lldNRt A. Parsons, Jr., . .Editor. THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1871. The Pennsylvania Campaign for 1871. We have .wo very Important officers to elect in this State, this year, namely, Auditor General and Surveyor General. Both these positions are now filled by Republicans, men twice elected to their offices; wherein they have given the very largest satisfaction. Can we fill their places? This is the important question of the period, and we must not disguise it in any manuer. It is of no possible consequence who is nominutcd as candidates for election by the Repub lican party so that we get good men, honest and capable for the position. What we want is victory in 1871, that we may be in all respects prepared for the great battle of 1872. Pennsylvania is unquestionably Republican so fur as measures are concerned. We can up hold any platform embodying the great ideas of radical reform. The people have fairly tested what is meant by radical Republican principle, and they have confidence in it. With this fact clear, all we have to do this year is to be careful in our nominations. It is not possible for partizan discipline to cram a bad man down the throats of tbo Re publican masses, and therefore it be hooves our friends to be careful in tbeir nominations for the State offices, to be filled by election this year. Geograph ical location will have nothing to do with the result. What we must remem ber is, that we are now dealing with im portant measures, and with thtnJdng men tcho have votes. If these facts are taken into consideration, and the nominating convention is guided by their force, there will be no trouble to win a Republican victory next October. State Journal. NEWS. DOMESTIC. Gold closed in New York, last Mon day atlllj. Piano-niakiug is the third manufac turing interest in this country. Vice Piesidcot Collux is spoken of ibr Governor of Indiana. The Ohio Legislature hai adjourned, after a session of 121 days. Five inches of suow full at Farming ton, Me., ou the 4th iust. Wisconsin furuished nearly 25,000, 000 feet of lumber during the present i'ear. The War Department Ins published the Ku-Klux bill as u gensru! order to urmy officers. About 820,000 has bee raised iu the South for the monument to the lute Gcuerul Leu. The Chinese population in California is suiJ to have decreased twelve per vent, since the cotnuijuceruent of the year. The consumption of artificial flowers of all kinds in the United States, nmouuts to something over S15,000, OOt) worth anuuaily. The National Debt was reduced G, OCU.OOO during the month of April. Decrease siuce March 1, 1809, 8221, SS0.71G. j Another Democratic fraud has been lisoovercd by the Connecticut Legis lative Committee, Jewell's vote being reduced 100 by fradulent mcaos. Weston, the pedestrian, completed the feat, last Monday, of walking 200 miles (two of them backwards) in 40 hour, 50 minutes and 45 seconds, at Hi. Louis. Chautauqua couuty, N. Y., has fifty thousand cows worih not less than $3, 000,000, yielding $1,500,000 worth of butter and $325,000 worth of cheese annually. According to sad juvenile experi ence, it takes ten boys ou each side to play base ball in Boston on the Sabbath. Nine do the actual playing, and the ad ditional boy looks out for the police. Tho Sultan of Turkey has pteseuted the U. S. Government with a magnifi cent carpet for the White House. It is valued at $10,000, and has Leen placed on tho East Room of the White House. Almond trees flourish in California, and ono near Santa Burbara yielded $40 worth of nuts last year. This apring farmer has set out 50,000 trees. The olive erop will be large this season. The Texas Legislature has just adopted a common school system, in which compulsory educntion is h promi nent feature. A term of schooling not less than four months in each year is required of "all the scholastic popula tion." George B. Armstrong, Superintend ent of the Railway Mail Service of the linked States, died in Chicago ou the morning of the 5th inst. He organized the railway postal system now in such euocessful operation in all parts ot the United states. The State Geologise of California eavs that from the ton of Mount Dia- bolo the broadest and most