f A Bojra op A Mtyt, BT itk INOftLOW. ,' tbwa Wto onca neat la hnllotr. Down iu tha moaana nnd knot-grail pressed, mil woiui, muu inn 10 me Drimi rtcbea leaned over It purple and dim, With butter-cup bads to follow. I pray yon hear my iong of a nest. C"'T For It la not long ; " Ton ahull never light In a summer quest . , The bUBhca among ' " Bbnll never light ou a prouder sitter, A fulror nertful, nor ever know .' ,,'". A softor sound thnn their tender twitter. , That wind-like did come and go. r I had a nestful once of my own, Ab I happy, happy 1 ; Right dearly 1 loved them but when thty were grown, - They spread out their wings to fly 0, one aaer one they flew away Far up the heavenly blue, To the better country, the upper day, ' And I wish I was going too. 1 pray yon what is the nest to me, .' My empty nest T And what Is the shore where I stood to see My boat sail down to the West r .' Can I cull that home where I anchor yet, Though my good man has Sailed f Can 1 call that home where my neat was set, Now all its hopes have tailed ? Kay, but the port where my sailor went, And the lands where my nestlings be ; There is the home where my thoughts are sent, The ouly home for me. A SEW EDEN. Tlie Prospect of the Lower California Expedition. A San Francisco correspondent of the Pittsburg Chronicle writes as follows: ( I believe I mentioned in a former let ter that an expedition had loft this city for the purpose of colonizing Lower Cal ifornia. Itie company under whose auspices the expedition sailed purports to be the owner of a grant from the Mexican government embracing in its extent seven degrees of latitude, or about 47,000 square miles of territory. ' It also claims to be the assign e of the greater part of the Jecker contract for the survey of the State of Sonora. In consideration of which it is to receive one-third of the publio' lands of the State, calculated at forty thousand square miles, additional; also claims other large grants in Sinaloa, and vari ous isolated properties in other parts of the Mexican States. To represent these franchises and territories the capital of the Company has been fixed at the nom inal sum of $35,000, the most of which hus been divided up amongst the lob byists, politicians and editors, who gen erally fatten on such schemes. Few en terprises have had a stronger list of Di rectors than this one, and if the names truly represent the strength and power of the Company, it is indeed formidable. Amongst the leading promoters are Benj. Butler, August Belmont, Beverdy Johnson, Caleb CuBhing, Bobert M. McLane, John W. Forney, Leonard Jerome, George Wilkes, and many other equally aa well-known men. But it was not so much about the company itself, or the political results that must follow the establishment of a prosperous Amer ican colony in that portion of Mexico, that I intended to write, as of the re ports that have reached here from the expedition about the soil, climate, and productions of the country. A NEW EDEX. Lower California has hitherto been considered a peninsula of alternate rock aud desert, possessing no fertility and few natural resources. To this supposi tion must be ascribed the apathy that . has always existed in reference to its ac quisition. But if the letters received irom the adventurers are to be relied on, instead of the country being a barren . wilderness, it is a new Eden, an earthly Paradise, almost equalling the first resi dence of our first ancestors. Verdant plains, over which troop herds of wild cattle, horses, deer and antelope ; placid bays, from which a sweep of the seine will draw a boat-load of turtle, mullet, perch, mackerel and sardines; corn a loot high two weeks from planting; a climate equable and delicious, neither too hot nor too cold ; wheat sown in January, reaped in June, resown and again reaped in January. Tomatoes perennial, oranges, lemons, dates, figs, Lammas, olives, almonds, mulberries, and many other varieties of trees grow ing profusely, make up the glowing pic ture painted by the settlers of their new homes. A little paper published at the settlement Magdalena Bay, as it is cal ledquotes the following as the price of provUions there : Beef, dressed, 2 J cts. per pound ; sheep, do., f 1 each; goats do., ?1 each; deer and antelope do., 12 each; cow, milch, with calf, $9 a $10; horses, working, $'20 to $25 ; cheese, 4 cents per pound ; wine, Co cents per gallon; brown sugar, 4 to 5 cents per pound, and tobacco 20 to 25 cents per pound. Wood is said to be abundunt : all goods are free from import duty, and ' taxation is of course at present unknown. Under such favorable auspices if the account are not exaggerated has the company entered on its practical career, and it may be that this small beginning is the thin end of the inevitable wedge that must, sooner or later, be driven in te split all the Northern States of tlie Mexican Republic from the rule of apa thetic superstition and bring them under the enlightening influence of our own government. The War Curious Typoirraiihlcal Re miniscences. It is among the curious things con nected with the war between Prussia and France, that there is scarcely a place of any note that late events have made us familiar with, that has not an interest ing reminiscence connected with print ing. Kehl, where the first work of destruc tion began, by an attempt to destroy the bridge across the Rhine, is the lo cality to which Baskerville's beautiful type was transferred in 1779, having failed to procure a purchaser at home. Monsieur Beaumarunais, who bought it, opened an office in this town, and, at the expense of three millions of francs, pub lisaed an edition of Voltaire's works, consisting of twenty thousand copies, of which twenty-five were on blue paper, for King Frederick of Prussia, " who labored under weakness of the ryes." Meti, which has acquired so much notoriety, was early distinguished by the introduction of printing. As early as 1482 a work was printed here (the first book of Thomas a Kenipis). In 1575 all Protestant printers bad to quit the city, and all such author had to get their works print d at Pari, or Bheims, etc., for more than twenty years. Strasbourg is well known to the learn ed as one ot the towns that put in a claim to the honor of giving birth to the typographic art, Hchoeping ana others oontendingthat John Gutenberg printed here between 1410 