street.
Wednesday morning there was a
licavy ruin shower which bad the effect
of making vegetation look up.
Horace Warneu, of this place, has
liccn granted a patent for a washing
J.VS. PKNt'trct.t has purchased the
property of O, 1 Kcltz, on Main St.,
cast of the Ihrnnrntt nfline.
Tup. bill restoui' spring elections
passed both bonnes of the Legislature
l)cloro the adjournment of that body.
The Commissioners of Elk County
will meet nt their oflise, in llidgway, on
Monday, June 12th.
U. II. McCAULFA', Clerk.
W. 0. Geauv has disposed ot his
store to J. S. & W. II. Hyde who will
utill carry on the business at tho old
TlIE sidewalks have been repaired in
several places, but thero are yet a few
mora places that need the same treat
ment. TlIAYElt & IIaokiity havo made on
improvement in front of their store, by
building a new walk and putting up
new steps.
Tn Brookville Ilrpnblican comes to
us enlarged and improved. It presents
a neat appearance; is sound in polities
and has our best wishes for its future
Notiiino Like It. We refer to
Nature's Hair Restorative, advertised iu
another column. It is in ono bottle,
and as clear as ioa. No gum, no filth,
uo poison. Examine i- See adver
tisement. Swallowing Poisosj. Should any
poison be swallowed accidently, take
two table-spoonfuls of ground mustard ,
mixed in warm water. It will operate
as an instantaneom'emetie.
U. S. Assessor. We learn that our
poung friend, Ed. Livingston, of Cur
wensville, has been appointed U. S.
Assessor of this, the 19th, Congress
ional district. IIo will make a good
officer, being well acquainted with tho
duties appertaining to the position.
Uaftsman'a Journal. 1
Last Thursday, 1st inst., J. E. Hoff
man, residiog at Beech Bottom, this
county, was working in a gravel Dans,
when tho bank caved in, completely
covering him up, with the exception of
Jiis head, he was, however, soon relieved
from his precarious position, and, with
the exception of a dislocated hip, , sus
tained ns serious injuries. Dr. J. S.
Bordwetl was called in, who set the
limb and now reports the patieut as do
ing well.
DfcATH or ah oi.n Citizen. Geo.
Nulf, an old hunter aad highly respect
ed citizen of Ilellen, this county, died
on Monday, May 29th, 1871, f.oa in
juried lcceived, by falling from the
limb of a tree, whilo engaged watching
a deer-lick, on the piccccding Thursday.
It is supposed that ha attempted to de
scend from the limb, but by reason of
his limbs having become numb, Iroin
being in ono position so Song a timo, he
missed his hold and fell to the ground,
with the above stated result. Tho de
ceased was about eighty years of cgc.
The proprictois of tho Uiookville
stage route, between this place and
Prookvillo, intend, hereafter, to maka
connection, at this place, with mail go
ing cast ot 4:52. This will be a great
accomrjodatiou to many of tho citizens
of Jefferson county, and will, no doubt,
attract many persons this way who havo
heretofore weut by tho way of Clear
field. '
Cranberries for Erysipelas.
A correspondent of tho l'rovidcticc
Jivrnaf, says, that in nincty-nino cases
out of every liundred, cranberries ap
pliod as a poultice will effectually cure
tho crysinolus. Thero is not an instanco
known where it has failed to effect a
cure, when faithfully applied belore tho
sufferer was in a dying state. Two or
three applications generally do tho
Accident. Clark Dickinson met
wi;h a paiuful accident, last Friday,
lid, inst., while engaged setting tho
guides of the saw iu the mill of Dick
inson & Pruthcr, this placo. His left
hand slipped, and, coming in contact
with tho saw. tho bone of ono finger
was cut out unit anutlur JJogcr badly
bruised; altogether, Clark may consider
himself fortunate in escaping without
the loss of his hand. Dr. Pordweil
dressed tho wound, and thinks there
will bo no difficulty iu saving the
How to DtHLD ur a Town. An
exchange bits it when it says the best
way to build up a town is for every busi
ness man in the place to advertise his
business in the columns of bis local pa
per, aud thus present un array of busi
ness houses eiual to the number ol
houses on tho street. It draws tiadc to
the town, draws emigrants to the town,
draws produce to the town, draws motiuy
to tho town. If a man wants to buy
anything, ho goes where be sec the
most men trying to sell tint article. If
ho wants to sell anything, he goes whore
tho most men are buying. If a man
wants to buy groceries or foil produce,
he goes to the business man that adver
tises, for ho knows where to find him
and what he has to sell.
remaining in the Post Office at Ridgway
up lo June 1, 1ST i:
Kunk. Est or Mrs.
lieu J. V.
