''V- Wn 1 . Rates of Aivertiring. One column, one rear..... , , s' no .n on 2' no 16 no Transient adrerliidatr. perTiars ofeis'it iir.es or less 3 times or 1cm 2 00 . Easiness Cards, ten lines or less nr year 'fi 00 Marriages lad Death notices Inserted gratis. Elk Lo3ge, A. Y. K. Stated meetings of Elk T.ndee will be lieM at their ball on ths second and fourlli Tuesday of each month. O. L. McCRACKEN, Seo'y. Temple el Honor anl Temoaraace. Elktoa Te njile, So. 8, tn ip's on Thnrn day of enii weslt. a'. t'i nvtl TaniiUrs Lodge room, overC. V. Oil!!' store. T H. A. PARSON'S. V. R. Last Monday there was a slight flurry of snow. Thers ore over 250,000 freemasons in tho United States. The diy nnd night will be of equal length on the 21st inst. New York swindlers continna to flood the post-oSces with confidential circulars. 1 here are several bad places in the wide walks about town, which would tear fixing. Las r Thursday this placo was visited by a heaty rain storm and a flock of wild gecso. For the past week thbre has been a food rafting stage in the Clarion river. and Elk creek. Tins Comro issionrrs of Elk county will meet ac thoir office in Ridgway, on Monday, March27th, 1S71. 0. II McCAULEY, ClerL About all the lumber has been run from this section; but they s?y th;t a (rood many raft have been "stoted." and a good many more are waiting for higher water, below here. Correction. Last week in no icing the accident, lit the depot, whereby ..Tohn Cotter was killei, we sa'd the local west run over him; it wis the gravel train goincr cast instead. Mr. II. IlAnPER. 'dealer in Watches. Jewelry, &.,) has removed frcm fi:!Q Arch street !o 722 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, as will be se-en by his ad vertisement in this issue. Tint is an old-established and reliable -'ioue noted cspceislly for solid Silve- Ware. Fine Watches and Jewelry. lie reel coma Aw old and ntt'C Jri'cwh Have you wanJorcd arotnd in ond through the mud lately, orw.ll you per form that delightful rxerufce just for health's sake, if for not hit else? ll you do, just wade over to Service's shop tt the upper end of Main street, ut whnt is known as Cheap I.'ud, aod yon .will see the most extensive assortment Jut uhAn articles ever stored under oae roof in P.idgway, which are sold at marvelotsly low pricta. Beio too lata firha cars'- Un't al ways unfortunate. Mat Beutus, of $ey ville, missed the train that was wrcokid at Hamburg only two minutes in Net York. Mr. T. II. Dolan, machinist of th.j engine which lately exploded at Parker,' Laading killing two men, was on bi way there the night before aod missed! the train at Fagundas Ciry by three! minutest A mias was better than a milo in those cases do doubt. Warrou Mail. St. Patrick's Day. The aoniver eary ufj St. Patrick's day one ever dear to all byal Irish hearts will occur on Friday, the 17th instant. The patron eaint df Green Erin, according to the national annals, was born in 873 and died m 493, living to the good old age of 120 years. Bishop Butler says he "forsook his family, sold bis birth right and dignity, to serve strangers, consecrated his soul to God, to car. ime to the end of the earth." is so geoeially celebrated rs. AH irishmen Keep it religious remembrance, aa i regard it as a solemn obligation to observe it. Who has not heard the familiar song! "St. Patrick was a jinileman aod came of daceot people, He built a chuicb in Dublin town, and on it put a steeple; His father was a Wollaghin, bis mother an O'Grady, His aunt she was a Kinagha-, and bis wife a widow Brady, Och! the Antrim hills are nighty high, and so'sthe hill of Howth too, Hut there's hill more higher still, more higher than them both, too. 