magnificent view in the world can be obtained. Not that it is the highest elevation in the 'World, but it commands a wider unob truoted view than any other. The official canvuxs of votes for Su preme Judge in Wisconsin shows 09,' 747 for Lyon, Rep., and 53,079 for 1'ullins:, Dein., for the vacancy; 0,0i5 for Lyon and 58,397 for Pulling for the full term.' Robert Ilarkness in the 1st Circuit and K. 11. Ellis in the Xth were elected Cirouit Judges unanimously. They have a peculiar breach of prom He case in the St. Louis courts. Louiso Bulls has sued a father and son for $10, 000 damages, her ground of action against the Ron being that he relused to marry her according to promise, and against the father that he had objeoted to the proposed match. The great strawberry fields of New Jersey and Delaware promise an unu sually abuudant yield this season. The profits on the crop have been so great $2,000 having been realized some times from a single acre that a largely increased area is put under cultivation each succeeding year. Strawberries and peaches ripen in Delaware about ten days earlier than in New Jersey. The bear known as the club-foot, which has been for years the terror of the Tejon mountains in California, and for which a reward of $1,000 has been standing for some time, was found dead in the Tejon mountains, and all indica tions show that it is the same bear which so fearfully mangled Scarles a few weeks since. Nine deaths ore attributed to this bear. Only last year two brothers fell victims to his ferocity. Tree planting iu Nebraska is prosecu ted at a lively rate. One day sixteen thousand young trees passed over a sin gle line of railroad. A company of Swedes have contracted for twelve thousand cotton woods to set out on their farms. This tree-planting is now a regular routine of agricultural settlements, and cannot fail to produce the most beneficial effects upon the cli mate and productive power of the State. The Hon. James M. Ashley, re rently appointed Commissioner of the United States to act in conjunction with the Commissioner of the confederate tribes of Indians for running the line along tho western boundary of Arkan sas and Missouri, and tho southern bounduiy of Kansas, left Washington, on Saturday, on his way to that country. He is authorized to select the requisite number of scientific men for the pur pose. New Orleans, May, 1. Several hun dred persons went ou an excursion to the lionuet Cane Crevasse yesterday. The levee on both sides is still giving way although unremitting labor is being made to stop the further spread of the crevasse. The roar of the current at the break cau be heard at the distance of more than a mile. Well iuformcd planters estimate that the loss to the susrar crop will exceed 20,000 hogs heuds. From the census returns of 1870 it would appear that the largest proportion of foreigu-born persons in any of the States is to be found in Calilornia. It stands thus: Natives, 356,393; foreign ers, 209,839. Wisconsin comes next, with this exhibit: Natives, (390,320; foreigners, 304.845. The States with the smallest foreign population would appear to be North Carolina and Vir ginia. The hitter, with a population of 1,211,333, has but 13,578 foreigners; whilo North Carulina, with 1,008,113 inhabitants, bus but 3,022 foreign-born. New York, May 7. The work of erecting the East river bridge progresses favorably. The caisson lor the New York end of the bridge will be launched ou M outlay morning and a force of 100 workmen employed erecting upon it seventeen courses of timber as a founda tion for a town on the New York side. Dredging to prepare the river for the reception ot the foundation will be commenced next week. Thirty thousand cubic feet of mud is to bo removed. and tne excavation win extend lorty feet below tho river bed. One year will be spent on the foundation. The shortest period assigned for the com pletion ot the bridge is six or seven years. Washington, May 7. Simultaneous with the announcement that orders have been given at tho War department for additional troops to be sent to South Carolina, come letters from that State reporting additional outrages, and an increased boldness of the Ku-Klux. A letter received at