Y 61k Zoning g&ttatt KalPfs of Ad vcftislny;. A.t n'r and Ex'rs notice, etic, fi limes, $800 Auditor's notices, each 8 00 Coiiuon3 mill esliays e.ch, 3 times .1 i)l Transient Advertising per some of 8 line'' or less- 8 times, nr less - " ' For each subsequent ln.cvlinii. W Uiiicial advertising fur eieli square ' liner or lo- 8 tunes or les 2 For each subsequent imti-r ioa fl Profess! mill c.i'ilg ft l.ucr. 1 'r Local u.iliees. per lino, "lie time 1 Hoi nary initio"-, over ll b'c Yearly Ailverl isimr. one !''' cn'iimn,.:'!! (10 Yearly i. d vet I ismp. o tn ct-liunl VKl (Hi Islniiks. single quire ,.!2 Till Klsiiks, I luce quiii- 'J III ISUuks. 6 quires. Pr quite 1 7." Plunks, over ti quires pev qi, ,ie 1 60 for rmik n ..ics subpoenas. Muii'fioie' x eim ii.ni, wurtitii'M. n:m tudle 'ill's, res. I i t. ! school orders. imi-Ii (..''i.ii '1T Kandhi!ta. e'lif sheet 'i' c.r i-ss Till loui'ih sheet lio or b-ns. iVi IWif c'tcpl. i.' or ices ... 4 ,V1 " whole sheet. I'., i,r less ,...f 00 Over o of cnoli of above at pn iiur I ioiiute Tie. K1U Iorlge, A. Y K Vlateil irifiioimr. i,t lvl!f I. ,'tl l,.i ' t ai tlinir l:-ill .in llm cim..i..l ....! f...ir-il. lays lit' el.'ll tti'ilit h. .1. K. H IIITMOliK, Sco y. Tinp'a "fH n:r and Texjjrari-c. tnti Temple, No P., in on Tlnirs- escr. Hi'i:K, t. j!h? (.;. ' T out aiars l.i.lk roiiiii, over , V iii. lis sr. ire. C. V. S'. AlK. A. it. L. AGEKTS IjR TII3 ADVOCATE. Thejfol'owingnnined persons are nutlior-x--. a'-tos l.ir tut- Advncn'r to ri-ceive uh-ii-rip'iii'is, ti -l v:-i-t f-i no- or .lob work, Hike ya thereto ,i nil iivo reCiip s. Wileo. A. T. rtl.UHK'll, .1. I,. IiKOWN. Kuiif ic,(, TitiiMvu. I,. iu.ii, S:. M.h vs. C ii MuYkak. I Pll'lvviiie. JAM.: llllltKS. Vie li'lnil. . K KKi) ii"nm;:itic. I.'" win's Mnr.y.T. tifi' iiijt I 'n-'.'k.--A. W. Ikvin. 11: hi iti'l I.kvi l"i.;.iii'ii.Hii'r. Mi.rt (iu. It. f. (Jvhtb'!, N. HI . P.ii'xiivjt i. New "i ork. M. I't;-: mi: i.i, in.. T I'll! .iOvT Ol.H. l. KoiVKSI. C'J., 4tl . kil r.k Knur. t (UN I Y OKi-lfniS. Pn-vMiMil Jiiilire 1.. I), rtrtmor". Adiit I'lll.il Law Juiu Hull. iua. ! 'iiu-i'iu . Jkswci:iii.' Judu" E. C Pc'iuline, JrMj Evlr l:stii.-l A torncv-J . ?. Rail. Si,,., ,,- J I,! ,K M .: ,lU:; Vi in li. nut ,ry ,lp , r,.J. Feliftiaing. 'i'l-a-ui el 1 ra.l us V. lii.ls. Co. ,i(ij...r!iiii.i!Je'ii i.ii!ijs I iifie-e, ( 'i.aiiais-i-it'frs II. Wain,r, Jos. r Taylor. 1. 1 ii.s V.i :tui . A mil i ov- ' " -i Uei.rgc ll Mtseier, "t .1 .-. .Ii Wili.e'ai O.aiaiv S irvfvor .i W ,!ui!.y .li.ry i '.MH..I (m s (.iieie luck irii'jn, i.o t i!'ir.i.! r..it!e. ri Mt. tii' ihii.ik m) c;ii;i:t. -' ill I ,il in uy ui J-.ii.ikiy. List .i i'i.iy mi A ; r I . First V i .it a in A ii,:ust.. ' iri.' M...,.l.y in K v. i.i'icr Wejibr coin a i -i i. i sjeitinj; e. ! Oil1 liiiiiito-. have hi i;..t ..i:ili. tlie.tr t'i r i .ll. i ill rCj-on, 1 Jr. ('. l;. I'.'ar ev i iain ve:y : at bis resLlene.' in i Vv i.e. NKW Yl A., h I We rcei f ;(!! an 1 1 1 v i 1 i i, . a'teed a party ut th 0itei iloiei. ilel'en, i u iritlay (e fnnj, J ee ini.er ov'ib. A general in vitBiittti'ii is , 'Villi. .i.l, mil as Dm i known tt keep a gmtd l ou-e, wtii h t; large etinii.b to tu lOintno iate a l-.re onnpAtiy. aii aitendiii vuil et.j n Ii (In tel v. )( hist ii . i'i.ii.i i i c a ear at d ll .1 s 'tt. it rum ii jo- jtit 'a-- ( I I Jienie i'.it tu ie' puis i i clu elus ijuwn Ah ti, ( liii i.