The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, January 05, 1871, Image 3
r J. Hates of Advertis'tntr. , run J Lxia notices, too, 0 time, SlH) Cor's notices, each 3 (() t'ona find rstnivn each. 3 t'.mri 3 (HI frn vKivciiMn: per tunre- oi a linos or 'Jess tinv's, or le-a 2 0" 1'or cseu suf-serpirnt 1 1 1 e r i B M micial advcrtisim for t .ii h fquiiie off liner oile-3 times or less, ..2 '"I irench subrc iiu lit iii r o'ti nl) ofessionnl c i' ds ' l.'MT. i t n uu cl hniie-s. f r li i. i in-- lone uliini'V ni'I'.i" , ocr. b line ju nrlv Adveriif nn. one ha'i cietimn..nO du arly Adve.-i'is.m. o le volutin liM.) (Hi in Us, siij.e C'i e - i"i nk, tune q .ire - J" n'3, (1 qu n , per n,nirc 1 7 " nks, over (i ri i r " quite 1 60 r hnnk na-, ml. .. r:n -nnn, ex- CCUi'on--. mn-liiliV Pi es, Tnad Mj'iont hi !i.t". I l r !i per .Int.. C". andbiiis, i .;)! f .."..'i '.' or li-m I bit W" t. if ill -Keel - or t.-js '2 60 li ! !' II? i of 1 - i t"0 " wi.n'.r -beet J-'nrle?. 8 00 Over 23 of inch ol above at proportionals tut. E'.k loJg?. A. Y. H Stated nieplinps of Elk Lodge will he I heir hall on tut secoud una tourlli ijs or oacn ninntn. J. h.. vtiiu.uuti-;. seo y. emple of Honor and Temperance. siy cd'taeh week, at tin1 Good Templars, ,i 'liudpc rnnn-i. nvi-rC V. Iiiills' wtnre. . i-.iKrtin 'inin . .i rv. ni-'MFfl nn i nnrj- ('. 11. 5I..M K. . R. nSUTS T.AB TTf T? ADVOCATE. rllC lUlllMTIIIi; Ilil'iii: 4 ji.:i.-?..nn ...v luiiufi- "(l ip'ioiri, a ivprtwitt? or Job work, lake thereto.1 atiiJ give receipts. r5t.Mnt.V8. Cuas. MuVgak. flcntvcv'ille. .l.wts (j ;iei:b. Calcdunin. IS. A. bk!. TlcTjiitiotte. KtiASMts Mokt. titir'ne Oi-cck. A. W. Iitvix. Urii'.iinJ. KLiiOTtoRrv. Hnrinn. U. K Ovsint, N. M.Phockwat. K;w yorku . M. I'iii'rK.sviii.t, Co.. .17 P-rk 'nv. Or.o. 1'. Uowbei. Co., 40 441 rr!' Jtoir. (Slfi (SJountg girciiorii. t OUN1V OFl-lt'EKS. rfi lo'il Jn-igc I.. I'. Viettnere. Ad'i.iijunl Law JuJ;,o J ton . Jiio. I. Tintvii. . Ai: ui:i!c Judo? K. C. Sjbu'.tIO, JakSe Kyltr. DiMrUl A t.v.-!K-.-.7. K. P. nail. Sucria .1 i yc 'a tile. . J'ruttiuKoti.ry ,c . rteU. TruHMirer i'U.i Inn V. tiiil.-, C?. d'ujici'iiilvii leiu Itntiis l.u.;i)ii'. Coiniiirssiiwicrs 11. Wurntr, Jos. W Ttvlnr. Louis VoU.iiur. AuJiio.s (.'un-;. Wiic-i, George D Mstsoni'.or, a'nl'j li V illio'ni. County Si:; vi:yo.' (joo WiLiihley. Jury Oiii.uissionei'H. Ut'or;:o i)lck a'nl Murate f.iiih'. TIMUOr I'.OLlii.VG niCKT. ecoii'l MiimUy m January.. iiMl Moa'livy in A) r, First yoadiy in Aiiirut. Firt Moinl .y jn November. Go to Uealej's for oysters, le keeps t.6 best arid scllu tho cheapest. Though this taper in dated the 5th -irisKHUed to-day (l'riduy 13th.) Tho county Auditors met last week, sal audited thecoucty iiccounts. The streets are musical with the jingle of sU'ijjh hells. Mauy jiuod rcfoltitions formed on the first of the year have already becu Iro i'on. Court did not Lrin much money ta town. We clip tho foiJiiuing local items roua tho Emporium Jitdtjiemleitt: A Giiod JloTE. We ure infnroied (hat petitions are bcio! circulated for signatures praying the AiCcluturc to ims a law compelling the P & E. Kail road Co , to fence in their track and jail "cattle guards at each orossiog. This is an improvement much nt eded, vne which would not oly benefit the inhabitants along the hoc of the load -but would Ioshoo the risk of accidents to the travelling public by ketping the crossings clear of impediments that ofteu throw the cars oil the track. Let the people move earnestly in the matter Hail iloADSM.