1 .11 khrt A. Parsons, Jr., . - Editor. 18 THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1871. Republican Majorities. In Pennsylvania, as io wort other States, the distribution of Republican majorities it much more uniform than is the distribution of Democratio ones. .Like the plague and most other infec tions, tho domination of the latter party is always confined to certain districts, where it has full supremacy. In this State the heaviest Democratio counties ore generally those with the smallest population, and which undor an appor tionment bill must necessarily have a .small representation. On tho other hand, the Republican majority is dis tributed over a large number of coun -ties and embraces a much greater area f territory. This fact is shown in the city of Philadelphia, where only nine of tthe twenty-nine wards, on a fair division, can be carried by the Democrats. It is exactly tho same all over the State. No apportionment can be devised to give the Democracy the representation they claim without emasculating the State rand splitting its map into hopeless di visions. .There is a natural dispropor tion between tbe vote of the two parties, 'which can be overcome only by a sys tem of cumulative voting. Forney's iPscss. NEWS. DOMESTIC. Gold closed in New York, last Mon day, at 111 J. Richmond, Virginia, has sixty-three tobacco factories. Tho total population of the United ;States is 38,547,534. Horses are sellinpr at S13 a head in Los Angelos County, Cal. Several earthquakes have recently Ttaken place on the South Pacific Coast, A clergyman in Connecticut boasts -the title of the Rev. Hczekiah Fiddle, D. D. The heathen Chinee 'are making whisky in California by lcrmeuting old rice and rubber shoes. Two mail coaches were recently de stroyed by Indians in Arizona, and several persons murdered. Hon. Humphry Maishall, of Ken tucky, now weighs 400 pounds, is about. '75 years old, enjoys good health, aud works hard every day. General Spinner, during the ten ;years he has been the Treasurer of the United States, has handled the large :sum of $50,000,000,000. In Michigan the House of Represen tatives has passed a bill compelling the :attcndance at school of children between the ages of eight and fourteen yrars. Postage stamps of the denomination of seven cents have been issued by the (rovernmcnt. They are de-igned espe cially to pre-pay letters to Germany. Jasper Morgan, of Middletown Conn., never called in a doctor until he wus in ' his eighty-eighth year. Then he culled one, and is now gathered to his fathers. Mobile is becoming an important .waikct lor importations from the West Indies. Of coffee alone, the imports this year will probably reach some 70, 000 bags. Me-no-sce-how, an Indian woman, :nged one hundred and eleven year, "iiied in Eldridgo township, Oceana Co., Midi. She, with three sons, was ut the fumous battle of Tippecanoe. Samuel Thatoher, born at Cambridge, Mass., July 1, 1776, at present rcsidiug in Maine, is said to bo the oldest sur viving graduate of Harvard college, ; and tbo oldest ex-mcmber of Congress mow living. Louisiana sugar planters are disap pointed at the price of sugar, and have wisely determined on an entire change in the system of planting. They will herealter raise their own provisions and go to as little expense as possible in producing sugar for market. Governor Scott, of South Carolina, pays that the entiro bonded debt of South Curolioa, is less that 58,000,000, with about $1,000,000 floating debt, which last will be paid immediately iwith funds now in the Treasury, and -with the incoming taxes. Stephen Girard has an imitator in 'the late Robert Barnes, of Evaosville. Indiana, who left 500,000 to build ;and endow a college of that State, en joining that no missionary of any sect whatsoever shall ever hold office in the institution, or even be allowed to visit ihe premises. Mrs. Sarah Hand, whose death at tthe advanced age of 03 at Cape May was recorded in the obituary column of :the Philadelphia Ledger last week, was (the last survivor of the company of young ladies who strewed flowers in Washington's path during his triumphal passage through 1 renton in 178 'J. New Orleans, April 28. The City