The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, May 18, 1871, Image 3

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    Km im j nun .1 iiuhi'ji.- .hum
THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1871.
Bates of Advertising,
One column, on year ..$7U no
I " " 40 00
" " " S5 on
t ....... 16 00
Transient advertising persquare of eight
lines or loss 8 times or lens 2 00
Business eards, ten Sines or less, per
year M 6 00
Marriages and Death notices Inserted
Elk Lodgs, A. Y. M.
Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be
lield at their hall on th second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month.
a. L. Mccracken, sco't.
Temple of Honor and Temoerance.
Elkton Temple Mo. 81, meets on ea;h
alternat e Thursday, at their Lodge Room,
on Main street, over J. V. ITouk's store.
Car Time at Rldgtcny.
trie Express East
do do West...
do Mail East
do do West
local Freight. East.,
do do West...
. 2:20 n. m
. 2:20 a tn
. 4:09 p. m
.10:33 a. m,
,. 7:25 a. m
.. 6:38 p. m
Tttis 18 ascension day.
Don't forpct the ball.
The roads are in good condition.
The Alert ball at Messenger's Hall.
Another heavy frost last Monday
Tue weather for the past week has
leen pleasant.
IUll for the benefit of tbo Alert B.
S3. C. to-morrow evening.
Trees are leaving Natural reflec
tion "let 'em leavo."
The days are now five hours longer
than they were last Christinas.
TriE Mercantile Appraisment List
will be found in another column.
The "social hop" at Messenger's
Hall, last Friday evening;, was a success
J. S. Hyde is buildings new barn
on his premises at the upper end of
T. S. Daki'LEY h. moved into the
house formerly occupied by S. Jackson,
Main street, west end.
C. V. Gillis is putting a new fence
around part of his lot, at West End,
and uukin other improvements.
II. S. Bet.NAP, of Keynoldsvil'e, was
in town last week. He is a subscriber
to the Advocate and looks tip-top.
The new sidewalk, on Depot street,
is completed; and the fence, iliac used
to hang over the walk, straightened.
That barn on Water street, on the
premises of. W. S. Service, west end, is
being converted into t dwelling house.
If you want a drink of good Soda
Water just step into Messenger's Drug
Store, on Main street, and your want
can be gratified.
Eu.iroN Temple of Honor and Tem
perance, No. 81, meet this evening t
their lodge room over J. V. Houk's
The creeks here are dry as a powder
horn; and our lumbermen are praying
for rain, but it is said the prayers of the
wicked availeth nothing.
The shop, formerly used by II. S.
Overholtzer, as a tailor shop, on Ms in
street, west end, has been moved to the
other Bide of the lot
To-mokrov evening there will be a
party at Messenger's Hall. The pro
ceeds are to be devoted a tke Alert B.
13. C. Everybody and their wives and
children are invited.
Mails now close at the Ridgway
post-office as follows: Mails West at
10 o'clock a. in. Bust at 3:30 p. m.
For night trains East and West a 8 p.
The Warren Ledger came into our
lanctum last week, enlarged to a 32
column paper, and in a braa new gown.
The',Lecfer Lai our congratulations on
this evide nee of its prosperity.
Fire. The woods on the hill above
the new tannery was on fire last Friday
and Saturday. Mr. Osterhout lost
about thirty cords of bark. A 6park
from an engine, on the P. k E. R. R.,
is the supposed cause of the fire,
Thk Four Quartes. This is the
title of fc new Democratio papor just
started in Philadelphia, the first num
ber of which we bave received. It is
well edited and neatly printed, and in
all but politics we wish it success. J.
Trainor King is the editor. It ia pub
lishd at 5C1 Chestnut street at $2,50 a
The npporticiiiucnt bill lms become a
law through the failure of Governor
Geary lo retuin it within ten days after
its passage, as required by the constitution.