'Twas on the top of that high hill 8 U Pit. rick preaohed his sarmint, Aoi drove the frogs into the tragi) and mur dered all the var mint," ""V 1 Tiif. Commissioner ol Infernal Rev enue orders thut no officer under him shall Jeild any nffiijeor appointment un der any Slate or nmnicipil authority. The expenses incurred for the works nf del'enso of Paris ere climated at. 00, 000,000 ('rants, nnd the amo'inf exren ded in artillery is said tubs 10,000,00) trades. Only the Chicago Pi$t would do this: A Cincinnati In" Gnu, Fox and Bird, have sued the editor of the Laid er, of that city, for 83 000 on a libel. Foxes have holes, nnd Bird hare nests but what editor ever has, ever had, or ever will have ?5 000. A London merchant, lutcly deceased, left a legacy of 820 to a Gloucester schorl nuslur who "once give him a tlirusliinjr thut had been a litelnng bene fit to him!'' What millionaires the race of pedagogues now .passing nwny would be if all the benevolent, "thrufh ings" they had adiuistered had operutea in that way! In the penee settieiucnt, utter Nnpo Iooq Bonapiiric's return from Klba utid defeat in 1815, the allied powers re quired France to pay a money indem nity of 8307,500.000. There was no tenitori.il loss to Franco by this treaty. Akhoiulit this lruleiiiiiitv i lus than one-third too amount of money indem nity now exacted by Germany, the hi roriun Allison speaks of it as "probably the greatest money 'indemnity ever ex acted from uny one nation siuce the be ginu'iDg of tiie world " m ifc TriE editor of tlie Forest KrpulUcon is in trouble, hear what he s,i)s: Some wretch, not having the fear of the law belorc his eyes, "I Ited' about ?") in change, which we bad laid awu for a rainy day. It was in our office, and was taken during our absence lust week. Members ol the fratciiiity may not pity us much, for they will say. "waat Dullness has t.u editor wit'i so much money ahead'" We le.l tor the thief, and it ever we lay hunds on him. he will leel that we feel for him. We have heard nt men stealing pennies Irom a defunct Afiicau's optics, and of others stealini; acorns from a blind sow. but to steal money irom an editor Oh! An exehauge gets o!F the tallowing: "The degeneracy of the times, and the uoreliiibilitv of everything human, lus extended to the ground-hog. lu the days of our ancestors, when the afore said animal emerged li'oiu his whiter quarters on Candlemas day, an 1 saw liio shadow ol his tail, his word could be taken that six weeks of hard winter would ensue; but uow not the least de pendence is to be placed in the wood ehuck. This season has shown him to be about us bad as the average of hu uiau beings." Xkvku trust u man who assents to every thing yi-u suy. who tails in w'uh ill your views, w i; iiout making a siiih suggestion i.i collection ol Ins own. A man, in tact, who is un incarnute yes," is either a fool or a kuave. Exchange. V,re suppo.e the writer of the above is one ol i'iosk surly fellows who l uever buppy exeept tlial ti2 is disputing . hok'ttot others. lie would dispule his LiaiuiiiMi'her t i nuke hiiu-cii think lie was neither a tool or knave, whee dl! the worlJ would take issue n:iiiisi him. I-t is not always unmanly or un womanly to lu ke youeeil iiri'i-a'.i.'