X ewew.ii,jfti,iL w-rtA I, f ,M4v Ci .1 t.v. ur ,wyui yiijuii , u m I v, . 'Hares of Advertirin. A.lioViiiid Ex 'rs notices, auc, f. times, $;100 Auditors notions, each, , 3 (A) Commits and estiaya each, 3 limes 3 0) or Ii-.-!)- 3 times, or Ipss 2 01 For each Kiibsi-qiit-iit Insertion oJ Ollicial aMvertiHtig Cur cnr.h iiiiire or 8 liner or less 3 times or less.. .2 00 For each ?uhspiiieiii insertion l'rol'cxi nul cu'ils. 5 Imor. 1 yr 'I t,:i Local per line, on time Ohiiuiiry nulices, over (I lines li' Yearly .iveniMii)f. one lmf column.. 5(1 (Ml Yearly dvpi lisiiipr. o ic ccliiniii 1") ) l'L.tik-. pintle quire.. 2 fid Plunks, three quint 2 I 'l Cianki. 6 quins, per quire 1 75 P.latilts. over (i quit-PR per quire 1 CO For bank n-oes smbptK'iia. Koinmons, ex ecutions, wnrrmii. con lablo titles, rnml m.d school orders, cadi perdoi.. 2 Handbills. pilil sheet 25 or leas 1 fjil ' fourth fchecl 25 or less 2 5') ' half s'icel 25 or loss 4 fl " whole sheet 25 or less 8 00 Over 25 of rath oi' aboteat proportionate rates. rru ios, a. y m f-tatcd t'lcpiinRs of Elk T.rvlgn will bo id i a; their on lh (second und t'oimli fuesdays of each mouth. J. K. Wilt I'MORE. Sec'y. I:mp! of Ilcmr find Teraperance. Elklon Temple, No. 8., in -eta oti Thurs day oi' each tveel;, at. the (...). I 'I'l-mLn a( Loiljjf loom, over U. V. OH's' store. C. I.. SI Al l'. .. It. Mi e--' A6UKT5 FXl TKS ADVOCATE. The foliowiujr n-i-ned (,pi -sons nro nutlmr-ii--.l for (lie Aitrtifd.'e to receive yob-. i ii '.iiw, advei lis'ii;' or J work, .x'.iv ay thereto ami piv.' 1 1 c W'ileox. A. T. rti.niui'ii, J. L. L'uows. Kan:- Ii::. Ti:n! s. I.. Ka.,i4. ft. Mmyc C'n vs. Mc Vi:an. t 'ennevUle. J ami.m tiiiKKX. I nie ii'ii'a. A Wi:t;t. tciiiiezi'ttp.. V.K snrii Moiiet. irti!jj Creek. A. V. Ikvin. I I iiu I. in. I I.kvi i;t.i nrin.iii'K. Hoi ton. 1). ('. OvsTi:ii. N. M. linecKWAT. New Vnrk. !. M. I'f.r; UMill.t, Co.. ST I'.irl; Knur Gko. P. Kowkk.l Co., -1J ill I'lovt. jfi ' U f '1 !ff 't 3 1 'Mi''1 1 1 ("(U'.'C I Y OKflCKIiB. rrsMcnt Jiuli;- 1 D. Mclirnvp. Acllni'nial l.'iw JuiJgo lluii. Juo. P. Yiiieiiii . Aiei lie .!nd K. C Gc!uil(.c, Jisse Kyi i-r. JT--ti-;.-f A toini'.v J. t. P. Kail. SeoriiV ri.j.iii Mo 'an'..-.- I'loilioiint ,ry iVb , . te-i. Scl.tvtiing. Tr- i-iii-rr I laiii us V. (jilts, C. S'u !M-v.'jur,i!e!it iloiiis l.iie-'ie. I'ltaiui i; iiipi s U. Wui tier. Jus. V Tuylor I.eiiiM V jiiim r. A.i'liiois Cn!; V.'iii- i, t.'eoige jHesm-LKer. h-'I J i".(,li Vi iii,e m ('ninny Sai vevni- ij. W liucley Jury uiii:uis-i,niei .1 u iiiet , innon, xiivl lloi'.;f.'. Ij'Ii! -. '1MIKO" liOiji.V-i CmVUT. -hi-. m I ).iu.! :y in .l..ii.iary . Ii". MhiiiI i . in A; r l Kirn o .il.iy in A'lL'isit. "ir-t M n il iy in N "v.ou'ier mcwwwHi Wr.i'Jir C'li.i a i n,t is tticjr . '. ! 0 ir liiinttrr. I. nvc iidf fi (ji.ilo a ) tin ir (?i . r k.'iei 'u .