The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 12, 1871, Image 2
V.I C:!h (gonnfjj adrocatc. Till IIM'AY. .lAMAIIi 11!. I 1- -fii-.'""'.'..; vj"!'..'." ".iffrnfj iiuN. John I i,:iii., iii' ii In; i i.l ( t6) ores from tlio TM'M-l,'iri'i, Ii-i io of this Slate, one id' the lewliiijf politl- l iuns ol the Itept.bilfini .Start Otitis I 7iimmTttrn, "(lpil' nf -lirnrt -lio too, at tUMiMikv'or '-'VrflifWHy inoiiihu: vtiilfl ' hid way to Viudiirptnu. M'licn "St 'Ovl,V0 t'""M' hi rMK wlirtt in life ho Inund III uf wuuUii., influence and social stand- .. : I I I! ( I.I ot EDWARD H. RULOFF. -lid ,.l THE BIXWIIAITOX IIOItHCIt. Conviction of Uuloif of Murder ill tiie l'i rot iM'ijrcv. An Authentic HMorj f lite Sn-nmln-nrv Ittii-sliir.v In tlrctticr- , .i,r- 'I'm Khrnt ".kctrli ol tlic Murderer The lrviiina ii Hie I'iie uaiiLU Mivcr. From tlw S. I'. Xun, Jan. I-. r.ixonAMTOX, Jan. 11 lletwcpii I nu'" a deformed foot; luit one two and throe o'clock on the morning j f Hif.u did have on his persona of Atu'iist l'i the t'.rv goods ttore ol'( l-vk-.i to Ihitaviu, hearing the fame Ualhei't it Co. in city was en- ' u ns Hint of ttiilolf. The drowned lered hy I'lii-'iiars. Two clerks named L't'ii were idi'iililicd as reckless des-JJur-on-rhs and -Mv rick slept in the J '.viadoes from Tompkinsand Cortland rear part of the store, mid were m- . counties, in whose company Kuioir inultaiicouslv : wakened to fiudamiM .had l"-'cn seen more than once durinjf in mask standing near their lied. no. !l!,c ?ll,,'"u-',' I-'tters from llnlolf in at the fiii-t t-in ( f lctiirnin-i- eon-1 'cw York to t lie pals in the count rv Hciousiiess, dealt the nearest' (iiui-! uneartiied, and finally a formal rou.rhs) a heavv Mow on the l.i-:ul j iit'lictnii'iit for murder was lound with an iron liar. Tim clerks, thor- him. The I rial lvan on the oulilv aroused, jmnped from their J Htli iiist.,m.dlhelcstimonvcoi,irmed lied, .Mvrick giaspin-,' his pit..l and !,lic "''"vo story. Kuioir defoi.dcd r.urroir'hs leapius; upon their as.-ail- lllf w caw with c.i!Mimmate skill, nut. A fierce stnis:;;lc followed, i 'l'l,t' (,lcrk, 15unoughs, however, posi which lirmii?ht the comlmtmiti out of ! lively recognized him as tiie lun-hir the liedrooin into the mam salesroom, i v h shot .M rick. During the shoot and near a stairway leading into tiie the mask had fallen away, and basement helow. At this juncture ! l'"!Toii-lis saw the murderer's face, the other two masked men 'came to i The case was given to the jury shout the rescue of their companioii, who ; ''' o-day. and this eveni.i-.', after bv this time had heen disabled and al-seiicc of six hours, the jury re d'isarmed l.v the clerks. Leaving ! Urnied with a u-rdict of guilty of iiiin prostrate upon t!.e lloor, thy mm iler in the (irst degree, clerks turned to meet the assault of 'I'hi lirisoucr's counsel has moved his i.als. This was an uneq;;:il con- ! u stay of proceedings, which " ' .. ... .... .1 i,..i.. ii, .....i .... .. .,f t., test. t-i-... .- Icl.l II SM'H lire, and Lie only servieeaoie ti,...!,.,!) ' ,. I. j i.M.l v.'.'.s I lie ii'oll li:ll' ' w' from the hands of their ! 4;.... ...... I Willi liiis nil Willi i AilV lt.ll . - . ehairs and stool tij's tiiey uruve tin burglars iiito t!ie baivmeul. Tlie hioii returned, however, and made, another attempt to n-ci;e their com rade. One tbvd three shots at I'ui ronglis. aiii; tin u rushing up to .Mv rick, who had a burglar m his g;.is . placed a pistol at his head, and lit r ral'ilewt-oui. his brstii.s. . Without waiting J'-r similar treat mem, b ti roi'.ir is riiiii:d on. iiiUitni Btrcet, crying "murder '." The cp. was echoed by the U'.uiil cleik at tin American Hotel, ;ihd soon a cn-v... uf people had collected oil thcstlvci. T'.isliing toward tiie sceae of the tl.