Rate? of Advertising. l.lni'r kiiiI Kx'vs notices, sac, C times, i "00 Auditor's nni ices, each :j uo Cautions nnil estiays eicli, 8 titans 3 U, Transient Advertising per tmiie of 8 linn or lees 3"linies, or less i! 01 For each subsequent Insertion 6l) Ollicnil advertising lor each square nl 8 liner or le-s 8 times or less...- 0(1 Forench siil.eo.iieni insertion. '0 Professional ca-ds. 6 liner. 1 yr IS HI I... evil inn ices, per line, nn time 1'' Ohiiiuiry notices, over 0 lines 10 Yearly Advertising, one haf ci.liiinn..V) 00 Yearly .dvertising. o.to column lot' !(J lS'nnlis, single quire - 10 Blanks, three riuire - 10 P.!nnl..i, (i iinres. per quire 1 7o Blanks, over ti iinre per quire 1 00 For hank tmlej subpoenas, siitrimiins, ex ecutions, warinnis. con table Hales, road iii.il sclioul orders, each per dm.. H.' Handbills, eight sheet. U5 or less 1 ."i0 fiiiii'ili sheet Ho or less '2 Jjll halt' s'lect "5 nrless .... 4 ,",ir " whole s heet 2"i or less 8 00 Over :.'. of each ol' above m proportionate rates. EIV toJce, A. Y II Stated inoeiiniff of Kll: Lodge will lie fcel I hi their hull on tlif second anil fourih Tuesdays of cadi nimitli. J. K. WHIT. MORE. Sec'y. Tx?".e of Ti mor e4 Tcmporaijce. Fliilon Teniple, No. 8., m.ets o-i Thiirs (l iy of each week, at the dim. I l'era1iUrs( Lodge i num. overt'. V ISilts' v'nve. r. It. M AM-.. A . R. AGSKT3 Fw'R TfI2 ADVOCATE. The f'l'iiw'.ni name l persons Hre mitlmr Szed agents l'.r I tie Alrca!i to receive Huh-n-iip iu!H, iidx-criiiug or Job work, lake fay thereto and give lee ipts . Wilcox. A. T. Ai.intini, .1. L. Bnoxvs. Kan? tin . TiiniMs. 1,. Kx.-is. t. Mlitys. l'u s. M'-Vimx. Cc n t re v : I !o. lAMr.M II tt kek. Caledonia. . A. VVcko. lieiitiezette. Et '.smis .Morry. Spring Creek. A. W. Iiivin. lli:lll.il. LKVI Kl.l.illllnttt'K. Morion. 1. ('. Oysti.ii. X. M.IlaocKwiT. Near nvk. S. AI. IVni.vr.iI.i, Co.. 17 I'-trk How. ji:o. !'. ItuwKKL Co., 40 l Park Kow. llt (onntg gircrtorg. ' M)L'M Y (iKt'l.M.Kf. Prer'Meiil .1iidi:e I.. 11. Vetiimre. A J l.li uh'. I.aa Jed-e H.jii. iuo. f. Vinei'iii . As.nciate Ji: lf" E. C Schultie, 3t-.Ht Kyler. JiNtrirt A to'ttev J. K. P. Rati. iSin-r':t.' .1 ietti Me "ttu'.e l'u. tii. mo! ,tv J-.- . H'J. . itocni J. T.-ra-tn-er ' l iit-u V Cttis Co. .S'uj fi iti:einle:il---t.tt!'ts I. tic. -re. t'.iliHii;-i.niet s H. WHI Iier, Jof. Tuylor. I., ui V i I'ner. Auiitim t'trftk Wi'.cix. Genrgo I (sruirer, ami J erpll tt'iliie ai. (.lunly Surreyor eo V,!m ley. Jury '..iii.ii.hi.!ii is Uiurj:.; l);sU iaaon, a;. lloraee l.itr!. run, or noi.DiA'ij colmt. '. sectiii I M'iu.Uv iii J itiory. .&-;! M..J.iy in April Vir-i VjiiiI;i.v in s.tatist. Vii i M.-.ti.i'ir in N -v .ii',er Tvd incin's uii'l a Imlf snow tlii. r.ioitiitii;, utni ti t"uo'i t-how tor more. T In' oanls (.(' nur St. Mar-.s lti'i:J. appear elsevrlioic in Lis p per. Mr. 1'itoli. nt WilcnK, v.-.ts lnov.lil Loliiro Jvj. Jieti'i, on Mnieltiy )ai-r, t. answer lor fcillin;; dwr on SniLjoy hi lino ami cn.-is iinni'inii!.! in n!i,o dulltir atrl nii.cty-fivj ciiit.-t, v.iiicii lie paid attu s;urted i ff satisfied Our I'f.itliijiitarj litis been oiu ar jLit.l lur u wtck past with u paiutui cufliuimle fti liis neck lVe.'J, we pitj jou, veti tlmiigli yi;ti utt cfiLe ".-till necked kind." J'ciiitilo I'iui; was expeeftd in ll.e cities ol New York and I'l.ilude'piiia husks, like swine, the hitter, since he last week and all the iiieiclianis j became a pit Hial, bud fared more sold their yOods at their lowe-t prices ; sutr pttumsly t ban ever. AV. C. Heuley, bcirnj ihere, puicliased j Mr. Druke then itlidrrr his amead a large sun k ui -nods l ir ilu; Holidays; j menf, and upon his Motion, in order to also u gund stock t nil kiuds of go-ids, ceuu tnite i;ine, tl(. till was laid aside, which he will be able Mu ll at the lowest ami the bi' f,r as. scci,,,,, to piomnlu prices, lie pure and call uud exam me 'the see ,, () , .fl-;,.jt.t seamen foi the bis stock ; they (Wt ehai-e aoythin- j nax c of ihe Uuiied States was cubstitu iur esliili.iii- guoda uud giving their ,ed. and passed. ',ic,;s I The Senate, a 3,30, went into cse- Auswers to (-lestions. ura', that . 