"i'7i IT. "! im Ti T7 r a 1 1". i . X i -:: . o 'J he cstreiuu cold wctber Ins ivi (Jcn.il it almost impossible to wiikiu this office; this, in connection vith the Uu'iidn jf, is our nitctrnc for b'lel; Jute, ELf.cvii'N. Col.Ueehcit Putiimtrtir. Has dieted over the liepubiieiiii candi date I'V a majority c! lei!.1!, in the First Mtiltonal distr!ct. This gives the Mem- while wc regret the f:ir., wo !ii;c tbey vi'I not abuse their iiu: V.m iry. imm . pFATll's II All VEST,- On Mv'.dny night, eays lliu St'itn Jminxd, ibiee well-known citizens of HarrL-burg died 'I'I tir m nirs are Luiber lit tec, in the Z'ld ycarot his ago; Pornai.'. (.'.! m f .lnilf grd about oS; and Samuel It-.bi.-on, in ihc-flst year nf hit age. Thn former, bas held different positions ol'tiust. lhnui:!i of late years he hits bee ti t nea ped ia tliC cloili inir business in thi.- ;it Jo was a member of the Locust Street l. V. Church, and one ol the leaders tf itn' choir. 1 1 c possessed maiiy ex eeller;! Mieial trttitu, and was re:-p.ctcd by nii who enjoyed Lis iuti'reottiM. Persian! (Tuin jibt-'.l was widely knowu ts t'.'O chicf-o'-polioe under (i iH-Te r r ir.utiii'lpiil iidinsiiit-tiations, an oi'Jej !or which lio was peculiariinrly qualified li wife died about one year sign, and Ijuw lie lollows kor to the grave. Mr. llnbiusoti also enjoyed mi rttcn live jcqii.tiutaixe snid many frit rids. He ms engaged iu the lotaurjiit Li'.-ir.i;?-. during the war, mid tiiai-waros took t.1 ofge of tl.e City Hot. 1. TT'J'Tf'O "ITT" T)7 virtue of sundry wilts of Y-.ti r.irlun ) ? sued out i'f Ihe (mrt of Coiau-.uii ,m ol I-.lk court v. and if) ii, u tlit". o : ' I , t will expose i 'i I'-uliHu vcii'i-ic or i.u'eiy. at tlit Court Iloii-e, in liiiijin iiy, rii SConday, Jr; 6t 1 0 rtcU i'. .M. tl;e K-i!uV uitiS'.bcJ jTii;tny, iu v.it : A.l tiio ii.'!it. title, iiilci-:-t. c driiKli'l ot liio Uti-ti'.li at i.. Mi l tic:v ur imrool of laii-l M'li'ii. i: 1111 1 i :. tlilit in Sprit,-.! I't nii - l-.il-ii.imi.s : I vu' k tcftii liip. V.Va cm.i! nil. l ouinU'il liinl lU'rrriln. J JVit'i.tiitijj at i!;e ti.iritm ln-nli. .!.l ci.uily I. nc I'm v.-:rrn l i iii aiJ uun'j crusfS li t' ::i ir : li.illli -l-'J" K. oiitf hliinii i ti i. H i : tin..' Ill's lo a lu:i'U', '1 in iii-'i i- Iw'i ii iiii'i: '"i iii'i i'. i"ic:i i - i lip MYJ Oi i i.flll'i I Vl'llly mall . s Id ; 111'! i'.'H '' lit CjlllUlll I'.Vl'l J 'l !! l.:V lio'.'.l pn 'i rivi'v Iiy ii s M'Vi n.' ::. .:.;:'i.'.' :!.;.- t i:i pi:;..- i l ' lu-j. -.iiiiiii'jj. I "i:'.;.' i r-i;i n i'.M of tr-.ci No. -U'lJ. :.l vi.tiiiiiti.t!;? ti liun riri.liii'ii llii'i' :n'" f , l o lli" i-iiiii1 ihmii- in U'.-i. nii'l Ii"" fif.: t!i.'i-M.i I..M- I. t: !i dm tv.'.'iiiy tct't l"i.(' nr.ii t iiL.K-n H' i wi!.-. nVt liio iwiiiio l.n in lim '.v li'i-t i. i;; i'ii IWHity i;i toi'l vi'. i. i i-'l i-l fcbo;.t ton :ivv. !..u ! !.:.; .cn A!.:;!l A I ll.il in. :.: i -- I ( l-ni ' l.ii.i.i.d iih J iiv-iiiVi 1 I.- !'...''.. M hi tiM..i g Hi n fo.-t i f' tl".e ! lih '.!-' '.!'' llliliUv tWfliiy-tltln lu.."iv J htnl :i:t;, iiM-'.4i:) Dim. h totiili '-no ;;-. M'MM.ty 1 1 In b t.. ii lifii'i- o ; T'm. . t.r cm- i. i.:. in i ii j i-irl i.- lo. i ifv'-'.i: I t n jn.i'ii . l.o liuiiiiio'i .-ni l Miv.'i ty i . u il.i- 5 !.: i-t i.P::iir.n . : i.:.: i.li.:' i 1. 1' lii.ii'in 1 :r K, i, fro i-l Kt i'.'.'.i c !.. :i; tvn-niv ...'i 1 '... in, j ; v. : hi il l.:i" t..ti:y ! !... trt i? tlitr. ah. ..!' -r.o l : ti .vos-.', Kl'l'illl !,I.!T l:l.t V.l'lll.v 1" 1 Vi'lt,' rr.i r.i :y li. Mi 1 oin I ".' ' u' 1! J'n t . f-vl In- llii't lli' iv U-t Vi.lt, I-:..