-iu-'d". Iv. l" 'I'e ivai-hiii tiivre.hotteve;. the murderer-". Itad He I, having l.e bind tlieni a p.air of boot-, some tooh-. the iron bar, a cap, ma-.!., v., ami a pair shoes, on.1 of v.i.iea v.a- ill ii: j n, ;n.l lilted by wear to a c- folliied left f Thl wa- the ol:i clue on w'uieh the ae.;!. or. ties lelcil for the sppfehejisii'ii of the isiUider- rr:;. i haiacter. when she dropped on her A cordut of pickets s,''"''"t;i1'''" j km es mid cried. -Oli, K-.hvard, Ed the city immedititiiy. and lor two ,, j am tVi h,noeeiit as an unborn days and nL'hU mail. tained ceaselesr ' t-itil I of this cruel charge !" The vigilance. The Chenango nvei above I l).utu stnK.k u.,. j t,e j-., w,plt. yet Mid below the scene of murder wa- ou ,,. illL.0S !Ul ssHUl -(.'i;t up. U d searched in-traces o i..e uuig.;,!-. . r.nt with no avail. On the second night after the murder, two olliccis . stationed at the lvm railway bridue aw a man king, whom they ordered to halt, and ipiistioued him as to his character and calling and as to his destination. He said he was oing to New York, and had been put oil' the cars at Union for lack of tnoncv. The ol!lccis decided to de tain him for examination, but just at (. this time a freight train came along. ;i:d the stranger dashed across the uuk ahead ( f the engine, to the nn - . i . .. . i i. : . i . i' . Tli a t rn i i The train tiinieui iianer i i uis in now drugged its length be.wt''u m-' otlicers and their man. and all tr.t'v of him was lost, lie was subse- qi:c::tly fomid, liowcver, in an out - house on Chaimccy Livington's place near by, and was marched to jail. He gave his name as smith, ami on Ids t xamination rt'iicatid tiie story of Lis uuforlunate fjection from tl.c i :irs at Union. Jnde 15akoiii, liow. ever, nfter a sharp wrutiny of Hie prisoner, i-toml up liffore Iiiin, and in n i-iiltn, solemn lniinner, jiointiiifi with outstri'ti'!iil liaiul to Iiis altered luit till familiar liiee, Baid : "Vou are Udwanl H. lluli'll ! You murdered your wife and only child at Ithaca over twenty years njo. You escaped tlio callows then, but I senteneed you o fourteen years in prison for the riliductimi of your family 1'' Iiiriii tlio fearful accusation the face of thu 'irisoner assumed a stolid and stern t spieSBion. Nothing abashed, liow over, he elmiifred liiu tack aud said lie leit the cars at Union because he feared some one at Uinghainton might recognize him, and he had good reason, as the Judge has stated, fi r not wishing to be known. His busi ness, w hiclt was that of a lawyer m 'ew York, olten took him to llatavia, hence the unused ticket in Lis pos session. Ilulotf was discharged for want of evidence, and picklug up his liot passed out of tiie- court room. Scarcely had lc left town when A. C. Mathews, treasurer of the county, 4tm rnpliiri; into court for look at Kuloir. On lenrniii, the route? ho Itoid token, Mn! hews rieuivd n lm;;ry ijLxl in fumi'tiny wit-li tho viU'titit NUtMll' liiown atari cd m pursuit. Iftilofl' was ovet'h.iitlcd five inilisi:ist of 15ii;ihitniUn, which disttmco lie lutd tumli; in loss tliuu nn hour. On his soiond nrrcsl l.ulod" lii' to show signs of nniiisiiii';. Tht? slur iil' liml with li'mi tiic did'orim-d shoes loll Ly tlio Iiuri'liirs tin the hiht !' tin itiurdir. Wlii-ii lie ordi'ivd Ilu lolf to remove his Loot, prodm-lnr, nt Urn Hitine time tiie H'll-tiile shoes, the man k:i uk to tlio ground ovoivonie witli fear. Hid fool was ilefuruieil mill II tied the shoes i-xnctly. A sec ond tiino wns he nmrched linek u prison, with lint, small elianee of re lenpe. Hut si ill there wns roor i for doubt. The deformed foot nr'.ojit lu ll eoiiiiidenee, nnd oneol'thp escaped liurjhirs yet to he found, ln'.jrht turn iut to 1! the wearer of t'.io crookid slioi. On the third dr.y nfter the murder, the bodies of two men were found (touting in the I'hcnnngo, near Ilrdliert's f-lore. onj Iwlly hruised, i;i slocking feet, o'.id t!ie other a fail, Imrly fellow, w'.tli feet encased in riild-crs. l!otl answered the descrip tion of Kiirrr.itjrlis tlio lmrghir, as did also 111' in!!' Iln. mli- livi. .....ii .l ,t;lt, tluvo.. Neither of the drowned ''ii.- ii..-. ....... i. ii. i..i .iv in o iiir.ii. lo-iui.i i o ::in iini. If the .. , ... .... i , moiion siioiiHi no oeeiiteii auversei v, ' he I'fi-oiier will receive sentence im- mcuClti" V. J'ldward Howard llulotl'son (iiis known aliases being Kdvaid H. l!u lolf, .John loe, .) allies H. Seville, lames K. I'alton, M. C Howard,. r.wire Iaw:s, t liarles Augustus, ami (icorge illiains) is f Oei'mmi d' Neelit, and A native of New IJruns- u-k. N. .I. He began his career of evil lining by stealing from his em- i. yer, and :n bSti' removed to lry deii, Touil kiiis county, Y. THK IIISTOKV OF HIS CHIV.K.S. . In Ileeemher, lfi, he married a laughter of a .Mr. S-hutt, a refined :ind intcliig.