-'in is, we don't take am lliis. tiui". Dein eroded with worl. and hehiul, vre 8tay lune. Wisiin you all a merry ('hrintnius ami a happy New i ear, we hope lor a belter one fo unt selves next lime. TilK l'irst iiii'nber of the ',uuj TV.-'. 7i? r.il is rteeived. It its u fine lookitc heef of eight pa;:es, the largest young peoples paper, lull of entertaining mat ter gn.id fiiniiis dialogues and pieees for Fchool extcreises, pictutt s, ete. It is designed to eullivate a taste for ru ll lile. 81. Oil per yrar; singlo tiu'i.bers ten cents. Dubli.shed -iy (1. X. V Lewis, Dub. Yi'iiicrn J.'ttfat, Chieieo, 111. F'H'i'i " Uiii-y.c.n ly e'siin to beiu the first colored Representative, whoever was in the Congresa ol the I'nite l Siates. He was sworn in and took his seat nn tho instant, as Whitteihore's successor, from one ol the Fouth Carolina districts. Mr. RaiDey took his seat on lim Republican aide, in toe extreme southwest corner of the bail. He u blight mulatto, with i straight hair and bushy side whi-kcts His first act was to vote lor 'leu. Dut ler's Kan Domingo resolutin. Raiuev is in bis thirty-nintli y ar, and a naiive of Georgetown, District of Columbia His fathi.r and mother were slaves, and Laving purchase I their ireedotn, re moved to South Caro'ina. f.x. (lAt'NuV. All persona are cautioned V agui nsed b lyiiiK or meddling with Team of Horses, now in charge orj. 4 V, Gifiey.one a dark iionprny onu (he other i fi .y.aasaid team Iclo .gam I JLUfwty, Tit. aiit, 187a ' ftf-? Wahhciiov, I)i-e 14 J'ctini.i! were rt m-ntt-d by Meff.ru. CotiKlin at.d Slicruiitn, t efirofciitimj tint ninny of tlie veti-tBtn of 1812 nre ii i w iiiinalcs cf j oiir Iiousob, and ulji-i'ia of ctiariiv. mid rayiti for pciisiouH in tlx ir In half. Ti e House remilution for reoout ovei iliu Ciiitni hnliilu), liom !( ciiilirr 22 to January 4, was ooncutrcd in nrf, SO ; nu), 1G. 'I lie bill to provide u relief fund fur empinyi a iti I e pxenutive Di parttiu'ii ii tliit xiiWriiiiioiit. wum ri-piirtcd with a iicndiiii nti. by Mr. .beruiaiu, froui tlit 1' tmiu'i' ('nij;iiiitt(ts Tin: liiil wtn tnkt n t:p. rn motion ol Mr. !rtiki', uiid d.-cu.sjd for otin dour I'V Mirt-M. ('(iiiliiin, Daviti, Morton, Drake. Tiploii. IJow.-, and Unwell. Ti c qiKntinii turned upon llio pro pticty ol li-vyiii' c itnpii'f'iry C'tutribii iorif upon eovornliiriit. flrtk to defray f'in,ai t X'('iiin of decnaied asiotciati's, atid fot thr jniposs It wast ot j.'itid lliat i1m r.r!ipo-cd i-itt t i t ivu'.d have in liii.ditiL' i fiiapy, and a8 be'itt icing to the firrkH. Mr. Davis oflVri'd an 8m?ndm,nt pro liibiting jioiiticol aasi'fSUieuta in all offi ce. Mr. WiUon fmbiuittt'd as a ubtitute for ho Nmt'iidujpiit to the bill previouly introdticcil by liiixi, on the Fame ub jeef. Mr. Pralcc siood bumnrcdly indicated a ni i(!iS:-ui;on of Mr. Davis' atsictid tnenf. to tl.e cflet that jtrnhiliiiion buuid e-'usi', a soon as ih Dcijiocraiic paily eoino into power. Laughter .Mr ."