and 145!); but this U unsupported by any positive evidence. The earliest died book known to bate been print.d here is dated 1471. John MenUthn printed in Strasbourg, in 143. the first edition of the German Bible. Toul was a seat of early printing. The firt known work on Perspective, by Jo. Pelegrinus, was printed here in 1505 ; there is a oopy in the show-case of literary curiosities in the British Museum. Toul is also to be noted as the place at which one of the earliest attempts at stereotyping was made in 1 S5. At Rhsims printing was carried on as early as 1551. In 1582 was executed here the first edition of the Catholio English version of the New Testament, and the first complete edition of the English Catholio Bible was printed at Rouen in 1833-0. At Verdun printing was carried on as early as 1500. At this place the English prisoners who were detained by Napoleon I. printed, by his permission, a ' Book of Common Prayer. Sedan has also an interest to lovers of typography. "Here were reprinted," says Doctor Cotton, " some very diminu tive volumes, well known to the collec tors of books, by the name of Sedan editions the 'Virgil,' dated 1C25, the Horace,' of 1G27, and the Greek Testa ment,' of 1027, are all of this kind at present known." In Trinity College, Dublin, is a Sedan volume dated 1589. The Effg a Miniature Universe. The following remarkable passage oc curs in Professor Agassiz's "Method of Study in Natural History :" One can haidly conceive the beauty of the egg, as seen through the microscope at this period of its growth, when the yolk is divided with the dark granules on one side ; while the other side, where the transparent vesicle is seen, is bril liant with light. With the growth of the egg these granules enlarge, become more dixtinct and under the microscope some of them appear to be hollow. They are not round in form but rather irregu lar, and under the effect of light they are excetdingly brilliant. Presently, instead of being scattered equally over the space they occupy, they form clus ters constellatious, as it were and be tween these clusters are clear spaces, produced by the separation of the albu mi n from the oil. At this period of its growth there is a wonderful resemblance between the ap pearance of the egg, as seen under the microscope, nnd the firmament with the celestial bodies. The little clusters or constellations are equally divided. Here ana there are two and two, like double stars, or sometimes in threes or fives, or sevens, recalling the Pleiades ; and the clear albumenous tracts are like the empty spaces separating the stars. This is simply true tuat such is the actual ap pearance of the yolk at this time ; and the idea cannot but suggest itself to the mind, that the thoughts which have been embodied in the universe, are re called here within the little egg, pre senting a miniature diagram of the nrmament. This is one ot the nrBt changes of the yolk, ending by forming regular clusters, witn a sort ot network of albumen between, and then this phase of the growth is complete. Two Rain-Drops. Upon the highest point of land in the State of Ohio, between Like Eiie and the Ohio River, called the " crest-line," stands a barn, the roof of which slopes on one 6ide toward the north, on the other to the south. Two twin rain-drops fall upon the crest edge of the roof. One runs smooth ly down the north side and falls to the ground, where it joins the rivulet on its way to the stream, which bears it on to tho Sandusky, which empties into Lake line. The other rolls down the southern slope into the streamlet below, and is carried by it to join the Scioto on its way to the Ub.io liiver, which bears it on to the Mississippi with whose waters it is emptied into tho Gulf of Mexico. How dinvrent the tourney and the destination of the two drops I Both tell upon the roof at the instant. A pioiect- iug Bpliuter, a nail's head, or, it may be, a breath ot wind, turned the one irom its original direction and parted it forever trom its companion. This reminds us of the separations which sometimes tnko place in families. Two brother, reared uufcr the same in fluences, both apparently destined for prosperity and happiness, start together upon the journey of life. One goes reso lutely on in the right way, overcoming all obstacles, to htar at last the welcome " well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord." The other has equally high hopes and desires. But a little circumstance, per haps an invitation from an agreeable friend to join a Sabbath-day pleasure excursion, a visit to the theatre, or, it may be, the otter of a glass of wine, proves the tplinter or the nail's head which diverts him from the way. He falls into tbe stream of pleasure to be borne by deeper, daiker, aud swilter waters to tbe deep, to hear at last the fearful sentence, " Cast ye the unprofit able servant into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." ThaukfgiYiuir Proiluinatlons. Quite a curious collection is that of Thanksgiving proclamations, now on file at Governor Hayes's cilice in Colum bus, Ohio. There are some thirty of them, affording in the aggregate a fine study in English and plagiarized Scrip ture. Brevity in Thanksgiving procla mations is as desirable as brevity in' Thanksgiving sermons. The proclama tion of Governor Hayes, of Ohio, is the shortest, containing only 48 words. The proclamation of Governor Senter, of Tennessee, stands next on the list, containing 53 words. The longest proclamation is that of Governor Mer rill, containing 384 words. The pn da rn at ion of Governor Uaight, of Cali fornia, contains 119 words; that of Governor Baker, of Indiana, 81 ; Gov ernor Clayton, of Aakansas, 150 ; Gov ernor McClurg, of Missouri, 70; Gov ernor Curtis, of Idaho, 170 ; Governor BlasdeL.of Nevada, 220; Governor Ste venson, of West Virginia, 104 ; Governor U.ary, ot Pennsylvania, 210 ; Governor Bullock, of Georgia, DO; Governor Baldwin, of Michigan, 170; Governor Holden, of North Carolina, 247 ; Gov ernor Alcorn, 78 ; Governor Pile, of New Mexico, 00; Governor Salomon, 110; Governor Scott, of South Carolina, 25 ; Governor Stewart, of Vtrmont, 160 j Governor Hirvey, of Kansas, 140 ; Gov ernor Senter, of Tennessee, 63; Gov ernor Cailin, of Massachusetts, 170; Governor MerruL cf Iowa, 384; Gov ernor Hives, of Ohio, 43; Governor Cook, of Colorado, DO; Governor