A new time tablo went into operation
Sunday night, 14,th, inst. Trains now
leave Uidgway aj tnllows:
Ex. East 2:10 a mjEx. West 2:20 am
Ti oral East 7:25 a miLocal West 6:0 p m
M ai! East 4:09 p ml Mai West, 10:33 a m
THE Elk County Roil Road and
Mining Gazette came to us last week,
with Curtis W. Barrett as Editor and
Publisher, it is with plessuro we wel
come the Gazette, after its long absence,
and wish Curt all success.
There will be services held in Grace
Church on Monday evening, May 22d.
and Tuesday evening, May 23d. (Jo
Tuesday morning the church will be
consecrated. Bishop Kerfoot is ex
pected to officiate
- e
Bio Eoo. Wo were prcsentel with an
egg, one day Inst, week, which measured
9 inches in lenpth, and 8 inches in cir
cumference. This egg was layed by a
small china hen. Gazette.
Nine inches in length! Is the Ga
zette positive that this small china
boa wasn't a goose?
Miss Wilcox commenced a term of
select school, last Monday, in the room
formerly occupied by J. II. Baird, as n
store room, on Main street. From the
number ot scholars attending we should
call the school a success.
Nature's IIaik, Restorative ex
cels everything. No dirt, no sediment,
no poison! Perfectly reliable. It does
the work most effectually. A treatise
givag full jxirlicuhtrs sent postage free
upon application to Procter Bros.,
Gloucester, Mass., sole agents. See ad
vertisement. Sobriety or Imprisonment. A
bill has been introduced into our State
Legislature, which permits persons to
swear before u magistrate fhat they will
uot use intoxicating liquors, and which
renders them liable to imprisonment if
they break their oath. We know sev
eral cases which might bo reached by
such a law. Wo do not suppose the
oath would be kept, but imprisonment
would insure obnety for a time.
At the regular meeting of Elkton
Temple of Houor, No. 81, Thursday
evening. May lltfc, the following offi
cers were installed by D. G. W. T.,S. A.
Rote, lit the term commencing May,
W. ri. T. James Penfie'd.
W. V. T. C. 11. McCauley.
W. R. H.A. Parsons.
W. F. R. Henry A. Parsons, Jr.
W. Treas. A. Cumtuiugs.
W. U. Edw. Mabie.
W. G. John Rowan.
W. S. Smith lVker.
The Temple is ia a flourishing condi
tion and doing much good.
Prize Fioiit. Erie has been for
some clays considerably excited over a
big prize fight on the 11th, between
two big brutes .inied Joe Coburn aud
Jim Mace. A big gang of pick-pockets
and roughs thronged the city for
two or three days in advance while the
principles were skulking around North
East and other places in hailing distance.
It is said they chose that location for
the mill because of the lax laws against
such fcrutel exhibitions in this State.
We guess our Legislature had better
see than stringent laws are lacking no
P. S. We hear this (Friday) morn
ing that the fight didn't come off in
Canada as expected. The authorities
suppressed it. Good for the Kauueks!
Wairen Mail.
Boy Smokers. Here and there
about the street corners and around the
doors of amusements you will see a lot
of urchins, some of them decently clad
and presenting a respectable appearance,
who are engaged in asserting their man
hood by puffing away at execrable ci
gars, it s tair to presume that their
anxious mammas are rot aware of the
foul babbits their darling boys pick up
and practice outside of the paternal
roof; but for their benefit they should
know that it is stated that a ireuch
physician has investigated the effect ot
smoking on .thirty-eight boys, between
the age ot oine aud nlteen, who were
addicted to the habit. Twenty-seven
presented distinct symptoms ot nicotine
poison, in tweniy-iwo mere were seri
ous disorder of the circulation, diges
tion, dullness of intellect, and a marked
appetite for strong drinks. In three
there was affectiou; in eight decided
deterioration of the blood; in twelve
there was epitoxis; ten had disturbed
sleep; and four had ulceration of the
mucus membrane ot tne nioutn. it is
eay then, to see bow the rank of drun
kards and dissolute men "about town
are recruited, when there are so many
boys in training for delirium tremens
and all the horrors ot dissipation.
Louisville Journal.
