Henry A. Pabsons, Jr., Editor. THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1871. FALL of leaden is not, with the. lle publioaM, ruin of party. Like the great army of the Potomao, which never failed, though its leaders often blundered, bo the Republican party will go on, conquering and to conquer, leav ing many who once were leaders in the tear. New Hampshire come so near pon the beels of the foolish blunder of the party managers that the enemy gain a victory in what was, at most, a mere skirmish. We repeated then what was said bo foro in these oolumns. The selfish, nar row leaden are not the parly. Ours is pre-eminently a party of ideas. The principles we uphold are eternal. Men will blunder, fail and fall back, but the course of the great party of progress is onward and onward, and the lesson from Connecticut teaches preoisely this. The people come to the rescue just as they have done, and will do, when dan ger threatens. The great masses of the voters in this party, think to a purpose, and act intelligently. This is the secret of its success. It will not follow blindly and ruinously the lead of any man who attempts to lead in doubtful ways. Lot not the Demooracy hope too ardently. The more our leaders blun der, the less the danger to us; for the rank and file will take the matter in hand and promote to leadership better men. Thus, tho victory in Connecti cut, where the Republicans carried the State by large gainB is explained. Will tho Democrats make a note of it? State Journal, Harrisburg. NEWS. DOMESTIC. Mark Twain is in his 36th year. Good Friday was generally observed. Gold, last Saturday, in New lork, was 110, 110t. It is rumored that Brigham Young, of Salt Lake City, is dead. Over twelve hundred churches were built in the United Stated last year. Seven persons were killed by an ex plosion on the Mississippi last Saturday. A terrible hurricane has visited the Western States, doing much damage. The Apaches are still depredating in Arizona. The New York Canal Board has di TCCted the cimals to be opened April 21. Twenty-one thousand fish traps ore to bo set in and around Nunagansct bay this season. A hog with ei.ht noses is tho illus tration or unnatural history iu llun dolph county, Missouri. Two brothers named Smulltubs, re cently married in Michigau, took the names of their wives. This is the year for savonteen year locusts. They have been soarce since 1854. Bret Ilarte has made a contract to write ink for Osgood & Co., of Boston, for the small sum of 323,000 a year, Griswold's Opera House at Troy, N. Y., was burned on the 1st; causo un known; loss, 660,000. The fruit trees of Southern Illinois are in full bloom. The prospect is fa vorable for a good crop. Strawberries are now in market. Twenty-five leading clergymen of Chicago have inaugurated a movement to hold public temperance meetings in Ftrwcll 1111 Sabbath afternoons. Edward H. Ruloff, the murderer of the clerk Merrick, has been sentenced to be executed at Binghamton,on Thurs day, the 18th day ut May next. The reduction oi the publio debt during the month of Mar oh was 811, 011,250. Decrease of debt since March 1, 1869, $204,754,413. A Committee appointed by the St. Xouis Board of Health have made a fa vorable report in regard to the working .1 1 . M 1 itl . oi ine social evu law in mai ouy. Mrs. Sarah Lyon died reoently in Jliokman county, Tenn., at the age of one hundred and ten years, bte bad teen buna for sixty yean. The Joint High Commission, it is re ported, have disposed of the Fishery and alabama questions, and are now discussing the can Juan boundary. The ex-Rebel General N. B. Forrest hu subsided into a cotton planter in Mississippi, and intends to pass the re xnainder of his days in "patriarchal yeaoe. General Schenck has lately expressed the opinion that the work of the Joint High. Commission will be finished in time for him to sail for England before the 1st of May. Walter B. Foster, an editor and pub lisher at San Fraueisoo twenty yean go, but for several yean past Sooretary to the Paoifio Insurance Company, died on (he 3 lit In the Supreme Court at Cincinnati judgment bas been renuerea against me Baltimore and Ohio ttailroad lor 14, S76 in favor of Gibson, Early & Co., for damages arising, in i960, irom de lav in shipment of sugar. Milwaukee, Win.,. April 7. Returns from all parts of fRe State indicate that the Hon. W. I. Lyon will receive 10. 