Leslie, of Eentnoky, 165 ; Governor Butler, of Nebraska, 321; G ivernor English, of Connection, 12U; Governor Burbaok, of Dako, 120. Tbe prouUmtioo of Governor Claflin is priuted on a sheet of large poster size; the proclamation of W. W. Holden, of North Carolina, is the only one with a colored border. An Enterprising Agent. An enterprising travelling agent for a well-known Cleveland tombstone manu factory, recently made a visit to a small town in a neighboring county. Hear ing in the village that a man in a re mote part of the township had lost his wife, he thought he would go and see him, and tffdr him consolation and a gravestone, on his UBual reasonable terms. He started ; the road was a hor ribly frightful one, but tbe agent perse vered, and arrived at tbe bereaved man's house. The bereaved man's hired girl told the agent that the bereaved man was splitting fence-rails over in the pasture, about two miles. The indefati gable agent mounted his horse and etarted for the pasture. After falling into all manner of mud holes, scratching himself with briarB, and tumbling over decayed logs, the agent found the be reaved man.' In a subdued voice he asked the man if he had lost his wife The man said he had. Tho agent was very sorry to hear it, and sympathized very deeply with the man iu his great sorrow; but death, he said, wns an insa tiate archer, and shot down all, of both high and low degree. He informed the man that " what was his loss was her gain," and would be glad to sell him a gravestone to mark the spot where the loved one Blept marble or common stone, as he chose, at prices defying com petition. The bereaved man said there was a slight difficulty in the way. "Haven't you lost your wife?" in quired the agent. " Why, yes, I have," said the man, " but no gravestone ain't necessary; for you see the cussed critter ain't dead ; she tcooted with another man 1" Brighnm Tonne's United States Taxes. In December, 1809, John P. Taggart, assessor of internal revenue for the Territory of Utah, assessed Brigham Young as trustee for the Church of Jtsus Christ of the Latter-day Saints an in come tax of $'19,559, to which he added a penalty of $19,779. Young appealed from the assessment, asking to have it abated as erroneous, making two points against it in giving the Mormon view of the case : tirst, that the trust fund was raised by tithing, and was a volun tary ottering, and consequently not tax able as income. The next point was that if it was taxablo they had been re lieved by the act of July 14, 1870, giv ing exemption to every five persons liv ing in religious communities holding property in common. The point of vol untary offering was decided against Biigham Young, as trustee, because of the fact that punishmentssuch as ex communication and otherwise, are meted out to those who refuse to pay the tithing, which deprives said offerings of all voluntary charity. Ou the second point-, in which they claimed to come within the law exempting common property, it was shown by the Govern ment that the property was not held iu common, as required by the terms of the law, which says the property from which the income arises and income shall be held jointly and in common. The mat ter has been pending iu the Internal Revenue Bureau for nearly one year, and recently was decided by Acting Commissioner Douglass in favor of the Government as to the tax, but relieving Young from the penalty. Instructions will be sent to Collector Hollister in Utah to collect the tax at once. A valuable reform in the matter of the printing of the Patent Office Report has just been sanctioned by the House of Representatives. Heretofore this re port has been priuted annually, and so marvellous has been the increase in the business of the office, that last year it tilled three large volumes, the cost of which was $235,000, mostly for plates. Now it is proposed to print a condensed weekly report, and to send a hundred copies to the capital of each State, and to the Clerk's office for each judicial dis trict. Provision is also made to enable every public library to possess itself of the books, simply upon the payment of the cost of binding. In this way in ventors and others will be able to avail thenuelves promptly of information concerning patents, and the expense will be very much less than under the for mer plan. LITERARY NOTICES. Arthur's Lady's Home Magazine for January is already on our tabic, aud tills the liberal promise mutlu in the announcement for 1871. The colured steel fashion plutu is one ot the tiuet-t we have seen ; the rich car toon, entitled "The tskuiti Winders," is a pic ture ot UIku artistic buuiity.mid giveselegnuce ai.d character' to this "Queen of the Lady's Magazines." "Grandpa's Darllug," "(iuiu; to School," and "Cotuiug from School," are three charming pictures. In elegance, beauty, and attractive reading, Akthlk's Lady's Home Magazine claims to lead all others of its class. Send to the publishers, T. S. Aktui k & Sons, Phllad.lphiu, Fa , a stump tor postage, and get a January uumberasasuiuplc. Terms, 2 a year. 3 copies lor $5. A great vai iety of useful and elegant premiums are offered for subscribers and clubs. The Children's Hour. Here we have tho January number of this ningazine, with its wealth of sweet pictures, aud ita sup plement of " Cbr'stmas Carols." The " Hour" is conceded on all hands to be the purest, sweetest, and most beautiful periodical for children in the world. Mother aud fathers, take it for your little ones. Let Its tender and benign Influence come monthly to your child ren. It will do them good. Dou't put it oil' until to-morrow, but send (1.5 to-day, while the matter is tresh in jour iniuds, to T. 8. Akthlh & Boss, Philadelphia, aud get It for their Holiday present. It will be one of Hie cheapest aud best gilts you have ever made them. Specimen numbers seut free, ou receipt of a stump for posture. Peterson's Magazine for January, 1871, is already out, aud is a marvel of beauty and merit. We do not know when we have seen lovlier engruviugs than the two steel plates, "Grade's Pet" and "Coasting;" the latter makes us blow our fingers, It is so cold. Tbe fashion plate o " Peterson" are always the best, aud the one In the January number Is a perfect gem of loveliness. '1 he stories are all unusually good even for " Petersou." By all means subseilbe lor this Magazine lor 1871. It