-sti Up On Tues. .Any itjuniiug ot tuts week, the himpire freight Train east, when about one aud a half miles cast of this place, broko an axle and being a heavy tiaiu and on a down grade, it ran some quarter of a tnilo tearing up rails and tics in its pro jfress befuic it could be stepped, and literally smashing up eevcu cats and Aoattering tho freight, which consisted f dead hogs, poultry &.C., all along the track. Furiunately, go far as we can learn, no person on the traiu was injured Iho company had a large force of men at work all of Tuesday clearing up the wreck and repairing the track; mean while pasenper travel was uot impeded, 4rains from the east bringing passengers tip to the wreck and transferred them to oars on the other side, while passengers from the west were similarly served, being transfere4 to cars eaat of the wreck. Two PASTaEtts Capturbd. On last Friday week, Mr? George Hastings la company with James David, an old hunter of Clinton county, while hunting for deer on the east branch ot Big ltun, tflMb empties Into coeh eraok, Clio IJirliat l joetiii ton couDty, got on tho track ot two panthers and succeeded in treeing one which they shot and took to their cabin. It measured nearly nine feet in length. The next day they resumed the hunt for the other one, tod succeeded in routing it out ol his lair, and after a lively hunt ct Gve hours duration, suc ceeded in making it 'seek a point of rocks for protection from the dogs. The two hunters came up and a boll from each of their puna, fired siiniUaoe ously, tnude (he savage heist bite the earth. It also measured 8 feet 19 inches in length. There was a time when it, was no uncommon thing to kill these wild beast in that part of the country, but these, we believe are tilt only ones that have been killed there for several years. Jidlefonte licpulli' can. A Strange Story. In the early part ot last spring a gentleman named Moore, a pilot on the Allegheny river, left his residence ne3f Smithport. M'Kean couuty, for a trip down' the river, lie took with him a man who had been in his employ tor two years named Juhn lioylen. On arriving at Warren, lioylen a sent back home to look after farming interests and Mooie cootiuued his trip. Coming back sorao liruo after, he wna astonished to hear that lioylen, a married man with two children, had eloped with his (Moure's) only daughter, a girl between the ages of fourteen and fifteen. Ni trace of ihe fugitivej could be found, only at Olean, JC. Y., they had purchased tickets for Chicago. Howards were offered for information as to tho where abouts of the guilty puir. but nothing wa ever heard of them till a few days ago, when Mr. Moore was informed that a man ni?med Otto, residing at Spring Creek, this county, could give him some cluo ns to where they were. Accordingly Mr. Moore came on here aud met Otto, who informed him that .Uoylcn was serving as hostler to a hotel in Painesviile, Ohio, and his daughter, Boylcn's paramour, was also at the same hotel iu the capacity of servant girl. Mr. Moure left ltidgvray on Tuesday morning last to find the fugitives, and to ueal out to 15oylen the punishment he Si) richly destcves. Another iustau"e nf "'truth Etraugcr than fiction. F.Ik Democrat. II AY IN a attended I'rof. J. O, Kon yon's Veutriloquial and Polyphonic per formance for two evenings at J'essen tier's (fall, we do not hesitate to rcco