Physicians say that 10,000 woman
have beeo squeezed to death by corsets.
Our "devil," tho wicked little cuss, read
the line and exclaimed, "Ob, would I
were i eorsci: '
To ocnruoi, Directors. Wo oopy
i be following from the late Sohool law
for tho information of School Directors
who may not hare seen it. They will
now know what the law requires:
It shall be the duly of the board of di
rectors to puhlish an annual statement of
me amount or moneys received and expen
ded, and the amount due from collectors,
and setting fnrlh all the financial opera
tions of the district, by on or mora pub
lications in one or more newspapers of the
county in which they reside. If there is
an amount of tax not collected, or any
amount due to the district, ills to be stated
as "amount of yet dao," at the foot
of receipts, and so carried out; and if
there is an amount of debt yet due by the
district, it is to be slated as "amount yet
due for ," and so carried out at the
foot of expenditures; in order, in both
cases, to balance the account iu accordant
willi the facts. If there was a building
tax and a house or houses erected during
the year, the amount of the tax, and of the
portion of it expended in the year for this
purpose, it is to be stated in the same way,
with the bnlaoco on hand, or the debt for
this purpose, if any, undor proper heads
"Receipts" and Expenditures for Build
ing," as in case of ordinary school tax
aud expenditure.
Horrible Murder. On Monday
morning last. Samuel Jordon, a farmer
residing in Oliver township, most horri
bly murdered his wife, literally chopping
her to pieces with an axe. It appears
that Mr. Jordon and his wife, a daugh
ter of Mr. David Henry, were pursuing
the usual routine of chores about the
farm, and no visible change was appar
ent in the manner ot Mr. Jordon, until
he suddenly took up the axe from the
wood pile in tho yard and dealt her
several heavy blows, causing almost in
stant death, the head being nearly sev
ered from the body. Jordan's brother
was present and saw the act committed,
but was unable to prevent the horrible
tragedy. After committing the deed
he endeavored to cut his own throat
with the axe, but was only successlul in
inflicting a severe wound. Yesterday
he was brought to town ami confined in
jail, to await the disposition ol the
We are informed by those acquainted
with Jordon since childhood, that he
was a smart, industrious, and honest
young man, but for some time he has
shown si.'os of insanity, but until the
present has he been vio'ent or disposed
to act viciously. Both parties, the
murderer and murdered, belong to the
most respectable families, who deeply
feel their sad affliction. Brookville
Early potatoes have suffered by the
frost in Lancaster county.
Wheat is heading very vigorously,
and the crop will be heavy.
Corn planting has been pushed in all
the lower tiers of counties.
There was a frost in every part of the
Cumberland vdley on Thursday of last
Patrid'cs ate not to be shot in this
.State for tbo next two years, as provided
in the game law.
There are two hundred and sixty
councils of tbo Order of American Me
chanics in this State.
One million three hundred and fifty
thousand dollars worth of property was
destroyed by fire Just year iu Pittsburg.
The cherry crop will be over-abundant
in Lancaster, Lebanon, Chester,
Berks and Montgomery counties.
Judge Green sentenced a fellow by
the name of Snyder to eight months in
the Pottsvillc jail for squirting tobacco
juice on a lady's dress.
Roger's 6tatuc of President Lincoln
in bronze, which costSoO.000, and is
intended lor Fair Mount Park in Phila
delphia, is uow on it:; way from Rome.
The penalty for corner liu2ug and
using vulgar and profane language, in
Altoona, is six data and ni"hts in the
lockup. Four boys recently suffered
this punishment.
Principals of the city schools of
Pittsburg reeeive from 81,200 to 81,.
GOO. Music teachers receive 81,200
per annum. High school professors put
the final polish ou for 82,200 a year.
Forty acres of land in Lancaster
county, containing a mineral spring, re
cecen'tiy sold for 840,000. The water
is said to possess extraordinary medical
Mr. John Graham, of Beaver county,
a few days since, s'not a lurge grey eagle
in tho act of carrying off a young lamb.