-nl gentlemau of )ryden, :ii.d soon al'tei his marriage hi' went to Ithaca, KuioH' bavin; engaged as clerk in a dnur store. Wiiiie here nargi's of iulid'.'lity were heaped i ipoii the young wife by ber husbaiid. i .is r.-ige taking the shape of lie.idisii i.'iiee he tried to make her : lake poi:-oii. and sliii w as only pre I viMiteil by the arrival of witnesses. I On this occasion iie renewed his in- suits and insinuations upon his wife's . .,,, iU)()W letter tnan to whine at mc in that manner when I am mad." Inspiteof these cruelties she clung to him, refusing to go to her father's house, and endeavored in every way to hide from her natuiul protector the character of her hus bat.d. A few months afterward Uuloif took his wife and infant daughter to live in a rented farm house, four miles !Vom Lansing. One morning in .1 tine, 1st.'), Uuloif called at the house of a neighbor and borrowed a horse and ivntron 1 o tike. ts bit idleTed. a box ; i.,,,,t... 0,,,i ,.,i i.,J ,,, .... 1 0ie ()f his wife, who lives some eight j ol. tc. uiiles distant. The neighbor . ,rullt to Uuloirs house and assisted , ,jnl j loading the box. The latter snj(j w-ife had gone on a visit, ami taken her child with her, and that lie won'-d be back the next day t MUKHKItlXU Hit: W IFE AXD CHILD. He kept his word, nnd after dispos ing of the horse went to ins House, but soon came out and started in the direction of Ithaca with a bundle in his hand. The mother and child have never returned from that alleged visit, and to this day no one lias ever seen them. How he murdered them and how he disposed of their bodies will undoubtedly ever remain a subject for conjecture. Ilulotf told his counsel on the trial for abduction which followed that he strangled his wife, and then took up a board in the house lloor, and, opening an artery, let her bleed to death, the blood How ing through tho opeuing iu tiie lloor. Having smothered the child, then nine months old, he put tho bodies into the box, which the neighbors in nocently helped him load into the wagon, lie then drove to Ithaca and to tlio lako shore, where he put the box into a skitl',iuid when far enough from the shore sunk it in tho water. tSCAI'E ASD CAPTURE OP THE MUR- UKKtll ltuloff linne around Ithaca for pomctimo.jivin2'Oiiflieting accounts of th wh-ireabotits i f his wife nnd ! child. At lust, suspicion thickening, ' iiu was only saved from arrest by j" iMoiiiisuii; to nave tin missing wo miiU writo to her family and inform, ti.tin whevo.dii! was. ilo said they eie in Madison, Ohio. While wait inir for the letter, Hulolf escaped, but was fallowed at once by Kpl.raim Sell uf c, his wife's brother, who up. prehjuded him at Hochester. Find ing .liinself captured, lluloll lirojioscd to Sf.iliuti to go on to Ohio with him and get the missing wife and child. At Jiulkilo they stopped at the Man con House, where llnlolf was kept, nuked in n room. The two the next morning took a Menuier for Cleve land, nnd in the bustle of departure Uuloif again escaped, leaving Sehutt on the stianer. Schiitt went on to Cleveland, mid llnloll' followed him on the next steamer, when he was arrested, put in irons, and taken back to Ithaca. II vie he was tried on the charge of abi!ueting his wife and child, found guilty,and sentenced to Auburn prison forl.?n years. He served out his term patiently, employing his genius and ncipi'ired knowledge in light occupations, chief among which was the drawing of patterns for carpets. Frr. m designs made by him, most of the carpets manufactured in prison during his term were wove. On his discharge from prison he was rearrested on the charge of murdering his infant child, an indictment was f nmd a.rainst him, and in August, lji.V"., the trial began at Ithaca, lint the excitement was so high that it was iotind impossible to enipannel a jury, and the cause was removed to the Supremo Court and the place of trial