mend ita3 an CDterUiumcut of real nieiit and well worthy tho patronage of the ladies and gentlemen of whatever profession. Replete with novelty, vari ety and instruction, it forms one of the best family amusements extant, haviosr a moral tendancy upou tho minds o the ynung. ' We have heard the world-renowned Sisnor l?lit. and other celebrated per fotmers aud a 1.03t of pretenders, and can safely say that Mr. Kcnyon is much superior to Signor lilitz as a ventrilo qtiest ; in fact we encline to the opn n that all the performances we have ho; rd combined would not make up so good a ventriloquil entertainment as that jiiven i by Prof. Kenyon. The first night's performance he gave here was such a decided success as to seem to take the i community by surprise for we hae had our share of humbugs as e xpected Mr, Kenyon's performance on the second evening was attended by as large an audiance as we have seeu a -tending any entertainment in this place. ALABAMA, January 6. This evenins just as the 8:20 Boston train started from Union Depot, in this city, to cross Hudson river bridge, a man sprang into the American Express Company's car and shot the express messenger, Thomas A. Halpiue, through the neck, in the right eye and in the right car Ths robber then took the keta from the messenger and opened the safe, from which he abstracted $2,259 in bills. He accomplished all this while crossing the bridge, and on arriving a East Albany jumped off the train end made his escape The crime was not discovered until the train had stood at East Albany depot some minutes when tho wounded messenger crawled to the door of the car and attracted attentioa. He a8 immediately taken to the City Hospital, and notwithstanding his ter rible wounds, was ablo to converse to give an account of the robbery. U al pine resides in ibis city. His recovery is not considered possible. The robber is described as about five feet ten inches high, wearing a moustache aud goa ee, and was dressed in dark clothes and had oa a dark cap. Ths detectives are oo the alert, and the early capture of ths robber and tnnrlerer is hoped for WBdElsnrl TnE Dutcaman's IiT.cru&E. I sill tell you how it was I drink tiiine lager: den I put tny hand on nine head, nud dere vas vone pain, - Pen .1 put my hand nn my body, and dare tasunoder pain. Den I put my hand in mine pocket and dere was dotting. So I jino mid de demperanec. Now dere is no pnin aiore in mine head, and the pain in mir.o body, vas all gone avay. I put my hand in mino pocket, and dere vas dwenty dollars. So t slay mid de dem persncc. Have you ordered your ''Yankee Washing Machine?" If there is any brauch of domestic labor that is a drudge aud gives un unrest to an house hold it is washing and washing day; nnd 't there is any branch of mcbhuuieni that has baffled the ingenius aud thus far proved a failure, it is substituting any iiiaehim ry to take the plac ! of baud la bor in this tho most laborious of house hold duties; in fact, evrry garret is filled with old washing maol.ine trumpery Useless from the rery Mturt aud people have been led M believe from these fail ures that there is no other way only hund labor, sousing one's self in a vus'u tub and rabbins; the Lido ofTeviiry fin der at each succeeding waih day. It really seems strange that ioucDuity kas nut ove:ocai3 the so difficulties ind re ieved wnmei in somo measure from this harJsh'p. It ha supplied mowing, teap ing, rakiig und pitching machines, lor farmers; it has. in piaee of tho uld. tedi ous upright sitv and its surrounding", hulistitatcd the circular, beadbluvk, saw sou, glimmers, &c, &c, all ol which (aeiiitat'i labor, and aie of great vaiu , but in this brauoli c-f honsthnlJ dutus, no inipr ivt'tiiruts have boon made siin-e Noah's wi!e washed hcrduda in the Aik and diiod ihrumn deck. It is claimed that this "Yanko.ii Ma chine" nieeis al! tl.c ryin:ieniouis, aud Irum wha v.o havesoen and heard, are in the lull lit lie! that il is. a fact. 