4I5oy' of l' red's is u j;itl J. A. -V'e uiu'l Coiis'.ab, Jou't like .that (.facer u-jr. the Sheriff, hm wc do veuisou. J, II. Wilier has taken charge of the Yankee Sot'mi and News D cpartuictit in I'.ijJos' new jei'.o'ry store, lie sayo 'iat, tlioutfli (hey are carrying utF Iii stock eveiy day, I hey letKe hiiu uinney enough to rcphnUh wiib. Call uud isit xv i i li him The Mk.-saok. Altotigh we re ceived the uiessa;:e loo late lo lold iu our last issue, wc nevertheless mailed it it no 1'iidjy cveninn io our subscribers, j It was headed '-I'lesidents Message," "Supplinient " Our subscribers re ceiving it will know where it c uue from. flev, Isaao lireneiuuu, a Clergyman of the I.utLeran Church. sent out as a luissiouure aiuon; the Certnuu people of Elk county, xvlll pre. ch in ihe Ci.ur llouso Sunday, December 2ath4 preach ing in ihe (jerman lmiuae in the nior nin, aud the English lanuau'e in (he .evening, lie will preach at St, Marys, Monday eveuiui:, 20th. Where can I eta nice .hawl for ray mother and sister for a Christmas pres ent ? Whv ito lo llealv'a store : there jou will fiud tho nicest kind of 6hawl I eod ao et them at too lowest jneea- 'proved a failure, i jj ubititaling to) ion, WAsntaiov, Pro. 14. Memorials w presented by Messrs, Conkling nud Sherman, leptcscntinj? that nmny of the veternns of 1812 nre unw inmates of poor houses, and objects of cltaiiiy,, aiid praying lor pensions in their behalf. The Utilise resolution for a recess over this Clitislnms holiduys, from De criiilier 22 to January 4, was concurred in nes, SG ; nays, 1G. The bitl to provido a relief fund for employes iu the excoutive Departments of tin! L'ovevnincat was reported with nttieitdiiietit!) by Mr. Slicrtuanj, from the I'itjiitieo Conunittec. The bill wa.i laketi np, on motion o( Mr. Drake, and d.cuss;d for one hour by Missrs. ()(itiklin, Davis, Morion, I t'iiU Tipton, lowe, and Howell. The (petition turned upon the pro ptiety ol levying coiupuleory cootribu ions upon e'lvorniiicnt clerks to defray fune.al tspetises of deceased aseociates, and lot other pnposes. It was objected that the proposed lei.-iation could have til biiidinir ( ITteaey, and was bclidleing to the clerks. Mr. Duvis offered an amendment pro hibiting politico! assessments iu all offi ces. Mr. V,",lson Mibiuitfod aa a substitute fur tin amendment to the bill previously introduced by liiui, on the same sub-j,-et. .Mr. Prake pood hiimoredly indicated ti modification of Mr. Duvis' amend ment, to the diet that prohibitum should erase, as sunn as the Democratic party cuiiie into power. Laughter Mr. atilsbtiry remarked that the lossnti taught 1 lie Senator In. in Missouri, in his iivn t-'t'ite, bad doubtless opened hiiicxi's to ilni fict that the party, o! which l.e was so distiujiuiscd a mctiiber was tibout passing nut of existence, to make way lor a "reat national party. v.Meh, t:t..i!L'h tciiiporarily deleated by 'tait i and vinlence, was a-rain about to nnl iiu its time-honored (la above a te'ttiiicd country. He nould advi.-e his 'i t. t.d luake, while yet in time. to return, like il.e ptiHligui son uttutioDcJ in Scripture, to his fat Iter's house, confess 'hi: liimselt ij.i more worthy to be called I son. Mr Drake replied by nn alluson lo t p.-.i'.iahli; excluson of the Dctuocra ey In. in power until mine liir dis'aut ''V in l ti: lU'itre. In ivspouce fO Mr ;-.i.l.