. Warren Ledger: An Imposts Ciuclt.atino. The Williamsport Cazvtta and Htdlulin says: A mail c.illin himself I'.ev Chas. R. Pa moid, who was recent i baptized in tho Baptist Church at i"ork. proved to be an ircpnster. He let' York, suddenly when he saw un article from the Boston CunijeeijatloiiaUnt con cercing hiia wh:ch gives him the fol lowing 'recommend:" "lie is a Jew hy birth, u play actor by profession, au impn3ter iu truth, is small, nervous, with black hair and whiskers, small light blue eyes; wears spectacles, shows forged credentials aud a letter of dis mistion from au association in London." He may chance to pass this wav uud our readers bad better save the ubove picturo of him. A corkespo.ndknt of tha Warren Mil seys: la the new C'Rress which assembled last Saturday there were 227 members presented their credentials. Of these, 130 are Republicans, and 07 Democrats, giving a Republican majority of 33. Four States with a representation of 1-1 iu the aggregate, have not as yet held their elections, viz- New Hampshire, 'Connecticut, California and Texas. Members to take the places of Lneati of Illinois and Ferry of Michigan, chosen U. S. Senators, have uot been yet elected. When complete, the Forty Second Congress will consist of 243 members, oud allowing we shall elect (which is almost certain) 10 out of tha 16 yet to be chnseo, the Republican ma joriiv will be 37. In this new Congress, there are two Blairs, two Brooks, two Bu'Iers, two Harrises, two Ilazletons, two Myers, two Roberts, two Perrys, two Rices, two Speers, two Townseods, two William Williams, two WiLjous, three Fosters, and three Smiths. 0TII2H COUNTIES. - The Mull says: A li;U boy nnmed David Ilor'en -:ed tn yeaT, wi.ski'l 'd it Irvine's Mill in Tine Grnvn list M..n tlay. Ue vit playing feur a circular aaw sn i by some means fell on it when his shouhb-r was even'd Iiotii Ihe hmly ciitting entirely thioueh th bone above the Rrliuuhitinti nnd severing the larire arterv lie spoke, calling for his Mother, and died within three minutes. EltlE. Jacob Goeble wns tried in Erie lant week, says the Warren Unit, for the murder of John Devitt a few weeks ain. lie was found unilty of murder in the second deirree nnd sent to tie Penitentiary for twelve years. Curtis and Bntterfid'i were hi counsel As there w is oo doubt about, the killine, tlieir etf rt was tn suve his neck, i" which tbey snececdml. lie wa drunk at the time. Beware of strong drink. TO NEoIUSKN. C W.TFORVI.Y, K'SD KAS,S, AS D THE iJ. Si M. It. K. LANDS. Ti e "Burlinaton Ronte," so called, lies right in the path of the Star of Em pire. It runs almost immediately in the ceutre of the grent westward movement of emigration. Crossing Illiuois and Iowa, it strikes the Missouri river at three points. Th ;se three points are the gateways into three great seo.ions of the trans Missouri retfion. The Northern pate is Omaha, where the great PaciQc road will take you to the, Und of gold nd grapes, sunny mountains, nnd perpetual summer. Thoiuiddle uste is Plattsmouth, which opeusupon the south half of Nebraska, souih of tho Platte river, a region un surpassed on the continent for agricul ture and grazing Just here are the B A M. Ruilrond binds, concerning which Geo S. Harris, the laud olficjr at Bur lington, Iowa, c.tn give you all informa tion, and in tho heart of them is Liu--joln, the Strife Cipital and present ter minus of the road. The Southern gate leads to Kansas, hy connection with tho St. Joo lloud at Hamburg, ruunio,; direct to Sc. Jou uud Kansas City. The rains of the Burlington run smoothly and safely, and make all con nections. It runs the best of coaches Pullman Palace and Pullman dining cars, nnd should you take tho journey lor the journey's sake alone, you will be repaid; er take it to Cod a homo or a 'arm, and you