'Call ou .Mrs. Suhram, Mrs. Mesen eer, Mrs. Whiiinoi'fl, Mrs. Cuiniuings, who have tested these machines, and see what they say. If it is a fact that these machines will acoomplish the same work iu one-third of the timo saving sub stantially all the '-wear aud tear" of gar ments, then it seems fully to continue iu the old track, because we have said and believed there was no way but the old way. 15uy on'1 of these "Yankcj M u chiues," ! y all menus, if they will ti.: (oinpliah one-thhd ( wh.1t is claimed lor them. Oo ulid H e one .it nil tv. als as Hint will cot veu iiiitliiiiir. Geiirud Kiniuh, iif l.ry( Is the fortunate owner of tlui rijjht for Kik aud JtfTersou Countica. Call at Tim's, iu Cc-utruviiie, and see one. (1 U'TIOS..V.I J ngai used li iy i ftiu of llnie. hi Gve n t . . 1 1. giay iia feuiti if i n j iT-i ns ft e , r" n . 1 i . i ' cl nr.: i " fit ! i , 11 c .I'ii'oned .1. .v U i lie uilici' .0 I n IU II. C .It MAN gway, Dec. 21st, l&Td. Tt-is is NO PATKFP MKU1CIXR II CM III '!, po.lrii up to dope ihe i'iiuriiu' and crcltiliiin, hit is ii n-preseuu'd ns bciite; emu put. d ui rife and precious substances biuiiaiit Irum ilie bun-curiifrs nf the eniih. earned seVtn liiiies aeio-s n? Ues-ii oi SI. i hai'rah on ibe bio-ks of fniirreen ea'uels, nud broniM neiuss.he Aij.iniie Dcean on l(i Ships." (i m juni't iotf ioiiuv linti'tUi. ti ft yi.v"v liie Ci.turrh nud Cold in I lie bead." n!o lor oll.-nsive lirenili. Lis in- i in ..i 1 1 in i-m o: llie8eio-e ol Snieil, Tasii or Hearing, Waiei insr or Henk lyes, I'nin or Piwni o in I lie Head, when can'ed. ns lin-y nil no', iiiil'iriineully ale. by III' of Ciiian li I cller iii p.nnl l iiih. siiindin? Reward of $ol)U for a case of Caiarih :hal I cannot cure. Foil HLE T.r MUST IiitCGGISTS EVERY W 11 llll K 1'rii'F 50 Cents. 8cot by mail, post paid, on receipt of KiM V (.'tKTs. Four packages lor $200 or p I'ozcn for !j-jiH Send a two emt stamp for Dr. Ssjre's lamphlet on Caiarih. Ad'liess the Pro piieior, i.. V. Pierok, m. liBVFALe, V. T. BRICK, BRICK! TllE EUBSCR1UEH3 AttE EEADT To furnish brick in quantities to suit purchas ers. Will deliver on hoard of ears oath Daugaseboanda Railroad at Earley. T. KINO h CO. larky July 12. WO. tta ' TUB CELEBHATSD BffSOTED GERARD O1U0DE0OLD WATCHES, S12, $15. $20, $25. DURINO the past four years our Watches lmve been so thoroughly tested, that tor nppemii'iie, style of finish, and accuracy of tiimvkeppitig, the "Gerard Wntelies'' nve universally uocedetl t3 be tho best They retain their brilliancy aud color un til worn out. E.lf after purchasing nnd fairly try in(t,iniy one Is not lully nutisfied, w will ebfi'i tally refund i lie uioiiny. BflTliey si e all Hunting discs. Gentle men's mid Liulies' cizes. Kvery Wutch gimranlced for tunc aud wear, by special certificate. , HMUA Inrpen-sortment "ImproTC'lOriode flmiiis. $2 to$f. Aiso, Oenilemou'a aud indies' .loiivciry in great variety,, rgjxr.cwar cf iiiiiiuiiiins. Order di reei n om us or our iiuihoii.'