The bird measured seven feet six inches
from tip to tip of the wings, and bad a
steel trap attached to one ot its talons.
Industry. Wan must have occu
pation, or be miserable. Toil is the
prioe ot sleep arid appetite, of health
and enjoyment. The very necessity
which overcome; our natural sloth is a
blessing. The whole world does not
contain even a briar or a thorn which
Nature could have spared. We are
happier with the sterility, which we can
overcome by industry, than wo could
bave been with spontaneous plenty and
unbounded profusion. The body and
the mind are improved by the toil that
fatigues them. The toil is a thousand
times rewarded by the pleasure which
it bestows. Its enjoyments are peculiar.
No wealth can purchase them, no indo
lence can taste thorn. They flow only
from the exertions which repay tho la
borer. It a cat doth meet a cat upou a gar
den wall, and if a cat doth greet a cat,
oh, need they both to squall? Every
Tommy has bis Tabby, waiting on the
wall, and yet he welcomes her approach
by an unearthly yawl. And if a kitten
wish to court upon the garden wall, why
don't he sit ana sweetly smile and not
staud up and bawl, and lift his precious
back up high, and show his teeth and
moan, as if 'twere colio more than love
that made that feller groan?
It is good to have enemies, if it is
only to hear of our faults.
Nottuk, Connecticut, boasts of a three
eyed cat, and asks how is that for eye.
Southern Illinois complains of being
invested by an army of caterpillars.
A ton of coal will make 10,000 feet
oi gas.
Tho paper collar crop in the United
States amounts to 50,000,000 per
A bachelor thinks that it Eve was
formed from a hone, it must have been
from a bone of contention.
It costs the Uuited States annually
. rnr nnn 1
lor tobacco $UUU,.uuu,uuo, ueariy one
third ot the national debt.
When does rain become too familiar
to a lady? When it begins to patter on
the back.
Next year will be like last, because
last year was 1870 and next year will be
Hartford, Conn., claims to he the
wealthiest city of its size in the Unite 1
If you wish "to know how many
friends you have, get into office; if you
wish to know how many friends you
haven't, get into trouble.
A western editor, going home lotc,
saw "a young lady and gentleman hold
ing a gate' on its hinges. They were
evidently indignant at being out so late,
and we saw them bite each other several
A Yankee was walking with an Irish
man on the toad to New York, aud
thinking to roast his companion, said to
him: "Where would you be now, Pad
dy, if tho devil had his due?" "Faith,"
replied Paddy, "I'd be walking by my
self to New York.''
Tho question, Does getting drunk
ever advance one's happiness? would
seem to be put to rest by the Irishman
who went courting when drunk, and
was asked what pleasure he found in
whisky "Oh, Biddy, it's a trato in
tirely, to see two of yout swate purty
faces iustead of one."
A man. out in Indiana who heard that
the safest way to commit suicide was to
shut yourself up and burn charcoal,
was found iu a ten-acre lot with a char
coal firo near him. Though he had
taken tho precaution to put up the bars
and stop the crack in the fence with a
newspaper, the charcoal did not act
fairly by him aud he lived.
Toothache in Dumb Animals.
It must be dreadful when poor dumb
animals suffer from toothache. Every
ooe has read how Chunee, the elephant
at the old Exeter Exchange, iu Eng
land; went mad from it; and it is popu
larly supposed thut it is often a cause of
madness in dogs. J. his may be pre
vented by examining the teeth and hav
ing those extracted which are affected.
Wit and Humor of Children.
The following we copy from Beccher's
Magazine: A little, quick-witted boy,
was called from his desk in school to
say his lesson to a school master, who
could appreciate tho wit and humor of
his pupil.
"What's yer name?"
"Peter, sir."
"Come up and say yer lesson, now,"
"Yes. sir."
"What letter is that?"
"I know, sir."
"Tell me, then."
"I know him by sight, sir, but I
don't know his name."
"Well, that is A; what is. the name
of the uext?"
"I never saw that before, sir."
"What bird is it that stings and lays
the honey?"
"It is a wasp, sir."