-. Ik ft VI I !, a nil ll. 1 ll"f i-. ;v-l nji.i u.l. n in J C'":l n : l'n tri ji .iy ol Ji-ri'ii i.i I.'.'n:i !..:! i ' JAt (Hi .Mc Al l. I. . .'-iii nit' l:i.l,wiy, 1 t".':i'i ii 1; t!i, K-.70. io liiiue rf a wi i l '.'.ri Vi-r.nj ( 'y'uU.f ii.iji iiiifii. t.r.. I t'e i lion; : --n i.ut ol tl.c C'oiii t of (.'otiii..! ii i mis f'1 K l. oumy, at. J t" n.e tli'.cittd, i w,l. iij.i.-.' In Kal.'l y iii!i!ic v; :ii'.n: or ot C13 , at Ihc Ci nil liniM', in iin-v.ay Cn Mcadsy, Jr-raray Cih, 1-71, it 1 1 1 i 'i n 1 1. 1 . Ji , b 1 !l at ti f.ain lown lit fimatfl on 1'ipot 111.1!, i-i iht b. H ii-!'. oi .St. Man's. i-.Hi ciivi ly Ven- i lvatiia, ami l.in lut nuil.-i' fj.1 aictiiiitnr to the I-lnt f-r l.ve (2i: ! ! ol Iiimtii' twriitv tert front tit'd tvrotitv l'"et deep-, t.'.i t,i:.s elected tin io:i a iwo htory b(.tie, e'o.b!ieii by IVri.ty fc: t. i-Uizid and taken it. tsi-eutioii as the j io 1 ity ! l'iiie.lius Yout, ai il f t-uit oi ileuiv Iii liniaii. and to he soul l y .J At Oli M'C.Al'LliY. f'hu'ul". Shkkikf's Oiticu, ) Mtdi wav. Pa.. Dee. 1G. '70. 1 t O lly virtue of a writ rf Ve d.'tuai K.ipomit iii-ued out 1 f iiie Court d Comnn n j.ieas of Mlk County, and to ri;e di'tcied.l will expose to sale by pub lie vendue or out:y, at the Court Uou?e iu P. id". way, 011 Kesiay, Jamary Ctb, 1371, At one o ciock A. M, ad tl.at rertain ttact or piece ot lami io tl.e i-etil.'ii.rut ol St. Marys, in Henzinper township p,'k county rennfyUunia. situate on the I'cnziuer real, uud bounded and des cribed a fid'ows : lieo'iiii'isi!.' at a post i d said lci:iu".er road, tbciico north two hundred perches, to a c n;er ot warrant No. 484. thence east iify p-r- hes, tlutiee. south two huudicit per r:hea to ljeuziniier road, t hence west fullawinp the courfO of baid loud idiout fiftv rerehes to the tilaeo ot I euiiiinii coutaicing nixty-Cvo acres, more or le.s-, being lot numbered oiie(No 1 ) on the Dentincer loud, accordie to the plan orplotolthe town or t-ettleiuent of St. Marys. Seized and taken in execution a the property i f the Tanuerdale I'ual Com yatiy at the tuit of Jtsepb Wiibe'.m.auu ' to be aold by JACOB M'CAULKY, Sheriff. Fhebiff'h OrFtcE, ) &agjr P. 16, '70- ) te nar.ca. seam. s.v.:oa lio Yk AM) (hi Llh.hWl.si;. , t fointtmnd tho following to thor-o wivcn and fistc:rs who am Anxious In d Wyt k lor the J-Listsr. None phu d wotk an wr-U s tiioy. ' "A la v of gool Rocial position in Cleveland. Ohio, whiln on her woy to n meeting ol the Yuunjr Men's . Cliri.iiri AiMxiatidn, KM1 us fii'.e tiisfl 1 a lii'tr-sali-nn, a youn:; man a'rmiit to ta'c a u., 'f liCjUor toliHlip.s. ro'ilnwin;' itislant !y the Point would tiat Clutia;js nhviiys did thin ! she left Iicr cnnirnn ion at the cntrHiicu, a, d stcpjiitij; in, i-aid to the youth : " 'Oil. t:iy frieuil, stop, dou't Uueh itl' "Started hy the appearanos of a well drei-sed lady in such a p!uce, he tun;ed and iikod : " 'What brings you here?' " To save you IVoni ruin, kIip rrplieH. " 'What do you want of me '!' he ai-kfd coti'uM'd by the utitxpeeti.diief.' of th sccfte. ' want you to let mo tnkv jroitv anil, and go with you to the Yuuuu Men's Chritian atsociutiou u.ei'tinj:,' . ko i nswered. " 'I'ut)nu would be r.shamed to w:k with nie,' he ;,'u. ot in tlio least ; w(.u!d l.u rfjuiefd to o there wi'li y- i.' tdie n. -j.lt.! . 'Unablo to ioit her p'TMtusivi miin ncr ud heartfelt interest in bis welfarn ion yotmu; iiitm left the iiritn.itheil L'las, and went to the meeliii!.'. Uereprrjer s; i c'ally .na'ie iu'-him, and her net. ol Mniiiidiate ohedietice resulted in h:s eonversion. lie hieamo unt only a 1 .'lillstian, Lu" ono of the li.'"l. active ivtu ki is for the oospel in Cievelsiid.'' Ciii.'tio Ijt'uiitfrir't T- A pentli man wan'id a itu-iy l.