U both tbe cheapest aud best. The terms are two dollars a year, with great reduction to cnibs, viz.: 5 copies for (8, or 8 copies for 113, with both an extra copy and a superb premium engraving to the persou gctllug up the club. Specimen are sent gratis to those wishing to gel up clubs. Address Charles J. Petersou, 30(1 Chestnut streit, Philadelphia. A Boom fok all Ladiks. By usiug " Cos MoroMTAS Piahlitb," s lovely complexion U enjoyed without injury. Sold fey all drug gists. Touug & Ladd, Wholoealu Depot, 14 Murray street, U.K. FARM AJI1) HOUSEHOLD. Chilblains asd Chapped IUnds. The returning cold, damp weather brings in its train tbe seasonable series of complaint, such as chilblains, chap ped hands and lips, teto. These appear to be most prevalent just now, amongst those exposed to the inclemency of changeable weather, who possess a fair complexion, delioate skin, and other constitutional predispositions. To those especially liable to these tiresome and painful affections, we recommend as a preventative wearing kid skin gloves lined with wool, which not only keep out the cold, but absorb any moisture that may be up in the hands; and to rub over the hands before washing a small quantity of glycerin, which should be allowed to dry or become ab-orbed to a partial extent. When chilblains do manifest themselves, the best remedy not only for preventing them ulcerating, but overcoming the tingling, itching pain, and stimulating the circulation of the part to healthy action, is the lini ment of belladonna (two drachms), the liniment of aconite (one drachm), car bolic acid (ten drops), to c illodion flex ile(one ounce), p-tinted with a camel's hair pencil over tht ir surface. When the chilblains vesicate, ulcerate, or slough, it is better to omit the aconite and apply the other components of the liniment without it. ,The collodion flexile forms a coating or protecting film, which excludes the air, whilst the sedative liniments allay the irritation, generally of no trivial'5 nature. For chapped hands, we advisothe free use of glycerin ana gooa olive oil in the pro portion of two parts of tbe former to four of the latter ; after this haseen well rubbed into the hands and allowed to remain for a little time, and the-hands subsequently washed with C istile soap and tepid water, we recommend the bel ladonna and collodion flexile to be paint ed, and the protective film allowed to permanently remain. I hesc complaints not unfrequently invade persons of languid circulation and relaxed habit, who should be put on a generous regi men and treated with ferruginious tonics. Obstinate cases are occasionally met with, which no local application will remedy, until some disordered state of system is romoved, or the general con dition of the patient's health improved. U happed lips are also benenteu by tbe stimulating form of application we ad vocate, but tbe aconite must not be al lowed to get on the lips, or a disagreea ble tingling rosults. London Medical Journal. Ox Finding Fault. Find fault, when you must find tault, in private, if possible, and some time after the offence, rather than at the time. The blamed aro less inclined to resist when they are blamed without witness, liotn parties are calmer, and the accused person may be struck with the forbearance of the accuser, who has seen the fault, and watched for a private and proper time for mentioning it. Never be harsh or unjust with your children or servants. Firmness, with gentleness of demeanor and a regard to the feelings, constitute that authority which is always respected and valued. If you have any cause to complain of a servant, never tpeak hastily ; wait, at all events, until you have had time to reflect on the nature of the offence ; and, if you must then reprove, it will not be under the influence ot anger. A Library in One Volume. Among tbe mountains ot Virginia, some time since, the writer of this met a man on horseback, behind him and attached to his saddle was a large package, which he seemed to guard with peculiar care. " You appear to nave a great treasure at tached to your saddle," we remarked. " Yet, ir," was the response " Yes, sir. I have been over to Richmond and bought myself a library.' " An entire library on horseback "r" "Yes, sir, I have Webster's Unabridged Dic tionary in this package, and it i a whole library in itulf. I always get the best!" 3etv York Market Flocr ant) Meal. Snips at S5.3) a t-.45fiir super, fiiie, i.vuo a l lm triil.'itiiiK extras, tli latter an extieuie itml $t :io a v7d 6or medium tu tlto.ee iHikrrtt' ami faiuilv Hour. Hnuthoiu It nir dull at io.io aid oo toi xhl,,) in I'ltm, a. 1 i.7.in j.u (or infill tin to clniiee trade uuit laniily exirus. Itye Hour. (M.5U a i" 60, Mil aiuull suits, lluckwljtut Uour, icr 100 tb 4a a iJ 00. Phovisio.ns. l'oik rc-mimsdull; nale nt ?19.12H a io.2.i for ti!itcteri lnesn. closing at the- luaitle iru-e. Fur fuiiiiela Iveiy, however, there In uioro doing; Hueaut $19 for January aud February, and $ll. for March ull Hell, rn' option Primo lbess is uoiiilu.,1 at iX M lleef is iiucoaugeu ; sales at SiO a $17.60 for plain ami extra mets. Tl. rce href is Htea iy ; haU-x at cuti a ,11 tor pi line meas and lutlia 1110-B. Heel hams 1110 dull ; wiles at fc.Ha S.I1. cut iiieuts aru tiaiet at 8 a SHe. for shoulder- In plekle, nnii 11 a 1-0. for hams liacon in quiet ; a ilea short rib at Uic. ir hhi A lio.s nro I11 fair deiuunu and HTeailv, with 8H tt Do. lii-1 foi thehoav. wei:htH.fio for UU0 lbs.. )v. for ISO tbs., and 9', a 10c. for u.ai ket pis. Liu-d Uouli ami uiicltuued ut Ilk a Ittfec. for -u. 1, and Uo. for prime tiy; poijo to prime Western, 12 a 12e.; f. r luture delivery, sales at 12tiC. fo January. Tliero ai e rumors of farae salon at tho West for the winter uioutiis. tntler Hie ly ut - a 40o. for - tate, and IS a 4r. lur Western. Cheese, 10 a 1 lie, aud urui, but quiet. (IKfeCKMKS t'offee firm. Rio HH a 18i, (sold; Itito quiet ; les at ut, a7K,e. Molasw-s r.,irl fl' ttve ; Halen Ht 67 a 7:te. euaar. Haw reuiaiiiH very dull ; fairtoRiHHlretiiii'itr, 10S a lOSc; Cubaat 10 v.; retiued weak ut US a H'tC tut iiurda. HCNDitiKs Cotton wa- more notive at steady prieen; sali sai 15e. for miildili r uplouds and 14',c. lor lev middline. Whisker tinner ut Vl a Uk;. Tallow firm ut 8s, a8?.o KpliiiH toi peuilno lowi-r at 4Uc. Koala fairly active at 12 Ojat2.10ioi strjined. Iviroteuui 1I11I1 aud uoinii al at on the s-.ot tor retiued. Metals Copjur is rlruier, but otherwise the market ia uucuuui,ed. Ficiuhu very tlulL Okain Wheat dull and 111 settled, with a down ward tendency ; aules at $1 for No. 1 Hiring IA'6 for o d aiubi r wluurohio.aiid i Ma 1.70 f-r hite. Jtye doll ut 97c. a l lor new vesiiru; sales at 41.