"No; it is B, yer blockhead; and
what is the next one?"
"I don't know, sir; I never heard his
name, eir."
"What do I do when I look at you?"
"I shouldn't like to say, sir."
'You had better tell me quick."
"I'm afraid you'll lick me, sir."
"Tell me, you young scape-grace,
what I do when I look at you."
Vhv. mil sniiinf.. sir."
.. ..j, j -j ,
"Can't you say C, without the squint?"
"Yes, sir, I can."
'Well, say it, thdn'
"C without the squint."
"What is the name of the next letter?"
"I don't know, sir."
"That's D for dunce, just like your
self. Now, suy that, sir."
"D for dunce, just like yourself, sir."
The master evidently got the worst of
it in that duel of wit, so he sent the
boy to his seat and called the spelling
class to its feet.
"Spell frog," roared the master.
"F-r-o-g bull-frog."
"It ain't right, take your seat."
"Next, spell milk."
'M-i-l-k butter-milk-"
"It ain't right, take your seat."
"Next, spell tub."
"T-u-b wash-tub."
"It ain't right, take your seat."
"Next, spell fiah."
"F-i-s-h cat-fish."
"It ain't right, take your seat, and
let the geography class come up and say
the lesson. Bring the map of Asia and
let me know which way Canada is the
"Canada is the longest lengthwise, sir."
"That's a smart boy; you will be a
member oi Congress yet. Where does
the sun rise?"
"Don't know, sir. We never get up
in our house iu time to see the perfor
mance!" "Next, where does the sun rise?"
"In the east, sir."
"What makes the sua rue ia the
"Ycatl will make anything rite, tir!"
established ix 1830
Saws! Sawe! Sam!
Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish
ings, and Machinery.
Jf-Get the BEST, they will prove the
Prices reduoed. Bend for price List and
Boston, Mass., or Detroit, Mich.
Worth of Musio
FOll 8 3.
Subscribers to Pe
A New School Book,
by H. 8. Pkrkiks.
Price $7.60 per doi.
Contains over two
hundred new and
beautiful Songs, Du
ets, etc. by Will 8.
Hays. Webster,
Thomas, etc Every
thing is new, fresh,
and sparkling. Con
tents and specimen
ters Musical Mon
th i. T are getting their
Musio for less than
two cents a piece.
Those who have not
seen tins Musical
Magazine should send
30 cents for a sample
oopy. The musio is
by Hats, Thomas,
Kinkel, Pkrblky,
pages sent free. Sam
and other popular
Two back numbers
for 40 cents. Four
hack numbers for 70
copies mailed free of
postage to teachers
for (5 cents. Liberal
terms for introduce
J. L. PETEES, 599 Broadway, New York,
Contains no LAC SULPHUR-No
VER, and is entirely free from tho
Poisonous and Ilealth-dsstroying
Emgi usm. in ether Hair Prepara
Transparent .and clear as crystal, it will
not sou the finest fabric, perfectly safo,
clean and efficient, desideratums long
sought for and found at last!
It restores and prevent the Hair from
becoming Gray, imparts a soft, glossy, ap
pearance. removeB Dandruff, is cool and
rel'reshjng to the head, checks the Hair
from falling off, and restores it to a great
extent when prematurely lost, prevents
Headaches, cures all humors, cutaneous
eruptions, ana unnatural neat. As a
dressing for the bair it is the best article
in tue market.
Dr. G. Smith, Patentee, Ayer, Mass.
Prepared only by PROCTER BROTHERS,
Gloucester, Mass The genuine is put up
in a panel bottle, made expressly tor it,
with the name of the article blown in the
glass. Ask your Druggist for Nature's
Hair Restorative, and take no other.
ggSend two three cent stamps to
Procter Brothers for a "Treatise on the
Human Hair." The information tt con
tains is worth $500,03 to any person.
Maim Street, Bidgway, Penn'a.
List of Retailers in Elk County,
ST. mahy's borough.
