611i (CDuntu Staaft. Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor. THURSDAY, MARCH SO, 1871. Tie Nest State to Vote. Connecticut is the next State- to vote tliis spring, following New Hampshire on the 3d proximo. It is the most wavering of all Now England States and is liable to frequent mutations. In 18C8 it gave English, Democrat, fov Governor, 1,764 majority. This Avas at the spring election. In the follow ing fall, Grant, for President, carried the State bj 2.936 majority. In 1869 Jewell, Republican, had 411 majority. In 1870 the tables were again reversed, nnd English, Democrat, was elected by 843 majority. It will thus be seen that a few hundred votes have generally decided the result. In the Forty-first Congress the delegation of Connecti cut consisted of thiee Republicans and one Democrat, the majorities being re spectively 736, 424, 2,399, and 1,160 If we accept New Hampshire as a basis to predict the result upon, Con necticut will be represented in the next Congress by at least three Demo crats. We hope lor the better, but can hardly expect it. When the Republi cans, of New Hampshire, hitherto as firm in their party allegiance as the granite of their native hills, waver, what can be ' expected of a doubtful State? Our friends are making no fight, holding no meetings, aud offer but a passive resistance when they should take the offensive. Forney's Press. FRANCE. Paris, March 24. The city is in a terrible state of excitement this morn ing. The insurgents still cominue to excite the wildest terror and alarm by their outrages, and no one's life ia con sidered safe. The insurgents aro pre paring for a desperate encounter, and armed bodies are everywhere Eccn in the streets. The citizens fly at their approach, and in every way endeavor to avoid an encounter with the infuriated and bloodthirsty revolutionists. Num bers of peaceable citizens have already been sacrificed to their ferocity. A great many citizens are flying fiom the city, taking with them, their families and such articles only as could be ren dered portable in flight. Versailles, March 24. The insur rection in Paris is fast assuming the proportions and horrible character of tho Revolution ot ' 1739. Certain quarters are being drenched in blood, while prouiineut and respectable citi ' zbns are hourly assinatcd by tha mob. The latest information received from the city describe the aiob a3 sweeping all before it. The most nopallin scenes are being enacted, and among the prominent citizens who are an nounced to have been butchered by the insurgents to-day are M. llauJe, (some time since spoken of as France's repre sentative at tho London Conference). M. Ilottinguer, banker, and member 'of the Bourse. M. Henri De Pene, the celebrated Civil Engineer. Marseilles, March 24. It is feared that the insurrectionary movement may exteud to this city, aud every precau tion is being taken to guard against it. The Civio Guard has seized the tele graph wires in case of a rising, in which event the telegraphie communi cation would most probably be destroyed by the insurgents. Lyons, March 24. Tho "Reds" of this city, arroused by the example of their compatriots iu the movement at Paris, have proclaimed a Commune and established a Central Committee similar to that in operation at Paris. The movement, here, however, is not bo strong as to create immediate alarm and apprehension. Tho majority ot tha nnnulnna discountenance the inove- .. r-j ment, although no active measures nave jet been instituted tor subduing it. A Pistirguislisi Wedling. MABBIAOH OP CU1EF JU8TICB CHASE'S SACQHTEB AT WASHINGTON. The marriage of Miss Nettie Chase, daughter ot Chief Justice Chase, and Mr. W. 8. Hoyt, of New York, was solemnized in Washington on Thursday, 23d inst., at one o'clock. It was one of the most bril liant weldings which ever occurred in Washington. All the arrangements were in the utmost good taste, and they were carried out in entire perfection. It was a beautiful