(171 fur 111110 ilarlcy liriu at 80 a 96c. lor elate, aud92K)c. a tl 10 fur iiotrm aud I'anadiai.. Out in belter demand aud tiruiei ; aaies utbOaSlo.for Westeiu aud Omo. t oiu iu Huiull Mipply aud higher ; sales at 74 a 76 )tc for now Weateru mixed, 77 u 7sc. for uew yellow, 2u for new licluwaie, uuu 79 a ale. for old W tnlt.ru ui.xed. Live Stock Makkkt. Fair biitclierlngHtersnld at 11 u 14c. Of Hocepuud lambs the market whh liim ut 4 ii,o. IB fir poor to prime witliexuu and premium Kentucky an 1 C'auada sheep aclliiu at 7 a Ou. i lb. lloffa wi-1-0 tiraicr, but traiiauctioiig were liu.lleo s liojra, 21(1 I6 av at 7o. lb. Live hoys wire qnolrd at 7Sa7c. t lb I'.ty dreaaed wer In demuuU at S' a 10c. V lb. for tx.r.uie welKhta. ADVERTISEMENTS Tm fi persons 10 Micceasfuliy canvass for I're. la 1 1 luiiiui we otter, umi receive a i:& Waltliuiu P I Wulih for yourself. AUdre.s Jupltt H'ccAfj, Uaytou, Ohio. rpilK NKW YOKK W1KKLV OA V-HOItK 1 -TUB i:lWl10N OF IllE U1U1K Kfc FL"BLI(j AUA1NS1 Tilt WOKLl).-i porycar. A d.tica, Y-lioOK," Haw York Lily. AXE for Nothing. Try tho , Xperlmeu'. Se 1 5, and we will aeud you an ft-.ura one f.ir your trouble, ell Mvefii-I -,10, 'iid ua liw money, nd we will send Iliilf-a-dozen any p.nco you order. Liei'l.NCUll' Jt U ,Ki.iCF.LL, I'ttlabUI'gh, f. A. OFFEH HORACE WATERS, We. 481 BAOADWAT, HEW YORK Will dispose ef Ons Hundbkd Pianos, Mblodkons and Okuams, of six drst-clana makers, tuclucWn, Ctuckering A bout, at txtrnntLy lou priet lor cash during thb month, or will take from ti Ut 26 moutt tv vinfli M iTr nw 11 I wiiiMil,4a in m l 1. u -1. m4 IiijiM m, 1M Lr- s-r-O I VAJ VJ-Vf L f I IU kM M . Milt!).... X i rM Von can now got wbst Is rfuat to 28 GOOD z$S?on $1.60 $12,000 EB $1." Yos, BOTH 0P THE AB0VK for $1 60 94jG00DDOLLAf?rBOOKS$3 $25,000 ofengrings $3 Ves, OF TIIE ABOVE for BOTH $3 122 G00DI'OLLAfolrBOOKS$4 $37,000 EXGEAVINGSfor$4 ... .Vet, OF THE ABOVE for BOTH $4 It will pay to read throngh the following Explanation of (he Above HEAHTIC ANT1 7TOMK, -' .bniipiI fvery wek, in on of the mom Lean tiful Jomnnls in the worln. It lm n twenty larnce netvsp mr pagea, iiuil cimtiim a profit numherwf op I nut id En gravtnyn,jinety print!, . ami ut a hiKlilv pluaMinff Hiid liirtmictive oliurac- tpr. a sIiik tt vuldtL.e of . . ' Hearth and Jfomt cou- - tnlun ImjuL 55,000 vtorth of ftucb eumv- ' 'TtigHj It Ihw. alwiA a vast amount of the ehoUur;art tig, care fully i-n'i'JtrvMl. in ore at- i lriK. wnti piie ktil full of InBlMii tli.n. With a mo- I Ueiate amount of rual iiiluiiiiMtti-u tortile FAltM ana i he UAitlihyll contain I vxuelieut ttli.oritils on the vaiiouB ttiiic8of tlicil.ir, wliicli kW Hie re tiler pract i-aluDtliiAe ulin for mat n;ii, aud render liim iuti'll gent. Nothing of a Hi ciai laa or p diiU'iil bias is tntiodueed J f earth and Home has a most oapLal IOI.tfKtlO,.t. DKrAKfMKNT, wlaoti will delimit aud greatly aid tvery ilotiRe keejwr. Thin Uepar.rneiit in rli.uo worth uany Dol lar evei y year, of eu every week Tlie Children Department, etitteu by Men. aUahv K. IkJuuK, witu many AiHi8tan., iflofMiipetKMinfr iiitertrhttnadt lelltllepoo lile. Inue d, tv ry Parvtit bent r pas i0o a year, luau not 1 1 iwve liU child leu Hupp led with this paper. itiHliaidl rqualed in ihn world. Tuen the paper has agiuatvarinty of Uiiert atiuR autl mair ac tive turned I any, full of n Refill liuormatiou loatl claartea, including An , Sci exice, Literatuie, d Mvilp lloiiHOl how vuriuualhluga nro made, etc., etc. Thu Nt w b- ftitin.-m tel.ti, iu ft clear coiidwieed way, what in colug ou iu ihe woild, ao an to make the leader iutelllgeui without w riding lino gh a g eat ium4 of material. The Keliaule Aew. from the crops, 1 tie Mai keia, tic, in of giea vulue t all pro uurer .ami all who ilea' in produ e to. X. II. A careful estimate allow tnat a ni ft 1, le col u mr of lilt a n.1 H ANu J lull b contain the ame amount oj first-rate reading matter as 94 Books of the aw age tize of thae void at $L each! Yet owl uk to 1 a largo cir clrcu.atiou.tiie 1'uuli her are ab e to aupp y it at low price of $3 a yei ; or four vupiiH, at each; tuu copie.-, at &.5U each. You ahoiild try it, t 'onsid tling its leal va ue. It la tue (jueuurat Journal in tne World X It is injoRbible foi un person to read thia joui nal a year without ft' ttiug useful luutHHUti atiugeatioii tl.at wi.l repay luiu acorta of Dollura. Try it...." Amerrrnu Agrtrultu rift iHniieti innuih y, n of a mm 1 r character to Jfearth and Home, though entirely dill leiu iu eu gruvluga ami r aduginat trr, aud has lesaof curivut neHH. It in full of useful information fo ever'MaD, 'Wum-in, aud Child, iu Citv, Yihiwo.aiHlu u try. Kach .Number uaa 44 great pifrt". and a careful eat i tnat e allow t nt it ctiuuiiuN aa much prit ted matter na US H uKa, cut-ling Si earli I Yet oh account of itaiuuu-u.-e cin ulailon, ivp;nMiii that jf any other ti in i ar Journal iu tbe world, it is supplied to regular aui aer bera for only 1 60 a year, or four oi pit a lor fr. More than a Mdlu-n ivople con atai'tiv real thia Journal wliupr fit aud d light, it la ao reliable, mt full of useful iuhirmutlon, that It ' la hardly uaaibto for any oue to reitd th American Agriculturist a year uilh uutjfetiiUK hintri ami aug geaiioiialimt wi;lpu hack inuny lJullartt If you have it iiut, try it a year, it ia jUnt enter utg ihe UOtn Annual Yolume.anil uuw in tho time to begin X. B X IlmJlearth and Home, and American Agriculturist, are sent together, a year, for ouly 81. Ihe two papers contain durlug a single year about 937,0110 worth of excellent Enokavinch, aud a careful estimate shows that their contents nre equal to 194 Hooks of tht average size of those told at fl each, ty Here, taen, you get for $4, as much a you could in spending 91 4li ia Books! ! I Every one is invited to examine these Journals to give them a year's Ufa . The Publiahers feel sure that every one who does so will be not only greatly pleased but greatly PROFITED. THY TUEH I ORANGE JUDD & CO. Publishers, 245 Broadway, New York City. niFPatent Ease Eat and Ball Pine. iwlat CUu- fcmi lut ia CosTmcT;oK, I'UEkCH EUAB, bWCtt- nt emoiier, agent. and Dealer Wanted in eTcry City and Town, and well paid for telling. Price Liat mailed. Sample Pipe aunt post paid for, U tenta. 