000 majority for Associate Justice of the Supremo Court. The Irish immigration to America, formerly so extensive, is now rapidly on the decrease. English and French im migration is increasing, whilst that from Germany is the largest. Tho Treasury DepartmcntJast week received a letter from a German bank er, enclosing a bill of exohange on New York for (5,000 in gold, be'og "con science money." Tho sender, it was stated, was "formerly a citizen of the United States." The fact is asserted that a man in Delaware kept a negro girl in slavery np to week before last, when, she being ro sick io do ot an use to mm, ne gave her her freedom, and ten cents to take her to New Castle. She died there in tweDty-four hours after her arrival. Deacon Andrew Leach, who recently died at Searsport, Maine, is claimed to have been the champion church cocr, having been in his pew 2,598 out of Z.bUO consecutive Sundays. Absence from town was his excuse for missing the only two Sundays his seat was va cant in fifty years. John S. L. Blackburn has been held in 810,000 bail at Chillicothe, Ohio, charged with the murder of Mary Kane Loyell a few days ago. It is alleged that his mind had been unsound for some time past. Ho was committed to prison in default of bail. In the case of James N. Henry, vs. the Chicago City Railroad Company, for being ejected from the cars, and severely injured, on trial at Whealon, Rupage county, Illinois. The jury brought in a verdict for plaintiff for 812,000. A new trial was demanded. Judge Leavit, in the United States Circuit Court at Cincinnati, has decided the caso where capias pro-fine had been issued, to compel the payment of a fine, tbat in the Mate ot Ohio no imprison ment could be bad for a fine, which he held to be a debt. Gen. Duff Green, once so prominent a politician that he received the credit oi making Andrew Jackson President, and during the war a most violent and virulent supporter of the Rebellion, is now living very quietly and almost for gotten in Dalton, Ga. As the nation has allowed him to sink into obscurity, he declares the nation no longer exists Two young Atlantans ran a foot race the other Sunday for the honor of es corting a belle to church. The winner found she had just gone with another follow. A young girl at Danvers, Mass , attempted to end her life with a dose of laudanum, because the Baptist church at that plase refused to admit her to its membership. Marblebcad, Mass., has within its limits an old fort built about 1670 by the early settlers, to protect them from the Indians. It is situated about a mile from the thickly-settled part of the town, and by a recent vote of the tax payers is to be enclosed by a fence, and to bo preserved as the only relio of the kind iu jNcw England. A youner lady by the name of Anpcl, living near Franklin Court-house, Va., was most horribly crushed in a grist mill near that place, a few days sinco. She was caught in some of the wheels, and bad her legs both broken, and also one of her arms. Sho was about fifteen years of age, and was highly esteemed by all who knew ber. It is estimated that the New Yorkers et one quart of water with every three quarts of milk. As the annual con sumption of milk in the city and vi cinity is 120,000,000 quarts, it follows that a ten cents per quart the snug little sum of $4,000,000 is paid by con sumers for water, which is used to "ox. tend the lacteal fluid. Hartford, Conn., April 6. The Evening Post announces the election of tbe entire Republican State ticket, with the exception of the Governor vote. In the detail, as given in tho large towns, Bhows that English has generally run ahead of his ticket and Jewell behind, probably on account of the capital question. The Republican ticket, ex cept tbe Governor, has probably more than 1C0 majority. Washington, D. 0., April 7. Sena tor Ames has received a telegram from a trustworthy source, stating that 40 negro churches and sohool-houses, have been burned in Mississippi within the past few weeks. As buildings of this class are notoriously scarce in that State, this fact