Surveyor reports the river falling and the levees all safe along the front of the .itv. Bonnet Carre Crevasse ia now 1.200 feet wide. Otherwise there is no -material change in the situation there 'The water is within half a mile north of Kennerville. It has also made its appearance on the low ground east and foutb. ran rraucisco, Anil !:'.). Advices from Tucson, Arizona, April'19, state that Capt. Moore, with a detachment of troops, killed 84 Indians in two engage ments. The troops have "corralled" 150 Apnchcs in tbe Dragoon Moun tains, and have hopes of killing the en tire band. The valley, for 30 miles, is nearly depopulated, the settlers fleeing to Tucson to avoid the Apaches. Ex-Senator Jas. M. Mason, whose capture by Comrnodoro Wilkes during his voyage on a rebel embassy to Eng land, in November, 1801, threatened to embroil this country in a war with Eng. land, died at his residence near Alexan dria, Va., on Friday night, in the 78d year of his age. Mr. Mason has been in aiiling health for a long time, and has lived in retirement sinoe the close of the rebellion, of which he was one of the prominent promoters. The Internal Revenue Supervisor for the District of Georgia and Florida re ports tho total destruction of property in his raids on illicit distilleries in that district, up to April 1, 1871, as follows Eighty-three still-worms, complete and in position; 122,240 gallons of beer mash, 1,794 gallons low wines, 390 gal lons corn whisky, UU gallons peach and apple brandy, 595 bushels corn meal, 879 bushels of malt, also, GO illicit distilleries suppressed; a large number of mules, horses, and wagons were seized, and 01; distillcres arrested and turned over to the Deputy United States, Marshals. foreign. London, April 23, 1871. The spec ial correspondent of tbe Tribune at Versailles telegraphed yesterday even ins as follows: Thiers interrupted the debate in the Assembly to-day by the announcement that the troops had occupied the roost advantageous strategical positions; that these happy successes assured the speedy termination of the civil war. Both the regular army and the insurgents havo suffered heavy losses. He was moved to tears, and declared that he was greatly disposed to clemency, except to the murderers of Gens. Thomas and Le- compte. He expressed unbounded confidence in Marshal MacMahon. The capture of Les Moulineaux is of great mpottance to the uovernment, as the musketry reaches from there to the cen ter of Foit D'Issy. The Prussians have summoned the insurgents to abandon St. Ouen. Bor done has been arrested at Marseilles. Paris, April 30 Evening. There was a sharp engagement on Saturday night at LesMouIiueaux, in which the Vcrstiil'ists were jepulsed with a loss of i'J men made prisoners. But in the mean while a column of the euemy ad vanced on the Clamart Railway station, aud occupied the houses 200 yards from the Hitrcnchments of Issy. Ihe fort was a wreck; the casements broken in, the embrasures demolished, 30 of its 60 i;uus are dismounted, and tbe ammuni- lon lor tho mitrailleuse exhausted. The garrison became panic-stricken, the gunners mutinied, and spiked half their remaining guns; and this morning, be fore an) light, the entire garrison aban- loned the fort. Its commandant, Gen. Xegey, has arrived in the city. uen. IJluseret, who went to the front ut tbe first news of the rout of the roops, returned at noon to-day, having tailed to stop the panic. He has sent mt fresh troops, among them the 'Avengers of Paris," to re-occupy the works; and u despera'e fight is now in progress in that quarter. At tho Mail- ut uato uud around Asnicrcs all is ijuiet. Chines Calculation. A correspondent of tho London Anthenaum says: The inference of Professor de Morgan to the employment of the fingers for the purpose of nots. tion induces me to speak of the very in genious application, in China, of this living abacus to arithmetical calculation, of tho faculty it gives for the settlement of accounts, and the easy solution of all sums, whether of addition, substraction, multiplication, division, from one to a hundred thousand. Every finger on the left band represents nine figures, the little finger the units, the ring finger the tens, the