Burn?, Mitcliael
Mavis, I'elH 10.
Donning Thomas
Holy. Jonathan
M'lfVh. A. G.
Ma'oon. Nathan
Mmvlocii, l S.
Mi't.'rce, Thomas
MeLeod, .Joseph.
McGuan, Danes
Davis & Co.,SylvcstcvMingci .1, Ilenvy
levmott M"Cauly,I!annr i.Miss
ffCiniuet, .lolin W. Vnthsun. W. W.
''oiirgeray llnyd&Co.Mctice, A '.hart,
Cfnlbraith, J. D.
Moore, John JO.
Grant. (!.
Iiuiiiclvillc, Gran a
fetl'cair. John 2
II yse, John
11-11. Jacob
1 1 mill's, W. E,
Hill, Irvin
Xicuby, FrcJerick
Munch, II.
,1'ielson, X. Chas.
Oslcihoutt, Daniel
Jit .'hold, Joseph
,S'cliaen, Iv.
Swanson. J. G.
Shelter, Joseph
Sullivan, William
yiiomas, John 2
Jenkins, Margaret
lawrence, Vim. 1'.
L'lWtiey, J. G.
.Tillon, J.
Mcintosh, L.
Wirts, Gel. Tli.
Walpole. John
Woorc, II. S.
If not called for in thirty days they will
he edit lo the Dead Letter Office.
Etiquette. The word "etiquette"
means, in its original French, a ticket
or card. In former times, it was the
custom in Trance, on occasions of cere
mony or festivity, to distribute among
tho guests, tickets, or small bits of pa
per, coutaiuitig an outline ot the pro
ceedings, and directions for tho con
duet of the company. Thus if a thing
was done rroneilv, it was said to be
done according to the ticket or the
etiquette. In the course of time the
word acquired its present meaning, and
was adopted into the hoglish language,
The national Lincoln monument at
Oak Ridge Cemetery, Springfield, 111.,
is to be completed about the 1st ot July.
The monument association has decided
to celebrate tho occasion with appro
priate services. The remains of the
martyr President aro to be transmitted
to the new vault in tho base of the
monument. It is probable that the
President and Vice President of the
United States, the heads of 'depart
ments, tho Supreme Court, Senators
and Representatives ia Congress, the
Governor and members of the Illinois
Legislature, and other distinguished
persons will participate in the eeremou
ies. DirriiEtUA Cured with Lemon
Juice. The Health and llome, a very
excellent health journal, says: "Soma
time ago, Dr. Ilevillout, in a paper pre
sented to the French Academy of Med
icine, asserted that lemon juice is otic
of the most efficacious medicines which
cao be applied to dipthcria, and be re
lates that when a dresser iu the hos
pital, ho his own life was saved by
this timely appliance. lie pot three
dozen lemons, and gargled kis throac
with the juice, swallowing a li'.tle at
the same time, in order to act on the
more deep-seated parts. Tho doctor
has noted numi rous cases of complete
success obtained by this method of
Tho likeness of Silas Wright will be
the vignette of tho new Soil Treasury
bonds, Edwin M. Stanton of the 8100
bonds, Thomas H. Benton of tho 8.100
bouds, cx.Prcsidcnt Harrison of tho
$1,000 bonds, Anson Burliognme of the
5,000 bonds, and John A. Andrew of
the 510,000 bonds.
Lehigh county has a pond containing
4U.UU0 or 50,000 trout.
John Coleman, aged 115, recently
died in Washington county.
The shipment of lumber from Lock
Haven bj canal the other week reached
1,133 f,2J0 feet.
Philadelphia is talking about incrcas.
ms its police foren to 1.200. It now
numbers about fivo hundred.