-auhury rtuiatkcd tint the less .ri 1 1 ii j t the Senator In.m Missouri, in bin tun S'ote, hud uoubliesri opened his i')(s to the f'.ict that (Do party, o' wbieli he was so iiftinjjuisi d a uutuibor wtift about puim: out of existence, to makes v.ny tor a ivat national party. t dirli, tin-uii toii.pi.tarily del eateiJ h Maud and vinletiRQ, was a"i;;i al.oj; ti. ' unloid its tini' -liutioted fia ubowi ti ieutii(oJ country. He tiouid advi-e his 1 rt.-tid Iiak( , while yet in titneto return, like tie prodjjrul sou no ntiotie I in -'er!.tUie, In bis lather's loirv, eu!i'es- vi hittiMill i;. i u.ort worthy to be lulled i Mill. ir Druke rei lie.! ly nn alltis in ii. t e probable exeioson of the Deinoera- "y li"iu j.ower until some iar fii.- a i i" ibii iirure. In reapuii'.'O ;(j Mr -.itii-'.'iry'x be had oriiy In say tbai (I., e i; isi'ul proJx'.il. after leavio-j In I !''-. : t.-'.e, C"tis'tim;d bis subsditiei o !'! ijiiog, and alier that be ic-:"--" -1 The Detie eriil c ot ty i. ou'b '..id left him, (I).ake.) ami .-pen: ts Mi'.'taaauee in riotous living, (reason ami reheiii iti agait vt the unverunieet, i nd wl.ru by reason of tl.uir eour-c Ha", 'oid been reduced to feeding; on hu-k tl bad lepenled, he would receive i! em back. Never would be go baci. o tbeui Mr faulsbury said il.e parallel ol he pr. -digal son did not bold gi..od in tie at tit ular in reference lo ir. Diake ; Im, while the loitn. r, alter lev n g (lie fathei's house, had to leed upon .ntsks, n..e swine, (lie latter, nuee he 'eiine a prodigal, bad fared mod ici pio.jusly than ever. Mr I'rAe llien iibdiew his amend ment, and upon his notion, in order to eeoiieitiize (itiie. (be bill was laid a-ide and the bill, of last session, to promok !iu securing ol eflietent seamen lot (he navy of the United States Has substitu ted, and passed. 'I be S'enate, at 3,30, went into exe cutive session, aud tcu wioutet later d journed. I'eterson'i Magazine for January, 71 is received. It is a magnificent num ber. Either of the sten' -o 'r iviugs Grade's I'et," ir " ( attin ' are worth the pricu of the nu. ber. r' n ilio doublo-aiaod co'orod 11 . Patte ns would ba cheap' at fiO cents, 'i . Mam moth Colored Steel Fashion l'latc j: in- ' peib; in it Fashions, 1'etersou" is ae kmnvledgi'd us iitt iiuthority. Iu (his number, Mrs. Ann S. Mepbens begns eopyriglit novelet, '1 he Keiguiu-R.-lle,'' Cie openini; chapter of which will draw (ears from every eye. '1 h n'ber cnntl'lbulora arn Mis It I J . r.l . . . Davis, I rank Leo Denediet, and otheis ol the veiy best American writers. 