5 Joseph Wilhelm, $60 00
6 Coryell & Bates, CO CO
9 Weis Brothers, 1!U 00
11 Charles Luhr, 15 00
11 Cook & Shutter, 15 00
12 Ad Foohtman, 12 60
13 John WeiJenboerner, 10 00
12 Walker Co., 12 60
14 Fred Rudolph, 7 00
14 John Hindle, 7 00
14 John Wachtel, 7 00
14 Ed. Blensler, 7 00
14 John Meisle, 7 00
13 Phillip Wilhelm, 10 00
14 Ed. MeUride, ' 7 00
14 John Bosenbeimer & Co., 7 00
14 W. J. Blakely, 7 00
12 John Farrar A Co., 12 60
13 Reynolds Garner, 10 00
13 Eben J. Russ, 10 00
12 Lyon Brothers, 12 60
9 W. C. Healy, 25 00
12 Grant & Herton, 12 60
12 Jacob Hoyk, 12 60
13 Grove Messenger, 10 00
9 Powell & Kime, 25 00
14 Chailes Holes, 7 00
14 J. H. Wilber, 7 00
10 W. C. Geary, 20 00
14 W. S. Service, 7 00
6 Wiloox Tinning Company, CO 00
12 Aldrioh & Patton, 12 60
13 Martin Sowers, 10 00
13 Ed. Fletcher.. 10 00
13 Winslow & Johnson, 10 00
14 Luther Lucore, 7 00
14 Milton Winslow, 7 00
13 J. D. McDonald, 10 00
14 C. F. Burleigh, 7 00
13 James Taylor, 10 00
10 John Koch, 20 00
12 J.A.Mohan, 12 60
14 J. 8. Hyde, 7 00
18 C. A. Wilcox, 10 00
An appeal will be held at Bidgway, on
MONDAY, JUNE 6tb. 1871.
Mercantile Appraiser.
KANSAS, AND THE D. & M. R. ft.
The "Burlington Rontc," wj cnllcjl,
lies right in the path of the Star of Em
pire. It rnns almost immediately in the
centre of the great westward movement
of emigration. Crossing Illinois and
Iowa, it strikes the Missouri river at
three points.
These three points are the gateways
into three great sections of the trans
Missouri region.
The Northern gate is Omaha, where
the great 1'aciQo road will take you to
tho land of golJ and grapes, sunny
mountains, and perpetual summer.
The middle gate is Plnttsmouth, which
opens upon the south half of Nebraska,
south of the Platte river, a region un
surpassed on tho continent for agricul
ture and grazing. Just here are the B'
& M. Railroad lands, concerning which
Geo. S. Harris, the land officer at Bur
lington, Iowa, can give you all informa
tion, and in the heart of them is Lin
coln, the-State Capital and present ter
minus of the road.
The Southern gate leads to Kansas,
by connection with the St. Joe Road at
Hamburg, running direct to St. Joe and
Kansas City.
The trains of the Burlington run
smoothly and safely, and make all con
nections. It runs the best of coaches
Pullman Falace and Pullman dining
cars, and should you take tho journey
for the journey's sake alone, you will be
repaid; or take it to find a homo or a
farm, and you cannot find cither better
than among the B. & M. lands, where
you can buy on ten years' credit, and at
a low price. vln2yl.
It will lead to tho storo of
Who keeps constantly on hand the largest
and best selected slock of
Hits, Caps, Boots &. Slices
Ever offered In town, which ho offers to the
public at lower prices than any other store
this side of Pkiladslphia.
ad examine for yourselves.
Take notice, that sealed proposals wi'.l
be received by the Commissioners of Elk
County, at their office in Ridgway, until
Aionaay, way zym, inst., ror the erection
of two abutments and one pier of first-class
masonry, in the Clarion Kiver at a point
where Main street crosses said stream
Separate bids will be considered tor the
stone, excavating of earth for foundation,
and masonry, but bids for the whole, iu.
oluding materials, preferred.
Contractors will be required to give
ample security for the performance aud
completion of their contract in a work
manlike manner.
By order of the Commissioners,
C. H. McCAULEY, Clerk.
My, 9-h, 1871.