-o.ishu, t mmi-vr lr. (!. J-'ui1 i;e i luvinj: veiy s ik at Li.s rosiiiciiRc t' l'-'ey iilc. NU'.V Vt.Alt u I .,m V7: iViiik, (, an i!n:i ti in :itt i it urn ut !!, Oji-tur iiuio!. i.'oile.'i, . u l'r..ti y .m; mil;:, iJeci ij,;., r ;;ut!i. A f:i i. i,ii .n v;::ita:ii n in esii in.f i. atl i t, I.iii if k no a n to l:ve a fn nl I . un-t;. !,i h k lW t noujli to t-4'omiu.:utt! u h.ro Ciilijiariy. uUcinlin VMil tij iv ttitm- CliaiST.MAo. c..i..es i I la! a C!ir 81 Ci !l Willi it Stan w II j. jllMa- ( i: Daan' Fortuiie' iu.; her 'c!u clifn' JoKn An to Cliri.stuiris, v.o don't tako any this time. Jijin:; er. v.i-d with wmi. a ml liehiii'i, wt1 stay Voi Wis! liliiy; vnii all a tt:iirry Oliriittiiib: mitl a liappN Ktv ear, wu hopo ur a '.otter oho j'ui tjiir folvts next tiiLe. Tim First ouiiiliur of the J'oxnj Fu?k't Ji ml is renistviMl. It U a lint- loalcinj; fihtet jf eii.t panes, the l:ir:ot 3'ounj; Jieujiics jiupor, full oi fii!rlaiijit!tr ti't ter jmciI i-toiios dialtiues and jiiiees or !f.li. rxtpi'cisi-is, j.icluus, etc. It is (iesiiicj tu cultivate a tiiste fur ru i il life, fl.(li) j.it year ; hinIi nuiiibi-M ti'ti cpiir.s. l'lihlislud by II. X. V Lv.wh, I'txlt. V.'ttt-iii J'uraf, Cliieao, 111. Im.i'i Ii i ). e.n lay e'ui'ti to Lein,; the Cri?t cuiorod Kt'i.ircntativt', wluievcr waii in the Cotigrcsij of tho lTiiitel Siaffs. He was lAvorn in and tonk hw ne.it mi the Uih iuitatit, as 'Wliitteiniirc'ii ufi-oasor, Irom oao of the i'ouili Curniina districts. Mr. lluinpy took liit) heat on the Itetiublican side, iu the tsirciiie eouihwcitt corner of the hail, lie ia a Liiht mulatto, with mraioht hair and bushy side wl.i-keis I t Hi" Crat act was to vote lor 'Jen. liut- lei's San Domingo icso!uti--ii. Ilainey is iu Ins ihirty-r.inlh yiur, and a native 4.1' (Jei.rvet.iwn, DiMriot of Columbia Jlis fathir and mother were slaves, ami bisvin-r piirehaso I their lretdoui, re moved to South Carolina,. tx. - . (I.Vl'TID.W All perrona are cui.tioned ' J ajai us, b ly in or me ddlini; with a i Tea a of ll.se. '; , chaipeof j. & I. ; py .one a tlark in e f isy sou ihe other g,VlMui4t..u,U-.,,hw. j Jkidfw?, Di-e. Slit, 1570. "Fnrf.v-First ConCTeG5Thirrl Session.- ..a .:. AS1IK1ION, Deo 14. Memorial wero presented by Messrs. Conklitif; and .Sherman, it-presenting ! tf,at ,anv of the Veterans 'of 1812 are naw inmates of poor house!", and nljcols tif charity, and praying for pensions in their Ixliulf. The limise resolution for a recei'S ovrr tl:e Cliiisttna. Iiiilidaj8, liom lo eetnlicr -2 tu January 4, was concurred in ajpji, SO ; nay, 10. The bill to provide a relief fund for employes in the executive Departments l the jjovi'i nuieut was reported with amendments by Mr. .Shenunuj, from the I'ir.anco CotiiUiittre. The bill was taken rip, on motion of Mr. I'rake, und dscui sed for ono hour by Messrs. itik!ino;, Davis, Mortou, Drake. Tipton, Howe., and Howell. The question ttir'aed upon the pro jiricty of levyinp; co lipulsory eontribu ions upon piveruiueiit elctks to deftay fuueitil ex(n iises ii" deceased associates, and fol oilier pu poses It was objected that the propo? d Inisattoti could have no biiidin-r i ffi'.-aey, and was belittieing to tho clerks. Mr. Davis oR'ered an ni?ndment prn bibiting pt.iiticol atscSfmctits in all offi ce!'