During April 72,000 sheep, 11.000
cattle mid ."11,000 hogs wcio received in
The Tidioulo Driving Park is com
pleted, nnd is pronounced one of tho
finest in Western l'enusylvania. '
Tho salaries of tho Supronie Court
Judges in our Stale are iucroascd
000 per annum.
It is estimated that tnere are '.)0U or
1,000 rafis on the Susquehanna between
nl i -- ...IIIIHII . -11 .1 .1,1.1.
OIUIUOIH HHU If l.liniunjlurL, nil ui vriiivii
are prevented from going down by tho
shallowness ot tho river.
The Mercer county medical society
hii.'i resolved to catalogue all persons in
the county who receivo medical attend
nr.cit nnd arc able to pay for the same
but will not.
1'ittston, Jane 2. Tho to'.a? sub
scr'uiticns to the fund for the relief of
the widows and orphans of the recent
diitaster at West Pittston is officially re
ported by tho committee to bo 1,975
to date.
In Jsiair county there is a spring
which, nt its source, pours out a volume
of water sufficiently large to turn a mill
and which, after running on the surfaco
of the ground for 200 or 1500 yards,
Some years ago a man named Bar
nacle left Clarion county without pay
ing his subscription to the Democrat,
The next thiug the editor heard fiom
Barnacle ho was sent to the Peniten
tiary for murder. Let delinquents take
Democrats nuu Republicans are be
ing swindled in Westmoreland county
by inipositors traveling and collecting
money in the nanto ot both parties,
which is never used for political pur
poses. Both parties must havo plenty
of money in Westmoreland.
Dr. Paneoast, of Philadelphia, re
cently performed a paiuful operation on
a little girl whose feet had been de
formed by wearing hinh-healed boots,
and cxrressed his opinion that it was
only the beginning of a largo harvest of
such cacs.
A school boy at Strattonsvillo,
Clarion county, named Jones, whilo he
and another lad were playing with a
pistol on Wednesday of last week, tho
weapon was accidentally discharged,
sending the bail through young Jone's
head, killing him instantly.
About two years ago John Schnure,
of this place, says the Scliusjirove
7 mm, lost a pocket-book containing
about ?70 in money, and notes amount
ing tn about 8100. He heard nothing
of the. missing property, and never ex
pected to, but much to his surprise, a
lew days ago ho received un cxptess
package from MiUersburg, which when
opened, contained the amount of moucy
and the missing notes. The transaction
is a strauge one, and has caused many
surmises as to why the money was re
turned at this late day.
Female Delfcacv. Abovo all
other features which adorn the female
character, delicacy stands foremost
within tho province of good taste. Not
that delicacy which is perpetually in
quest of something to be ashnined of;
which makes merit ablush, and simpers
at the false construction which her own
ingenuity had put upon an innocent re
mark this spurious kind of delicaey is
removed from good sense but the high
minded delicacy, which maintains its
pure, undeviating way, just alike among
women and tho society of men; which
shiiuks from no necessary duty, and
can speak when required, with a seri
ousness, of thing's of which it would be
iishamed to smile or blush; that delicacy
which knows how to confer a benefit
without wounding the feelings ot an.
other, which can give alms without as
sumption, and pains not the most sus
ceptible iu creation.
The railroad of the future is the nar
row gauge. It attracts much attention
among railway men, and steadily meets
with more favor tho ofteuer it is discuss
ed. The Jron Aye says that a com
parison of all the essential elements in
the cost of construction and opeiation
of railroads will show that the cost per
mile of the narrow gauge, from three
feet to two feet, is from one-half to one
third that of the standard guago of four
icct eight and a half inches.
The following is an enigma, said to
have been written by Mr. Canning
which for a time baffled all Kuglaud to
'There Is a word of plural number,
A foe to peace nnd human slumber;
Now sny word you chanjo to take,
l'.y adding 's' yen plural make;
ut if you add uu s' to this.
How etran?o the uictaniorpliis is;
Plural is plural then no more,
And sweet what bitter was before."
The word is "cares," to which
adding an "s" you have "caress."
In dresiug tor photographs, dark
brown, dark green, maroon, and plain
black poods, without gloss, will make a
rich drab color. Silks of tho same
color will take considerably lighter.
Snuff brown, dark leather, dark drab,
scarlet, cherry, darS orange, crimson
and slato will alio take a rich drab
color. Violet, bluo, purple, pink and
magenta will take very light, and
should bo avoided. The hair should
not be very wet or glossy.