-uy lis IncuJ eaino to !ii i fTiee. one ijey. in;; : "I'vi. f.(it a hoy for von -sniaM, ictive and itit"l 'u-'ht jit. t the boy I, at ,: pViiM' yon." Who is ho?' sail the pi-nth-nu'ii I he lii'. nd tnid Lis r.aii'e ,'n-t ut that nomi tit the l,oy pn-sed the window, mid ivas poititi d out to him. ' Uoti't want him, " f aid the yrcntle i ii.i ; ''he has a bad imirk ; I met him lie oilier day with a ei;; r.- in big moittl). I dj-i'i watit a Mtinkcr." 'A'liile the two wi re tallim: anntner "I un. , I'iiitemaii r.lured tl: i, r-t:;n 1 v mi want a a; ;mJ, trusty toy, ''Yes, sir : have you pot r,oc for me '( ' "1 think I have," was ihe ivp'y. "Will, sir," faid the pcutleuiau. what d.iyu know of him ': ' '1 doii'l 1, tiw n.ueh," said the ether; 'he ii io Uiy F-uiida-.-eliuo!, nlw.ivs ha. it.oo, and never smikc:;" "lie is the L7 f.r m. Tl.e buy il'.at ti'ls bis iiiniay-.si'l.oul lt-SMiti unu uever htnokes cju In- Ire.-tid." litw Lu:.u "How Ion; take 1 1 be c inverted V t:,ll ui es it a youiiLt mail to his (ai her. 'How Ion jr.' sit-ked tbu futbei', 'i1ia it take the judiie to di. sybarite the pti i.nei win u the jury have brought bim ,n 'tut "uilty' V 'Only a iLinut?.' "Wlien a tinner is convicted ibat be us a sinner, and is worry for it ; which he deeires foriicnesi and deliverance from in, and bt hevri that Cbri.-t able and v. i.l ng to save It - in, lie can be conver ted us spcedi'y as tlie prisoner can he iiicb ji'oed ly ibe judjte. It does not t-kc God u luti time to dUchnrua a penitent foul from tbu cuLdeajm.:ioii ::nd jiower of sin." fc'CKlPTt'KB Dltr. The papers arc telliiij; a t,tory of a poor and simple hearted African who once came to Mr. ilolfat, the luisjiouary, and '.old him. with a lugubrious face, that bis don had inru his Coppy of the New Testame nt. ind swallowed ame of the leaves of it. and that Jie was greived ubout it, fur the in; was vory valuable. 'JJ ut," said the inisc'innary, "Why do you grieve so ? Y'ou Ciu get another rt-tlaujeiit, aud the leaves will not hurt ihe dog " "Ab !" caid tbo Eavage, "that's what I fear. Hi. is a good hunter and a watch-dog, and the New Testament U so full of j-entleuess and love that I am utraiii be will uevtr be of any saivice t" Phi vat k Im'kuoouusg with youk SCHOLAIliS. My fjperieliCU leads me 'ii give paramount importance to private intercourse with my scholars ; it secures me a gradual ascendency over the Bcbo'. ar's heart ; we are no longer seperated but account each other friends I re member with gratitude the earnest so licitude ot my old tbcacher; and have Inug been satisfied that no oilier courc can open eo complete aud desirable a (DcaDi of Rpoaking tbe truth at it u u T'T' 'i "riiniiMi iiiiiniiiiiwiiiiiwii i wiiwm m 111'wmni Kmih 1 i.am-aJ oi m, ;.. i va..i.ii tlio i-i' -tffntinii n Jr'uhliHth-.i csMitis, t it is 'i ivii'e iir.i rei.uiso ill pn;seut an un-luilini- inciietiietit to diliane" in the etiblil'o of the miuil. the toucher who eeka liu eclioims during, for' their hcti uh(, canimt tii'leet this work of 'prcpe ritioti ;o'her feaehern may, but lie cuti never iiflfntd to go tin ninth his li smi!i in i in-h: M") v;iv. H'.-if inn ,S' ,S. .IA17. "RAIL110AD3. PKILAD I HI4 lo rSIS EAILP.OiS. W J ME u TI.VG TAV'LK. nnilnfier MOM) Y. PKf. .rit!i, 1STC, Il :i ins on lim riiilmleliiliia , Krin I'liilrond w ill run an fulluwH ; ivi:si n.Min. MailTrnin Icnvm I'l.iiueiii'liiiii.. 0 1(1 p.m. " " " KmIjv.