. Mt. Wilson F-.ibniiWed as a pubstitute fur un amend incut to the hiil previously ' imroCiLCed by biiu, on the taino sub- j.-ct. Mr. Drake pood lit morcdly indicated a inociiiieutioii of Mr. Davis' aniend nient, to toe cfl'ct that prohibition should eea-je, as soon as the Democratic party cuu:e into power. Liiuohterj Mr. ail.buiy remarked that the 'es.'ti tuiiht tl.e Se ib .tir f rum ML-souii, in his cwii tr, ha J tloiihtiees n.eilert his e)es to the f ct that the pHrtj, o! whii.h he was so ivtVii auincd a iiicinber a.s ubejut pasiti out (,t' cKisleiiee, to make way (or a rent tialimiul parly, which, tiiouh tv u.jHiiarily defeated by fraud and violeu-'e. vas a'aio about to unfold its time-liiiiinred fbit above a leniiited cmintr . He iioiild advi-e his 'lo t.d Diakc.w? i!e vet in tuiie.to reiurn. like li.e prodigal i-on nu ntii ne 1 in Scripture, to hi s f'' ber's liouse, cou'cs iifi Ii; tiiisi ll no ujoie worthy to be calici i set). Mr Drtikc rt piied by un aiiuson in t To'.iablo en !ii:.t, n of the Deiimera- y ii.iiii power ut til tiomo far di .aut i in I he f u' u:t;. l'i resio:iee 'o ! e !i'f.':)'irv' he lud on y to say (hut ilu -e-.n itial prodv"lf i Vr leavio" hi battel's iiou-e, cuDi-ufief liis Mihtfanrt- ii lioiim.-' hii!;.', and iitu r that he r.-- l ooted. 'j'he l.eoi ier it . c loriy ut : ouih had left him, (I) ,..,-.; undhpt-.n ts sulstaiiinoe inrintuus l.vinjf. tiv.s,,., ao.i rt-bfiiioii ;i-a!iist tt tt ir Ve! -ouiei t. ntd v.l i u by Kra.sui of tl .-ir cour-c ii.e be, reiJuci d to feco Us on l.u-k. iinJ had n pciiied, lie wo jld receive Mn.ni hatk. -Vcver woubl ho i;o back " : In-in . Mr. FatiW.ury ?Bi l!io para'lcl ot hn pi'.iii!;ji;! ..iiii did not hold piod in no articular in reference to Air. Diake; In, biie the lm it .r, alter lea ti; the (athri's liniiso, bad to Jeed upon hii!;s'. like swine, the h.tti r. nir.ei. I.v became a prodigal, bad fi.itd Uitm suit' piuoiily thtiti ever. Mr. Di jke then wiibdtev his anu'nd meiit, and upon bis niotioti, in older to ecoiicmiri: time, the t.ill wa laid a-ide. and ihe bill id' last stisinu, ti promote li.e tectiiino; of tflieieiit eaineti tor the navy of the United States was substitu ted, und passed. Hie Srcatc, at 3,30, wint into cxr eutivo tcssiou, aud ten minute later ad journcd. Peterson's Ma-raziue for J inn try, '71 isctfived. It is a maptiific-ctit nuui n'. Kiiher ot the Ktee' -i 'ravines "iracic's I'et," . r astin ' nro wor d the prite of the hl. ber. '':- n the liouble-siaed coored ll Patte ns would lu cheap at ;-U ceo ts. 'i . Mam nioili d ue l Steel Fashion Plan, n an perb; in V, Fahhions, "Petersou" is au ki:iwled"ei as ii- nuthui itv. In t,i. number, Ann S. bit pbens be-;n.s a eo; tiutuvuie ..litie umjjujuj, Here." tbu oj -(1 iiljf chap.'er of which win draw teui'SUrom everj- eye. 'J h o'htr contribuloramu )M j Uardii. Davij, i'rank Let V1,lie,jl.ti un,j u,1(.,' of the veiy best AVrican writers. Ke .....I. . ir rl.., tii... i .1 i . ia,iiiL.ri,i,ignit v..,iiliw( (nu ;j(ly (j iio-ilts; to Mn-:ie auus('i,i,,s ; A s-i. r. i . . : . i-i u .. . :V. . . . ' ' I ' ur win. Iml h Mti irh. i.jiou yiill . L ....... ... , Hiipcru pre- in i u ui euuruv in" to I lie p-1, ... M, ,,,, up i tie club, frpeoimens ''. M(.it rau is io loose wi.