Eatea of Advertising. Ono column, one year $;r, 00 J " " " 40 00 1 " " " 25 00 " " " 15 00 Transient advertising per square of eight line or less 8 times or less.. 2 00 Business cards, ten lines or less per your 5 00 Marriages and Death notices inserted pratis. a, gp Elk Lodge, A. T. M. Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be neia at, their ball on tin seoond and fourth Tuesdays of each month. G. L. McCRACKEM. Seo'y. Tempi of Honor and Temuerance. Tfcktnn Temnte. Ni. 8 . m lets on Thurs dav nf oai'i wV. at. tV 'Jul Tentplut'S Lodge room, over 0. V. Wilis' store. H. A. parsoys. .V. R. The mud in the streets is about all dried up. TnE bad places in the sidewalks still remain unfixed. Tan Forest Prat column. has a religious TnB new plastered. school house is being It. V. Kimk is putting up a new residence) on Centre street. Tnis is the Reason of lent; wish some one would lend us something. TnATER & II AOEtiTT are erecting an addition to their storo. Our jail is, at present, without an occupant. Here is a good opening tor sorue enterprising young man. Tom, he that works on the Democrat, is struggling with a "hefty' pair of liurnsides. Our warai weather has taken co!d, and old Boreus is trying to kick up a young winter. We noticed Chas. MoVean, Post ranter ut St. Mary's, and subscriber to the Advocate, in town yesterday. Rcttatous services at the Court ll'juse, next Sunday, morning and evening, by C. M. Heard. W. II. Osteriiout is pushing the work on his new tannery rapidly for ward t completion. , W. C. IIealv is making preparations to move the shoe shop, recently pur i 1 I r . i . cuaseu or u. a. i'arsnns, aown near J. P. Dill's blacksmith shop. TltE practice of whistling and stamp jting feet at publie entertainnents, in this placs, is a bad one and should be discontinued. Tub Commissioners of Elk county will meet At their office in Ridgway, oo Monday, March 27th, 1871. 0. II. McCAULEY, Clerk. Concert. The Clifton Guitar Troupe gave au entertainment at Mes senger's Hall, last Friday evening. The concert was well attenie 1, and in most respects was a success. We noticed the familiar face of Mr. Edward Souther, who has been suffer ing from an attack of the rhcuruatiz, tor some time past, ou the street the other day; The following notice has been hand ed us for publication: Attkvtioii, Bask Ballists! AU lovers of "the National Game" who desire to tako part in the organization of the Alert B. 11. C, will meet in room No. 25, Hyde House, on Saturday evening, March 2ota, at 7 o'clock. Let there be a good atten dance. Lutheran services will be held in the Court House: confirmation, com- luuniou and baptism, oo Sunday, April Ud, preaching in German and English ,. in the morning at 11 a. tu., English iu the eveniog. Also services as usual on the 16th and 30th. 11EV. J. BRI5NEM AN, Pastor. Some Eua. Jus. Hagerty gave us the dimensions of an egg, the other day, which measures 71 inches around the long way, and 6 inches around the biggest way; its weight is four ounces. The egg was produced by a smallish Spanish hen, and at last accounts the ben was doing well. Fun Moons. It is worthy of note that there will bo a full moon the first week of each of the first seven months of the year. In July there will be two full iiioous, viz: On the 2d and 21st. And in the remaining five months the moon will be at the full in the last day ot each month. Postal Laws We publish the following postal law for the benefit of our readers: "Writing on newspapers subjects them to letter postage, and if done with the intent that the papers shall be sent free of latter poetag j, a penalty of five dollars attaches to the leader." Fakss of Life. Few persons realize what life what sort of life is around them. Tl,e hap py home is but a step from the desolate fireside; chenrful hearts come daily in contact with bleeding ones and do not know it. The race is too swift for close observation childhood passes into man hood, manhood into old nuc, before ono realizes that a chant; bus come. Sor row, too, is everywhere; yet often con cealcd. Men have vastly moro trouble than they will avow. The tears of manhood are not rare. When poor, wo often appear rich; when sad we often smile. Each season of life is full of care, and is relieved here and there only by the kindness of divine providence. The child lay down to rctt; His bright eye had to tear; His glad heart felt no foar; Nor yet by grief distrest; One little hand still clasped his toy 4 His dreams were only d'eams of joy. The man lay down (o Keep; Sinoo he had been a child, Ktcra grief and anguish wild, Those thorns which sin does keep Still lurking near each earthly flower, Hal pierced his soul with with'ring power. Old age lay down to die; Life's joyous hours wero flown, Labor and sorrow known. I heard the last faint sigh; The child, the man, thevct'ran, all Were shrouded 'ncath the fun'ral pall. Only crows and tools are afraid of a shabby suit of clothes. Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. Words cannot heal the wounds that words can make. A rifle bullet, it is said, will not go through more than thirty sheets of pa per. The average age of the American clergymen who died last year, was sixty-one years. Mr. Krazitkowicstekietziciowiskowski proposes to start a Bohemian newspaper in Cleveland, O. Hot Ictnotiade with fringe is tho new name for the temperance beverage, with a stick in it. Husiness Men Take Notice. Trying to do business without advertis ing is like winking to a pretty girl through a pair of green goggles. You may know what you aro doing, but nobody else does. The Supremo Court of Pennsylvania has decided that tho mere name of a person on tho back of a promissory note does not bold such iudorser responsible for tho same. He must write over bis signature "I guaranteo tbo payment ol the within when due," or something to that eflect. This, however, does not apply to the person to whoso older the note may bo drawn. A hill bus bceu reported iu the Legislature of this State requiring li censes for marriages. We ain't par ticular curself, but think if tho bride groom is a poor man, that when he pays the preacher, remembers the printer, takes a wedding tour, 6ets up buuse- keeping, and procures a fcmals "help," he will have mighty fewstampts to lay out for licenses. Forest Republican. I Recipe. The following is said to bo an excellent preventative against Ty phoid fever, by one who has seen it used for years. As this dreadful disease seems to be somewhat prevalent through the country at the present time, it can do no harm to try it. The preparation is made as follows: Six ounce of cay enne pepper, tablespoooful of common salt, a pint and a half each of boiling watet and vinegar; let them remain in a close vessel for one hour, then strain through a fine linen cloth. Take a tablespoooful every hour or two. Tbb Pennsylvania Army. Ac cording to the report of Adjutant Gen eral Russell, the National Guard ot Pennsylvania consists at present of 972 commissioned officers and 13,894 en listed men. The report says: "During the past year one hundred and fifty-tight companies have been or ganized throughout tho State, and the National Guard of Pennsylvania,' com prising at the beginning of the year 1867, only eight companies, increasod during that and the following year to seventy-eight, and during 1869 to one hundred and eighty-four, now numbers three hundred and eleven organized company commands, thirty-one com pany organizations having, for suudry causes, been disbanded." The expenses of tht, department for the fiscal year ending November 30, 1870, amounted to 811,387 01, as fol lows: Adjutant General's office, 85, 631,45; Quartermaster General, 85,. 049,74; unsettled claims of transpor tation department, ic , 8195,82. Transient Newspapers. The post oTieo laws have been amended In regard to transient newspapers.whercby tlio pi9 ugo on such mtiil matter is now lower tliuo it has hcrctofoio been. See 100 tcads thus: "The rate of postage on newspaper?, periodicals, not exceeding two ounces in weight, and circulars when the samo aro deposited in the post office for delivery by tho offico or by carrier, shall bo uniform and at ono cent, each. TnE Philadelphia Vn.n says: When the great political battle of 1872 comes to bo fought, the Itepublican party will need a more stirring catnpaiogn docu ment than its financial record. A re duction of the national debt of $204,' 754,413 in two yearn, or at the rate of one hundred millions per annum, is in deed a glorious exhibit, but it will not provo a strong enough weapon with which to combat tho wily Democracy, lf.a ........ It.tiA .nninttiinif m .n .!!.. more aggressive. The man of mere dollars and cents is at best but a poor creature, aud as it is with men so it is with parties. Who shall first strike the keynote to victory a year hence? The increase in salaries of State Governors and other executive officers within a few years has been quite marked. The highest salary appears to be paid by Louisiana to its Governor He receives 3,000 a year, equal to the Vice President's salary. Calitornia pays $7,000 and Nevada 80,000 the latter State contains the smallest popu. lation in the Union. Tho following States pay $5,000. each: Arkansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Alabama, Georgia, New York, Ohio, and Texas pay 84,000 each. Marytand pays 3,000, and South Carolina 83,500. Indiana, Min nesota, New Jersey, uuu Tenneseee pay 83,000 each. Iowa, Maine, and Mis souri pay 82,500 each. West Virginia and Kansas pay 82,000 each. Illiuois and Oregou pay 81,500. The smallest salaries are paid by Wisconsin, 81,250; Vermont, 81,000; Rhode Islaud, 81.