2.H00PEB, M'fr Eriu Plpo, 202 Eroaiway, H. T r AaUlL,lH (.1 illU I4H4 ll Hi ll (Ji i AAUHltor ombiutii 76 eta. fcupilly nulnlied, with Clar Hoklur ll 00 tienuiue Mtemcliaum Bowl (160. Mereclinum BoxMood feteui, Auibrr moutu-nltxH i7S. All Ueuutne Meamclia'iiu 8lem, auil Bowl, aud Amber nioiitu-iiiec, 44 26. 8111, Vont ov tkpruk iu orueniig man wuai papier juu auw 11 IK iu. lOKEH'H DICTIONARY. Sent Vru. AGKNTt t WaMKD. OBO. MA.NBUS, XI VTL BOW. W. Y, AUHNTH WANTKO (W5 A MONTH) by th AMEKICAN KNITTINO MAOHIMK CO.. BOSTON, MAMS., or BT. LOUI. aiU. ftaf; a Week Halary ! Yount: men wanted a BiJ local auil travelling aiilMiuen. AdtUoaf , I, II 11,.. II . U....b kl V wiiu .ubuit; xv. xi. nwiwii i i u . " i " f A N.TItI A U F,N T. (I'jO iwr day) to soil th celebrated uumk KHirrns kjlvvicsu MACH1NK. HssthMUMWr-e4, utakoHtbi ,lLuckstUch" (alikeva both allies), abtl lfuU lictiised. Tuebtuitaud cneapsl lauiuy bew hi? MhtUBinlhemaiKoL. AddrossJOMN BON. CUKK A CO., Boston. Maas.. Iitt burgb, Pa, Cbicao. xu., w bu iui, mo. tiie novelty job tkixtixg thess la th Beat Prone ever niHile or Hie us of ner ni who wish 10 do Uitir own prUMno. It la noo ond to n 'lii' fT the usn of OeueralJntj Hrlntera, pnprr an.t In iiioonipur, fy (lie ll. 'it l'riment tliat cuuM bo niuue w any bu; or girl. or ut a v lunar rcw Price .1 Preaaea, ttj, f.i0, 93i. 50. Send for Catalojrne with tetlmnniiil and epecl niena of p'ntn ami oiiIokmI tiriiitliia dune ou the preia, t- BENJ. O. WOO.iH, MannfRCtunr, M F, dor lnr., Bnaiou, Maea. CUHIl C. IBl'H TOM, lOollee Place, INew Vo.k ; KELLY, HOW ELLA LUIHVIH, I7 Marltet-vt., fli I lclphla, I'n-I A, C. KEL4.WU0, 65 West Van Bureu bt , Cu.fago. III. FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. We will eend a hanrtantne Proepectna of ( ue New VUutraUd FamiXn Biblt to nny Book Aeet t.ti. m f Cliaine. Art'lroM NATIONAL PVllWb..iS() (X),, Philadelphia, Pk.i Chicago, IU. Clnvluuitu, Ohio, or HU Louis, Mo. WE WILL PAY AGENTS A HILARY 1 1.10 ierweei and expenetw, or allow a lurcre oommlKHion, to aell our new wonderful liirentloua AdiUusa M. WAGNEll CO., Marshall, Midi. CETTINC UP CLUBS. GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS. Parties enquire how to rnit npclnha. Onr answer Is, send for Price List, anil a Ctu'i form will accom pany It with full directions, makinic alnrffesHvina; to consnmera and remunerative to club organiavra. The Great American Tea Co. 31 33 VKSEY STREET, New York. p. ito aw4:t. Lands in South-West Missouri. THE ATLANTIC t PACIFIC RAILROAD (Embracing- late South Pacific) have foi sale 1,WO,000 acres, of best qnalitv, liuiff credit, clienp. For par ticulain, In pannilileis aiiply to AMOS TUCK, Lnuil (7oniliilSHl(iner. No. Walnut stret-t, Ht .o Is. Mo 33 3 33333 WANTED. An Acent in exery connty In the Unln (I Hales, to IntriMliK e nn artti le that sclli iu every houae. $6,000 lnr year can be made, by live, enerirelic men. A 20 Watiili Kiven, free, to every nijeni Atrnnls have solecontrol of their territory. Send for cliculnr. Address, L. C. KJiNNKUY & CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. AGENTS WANTED p (XTYQ for t; e history of VIUJLI tJ PTJTTT3 PIT By Prof. EK 0CH Fruiu Al;im to the proAcnt 1ay. i.IkHi bi;ainpRn. For men aiol ladict every where. Clootl pav. utjud lor circular. ZIEwI.K t A MCUKIY, IB S. feixth Btreet, rtiiladt-lphla, Pa TllR FIRST EllITIOS CP ONR IlrXIIKKIl AMI FIPTT Tllul'HANu ouples of Vil li's llhiilruleil t'nln loxtiiM f Heedt nnd Klornl tuide, is published and ready to send out U0 pilled, and an KiiKi'av. lug of altnoit every dedrable Flower Hiid Vegeta ble. It is tlegau Iv printed on tine timed impor, l lustrafed wit li l'hree Hundred flue Wood Kugruv lugs aud Two beautiful COLO PL.ATKS. The most heantlful and the mrst lntrncttve Floral Ou.de published. A(iEltl4N KltlTlON pill, lished. in nllot'ier resiiccis similar to the Ktiglirili. Sent ti-ee to all mr cost oners of 1870, as riipiulv as possible, without lipid cat, on. Kent to all ollieis who order th -m lor Tun Cents, wh cli is not ball tbe cost. Ad, Ires-. JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. GO-ETHIMC NEW! Read the Following : What the City Missionary of Boston SAYS ABOUT ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. THKRK PKTtTAINLY CAN NOT BK FOrND A liKTTElt CUUUU OK .VSii JtliMKlY. A3 AN E2CPECTORA NT IT HAS NO EQUAL! Bohtov, Mass., Feb. 18, MPfimtH V. T.AVTM Jo Kr.V-fl.ntlMi.i..n. Tha pai-kafceof Allmi's fain HnlH.ttn you ttent me tonne mn nn i tke nlnli'leo ihkh- In my city mliwlmiHry w ork has pruvotl vny tn'i e,talil titi i um-fiil, it lifts (rone into Hovrral fnmiliLB, aud with roiuarkuble uflixt in every liiHtunce. nie woman una neen rcsroreo rrom wnat uerpnv sieiun proiiotuicel ouuinption after m voral moiuiiH' mcKiie t. wna i-oukh, jfreai pHin in me liiims, ami proHtratimi, so tliut she ts ultfe now to do limine wnik ami bmhihi in the hiiimmh t of her family. ami with care and continue i use ut the iiulium, ske expecrs entire lostoratiou. Another person, a youiifr woman to whom I gave one botile. has re.el eil pi-ent benefit, so Unit her oo. which was of months' stumllng, U petting better, ami she has piirchaHeil tne second boillo, ami bus every indication of a speedy cure. A voiiuff man who was ramnitz b'Hl. nnd onite we;ik and nick, bits, by the uttu of two tMillle4t tteeii Qiuch Improved, nnd m able to do a little at bis work A yoittitf man to whnm 1 tecmnniemtcd a trial of it, ho has huil a bad conlt, snd nitieh pain in Iris luiifrs for immihs punt, nnd nimble to ftvt rest or sleep, has commeneed takitiK it, and Is now using the fourth bottle with urcat ht-nt rit. lie taid to me on a r t-ent viitlt, be wotdd not. do without it He ia iiopniK utmi ivitHonubly it souns to me) to be able to resume hia work aruiu. ery resp ttuuy ana (rrateniiir yonrs, CltAKLKS A. HULMjY, City'MiHjiiouary. J. N. HAUU1S A CO.. Hole lJiomietrji. Cinnin. natl, Ohio. ry HCitn ht Mgmrwit Dkxi.krh okvkrallt WT) W Moneyforall. Address CM . Is. H . IONKH Wilmlnifitm UIM1AIK I)KIJ LATOHV POWUKK. HeiuovH snnt irtuo isltair iu rim minutM. wiLh. out Injury to the skiu. Hniit hy mail for $1.25. UPHAM'S ASTHMA