-nuii: to pel upe.,, (1 linss Cbas. .1. Pcterauti, JJOG Vlhcstuut St., Piiiiudelphta Have you oids-red your. "YatiVju Washing Machine?" If there is , t'iai't.11 UI HUIIK BUV IUUIII 11131 IS l.ltjti i and civrs au Uurist Ki an Vousehold, it' . . , , ... ;b..,jj and washing day; and it there is anv branch of Bieehanistn that lua Lafflcd'tha ingeuius and thus far proved filar, i U Utiru.inij 1117 -, , . i. ,.i j..,.,,. !..-. .u.. . ,i.,.i uiitcbiui ij to tiik by pl t of birnU la lor in ibis tho fini!t laborious ol hout hold dniifs; in fact, every jtnrret is lihtl with old wosliiti;; mael ine trumpery nsolesa from the very start and people liavu been led lo believe from these fil m that there in no other way only jini d labor, pouiiii one's self in wali tub and rubbing the bide off every fin-p-r nt each succeediiif wash day. It n ally seems sttunif that iosienuity has iit ovorcoiue these diiricu'tipa and re icvnd vi omen in gome measure fi'oiu tais hardship. It bis supplied mowing, read ing, ru k ii'r and pitcbiosi oiaobines, tor tanners; it ha, in place of the old. tedi ous enri-ht saw and its surrotindinsrs, substituted the o'rcalar, beadbloeks, Kaw sets, gumtners, Lo., all ol wbioh fneiiitate labor, and arc f veat value, but in this branch of household duties, no improvements have beeo tnndo since Noah's rife washed her duds in the Aik and dried them on deck. It is claimed that this "Ynnkee Ma chine" meets all the requirement, mid from wha;. we have seen aud heard, arc iu the (uli belief I hat it is a fact. Cull ou Mrs. Sehram, Mrs. Messen ger, Mrs. Wliiuuote, Mrs. CutuiuiQir, who have tested these machines, and see what they say. It it is a fact that I base machines ill accomplish the same work in one-third of the time saving; unb staniially all the "wear and tear" of pur :nt,ls, lt.n it serms lolly tocii'lniie in the ni l 'Tack, because we I ave said and believed there was no ay but the old wsy. Piny one of these "Yankeo M a chines." by all menus, if they will ac complish one-third of what is claimed for then;:. (Jo anil se.e one at all events, as that -.fill cost you nothing. (ieor.ro Kuiiih, of Kirpy( is the f rtuoat ownrr of tlie riybt for Klk siifi J effer.on Counties. (.'all at Tim's, in Ccntvoviile, an J see one. The County Ciiiiimi.-sioncrs of Elk ("ounfy wili meet at their office, in Eidt: way, oa Dee. ll:h. C. If. McC-M'iiKT. Clerk. II A M BLEI.W -bOCKU. On the evtiiui"; of the Stll iust, ut Wileos, Pa., tty the l!ev. J. JJieimeuian.Mr. dl.'l.lUM II AMliLKIN. to .Viss MAllUAllET HoCKR, b -Hi of Vileox. Ti is is NOPATT.rr M"!)iriXE IIL'M I."(t. po: ten iiji to thipe I tie igiiorunt nud cri iluloos. nor is il lep esentc 1 as lit-iiiR 'ci 'iiiaiii il ol r re and prvcicus sitlist lin es tirnii)Tiit irom Iha tour corners of the cailli, eai r.ett i evm hiiies necriifs the Gr-at ttescrt oi 3n hurrah on the hiv.'ks of l'oiirue,i cuiiie'.f. : ni l liro-ijtin ae-oa :h Allauiin l tee, in oo Iwg .Ships." 