changed to Owego. Here the trial was held in Oetoher, with Daniel S. Dickinson as counsel for the people, ami Joshua A. Spencer counsel for the prisoner. Tne result was a verdict of guilt y. A writ of error carried the ease t o Diii'hamlon, where arguments were heard and the verdict sustained. Uuloif was taken to Delhi and sen tenced t.i death. Uiit law again warded oil' justice. The case was taken to the court of appeals, where the verdict was set a-.ide on the ground that no murder had been proed, as there had bcru no body produced. While wailing for the execution of the order for his discharge Uuloil' was taken to Ithaca and lodged in jail, l'liblie indigna tion at the result ran high in Tomp kins county. The public . erdiet was gnilly of murder in the first degree. Keeling that justice had been uronsly violated, printed calls for an indigna tion meeting in Ithaca, for the pur pose of forcibly taking Uuloif from ,piil and lynching him. were clandes tinely circulated throughout the county. Tiie day arrived iu March, I 0, and a larg'-r or more ferocious mob was never seen in any inland lowti .f New York Slate. Kvery appliance had been prepared, even to I he ropes and a battering ram with which to batter down the stone jail, should the shcrilf refuse to give up the victim. The sheriif, however, on the morning before the appointed day. quietly removed Uuloif from the county jail, and found sate, keeping for him in the Cayuga county jail at Auburn, where he remained until his discharge came While in jail in Ithaca llnlolf spent the time in si tidying criminal law and in teaching tiie language., lie re ceived students iu jail, and at times would have a number of young men, and even young ladies reciting to him. He so won the contideiiec of his jail r, .larvis, and his wife, that. I hey eoiiltliiUed their young son, Al bcrt M. .larvis, to his tutelage. The results of ins instructions was a hie of crime, which terminated with the liiiighainton burglary and ipiiek I'ollowing death iu the Chenango river, isince his release he has been engaged in writing a treatise on the grammars of nations. The manu script of this work has been found iu his room iu New York. In his room were found burglars' tools, disguises, and various other appliances of ras cals, lie had recorded an assumed name, "Ueiirio," as the author of the treatise. Uuloif is now about sixty live years old. From the Hun, Jan. 13. TIIC MO.Xh'lXIt lU'l Oi'rhKVITM'RD. lo III lti tl tin l)i 'HiIm! ).tjr of JSitrclt .V.s.-..i..ct Ji.ijj.irt-m'. DiNtiiiAMTox, Jan. 12 Edward II. ilulotf, the convicted murderer, received his sentence of death to-day, the court having denied the applica tion of his counsel fur a stay of pro ceedings. He entered the court room with, his head Lowed, but his face! really wearing an expression of in- (inlcrciicc. lie dialled pleasantly uid l'aiiiiliariv with his counsel, us tiioiigh the proceedings were of very ordinary ititeivsl. Iu response to Judge llogebooin's (piestion whether iie had anything to wiy why sentence of death should not be proiiot.uced ii ion him, he replied very calmly and iu an almost inaudible voice, that "it was not deemed desirable to say any thing ut present." Ordered to stund up, he rose quickly, and while he stood his . countenance exhibited ut first entire disregard of the circum stances about him, then contempt or anger, and finally a broad smile suf fused his features. This last ex- pressioti was caused bv the solemn exhortation of the Judge to repent of his misdeeds and prepare in the few days remaining to him for his doom. Ilo was sentenced to bo hanged on the third day of March. There were immense crowds, numher- , ing Beveral thoiutnids, iu and about ' the court lious. 3EII3I0U3 2EPASTIIENT. BS7. 