spring day, with trieht sunshine, -which was only one of man's auspicious omens for the future happiness of ihe wedded pair. St. John's church is situated on the cor ner of H and 10th Btreeti, west of the neat little park known as Lafayette square, and distant from the White House only the width of that square and the White House grounds and two streets. It is a small church, containing, perhaps, 700 or 800 feats. Rumor, which, of course has. no busi ness with the affair, says that the pastor, Rev. John Vaughan Lewis, was much op posed to the marriage being celebrated iu ent, and that he refused to officiate; but e; this is true, it is easy to see that he ould not resist successfully with the choes of the rejoioing of all England at the marriage of the Princess Louise, in the same holy season. He at least tender ed his church for the service, and Bishop Mollvaine, of Ohio, an old friend of the family, who, not being a High Churchman, bad no scruples against celebrating a ' marriage at this season, performed the ceremony. Tho ollar-rail was covered with mom and flowers, arranged in fine tasto, with largo baskets of flowers on the posts of the two pates near either .end and on the front. The church was already well filled lmlf an hour before the time appointed, and with nn audience so distinguished and fashionable, and such beauty an! elegant attire as might cause even the hearts of the accustomed habituct of that old edifice to flutter with admiral' on. There were the Vice President, mothers of the For eign Lbgalations nnd 0f tho High Com mission, and ninny Senators and Repre sentatives, and thrre were presont besidos nearly nil the dis tinguished ladies of fash ion of this city, Outside the church were nearly pcoplo enough to fill the church a scoond time, who, not fortunate enough to have card 3 of admission, patiently awaited to catch a momcntnry view of the party while passing between the carriage and tho church. Tho ushers were Mr. Hamil ton FibIi, Jr., Mr. Fred. May, Baron von Alvenslobcn, and Captain Ward, of tho British Navy. TnE anthracite coal war is still rag ing witli unabated bitterness, and the sulf'cring occasioned by the combina tion of the coal and railroad companies is almost incalculable. The legislative committee appointed to investigate the matter has been sitting some six or eight weeks, and, with the most urgent need for prompt and decisive action, it lies maintained a most masterly inactivity. Wnitiog lor justice frrom a legislative committee is like standing on tho bnnk of a river and waiting for tho waters to roll past nod leavo its bed dry, Erie Dispatch. THE flPAKD AEI.IY DffiSCTOEY Copyright secured. The above work now being complete, is being rapidly put in type; and will make its appearanco in a few weeks. The vol ume will consist of between two and three hundred neatly printed and handsomely bound pages, embracing a complete list of the Departments nnd Pos's of the GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC, with their nnme, number, location; roster and other interesting statistics, presenting, as it were, a complete mirror of the Organiza tion. r5It is tho only work on the subject. .'jr-y I he departments endorse it. ErajEvery Comrade should possess a copy. gives the address of over 5,000 comrades of the G. A. R. CSflt costs but one Dollar! Send by mail, post paid, on receipt of price. Address all orders to JOEL O. FLOl D, T. 0. Box 741, Washington, D. C. Orphan's Court Sab. By virtue of an order of tho Orphan's Court of Elk County, the undersigned, Ad ministrator of L. U. Zimmerman, late of said county, deceased, will expose to sale by I'ublic Vendue, on Saturiay, April 1st, 1871, on the premises, nil the interest of the de. rue nt in and to lots 2os. 4J and 4 J in the Village of Ccntrcville, with tho buildings thereon erected. Terms CASH on confirmation of sale. JOHN GREEN, vlnltc. Administrator. F.sTrii.inETi! 1830. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' Saws ! Saws ! Saws ! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish ings, and Machinery. JCvyOct the Ecsti they will prove the cheap ly Prices reduced. Send for price List and Circulars, WKLCn & GRIFFITHS, Eo5ton,Ua5S., or Detroit Uich. siy- EAILS0AB3. PHIIAD IFHIA & EEIE EAILEOAJ). WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after MONDAY, PEC. 5th, 1870, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run a3 follows: WESTWARD. Mai; Train leaves Philadelphia 'J.40 p, " " Ridgway 1.50 p. " " arrive nt trie 7.40 p. Erie Exp leaves Philadelphia... 12.20 p. " " ' Ridgway 2.20 a. " " arrive at Erio 7.40 a. , m. in. in. m m. m. Accomodation, leaves Renova,...l3.f3 a. m " ' Ridgway,..5.01 p. m " nrr at Kane 8.00 p. m EASTWARD. Mc'.l Train leaves Erie 9.00 a. " " " Ridgway 3.00 p. m m. " " arrive at Philad'a... 6.50 a. m. Erie Express leaves Ene 9.00 p. m. " " " Fidgway... 2,20 a. ni. arrat Philadelphia.. o.BO p. m Accomodation, leaves Eane 7,30 a. m " Ridgway ...10.40 a. m " arr at St. Marys 12.00 m " leaves St. Marys 7.15 a: m " " Emporium 9.8a am. " r.rratRenovo 3.00 p. m Express, Mail and Accommodation, east and west, connect at Corry and all west bound trains and Mail accommodation east at Irvinton with the Oil Creek aud A lie gheny River Rail Road. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing December" 5th. 1870. ALLEG IIENY VALLEY R. R. NEW LINE TO BUFFALO THROUGH THE OIL REGIONS. GOING SOUTH. Day Express leaves Oil City at 2 30 p m Arrives at Pittsburgh 9 00 p ra Night Express leaves Oil City 910pm Arrives at Pittsburgh 5 25 a m Mail leaves Oil City 0 05 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 50 p m GOINO KOBTU. Day Express leaves Pittsburg at 7 20 a m Arrives at Oil City at 2 05 p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 8 40 p m Arrives at Oil City 6 15am Way Passenger leaves Pittsburgh 9 85 a ia . ... n:,.. a oft ... AnrriTi'9 n, vi wijr v uu y u Passengers travelling by this Route will find better aooommodations and make better time than by any other road from tlta Oil Reirinnfl to Pittsburgh. - - -r e Pullman Pallace Drawing Room Sleep, ing Cars on Night ExpreES Trains between Pittsburgh and Corry. Through Coaches attached to Day Express Traius between Pittuhnrirh Anil Rrnnktnn without, rhnncrn. Baggage checked and tickets sold to all important points. J. J. LAWRENCE. Gen. Supt Ja. II. Bur, Ticket Agent. BUSINESS CARDS. Bit. a. wnirpLE, 4 Dentf.1 Surgoon. Office In Wnlkcr's Building. All kinds of dentistry done In the best stylo, and all work warranted. Ho will visit Kane on Ihe 1st, 2d, and 3d; Wilcox on tho 10th, 11th, and 12ths St. Mary's on the' 21st, 22d, and 23d of each mouth. At all other tiiit'J je enn be found at bis office in Ridgway Pa. vln2yl. J II. WILDER, NEWS DEPOT- Main St. (Holes' Now Building), Ridg way, Pa. Latest Periodicals and Newspapers kept constantly on hand. Also dealer in Frpsh Fish, Oysters, Tobaoco, and Confectionary, vinni. JOARDING HOUSE, Near the Depot, Wilcox, Pa. The undersigned has opened a large board irghouse at the above placo, where he is amply prepared to satisfy the wants of those who may avorhim with their custom. MARTIN SOWERS, Proprietor HALL & BRO. Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELK COUNTY PHITSYLYAHIA. JO'itXO. HALL JAS. K. V. BALL W- S. SERVICE GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAY! THE LARGEST STOCK OF THE BEST NO OTHER IN STOCK S TO $ SI HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN EMDLESS VARIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT ! GOODS WILL PLEASE! mm STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! W. S. SERVICE, No. 1 Masonio Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa. The most Complete litis t nos College inllie Lulled Stales.; Affording facilities for acciuireing thorough practical business education possessed by no other School in theouuntry Since its incorporation in 1855, nearly SixteenThousund