-hv I. .'ili Ji. 111. " " iivrivo mi I'.ih' T.l.i n. in I Erie I'xp Iimm-.s l'liilml-lplii VJ. Ill p. in " ilfl.rwiy I') a. In " " arrive i:t V.v'f; a." Ill ti. n. Aociiiniiiiulioii, ivuTi'K I iiiiiTii, . 7. 15 ii, iii ' ' liiilRny...'"i t.'l p. in. " arr at Kane f:.dOp. m. V. ISTW.1 mi. Mail Train leaves K'y.;:vi':iy.... " " iinive at riniail h.. Kiie l'.x ies leaves liiie ' i'iM.-iy. " " r.i-nt I'lui.iili 1; iii Ai ei li:i i'iiI ii li, lvavts nil--., Itiilgwuy. f.Ott a. m. .l.til) p. in. ii 5!l n. in. . Il (HI p. in. U'.O a. Ii,. .. .-. ::n p. in ...7. "II n. in. .111. I'1 a. in. " arr ni ,-t. M.ir;, si li.llll m. leavisM. Muvyn 7.i"ii: in -' r.'iiiii'iii ii ll.tj'i m in. " ntf nl It.-iinvi) i n. in. Kxpivy. M iii ami .i-eiiiiiiiiii!iiiini. e l mil west, einiiii-el at t'ni ry inol all w kI Im.uii'I natiis uii'l Muil ici in i ii ii. I ., i inn col nl lrviinoii miIi il.e Oil Creek uinl Aiit j;liony liivi-r Kail llmol. W.M. A. ll.M.liWIv. tleu'l S;ipl. AI.J.Kf.IIK.NY YAI.1J.Y K. li. GUKA'I' TlillOVGH l.OUTK r:nM UtE OIL liKCIOXS TO l'lTTSi;i:UGii: .su:i:ri.ij c.v:;.s ON irjrhi inns Ii:,o:ihi. I r:i 11 1 l'lis-encors ami leil ut ti.l 11,1 Ciiy. 1 m- of 1 ii.it,:-. : 'I 1 imi s 11, .-lie iliroel eni'lirc ii-ll v-itii nil l!",,iU ti-i.l , 1 i..g nl Oil l.'ily , ai.il 'rave as to l-.w,: f'.-iy i:j.n ss l-!i v-c Oi'. City r.t 10 a 111 Ari-iv.'S nl litt t-jr 1 1 i'. il-i p t.i No.-t.t i" x 1 n 1,- ivit Oil City !i :,0 i in Air.Vi-f ill I'lit-i'iupii 7 00 a 1:1 Kiliiiiiiiiii Ace o. h-ive F.ail'ion li 111 p in 111 rive K.unuuiiig '.I tin pm Mixed 11 v I"iies II I City 7 (Hi p in Ari.ve ut Wel I'eini Ji. nut inn 7 (,j p III 1,,-iy Lmihi s- l-.-aves Pi obui-g at 7 10 11 111 A 1 1 1 vi-s nt Oil Ciiy ai 1 "i'i p 111 Nielli i;N,n'- Iraveii l'ittslung b Oil p 111 Ar. ives nl Oil Cry ii (. ) 11 111 I'm Lei' Ace'li hales Kilt'n'gut 7 - la in Au-ives ai i'ut-Kvr at ' .i'i a 1:1 '.'.-ii-il fay 1 -iiVi's Vieti l'.i. Jiiiic 7 ti') a in Ai i-.v.'-i ai Oil Coy at I) O'J p 111 l'n.-: ii.;i'i- I .-a 1 ili in f Iiy this f.niif.' will fu.'l l.itlir ai'i-tiMiinintalioiis nii'l p,ai.e ! lieiiei' 1 iiae tliau ly any i.ihi'i' i-o.oi i'roiii ! i!.e Oil l;c:ii.iin 1 1 I'lti-t.n- ,1. .1. L.: Wl.L.NCI", G"ti. Sitt-t. fKX I'l.oCl.AM M'lON' Whereas, j li e lle.ii, L. ii. Vir.M.'iu:, 1 1 1 s ii..in I .'lire, uinl 1 1 mis. K, C. Jm:Iiii1i;'.i' anil Ji'.-se K!vi-. Assi e::i tcs. JinUren of the ('"llilof lim. n er Seriiui. Oi-pliaiis' (.'ottrt, Iyer ami 'i'el'tsiirit'i'. nud '!. al J.iil 1'ilivvl v, tor I ne I i'i ,1 eajn iul mi I i-t iier i:!iV.isi-s n j liio C..e.i-.i ni Kl!,. l y t tone r. e.'epi s t,. me i i!'.i e.-ii-.l. Ii.ive i.i-.l.'i-i I ii.e alia i -aiil Ii.-i- i laeil CiitifiS In he ttoMi-tl ill Ul"l;i!..V. in i.i, t.-r il.e 1 oiihiy ot I. II;, on iliv Jv.-i'ti'l Mniiil'ir of Jaioiiuy. 1 7 1 . It iienia I lie in li nay .it the r.oiiitii, ami lu eui'iiliue one week lusne is iieiil y given lu llil' Coi-c ii.-i'. .. :ve nt liu- I'.'m;!', a.i'i I'uiilaii'i's. ul Min i Coll iv, t!u il.eyi.rii Iiy li.ee pre i eniii'iiaiule.t lo lio . iitii .-. 1 1 . 1 liii-ve, in I'n ii- pinpev pei s,iii. in ten u'ehiel . A M.. nl' sui'l Jay, iili ilieir I oil-, re-mis anil i ii . 1 1; i -i 1 i on s. i. n 1 1 1 i ln-i ivineinhi nees, in dn liinse liiio;rs wliieli ilieir oliices iippet I mi 'in lie liuiie. ni.'l iii.it nil .li:iiui-.s ol a ii C.iuiiiy. m i:ie letiii us of nil ivcuiriii zan. i't e:oi ii-.l i .li) 'lel.u-u lin-m, lu Hie Clerk ot liio Court, a- per Aoi nf Assein biy of Ma. cli Ii !i. Iil. Ami liio-e v.lin hi e liuinol in pi nseeuie lliu pi'i.nihei s lien are i.r sl.a.l lie in the .tail ni' tlie Cuiiaiy nt' 1 11;, itti 1 io liu then ami laere lo pi',i.