CURE Relievm mnut riolent numiVRHiR In tin and ttXecta a speedy cure. J'rlce 2 by uiaiL THE JAPANESE HAIR STAIN Col ra the whiskers and iinlr a beautiful black or hkow.n. It couslets of only on preiira(fi. 7S oeuts bv mall. Addl'em K. (J. I'l'IIAM, Nn. 721 lily Me street, I'lilbuieliibia, l'a. Llrcular. sent tree. Hold by all I iruKRista. Twelve Reasons Why frOU IlOltUEM, WILL COnK RINOBONE, HWEENT HT1FF JU1 NTH, HfKAliNS, UKUISM, AJX LAMKiSKlSH OiT ALL KINDS. Addreaa D. G. -CAREY CO., lai ReaUe-st., Kw York. GET TIIK BEST! CAREY'S VEGETABLE HORSE & CATTLE POWDERS. These Powders aretha result of fifteen jw -ttiidy snd ohserv&tion by one of the n.ot em.uent Kurmeis and H 01 semen America has produt!. iU (lUnerved bow hentthy. sleea, activ- snd fat horses aid cattle would become when allowed to run in the pasture, and by clore observation uceeedd in tlndiUK out the yetfeUihles which prudttci-d tbl oeueticial result. Thes ve'ilc- ai-e Katbereil al the proper time, powuereu auu put up iu veuo wi-appoi s, each package coutaiuUi( hail a pound 01 innrft. The difficulty which attends the use of mny of tbe "BweeUSceuted Powders" of the day. Is thai the perfumery used almost luvariahly oouuteraou the real medicine contulued in them We use n peifumery of any kind, preferring the use of rUKS UkUIClN KM lor diseabod animals. Our Powders cure Laag cever, Heuvrs, colds, froundors, uisteni mpers, Loa of Apytite, Lorn ot Vital Energy, etc Price per pwktiKe, 'Z5 cents bold liy all drutfgUta L. ii. CAKKV a CO., Hole Proprietors, IKS Headft-st., New York. Iron antt Hteel iui Jutn! JACKSON & CHACE, iOO an UUH FRANKLIN BT., KEW YORK, Offer all alzea KNQI.IH11 and AMERICAN BAR. Kul. bAHIl, noor, auu Bit itai ll.oe, HUrBi, rtHOK IKON, HoltMK SHOttH, HOllsK N A 11.8, Hl'HlNU HTE KL, I1HE MI'K L, TOE CALK 8IKi:Uilo. Otlera large r mall, iimiuutly ox. outud ut loaeat prlri. Hu nt eaau wiiu oiuna, ex wt crxaijgo rttiurxteu 11 in exert. JACKS iH t CrlACE. ' 6 and tM Franklin at . near Pn r Si, N. Uiver. "Eight O'clock J" AC?lATM!Ci:aC!SC Or. WlLKEll'8 CAtCTQB VINE GAR BITT a Eundrcda of Thousands Sear testimony to Wcadr- tui iurswre unset. sWHAT ARE THEY? ? t S THF.T jfQT A TILB slFANCV DRINK.PI' Madnof Poor Rnm, WhlyVT, Proof FnlHi and Urfuse l.lqunra diictnr('rv,.t,icert nndswe ened to floasctho taste, called "Tonien Apik t., era," " tlentore," 4c, that lead the tippler on t drnnkenncus and ruin, but are a trne Medicine, mail from tho Native Hoots and Herbs of California,! re. from nil AlcolioMc Pllmnlnnta'. They arc tl" J.REAT RI.OOIl ri RIFIER mill A I.r . I51V1XH PKIXCIPI.E aperfect fr Invlirorntorof tho KrRtrni.carrrln matter and restoring the bbd to a Ko person c-in take these Plttcra tlon and remain long unwell. J 100 wlllbcpiven for an incui the bones aro not destroyed by nilu other means, and tne vital or'ani, asted bc'or. point of repair. For InflnmmnHiry find Clironle Rhrn tlstn nnd iotit, l)ypeialn, or Indiffpiti nilioiis.Rciiiiitpiit and Intermittent Fvv Discuses ortho lllnod, Liver, Klilnoyi Rlmldcr. those Bitters aare been most luc ful. Hurli Dlaenne aro canned by Villi Rlood .which is generally produced by derangt of the DltrcKtive Orsana. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, 1 ache, Tain In the Shoulders, Concha, Tlphtncss o Cheet, Ulsztncm, Sour Eructntlona of the Rto:i Bad tivto In the Month, Bllliiua Attacks, Palpll of the Heart, Inflammation ot the Lunpv,ralnl regions of the Kidneys, and a linndrcd other p.: ymptoma, aro the offsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the stomarb and stimulate tl p4 liver and bowels, which render thorn of nneq efflcacy in cleansing the blood of allimpnrlth imparting new tfQ Rnd viwr to tho whole sysi, FOKBlUSHISEAKEs, F.ruptlona.Tcti Rhuem.lilotches, Spots, rimpc.iustules,Bi bnucles, Ring-Worms, Scald Head. S"; . V r, elas, Ilch, Scurfs, Discoloratlnv of the Skin, 1 luiT and Diseases of the Skin,ofw?'atevcrnameorr.atu are literally dug up and ct.icd out of the system In short tlmo by the are ut these Hitters. One bottle lu auch cases will convince tbe most Incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Tlood whenever yon f.i'd ft lxnpnrltlcs bursting thruuph the slilu iiil'iifiples.r.ni. tlons or sores j cleanse it when yonlind It 'ihKiructn:. and alugglsh In the veins ; cleanse it when It It foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blotH. pure and the health of the systrm will follow. Pl", TAPE and other WO II iM 8, lurking in ilk system of so many thousands, are effectually devtrnr -ed and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each botue, printed in four tanr gnages English, German, French and Spanish. 3, WALKER, Proprietor. K. H. MoDONAXD CO. Druggists and Gen. Agents, Ban Francisco, Cai, and 32 and 84 Commerce Street, Kew York, ''"in BY ALT, DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. InWMIkillauUM mwi Tkai nvk J a. IttTI. Ut ath ffM-pat Pf - t'if e-a. 0 lof a wt abs, WrUHf with aUc4, Bar W Sx-T &xlln. M Ufauar Taav 8M laJ K ifinara. "rmU KafraHnff. ajU Ihm aaUUU l aitl to twrH It ntaar. at Kaatyf paste Bumliyfi ad BUJU. Ym'D ttui aotr M Sift 6taalie Mri IWu aamc-tkuiM, Sa-MrhlM. UofW Kwi u4 tk CUM U HI FC " nA ,b imii mw naJ itiautM PTTN UM oWINULLO U atl pap-.n eooiUawI Ita totx toluaaai ( Dm inai w w ivia wilfc rburooma; TU k4 Af fikatcnaa, Bavf Sltvln, Kil, MWotn. fon. J WX ll I i1 I I Uuanor, CanWa.sUM ui FA Mw11r. ll will U lUiutraWal bf U I M tfc Ua fcrW,-rl f It ecmlnf, disnnf tne pM Tr, I I I I I ha'in bM eieiitJ b? the eavfn km i Kx, l fu rt. -Ua ik. LlliJu.t M III W I I fw ifcl.V- 1 !-(, di. Iret-daa. pp. Iu oonl-uu .U U 'w-..iU(.tr ii. md wU lei iiit (rj to Lmba bie rwln b tblthiaf " latt uuxj.' TWe will he a " Uatiaf ounlinaalieaut " In iu -fae. Eerj tDbvr be rtmplttt. ut ul.ihtwM(4 4U1 n ihm with tutmHBl (I) araod-csiaV llwt.iy frrm rU nieeatUf 1 tuh,J tf MM'M dt "CaialM Wwhmrn." 