Students, representatives from every State in the Union, bay attonded here. No vacations. Students enter at any time, and receive private instructions throughout the entire course. N. B. Circulars with full particulars an All neaessary information, on addressing (JUWLtt, Principals, PilTSDCBGH, Pa. POWELL & KIME. Powell & I.hiie Having erected a large and well arranged new Store House on the old site, since the fire, and filled it from cellar to garret with the choicest goods of all descriptions, that can be found In any market, are fully pre pared to receivothelr old customers, and supply their wants at bottom figures WHOLESALE OP. RETAIL. Their assortment is now complete, com prising DRY GOODS, GROCERIE3, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, etc., etc. PORK, FLOUR, SALT, Feed, Beans, Butter DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, Canned Goods, In short everything wanted in the Country by LUMBERMEN, FARMERS, ME CHANICS, MINERS, TAN NERS, LABORING MEN, EVERYBODY ! Also a full stock of MANILLA ROPE of the best manufacture, of suitable si for rafting and running purposes. Kidfiray, P., Marsh 2d, 1871. JP YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO THAYER & IIAGERTY Main Street, P.idgwoy, Ta. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW. WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock o'f Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. THAYER & IIAGERTY. Tln2. Ridgway, March. 1st, 1870 SPECIE PAYMENT! GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR OR JOS WORK A T THE RID G WA 1 ! WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock beforo bujing a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the best eclcction of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY; I employ none but First Class Me- kanics j I use nothing but the lest Refined Iron. I think it will bo to your interest to givo mo your order. Having twenty-five lumber wagons in coarso ot eoatruction, I will be able to urnish aDy party by the first of April. All oidcn by mail, also any orders left with W. S. Service at tlie Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. S. JACKSONtfc WEAVER tf NOTICE. Tho following named per sons liavo filed their Petitions for LICENSES to be presented to the Court ot Quartor Sessions tho second Monday (being tho 10th day) of April, A. V. 131: TAVERN. Aumun, Wolfgang Fox township. Turley, Armcl Jay township. Burko, P. 11. Jay township. Etter, Daniel St. Mary's Boro. 5. Reiohard, Jacob St. Mary's Boro. G. Wellendorf, Mathias St. Mary's Uorouiro.. 7. Fonto. Joseph A. St. Mary's liorouiu. EATINQ HOUSE. 1. Brunner, Joseph Benzinger Tp. 2. Gill, Francis, Fox Township. 3. Bauer, Georeo St. Mary's Boro. 4. Clausinan. Charles St. Mary's iwroumii. 5. Ileiodel. J. B. St. Mary's Boro. G. Wachtel, John St. Mary's Boro. STORE. 1. Russ, E. J St. STary's Boro. FRED SCHOENIXG, Clerk Quarter Sessions. SHERIFF'S SALE. TY virtue of a writ of Yen Exponns, ) issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of Klk County, and to mo directed, I will expose to sale by publio vendue or outcry, at the Court House in Ridgway ON MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1871. At one o clock, p. m. All that certain tract of unimproved land situate in Jay Township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, known as warrant No. 4192. Containing w o--es more or ies, nounaed on north by warrants N os. 41'J8and 4189, on the east by Mo. 4b'.i8, on tho south by No, 4iai, and on the west by No. 4189. ALSO one other truct of uniumroved ia.au, s:tuate in tox Township, Elk county, i-euuEyivuuiu, Known as warrant JNo. 4zi0, CentainingbBU aorcs tuoro or less. Bound ed on tho north bv warrndia 4-17:1 ,! as m on the east by No. 4274, on the south by Nos. 4271 and 4181, and onthe west by No. i n 4 1 ALSO one other tract of unimproved land, situate in Fox township, county and r :., i . uirtiw aiun-aitiu. Aiiuwii as warram no, 4273. Containing 