cannot find either better than innong the B. & M. lands, where you can buy ou tea years' credit, and at t low priee. vln2yl. SEW AOVEltTl E.U2XT3 C1!i.'ilU,ES HOI.r.S, IVaioloimker, Engraver and Jeweler. Vest !iml of llyilo House, Hi lr'w.iy, l'u. Agent Jor the Howe Sewing Mao ine. anil vinrton tiiihl I'm. l:j:iii.'iri! Watches. e'C ilonc with tho same accuracy as here tolnre. . aiislaciion guaiantecii. vlnly. f"1 (1. .VliSSKXttElt. J" In nepi-t and I'nrmnepiilisl, enrner M u.n Hint Mill streets, Itiiijtw iy, Pa. A full use oil luent of carefully M'UroteJ For j i ri an. i lioinestie iJi-iir". I're-ci iptions ;av luUy dispjosjd at all hou-s, liny or uiglit. vln3v. 0rpi'3 CD-art Sab. Ty vif'ni of an ordor of the Orphan's '"uitri of K"k Cioiiirv, I iiiiilcisiijiit I. Ad 'i!ir.:vnrnr of U. V. Xi'iiainioin. late of .;! e.-uiity. leccnid. will cXMe to s..le h) ".mlic Von 1 110. oo Sa'arii7, Ajrll 1371, in the pruiies. a'l the im-rest of the do .-a I on I in ami lolois Nn.i 42 um) 43 in the Village o Centrevil'.e, with the buitdiug ilieru n e'ect'i'l. 'X'cruiH CASH on coiif.mmtion of sale. JOHN 0 it EES. vlultc. Adaiiuiblrutor. HENRY HARPER, JTo. 723 CUEST.rUT S:nel, (Formerly 620 Arch Street,) Oppotitt "0!d iluior.ie Hall" PHIL' A. Has a large Stock of AMERICAN avd SWIS3 GOLD AXD PIL VEit WATCHES. OPBUA. I.ISO TIKV AMD VEST CHAINS, FRENCH CLOCKS. OrER.V ALASSE3 A.ND FANCY GOODS. Fancy and plain solid silverware, ami I'ngert' celebrated spoons, forks, lea nets. ien pitchers, castors, &o., all of which are selliug at rcasouabla prices. vln.ly. NOTICE. The following named per sons have filed their Petitions for LICENSE to be presented to the Court of Quarter Sessions the second Monday (being the 10th day) of April, A. D. 1871: TAVERN. 1. Auroan, Wolfaang Fox township. 2- Turley, Arinel Jay township. 3. Burke. P. II. Jay township. 4. Etter, Daniel St. Mary's Bom. ft. Heichard, Jacob St. Mary's Boro. 6. Welleudorf, Muthias St. Mary'i Boro.'Jgh. EATING HOUSE. 1. Brunner, Joseph Benzinger Tp. 2. Gill, Franois, For Townshia. 3. llauer, Georee St. Mary's Boro. 4 Clausman, Charles St. Mary's Borous h. 5 Foote, Joseph A. St. Mary's BorouL'h. 6. Ileindel, J. B. St. Mary's Boro. 7. Wacbtel, John St. Mary's Boro. STORE. 1. Euss, E J St. Marv's Boro. FBBD SCHOENINO, CltrJt, Quarter Sessions. D't8. ItOHf. N1 v Bt 1 l Al.t. tn inki.in. I'".. Hive s)icoial attcn- i to Clnonio dis"anii. and ilioso. pieu- liar to H'firicii iiiiJ children. Dr. r.orlan 1 ilingri x !? iliieoes b an ex ami.j.i'io'i of the uii'i and b" this (W d rm.n mailt 7 hai succusslu'ly treated thousandu of cases without seeing tlitm. JF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO THAYER & IIAOEHTY Main Street, Pidgway. Pa. DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. BOOTS, SIIOI'X HATS AND CAPS, GLSS AND QUHRN'S W KE. WOO') AN D WILLOW WAUE. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groosrias ai Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUH Constantly on hand, add Bold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. THAYER & II AGERTY. vln2. S3S3IF?'S SALS. T)V virtue of a writ of Vcn Exponas. I I issued out of the Court of Common Plea of Elk Comity, nnd tn mo directed I will expose to sale hy public vendue or outcry, at the Court House in Ridgway OX MONDAY, APRIL 10. 