1 member, it ia the cheapest of the ladv'i tmoks.! To ainele subscribers it is S2:' & copies, co; or 0 copies tor 12, wttl both an exit a copy and a superb pre- miuiu engraving to (he persou gelling up the club. Specimens are aent grat is to tlmse wishing to get up clubs. Ad dress Chas. . I. 1'etersou, 308 Cbestuu! St., Dliiladelphii. . j Hae you oidered your '-Yankee At'asbin,; Machine?" If there is any branch ol domestio labor that is drude and p'r n unrest to an boasehold, it ,l; j' l - j , blQrt d wasblBg day; and if there is any branch of mechanism that has bafled the inrtuiu and thus far prTt4 t Mlire, ll W nbatiiQtiBg tay. UiHi tiitnty to Ink tt,a pUtt rt' liati-J ta ilor in thi!i tlin most lahoiioui ol litm. hold ilutifi; in faerf. rvrry garret in fllltd wilb olJ Wishiifr tiaelin trumpery useless (ront the vry mart ami people have been I l to believt trow ' Vi vie unf that thvr ia ro oilior way only l ai d labor. Miiinif one's se'l in a wash tub mid rubbing the bib' off avery fi'i fivr tit caob (onoeedini: wali day. It really sern a strange k at in::enuiiT fcf Imt oveie''i these riiHitiil'va aad re- I ieve4 vti e I ia aotua aiensurt from (Wis bardsbip. It ftupjilied uioivia.rpap itiir, niMrfi Hnd ji'itebiuir laebines, lr tanner; it hai, i plact f the old. tedi ous utiribt sfl at.d its pavrotiudins, ohstituii:d th aitalar, aeailblock", raw sets, etitimer?, &c, it., uli ol vrk;ch faci.litate labor, unci arc of ;r'it value, but. in this branch of ViotiK'bold duiies. no improvements hv beet kiadn since N'uh"n wile wa.'bed her liudb in the Atk and dried litem on deck. hinciaiuied that this "Ymkco Ma cbire" Mt"ei nl! the requirement, and from vrba: e have we u and beard, ar in the full belief that it ia a fr.er. ("ail on Mrs. 'chratn, Mr Mivjen irer, Mr. VV'hi'uort, Mrs. CutiitMiuifs. wbrt liave teated these uiaebiio s nid fee what they nay. It it if a fact that these niaeliiitoK ill accoaiplish the same work in one-third o! the time savintr siib HtMiiiially all the. ' wear and ti ar" of uar :nents, then it aertti toily to continue in the old track, because wo I Bveuiid and believe1! there was tin viny but tb old way. Buy on" of these Yankee M ti chines." by all means, if they will uc compiish one-third of what a claimed lor (hem. (in and see one ut all events, as tliiif will oust you nothing. (leore Kuiinh, ol Kusnr is the i rtuiiiite owner of the riht fur Klk and Jeffers.on Oountir. Call at Tim's, in Cuutreviiic, and see r.t:c. The Cminly Coinniissioners of l",!k Tountv will meet at their office, in llid ft 10. k C, H. 5IcC.utt.kt Cl-rk. IIAMI5LK!X-OUi:i!. On the eifuin ot the 8tn ins'. , at Wilcox, Da., tr the Rev. .J. Jiientieinati.Mr. .iL'l.l ji 11a.M!I.V,!N. to .is.S 5iA.UUAt.Ei'SiL'i:tt " W,iv"- T! is is NO PATfiFT MKDICINE II"M HL'ii, i:uiteii up lo dupe tl.e ipnoram ami C!t!'lii!..ii, n. ir is it reprerente 1 as iein;; 'jniiipusi'd of rare i;"..l precious enlist iiicim brought from ihn lour corners of tlie emtli, eaiiied seiri nmn neciiws t'ie (Jr.'i! lK-ert ol iinrrili mi t lie r-neica nf I 'nil teen ciimeli;, i.s I bro'iriit aernra .lie Aihiuli.; (icean om two Sl,is." It is ii t-7p'r nril l R, .vic.'i, a perf'ct Vrc'; t.ir I. it. li ra an I "I'l l l in il;e liea.l." :il-o lor nil oisivc Ilre.cli. I..s nr i:iii.iii'Hieiil nt the Sens nl' Smi ll, Taste er iloarinjr. VVatei iii'j or V'eak Kye;i, 1 sin or Pirssura in I lie I lea. I, wlien cau-e.l. as ther all not. unl'ienueuily are. hr the violence of Cuiarrli I nPer in gnoil fiith. a stunning l:. w.ir.l ol tOOO fur h cane of I iitarrh that I eaiitjot cure. i KtiR SU.K M MD.