furnishes pretty strong evi dence of the extend of the operations of the Ku-Klux there. Cincinnati, 0., April 7. The West ern Female College at Oxford, Ohio, one of the most prominent female edu cational institutions at the West, was burned this morning. There were 175 persons in tbe building at tbe time oi the catastrophe, and the flames spread with such rapidity that many of the in mates were compelled to make their es cape through the windows, but no lives were lost. Three young ladies, named Goodfellow, Ballard and Wilson were severely injured by leaping from a second-story window. The building was insured for $75,000 whioh will re build it, Many of the young ladies lost most of their personal effeets, but the oitizons of Oxford are doing every thing in their power to relieve their present necessities. FOREIGN. The Austrian Admiral Teghetoff is dead. A grand review is announced for the 7th inst. in the Champ-de-Mars. Brigandage is again on the increase in Naples and Sioily. Over seventy war novels are now .in preparation in Germany. Three new editions of "Uncle Tern's Cabin" are advertised in Germany, Amadeus the new King of Spaio, bos found the climate of Madrid so try ing to his usually robust health that ho thinks he must spend the Winter fur ther Sonth. His physicians have re commended Malogna. Tho Spanish Republicans advise his return to Italy, if has r.tiy desire to live long. latest reports from tho Isthmus of Daricn represent a newly-discovered (Out (or the canal, only 22 milles long, and thut the deepest cutting necessary will not be more than 150 feet, and per haps only 75 or 100 feet. The German actress, Hedwlge Raabe, who is soon to visit this country, was married in Berlin, on the 5th of March, to the distinguished tenor, Niemann. London, April 7. A dispatch from Paris, dated to-day, says: "The situa tion is hourly becoming more alarming. The forces of the Commune are grow ing stronger and bolder. Thiers' prop osition to treat has inspired the Com mune with fresh hopes, and it is be lieved that they have 100,000 men who will boldly fight the Government troops, retain the conquered positions, and mike no advances for peaoe. To-day a battle is raging in the fields between Chatillon and Yauvres. From the lat ter place the insurgents maintain an in cessant fire from behind the forts. Crowds of women and children, frantio with grief, aro searching each ambu lanee as it arrives for the bodies of their husbands and fathers. The slaughter on both sides yesterday and to-day was fearful. Terror roigns, and the prisous are crowded. The churches and the houses of tbe aristocrats are pillaged, and all priests imprisoned. A great many murders have taken place. On this Good Friday there were no re ligious services in Paris. German in tervention is now believed to be the only hope." There was Bevere fighting before Paris on Saturday, the Government forces gaining ground. President Thien is said to be opposed to taking Paris by assault, but prefers the slower method of investment. A fight has taken place among the insurgents, a portion of the National Guards having refused to go outside the city walls. Marsoilles is again quiet, the mutinous National Guards having been disarmed. W. S.r.SERVICE- GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAY! THE LARGEST STOCK OF THE BEST NO OTHER IN STOd K S TO TE SI nOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. PEICES WILL SUIT ! GOODS WILL PLEASE1 I SELL CHEAP! STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! W. S. SERVICE, No. 1 Masonio Hall Buildiug, Ridgway, f. POWELL & KIME. Powell & Kiuie Having eraoUd a large and wall arranged new Store Hons on the old sit, since tbe fire, and filled It from cellar to garret with the choicest goods of all descriptions, that can be found In any market, are fully pre pared to receivathelr old customers, and supply their wants at bottom figures WHOLESALE OS RETAIL. Their assortment is now complete, com prising DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, etc., etc. PORK, FLOUR, SALT, Feed, Beans, Butt or DRIED APPLES, PRIED PEACHES, Canned Goods, In short everything wanted in the Country by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME- CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERS, LABORING