-.e cutis iij iiui ilieniiiM i-lial! Im in.-t J.( oil M,:i: il.'LlSY, . heriff. Kidgway, L'ce. Vj, IS70. C"A" LE3 IIOI.F.S, PI1ACTICA1 WATCIIMAK1.R. K.NGRAVER JF.WEt KU. Wist end of Hyde House, Ridgnay, l'n. Sells as Cliep as Ever, GOLD AND SILYEll WAT.1AKS. Cocks, Jeweliy, tfilverware. XX VIOIIX AN I) GUITAR STI'.INT.S. spectacles, l'ens and l'euuils. Exeli.tivo .-fgent or Ihe stile of LEX. MOU ION'S GOLD PENS. Hepiiiriiig Waicbes, etc., d n.e wiia the saiaa Hcciiracy as hei einloio. nov.O.'ii'Jif GOAL! G0A.UI 1'hn huliMtnber hnv'nff nalered G 0 loo bituminous uud aiibrieite coal is ok prena.cd to furnisli i lie people of Lidnwuy with hard nt soft coal, nut or Move sir.es, lump run of mines and lilac ki-mithiiig coal, iu quantiiict to run pui chasers. 40 tf M. T. FRENCH. July 23. 1870. , 2UisiM:s uakds. s;ut l lti.lt, AUen07-.11-l.HVi ;.', ilclc'ViOb), GA. llATHIiV.V, AtUrar-t-L aw . Kiilgwajr 1'a. 2 2 if. ALL Ss JiilO. Attorneys - at I.iaw T. MAIiY'S, 2L2 KTXSTITASU. J. !. lioiil'.vell. M. D. l'itloelic Tliysis. j l.lliiui! iiint iL'snleliee nppusilu In Lli. e:i (.enii-c i't.. Mi..'::viiv. 1'u. lVoifirit ! I.UCIU10U wi'l lie j-iveii in all catlB. (i.'nca lining iito 8 A. .U-: 1:1 toil'. M. ; and ti io 7 !'. M. Mar. :!-', O'i If. Dl!. A. l'fSIlK '.Viirrvii, I'., 1'lKMKIl. burgeon Derlist, of will bn la M. Muryu I It .ciliirl tetk iti eicii luonili. IKlice in 'Jr. Ituss Iniililitijt, I'vtitre biriet, t-l. ini y'.s. iii.i nl iiinynny every conn Hen, tl'Uc.! ill I lie tlj-ilj il ciise. rli C. . 1 L'LLI.Il, JjOTAN'IU I'll YSK'TaN, lllDUWAT, ?. itesiilvnoa and oiic orposii, mo ') nnyr ll.illMJ. 1 lyt lililSK. IliiujivAT. Ki.iv Co., Fa. V. II. M-lilv.OJ, i'nij.iuilur Tli, lililul lor liie pin i nn ij;o Iii!', etnloro .'j iilii'liilly lii'slnue-t tipi,:i iinu, lliu ueiv pi'i j'l'ieioi-. Iiupi;s, ly i'nying sliiel ui loiiiinii In tiiu ewiiiioit mi 1 ei,iiviMiiiiK-c ol ili.i, lu n.i'iu it voiiuiiuauee ot lUii sailil!. II. I .",0 lSo.l. I i VIIA 1 Lli lilL,k-.t., X KlO'JtV.W, l'A. UiVID Tl'AVM., l'lopi.m.ir. Tlie ii i,iiei xj: mil liiivmi; l.iuii up a lai'-c aim eoiiiniiKi.iili liuici mo iiutiiiiitial o,)i uei in Cel. lie uinl ill m;i.vi.-, Hiiii yuu.l anil eoiivtiiii'iii niiibUii luliiitiieil. ix'-ticcc li.ily huntilb ilit Jan lunate ol ilia oiU liii'inl.ii,iJ iliMp'iiuu i.iier.,uy . uta u i u.iVili -nt.W Kit. 5iiA.NKl.i:s HOUSE, i liu jfio;iMfUii npi'Ci luujf u.sK ihi: ali oil lUMl u: t llC 11' lllCHt.8 Ud'J I HO 1'UljiiO IU u.iU'i. vy aiitiitijii I'.iM lu iliw cuin'o- li. LAiUiKV, .nay-ill l'.i.iS lj J. A. .u.li.U.vlL l.oi.ua liuli.sli, itl I jlIoVILL?,, E"2'331C 5H CO, IA. li. S. liiiij.NAt. I'lnieiiiKioil . K Y.Y.z'uX UUL'SK, C:.i..fcVlL. E, Elk (-'., Pa. Joes Coi.i.iMrf, Piupvivtor. TlnitikCiil lor the p.-iii'onage Lfifioiiiii So oln-taily l.e.-lotti.i nji.'j lli.il, liio illf pi o pr:ei or, liopi':. Ly paying ytiiel r.i iiio.oti lo liio ct.-nioi ai i cum -jiiii'ULt oi' ij'.i is: .s, lu laot'.l a eutiiinuuuuj ui' i.io tnnuu. kuil:. PA' 21. I. A'i-'Wi'. (: ; .ir yc Lcuf) I'.Dll' it i'jf. CY(in. lay and NL;jht- 1 II. V'ohK J , in l.a.i r t .V.ainii.ii t nrer viol !.-aier :r. i'l'.' --sii ? 1 1-" Itaiii o.nl tlep.il, i5. uy's. bin i niiiiiy !';. NVliLtlt'lvS. T.At!i;i,S& TAOS -itlj . iii iiiif.i ai tun ..l,-.joui olliec. J. I). 1A1U'.U.N;J, Muiiifarturer and Dealur ia Boota k li hoes, ili'n St., oyposita Hotel, BOV.i i.jcx, Ta. B )UAt;uiNu iiuUi-, Near ili llepol, Wilcox, Ta. Tim inoleisitieil h is opened a larce heard il utiniiM) at Il.e iiliuve p'u.ee. wiieie i.e. is amply prepare. I In muMy llie vva.its of liius WU.. it:. IV ilVnl'llilll U'llii ilieil' CIl-IOIIl. MAlillN fiU-U'lll.S Proprietor J A( OB Vi't.NG ,'i CO , Eoek Dir.uv jl And Ulaiili lliiijl; M.iiiiit'-ietui em, Col ry, i a. L, 'link liu k Ma lelo Older. '.U'LIN l-ie'll. s, lirii.