1871. At one o'clock, p. m. All that certain tract of unimproved land situate in Jay Township, Klk county. Pennsylvania, known a9 warrant No. 4102. Containing 0r0 ftc es nmre or les, hounded on north by warrants Nos 4103 and 4IS0. on the east by No. 408. on the south by No. 4101. and on the west by No. 4183. ALSO one other tract of unimproved lind, s:Miale in Fox Township, Elk county. Pennsylvania, known as warrant No. 4270. Containing B80 acres mote or 1ps. Round ed on the north by wan adis 473 and 4340, on tlie eat by No 4:174, r.n the south hy Nos. 4-71 and 4184, aud on tho west by No. 4340. ALSO one other tract of unimproved land, situate in Fox township, county and .state aforesaid, known as warrant No. 4273. Containing Mi) acres more or loss. l!oi"id"d on the north by warrant No. 4003 on the east by Nos. 4187. and 4274. on lie south bv No. 4270, and on (hi west by No. 42(3 ALSO all the c ml. iron ore. Vimi stone, and all other minerals of any nature and kind whatsoever, in and upon ami under the fullow'nn trict, piece, or parcel of land, situate on the noi th St. Mary s roa 1. lie f?iunino; at a post on said road, thence west, me hundred thirty-three an I one-third ilSiJJ) perches to Joseph Bolekes bind, tiienco north thirty f30) pe-ches. thence ast one hundred thirty-three ar.d one third (133J) perches more or less to the road line, thence smith by sai 1 ro.id lino thirty (30) pcrchrs more or less, contain ing twenty-five (25) acres, and being in lot No 10 on the north St. Maiy's road, according lo ilio map or plan of the town orsetil inentol'St. Mary's. ALSO llthscnal. iron ore. lime s'one. and all cither minerals of any nature and kind, whatsoever, ill under and upon the following described tract, pieco or parcel of land. 13--:i' niii? nta post on the north St. Mary's road, llienee west one hundred thirty tlii'C" nnd one-third ( 133.' ) perches more or less, thence east one hundred thirty. three and one third (13.1) perches more or less lo "aid ro-el, thence following the line of said road southerly thirty ( '0) perches more or b'ss to t he place nf begin ni nor. being lot No 20 on north St. Mary's road, nr.d containing tweuly.five acres mnr? or les. Se!zd and taken in excu'ion and to bo sold an th J proper! v of (ieorpe Weis. JACOLl MoCACLEV. SlierirT. SitKRirr's OrrieK. P.idgway, March 1C, 1871. I vln3tc. BH32!?J'3 SALS. HY virtue of a writ nf Levari Facias, is sued out of the Court of Co in mo i Pleas ol' Elk county, and to me directed. 1 will expose Id sal by public vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in Iti lgw ay. ON MONDAY APRIL 10, 1871, at one o'clock, p. in., the following de scribed property, lo wit: A lot or piece of ground Mluato in the 'own of liiilpway. county of Ilk and State of Pensjlvauia described as follows: being lot No one hunJred and sixteen (111)) acoordingto the plan ot said town, as neu'e bv John J Kidgway and recorded in the Uecordei's office of said county, be ginning at the corner of Centre street, and fast Hreel. being the north east corner of said lot. thence along C"ure street sixtt five feet, thence south 23 25' east along lot No. 115 one hundred and sixty (00) feet lo an alley, thence north o(i 35' east alone said alley to East street, thence north 23 2" west along East street to the place of beginning. Erected thereon is a two siory frame Gothic dwelling house about sixteen feet fro t by thirty-two feet in depth, and a wing no tha east and we-t aides, each fourteen feet by fourteen feet, or thereabouts. Seized and taken n execution as the property of Horry II. Thomas, and to be sold by JAOOB McCACI.F.V. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Ridgway, March, 13 1871. vln3tc. SHERIFFS SALS. BY Tir'ui of a writ of Levari Facias, issued out of the Court of Common Plcss of Elk county, and to me directed. I will expose to sale by publie vendue or outcry, at the Court House, in Ridgway ON MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1871, at one o'clock p. m., all the following de scribed five tracts, pieces or parcels of Uud. situate in Fox township. V.U ncunty, Pennsylvania, described as follows: FlI'jST. eommenc'.ng at a beech stump at the north wes corner of land of Clark Egleston, t 'leoce east sixty (K0) rods to a beech, the ice south sixty-three and three tenths (63 31 rods to a post, ihence east sixty '60 j rods to a post, thence north sixty- lire and ihree-tenths 63 8 rods to the pi ce of beginning. Conlainiu twenty th ee and seven-tenths 28.7 acres oi lanu. "lore or less. 8EC( N ) Commencing at a post at the ou'h-tait corner cf Uad conveyed to It'. her Mcintosh, by D .vid It Griggs and others, trustees of (lie United St itns Land f'enipanv. Ihence north forty 40 rods to n post. Ihiice east twenty nine 29 rods to a post, thence stu Ih 12J east forty-one 41 rods to a stone in the freek. thenoe est ihtrty-seven 87") rods to the place ol beginnine. Cell's nin eight snd one fourth acres of Innd more or less. TM1UD Comniencngat a hemlock tree, at the south-west corner of a lot nf land conveyed to Kobert Mclntoh, hy the trus tees nf the D. P. Land Company, thenoa east fourteen 14 rods to a beech tree, ihence eoiitn sixty-ihree nnd three tenths IfiSR roils Ina pot. thence south one hundred 100 rods to a post, thenoe south sixty-six nnd seven-tenihs 0(1 7 1 rods to a post, theneo weet twenty-five 25 rods to a bjech tree, thence north eleven 11 1 rods to a beech tree, ihence west sixty-six 06 ro l? to a beech tree, thence north one huu dre land e'even 1111 rods to a post, thence eat o-io hundred an I seventy-seven 177 rods to a post, thence north eight 8 rods lo the phice of beginning. Containing one hun lred and two mid six-tenths (102. C) acres mnr1 or 'ess. F'lCltTII Meeinnlng at an Iron-wood tree on the bank ot' the cree'-, tbence north foriy-two 'legrecs west ( 4290, fifty-eight ("S ro-ls to a slone. thence west fi''ty-foiir (VI) rods to a rmat, theneo south sixty-three and throe-tenths (03 3i rods to a post, thence north seventy-three an I oie-fnirth degrees east twenty-four (24) rods to A post, thence north one. fourlli of a rod to n post, ihence north 78 east sixty. nine OH rods to the place ot beginning, (.'ontainina twenty-two and one hundred and nine 22 100- and allowance of six per cent of land FIFTH rnmmencing nt a post on the north line of bind of said Dennis Egleston, thence west forty -40- rods to a hemlock, thence north sixty cie'et degrees east, forty three -43- roils to a post, thence south sixteen -16- rods lo the place of be ginning. Containing two -2- acres of land, mnr" or less. Seized and taken in execution, as the property uf William Heed, aid to be sold by JACOB McC.VULF.Y. Sheriff, Sheriff's OrFtcr. 1 Ridgwiy. Mirch. 10 1871. f vln3to. snsanrs sals. BY virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, issued out ol the Court ol Common Pleas of Elk county, and to niedirccted, I will expose to sale. by publio vtndue or outcry, at the Court House, in Ridg way , ON MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1S71, at one o'clock, p m. All that certain tract, or piece nf lan 1, situutn in the township of Benzinger, county of Klk and State of Pennsylvania. Benin nintr at a post the sou'h-wcft corner of war rant four thousand riirhr hundred and ciuhty-tnur (4SS4). ihence north four hundred perches to the north-west cor ner of said warrant 4884. theneo east two hundred perches, thenje south tour hundred porches, thence west two hun dred perches to the place of bojriDniiit; ContiiinMi; five hundred acres, nnd be itiir the western part of warrant lour thousand eiL'ht hundred and eighty four (4884). beinsr the amo premises which Francis Van Marspvil'p, by deed dated the ez ith day ol February, A. I). 