1 1 is wijo.V mil'l rfnt.l iit' ' tnifJ', tj yrfre! SprcMr lor O-.tavrh ami "l oi J in i he eud," dNo for offensive lin-s ;h, i.oss or inity.tiini-iit ot l he ionise of S iiell, 'l'aslK or II:iriii)V. W-itei in; or Weai . t'es. I'a a or l'l pssuie in I he Head, whei i can -d. as iheya'lnot unfiequeutly an-, n il, e violence of Catarrh I ( tier i i giiml I titli. a standing Howard of )UU ft. r a case of Catan li ' hat I cannot cure. Ft: a s iu; nr m;t dkcggists EVfc KVVi Ktl'.K l'ait-R 5t) Csts. Fpi it hr mail, iosi (.ui I. on recpipt of ixit Cins. four packagts for 42UO or i lloi n IV r $oti( Ken I a two t-piit alamp for Dr. Pace's limp' del on L'aiarrli. Addiess the 1'rO' rieio r. i'. V. I'lanei, n. b., Ueifi i.o, K. T. THE SUC SCR1UKK3 ARS KEAOT Tu furnish brie I in quaatilifs to tuit purchas ers. Will 1 It-liver oa board of cart oaiai Duugaschoan d FailioaJ at larlpy. T. KlO & CO. Earley Jul 12. 1870. 8m CA CTIO.V. Whereas the improper con duct o f my wifv. , Hony, hasma .eil necci-a- ptuy f. .rself r- lieeliiu, thai we livesepei ate, un d lima li' ivmir left her in possession of pren tises and personal properly. I here ).y lorb id all i.pi aom tiushng her on in aeci.um or purcl lasius peisonal properly bit wit h her. as 1 shall pay uo Jpbts ol her coa iractiue ; liter this dale. BA.VLtL LEWIS, Rid jwsy NoTenber 21i 1870. JH WQBC witk 4iWk at BBS GH3BH!bfU OKIODK tiU.lt aI'CIIES, $12, $'.o. J-0. 4-i. ItUIlINJ the past four years our V'alelie have been so ihorouiiiy lemnJ, thai mi sppi'srii'iea. style of Col h, and oectiracy of tilne ktirpinn. ,hs "Ufid Haienej ' nrouaivci'sauy a-.uedeJ Ii lm Ilia best liii-y reliini luair bruliaimy and color un til worn tit. Vr4.lf after purohasin.i au 1 fairly Iry ni. iiiiy one is ii-tv lully :t i & t, we will cheerttiliy ruiuii I m- uioiuy. Ut-Pincy ai all H.iuiiu Cai?s, (ienlli rneii s mitl ba-lie' n. Lvery tiiiUh ga iraiiio-d tur tiuia tiuii w.r, by tptciul Ciilitio.to large assorlmeal "IniyrovedOrSod' Cbaius, -iu rS. A au, tit-ai.i'iue i a and .adieu' Jo eii'jr ia 'letl tiriety. tt.TJ.llawaie o' iiiiit.iiiou Urdar ili reo'. it oia us "i- unr auiiioi iiid sbois. A-?pnti aiid oihii npr-lj ii f'-r cieuiaia will piciis eiit;ae luie cunt sump lor pos age. fe'-Vt'oo Js sent to tie paid for oa itefivwry. I iislnliiiM'S iierniiliad I examine wlnil lin-jr onit-r (bel.ne n.yiii)i hilts), ou y .yiueat of Express cuai e;es Hum wi.-s. tCiyVvhen MX ttaiciies are o. dated at one.;, we vvi.1 send aa exna rt jlea yl tuiue kind) free. l5tr-rurclriscr. ri-jii-lij at a uu dlsism-a from Express oJues, aul dran-mj la sv liuio nua tpuo-t.'S, tit h In ji-io ia sent by mail, by reintii ioj? -i" oi tier the uinuunl n quii e . ojr I', it. .vl..uy oiik-r, rt'gisitirv.l iei i . tifti or uii.-ca, jmyublts iu our ordci, oar r l. AJdrcas piaiiil ,', JAMES (Jr kAl i CO., P. O. li- x y.ulJi. w York. j iaau C.l.rt. GOLD! GoLD! HAK-NEtS! UAilAE, COELAltS ! COLLAR. GOLD- .:ilAil.:xi-i::t:: : collauo: li POVTSIL, have reamed their u.tme.rd .siiop oer i'ow .