-sT DKCUGIST& EVKKV W H KR K Tkick 50 Cssra. feat y mail, post tni I, on receipt of irr Ccxia. Kour packagas lor JoO or p Dozen for IJoiK' iScxl a I wo cent stamp for Dr. Papn's laMiplilei ou Catarrh. Aililress the Pro pvioior. H. T. Picata, M. n., MarfALo, N. T. 3 THE ELUSCRlCliaS ARE P.EALT To lur,,'sl brick in qnanliiiea to tuit purchis. ers. Will deliver on hoard of ran oath Daugaschoaoda Baihoadat Earlry. T. ACO.j Barley July 12. 1670. S . ! CAUTIOX. Whereas the ittiprop-r con duot of my wif, Knxr, basmaieil necccs sarj for self t roieeiion, that we livesepui ate, aud thus hiving; lilt her in possermiu of premises audpei aonal properly. I here by forbid all, persona trusting lier en 4i) aeeoutii or pui cbasins pcisoual rro peril Ictl with lier, as I shall pay no dbia oi her coutractiug after (bia dale. s.i.i:iti( it wis, Rid a; way Kovenibtr 4ta 1670. JOB WORK dM viak dimWe at B . ctj i.a KP".'wc-y-vVi'ai'iri H$' uauk P'iLM?WMS nM. nM.i jijlLriun.tini"iii.'l-i' '.iff- THE CLL22?.ATS: ' H?iOV3J ORIODK UUl-D WATCHES, Sio. $-0, 25. M'HIN'a the pst lour years our Waicliej hare been so thoroughly teaied, that jor a-ipeiiranee, stylt ol tiniili, imJ aocut'.iey ol ttiiie-keepini. tho "Uoiiiril VVmoiivs ' are uiuvei'suiiy iicaeikil t tie the best Thoy reiiini ihtir brilli uity and c.lor .un til worn out. ' , , V!)lf utter puroliasinn ftiil fairly try ing, iiuy una is not tully satitio l, a i. ciieerluoy reluml the, iiimiey. UriA-'fty ' "''iil'.n Case. Uenil liicu" au.i l.ielies' sues, t.veiy Hatch guui'iiMl .el lur liuitaud iur, by fpicmi vei l ilic Hr4-'V large assorttiictit "Iniprnveil O: ioil j' thiiiiis. i-to a. Aiso, tleuiiciu(!.i a m.d .ndics' Ji.valry in grU'il v.idely. C' i.l2aW"'' of iuiit.il.ous. Order, di rot Ireland or our autnorunl riceinh. Ageuts ami otlisrs applying lor i.tculms will plaas ont'.bsc tura ueul sta.np lor pes aj;e. ' - Goo.is sent ti) be paid for oa delivery, i u.slotiiers perinittiril to exaimno whin mey oilier tht-tov pnyiup tubs), on paymujl ol Kxprirseliarguo boiu ways. jg5'v!'" hen pIX iViitehvs art oidevad at once, wt will sea l au exu SV ilea (ul souia kind) tieo. Purchasers reaidiaz nl soaie distance fi oai Kxpree oiU j-'S. mi I deni'iii lu cava lime ami vxpenaes, t in- lurve in g.i.iiia scia by man, by reiuill mj n .In Hie outer lau aiuoual I equ.U-n.y "t'. II, Almii-y iiiib-r. le,;i.-iii!il I'.i.ti'. itiatl or ciieci. .iiynbieio our olilor, ) uttf, r tH. AiUiess i .i.iiiy, - . ,i ... . JAM lilS. (:. lil i IV O. i;..x,3.:jyi. New Yu.k. Sj .atf.-.au Cul. t. 0 3m ' ' . , G JLD! GwLDr GOLD liAKNKeS ! 11 AUNE6'j! iiAllN'ri?: COLLaVllS I CUIiLAli. I i,OLLAi::5: EEAED ti P3772LL, hate remcved their Ai.n'utsa auo ovui i'owoii & KoiiuVs Mure and liavuoii liuud ihu largest usoi no ul (it ha. nc.is lor luHiburing uud ploas.uie (01 pusos. lu tilis Or adj'.iiiliig cuiiiiiie.s, uii t uii-otuer Htiicles boiougiu to inc uaiiu. TRUNKS, SADDLES, V'ALiSK.s, VXUiij, Di.iiNiCKTS, tUi. JjAiio 6.C. Wou'ol invite the uuuclioa of all ou'iiers horses lo uiy new DATi'.NT JiiaAS-i'lO OOUK IlOllisb ( OiLAIi, which piuCis to Le ii be t (Joliui' in ixisieuee lo.