900 acres more or less, Rounded on the north bv warrant No 4093, on the east by Nos. 4187, and 4274, on rue south by No. 4270, and on th west by Ho. 4213. ALSO all the eoal, iron ore. lime stone. and all other minerals of any nature and ktnu whatsoever, in and upon and under the following trict, piece, or parcel of land situate on tho noith St. Mary's road. Be ginning at a post on said road, thence west one hundred thirty-three and one-third (lddi) perches to Joseph Belckes land. thence uorth thirty (30) porches, thenoe east one hundred thirty -three and one third (1331) perches more or less to the road line, thence south by said road line thirty (60) perches more or less, contain mg twenty-nve (ol acres, and beinir lot No. 10 on the north St. Mary's road according to the map or plan of the town or settieuieni or nt. Mary g. ALSO nil tho coal, iron ore, lime stone, ana an otner minerals of any nature an xina, vuaisoever, in under and upon the following described tract, niece or niml of land. BegioninK at a post on the north St. Mary's road, theuce west one hundred thirty-three and one-third (133J) perches more or less, thenoo enst nno hundred thirly.threo and one-third pt relieg more or less to Baid road, thenco full nving the line of said road southerly thirty ("li) perches more or less to the place of l.oin ning, being lot No. 20 on north St. Mary's rond, and containing twenty. tivo acres more or less. Seized and taken in execution nnd lo be sold as the property of Georgo Weis. JACOll MoCAULEV, Sheriff. Sheriff's Oi'ficf.. 1 Didgway, March 10, 1871. J vlnltc. SHERIFF'S SALE, BY virtue of n writ of Levari Fncins, is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Klk county, and to me directed, I will expose to salo by publio vendue or outcry, at the Court llouso, in Ridgway. ON MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1871, nt one o'clock, p. m., the following de scribed property, to wit: A lot or piece of ground situate in the town of Ridgwny, county of Elk, nnd State of Pensylvnnin, described as follows: being lot No. ono hundred and sixteen (11(1) according to tlioplnnol said town, as nnsde bv John J. Ridgw.iy nnd recorded in the Recordei'B olTiee of said county, be pinniug at the corner of Centre street, and East street, being the north-enst corner of said lot. thence along Centre street sixtv fivc feet, thence south 'lo' cast along lot No. 115 ono hundred and sixty (jCO) feet to an alloy, thence north G(i 85' cast nlonif said alley to East street, thence north 2;!25 west along F.ust street to tho place of beginning. Erected thereon is b two story frame Gothic dwelling liouso about sixteen feet fro'it by thirty-two feet in depth, nud n wing on the cast nnd west sides, each fourteen leet by fourteen feet, or thereabouts. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Henry II. Thomas, and to be sold by JAUOU JIcUALLit-.i . Sheriff. SiiF.Birr's Office, 1 idgway, March, 13, 1371. J vln-lto. BHSEIPP'3 SALS. BY virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, sued out of tho Court of Common Pleas of l-'llc county, and to mo directed. I will expose to sale by publio vendue or outcry, at tho Court House, in Ilidgnay ON MONDAY, AI-ML 10, 1871, at ono o'clock, p. m., all tho following de scribed five tracts, pieces or parcels of land, situate in Fox towhship. Kilt county, cnnsylvatila, described as lollows: FIKSr, commencing at a beech stump at the north-west corner of land of Clnrk gleston, thence cast sixty (tit)) rods to a beech, thenco south sixty-three and three tenths (113.3) rods to a post, thenco east sixty (bt); rods to a post, thence north sixty-three and three-tenths 03.3 rods the place of beginning. Coninining twenty-three and seven-tenths 23.7 acres I innu, more or less. SECOND Commencing at a post at the outh-cast corner of land conveyed to Robert Mcintosh, by David B. Griggs and others, trustees of tho united Mates Laud Company, thence north forty 40") rods to a