-.. 00 Knot ' fcl m and b.'.ve uii uaud lou lar0-si a.-;doili.i ail oi ha. lies lor l.isibertii; atei pieauio ar puses. lu I til 4 or a.ljoioin; eoiuilies, 14.1-I ail oilier mudus be.uoui - lo lue iruu-i. TRUNKS, SADiiLES. VALL5ES, U iiii ii, iiiV.Mv.h'l.J, LU Would invito tii'j alitiiuoa uf all owners hui-Mis lo lay ne PAI'LJaI En.iJllvJ iJOiliC HOUSE ; 1 1 1 1.1. . k l which proves tj tie io bo-t Collai' iu t'Xislctice lOi' llii'sti Has .list if.l!;4 Very iMaslia liiey uo uoi cnaie or pm una 111 cui a In 111 a u jii con-tUciui', llicy pieveul llijuiy I10.0 Deal. Call and se lot 111. Ail work warranted JU'paim, liiuiin anti t pnoialci.ii duud w liiitj bcatue.-s aud tii.-paich. ny 1 1 OUrilAN'd CUL'l.'i' rfALEIhe unJt.r sineU. .lUaiilt .-.la. 01' 01 nit eatalt u! A l'C4.'.-..:t LkL4w1 l.'.Oillt, ttiiit-HU 14 .oi-u v ly ltLi.c uu,i, ti .i..i:, ut ihe t . ut) il llw.toe, lu liuiii ..y. un ..Ij-i.ity , .! mi nary Wia. io lt ai j o c. iCk, p tu, an i.f 10- iibeioi aa.u .ti.ivj 1 1 ;:.s ll. tit v o, lo-w .t: 1, H-0 nun-, looi t-i'le.-., beiiiji .aal pan ol u tiae: ot iiiktl siluie .a l . i 1 p., tl llj, v.arra.oi 1 1 Hie bi..ut a. Atirea iiiti sail, ii':0 i.cr ol la.el, bl.H iUal pari ol .Ni Mil, m tut ly, I.Ik tj ou iUO ujrvs, uiui or lata, y.ta ol vv.iiraat No l.bi, la t'ui L. t.ii A.u ii.iii.tii. Jt i -JUi. iul-ix li, v.'u, eoiil.t.uii. 'a'J aei'Of, uitiie wr 1. tfjv.in; luinerala ai. -Uiuin rihla nk Itaii.i.ik .No -l-iu1, la Fa Tp, o, aiat . t..t .1.11 aviua excepiii.ii luiiiera. ah. I ioiuui rii:;n J.l.l..i A l'i ui- vLL, lus Auiaiuisiraier ef , va NoStec is licl'cuy .x.i mat i.-t cisol Auiiiiuitiaiiuii un ti.v i, -l.il t.i L L' Zluiliit l mau, lat ol i'ox i ownsfiip, Eia County l'eiius) Ivauia, deceased, ll.ive beeu jjiuutei lo tne Uude.ii.si.ued. Atl persons iiidaplcd to said Esla'e are l.:iiieltd to call aud settle, and iho&e Having uiaiiiia k-aiiit liie Estate w.li present tlam i'u y kutittiiiieuied kroc.' liciucut. JUllN Uitljti.i', AdiciriUtiator isrBuimin ISoO. WELCH & GaiTlTHS' SUliMilOli'iO AI.L OI..EUS. Axes, l-'ilea, Cast Sleel, Mill Furuisb ius, aud Machinery. tT5Ge: the eti. they will pnvc the cheap est. Prices reduced. PeuJ for price List aud Circulars, WELCH A CIllKFITHS. Ecsisa,:t..., 9t rjL'olt-i;. 61y. The nit romi'l'lo i:i?s!jra C'e le-ge in the I nlli il lat a. Vfforiliun faculties for a-q-iirpinR a 'liornugli prnciical husiiiesi rduealion, po sessedhy uo ol hnr School in ih con ntry Since iis incoi poriiiion in 1855 nearly SixieeuTliiiusniid Hii-lews. retiresnnta'ivcs roni every Stale iu tiie Union, have altondBd here. No vscaiinns. Fludenis en'er at any time, and receive private ins, ructions ili nui ph ut ilmentirp emi'ie N. ft.- Circulars wiih full particulars and all ncotSsnrr inf. minium, no addressing SUIl'll AC -VLKI. Prmcipala, VtweiM IiILKCuADYUCAXX. TBS 0LDS8T ri? IN T8 COUNTY, HAVING TUB- LARGEST CIKCU LATION, IT IS TIlKRKlfOlW THE ADVEIITISIN'G MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY I Uvctd to tie 3ntcvf.it.j tt iU Tsr.::s:-$2 oo pss tsas. TiUSG ALONG Y0UH ADTXiV TISE.M ENTJs AND GET Til SM 1NSEUTED IN THE XDVO'JATH, AT LOW EAT3t. If you want to fo'.I anytbing, let tl'se p sojile know it through the AdvuCATK llic great a-1 vcrti.