the Washington Bur eau of the Tribune, to-day, from a prominent South Carolina journalist, besides giving additional particulars ot outrages which have already been re ported, save; "Matters are becoming desperate, and some weft informed per sons believe that the lvu-lvlux intend to visit the Capital, and expel the State Government." FOREIGN. There is a revival of letters in Italy. Last year upward of 2,000 books were punted there. The Paris journals declare, in spite of all stories to the contrary, that Louis Napoleon is now worth 810,000,000. London, May 5' Earl Granville an nounced io the House of Lords to night that the Government had received official despatches confirming the re port of the safety of Dr. Livingstone, the African traveler, and also giving assuranoe that his immediate wants had been provided tor. A truce has been established at Paris for the purpose of burying the dead The Communists admit that the Ver sailles forces are gaining ground. Bis marck refuses to extend the time for the payment of the war iudemnity. Sev eral Paris journals have been suppress ed. The insurgents are turning the Paris churches into club rooms and con cert halls. Entile Giradin advocates the establishment of a Frenoh Federa tion as a form ot government best adapted to the wan' of tho nation. Crown Diamonds. The crou of England contains 1,700 diamonds and is valued at (500,000. The orown of Peter oontaini 887 diamonds. The crown of Ivan contains 8 II dia monds. The Imperial crown of Russia con tains 2,500 diamonds. The crown of France contains 5,252 diamonds. Among dealers and connsisscurs it is understood that tho finest collection, as a whole, is that of the Emperor of Russia. W- S. SERVICE GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAY! THE LARGEST STOCK OF THE BEST NO OTHER IN STOCK S TO rjESl HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLESS "V ARIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT I GOODS WILL PLEASE! iHEAPl STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! V7. S. SERVICE, No. 1 Masonio Hall Building, Ridgway, Pf GET THE BEST. Webster's Jnalbribeb Dictionary. 10,003 M'ordt and Meaning! not in other JJ tcliunarui. 3300 Engravln. 1313 Pages Quarto. Prise $12. f" lad to add my testimony in its favor. JC Pres't Walker of Harvard, "Jvery scholar knows its value. jj W. H. Prescott, the Historian Ihe most comnlete Dictionary of t lie Language. Dr. Dick, of Scotland. nphe best guide of sludonts of our lan X guago. John O. Wbittier. H e will transmit his name to latest posterity Chancellor Kent. ltyin lit by Etymological parts surpasses anything earner laborers. George Bancroft. T) earing relation to Language Prinoipia J does lo l'bilosophy. libu Uurritt Ixcels all others in defining scientific terms. President Hitchcock Ot tar as I knew, best defining Dictionary. Horace Mann riake it altogether, the surpassing work I Smart, the English Orlhaepist. A necessity for every intelligent family, student, teacher and professional man. What Library is complete without the best fcuglish Dictionary? ALSO WEBSTEH'S RATIONAL PICI0BIAL DICTIONARY. 1010 Pages 0are. 633 Engravings. Pri:9 $i. The work is really a gtm of a Dictionary, just the thing for the million. American muoauonui mommy. Published by O. & C. MEREIAM, Springhold Mass. Sold by all Booksellers. &8rltf. ' 3000 A-:S POWELL & KIME. Powell & Kime Having erected a Urge and well arranged new Store House on the old site, linoe the fire, and filled it from cellar to garret with the choicest goods of all descriptions, that can be found in any market, are fully pre pared to reccivethelr old customers, and supply their wanti at bottom figures WHOLESALE OS RETAIL. Their assortment is now complete, com prising DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, 'v HARDWARE, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, etc., etc. PORK, FLOUR, SALT, Feed, Beans, Butt er DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, Canned Goods, In short everything wanted in the Country by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERS, LABORING MEN, EVERYBODY ! Also a full stock of MANILLA ROPE of the best manufacture, of suitable sixes for rafting and running