MEN, EVERYBODY ! Also a full stook of MANILLA ROPE of the best manufacture, of suitable llses for rafting and running purposes. Ridgway, Pa., March 2d, 1671, F YOU WANT TO BUY OODS CHEAP 00 TO THAYER & HAGERTY Main Street, Rldgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, UATS AND CAro, GLASS AND QUKENS- WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW.WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. THAYER & HAGERTY. vln2. Ridgway, March 1st, 1870 SPECIE PAYMENT GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKEN IN EXCUANOB fOB OR JOB WORK 4 T TIIE RID GWAl WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock beforo uying a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY ; I employ none but First Class ile- hanks; I use nothing but the hest Refined Iron. I think it will be to your interest to give me your order. Having twenty-five lumber wagons in course of costruotion, I will be able to nrnish any party by the first of April. AH orders by mail, also any orders left with W. S. Service at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. JACKSON & WEAVER, tf STEREOSCOPES. VIEWS, ALBUMS, CHROMOS, FRAMES, E. & H . T. ANTHO NY & CO . 691 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Invite the attention of the Trade to their extensive assortment of the above goods, of mm awn puoixcaiian, una importation. Also, HOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GRAPHOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.. 691 Brondway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Importers and Manufacturers of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. v1d2t1. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN ' RJDGWAY DAN SCR1BNER WISHES TO IN- form the Cittzens of Ridgway, and the public generally, that he has started Liv cry 6tble and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES ai Baggies, to tet upon the most reasona ble terms. BfH will also do job teaming. Stable in the Brooks Barn, near tbe Post Office, on Mill street. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt alien- tioa. Aug 20 1870. tf. HENRY HARPER, Tr. 12 CHESTjrUT Street (Formerly 620 Arch Street,) Ore-it "Old MtuoKie UalV PHIL'A Has a large Stock of AMERICAN akd SWISS GOLD AND BIL VKR WATCHES. OPERA. LINO- TIEN AMD VEST CHAINS, FRENCH CLOCKS, OPERA GLASSES AND FANCY GOODS, Fancy and plain solid silverware, and Barer' celebrated spoons, forks, tea sett ioe pitchers, castors. &o., all of which are clung at reasonable prices. vlnSy CONRAD MEYER. Inventor and Manufacturer of the CZISS5ATZS BCH fSAlCB PIANOS, WAmOOUS, Ho. 722 Arch St., Fhila, Has received the prise Medal of the World Great Exhibition, London, Eng. Toe Highest rruet awarded when an wherever exhibited. ESTABLISHED 1823. vluQ3m. I THE ELK W ABYMATE. Svolfd to tbe gtcrcst. of file gcopU ot (Cut (Ceuutu, OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE, Ridgivay, Pa, 00 PEB YEAH THE ONLY REPUBLICAN PA PER PUBLISHED IN ELK COUNTY! EVERY REPUBLICAN SHOULD SUBSCRIBE FOR IT! DEMOCRATS WANT IT! ADVERTISERS WILL FIND IT DEVOTED TO THEIR INTEREST! ;w- The ADVOCATE does NOT claim to have a larger circulation than any other papor in E!k county. Adver tiser! will please make a note of this. Address all communications to 'TnE ADVOCATE." Ridgway, Pa. ! JlO! I I, CHARLES A. DA.XA. Editor. Site SelterlirftMH $vm. A Newspaper of the Present Times. Intonded Tor People Now oa Earth. Inolodlng Farmer, Mechnnlci, Morr.hanti, Pro feiilonal Hon, TVoikort, TnlnkeM, nod til Mm ner of Honeit Folkf, and Ui Wlvot, Bona, and Daznterof tlliaoa. ONLY (INK IXI.LAn. A YEAR t ONE HUNDRED OOPIEM FOD. 890, Or l thin One Cent a Copy. I,et thoro be a (ISO Club at oroty 1'cwt office. BBMI.WEEKLY BUN, ? A TEAR, of tho iim tlzo anl gunornl character ai TTTK WKEKI.V. but with a Krentcr variety ot mlMollaneons roatline.and furnishing tho nw to its sun.crl'jon with greater froslinew. betiasK It cornea twice a woolc instead of once only. THE DAILY SI'N, CO A YEAR. A prcBmlnrntlv rcadablo nowsniumr, with ttia Inrceai circulation in tho worm. Kr-n, inrt.. pendent, and li'nrlo-x In politic. All tho news from evirywlicro. Two corns n copy i by uiaiL SO oeuta a uiuutti, or $6 a your. TERM3 TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY tiVX. FIto coplea, ono yenr, aaoarowly addrcwl, Pour lollnr. Ten rople", one rcxr. npn-irnlnir adlrsea (aud an exlru Riinirtnili...in.n. . w..v,niu U ft "i lltll. LI ii be Dollar. rwcnjr coptr-. one your, aepnrntolv sddriwseoi (aad an exira espy to tbe fetter n p nr club). . ...i t'll iiiiinr,. Fifty enpt'K. one year, to one nildrmm land tno Benu-Waekly one year to setter up ofclnb). .1 ?E!?V1!IE. '' "WwatelT aidrewen (nnd tae Stiml-Weekly ooeycar to eettpr in, oi cmh) miny-iiTO Uollura. ?