-iuj' medium. Site (Ulk 3du:catt! Job Office 't3 In Court House, EMgway, Pat. The best work dona, hi at Jw very lowest aria Blanks kept contteatly en Wifci at this oil. .laud bil! printed .t At ikerteat sefic. Call in and get our price for advrii iu-r and jobbing. Sitisfjetioa wurrantesl Orders by mail proatptly atttnJjd f Ao.'tim J.C. LSTRITI, 7. S. SERVICE i)00,b00 CUbTOMEllS W AM I ED. At tba new Masonic Hall Building. STOVES at prices that will please ef all desirable kinds. TIN'-YVAltS of every kind en hand at alliuias. Special attention given to iVholcsale or ders. Trice list furnished to dealers on application. STH.ET.T1X AXD CO IVES WAKE Home furnithing goods a great variety. STEAM AND WATER I'l "El NO, ruMi's, Fi-m:a and iiuxtixo TACKLE, such as UODS EAS- uets, seises, flies, hooks, CArs, roWUER, io. j-c. ALL OFtDEll.3 FOU GUN Vv'OIlK Promptly citeiulcd t-i. BIRD CAGES A X1CE VARIETY HOOFING, GUTTERS, SPOUTS. of Tin, Galvanize J Iron and Copper nu 1 every kind of HOUSE AND JCB WORK done on short notice and warranted, A(J:iS0Y of Ilcory Disitous celebrated siit. j. OrUers for saws at factory prices solicited, also for repairing. Information and price lint fu-.nialicJ ou application. PAPER RUIS, OLD R0?E, OLD copper, rju.vss, n:w- TER, LEAD, IROS, CEE3WAX, IIEAYV IIIDE,, DEAKOS SKINS, S:.EEP PELTS, ORE EN BACKS, NATIONAL CANS MOTES, V. e. COMES ic. Uitcen t'.'i exvliixnyt foe Uouits or Mm!: vla2Ct W & SKP.VICE I tidg way, March 1st. 1370 SPECIE PAYMINT! GOLD OR G 11EENDACK3 TAKES I.V EXCI VNOE Fult OR job work: a t run ridgtta r WAGON SHOP. Call aud exaniiuo my stock beforo buying a Luinler or Pleasure Waon. I use tho best selection of Michigan WIUTE OAK AND HICKORY; I employ none but First Class Ma rhanici; usa nothing but the best Refined Iron. I think it will bo to your mterest to give me your order. Having twenty-five lumber wagous iu course of costruction, I will be able to furuishaoy party by the first of April. All oiden by mail, also anj ordors left with W, S. Servicb at the Tio Sliop, will receive prompt attention. " 8. W51VIB TO Till 1 NERVOUS & DEBILITATED WHOSE SUFFErtINO HAVE BEE5 TRACTED FROM HIDDEN CACSEi, AND WHOSE CASES KEQUIBl TO RENDER EXISTENCE DESIBABL If you arc auiTcring or bar J fered, from involuntary discnares, f . tneet Uoes it t riduco upon general health ? Do you feel weak bilitated, easily tired ? Docs a 1 " extra rxeniou produce palpation ib heart? Docs your liver, or irio-'y orpins, or your ki ineys, fiv i !'' Hi t out of ordet ? Is oiii- uriur it lines thick, miiky or fiocky, oi -f ropy on settling? Or does i!-e -kuin rise to the top? Or is a s i lmi"' at tho bottom alter it has stood n r.-ii' i'o you have f pel Is of slant b'e:M'."'' or dyspepsia? Are your bo!