.ed ajreiit'. Agents and oilisrs applying for circulars will please cucl mo three cent stamp tor pun nge. jUtJoods ?ont to ho paid for on delivery, i.'iistomers i.enuil.ed in e.amiue whst iliey order (before payiiiii bills), oil puyiuant of Ex press charges luuti ways. SayAWien BIX H inches ore ordered at onve, we will send nn extra Watch (of some kind) lieu. tkii-l'iii cliascr-i residing nl some distance frooi Lxpress oiliecs, and desn iug to nave lima i.iid cxnenscs. em liuve tne kjoJs pent by mail, ty luniiiting withtlio older !liu anioni t. teijuired by 1. O. Money oriler. n irisuued letter, draft or cheoii, payable lo our order, al our r'tli. AiJiess I'luinty. JAMiW CKRAI) &. CO., 1'. O. liox y,:i'Jl. Nuw York. 85 Nassau Struct. 5 3m GOLD! GOLD! GOLD - II AUNESS ! II AUNEdU: II AllNKSSl COLLARS ! COLLARS: COLLARS! ti POWZLL, Imvo retntveJ their iiiiiness Shop over 1'owi It Kline's Siore and liave on Hand the largest iissoi'iiniut of barueas fur luuiheriui; mid plensuro pur poses, iu this or adjoining counties, and ail oiuci- articles belonging to liie trade TRUNKS, SADDLE. VALISES, WHIPS, IJLANKKTS, COL LARS cVo. Would invite the attentioa of all owners horses to uiy new PATENT ELASTIC CORK HORSE COLLAR, which proves to -bo the best Collar iu cxiblLuee for these reasons: Ueing very Elastic they uo not chalo or gall kiiu tho coi k being a nou-couductor, they prcveut injury lioiu heat. Call mid see them. All work warranted Repariug, Trailing aud Upliolstortug doue wit ho neatness aud dispatch. 11KAUD o; POWELL. 29 ti rkllPIIAN'S COUIIT SALE The under- siirued, Adininisivator of tlie estate of A 1'eai sail, b.tenf KiU County, H ill expo se losuie ly j nldic vn.uue, er outcry, al iLu ( iilli'I House, iu Uiugway. on .Monday , Jan nary '.Mil, lis7!, nt o n'click, pin, all the iu tei'cstof snid Allied I'eaiB .ll. di c d, lo-w.l 1. 100 aeies. more or less, being ihatpai i ot a traci of land sii uaie iu l ux lp., Elu (. 0, wai runted 1 1 the nameo: Alfred rear sail. 2d iWu ucres of laud, being liiai purl of No -1271, in i'ox.l'p, Klit to od 10O acres, more or le-s, pari ol warrant o ills I, iu l ux i'i, tilt i.'o lib Warrau: N J27u, in Fox 'l'ii, Klk Co, contain:!!!: litJ'J acres, mole or less excepting nitueralti and mining rights oili .-ur.-iiit io 42i0, in Fox l'i. l'i i ii. co if iiiiii.'i tl.i l ucres excepting ihiueral and uiiniiig rights JA-UKi A i'K.i UsJ VLL, tJs Ad.uiuistrutor ADI'iIIlTISTSATOS'S 1T0TIC3. Notice is hereby given that Letters ol Administration on the Estate- of L L Ziiuuiumau, latent 1'ox Township, Elk County Pennsylvania, deceased, have been "jrauted to tiio un Jesrsij ned. All persons iudeptcd to said Estate are icijuesti u to call and settle, aud those buviug Claims jLiaitit the Estate will present llmiu duly authenticated tor set tlement. JUIKN UUtii'.-N, Administrator, EST.DLiiir.niii 1S30. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' Saw3 1 Zzwi ! Saws ! SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Piles, Cast Steel. Mill Furnish lugs, and Machinery. 