- 000; New Hampshire, 81.000; Neb raska nod Michigan, also, 81,C00 each; Florida, 81,333; and Delaware, 81,100. OTHER COUNTIES. CAMERON. Wo ore indebted to the Cameron Herald for the following items: Attempt at Robbery. A man went into Morro's saloon late Tuesday night, and taking Morro by the throat de manded S50; fortunately there was a large butcher knile in reach which Mono succeeded in getting hold of, when the fellow let go and took to his beds. Fatal Accident. On Monday the 13th inst., a mau by tho name of John Carr, while engaged at driving logs on tho river ut the mouth of lieals Ktin, five miles ubove the mouth of the creek, fell into the river in fiont of the jam and was instantly crushed to death. His remains were taken on the mail train the same evening and conveyed to his home at Flcmington. The deceased was a man of family and about 40 year3 of age. Narrow Escapo of a Team. On Wednesday the 8th inst., Mr. Eogler's team, while standing hitched at the grist mill, in the lower end of the borough, became frightened at a freight train, broke loose and attempted to cross tho track in front of tho engine. J ho. horses cleared the track, but the engine mruun uiu wuguu uetwcuu lue wheels, smashing it in pieces; and throwing the horses on to a pile of ties; although they were thrown some distuned with considerable force and one on top of tho other, they escaped with only a few slight scratches and bruises. Fell off tho Cars. Oo Friday night last, a largo number of log drivers were sent up from Williamsport on the ex press, many of whom were intoxicated, soon after tho train left Siunemahoning and while going at full speed one of them fell off the curs. The train was immediately stopped and conductor GabrieHo went back, as he supposed, to pick up a dead man. On reaching the spot however, he was somewhat sur prised to find the man had crawled up on to the track, sol was sitting with his legs over the rails, uninjured, but so drunk that he hardly know what had happened. He was put into the bag gage car for safer keeping, but almost immediately got up a row, and tried to get some oue to fight with him. COUNt V OFFICERS. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jho. P. Yinuent. Associate Judge E. C. Schultxe, Jesse Kyler. District Attorney J. K. P. Hail. Sheriff Jacob MoCaulcy. Prothonotury $0., Fred. Schcening. Troasuror Claudius V. Gills, Co. Superintoudeut Ruf'us Lucore. Commissioners H. Warner, Jos. W Taylor. Louis Yo timer. Auditors Clark Wileox, George D Messenger, and Joseph Wilhelm. County Surveyor Geo WUmsley. Jury Commissioners. -Ueorge Dick inson, and Horace Little. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. Second Monday in January, Second Monday in April First Monday in August. First Monday in November. Promissory Notes. , Thn.lnte decision of the Stiprom Court iii this St ito in reference ti. the liabilities of t'io maker of a promissory notes, is ono to which the attention of every ono doing busmen should bo specially directed. An ordinary promis sory note was filled up for tho payment of one hundred dollars. After the note was madi-, the payee, it is asserted, ad ded tho words "and fifty," thus making it a promissory note for ono hundred and fifty dollars. This note was passed into tho hands nf an innocent third party, who claimed the full sum named in the note. On an appeal to the Su preme Court it wjs decided that tho drawer was liable, ho having invited the fraud by his own negligence. It is well known that there is a blank space on all printed promissory notes where the amount ol money to be paid is written, and that at the end of this blank space tho word "dollars" is printed. The Supreme Court declared thnt it was negligence on the part of the drawer in not drawing a line be tween the written word "hundred" and the printed word "dollars," and that where such negligenco existed, and there was nothing on the face of tho note that showed any alteration, the drawer was liable. The Chief Justice added that the Supreme Court deemed Buch a rule necessary to facilitate the circulation of commercial paper and at the same time increase tho care of drawers. The rule is only to apply, however, where