EXRY SOUTHER, Attorney-at8), .
iviugway, i t, (teb2!)'G.
1 RABUW'"A"orney-at-Law-
JOHN O. HALL, Attorney at law, Rid
way, Elk county Tn. mar.22'60l
4 S. HIT.L. Physician and Surjreon,
Kersejr, Elk Co. P.
HA. PAK80NS, "
, Dealer in Boots, Shies and Leather.
Wain Street, Ridgway, Pa. vlnltf.
veyor, St. Marys, Pa., holds himself
In readiness at all times, td perform job
in his line. 2 9
FX. SOKG, Saloon-keeper, corner of
. Rrtilroud and Michael streets, St.
Marys, Pa. Native Wines, good Lager
Beer, eto.constantly on hand. 2 8
WILLIAM GEIS, Restanrant, Mi
chael street. St. Marys, Pa., keeps
the best of Lager Beer and Native wines
constantly on hand. 2 8
CH. VOLK. 'Manufacturer and Dealer
. in Laptr Beer, opposite the Railroad
Depot, St. Mary's, Elk county Pa.
H. S. BELNAP, Proprietor ,
JS. Bordwoll, M. D. Eoloctio Physicaa
a Office and residence opposite tho
Jail, on Centre St., Ridgway, Pa. Prompt
attention will be given to all calls. Office
hours : 7 to 8 A. M- ; 12 to 2 P. M. ; and
6 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, 6C-tf.
. , . Ribqwat, Pa.
Hesidenee and office opposite tho Thayer
, . Thysioian and Surgeon,
Ridgway, ra. Office in Walker's Building.
Special attention given to Surgery. Office
hours from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Residence
on Main Street, west end. All calls
promptly attended to. Tln2yl.
Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler,
West End of Hyde House, Ridgway, Pa.
Agent lor the Howe Sewing Machine, and
Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches,
eic, done with the same accuracy as here,
to'fore. Satisfaction guaranteed, vlnly.
Druggist and Psrmaoeutist, corner
Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A
full assortment of carefully selected For-"
eign and Domestio Drugs. Prescriptions
carefully disponscd at all hours, day or
night. Tln3y.
vlnStf. West End, Ridgway, Pa.
RinowAr, Elk Co., Pa.
W. II. SCI1 RAM, Proprietor.
Thankful for the pntronnge heretofore
so liberally bestowed upon him, the new
proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenience of
guests, to merit a continuance ol tho
Oct CO 1800.
ir , ERIE. PA-
AI. V. Moore, (late of the JJide Home)
nOen Day and Night-
franklin, Pa., Give special atton
turn to Chronio diseases, and those pecu
liar to women snd children.
Dr. Borland, diagnoses diseses by an ex
amination ofthe urine, and by this OUi
German method has successfully treated
thousands of cases without seeing them.
n TIT 1 Tl .....
i'"nanu iiiciiitiut;, Watchmaker and
U Jeweler, Railroad street. St. Marys,
Pa. Engraving and repairing done on
short notice, and in a workmanlike man
ner. Watches, and everything in the Jew
elry line, constantly on hand. 2 8
Manufacturer and Dealer iu Boots &
Main St., opposite Hotel,
ot277" Wilcox, Pa.
Chhtbivilu, Elk Co.. Pa.
John Collins, Proprietor.
Thankful fn ), .i. t ' . .
p.iuuajo ueietoiore
so liberally bestowed upon him, the now
pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict at
tention to the comfort and convenience
of guests, to merit a continuance of the
The most Complete Ruslneas
Affording facilities for aoauireitiff
thorough practical business education,
possessed by no other School in the country
Since its incorporation in 1855, nearly
SixtcenThousand (students, representative
from every State ia the Union, hav
attonded here.
No vacations. Students enter at an
time, and receive private instruction
mrougnoui me entire course.
N. 11. Circulars with full particulars ami
All necessary information, on addressing
ViUllU K. UUIIlibl, i riooip&ig.
Fitts srnoH, P,