Connecticut men always marry small
wives, it po'aibie, so mat seven yarns
of call?') will tu:ke a dress,
Why is a sword likobecr? Because
its of use till Its drawn. ' 1 ,
An old steam boiler is used for a jail
iu Arkansas.
The woman who hasn't seventeen
buttons on her g'oves is a being whom
it wnro gross flattery to call on onglo.
The latest invention in advertising is
that of n Hartford patent medicine man,
who sheared his dog, and painted on tho
animal the name of tho universal euro.
A Wisconsin art critic, describing a
bust, remarks that tho mouth "does
uot suggest combative or incorigeblo
soul posture."
A religious journal jokes in tho fol
lowing outrageous style: "A pirl may
as well hang up her fiddle when she
loses her beau."
Tho bight of pugelistio sarcasm was
reached the other day by Jim Mace,
who, speakiug of a rival accused of
beating his wifo said: "What, him?
He couldn't lick a postago stamp."
"Well, Pat, why don't you put up
your umbrella?" "Because, ycr honor,
tho rain ud spile it, an' so I keep it on
der my arum an' divil a dhrop it has
'Landlord," said a traveler at tho
tablo of a country tavern, "this soup is
a littlo weaker than I am used to; I
wish vou'd inst let that chicken of
vour's wade through it once more, if
you please."
Mr. Billings says everybody is in the
habit of bragging on Job, and Job did
have considerable pashunce; but did he
ever keep a district skule for 8 dollars a
month and board 'round, or run a kun
tree newspaper?
An eastern editor is bothering his
head over the following problem: If 4
dogs with 10 legs car. catch "9 rabbits
with 87 legs in fourtecu minutes, how
many legs must the same rabbits have
to get away from 8 dogs with 32 legs,
in 111 minutes, allowing 305 days in
the year?
A littlo four year old remarked to her
mamma on going to dco, "i am not
afraid of the dark." "No, of courso
you are not," replied her mother, "for
it can t hurt you. "Jiut, mamma, 1
was afraid once, when I went into tho
pantry to get a cookie." "What were
you afraid of then?'' asked her mamma.
1 was alraiu X couldn t nnd tne cook-
A Poughkeepsie farmer wrote to Mr.
Greeley to find out if the ootton-wood
tree could be grown in this climate.
loraco said he had planted two years in
succession, nan an acre ot cotton-oat-
tings but ho hadn't raised timber enough
to build a hen orchard. He thinks it
can't be grown unless it wants to grow
A German friend of ours, says an
Exchange, got his dander up the other
day, upou the arrival of a secoi'd pair of
twins, and said to bis family physician;
(Jv yon, doctor, it is potter dat a
sch top be bout to dose dings. Von bair
ot dwms, I diuks, is olios rccht, but
more as dat is blaid owit, don't it?
Pat's vot's de matter mit me. You
know bow it ish myself."
Since all housekeepers are interested
iu knowing how to keep moths out of
carpets; it may be well to try this:
uiiug a coarse towel out ot clean wa
ter; spread it smoothly on the carpets;
iron it dry with a good hot iron; repeat
the operation on all parts of tho carpet
suspected to bo infested with moths.
No need to press hard, and neither tho
pile nor tho carpet will bo injured, and
the moths will be destroyed by the beat
and steam.
That great Sou' western expounder of
the Constitution, Andrew Johnson, is
"swinging round tho circle again 10
Tennessee on Constitutional principles;
but ho fights shy of tho fourteenth and
fifteenth amendments, and leans de
cidedly toward repudiation. But Jeff
Davis is also traveling around in the
outh on the Constitution, and when
these two expounders meet we shall per
haps know all about it.
A Question A young man recently
wrote to a paper, askiog whether it would
be advisable foe him to marry "a young
and tender angel, who had nevtr done
her own washing or dressmaking." In
reply, the editor advised him to do so
by all means, and mentioned a similar
case in his own expciience, where the
bride had never done her own washing;
but after married she became so fond of
the wash-tub, as not only to work tor
her own family, but for several families
among her acquaintances.