- Ihtsis h..siiio; lieiiig veiy hiaitie tto-y uo uoi ciiule or ga.i i.uu (lie uoi a being a mm eoui-unioi', t i.t'V pteVeiil .njuiy ltnm beat, tall u.il 'a I in III. Ail Wolii .Will ranted Kepai lug, iiiuuiiouua L pu.oslel aug dune nube lieaiue.-s au. di.-puteii. DuIAlIU i. i'Uv a:ial. iiJ': 'I lli'I'lAN'S C'U.'ii'l' 8A1.K The un lei- aiou'i. Aiiio,ii.Miuii..i' ut :. i A I'eai'.-ao, iala i.l llii Ijuuut j . w t xj.u s.; I I L.ll M l I.IO . ( I l l.'tl,l , .o i lie ...ort llone, ia ili'ltv.iy. uu .-lo i 1 1, . ,l.,u ti. oy 'ML, t, al O o co.ea, p lo, an i-, iij- .Cleail.i Sll.lj .kill i-o 1 cm a.oi. IH v u, lil-w .: 1, loO aei vs, iiau a ( i li Ik in ifc,i ;in ol u ti'.'iui (.1 laud sa uaik iu lit. 1 1 ., ilk v.'a, vi'.'ii'i'ui.iaU I 1 Ii.j uaaie a. Au.-au i'cui -s.iii. li .1 O".o- acieji of lain!, u.u ui.u y.it ol Nv 47 i, lu 'ui y, l.ii,l uil ti.ii e.cres, iMuriir iej. pail ol vt.tn.iu, .,, ls4, i a t'ox 'i'p. li.a iJo 4. a wnriuii. 1. l't. iuro:i 1 p, 'I'Ai t'o, coiitaiiin.j; Kij acras, uoia or lass axctpt n.jj iii.ueiaia mi l luimog riliti oia tk.tii.iui .So ui j, oi I'm l'p, cii o, oiatiiuia it 1 1 iierea excepting uiiuvrai ui.ii iu.uiii i-iui.h jA.'Wlio A i'k..K w.b, tds Aitiuott.ii;'alor ASMHII3T3AT03'3 KCTISS. Notice is hereby given thai Lit cisol Adiiiiuisiiation on. tne k-tate oi iA. (I Zimmeiujuo, lata ol VoX i owuship, Kik A.ounty 1 viiusylrauta, deceased, have been granted to 'HI uudwsr.si.. ned. f pernuus iuilaptcti to said Estate ule rtaiiesled to call aud silla ami I hose having aiaiiua agaiut (lie Estatt will 1 1 reseu l tuaiu ila.y autkeaiieated tor se! tlument. JOHN UUEti.M, Adminiatrator isrtni.iiiiiiia 1810. WELCH A. GRIFFITHS' Eaws ! Sarri ! Cavrs ! SUinlOR'lO ALL OTiiEUS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, 51 ill Furnish ing., aud Machinery. 8yGe: the Sect, they will prove the cheap est. - Prices reduced. Fend for price List au 1 t'ircuiars. ' WELCH A GRIFFITH. 61j. the mt f'uiiIHf KtiiKlne OUeart) i'-ltte tilled Ma lea. . ' :.. .. ' ' lTVirdtn faoilijips... for 'acqiiireintj ! a 'borough praoiiciil ' bys'iness eiiucaf. on. po.sesseilhy no ot her School in th-con an y Since its "incni'p.iraiion'ln Sri nenlj ,?.i?!,,W.,,HvWflJp,,V,Prv!,,'l,tiTa miij. exery. titaM im tto ' Union.1 t have alloipja'l liere. ( t, , fto vaciitioOA. rtludents enier at any lime, and receive private ius. ruction through nt tlie triftire course -' N. U.- Circulura wisb full parlicnUriand all BtCiaaarr information,' on address ne UfPU L ii.iuru- . M ' rriueijuia, fas :.'w.ris "uiiaiits 8'i,'. n.im.iii UMjr.mann THE OLDEST PAPHK IS TS2 COUNTY, UAVIXf! THE LAHGEST CIRCU LATION, IT IS TUEIIEI'OHK THE ADV EitTISlN'G MEDI UM ix the cou.vrr i JvcJnl ie Vtit jfutryf;t; of the lUtf); TiVti , !.) r1 is- "riA"3 uuxa Ai.oxa you;: AD?ur- Ti.