7' La.! U PUcttM,' ' W e reelly 4b not lk.k w U, fcr we ,ivim to tiioV. a LIVE PAPER FOR LIVE PEOPLE, ttperialatunlksa eHU b ft ( l'ie (vLr departiu.1,1. ef tU BANNER. "Our tb. lUkM" (till to fuud alwaia Nil o " hnl fot Fin." la " I'.at tad 6ciew " ttail M glr rtimiM very mro orjui mat ia initrtMirf, nim miiin ia aw pM to'CoTr" lattanr unfiaal d aalMMi upeia aiunuiiaaii eiaannt aiirftrii. "aainn iMiull.au."auatial. earn. a eaea, aaaa. aUa and iMantllM toKana. wt J kantba ed We fMtWaaal atl- S (1 I Im okil U mien, wke weariadar'aurkiag at th aoem. ClaK IB If Stal Ml attiiM af tha Uuaar, can. etttka -Ctivmmot Bawe." Aai I EJ faM'. k r- taoo. w. .aat vhtta ml to ef I I Baal awt falw Iku lwa ila aato nt-att area, aria be tl errl. trwthul aixl raliattle EiroteTM of tha a aataial wawiasti aloa to Um raaH, m TunncAains r nAii inn Ot tiWi Aara. it aa. i ) r 0.,,ar f. ?iT" Wetttaa. "Aa-t." Ot ' DarJaT,.' wot raeS-ao, flir U;u, aad -Haoflbi OllTVHT, MtartoaghltaaM Valublalll . M fc. ana f 1l lusndred qaarka- I RACY kfrleaa," tw ftXX K.xotejfW ay to raaA " tbe RWL'E'B tR. wn n a at bhixu aiit aw KCS." Bl Hie) K M a7.j ktareit, ta one year, two bun. SWINDLERS, QUACKS and HUMBUGS rr.Tff ted Uaaaar." aatnetiOcIf era aal tlwasee la of dollar. Bon. ir.lW 1 'Elar hf,.e Swindler am! Baerala are Jratb ot tha " hiar Mny Ruaer." It 111. il.a TllL TU. callt a 11 a lia, an4 a twimlta ii ealla a (erladl. ll tantot ba bcofbi atT. It work Kg latareet but that 04 ite rexxlrr. It svtitT, HiMjertngty, adtertlaM e rfwmed rwiileta llniabne. It aim to krev Ma rae4ri nueleil nn all aorta of TaaraUly. ll will awt, lamlt I'AT to read it aii-oaurea. ataai If tuB "a.w at lain m." Tw tka IUlu Mi, sa4 V" -'U. a tboaaatJ of xaUt, natadoaa, bVatw a nbsarlW for Jfe. All era dealra ia to oni lutrudora tha (-apef to uar POtit, aul era bat bo f-' bat wtal e ii.l naut bark wiib. Nrh ttne-linf Tear. Rrtnrm that the Banaw" ta pot iba Wii a-d f- JV. lt af aeT .ri ar lnj, kut laa. a a I Ml fri tall In1ij,iia1tal paMT for Lr- ESTABLISHED 1863. D net rVffettKe taa Hlar fseofied Baaaer" aa, ri'fradM. It kbfwt w back tiark. Fur eifbt loaaf ran eiary auri-eadiae auanl" ha ba ft better vbaa lu nredaraHur, ttomeaaher, Ii Tully eatabluheil. It aater ! la . to lima. U Mnltlai 8 larf pRe. tone alumna la aavh aataher. All that UUSEYwMoe, ertll to dM to tatae ii a bead of act. Iking of iU rlaaa. If nUm-. 1JTI. and mom caa make It a etitl fiaattr aao. aeaa. Ibat aarceae k alraavli laaurad. R caeobai thai rtiU tkoaaaad af rpra actbanKitud, md futUd, Hi "Bjiner" haa Dar kaoera a . tbai it tirruJt.oi d)d at laeraa-a. Wbifa to 1-"M it booled M tl at abcrUra )?. It ao aaa Ixettrr la IBTl. ftm attor pir " at iu data rm aitaiaaa so iaf a rirrua inl aur. tkare aw aat Mir puhliaaad, at all like th " htai Baa'ad Beaeer. ONLY 75 CENTS. u ri.iSrir.ir.i';.: Ihroah iitaaa or war eaa ot awar. it an aat i-ie I 'Veer a al.' RnublHta at Deaiorrat, Bactanai tt Af.1 kIm- 0 eara and im it paa. e I " splendid premiums 5wrjcvaTsrrss: ai ap Club. DON'T PITT IT (JIT. LOOK. Ou rau faat ma WH" Wo xo reeiAoMll, and berate ear txandirg odori Ta aoi pa aativfibing li tba "Ktaa Span(lat Uaaaar. ' ' aad aahaooaa M thai iKa FaP" Bb preoaiDBM era flp onb tha ptn-a, era en H re'jtel In- avwn. NoHdsnbu (l. a. ..,..(. J. o paaiUtaeabo.a'tfT.r lax .-ar. aa4 iall.00 auWnbara NOT UN ft taaaal aaj raak. Ct T TMIli OCT. NOW It TH E TIME. Bj ear and meotber, ibal ta-a aad Writer t tha "ar flaaefad Ha roe" V m euldled to tba eUgaal aafranaf, "Ta VTftVJPrWe) x! tbai K mill to mailed, careful; aao-aned aa a tailor, aad -'' J to riViittiil trf .ubwtiatr rei.d rp aitor Octobac let, lITg. En ft" a4 WiUPOTC A tt CUbenrnrtiWf arlU tofia it, aa4 M aat ba Vad ia aa AttllCJa, ,, iLaa bf labarr.birt lot the "Btar Hpaaglrd tU.a- ,i THIS ENGRAVING. lTZ I ?' TrJSZ ih Hirde irewoTth rareat ta raa.a racra fat tha ht. cara. ni aod otber pi ad u-to af tba tail. After hat lumh. ba iiode rot,- ft teatad aad riipT. and aiuaSt top of (.ura araler, eaitiB( hie Ibaak. aa bi inj. who v Baa brm bit CBp-baarar. la Ik "-b ffroaadia aeaa tba laa cabin of IS Pi'XieM - - a teen ir ail arTair far tba laal P.uaet ateier etor ia oa plaraaftar a not tor raaail 1J eparei k.i fath W eawaia. and hie aaif altba k.u.Uarc.L.ix a J tki.uails tc..U hi ow'eaaMoa'.a a aer omo mda-ad. Eer (re, ah rub, lef. laig and ie. aeaa lb rbiaa a tb fett from th iSnaatr ate are Hue la lira, and j te brWe I ae enfranaf 'U be a l.ifhlf etriaad ernaB.rat toan "' baata- u oUatWr t tana Ha Ra.ai. ia tba aik. lika od aniH- aianar. In fart, aa auallf kff-1 (o talalMsa of tba Mttr ft are foabd all pt.ru of tha :ba far WW. Tha rViexer af Ami THt?BpioVttas or AUKBICA' aud aad injured aj th prianea ohich JL ba mad Aeaerir rree and iatJetwadaoa. tbe Pwi aUriaf tbe Duatatar ef liTii; thai ! tfri a apart a... of art aa bf oaa of tba tarr Seat ar ina erj i anieu ia Aaaaraca: taai ii lea l a eoaaiMuj aa aj flat, aad Ibea "gaN aerat" U aat woaa to diatnbato taaaf IbaaMada. aa4 at coaraa add to aer eW:nft ! ia A aqual aaanbera. Ber l.tBOitxx raWi ftatti OVtabat lot, 1IT. t Oritobai let. Ill I. en I. mwK tba -'Fraaoareaf Aatn't," aouated aa a roller, and propact. aad tva fj are on4daai ha at ibs4 .0 af tao aparb ptnurat .ll a ia tht flaaota af Araene" ere lb aad of tbe )at. MONEY REFUNDED. fom tvtw Btoaa I aad aw da a tat airret. UbI) TtV ceaU, aood NOW. W. oAVf tba evLat eUgaat eufra.ia and tb paper a whole tear, all njt lha aoM pi toe T coat. Ko jaali; talaabla angratinj cae to pBrcbaatal 17 at lata ibaa B2i bat ttaMrtaittad to ba aato 4oaa bf oa aaa. otW tba ar '" " mannird oa rail caxfalht wrn ad prtpaU, ala lb paper, all far SEVENTY V CENTM. CLT THIfl Ol T. Seod eeau (ta seitif n. .apsriaa. ft., 1? Ac Tb ' 1 Baar" at aM atarTwb. Ckc. tatau. Out. TJ nu a ear. aad ..axarb t..M-trai-bk ta aeaa tb aWala lha ana, atoad eaato tot apawimea. aUdrats all ataaMfataatv aWavt. aW Wa,W tlANIUI lAMMfa, D ttlNIBAbl, S Be f ., CABLE SCREW WIRE BOOTS AND SHOES. Bottom faatoncd with a aerew wire. 8 perlar t Kvrry pair warrauted to rip. iOU BALK BY ALL Vh ILK KM.' To tlio nfleriiig ! A rerlpefor rananinptlon, Hronehliia, dor Throat, Aalbuia, rerlulH, Cvuiiha. and t'ulda. tent t'lte. Tlila reciie 1 diaiovereil wliilo rexidiua; in Hraiil a a tulmilonarr. It curi d ma f Coieuuiittou aheu all other meana hud fMt'edV tlire(ui-e I fuel it mr out v to aeud i, tieeof ehare... t4 ail who aro auffcriug fruiu Throat and Lung uie ordera. Addreas, KKV. WILLIAM H. NORTON, 16 BlKH.ker.ot , New York City. IDAIr ItnilTV WANTED tnerery lllMIC UiUllL. I a "ti&uZ man tn art. aa liM,l in,nl f HKMlY WAIltt AkKl'H ; si X .1 V :l mn?- (K'adreat HelU'lo" Wreklr. Hl'l nuailirr. a lib IIakhikt Hkii hku HtOVBf Bioij , aad a au peril t5 Hteel Km rnvloit uivkn A WAT. Msuy a 'W tuaklug $t to U) per uay ia uA. UatnU tvytlt riullt. Adilresa J. B. tgtU) CO, Park Bow, Yor. r'O-