Tfik growth of the Amerioal Episco
pal Church during the last ten ytais has
been remarkable. Nearly titty bishops
will meet this year at the great Trien
nial Convention, to bo held in Baltimore
iu October. A few years ago less than
ouc half of this tumber were present
on similar occasions. The great States
have had to be divided. New York in
to five dioceses, Pennsylvania, Mary
land, Virginia, into two aud three each.
The growth of the church in tho West
ern States and new Territories, and on
the Pacifio Coast, almost exceeds that of
the Fast. On tho lino of tho great
Pacifio Railroads hardly a hamlet or
way statiou of any importance can be
found without its Episcopal Church.
Followiso is a list of the Tost Office in
Elk county:
Arroyo, Spriug Creek tp.
Itenexelte, Dcueiette tp.
lhandy Camp, Horton tp.
Caledonia, Jay tp.
Dents Uun, Ueneictte tp.
Karley, Fo tp.
Hellea, Horton tp.
Kersty, Fox tp.
Kidgway, ltidgway tp.
St. Mary's. St. Mary's Boro,
Williaiusville. Jones tp.
Wilmarlh. Uidgwoy tp.
Y. ilciX, Jones tp.
Honest industry is always rcwnrefcJ.
Xo young man need eomnUiti of being
kept poor, if ho rolls tip his sleeves and
goes cheerfully to work. lis.
Tho busy house-fly is beginnlnj to
make his appenronco to torment hu
manity, and mix in the bitter chunks of
cxistenco wo hear so much about.
Tho following are the jurors drawn for
August term of court, J Hi 1 :
nil A NO JURORS. Richard W. Doyle, P.obert
Rotherick, K. II. Dixon, Geo. W. Window.
Ilcnzinrrcr Joseph FJideel. Jr., Joseph
Schaur, Anton Munich, Thomas Kerncr.
Fox Mathias Spooler, Sr., James Mo-
lyloskcy, John Mosier.
Horton S. A. Olmslead, C. K. Beman.
Jay William B. Hewitt, Joeiali K.
Jones Joseph Nyo, Christopher Dill.
Millstone J. C Champion, William
Riilgway J. V. Honk, James Kickard,
Kdward Derby.
St. Mary's Geo. Ed. Weis, F. X. IIo
berbusli. traverse jurors.
Bcnczet Italph Johnson, Jr.
Bonr.iiiper Mnrtin Fielle, George Selle,
An' on Buucr, Michael Lawlcr, Joseph
Fox William Hewitt, James Fnrns
worlh, C. F,. Green, lsano Hays, John Tay
lor, John Kuntzleman, John Koch, David
Horton James Eeilly, Allen Giles,
Joseph Chamberlain, N. M. Brockway,
Red ford Segars, Harvey Tarsons, Joseph
Jones A. I. Wilcox. Joseph Pistner,
Daniel Smith, Michael Weidert,
Jay Martin Clover, Joshua W. Bolh
rock. Millstone James Greenawalt.
Kidgway Horace Warner.
Spring Creek D. G. McXaul, Robert
St. Mary's Michael Rlcblg, Chas. Mo
Vean, John Walker, Sr., Frank Gerg.
Elk County Directory.
President Judge L. D. Wet more.
Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P.
Associate Judges J. K. Whitmore, Jesse
District Attorney J. K. P, Hail.
Sheriff Jacob McCauloy.
Prothonotury J-c, Fred. Schncning.
Treasurer llenry D. Derr.
County Superintendent llufus Lncore.
Commissioners II. Warner, John Barr,
Louis Vollmer.
Auditors Clark A, Wilcox, George D.
Messenger, and Joseph Wilholm.
County Survoyor Geo Wilmslcy.
Jury Commissioners. Joseph Kcrncr,
and Charles Mead.
Second Monday In January.
Second Monday in April
First Monday in August.
First Monday in November.
Lewis Boyington i In Comm on Tlcns
vs or Elk County.
Sophronia Boyington, J No 15, Jan. T.,'71
Libel in Divorce, a viculo niatremonii.
To Sophror.ia Boyington, retpowlent above
You aro hereby notified that the sub
poena and alias subpoena in the above case
having been returned non est inventus,
you are herebv required to appear on the
being the 7th day of tho month, to answer
the complaint in the above case.
Sunnirr's Omen.
Bidgway, June, 1, 1871. J vlnloto.