-7irf aiiefpte rDe Tm Pno address (nnd tbe Uaily for one year to tho aviter nor ,cm?' , . Fifty Dollnrs. One bondred enolos, ono rear, s-narsnlr ad. up ofclnb), Sixty Dollaral TIIE SEMI-WEEKLY BTJV. Five copies, one yenr, separately nfidrewed. lebt Dollar.). Ten copies, one yes r. separately addressed (and UI Mtr.umv tn ir.it.. h Af v Sixteen Dollars. ' SEND YOUR MOXRV f p,tPfflro orders, checks, or drafts on KVw r'f'.f ''""Of convenient. If not. t ncn reelsiep ib ' letters containing money. Addrosi "wr L W. ENGLAND, Pnhllfber. un office, New Tore City. RAILROADS- " PHHAD LPHIA & EHIE HAILH0AD. WINTER. TIME TABLE. ON and after MONDAY, DEC. Blh, 1870. the trains on tho Philntlelphia It Erie Railrond will run us follows: WESTWARH. Mitil Train leaves Philadelphia. 9.40 p. m. ' " Klilgway 1.60 p. m. arrive nt Erie 7.40 p. m. Erie Exp leaves rhil.idelphia...l2.U0 p. m Kidgway -..IO a. m. " arrive nt Erie...- -7.40 a. m. Accomodation, leaves Kenova,...i!.r5 n. m. " " Ri(igway,..5.0l p. m. " nrr at Kiuie 8.00 p.m. KAKTWAItl). Mall Train lenves Erie 0.00 a. m. " " Kidgwny 3.00 p. m. " arrive at Diilnd'a... 0.50 a. In. Erie Express leaves Eric 0.00 p. in. " ridjrwuy... U,) a. ru. ' or at Philadelphia- 5.30 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane 7.30 a.m. " " Ridgway...l0.49 a. m. arr at St. Marys 12.00 m. " leaves SI . Marys 7.15 a: m. " " Emporium 0.33 a ni. " nrr at Renovo 8.00p.m. Express, Mail and Accommodation, enst. and west, connect nt Corry and nil weat bound trains and Mail Accommodation entt at Irvinlon with the Oil Creek aud Alle gheny River Rail Road. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing December 6th. 1870. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. NEW LINK TO BUFFALO THROUGH TIIE OIL REGIONS. GOINU SOUTH. Day Express leaves Oil City at 2 30 p m I Arrives at Pittsburgh 0 00 p m Night Express lenves Oil City 0 10 p m Arrives at I'liUhurgU o Jo a m Mail leaves Oil City 9 05 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 50 p m OOINO NOtlTII. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at 7 20 a Da Arrives at Oil City at 2 05 p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 8 40 p m Arrives at Oil City bin am, Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 9 35 a nv Aarrives at Oil City 6 35 p m . Passengers travelling by (his Route wilt find better accommodations and make better time than by any other road from the Oil Regions to Pittsburgh. Pullman Pallaoe Drawing Room Sleep. ing Cars on Night Express Trains between Pittsburgh and Corry. Through Coaches attached to Day Express Trains between Pittsburgh and Brockton without change. U'iggage cliecked and tickets sold to all important points. J. J. LA VYKISNUE, GOU. Hupt. Jas. II. Bray, Tioket Agent. DR. G. WHIPPLE, Dental Surgeon. OlUce in Walker's Building. All kinds of dentistry done in the best style, and all work warranted. He will visit Kane oa the 1st, 2d, and 8.1; Wilcox on tbe 10th, Uth, and 12th; St. Mary's on the 21st, 22d, and 3d of each month. At all other' times he can be found at his office in Ridgway, Pa. vln2yl. J H. WILBER, W JSWS DEPOT- Main St. (Holes New Building), Ridg way, ra. Latest Periodicals and Newspapers kept constantly on hand. Also dealer in Fresh Fish, Oysters, Tobaoco, and Caufectionary, V1U1U. gOARDING HOUSE, Near the Depot, Wiloox, Pa. The undersigned has opened large board- ueuuun mum boot piaee, wbere ne is I amnlv DreDared to aatUrk rthia who may avorhim with their oustom. I aT a ftn tT sm ... . ai a iui.iv BUWEKS, Proprietor HALX, &i 33RO. Attorneys at - Law ST. MA RY'S, ELS C0TO17 rtfNSYLYAHIA. . Joan a. UAi.LMMHM...Mtl.Jii. k. t. uin,