0. II B2A&3. E3ffOB Th.9 Great Love of Cod. A lady jiives the Inlawing nocnint oflhowityiii which chi) was brought i tit uf deep conviction ol tun into peucc : "1 do tail' ktmw wlmt lutule tint p msec Dr. C:il?"t, ilie minister, lie re ceive! too in tlntt cliecriiil wiiy of bis. Imt rectus to promise thu tukitg one's burden ticht o IT nut's buck, 'I am very jjud to seo jou, my ilciir child,' lie said. "1 'intended to be very digtiiGcd nnd eiild as if I were going to have nny of Dr. Cabot's tiuili-riukiiig to sympa thize with tne! Hut those lew kind words j'.ist upset uic, uud I began to cry. " You would i o Hpcuk eo kindly," I got out ut lust, 'i you knew wlmt u ItirtJlul crealute l inn. I uai angry with tn self, nud Hilary with eety hody, icid anjii-y with God. 1 euu't be good two uiinut at h time. 1 do everytliing I do tint want to do, and do nothing 1 rytodn. Hver, body plagues tne and iiik. And (Jod does uot answer niy o! inv prayers, aud I am just, des pciaii'.' " 'l'oor. child !' he sai l in ti low voice, as it to himself 'IW, heart-sick, died elnid, who cannot see what 1 can see. ;h:it its I' iltl. t-r'ri liivin.r uri.iu nri, nil I all .lit it.' 1 e'epped crying, to strain tny cars 10 listen. He Went un : ' Katy, nil you 9.iy ni.iy be true. I dure say it is. LutGod loVis ynu. He loves you.' " 'He loves me !' I repcateJ to niy--elf. 'Ilo lovis me '.' 0 Dr. ( abut! 11 I Ci.uld believe that! ll 1 could bo itrve that, niter all thu iiuiui-cs 1 have broken, ail the foolish, wioug tlntg i have done, und shuil alvv.iya bo d'jlng. God .perhaps, still IciVis Uiel' " Vou may be sure ol it,' be said sol cr.iuly. 'I, his Laini.-lct, btiiigthe Gos pel to you to-iljy. Go home, and say ver to y outsell : "I am t wayward lool isii child. 13ut Ho loved! i have disobeyed and grieved Him ten thu; sand times. 15ut he loves tne ! I have ost fuith in sou. .f my dearest friends, iid. am very desolate. Hut lie loves me ! I do not love Ilitu. :iui even angry wiith Uiiu! l'tit He loves itiel "I e-ime away, and ail the way b.oine 1 ought 'his battle with myself, saying: ' ile loves tne '.' I kneif down to pray, and all my wasted, eiiihlisb viekid hie eaine aud ft'red me in the lace. I nuked at it, and sid Willi tears of joy: lint ho loves :ne !' Xever iu my life did I feel so rortcd. so tptiuud, do eol'iuwlui, anj tt on tat-:.-fi,d." Hswtho Yafo Felt. A mini, ut. whose hetise 1 was a truest. .Id mo t Ii ut he hai Lecu a limd drink er hii J it cruel hushiind ; hud beaten his ni'or wile till she hud become ulum;. iisedtolt. 'liu:.' s:iid he 'the vetv liniment I signed the pledge I thought .I my vrdi wlmt will tny wife Bay tu litis? Stum;: 1 fdmuld think ot i y wile the Gr-t thing, hut I did ; and, i- I was n'iiig home, I faid to iiipcll : 'Now, if I go lniine and tell her ull of a -n.ldeti tiiat 1 huvo hi;ned the pledge. he'll faint uwuy, or Aw'W up und do niiiciliiiii; ; uud in u.-t liruak it lo her hyucgiees.' Only think of it; why, lie nigl.t hi fiire, 1 ii knocked her d wo, j 'list like u.-t tint, it she hadn't to plcnsu Hit ; and now I mil piutining to ini uk j;o id hews to her, fur lear it ..v.mld upset her." As near as 1 ciuld gnther from wW he told me, U-i lound his wife petting over the tinUis( wailing lor him. As lie cum into the hou-e, he suid . 'Nuney, I think that ' Well, iNed. whut is il'' Why, 1 think I d.iili- that U-l ni 111 lo Nancy, I incut ' 'What's the mutter, Ned? Atiythig the tt.altef V 'Ves,' sail he, 'the mutter is just his I Lave t-igtiid tin i-tnpcruiice- ph-d-ie, and, so heip ine (Jod, I'll keep ,t She started to her lef t und he !!! faint away. I was just in time to catch tier ; uud us she lay in uiy urtus, her ees stmt und her face so pale, thinks I, lie's drad, ut.d I've done it now, liut -Iih wasn't dead ; she opened her eyes, lid then she put her urtus round my .tick ; uud I didn't know she was so srroiiu, us she pulled und pulled till the lint me down where I hud not heeu be fore for thirty years on my knee. Then she said : ( God ! help him!' and I said, 'Aiueu !' uud sho she suid, O (iod ! help tny poof Ned, uud streng then him tu keep his pledge,' and I hollered 'Allien '.' just us loud us I could holler. That was the first time we ev er knelt togitcr, but it was uot ibe laet.' Put jour truit io God. RAILROADS PHTIAD LIBIA & EB1E BAILBOAD. WINTKIt TiMK TAULB. ONimilnfiorMONOAV. HKf. full, W, tlx li iiins on I ho riiilmlelphiii Jl Lvis ISailroiul will, nn as follow!!: WI'TWAHIl. .Mail Train leaves l'liilai-lpilliin.. !M0 p. m. UUpwny 1.5.1 p. in. " nirivc nt Kmc 7 l'i i. in. Kric Kxp leaves riiilmlelplii l .'