an alternation is not ap parent on the face of the paper. A traveler, wo are told, in a wild country where he could find no provisions for himself or his dog, cut off the dog's tail and boiled it for his own supper, snd gave the dog the bone. A man from the country whose wife had eloped aud carried off the feather bed, was in search of them; not that he cared anything about the wife, "but the feathers," said he, "them's worth a dollar a pound." Tin TavaflfWoBLn. We have received a copy of a new paper nf tho above name, published in New York. It is a large eight page journal, and contains 43 col umns of rending matter. As an organ of thought, it has already acquired even a European reputation: and is recognized by the press ot America, of Ireland, and Kngland as standing first of its kind in the United Slates. As a Vehicle of News, it is, as its name purports a condensed week ly history of the world that is. of tho Irish world and where over the earth nre Irishmen not to he found? Tho chief Edi tor is Hi o lion. W. E. Robinson, late Mem ber of Congress, who has so distinguish ed himself for his persistent opposition to the arrogant pretentions of England at all times and in all places. The frith World is a marvel of cheapness only $2 60 per year. Threo porsons. by clubb ing together, can have the paper, sent to ono address for $11 for ono year. The Editors invite persons to send on for Speci men Copies, fbkk. Address "The Irish World," 11 Frankfort street, New York. New Iti,nsTRATKn Family Pater. Wo have received the first-number of "For Everybody." a new monthly paper, pub lished by Henry !! sage, buffalo. N. Y. As its name nnplus, it contains matter of interest to nil. young ami old; Novels and History. Agriculture and Fino Ar 8, Humor aud Burlesque, all have their al- loted places. It. ii nil illustrated paper and the engravings aro carefully selected and admirably executed. The publisher oilers such startling prizes direct lo subscribers, and on so new and novel a plan, that low would lie. licve it geuii'iiu, were it not. so satisfac torily vouched for by some of tho oldest and most responsible houses in the country. sample copies will be sent on receipt of fifteen cents, and the subscription price is only ono dollar and a-lmlf per year. Agents are wanted in this vicinity, but to shield Iho public from imposters, no appli cation will be considered unless well re commended, which each agent will be furnished with a certificate aud a lib eral commission allowed. Address Henry H. Sage, 2ti Allen street, Buffalo. N. Y. TO NEDRASKV. CALIFORNIA, AND KANSAS, AND THE 1$. it M. R. K. LANDS. . The "Burlington Route," so called. lies right in the path of the Star ot Em pire. It runs almost immediately in the centre of the great westward movement of emigration. Crossing Illinois and Iowa, it strikes the Missouri river at three points. These three points are the gateways into three great sections of the trans Missouri region. The Northeru gate is Omaha, where the great Pacific road will take you to tho land of gold and grapes, sunny mountains, and perpetual summer. The middle gate is Plattsmouth, which opens upon the south half of Nebraska, south of the Platte river, a region un surpassed on the continent for agricul ture and grazing. Just here are the B & M. Ilailroad lands, concerning which Geo. S. Harris, the land officer at Bur lington, Iowa, can give you all informa tion, and in tho heart of them is Lin coln, the State Capital and present ter minus of the road. The Southern gate leads to Kansas, by connection with the St. Joe Road at Hamburg, running direct to St. Joe and Kansas City. The trains ot the Burlington run smoothly and safely, and make all con nections. It runs the best of coaches Pullman Palace ' and Pullman dining cars, and thould you take the journey for the journey's sake alone, you will be repaid; cr take it to find a home or a farm, and you cannot find either better than among the B. & M. lands, where you can buy oo teo years' credit, and at. a low rrice. vlu2yl. BUSINESS CARDS, KXUY SOUTHER, Attornoy-at-Law ltidgway, fa. (t'ch20'C8), JI j A. RATtlUU.V, Attorney-ftt-T-aw I JT Ridgway Pa. 2 2 tf. OHN G. HALL, Attorney at. law, Hidg. way, Elk county Ta. mar-22'iitil VS. IITI.L, Physiria . Kersey, Elk Co. Pn ian and Surgeon, HA. PARSONS, , Dealer 'n Boots, Shoes and Leather. Mam Street, Ridgway, Pa. vlnltf. GEORGE WALMSLfiY, County pur veyor, St. Marys, Pa., holds himself In readiness at nil times, to perform Jobs in his line. 2 8 T7 X. SOBO, Saloon-keeper, corner of P . Railroad and Michael streets,. St. Murys, P.i. Native