-s Keilli-s. I'orc- ;.ll auee Pans. French Tilled t-mie. I'mii. Fruit eaioi ! e cheapest and In st, at W. S.hKKVlCE'S, llai-dwiii'e Sioie, I'idjjwny, I'. S. 11 M L. I'liy-'eimi and Krscy. K" Co. I' Sursa.iB, T7UWAIt! Mi-r.l'.il'F. Wiiiehmnlver nn-1 ' .'ewilei. ilaili i ad m 1 eel, M. Mures, nUer n.,1' in l-nar iv in imd rot,,, i ! i j; dune on ! dhoti neiiee, uinl in h vi o' i iiinn'.ii.e lu o ti bit "A t !:.-. i.iul eiei v i i 'liy iii ilie.'w hy l ue. coi. plainly on i. and, 2 8 IOllfiR WALVSI.V.V, Cn'ioiy ?in- Ji levor. St. Marys. I'a., holds i.iniself in rc'-iliness, al ad luu.'S, to perform jn s iu his liue. - 8 WII.I.TAM CiiiH, liiMtanrint, Mi elotel i.Heet. Si. Marya. I'a. keens tlie Ix-st of I ii-ei-Heir uud Nal'.ve wines con st a inly on hand. 8 "IDWAliD l'.i IXZI.ER. Rai roadstrecl. I j ii o x i lo i lie Alpine Uuiip, Si Marys, I'i.., reeeives daily Frili llaltiinore Oys lers, which he sells' ul tlio lowest "rive. raw. slewed, nv by the call. Fresh l.fjr'r always on hand. '28 11 X. SOllfl, Fnlonn-kfeper, corner of , r.Bi'rniid and Miclmel streets, Ft. Marys. I'll Native Wines, good I.airer beer, etc.. consta- tly on baud. 2 8 TiillX G. HALL, Aitoraej at law, Riiljr f I wuy. Klk comity Pit. niar-'ii'Giil JO.IKO. HALL................. JAS. K. P. Hll 1 LANKS of all kiada far tale at tail POWELL & KIME. VbOD6 i'Oli Til If MILLION. P OWELL & KIME At lb. lir capacinaa atoia i RIDGWAY 11a ra on hand, a aplendid aaiortmcnt of ail icasotmble Goods adapted to tlie wan 's ot tne people of Elk and aoj : iti:i'i;; eouuties, whieli they are sc!!!i ijr at prices that dely competition. The; t lou'd Minplystate here, lhat Leinj; I very 1 it.o dcalcis, their fueilitios lot pure ba: rtng are unequalled by any ettub i.- IiiiicdI io llit county. They buy dii CLliy from m'u,Ui'nctuien and .in tb Aonti r dranioge. You eaa ah ways get vb&t you want at their Htore. bctici f ia will save time by goini; iluce.'y to then and TI.MJJ IS .Pv.'K r. W'e bare no space here to rmi'xcr tie sCX the advantage you will have in pat;oi;'zing thi'ir eslab'.ii-htiient. Hut ( l'.i and C2C, and reap the ad vantage i- lor vourselves. Amtiiiir their G ods yuc ill find DilY fl:0D3 in eniless varieties, GliO CEHIE3 choice and fresh CI .VriUNG of best material su perior ra; and unisb, "HOOTS & SHOES of the best Mori nJ make, CHOCK EliY for newly mar riod, uiJulc aged aud eldetly. l;IED FIUUT, PUTTER. EGOS, POIIK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUIl, i OPN MEAL. AND EVEP.ITI11NQ LSE. Nearly all kiadftai aoaitrj pro - diita ket at tha aaarkat Talu Eoccomendcd and Endorsed by evor iievon uandroit jjoswrsi J)lt, LAWRENCE'S COMPOUND ILUIU iXTKACT ('F K OS OK O lHU 0U15T HEALTH RESTORER! Not a Secret Quack Medieine Formula Around the Bottle. rHKrAIUD KOLMLT BT Dr. J. J, Lavri;nce, Ongiuul Cocuiu: KOSKOO STRIKES AT TUK HOOT OF DISEASE ar PURIFYING THE BLCOD ittM'Olt.Va TI1K l.lltll AND K.1DNKY IO A DkAIniT ACTION, AND IN ViatiUATI.Nd Till NER VoUtf SVSTtM. Tbia ia the Secret of it Wuaaerful Sueceaa iu Luting Jousuniption iu iia early Mats, Scrof uiit. ypnili.s, ltyi-pcpMit, Livar CoUiplaiut, cnrouiu llheu Mailsiii, Neuralgia, Nor Vuua Atluutiou, irruptions ol tha 6kiu, 11 u mors, Lu.- ot V igor, bu.