post, thence east twenty-uino -0 rods to a post, thence south l:u cast, lorty-one 41 1 rods to a stone 111 the ereek, thenco west thirty-seven 37 rods to the placo ot beginning. Containing eight and ono fourth acres of land, more or less. THIRD Commencing at a hemlock tree, at the south-west corner of a lot of land conveyed to Robert Mcintosh, by the trus- ecs of the U. h. Land Company, thence cast fourteen 14 rods to a beech tree, hence south sixty-throe and three-tenths (j.J.rS rods lo a post, thence south ono itmdred flOO rods to a post, thence south sixty-six and seven-tenths 00.7 rods to a post, thence west twcnly-livo 'JjI rods lo a beech tree, thenco north cloven 11 J rod o a beech tree, thence west sixty-six I rods to a beech tree, thence north one huu- edand eleven 1111 rods to a post, Ihenoe east ono hundred and seventy-seven R"" rods to a post, thenco novth eight S"rods 0 the place 01 beginning. Containing one hundred nnd two and six-tenths (1UJ.U) acres more or less. FOURTH Beginning at an iron-wood tree on tho bank of the crop'.':, thenco north forty-two degrees west (4-w), fifty. eight jn) rods to a stone, thence west fifty-four (04) rous to a post, thenco south sixty-threo and three-tenths (03.3) rods to a post thenco north seventy-three and one-fourth uegrecs east iwouiy.four (124) rods to a post, thence north one. fourth of a rod to a post, thenoe north 78 east Bixtyonne C,) rods to the place ot beginning. Containing twenty-two acres and and auowauce of six per cent of land. Hl'TU Commencing at a post on the north line of land of said Dennis Kgleston, thenco west forty -40- rods tn a hemlock, tlicnoe north sixty-eight degrees east. forty-throe -43- rods to a post, thence south sixteen -111- rods to the placo of bo ginning. Containing two -2- acres of land, more or less. Seized and taken in execution, as tho property of William Heed, aad to be sold by JACOB McCAULEY, SherifT, SiiEnirr'g Office, 1 Ridgway, March, 10, 1871. vln3tc. SHEBHT'SALB. BY virtue of a writ of Levari Faeias, issued out ot the Court ot Common Pleas of Elk county, and to rue directed. I will expose to sale by publio vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in llidg way ON MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1871, at one o clock, p. tn. All that certain tract or piece of lan J, situate in the township of lionzinger, county of Klk and State of Pennsylvania. Beginning at a post the south-west corner of war rant lour thousand ei'-lit hundred and eighty-four (4S84), thence north four hundred perches to the north-west cor ner ot said warrant 4s84, thenco east ttwo hundred perches, thenco south four hundred perches, thenoe west two nun dred perches to the vlaoe of beginning, Containing five hundred acres, and be ing the western Dart of warrant four thousand eight hundred and eighty- tour (4884), being the same premises which Francis Van Marseville, by deed dated the eishth day of lebruary, A D. 18G5, and granted and conveyed to Lewis Mitchell and Mitchell A, Mitchell in fee. Seized and taken in execution, as the property of Lewis Mitchell and Mitchell A. Mitchell, and to be sold by JACOB McCAULEY, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, ) Ridgway, March, 10th, 1871. j vlnSto. CUM'.LUi A. DAXA, Editor. A Ncrrnpnpnrot the Present Time, l iicntloil lor Toonta Now on Earth. Including Farmcn, Morliautc. Merchants, Pro fessions Men, WuiKcra, T:ilnkei, aad nil Ulan, nor or IlonoJt Fo'.ki, end t:ie WItoj, Bona, and Daughter ol all such. ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR ! ON3 HUNDRED COPIES FOB SO, Or lot t!in (r Cont a Copy. Let thore bt a $50 Cml at ovory Post Office. SSKI-WEEKLYKCN, 53 A YEAEf of tlii :ime tlM ant ecncrsl ciirPt.,. TTIt-I WEEKLr. but wit!, n (troatot variety ol ,....... ... ,... ..,..,.,. uTiusr.inir the nw to Its Btitw.rlbers with ri cat:r frosiiaom. bcoatu 11 comes twice a weak Instead or once only. TI1E DAILY SUN, 80 A YEAR. A prcflmlnentlv reft'tib'o nownajier. irtth fi nry circtliultm in tho won.l. rrr-e. init... POKlrnt. uptl l'iirlfj-M lu polltictl. All Vs hews f.