8a7"Gct the Best, tiicy will pravo the cheap et. Prices reduced. Send for price List and Circulars. WELCH & GRIFFITHS, r:stDa,Ha:3., or Detroit ULci. 5 ly. The moil r'omnlcie RtiMineNS C'otitg; inilie lnlid stales. AtTordiiiir facilities for sennireinff thoroiiiih piaoiiual busiueHs educsiion possessed by no oilier School in Hin country Since lis incm pnrniion in lhoo. nearly KixietnTlioumind Siudenu. represeutan'ves from every Slate in lie Union, have aliunde1' here. o vneations. Students enter at any time, and receive private instruction throughout lbs entire course. N. 13. Ciroulars with full particulars and ail necessary iufurnintion, on addressing Hilxt & UUW mi, Principals, THE JLK. CU ABVUGAIE. THE OLDEST TAPER IK THB COUNTY, HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCU-iJ LATION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY ! gvotcil to iht 3futsstJ of tht jCropti; 01 ttlli touutij. BRING ALONG YOUR ADVER TISEMENTS AND GET TIIEM INSERTED IN TllE ADVOCATE, AT LOW EATE If you want to sell anything, let the people know it through the AdVoca Ti the great advertising medium. She (6th SUtuocafi Job Printing Olliee Id Court House, Ridgway, Pa. The best work done, and at the very lowest prices. Blanks kept constantly on haad at this ofEie. iland billa printed at tho shortest nvtioe. Call in and get our pries for advanc ing and jobbing. Satisfaction warraated Orders by mail proaaptly attended tr Ads&ess J. C. LffTSEH, l:HIIW.WH'llill.l W- S. SERVICE 00,000 CUSTOMERS WAN'lED. At the new Masonio Hall Building. STOVES at prices that will please of all desirable kinds. TIN-WARE of every kind on hand at allimes. Special attention given to Wholesale or ders. Price list furnished to dealers on application. SI1EET-T1N AND COPPER WARE House furnishing goods a great variety. STEAM AND WAT Ell PIPEING, TUMPS, FISIHXa AND HUNTING TACKLE, such as RODS BAS KETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CAPS, POWDER, &c. c. ALL ORDERS FOR GUN WORK Promptly attended to. BIRD CA GtSA X1CE VARIETY ROOFING, GUTTERS, SPOUTS. of Till, Galvanized Iron and Copper nnl every kind of HOUSE AND JOB WORK Juieon short notice and warranlod, AOliNCY of Henry Disstons celebrated saws. Orders for saws at factory prices solicited, also for repairing. Information and price list furnished on application. PAPEP. R.-VG3, OLD UOIT., OLD copper, r.iiAss, rzw- TEU, LEAD, IRON, UEESWAX, HEAVY HIDES, DEAKON SKINS. s'.:eei pelts, green BACKS, NATIONAL BANK NOTES, U. S. BONDS &c. '(tlccn in exchange fur Goo h or Wurh yWlOt W S. SERVICE Itidgway, Marolx 1st, 1870 SPECIE PAYMENT! GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKES IS EXCHANGE FOB WAGONS or. JOB WORK AT THE RIDGWAY WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock beforo buying a Lumber or Pleasuio Wagon. I use the best selection of Aliehijan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY; I employ uuue but First Clin Me (haniri; I u-o uothiug but the htti Ri-fined Ii-un. I think it will ba to your interest to give me your order. Having twenty five lumber wagons in course of costructioo, I will be able to fnmisUaoy party by the first of April. All oidcrj by mail, also any orders left with W. S. Sehvicb at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. 8. JACKSON WEAVER ti . L '' ' nervous: debilitated WHOSE SUFFERING UA.VB BEI5 TW TRACTED FROM HIDDEN CAUSES,, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRK " FltOJiPT TIIETMEJTT TO RENDER EXISTENCE DI81RAU.1 If you aro suffering or have sf fered, from involuntary discharges, w n effect does it produce upon ,"ui4 general, health f Do you lccl weak, de bilitated, easily tired ? Does a loi.e extra exertion produce palpation ili heart? Does your liver, or unmry organs, or your kidneys, frcffi !' y get out of order ? Is your urine