An Independent Evening Journal. Served
by Carrier at Ten Cents per week.
Ask your newsdealer for it.
TnK GLOBE, as the only LfncpasncxT
aflhrnoon journal, reaching a popula
tion in New York and vicinity of
over Three Millions, is rap
idly gaining the positiou
of the great leading
evening paper
of the Metropolis.
By Mail, One Month, G0o.: Three
Months, $1 50; Six Months, $:3; One
Year, $3,
Per line, nonpariel measurement Ordi-
dary, 10c; Special Notices, 20o.; Heading
and Publie Notices, 30c; Business Notices;
oOc. Address
Printing House Square New York.
A general agent wanted for this county
to procure insurances for a first class lu
surauce Company, of Philadelphia.
Inquire at tbis oTtice. vir.nn.
Orphan'sCourt Sale.
By virtue of au order of tho Orphan's
Court of Elk County, the undersigned, Ad
ministrator of L. U. Zimmerman, late of
said county, deceased, will expose to sale
by Public Vendue, ou
Saturday, July 8th, 1371,
at 2 o'clock, p. m., on the premises, all the
interest of tho decedent in and to lots Nos.
42 and 43 in the Village of Ccntreville,
with the buildings thereon erected.
Terms CASH on confirmation of sale.
vial Its. Administrator.
Near the Depot, Wilcox, Pa.
The undersigned lias opened a large board
irghouse at the above placc.'where he is
niply prepared to satisfy the wauls of those
who may avnrhim with their custom.
HAL.I.. & WHO.
Attorneys - at - Law
O.IKO. UAH..- ...FAS. K. r. FULL
! LANDS. ' ., ; , ', .j ,.
i The !'Jiurlington llonto," so called,
lies right in the path of tho Star of Em
pire. It runs almost immediately in tho
centre of tho great westward movement
of emigration. Crossing Illinois and
Iowa, it strikes the Missouri river at
three points.
Theso three points are tho gateways
into three great sections of tho trans-
Missouri region.
The Northern gate is Omaha, where
tho groat PaciQo road will take you to
tho land of gold and grapes, suuny
mountains, and perpetual summer.
Tho middle gate is Plattsniouth, which
opens upon tho south half of Nebraska,
south of the Platto river, a region un
surpassed on tho continent for agricul
ture and grazing. Just here are tho $
& M. Itailroad lands, concerning which
Geo. 8. Harris, the land officer at Tur
lington, Iowa, can give you all informa
tion, nnd in the heart of them is Lin
soln, tho State Capital and present tcr
minus of tho road.
The Southern gato leads to Kansas,
by connection with tho St. Joo Road at
Hamburg, running direct to St. Joo and
Kansas City.
Tho trains ot the Burlington run
smoothly and safely, and mako all con
nections. It runs tho best of coaches
Pullman Palace and Pullman dining
cars, and should you take the jouruey
for tho journey's sake alone, you will bo
repaid; or take it to find a homo or a
farm, and you cannot find either better
than among the P. & M. laods, where
you can buy on ten years' credit, and at
a low price. vlu2yl.
It will lead to the stoic of
Who keeps constantly on hand the largest
and bcstseluclcd stock of
Hats, Cans, Baoli cC Slioca
Ever offered in town, which he offers to tho
publio at lower prices than any other store
this side of Philadelphia.
and eiamino for yourselves.
Tlic most Complete Huslnes
College lathe L'nited MatcK.
Affording facilities for aequireing a
thorough practical business education,
possessed by no other School in Ihc country
i. i .. . .or- l
Dinco in incorporation in iojo, ucirijr
SixtceuTliousaud Studeuts, representatives
from every Stale iu tho L'uiou, have
altonded here.
No vacations. Students cuter at any
time, and rcueive private instructions
throughout (he entire course.
N. B. Circulars with full particulars and
All necessary information, on aJdressing
SMITH & COWLEY, Principals,
ENRY SOUTHER, Attorney-at8),
itiugway, ra. ,, (febls'J'G.. ,
A. RATHBCN, Attorncy-at-Law
I J'. Ridgwny Pa
, 'i 'i tf.. ,
JOHN O. HALL, Attorney at. law, Kidg
way, Elk county Pa. mar.22'(iul
4 8. HILL. Physician and Surgeon,
JL Kersey, Elk Co. Pa.