-i-jiies ol IviJ nay ud iiiudder. AND ALL DISEASES CAUSED EY A UAL BTAl'l-: OF Tilii JJLOOD. It ihoroubly erdieate every kino 1 liuiuour and LSad Taint, and lesloia. the talii ,-ystviu to healthy sohiiiliou It i.i beponiljqur.'tion ths FlNJilSi rONIiJ IS THE WOULD. Tliouxatnla h baen huttg by thv use ol thii Mti iieiue from weak, sickly 'fb.ritig creatures, to slrong, beuithy iikiii ppy men and womcu. loTAiiiia eeioot t.e.-,itata toivoit .ii.-ii. No Medieina b as ibtait.id tut) r-at reputatiou as tlii justly celebarie:. .'juipoaii J. POll Ti:STI.MONIALS Xrom Phyficiatis, Einioent Piviuet ilditors, I i u.iri.-t.-s, Meiuhants, iio ., sci .VOSXOO ALMANAtJ for il.iyeui PHICt: ONE liULL.u; l'Kit CuTfLL tHl SALIS i!V The i'riiicii'di Dru ij!:-U in the l'm!. Dii. La WMtNCh's Woman's Fuu-.m .'.ui3 all I)i.tuM.a peculiar to i'tmaki PETKR.-ON'S MAGAZINE rr::po:t'is for 1371. TtJ ClIKAl'l.sl' AM) UKST. "5Se4 , ..... .VW -f Z--- XU', a. vl.'Jv ci:.i.,vi.vs.s:i ::'.;:, t,ui' 1' -t - - , V ' "WAlUXj'iw , AT till; li.vTTLE Of Tiii-S'iON.'' Whila lo those gelling up Clubs of eight. al - !s a . - e..cli aiieliii'u copy ol Miijiii.iu i r If i i, hi a.l'liiii.u wilt liu tea I. tree. I'U KrioN S MAOAZINE has ihe b i Origami isiui u- ; imy ,.J" mv l,ooks. liio Oil t oioi iii turiiiiii flutes, li.u bt-, Sleel liniuvi.iiis, A.c. Ac., l.tury luiiiil,, oii-iu in lake il. .1 "lie!, more lui li.tt uo.iity '.liun any in 1 1, o world, li wiii cou lam, uv.xi year, inns Iwuive liuiuoc.s One Thousand pages! Fuurlecn Splended Steel Plates ! Twelve Colored Purlin Patterns! TweWo Maiiiiuulh t'olori-d Fashions! Nine Hundred wood Cuts ! Twenty-lour pajre.s of Music '. It will also ictus i iveOneuial CopyiiK'U I ,i,elellK l.y .Ml s. Ann f. Mevlitita, Uun- ilrct suoiler nioi'iej, ail oi . ual. lis su perb MAMMOTH COr.finrD FASHION PbATJs aruuiie.id t'iill nlheis. Tnese plates on sieol twice the usualsizu. 1 t'op.v. lor one ) cur f 2 01. 4 Copies ti 01 110 PREMIUMS. Frfrr prinn petting up a Club of four. Sii.i',0 encli, sluill receive, free, a copy ol VVl'lniig on 1" auJ a copy of the Mugaiine nr lBi 1 ! 1 iddiesi. HARSi.E.?iS J. PETERSON. a'U CLtnunt real, 1'liiU.iaipia, Fa THS KESCHAIIT'S JOUESJLL IKl' riw iokc t riiiLADii.riiu raica creaasr. ICVEUT WE UN SUA Vat pr annum. The Jour U ia the cheapest Commercial ptper pubiiabed- It gives ihb latest cum ueicial anil linancui reporis ana insi ,ewt, business items and unic es of luter. si aud value lo tl.a Msroha t. tarnie AUiily. ligive a full ul Tclmblo price oiaum m .u. w..u.. it, wbicli every merchant saoiin otve. post OtUoe, oa M l1 street, mi oruert lert uhscription agenla wanted. A liberal com- t tha Post 0 -ea will mat proioptaUea nission paid Addraas rTATt"N It CO., rliaaaTB) lift aij tl0' VMIMaayvvt CDARLEi A DA'.,'A. "J lor. A Nn-porTt jprrcasot Titans. Intpaiteil Itr reop'.? titvr ua Lur'.h. Inchttng rrn . :!: I5. Mcr-h.nt, l'r. fii:or.al Mcu, YWiKora, f. lower, u.it l lM-l-. uor ot nonet F.)lk. aai liu IVira,, iioa. ai ;ut liter, ot altiaco. ONLY OXE.0LI.AJl A XSAIl . 0?tC UPJiDliECOlE!s FR 330. Or Imi tnnn On Cent a C y. I.'t tticr it a 9JV CiuD ai Tjrr Pont oilot. 8SMI.WtEKl.T VS, 9" A TEAR, of tha anea ;t3 an t seaer . 1 e'iMe'tr a rtti-: vvkdki.V, bit itli a KrratrrTar.itr nt n:al'an9in ma tmtr, a id fnalulm: tti 'fia j tninvrlreunrit!i n s.k -T frM iei. couava It cjium iwiee a woci Vhcibi : of .ir.in ouljr . TIlKBAILT Hi -A Yr..R. A precnlnc'iOv r;l -.-- tll t..t Isr.'eft c re tain. ,ti i.i iti t , V- nvi.l 'iit. ii. .1 l.iiilt i.i .- it in. A r i ,, f.- vu T ry W.K-I,:. 