purposes. IUJgwsy, p(l jrar;h 2d, 1371. JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO THAYER & HAOSRTY Main Street, Itldgway, Pa. DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES. HATS AND OAl'S, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAHE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS ot FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as tho CHEAPEST. THAYER & nAGERTY. vln2. Ridgway, March 1st, 1870 SPECIE PAYMENT! GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKEN IN XXCHAHOB FOR OR JOB WORK A T THE R1DG WA T WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock before buyiog a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the best seleotion of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY ; I employ none but First Class Me- j chania ; I use nothing but the lest Refined Iron. I think it will be to your interest to give me your order. Having twenty-five lumber wagons in course of costruction, I will be able to fornisb any party by the first of April. All orders by mail, also any orders left with W. S. Servicb at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. JACKSON it- WEAVER, tf STEREOSCOPES. VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES, -:o:- E. &H.T. ANTHONY & CO . C'.U BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Invite the attention of the Trade to tbeir extensive attorl meut of the above goods, of their own publication, and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GRAPHOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.. 691 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Importers and Mauufacturers of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. vlniyl. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCR1BNER WISHES TO IX- fortu the Citizens of llidgway, and the public goterally, that he has etarletla Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let upon the most reasona ble terms. BgXHe will also do job teaning. Stablo in the Brooks Barn, near the Poet Office, on Mill street. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt otten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. HENRY HARPER, JTo. T CUESTJTUT Street (Formerly 520 Arch Street,) Oppoiite "Old MaioKie JIall" PHIL'A. Has a large Stock of AMERICAN amu SWIS3 GOLD AND SIL VER WATCHES. OPERA. LINO- TIEN AMD VEST CHAINS, FRENCH CLOCKS. OPERA OLAS8ES AND FANCY GOODS Fancy and plain solid silverware, and Rosen' celebrated spoons, forks, tea vets ice pitchers., castors, &e., all of which are selling at reasonable prices. vlnsy CONRAD MEYER. Inventor and Manufacturer of the CELEBRATED HON FEAME PIANOS, WAEEBOOMS, No. 723 Arch St, Fhila, Has received iha Priia Medal of tr. World's Great Exhibition, London, Eng The hi eh est Prizes awarded ' when anr wherever exhibited, ESTABLISHED I vlot53m THE ELK CO ADVOCATE. QvottH to lltf &tttt$t!$ of the grcplt o( (Sib Ccuuttj. OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE, ffidgway. Pa. -:o:- TESKS :$2 00 PES YEAH. THE ONLY REPUBLICAN PA PER PUBLISHED IN ELK COUNTY! EVERY REPUBLICAN SHOULD SUBSCRIBE FOR IT! DEMOCRATS WANT IT! ADVERTISERS WILL FIND IT DF.VflTRn Tfl THVTTJ IVTBIII'STI -;o:- The ADVOCATE does NOT claim to have a larger circulation than any other paper in Elk county. Adver tisers will please make oote of this. Address all communications to 'THE ADVOCATE." llidgway, Pa. ITU RLE A. DA.3A. Editor. hcgoUarccHjjwL A Kom-epnprr of tbe Present Ttmoa Intended lor I'cmtoIo Now on Kartfc Including Frme i. Mechanic. Morrhsntt, Pro fcailonal Men, V'uiKen, TMnlccrt, nnil s: Msn- tor of Iloneft Fo'.kf. sad tUo Vi'lrei, Sous, aaa I.ulitcr uf all uch. ONL7 ONE DOLLAIt A YEAR I OXE liTJNDRED COPIES FOB Sit, Or leu thsn On Cent s Copy, Let there k a ju viul st ovorr Post Office. SEMI-WEEKLYBCN, S3 A TSAR. or tho nt tlcg Mil pone. character sa THK WEEKLY", but with a (rrea-,r Taroty 0( mlwol!aneon rcadtni, a:id f iriilshlm he n-r to in I'.inacilbeit with sieaicr frolinem. It cornea twieo a wcolc Intteod of oncooulj . THE DAILY 81.N, tt A YEAR. A nreSmlnentlV reaiHhlft nomm.. w.,h ., larueAi circulation in (ha wnriu. rV"n. tnile pennant, mm iinrie in iioniics. A'l the nw from everywhere. Tw. eenrs n copy ( by mail, OO cent a uioutli, or 6 a cur. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR. WEEKLY M N. Flvo copion, one roar, seuaratelr a'ai-cMU". roar uollar. Ten rnre, one venr, eennrntciv adfirmed (and ua exira cupy totuctfeicer up "i ciuur Eiulit Dollnrp. Twenty conlei, ono year. aennratoK a(Mrecd Ionian cxiruopy j tuOKcurrnp or rmni. Fineeu Dollars. Fifty eopl-. one yenr, to one fl'ldrom innd the B'.-im-itecK.y ono yenr v cutler nn or CIiiB)v Thirtv.f.lirco Dollars. Fifty copies, one Tear, cpnrntetv nodreiiseit (imd . o,ur ,i vvm, vuvju:ir in iretrcr 111- O1 Cllln), ThinFwflTO Dolinra. Dne hundred cottlen, one year, to rno ad'lresa v jiri mo iiuiiy mr one year to tlm ir. iter in or c"'" Filtv rtnllnra. Due hundred coplm, ono yr. n-nurutclr art dreic land theUutly forone yenr in me. em tor u rjixtr Dollars. 'DK 8E.WI-WEEKLY SUN. Fire coDlea, one year, teparntclr nddmed. Eight Hollars. an rii 0ne wr 'nparn'clv nanrciiod (and WfsWHC Ujl H fill,, sixteen Dollars. KENB YOUR MONEY . VoriTt-h!!!re or,ler"- checks, or drnfN on New n leueia contalulni: money. Addro t. W. ENOT.A HO, Pnhllf her. Suu office. Sev York City. BAiXROADSi PHILAD LTEIA to ZHIE EAILSOAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON nnd after MONDAY, DEC. Rtb, 1870. the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows: WKTWn. Mnil Train leaves Philadelphia.. 9.40 p. m. Kidfswny 1.50 p. in. " arrive nt Eiie 7.40 v. m. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12.20 p. m llulgway 2.20 a. in. " arrive at Erie 7. 40 a. m. Accomodation, leaves Itenova, ... .S5 a. in. ' nidgway,..o.(ll p. m. " nrr at Kane 8.00 p. m. KASTWAKD. Ma'.l Train leaves Erie 0.00 a. m. " " Ritlgwny 3.00 p. in. ' arrive at l'liiliul'a... 0.50 a. in. Erie Express leaves Erie 9.00 p. m. " Fidjjway... 2.20 a. in. " ar'at Philadelphia., o ."0 p. ni. Accomodation, leaves Kline 7,:0 a. in. " lliuguay... 10.49 a. iu. " nrr nt SI. Marys 12.00 in . " leaves St. Marys 7.15 a: in. " ' Emporium 9.3- a in. " nrr at Kenovo 8.00 p. m. Express, Mail and Accommodation, east and weM, connect at Corry and all west bound t mitis mid Mnil Accommodation oust at Irvinlon with the Oil Creek and Alle gheny River Rail Rood. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing December 5th. 1870. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. NEW LINE TO BUFFALO TUROUOII THE OIL REGIONS. GOINll SOUTH. I Day Express leaves Oil City at 2 SO p m Arrives nt Pittsburgh 9 OO p m I Night Express leaves Oil City ft 10 p ui Arrives at 1 ittabiirgli a a nt Mail leaves Oil City 9 05 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 60 p ut OOl NO NORTH. Day Express leaves Pi.tsburg at 7 20 a ru Arrives at Oil City at 2 () p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 8 41) p m Arrives at Oil tity bio ant Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 9 So a uv Aurrives at Oil City 0 85 p m Passengers travelling by this Route will find better accommodations and make belter time than by any other road from the Oil itcpions to Pittsburgh. t'ullmim l'allace Drawing Room Sleep. ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Pittsburgh and Cnrry. Through Coaches attached to Day Express Trains between Pittsburgh and Brockton without change. uaggnge checked and tickets sold to all important pomls. J. J. LAWRENCE, Gen. Sunt, Jas. II. BitAY, Ticket Agent. DR. O, WHIPPLE, Dental Surgeon. Olhce in Walker's Building. All kinds of dentistry doue in the bet style, and all work warranted, lie will visit Kane on the 1st, 2d, and 8d; Wilcox on the 10th, 11th, and 12(h; St. Mary's on the 21st, 22d, and 23d of each mouth. At all other times he can be found at bis office iu Ridgway, Ta. vln2yl. J H. W1LBER, NEWS DEPOT- Main St. (Holes' New Building), llidg way, ra. Latest Periodicals and Newspaners kent constantly on hand. Also dealer in Fresh Fish, Oyeters, Tobacco, and Confectionary. vini u. -JOARDLNG HOCSE, Hear the Depot, Wiloor, Pa. The undersigned has opened a large board- lrguouse at tne above plaoe, where he is amply prepared to satisfy the wants of those who may avorhiin with their custom. MAUI IN SOWERS, Proprietor HALL & BRO. " j Attorneys - at - Lawi ST. MARY'S, XLX COUUTY PNN5TLTAUIA, iOitlOi Halt ...,.JAI, a. f,