-'- c- s ipated ? Do you have spells if t.ni'.i-f. -ir VUslli-9 of blood to the heed ' i yiuir tiietnoiy impaired ? Is yeiir j constantly uwclliu;; on the snb; :t' l you feel dull, listless, inopiu.;. :t et v( company, of lilo ? Do you wi-'t j be a!. .tie. t-i firt away from rv ! !y? Does nny utilo tiling n ake vi .ir jump? Is your sleep tn..rw restless? Is tho lust. e of ye-u ph brilliant? The bltniin of your t-lno ei bright? Do you enjoy y.iu'-i-.t 1.1 t. eiety us well? D-i you put-,.. j-.u? business With ihc sunn! energy '. l'i Voe f.'d us much otmliKMico in y.-.irviif Arc your npirita dull ami il irivon to fits of iiieletichnly i ! not lay it to your liver or .! II nve you restless uijjiis I V., : weak, and have but little ap;.-ti. .'tr. i ... ll est you iittnbuto this to a liver-cotiif laiut ? esi.i'i.a. Xow, reader, sclf-ibuse, fi-ti disease, badly cured, and sexuu nc. arc :il! capable of piolnciua v.i et of l ho generative organs Tiie , of ihe treiieiatiiin, when in perfect e. mako the man. Did you cv.-i i.'n.l that tho-o bold, Uf;atit, nifi.-i pers-vpi'in busiucss-mon are tho-o whoso goncrativo oraimra ia perfect health? You never hen such uinn complain of beinjr. turUv. eholy, of iiervoiisness, of palpafatirn iho heart. They aro never afraid ttipf cannot succeed in huiues; they doii'a become si-.d am! discouraged ; they ar always polite and pleasant, iu couipanv of ladies, and look you and lluun rit in the lace none of your downcait looks or any other meanness about tlioiu 1 do not mean thoso who keep the ill-terns infl iictl by running to cxcesi. i'liesn will not only ruin their consti tutions, bat also tlioc tliey do business with or for. How miner nipn, from bvVy cured dis-e-ise:', from ilia nU'octs of seli'-abuaa and excesses, have broiijrhi atiout that state of weakness ia tin ao organs that ha redueede iho g'.-iipra! system so much as to induce almo-,t every other disen ittincy, p-ir aiysis. spinal Rifuciions, suicid s, au'l tilinnat every other I'm-.u of diseaa which hu manity Is heir lo a.id :ho real cause of the t rouble f-. u-;e'y ever suspected, aui iiave doctored fji- all but iho riglu one. DISEASE OF THESE ORH AN3 REQUISl THE lS3 OF A DIURETIC. FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU I.JTtIEOll-"DIURETI,AVDIS AClTA.t ccai on diseask or van 11LADDER KIDNEYS, GRAVE?.. DUOI'Sr, ORGANIC WEAK NESS, FEMALE COM LAIN 13, GENER VL DERILTTY. Andall oih-r dispnos of itm f, n. H-ins. whether exisiingin M ilk o: KuMAut iVom whatever ciu-o originating, aad aa niatlBr how long standing If id trPrttuient ii sub niitel to. su-nptioa or insanity in iv ensue. Oar and nesli blood aro siipnorie-l fro-.a thea sources, and the health an I ! ippine?9, ami that of Posterity, depandi upoa prompt tiso of a reliable rcme U. IISMEOLD S EXTRAC1' EECIIU. ,i,km shei upward of 10 years, praparcd by H. T. IIELMUOLD DRUGGIST. 591 DaoADWAY, Ntw Yuas au 101 South 10th Street, Philadelphia Pa. PRICE $1.25 per bottle, or 0 bottle for$ti,5u, delivered to any ad dross. Solo bt all Dacantirrs itVKBvwnaae NONE ARE GENUINE I'XLE.SS DON! UP n BTaci. EXQsavtt) watpraa. wit rtc-aiMiLia or jit CHEMICAL WAB HOUSl, as tie no, Hi.'? HSIaHrClalX 3