18(53. and granted and e mveyed to Lewis Mitchell and Mitchell A, Mitcbfll in fee Seized and taken in execution, as the property of Lewis Mitchell and Mitchell A. Mitchell, and to be sold bv JACOB Mc'JAULEY. Sheriff. PitF.RiFr's Office, OFFtCE. I , Kith. 1871. vlnStc. Ridowav. March Valuation of Property Assessed far the Years IS J 1-2 3, Taxable for State und Con ty Purp scs, us returned by tlie Assessor of tho respective Town ships mid 15 iroiirhs of Klk County, Hint revised by the Commissioners of said County. H O 1 OS a I: 3 o S a a a : : p. - - ii p t ; ;s s-.ipiuduispuj 3 -1 oin io onicA 3 g o-m3a.iitivy r iisi ZO Ci 'l -oj "O-Y -j yi -i 'siu( oslioi( f; 5 'd ?, xpu.i p.jwa x 14 OIU JO 01ll!A T i 3 ii 2 2 : c : -1 si 22! vt. "UH1 -tJA r r' ? ani aoj iua alM -do.id jeuos : - .iodjoant! JO S4 -1 is 3 r C 5 : 'U, 'suoiiudno -oo 'sopu.t; 'suotssojiud - - 3 m o jo i .w r f5 siit.uiutouio ssssitiismss isr.ug ,0 an.A g2g22g5ggg2a,uaa.iaav 'li.-tojditis -uavo; ipi:a U( '48 013 -ui U auoui jo ittuomu aiuif a iftSy us i iD.C aij aoj JO O U I A gg aflaj3ay 01lBA unbo jo sa -ipjii.u pm3 jai0 jo Sia -lO)U.W.4aA0 ce'Pl"3 J0 'Q. a n e m a s et- i-. 'SlUli.U -dll pu 8JBI (op jCiua.tt IJO 3UJUA 9l 1)0 SOt.llBii M J8AI1S JO 'OJJ y : r r ? .w ."' :s 1 -tuto) ipea 8 3 S S ! S! 18 S 2 g;m Xwdud ayaou-uisJO uomiiiA g?gaggr g5atw8 a .xSSy T lore I as been a tlx of 3 mills levied vpo.i every dollar of the above valuation, by the Commissioners, for county pur pc3s. marl I W. S. SERVICE GU AND SEE! IT WILL PAY! THS LARGEST STOCK OF THE BESI-50 OTHEIt IN ST0CK- S TO rE SI HOUSE FUKNISniNO GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. PXUCSS W ILL SUIT! GOODS WILL PLEASE! sell mmm STOVES DELIVERED AND SET! FREE! FREE! FREE! CALL AND EXAMINE! A PLEASURE TO SHOW GOODS! W. S. (SERVICE, No. 1 Ma-ouio Hall lUiilJing, Kidgway, l i. Kidgway, March ldt,ld70 SPECIE PAYMZNT! GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKES IN EXCHANGE FOH WAGONS on JOB WORK A T THE 12 IDG WA I WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock beforo buying a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY; I employ none but Firtt Clusi Me chanic; I use nothing but the Lett Refined Iron. I think it will bo to your interest to piv ma your order. Having twenty-fire lumber wagons in course of costruction, I will be able to furnish any party by the first of ApriL All otderj by mail, also any orders lea with W. S. Servics at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention.. 8. JACKSONdi WEAVER tf CBT4BLIBEDIH 1830. WELCH &. GRIFFITHS' Saws I Saws I Saws I SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish ings, aud Machinery. 16-Oet th 2est, they will prove the cheap est. Prices reduced. ' Send forprioa List and Circulars, WELCH & GRIFFITHS, Boston, Haas., or BstroltUIcX 61y. TO TBI NERVOUS & DEBILITATED J WHOSE SUFFERING HAVE BEEN PRO TRACTED FROM HIDDEN CAUSES, AND WnOSE CASES REQUIRE FilOJIPT Til E.t TJtl EJfT TO RENDER EXISTENCE DESIBABLB If you aro suffering or have tof fered, from involuntary discharges, what efiect docs it produce upon your general health ? Do you feel weak, de bilitated, easily tired ? Does a little extra exertion produce palpation of th heart? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently iet out of order f Is your urine some imes thick, milky or (lucky, or is it ropy on settling? Or does u thick, skum rise to the top ? Or is a sediment at the bottom after it has stood awhile? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Aro your bowels con stipated? Do you have spells of fainting, or lushes of blood to tho head ? la your memory impaired ? Is your mind constantly dwelling on the subjec? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, oflile? Do you wish to ba alone, to get away from everybody? Does any little thing rrake you start or Jump ? Is your sleep broken or restless? Is tho lustre of your eyo a brilliant? The bloom of your cheek as bright? Do you enjoy youre!f in so cicty as well ? Do you pursue your business with the same energy ? Do you feci as much confidence iu yourself? Aro your spirits dull and flagging, given to 6(3 of mclcucholy ? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dispepsia, Have you restless nights? Your back weak, and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia Or Iiyer-complaint? Now, reader, self-abuse, veneral disease badly cured, and soxunl excesses are al! capable of producing a weakness of the generative omans The orrans of the generation, when.iu perfect hea'th, m.-itie uie man. lnl you ever thin' that tho.- bold, deG.mt, euergelio, persevering business-men are alwavs thoe whose (rcucrative or'ansare In perfect health ? You never hear uch men comtihiio of beinr niHln. choly, of nervtnisiK'ss, of palpatatim nf me neait. Alley aro never at raid they cannot succeed in busiuess ; they don'c becotuo sad and discouraged ; they are always polite and pleasant in company of ladies, and look you and hem right in the lace none of your downcast looks or any other meanness about tneui. i ao not mean tlioso who keep the orgrns inflated by runuing to excess. Tlicse will not onlv ruin tbeir consti. tuiions, but also those tbey do business with or Jor. flow manev man ft-Am twi.11.. ...... J a:-. , ,.HH ..... J quicmuib- eases, from "he eli'ecta of mlf-abuse and excesses, nave Drought utmut that statu of weakness iu tlii.se organs tliat reduoeds tho general system eo much as to iuduos almost evprv nthi.i rl;.o-u . ; ..,.... ..... ; ----j -...v. -t.uv,;, a'.ysis, smnal alfoetions, suicide, and almost very other form of disease whieii bu inanity is noir to ajif the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever Pinpected, and uave doctored lor alt but the rijjUt one. DISEASE OF THESE OIWJAXS REQUIRE THE USE OF A DIURETIC. PS FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU IS THE aa' DIURETI, AVD IS A CERTAT.B CUUt OR DISEASE 07 THE BLADDERSKIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGA.NI0 WEAK NESS, FEMALE C03ILAINT3, ilENEM it. nrcrtTr.TTv Andall otiier didAtiipi nF iin. rr.;n..H a. - - - - - . ..'' j VI- gans, whether exisung in Mlb or Fkmalb, from whutiivef eauje origiaatiug, and a matter bow long standing ii nj treatmeut is submitted to, sumption or insanity may ensue. Our aud flesh, blond are supported fro n these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Posterity, depends upon prompt un. vi n rtmtinie remedy. HEMBOLD'S EXTUACi' BUCIIU, astabli shed upward of 19 years', prepared by DRUGGIST, . , 594 Bboadwav, New.Yhbk ak 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia Pa. ........ PRICE $1,25 ner bottle, er R KottU. for$6,SU, delivered to any address. 80M BT Att DBDOOISTS IVERTWHIBB. NONE ARB GE.NUISE UNLESS UP is BTKRb IHOEAVID WBApPCR, WITS o.stMiLi or m CHEMICAL WAB& U0USE, ADBsiosao, H. T. HELME0LD. f'3 a