-EM EXTS AND (J ET TIIZ.M INSERTED IX THE VDYOCATE, AT LOW lUTJJ. If you want to sell anything, let the people know it through the Auv.-CTK the great auvei ti.-i.ig medium. She (ilk Sduscait TJ I- Printing OOlce In Court House, Ridgway, Pa. Tbe best work dona, ad at ti very lowest yrieaaa, Dlaiiks kept toneiaatly vm VMrt! at thia uflva. land billa printed at tbt ilitrttat afoe Call in and pet oar price for advartie 'R andjobbiDi;. Satibfactioa warraatad Orden by mail proaipt! attended f J. C. LBTSBtt, t.i.w..MHHi W S. StKVICE ()'jU,lW CUsTOMLllS WAX I ED. w At tbo new Masonic Hal! Building. STOVES al prices thst will please of all desirable kindi. TIN-WARE of every kini en hand at 'iltitnes. Special sttcntion given to Wholesalt or ders. Price li.it furuisbed to dealers on ar. plication. SI1LET-T1N AXD C0PPF.H WAKE'- ' I House furnishing goods n great variety. STEAM AND WATER PIl'LINO, ITMl'cS, FISHING AND HUNTING TACKLE, such as HODS DAS KE1S. SEINES, FLITS, HOOKS, CAPS, POWDER, &e. d-c. ALL ORDERS FOR GUN WORK Promptly atfeudotl to. BIRD CAGLSA SICE VARIETY ROOFING, GUTTERS, SPOUTS, of Tin, Galvanized Iron and Copper an 1 every kiud of HOUSE AND JCB WCRK done on short notice and warranted, AC1'IN(;V of Henry Disstons celebrate! aws. OrJers for saws at factory prices solicited, also for repairing. Information ami price list fu.nis'ied on application PAPER UAG3, OLD RO.'E. OLD COSTER, CRASS, PEW- ' TER. LEAD, IRON, I! EES WAX. HE AW HIDES, DEAKON skins. s:eep PELTS. OREEN BACKS, NATIONAL CANS NOTES, U. e). BONDS Sc. Uikrn in rrchanye for Couth or Roe-vln'-IOt W 8. SERVICE Ilidgway, Marchlst.1870 SPECIE PAYM1NT! GOLD Oil GREENBACKS ' i TAKEM IN EXCHANOI FOU WAGONS ' , i OR JOB WORK AT THE RWGJYAY WAGON SHOP. ' i Call aud examine my stock beforo t buying a' Lumber or Pleasute Wagon. i I use the best eclection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY; ! I employ noao but First Cluss itt ' tluvuct; I use nothing but the lent Refined Iron. I think it will be to your interest to give me your order. Having twenty live lumber wagons in course of costruction, I will be able to furnish any party by the first of April. All oid-.Ti by mail, also, any orders left with W. S; Sravici ' at' the1 Tin i ,i . . . ... r . Shop, will receive prompt attebtloD.f S. JACKSON WE AVI TO TTt NERVCU3 & DEBILITATED WHOSE SUFFERING HAVE BBXN PBO TRACTED FROM HIDDEN CAUSIal, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIR" VIIOMPT TH E.t TJtS tfT TO RENDER EXiSTENCU DES1AB1.B If you are utifTjrinjj or hurt vf lered, Inuu luvolU'itaiy dison.rpes', .' cflect does it tr idiico upo yo-i tietieral health? Ibi yml leel weik, bthtatitd, easily tired t Does a '1 . xira exeriiou produce palpatio;! o! th. heart? Dies your liver, or u tuff organs, or your ki iueys, lr.-i ( t' get cut of ordei ? Is ourur:,i; .vn'- tines t it k, milky or fioeky, -tr i ropy on settling? Or does .i iti.nv -ku tn r hv to tbo tup ? Or is .t.