middle finger the hundreds, the forefinger tho thousands, the thumb the tens of thousands. Tbe three inner joints represent from 1 to 3, tho three outer 4 to 6, the right side to 9. Ihe forefinger on the right hand is employed for pointing to tho figure to be called into use; thus, 1,234 would at once be denoted by just touch ing the inside of the upper joint of the forefinger, representing 1,000; then the inside ot the second, or niiddlo joint of tho middlo finger, representing 200; thirdly, the ioside of the lower joint ot the ring finger, representing 30, and lastly, the upper joint of the little fin ger touched ou the outside, represent ing 4. Or, again, 9,999 would be rep resented by touching the side of the lower joint of tho thumb (9,000), and the lower side of the joint of the fore, middle; and the little fingers, represent ing respectively 9,000, 900, 90, 9. The universal correctness of the accountancy of China, where there is no purpose of fraud, and the rapidity with which all trading ana commercial accounts are calculated, are acts of notoriety to all who have any acquaintance with pur chases or sales made in that country. Davy Crockett used to tell how he was once treed by a herd of prarie wolves, and how he rid himself ot their unwelcome company: "I shot away all my ammunition, and threw away my gun and knife among them, but it was no use. Finally, I thought I would try the effoct of music, and began to sing 'Old Uundred.' Before I finished the first verso, every wolf put his fore paws to nis ears ana gauopea ou. Black silk hose are said to be fash ionable for ladies, Firemen still use leather, I 8 W. S. SERVICE GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAY! THE LARGEST STOCK OP THE BEST NO OTHER IN STO C K s to si HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLESS ARIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT ! GOODS WILL PLEASE1 STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS1 W. S. SERVICE, No. 1 Masonic Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa. GET THE BEST. Weisfer'fi Jnakiojjeb Dictionary, 10.000 M'ordt and Mcaninat not in other u iciwnarict. 3000 Engraving?. 1810 Pages Quarto, fries $12. f" lad to add my testimony in its favor. JC I'res't Walker of Harvard. IT'very scholar knows its value. W. H. Prescott, the Historian. T T lae most complete Dictionary of the Language. Dr. Dick, of Scotland, rilhe best guide of students of our lan- X guage. John G. Whittier, H' e will transmit his name to latest posterity Chancellor Kent, I etymological parts surpasses anything j uy earner laoorers. George Bancroft. Bearing relation to Language Principia does to Philosophy. Elihu Burritt. Excels an others in denning scientific terms. President Hitchcock, So far as I know, best defining Dictionary, . Horace Mann, fflake it altogether, the surpassing work, I Smart, the English OrtWpiat. A necessity for every intelligent familv. student, teacher and professional man. What Library is complete without the best .uguBu isicuonaryr ALSO 'RATIONAL DICTIONARY. WEBSTER'S PICTORIAL 1010 Pages Octave. Trice 600 Engravings. $5. The work is really a gem of a Dictionary. just the thing for the million. American Educational Monthly. Published by G. & C. MERRIAM, Springfield Mass. Sold by all Booksellers. n8vltf. WANTED Agents and Peddlers to sell s thoioughly good domestio article, wanted in every family. No com petition. Exclusive territory given. Busi ness very pleasant. Agents have sold 8 dozen, netting $30 profit per day. One sold 850 in a small town, another 81 in calling on oi families. Outfit S3. No danger of imposition. Best of referonoe given. Send for circular to 102 Washing' ton street, Boston, Mass. vla6eow4. LITTLEFIELD & DAME. Scbscbibi for the Advocats.J POWELL & KIME. Pclivcll & Kimc Having created a large and woK arranged new Store House on (he old site, since the fire, and filled it from cellar to garret with the choicest goods of all descriptions, that can be found in any market, are fully pre pared to recelvethelr.old customers, and supply their wants at bottom figures WHOLESALE OS RETAIL. Their assortment is now complete, com prising DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, II ATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, etc., etc. PORK, FLOUR, SALT, Feed, Beans, Butt er DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, Canned Goods, In short everything wanted in the Country by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERS, LABORING MEN, EVERYBODY ! Also a full stock of MANILLA ROPE of the best manufacture, of suitable sites for rafting and running purposes. mm ash Btz Ridgway, Pa., Marsh Ud, 187L JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO THAYER & HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS ot FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. THAYER & nAGERTY. vln2. Ridgway, March 1st, 1870 SPECIE PAYMENT! GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR OR JOB WORK A T TIIE RID G WA ? WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock before buying a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY j I employ none but First Class Me chanics; I use nothing but the lest Refined Iron. I think it will be to your interest to give me your order. Having twenty-five lumber wagons in course of costructioD, I will be able to fnrnish any party by the first of April. All otdera by mail, also any orders left with W. S. Service at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. JACKSON ik WEAVER, tf STEREOSOOPES. VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES. E. &H.T. ANTHONY & CO. 691 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Invite the attention of the Trade to their extensive assortment of the above goods, of their own publication, and importation. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GRAPHOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO.. 591 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Importers and Manufacturers of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. vln2yl. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN V DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO IN- form the Citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has starteda Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let upon the most reasona ble terms. SgUHe will also do job teaming. Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the Post Offioe, on Mil' street. All orders left at the Post Offioe will meet prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. HENRY HARPER, JTo. 9 CUESTJtrUT Street, (Formerly 620 Arch Street,) Oppoiitt "Old llatotie Jall" PHIL'A. lias a large Stock of AMERICAN and SWISS GOLD AND SIL VER WATCHES. OPERA. LINO- TIEN AMD VEST CHAINS, FRENCH CLOCKS. OPERA GLASSES AND FANCY GOODS. Fancy and plain solid silverware, and Rogers' celebrated spoons, forks, tea sets ioe pitchers, eastors, Ac, all of which are soiling at reasonable prices. vln3y CONRAD MEYER. Inventor and Manufacturer of the CELEBRATED IBON FBAHE PIANOS WA2EE00M3, Ho. 722 Arch St., Falls, Has received the Prise Medal of th World's Great Exhibition, London, Ens Tbe highest Piiies awarded when an. I wherever exhibited. ESTABLISHED 1823. vlnC3m. THE UK GO ADVOCATE. JMril U the gntaftf tt the gwpU ot lh County. OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE, Ridgivay, Pa. :o:- TEEMS: $2 CO PES YEAR. TIIE ONLY REPUBLICAN PA - PER PUBLISHED IN ELK COUNTY! EVERY REPUBLICAN SHOULD SUBSCRIBE FOR IT! DEMOCRATS WANT IT! -:o: ADVERTISERS WILL FIND IT DEVOTED TO THEIR INTEREST :o:- Tho ADVOCATE d?es NOT claim to bave a larger circulation than any other papcf in E!k county. Adver tisers will please make a note of this. Address all communications to "TIIE ADVOCATE." Ridgway, Ta. txn. CD A OLE A. PAS A, Editor. She gottaaltly $ntu A Newspaper of tbo Present Time. Intended for Fooplo Now on Earth. Including Fanners. Mochanlot. Herrhantt, fro feiilonal Men, Workers, Tlilnkers, and all Han ner or Honost Polki. and tho Wive. Sons, and Daughter, of all toon. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A TEAR I ONE HUNDRED COPIES FOR JO. Or lets tban On Cant a Copr. It there be a 90 Clnb at trorj Post Offloe. SEMI-WEEKLY HON, s)9 A YEAR, f th lama size and gonarnl character at THB WEEKLr, but with a greater variety ot miscellaneous readmit, and fnrnlshlng the nws to Hi snoocrlbert with sreaiar trethneM. beauus) It ooniei twice a week Instead ofoaco only. THE DAILT SUN, 0 A YEAR. A preSmtnontlv roadfthle newnnoner. with thrv laruoit circulation in the woriSr Ktfi nil pendent, and fenriem In politic!. An the news from evi-rywhera. Tw.i cents a cop. , by malU 60 cents a mouth, or 96 a year. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY etUN. Five eoplea, ono year, separately artdrcM-d. Fonr Dollars. Ten copies, one rear, nermratelr addrenscd (and uo extra cop, tothegeuer up nrclnoi. Eisbt Dollars. Twenty eoplea, ono year, epnrafcli' adrtreaaea (a.td an extra copy to lhottnr np of clnb). Fifteen Dollars. Fa!.T,..o!nt;,o,,0 reaT " 'ldrei land tho, Bcmt-Weekly one year to Better n p of clnb), Totrtjr-ttarce Dollars. tV.J tS!S?5Sle" """ratelv aodreaaed (and the Bcml Wccklyonayenrto irettor in. 01 cmh). i . , . Thlrty-flTo Dollars. i?nd thi "ite one "no addrtwa (nnthe Dally for one year to the Better nn or saawBasag rait tE.TII. WEEKLY" SUN. Five copies, one year, teparatclr ddreed T .. Eight Dollars. Sixteen Dollars. SEND YOUR MONEY I. W. ENGLAND, Pnbllshcr. Sun offlee, Kew York City. RAILROADS. PHUAS LPHIA & EBTB BAILROAJV WINTER TIME TABLE. ON andafter MONDAY, DEC. 5th, 1870. the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows: WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia. 9.40 p. m. " Ridgway 1.5(5 p. m. " " arrive at Erie..... 7.40 p. m. Erie Exp leaves rhilndclphia... 12.20 p. in " " " RidRway 2.L'0 a. m. ' " arrive sit Kiio... 7.40 a. m. Accomodation, leaves Kcnova,...0.C5 a. ni. " nidgway,..5.01 p. m. " urr at Kane 8.00 p.m., KA9TWARU. MU Train leaves Krie. .......... 9.00 a. m. " " " Ridgway.... 3.00 p. nu ' " arrive at l'Mlnd'a... 15.50 a. m. Erie Express leaves Erie 9.00 p. ni. " " Pidgway. 2,20 n. in. " " rat Philadelphia. 5.80 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Knne 7,30 a.m. " " nidgwy...l0.49 a. m. nrr at St. Marys 12.00 in. " leaves St. Marys 7.15 a: m. " ' Emporium 9.33 am. " arr at Itonovo 8.00p.m. Express, Mail and Accommodation, east and west, connect at Corry and all west bound tiaius mid Mail accommodation enut nt Irvmton rrith Ihe Oil Creek and Alle gheny River Rail Rood. WM. A. BALDWIN. Genl Sup't. NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing Deeember 5th. 1870. ALLEGHENY VALLEYR.lt. NEW LINE TO BUFFALO THROUGH TIIE OIL REGIONS. GOING SOUTH. Day Express leaves Oil City at Arrives at Pittsburgh Night Express leaves Oil City Arrives at Pittsburgh 2 30 pm 9 00 p na 9 10 p nt 5 25 a n 9 05 a mi 6 50 p in Mail leaves Oil City Arrives at Pittsburgh OOINd north. Day Express leaves Tiltsburg at 7 20 a nv Arrives at Uil vity at 2 Oa p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 8 40 p m Arrives at Oil City . 6 15am Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 9 8t a m, Aarrives at Oil City 6 85 p nt l'assengers travelling by this Route will find better acetmmodations and make better time thaa by any other toad from tho Oil Regions to Pittsburgh. Pullman Pallnse Drawing Room Sleep, irig Cars on Night Express Trains between Pittsburgh and Corry. Through Coaches attached to Day Express Trains between I'lttstmrgn ana Brockton without change. Baggage checked and tickets sold to all important points. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Sunt. Jas. II. Bbat, Ticket Agent. DR. G. WHIPPLI, Dental Sargeon. Ollice in Walker's Building. All kinds of dentistry done in the best style, and all work warranted. He will visit Kane on tho 1st, 2d, and 8d; Wiloox on the 10th. 11th, and 12th; St. Mary's on the 21st. 22J, and 23d of each month. At all other limes he can be found at bis office in Ridgway. Pa. vln2yl. : : 1 J U. WILBER, NEWS DEPOT- Main St. (Holes New Building), Ridg way, ra. Latest Periodicals and Nnmn.n L.nt constantly on hand. Also dealer in Fresh Fish, Oysters, Tobaooo, and Confectionary, T1UJ lit JOARDING HOOSE, Near the Depot, Wilcox, Pa. The undersigned has opened large board, irgbouse at the above place, where he i amply prepared to satitify the wants of those, who may avorhira with their sitstem. MARTIN SOWEUS, proprietor HALL. & BRO. Attorneys at Law ST. MARY'S, ILS COUNTY riTNSYlYANU. JOit O. HALl.... ....JAS. K. V. KALI