. IO p'. in " . " " Kiilirwny 'J J(l ii. in. " " nrvivc nt Ut u.7 -In . tn. AlTOIiimlulioli, linveV I T.lo'li. In ' ni"l(rwiiy..."i 111 p. in. " nrr nt Kutie H.llhp. in. I'.ASTWAHIl. y.u'.l Train lonvcs l.i ic O.IMI n. m. " " l'iilijvrnv ,1.IH p. ,. " ' nrrivo at i liilu'il'ii... II M n. in. Krie Express loaves Knc lltio p. m. " " " ''iiljiwiiy... ".'.'Jn a. m. " " nr-nt l'liihidi-lpiiin., " ail p. m. Aceiitii'iihiliiili, leiivi s Kiimp .".!!ll n. in. " " l!i'lj!W:iy.. .1(1.1!! ll. III. " nrr nl ill. Mnria lU.oo m. ' Ui.v.-sM. M-iijs 7.l":in " ' Kiiiti'ii'iiini It .;!" a in. " HIT nt liciinvn )).0 )J). In. l"xpri""s, M iil nml ,rcniniiiii'laiiin, ni-i ninl uc.-l. ri.iniiM-l nt ("nny ami nil west ImiiiihI ll tiins nnd M-iil iccdinni'iitil inn in ill Irviiiimi with I lie Oil ('leek ami Alle gheny Kiver K thin. I. W.M. A. ItM.DWIV. li'en'l Knp'l. AbidXiHU.NY VAM.KYU. ll. CHEAT TIIIIOIGII l'.OL'TK I'.;iiM THE OIL UKGION? TO I'lTTPUrUGir the iist v Tin: 13'::st. S' EMMXU CAKS ON nil n'pM lr.i'i. 1'a"-1 li:i(fri:i' traiislVl'lvil ut Oil oiijor5i nnl 1 Oil Ciiv. rei'i nt' t'lijirj;!'! 'I 1 ii'.ns iiiai-e direct i-mince inn willi nil Uiniils ceiiii i i..g nt Oil (,'ily, ninl lc ive n litll'iws: Hay IC .reis lcnvei Od City ut 1l :!0 n 111 Arrives nt I'il Ishiiruli 'i i m Niulif Txpic le ives Oil City '. .ill p 111 Air vi nl I" 1 1 I 11 r nit 7 till ti in Kill tiiiiii(! Ace n. li' ivi K o iV not Ii in p hi " ni rive K.tinniiiiit; iinnpm Mi:;.il Wnv tei.vii Oil Cily 7 till p in Ai iivcmI VVii 1'cnn .Innclinn 7l 'iptn I'ny l.xprc.-s leaves l'i tslnug at 7 I'm m Ainvcsiu Oil Cily nt 1 "i.'i p ni Nijflil Cxpie-s lr ivos I'ittsl.iiig Miopia A r ties nl o;i Cily 11 nil n in I'm lier Ai-e'n leaves Kitt'ii'if. it 7 'Jil a n ' Arrives nl I'nrKev at '.I ' a in Mixed Vny l:nve West 1'n. June 7 nn a In Arrives iii Oil Vly ul Ii II.) p in rasn!i(;,;rs Iravpliin ly lids Itmilc will filhl I. el Or aiei.thiiii'il'iliins inil lunke lieller I inn lliau ly imv nllii'l' road lu lu I lie Oil Iti-f'ioiis In I'il Isl'in iii. J. J. Ll vi:i;.ci Sut-t. c 111 AliLlS HOLES, VliAC I lr.lL WATCHMAKEil. K.VTi P.AVKR 4 JEWEL ER. Wist end of II vile Ilu-e, li:d,;- .y, l'.i Sells tis Clicnp ns Ever, COLD AND SILVER WA'iVAK?, Clucks, Jewelry. Silverware, XX VIOLIN' AM) GUITAR KTKIXHS, hpecliteies, renn mul lVtiDils, Kseluiivc .Igrnt- lur (lie sale f ai.ex. .moimon's ooi.d ri:x: . llepairinjj Wnlclies, etc., ij.)i.e Willi the nn e acuitt'itey us liciolofute. iiu"JO,'tj'.iif GDAL! COAU! The suh-eiiber havins ordered (it)0 tons hituininoiis und ut il.rieite coal is now liiciiind to furnish the people of Uidirwiiy with hard oi Kidt coal, nut or j stove sizes, lump run ot mines und j liliick-ini'liing coal, in quantities to txX I purchnsers. 4U tf M. T. FIIENCH. July 23. 1ST0. TIE CZLS22AT33 dP207BD GEKRD OIUODE (Jt)LD WATCHES, $io. u:.. DURING I tie past tmirycars our Watclie Inivu iieeil s.i lioirtiiilily 'luaif.l, linn lin iippeHrii'ice. style of liMi-li, uiel nccnr.icy of twicltcepinir, I lot lj eriir.l Wuiclies ' iir.t iiuiyc I'Miily aeceiled Ii bit llm best TI. cy rciani ilieir In illiuucy uud eolor un lit wuru out. i It "for purchasing nnd fairly Iry inj:, any one is nut mliy sntislieil, wu will elieerln.iy relniei ilu mumy. I li,'f ney lire all lliiuiiug fuses. Gentle me.i'ii and Ladies' nze. Every vii;eli gnu ranieed tor time and wear, by special cei l iliciie Ifrl ,A large assortment "IinproveJ Oi ioile' lllia .us, "ji tu $s. Also, Geiitleuiuj's und .au ies' Jowelry iu great variety. It I'i.Lxiv. uro ot nn 1 1 ul lona. Order ui ree tioiuusor our auiliurueil uueuis. Agi tils and otliers upplying for circulars will please euvloso lured cent stamp for pos age. .Goods sent to be paid far on delivery. t'usi oiners periiiitieil to examiue what tliey oiuer (uetore payutg bills), ou payment of Exp l ion cliurges boili ways. tlt'tSTWlieu ftfX Waitlius ara ordered at mice, we wid send uu extra Watch (ot some kind ) free. iiajf furchssers residing at some distance from E press otiiues, and desiring lo nave lime and eipeusea, can huvu Ilia gouts aeut by mail, by remitting with the order the amount required by P. O. Mmiey order, registered letter, draft or check, payable lo our order, ut our r'ik. Addi ni plaiuly, JAMES GKRAD & CO., P. O. Box 3,391. Nsw York. 85 Nassau Street. 