- i'n vw rywh:-.. Tf 1 cuiics a copy i by mail. CO ceuu a month, or 80 year. TEHM3 TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY SfN. Tiro copies, ono yoar, toparotely mirlroS',d. l-'onr Mollnr. Ton rop'cs mo Tcir. nomrntelv atlitressea (dud iu extra cup lo the setter u? of cluu). Kialtt Io!!nrn rwonfv ennlwi, ono your, sopnrnfplv nrlrlicusod (u..cluli cXM-ucopy w tuenctlorup of club). Fifteen I)o liars. c e?r'"!-rnn 5'o.ir, to ono H'lclrcws inml tho buiiu-weekly uneyenr n mitt or tin nf club), Tliirty-tlu-oo Dollar. Fifty enp!o. onti year, repnrntolv 11 idrcfc(l (nnd t.ic Suna.WoeklyooeyertiLilr m.orrinh), 'I'hii'ty-Uvo Dollars. ( n;l tujjyu..yluf ouo year to iliop.'iter :m or ,"";" , . Ihtr Diillam. .inn in. ..i.ea coni. ono vonr. m..,n.i,i. : 1110 Liullyiuruue year ;o 1 nt .Jotter Waima), sixty IS..I .I THE SE.HI.AVEEK.LY SCN. Flvo coniui, ouo year, separately Mret-ol T . Eialu Dollars. T''"',CT,0"e.TO''-''raratn!v atirircssad (and uaextia copy to tetter up of cliiii), 1 bixtt'i n Dollars. be!;d your moxey n T"rt omrc oMen. rhctts, or drafts on New S rk, whor vor conveutent. if no" then feEutcr in lct.e.i coiitalulnit money. Aadrcsi 6 I. W. E1CCLA Tr, rnh!t.bnr, tj Sua ofllco, Kew Vorlt City. NEW LIVmtY STABLE IN 7MI DAN SClUBNKit AVISlIliSTO IX- lorui the Citizens of Ilidgway, and the public generally, that he has starteda Liv ery Stablo aud will keep GOOD STOCK, G()OI CARRIAGES aud Budgie-), to let upon tho most roajona- ble terms Bfjft-IIe will also do job teaming. Stablo in the Krooks Burn, near tho PcstOISce, on Mil' street. All orders left nt the Post Office will meet prompt atten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf. THE' MERCHANT'S JOUKTAL ANI .NEW YORK & riltLAPKLPHIA rniCI! CUBBKNT. EVERY WEDNESDAY nt $2 per annum. The JonrnilSs the cheapest Commercial paper puhlifhcd- It gives the latest com mercial mid financial reports and latest news, business items nnd articles of inter est nnd value to tho Morchatit, Farmer nud family. It give a full auj reliable price list, which every merchant ehoull hive. subscription agents wanted. A liberal com mission paid Address WATSON & CO., 1 ublishers, 10 S. im Street Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED FOR Physical Life of Han and woman, OR ADVICE TO UOTII SEXF.S. A moral, chaste, aud thoroughly soiontiio work ort the following bighly important sulijejis: Change oi Ltle, Love, Courtship, tjimlili. catious for a happy Marriage Physiology of M.irriugo, Early Relations of Husband and Wife, Duties and Experiences of Wifo nnd Mother, Care of Mother and Child, Mysteries of Reproduction. Mural nnd l'hysieial Transmission, and kindred top ics, from tho highest authorities in Europe. I'rico If '1 t.O. Sales immense. freight paid on bcoks and canvassing books free. For circulars nnd Testimonials address, PAUMELEE & CO., 1S1 Race 6trcet., Cincinnati, O. nlto. STKIiEOSCOP.ES. A'lEWS, ALBUMS, CHllOMOS, FRAMES. E.&H.T. ANTHONY & CO. 591 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, Invile the ultention of the Trado to their : xio:itive assortment of tho above goods, of luir ou n publication, and tmjorlatiun. Also, PHOTO LANTERN SLIDES and GRAPnOSCOPES. NEW VIEWS OF YOSEMITE. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO.. C01 Broadway, New York, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel, Importers and Manufacturers of PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. vln2yl. HENRY HARPER, JTo. T2"3 CHESTJi'VT Street, (formerly 020 Arch Street,) Ojyoaite "Old Masonic Hall" TIIIL'A. Has a large Stock of AMERICAN and SWIS3 GOLD AND SIL VER WATCI1E3. OPERA. LINO TIEN AMD VEST CHAINS. FRENCH CLOCKS, OPERA GLASSES AND FANCY GOODS, Fancy and plain solid silverware, and Rogers' celebrated spoons, forks, tea vets ioe pitchers, castors, &o., all of Tihich are. selling at roasonabk prices. vln3y