-.diuiis at the bottom alter it has stool ,ivrri!.' i)n you have spells of sliotl breiir-'H or dyspepsia? Are your Im,-; eo sipated? Do you liavo spells i l sMi i-fc .r lushes ol Mnud to the bead . A vour meuiory impaired ? layout ni1 euustatitly n welling on the sulii . a ou leel dull, listless, limpid.;. ur . .if emnpany. of lile ? Do you w !i tj ft aione, to get away fruiu tyh.it" Dues any little thing nak..- y r jump ? Is your sleep i.t-.j re-tless? Is the lustre oi youi-Mi brilliant? The bloom uf ymn e:ii !,' briiiht? Do you enjoy --j ...; t ciety as well? Do you" t yo." business with the same eueigy '.' ,. f ie. 1 el us much co'uli ience i. ini.eli? Are your spirils dud tn.i rtM!V,; uiven lo fits of meleoeliolv ? .( .. not lay it to your liver m i!t-..r,. Have you restless ni.'hts ? ', "r b..a weak, and have but. little a;i;."i . fi you attribute this to dy,-, r iiver-compluitit ? Now, reader, Relf-abu'e .n al disease'bddiy cured, and sexin. . are all capable ol produeiinj a .,lri'4 of llli: generative organs Tii.: of the giiuefitioii, when in pett.',-! .ta'!, iiiuku (ho man. D: I von ev . t!ii I hat (il.i.,0 buid, defiant, i ".in..e;.. pers.'Vi rin biiiiues-:niMi are niirs thn-e whoso getii'ia'ive urta-.s rt perfect health!1 YoU UeV r h such (lo Ml eoinpliiii i,f heitij; ut'n- eholy, of nerv.ui ss, of piljiitati: p w 'hi) heart. Tuey ate never a:Viid ;ti, eiiiuot .,neci ed iu risino.-.s ; l hey doo'i bfcoiui) sad and discouraged ; they ui ilways polite ami. pleasant in c-itujuriy ol' ladies, and lnokyo.1 ami hetn'ri in the lai' none ol' your i ,u.:aM Iniks or any nthor meanness ahut iheni ; 1 do no: mean those who'keej tlit? orori.R infl ,i, hv riiiitiin to ex'ces. Thesy will not i.nlv ruin their ciiusti. t'ltiuns. but also thiMc they di buiiuew 'Vi! b or lor. ,i '' . Mow mniv m-n. froai tndlv' e:jrddia eases, tVotu 'lit- effects of self abas' nl nxeesc. h ive liruught ah.iul Ihal ttaH of weakness iu tii. ae.-irgans that ha re.rnee Is ilie gjneral sy.si.-ia s i tnueh as to rii.l.i.-. alnlost. ev.-ry mli-r .bsc i id'Oev, pti alysis, spinal alle-.tiious. sni t 1 .. aud 'ilni , ... every oiher firm r.f din-te wliion h. m itiity Is heir lu .i.i lim reai ctil's . the tr.iiihl.- scarjiOy ever su -iO(!t -ai," s. a.ive d ooioreJ fir ail b.u lha rigat -oua. PISEASSOF THESE ORTANS RPrtirii THE USE OF A ' ' DIU.METIC. HSLl.SOiO'3 FLUIP EXTRACT BUCHU ISTIIGIt-"DIUa!TI,AVD ISACHfAftl . CURl Ot DISEASE OF TUB H LADDER KIDNEYS, GRV- DROPSY, ORG AN IC WEAK NESS, FEMALFi CO.MLAINTi, GENERAL DERILTTY. And all other diseii of the Ui'in;iry.Jf--gins, whether exisiinj in I ,Ls or FniA.t from whaievt:r eaue orii;iua.ting, aud matter how long stanlinu . . If nj treutineiit is submitted fn sumption or insanity may ensue, o ' nu uesii oioou are supporied froai the. sources, and the henlttmnj happiness, an t that of Posterity, depend opsin prompt use of a reliable rnmoly. ... IIUMEOLDS fiXTttAUf BCCIHI, aatiali. shed upward ef 10 yenrv prepurivl by ' H. T. IIEL,MIBoraT DRUGGIST. ' 594 BaoADw.T, Xtw Yirait ax 104 South 10th Street, PhyArlelphi P. i PRICE-SI Cj per bittlo, or bvltit fbrld.50, delivered to any 'aJdrtaa.' to ir ait, DacnaiSTa inusnin NONE ARK OKNUISR USLESs DON Ul is STsau BxosxTin titp,.,,, a0Ua,, AtattitaD, 7