5 3m BUSINESS CARDS. HIM1V you 1 IliiJt, Atlciiny-nt Uw Ili.lgwny, Pa. llelycs;, GA. ItATIlBUX, Allomey-at-Uw , Ithlaway f.i. J ,. 1 1 ALL & mio. Attorneys nt -Law. ST. MAUVP, ELZ CCTOT7nraS7L7AIA, FS. Ilordwell, M. 1. Eel e. lie I'l.js n:i . (Illicn ntnl i'(iiincn nppnsiie Hi. .lull nn I outre St.. Hiil(wiiy, l'u. I'm t.. iiiiniliiin will l.u piven tn nil en'N. (I'li! 7 lo HA. M-j 1 2 tn ' I M. U id 7 I. M Mnr re 'f I!. . FlSlH.1:. .ili,..e I..- , Warren, I'n . will tin in Si Mir, ii. In tliit'il week in cu ll tiintnli. Iilii !'r l!ii' Inilinir. Otilii stri'i'i. 'n y's. nml ,11 Iti.lifunv etery tonri n ei il:iin at ilu II y .. Ilnitsf. Jll C. II. Ft'l.Llill, 150TANK; I'lIVSKTAN. ItlKOIVdV. I' Itcsiilcncc nml oflic-P oppnsiiu Hie .'lia, llniisc. H in: I!i no w,y. ;;i.k ('.. l' W. II. SfTIUA.M, l'iopn.i.,1 Til" likf'iil fur llm piilwii ij;u lien lull. i n liln riilly liesl.iweil opmi linn, lln n. v pr. priftnr. Impes, ly paying striei n ii niiiin tn die eiitni'nrt an I ci.n vi im n. e (.-nests, to ti.crU n, coniiiiuaiiee uf il -n inc. on ?.( T Ml.W LK lluLSi-:. IMIKJWAV, l'A. D.' VI1 Til A Vl;K, l'i .it,rien.r. The iiinlii sijiiivd liavoif; liiie'l up Inl nc ninl (iiiiiinimliiiiis iinlcl il.e mooIiwi" em iicr nICeiiiie ami 'ill nceis, wiii pn. Mul convenient MnMing ait iniii'd. respn t iiill.v s.ilieiii lie pal riiiiujrc uf Ins li n ilicpullio (!cmr..llv. lietl.: Oil It UAVIU Til YK11. I7HA.NKLIN HOUSE. JL .-"T. AI.MIV s, l'i. LAlUiKV ,v M.W.ONi:. l'ui.i-ii's. rin I'l'npi respect fully ask tin nitci. Hell n: liieii liicuils nlel llie pnlilie I jeiicral ti, i In. i luijic and c.iiiii.i.iili.iii 'l. Jivery allelilluli paid lo lliu eoiivi nieiiee ul g.iesla. I!. I.AliGUY. ' 1M If J. A. ...ALONE. UNOI.OS liOL'Si:, i.-x.. jjj vi., w2, r... II. S. I'.K'.NAr. I'niipiiiKi.m . Ku,,iv, IMi.LVIL.F, Ei.k Co., V. John Collins, Pioprictor Thankful for the patronage lirretntm - lilieially iiolnwcl npvti lira, ilu net, pro priciur, Impes. I.y paying strict :.. enliiili lu the conuor at it cniiveincti. f tniesls, tuineiu j, eulitiiiuauce uf n. i nine. IOHiOX IlllUa';, i: i 1 1'. r a . .1. I". Mvoif. lll'll fllf l 'lie IJulIM i'wjf it tor. Oiin Day mid Niyht C1 II. VoLlv. ' ManiifacUii'cr and lnnli .in Liijri r licet, nppiisiie tiie luilrtm Ucpul, Si. Mary 'a. Elk ei.unly l'u. LNVEI.Ol'I'S, LAHELS .v TAf.S noiti priiile.l at l In A.lineaic Olliee. J U. l'A 11 SUNS, M.niiifaeturi r nnd Dealer in Hoots allocs, Main St., opposite Hotel, nnvTy W' i. :ox. Pa JIOAUHING HotsE, Near llieHcpot, Wilcm, Pa, i The iiiuli fsigiied has opeiip.1 a lar;;c boar I it iriiuu.-e at tin I luce, wl,.ie l.e i- piepan.l tu saitsly tin, wants uflhu-e nnuinay aviiilmii wnii I lieu-cio-loni. MAI! JIN JsO.vKUsi, J'roprietor T acou voixo & ro . ' ti And blank is.iuk Muiiiiruciiiiers, Cony . l a. 15 auk Uo. ks Made to Order. IA.SLIN Kettles. Ll.i.s Kelllcs. l'uiv XtJL1'''!'! Sauce I'aits. French Timd Sum" fan", frrnit cans ilu clicnpcst and Lci-I. at W. S. SERVICE'S, UaiJuaie Stele l'iilgwiiy, J'u. VS. .Ill I I I'liysViiiu ii ml Surgcim. , Misey. Llk t o. l'a. E DWARII McnillDE. Wntrli maker bii-1 Jewc'.ei, Lailinad hlreet. fit. Marys. in. I'.iignviiig and repaiii. p iluiie nn siiurt imiiee. Hi d in a wn knimilike man lier. Vim lie. miii every tiling in the .lew elry Iii o, Coi.stauily on Lund. 'Z 8 (FOKGE WALVSIEV. C.untygtt J vejor, ?t. Maiys, l'a., liul.U l.imseil in readiness, at all limes, to perform in h inliisliuo. L'8 1T7ILI.IAM Gi:l-5. Rcslanrant, Mi- cliael street, fit. Marys, fa, keeps tl.c b st nf J ag.r Itcer and Nat'.ve wines con-unily on Lund. - "CDWARD ni lXZt.ER. Kai'road ireel. I i next lo llie Alp;ne ll.uw. ft M fya. I a , receives iln l. Kresh lialtiino.e (lyu ters. which lie sells at the lowest rn ioe, raw, stewed, or by the eau. Fresh I.hs r always ou hainL . o 1 X. SORO, Ij ( llniiroad i Miirys, Pa. Nn Sal e '-keeper, corner of and Micliael streets, St Wines, good Liicer liter, etc., consia itly on band. 