'i-w . c." l.a :i C i.,, : I, , ,j,n 39 CJ..M a aioiiib, or 3 u ,1-i.r. ' ' ' TEKIS TO CLTJa. Tt:r. POLLAn tski.y rv. Tiro copies, one yasi, ji ar.e.' iv n-.! . -1 Frni r ;ottlnrj. Tfn enpie.t rn vir. iif n .r-itf, ilr-n i-j o, i a., eiiraetif lo tiie -i u ' r- tilit le!t.ra, r?iitr rop'r.. o,i ?wr. in nln p-'.cj (. tl nu ca.ra ej,y ki , e;t , n, ,,r ,. vr. hittn.'U Uot...ri. F"tr ctM't"". iir iTimi" r;-i (..,.i i.., beau-ii eca y ua t , .-ton i-1 ,.r i i -v . '."lilny ijipt., iioliun. rif.y CfiptM, 0-l TMI-. "."M v ..,s 1. 1( 4 l ie Scn.i W. en.y o. v i,.., , 1, 'f'.,..- .ilva ioilAT.l. In tlft7f iv l"t, v.s:- li ,i.i .J !-.-- I m I, tiio l.'fti ior win ..i- i.. h ,',m:. .i-. V f UiU '' iu :a'!.iri. .it. hn-rtfl e-i. f.. ir. i.,,u, f nl. tr-. tsiitua :! :.ro !:... ,r Ufofelab). , .uijal... Tfll S7ll-VVv:.Kl.T Sif.s, fire rccttii. i-. fii.r;..rf.:v 9 r.ttt 1'iiara. "mi tfj. r t . a '.-.ri.a UJt aa ixuatcpy tumi.r ... f i , ,-file a io!-,ir. HSXW YiC.l sion:f.t n -Kt f'titrm or-l. rs-."i,-n 0- ri , -1 r 1 n v,T 'arii. irlierere.,iiv,,i..nt jf ,et. in, n re;iur I." HI.I.-1 C.illt JliiiujJ ,.c, :j;-. Ai .ff,, I. Vf. ESrl V I, I .- 8it:. cw Iii-ii Cay. lilCOZiciLtlbDS Chestnut 0 Silent Street, EWIHG HiCIIIBEH (Philadelphia,. . Uf " I give my hearty preference to tha Willcox & Gihbs Silent Sewinij Machine." Fanny i'Eits. "The weiitht of reliable evttlenee heinp crcrwhelmingfor thr.t of theWiileos A (ii'iha Silent SeTvinn; Maeliine, 1 deeiiied npoa it, Procured it, and am itivre than wti. firf." Ukack ti!:i;Kwoon. " I have the Wheeler k Wilson, the Grover fi Eakcr, and the Willeox A tii'olis Kewint; Macliir.es in my family. I lire the V.'illeoi: ii O'.hliA mint freipie.-ii'.y, thinking it far superior to either ol iiv oihers." MKS. IlKMlY V. Al'.l) BEEl lIl.n. " My wife would not accept a Sewing Machine of any other patuit i ijiji, if i-!ic must receive it on condition of giving up ti.a Willcox ii Uihhs." " , rtV. Olivkr Ci'..vvr:, (.aioui.uale, i'a. " The Willcox & Oibh-i U the onh Sewies; M"achinu whose workiue isso sure in.-J .sir.ipie that 1 could venture to introduce it into Svria." Rkv. A. T. I'ratt. Nt&siuiiary uierii-i'.n Hoard. "We have iicd various s':eririr Mnehinea within our family, hut it in the tir,i:iinio!.i opinion of the household, lhat the Wi'deox & Gibba is the be&t of them i- il." iiEV. J. s. ftfll.lIK. r.renklyii, i.Y. "For nimplicitv and merhanier.1 ncr-iiraey ot const ruction, x nave seen no ituhuiu . t i . . MaL.Uiue eeiual to the Willcox A (iihW Ksk ii Lkwis, Of the I'eii!:s) Iveu-i Cmlral It. B. A rorresrtondrtiee on ihe subSrrt of Sewiti'j Muchiues is j'tspt't'O'i ly uoliviled. J. S. 720 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. gOMITHlSU MuW y EiMiWAT UOOT A SHOE ESTAPLTSI1M ENT1 Tha sub scrlber titVes ibia mzt bml nf in- toi'ini n ilte ciiixens el lillgwiiy auu iciiniy that Ua bus opened h UOOT A SHOE S'lOMK. li the room lntely occupied by Hnr S I'linvi r in I lie wesi en I ul i;,e il da lluu aa heieuiay belouuda cneiul rt.orln.vrt l.udiea ttSoas, tieolltmnns Boats and shoes, Buys'l'.ouis aa d Ciiiiuran'i abo.es, al.SO. Connected withiha nl i vo ei-tablis! irant I l ave it Pool noil Mme Miiuii 1U1 mr r.g Ir.a, i.bll.lin I.I Hl.ele i :i V. nl i. anirto i r-.ier. l ei'iiii iiig dune on aLoi I fiolitf and on l ea H imli'o lei n.s. Tl.e piip'iu aielo g:v ia a tail. Ul II til.Ul.t.L VTALhCR. NEW IjIVEllY tsTAULE RIB G WAV. DAN SCP1PNE t WlSHkSTO IN- form the Citti"ii. of li.-l-'wav, and lie public gci.erally, that be has btarieda Li cry Ktuble and willJVeep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CAUP.IAGKS - I and Buggies, to let upon thamost reaboua- m, terma ..Ha wi'l alsa de Job tean ins. ' aua " . . jr W a t. 1 '1 2 I , - I 1 f ry:. i V