s mi imes thick, milky or flocky, ori it ropy on settling? Or docs n ! s w skum rise to tho top? Or is a -i.oo;! at tho bottom after it has stood u.roiie.' Do you have spells of short bioniliirn or dyspepsia? Aro your bowois con stipated ? Do you havo spoils of I.hoiimj;, or rushes of blood to the bend ; your memory impaired? Is your u.ine constantly dwelling on the suLje::? De you feci dull, listless, moping, iin- l . company, of life ? Do you wisu to t s alono, to pet away from evi ry'nr!? Docs any little thing rrake yi-u s .nn or jump? Is your sleep. L ien restless? Is "tho lustre of "' brilliant? Tbo bloom of your e.ici'k us bright? Do you enjoy ynm-i-.t ciety as well ? Do you pur e y business with tho same energy i y.m f'jcl as much confidence iu y. mi Aro your spirits dull and :1 i.r.'iii-. given to fits of meleneholy ? ,';', . na not lay it to your liver or il -;.i ',i-. , . Have you restless uights ? Yo r '. ii weak, and have but little apy i. H you attribute this to dytj-vj..! liver-complaiut ? Now, reader, self-abus?, rii-i disease badly cured, and sexual fi arc allcapablo of producing a w 'ioen of iho generative organs Th i of the goneration, when in pcrfee. um i i, make tho man. Did you ever .oU that those bold, defiant, eur.i-. persaverini; business-men are :mv tlwe whoso generative oriransirt in perfect health? Yon never Ii r such men ciuiTilaiu of being no! eholy, of nervousness, of ualpatatii.n yi tho heart. They aro never afraid t i t v cannot succeed in business ; they dmi't becomo sad anil discouraged ; they are always polito and pleasant in cotnpnny ot ladies, and look you and flinm rig-. in the face none of your downe. looks or any other meanness about them. I do not mean thosa who keep tho orgrisH inflated by runnim; to excess. These will not only ruin their consti tutions, but also thoso they do business ith or for. - Ilmv nianey mm. from badly cured dis eases, from die etlects of self-abuse and excesses, have brought, about that state of weakness in organs that ha reduced! the general system so much as to induce almost every other disease idiocy, pn.r nlysis, spinal affections, soikiido, an l aLnon every other form of disease which hu manity is heir to a;id tho rent cause T i he double scai-jely erer snspectod, au4 hlll'A ll.llOneil .ill l.i.l- 11. n ;..l,l nn ...w... ,v,t w,, unu iiiv l..l, UU, DISEASE 0? THESE ORGANS REQUIfcJ THE USE OF A DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU ISTnEQIfT DIUHtTI, AND IS A 0EKTAIS7 cotu ran. disease of thb BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAV2L. DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAK NESS, FEMALE COMLAINTS, GENER VLDEBILTTY. And all other diseases of the Urinary 0--gans. whether existing iu Mali or Final. from whatever cause originating, and a, matter how long standing If no treatment is submitted to. su'iiotion or insanity may ensue. Oil I and flesh blood are supported from thee sources, and tho health and happiness, an I that of Posterity, depends upou promp; use oi a rename rcmuuy. lltiMUOLU S E.YUlACr BUCIIU. sstabii- shed upward of 10 years, -prepared by li. X. tlliljNlliOLD DRUGGIST. 591 BaoADWAY, Nkv? Ynas a 101 South 10th Street, Philadelphia Pa. PRTPE $1.25 p,er bottle, or 6 bottle for$3,5(), delivered (o any aJdress. "Into bt Att DannoisTS KVERVirnKftit. ' NONE AlltJ GENUINE UXLESst DON'B UP li STRIi. INOBAVEI) WBpPIR. W'Tlf rtc-smitis or mv OUEMiOAL WARK 1I0USE, am siSNin,