, Dealer in Boots, Shoes and Leather.
Mum Slrcct, B-idgway, Pa. vlnltf-
veyor, St. Mnrys, Pa., holds himself
in readiness at all times, to perform jobs
in his line. 2 8
IT X. SORG, Saloon-keeper, corner of
; s Railroad and Michael streets, St..
Marys, Pa. Native Wines, good Lafrcr
Beer, etc, constantly on hand. 2 8
TT ILLIAM GE1S, Bcstanrant, Mi-
Y chncl street, St. Marys, Pa., keeps
tho best of Lngcr Beer and Nat';va wines
constantly on hand. 2 8
CII. YOLK, 'Manufacturer and Dealer
. in Lagtr Beer, opposite the Railroad
Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa.
II. S. BELNAr, rnoTniETon .
JS. Bordwell, M. D. Eolectie Thysican.
. Ofhco and residence opposite the
Jail, on Centre St., RiJgway, Pa. Prompt,
attention will be given to all calls. Ollico
hours: 7 to 8 A. M' ; 12toUP. M. ; and
0 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, Gti-tf.
Bidowat, Pa.
Residenco and office opposite the Thnycr
Physician and Sur-reon.
llid'jwny, r,i. in Walker's Building.
Special attention given to Surgery. Ollico
hours from 8 a. in, to 10 p. m. Residence
on Main Street, west end. All calls
promptly attended lo. vln2yl.
I' l)ruprp:it mid Farmnccuti-d, corner
Main nnd Mill streets, ltidgway. Pa. A
full iismiii Iment of varefully sulccted For
eign and Jouiestic Drugs. Prescriptiuni
C:m-li;l!y dispensed at all hours, day ne
liiht. v J 1 1 J v .
D2Y GJJDS, C-r.3:S3ffi3, rTvOTEBITS,
vluStf. We.U End, Kidgway, Pa. .
HYDE 110 UtSE,
UimnvAv. Ei.k Co., Pa.
W. H. SCI1KAM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the pulronago heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new
prrpririnr. lmpcs, by paying strict ut
lomiiiu to the o unfurl and convenience of
guests, to uierib a continuance ot tho
Oct GO lbG'J.
M. V. Moure, (ate of ike JJyde. Mouse)
Open IJ;y and NtLrlit-
fran Ki.ix. IV, Give special atten
tion In Chronic di.M'useo, and those pecu
liar lo ivoiiii'ii nnd children.
Dr. r.oi land, diagnoses diseses liy an ex
amination of the urine, and by this Obi
(i.imin mt'hml has successfully treated
thousands of cases without seeing ihctu.
171 D WARD MeBIUDE, Watchmaker so l
j Jeweler. Railroad street. St. Marys,
I'a. Engraving 'mid repairing douo ou
short notice, and in a workmanlike man
ner. Watches, aud everything iu thcJcv
clry line, conslautly ou Iiiiud. 2 8
Jlaiiufaeturcr and Dealer in BooU &,
Main St., opposite Hotel,
Wjlsox, Pa,
CssTasviMiB, Elk Co., Pa.
Jou.v Collins, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, tho new
pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict at.
tcntion to the comfort t acd convenience
of guests, to merit a continuance of the
' Worth of Husie
F O It JB 3.
Subscribers to Pa
reus Music 1 1 Mox
tulv are goltiug their
Music for less than
A New School Book,
by H. 8. Perkins.
Price $7.30 per doi.
Contains over two
hundred new anditwo cent) a piece
beautiful Songs, Du
Those who have not
seen this Musical
Magazine should send
80 cents for a samplo
copy. The musio is
by Hats, Thomas, '
ct3, etc.. by Win 8.
Havi. Wihitii,
Thomas, etc. Every
thing is new, fresh,
and spnrkling. Con-
tents and specimen Kinkki., I'bkslkv,
vtn ifos BAnt frai) .Viani.'an,l vi l km MAniiU
copies mailed free ofl writers.
Tjostaira to teachers! Two back numlieii .
lor Go ccuts. l.iberal(for 40 cents. lour
terms foe iiitraduciback numbers for li
tion. Icmls.
C:3 ;rca.V.7i7, i:9' Tort,
- .