Wines, good Lager Beer, etc., constantly on hand. 2 H WILLIAM ORIS, Rcstanrant, Mi chael street. St.. Marys, Pa., keeps the best (if Lager Beer and Native wines constantly on hand. 2 8 (1 H. VOLK, 'Manufacturer and Dealer J in Lagtr Beer, opposite tho Railroad Depot, St, Mary's, Elk county Pa. IDWARD BL1NZLER, Railroad street, 2j next to the Alpine House, fit. Marys, l'a., receives dailj Fresh Baltimore Oys ters, which ho sells at tho lowest price, raw, stewed, or by the can. Fresh Lngcr always on hand. 2 8 TQEVNOLOS HOUSE, BBTO0LD3VILLE, JEFFSSSOH CO, PA. H. S. BELNAP, PnopBir.TOR . JS. Bordwell, M. D. Eoleotio Physian . Ollice and residenco opposite the J nil. on Centre St., ltidgway. Pa. Prompt attention will be given to all calls. Office hours: 7 to 8 A. M' ; 12 to 2 P. M. ; and 6 lo 7 P. M. Mar. 22, C(i-tf. DR. A. FISHER, Surgeon Dentist, of Warren, Pa., will be iu St. Marys the the third week in each month. Offico in Dr. Russ' building, Centre street, St. Mary's, and at Ridgway every court week. Office at the Hyde House. D R C. H. FULLER, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, Kinaw.vY, Ta. Residence and office opposito tho Thayer House. 11 S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Ridgway, Fa. Office in Walker's Building. Special attention given to Surgery. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 10 p, m. Residence at J. M. Heard's, Centre Street. All calls promptly attended to. vln2yl. C1HARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, West End of Hydo House, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Macaine. and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc., done with the same accuracy as here tofore. Satisfaction guaranteed. vlnly. GG. MESSENGER, Druggist and Parmaccutist, corner Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, duy or night. vln3y. HYDE HOUSE, RinowAT, Elk Co., P.. W. II. SCII RAM, Proprietor. Thankful for tho patromgo heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, tho new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the samo. Oct 30 18G9. 1 THAYER HOUSE, RIDGWAY, r.V. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having titled up a large and commodious hotel tho southwest cornerof Centre and Mill ttrects, with good and convenient stabling attached, respect fully solicits the patronage of his old friendsand the public generally. decl3'UU lj DAVID THAYER. M ORTON HOUSE, T? T TIT T A JI. V. Moore, lute of (lie Jjide House) Proprietor. Open. Day and Night- DRS. BORL.fND & St. CLAIR, ruANKLiN, P., Give special atten tion to Chronic diseases, and those pecu liar to women and children. Dr. Borland, diagnoses diseses by An ex amination of the urine, and by this Did German method has successfully treated thousands of cases without seeing them. EDWARD McBRIDE. Watohmoker and Jeweler, Railroad street, St. Marys, Pa. Engraving and repairing done on short notice, and in a workmanlike man ner, Wutnhes, and everything in the Jew elry line, constantly on hand. 2 8 J." PARSONS, Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots & Shoes, Main St., opposite Hotel, ov27y Wilcox, Pa. FRANKLIN HOUSE, ST. Mary's, Pa. LARGEY & MALONE, Puora's. The proprietors respectfully ask tho atten tion of their friends and tho public in general to their large and commodious hotel. Every attention paid to the conve nience of'guests. II. LARGEY. may30-1868.1y J, A. mALOXE. KERSEY HOUSE, CsMTusviLLi, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by pay ing strict at tention to the oouilort acd convenience of guests, to merit a coutiuuaoce of the same. BUSINESS CARDS. pvR. O. WHIPPLE, J Dental Surgeon. Office In Walker's Building. AU kinds of dentistry done in the best style, and all work warranted. He will visit Kane on the 1st, 2d, and fid; Wilcox on tho 10th, 1 lib, and 12lli; St. Mary's on the 21st, 22d, and 23d of each month. At all other lime .to can bo found at his office in Ridgwi, Pa. vln2yl. J II. W1LBER, NEWS DEPOT. Main St. (Uoles' New Building), Ridg way, Pa. Latest reriodioals and Newspapers kept constantly on hand. Also dealer in Fresh Fish, Oysters, Tobacco, and Coufeotionary, vlnltf. JOARDING HOUSE, Near the Depot, Wilcox, Ta. Tho undersigned has opened a large board irghouKe nt the nbovo plarc, where ho is amply prepared to satisfy tho wants of those who may avorlnm with their custom. MABTIN SOWEUS, Proprietor HALL & I3IIO. Attorneys - at - Law ST.' MARY'S, ELK COUHKm-SYLTANIA. JOil.NO. HALL -IAS. K. V. HALL W. S. SERVICE GO AND SEE! IT WILL PAY! THE LARGEST STOCK OF THE BEST NO OTHER IN STOCK S TO WI2 SI HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. PRICES