'i U TOIIX 0. HALL, Attorney at law, Kidjr tf way. Ll county l'a. mar-22'UGl JO. IS 0. lULL" ,..JA1. K. V. IIALI. B LANES of U kind for salt at this B-l .i-ULJ IDAin.K A. D.VN'A, l.J;.f. She JalbrUVcMijfe A Nciriipi.pei. ol the Present Tlraev IaiLciljd lor rooplu Mow nn Earth. Iiicloan g Frme. V.rrh ilM. Mcrrhnnti, Pr. (n.oanl Mon, V.'oiKtn, T.ilnner, un l I Ilu. liu.- of I1ono.t Fo'tki, nnd lUu Wlrt, tout, u4 nathtfri o.' oil inch. ON1.T ONE DOLLAR A VKAIt I 0r. ILt'NDRCDCOHirs FOB tit. Or lex t.nnn tln Cent Cpr. r.ft ttiert b 890 Club at crjry l'ut OOSoe. MJIW1 EMIT tsfNr3 A TKAIt, f? tin) nn ; nt cKril e'i.rnc:r m Tn:: wkkbli t. ti witn utrtwt T.-:tty o( n!:l':iemii revln, ) 1 'trili'jia I id nir ..n!U iter!'iih tuv Jr truVin.i. r.sum it cinnai twice -x wco't Instiiiii.l ofourvoaljr. THE DAILY 8i:N, SO A YSAIt. A t'reB nno-.'tv r l t)'e H'"f.iv''. "tn ts iris i- rj' hi in tin wo-i.i i-rfo. iD'it. ne'KI'llt. .'. I III ii K.c. A I t" w f ''' ' rywl.nv . , ce.i.t it Oo i by iO cn.iu h uij,.i;i. m os jei.r. TrilM3 TO - I'.T.! t ifica, oi. ), ni.riKir v ?r-i-1. r"oar ifnllar. T"n fo.H.. .o r,,ni,nt, v .!r.ta uj nrcu" tou.t,;ti.,- u) ..I .-int. Klubt Dollnrt. rrrfT i n re-.T. nmrtirl.- srtrt uj (J lunntlll j tu ,f-riiiil cnl,.. Vidcva Dtl.urt.. r -r cri r. ,,r, fn .rni pn I iu Miii neck t ri- I i ircini, n i.f elnbl. TUirir-tume Ituliar.. I"!f ? mp'"MM nmu rt-f..rrt (,-.4 litrn (tii).,t,jPU r Tbirtr-na tluMurm. (.n tu 1-1 f f:it ixit J.i tnih.: Itfr i at c 1111 Ill4r. n;e '" W1 na r. i-iirl. It . d. ' up of tlub;. j mm otlif tut u .r :., i hi .'rr T?:i rtr.wrtKLY sr. rirt ecr.lw, CLt rr.-,r,r!Fl- .i,,...! , Kirfct lt.liara ixtr ouir ,hh,t p t ,. ,. , 1 ih , felate U.lUr. prjfn Ttica moxtr 'trt. I. VT.r.FlT. ?". T -h lr. " .. r Tvrfc Cf. Office, 720 Chestnut H) m mt i avaa W Street, (Philadelphia. " I give my hr irtT pfefewiet to th Villcoi i. Gilj'j biUut Btwing Machine." i "The weirht of relinble avidfnc binr overwhelming for that of ihcWillcor AOibli j Silent Sewing Machine, 1 dwidd n(ion it. procured it, cmd am nort l.'m wtitM." UUlt UHl.lff " Wl. I " I have the 'Wheler A Wilon, th Grovfr T & Baker, and the Willcox A (iM Pewing Machinen in my family. 1 u the W Ulro , & Gihbs moft freuiifiilly, thinking it far . superior to either of the nl!ir." JiHd. HKKKY WaIIU llKECHEft. " Mt wife vrould not ccpt a ling Machine of any other patent on o irit, if ih must receive it on condition of giving up the Willcox & Gibba." lnU)i.ii, Pa. " The Willroj 4 Gibbs in the ci.'y Sewing Machine whose working is so mre and winpU that I could venture lo introdiKt it into Syria." Rev. A. T. 1rtt, Mifioutrr Americun Board. "We lnvewed variou Eewine ?dchinea within our family, but it in L t.m'iou opinion of the household, lint lie Willcox & Gibb is the best of tliem all." liEV. J.S. HOT.MF, -trocklf n. K.T. " For simplicity and mechanical accuracy of construction, "i have Kn no rx'wing Machine equal to the V.'illcox A (iilU." Knock Lewis, Of the Pt-uuivlvtai Urnlral R. B. A correspondence on the mhjeet of Sewinti Machines ie rtmmctful- ijf solicited 1). S. UWlMt, 720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. OOMETUINU NLAV IX LIL6tAV IJ00T& SHOK KSTAlJUS'ilMEN'T! The subscriber lakes thin nutdmil of in I'eimi i be citizens of Llilgwny aud viciuity that he has opened a, . rjOOT & SHOE STORE, ... ... V in the ranm lately neeup:cu ny uenry s Tlniyer iu llie wesi end of the Hyde llnu sa wliereiuuy belouuda jjtuetal SdsorlniKUi 0 HE! y Ladies Shoes, GcDllcDiniiB r.oots and shoes, Ley s'lioom and.l'hildren's shces, . ALSO, Connected wiihtlie nbrie" e tab'.is! men! I liave a llnot uud ).aun ifaclur'ug F. iiililislitneiii vine woik Will Le nude to order, fiopairiu; done on chorl notice uud ou ria sni.uli'e Ui n s. 'lie pup'io aie lo give mo a call. nl if ULOLf.K WALKEIt. NEW LIVEHYSTABLIi RIDBWAY. D.y suuiun'k:i WISHKSTO IX- lorm the Citizens of Kh'gway, uud tl public got.enilly, that ha has started Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOL'K.GOOD CAKIIUGES and Buggies, to let upon the most reason, ble terms t&.He will also do job ttnning. Stable, in the Crooks i:arn, j,MT 1'o.tO.Boe, on Mill street. Ail orders left at the TostOffica will a,,,, pronptan,,. tion. A-v mi:.; nea.ll i in nitct- Ily aa tlieia ' 11 I V. 41