WILL SUIT ! GOODS WILL PLEASE! STOVES DELIVERED AND SET FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! W. S. SERVICE, No. 1 Masonio Hall Building, Ridgway, Pa. we y taw The most Complete Business College lathe Lulled States.; Affording facilities for acquireing a thorough practical business education, possessed by no other School in the country Since its incorporation in 1855, noarly SixteenTbousand Students, representatives from every State in the Union, have atlonded barm. No vacations. Students enter at any time, and reoeive private instructions throughout the entire course. N. B Ciroulars with full particulars and AU necessary information, on addressing SMITH & COWLEY, Principals, rilTlSDl'BGH, PA. TO TOE NERVOUS & DEBILITATED I WHOSE SUFFERING HAVE BEEN PRO TRACTED FROM HIDDEN CAUSES', AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE rilOMPT TR tUH TJtlEJVT TO RENDER EXISTENCE DESIRABLE If vou are Buffcrinjr or have suf fered, from involuntary discharges, what effect does it rroduce upon your general health ? Do you feel weak, de bilitated, easilv tired ? Does a littla extra exertion produce palpation of th0 heart? Docs your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order ? Is your urine some- inies thick, milky or flocky, or is it ropy on settling? Or does a thick skura rise to the top? Oi' is a sediment nt the bottom after it has stood awhile? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia: Aro your bowels con stipated ? Do you have spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to tho head ? la your memory impaired ? Is jour mind constantly dwelling on the subjec? Do you foci dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life ? Do you wish to bo alone, to get away from everybody? Does any littlo thing mako you start or jump ? Is your sleep broken or restless ? Is tho lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom of your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in so ciety as well ? Do you pursue your business with tho same energy ? Do you feel as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of melencholv ? If so. do not lay it to your liver or dispepsia. uavo you restless nights r lour back weak, and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver-complaint? Now, reader, self-abuse, veneral disease badlv cured. are all capable of producing a weakness of the ccnerativo organs. Tim nra im of the generation, when in perfect health, m:iKo mo man. i)ia you ever think that thohO bold, defiant, cnerrretin. persevering business-men are always tno?o whoso generative organsare in perfect health? Ynu oi-ver linnr such men complain of beiug melcn cho'y, of nervousness, of palpata'tion ot tho heart. They aro never afraid they cannot succeed in business ; they don's becomo sad and discouraged : thov am always polito and pleasant in companv Ot ladies, and look vnu iinrl 1mm riirhn , ' J - " a"" in the lace none of vmir ilnnni-fmr. looks or any other meanness about them. I do not mean thoso wlm Veen tho orgrns inflated bv running to excess. these will not onlv ruin thmr nunof!- tutions, but also those they do business wuli or Jor. How mnney men, from hadly cured dis-eiise-, from the fllVcts of sclt-nhiiso ami exi'ossc., hive brought almut that, stale of weaUnus.i in those organs that ha rcduwds tho general fysfera to much ns to iuducu almost rvery other diseass idiocy, par. spinal n Tactions suicide, mid almost every other form of disease which hu nmiiiiy is heir to and tho real cause of tho irouldo scarcely ever suspected, and hnvo doctored lor all hut, tho right one. DISEASE OF THESE ORGAN'S REQUIRE THE USE OF A DIUHETIC. HEJ.MBDLD'5 FLUID EXTRACT BUCHTJ ISTUEaarDIURETI,A.VD IS A CERTAtif CUM. fOIt DISEA6E OP TIIB BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAK NESS, FEMALE COMLAINTS, GENER AL DEBILITY. And all other diseases of the Urinary O.--puns, whether exisiing in Mams or Fkmalb, trotn whatever causo originating, and no matter how long standing. If no treatment is submitted to., sumption or insanity nmr , and flesh blood are supported from these s"ul"i "u me ucaunanu Happiness, and that of Postority, depends upon prompt use of a reliahle remedy. HEMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU, establi shed upward of 19 years, prepared by II. T. HELMBOLD DRUGGIST, 591 Broadway, New Yhek and 104 Pa. South 10th Street, Philadelphia iorfco.SO, delivered to ony address. Sold by ah, Dbuooists kvirtwuiri. NONE ARK GENUINE UNLESS DONE LP IS ST1EG KMOBAVKD WBApPER WITS 'ml!llLlt CUEHH3AL WARE HOUSE, ASfDsiosaD, H. T. HELMBOLD.