-'.mV he had only to say that i lie cip'uial irid:i.'i,l, aircr leaving hi I -i r ret s hU-e. cuiisuitied his substa.iice n riotous liviui, tud niter that he re I ' o'i 'i Tho Men. cr.l c roriy ol OUtil had left him, (I) ake.) audtpem its sul.'stauaiiee l.t I iu!oi:s living, treason "'"1 " aamst i he troveruuieitt, and Xti.i u bv renMin of their ,uiro i i.n,. , - J n beiii reduced tu (tediii'' ou bush -ud l.ai upeiiied, be would receive flu ui bsek. Never would he go baci ' thetll. .'It. haulsbury said the parallel of the pr.'diyaj sou d. l uot bold good in m. anieular in reference to AI r. i'l-ake ; bit, xxhile the turner, after Ieax- n' (he lalhei's house, had to feed upon cuave session, and ten unuutea later ad. jourued. Tije persons having charge cf Ihe collection of local taxes on unseated fai.de iu their tespective townships, are 'mpesled to make return of said lan.s the Cotjituissiiiiior's ..Sloe, in lliifpnay i a , foi ih with. As the owners nf lands ac paxin.u' their t-ixe-., aud uules so K tuiLid the 1 cal taxes will be lost. Wc were provoked over the bad winking of g portion of the insido tf our paper lust week. Xone but printers will ever kuow what mortification it caused us, and it seemed as if the old Devil not the printers Devil propelled Those who are looking for Christmas (iifts for their friends, should not for pet to call and see Holes' new stock of Jewelry, and the Toys kept by Wilher; the; stand ou the rieht and left and ure always rea 1 y to serve customers. Ilnve yot ordered your "Yankee Washing Machine?'' If there iu any branch of dmnestie labor (hat is drudge and gives an unrest to an koasehold, it is aasbitif aud aasKtag day; and if there is any branch of aieehanism that has baMcd the uiitenius and thtu ftr mLi.a ei t.u Mmiuim.mniiBgwMi it ch'uii ry to take il.a pUa i of hand la. tor in Ibis tho tost ktbovioui ol ho'tn hoM duties; ia fact, every parret is filled ith old w.-hinp macl in trumpery usclesa front ihe ery 8H and people have been led to lelieia from tbM fail ures that titer i ito other way only hand labor, siint on's self ia a w.isH tub and rubbing lite bide off every fin per at each niaeeedint; waK diy. It ntlly seems itraiiK that iajemiity has not overcnaic tltes dilliaHltit and re ieved onicn i sotti airaaur from (his hardship. It hs aitpplied mowing, reap in;.', ralnr;? and pitehinijt laohines, fr farmers; it h, i place of th old. tedi ous upripht u and iia sarrotindinus, sukstituted tlte tircnlar, hea'lbbicis. raw sets, putniitcts, JLe.. kt all ot bieK facilitate lahor, and are of ;reit vbis, but in thit branch of household dntiea. no iniiroi'enictit hav beea made ainee Koah's wile washed her dml ia the Aik and dried them on deck. It i claimed that thi "Tankea Ma chirc" ateeta all ll: reqairements, and from wha; we baveaeea and eard, art in the full I eliaf that it it a ft. Call on Mr. Schram, Mr. Messen ger, Ure. VVhitmor, Mrs. Cummi. who have tetted these machines, and se what they eay. If it is a fact that these machines ill accomplish the same work in one-th'ird of the time saving sub stantially all the '"wear and t ar" of ar jjeiils, then it seems folly tu o ui'iniie in the old track, because we 1 ave said and believed there was no a ay but the old way. Buy one of these "Yankee M 1 chines," by all means, if they will ac complish one-third of what is claimed for th on. Go and see one at all events, as that will cost you nothing. Gourde l'.mih, of Kersey, is the f. rtuimte owner of the right fir Klk and Jefferson Couuiiea. Call at 'f itu's, in Centreviilc, and see one. The County Commissioners of Klk County a ill meet at their office, in lltdu way, a Dn. 19;h C. M. McC.m i.kt. CVrk. ILUirJZD. IIAMBLKIN -SOUGH On the evcuin ot the 8di iust., at. Vilcux, l'a., oy the Kev. J. Hienneui:iu,Mr. Ji'l.us Hamulmn, to .'-iss .Maroauct Soveb, b ith of Wilcox. This is NO PATEFT MKDiCINE HL'M BL'ti. poiten up In dupe the re-iiornnt uml credulou. nor is it tepiesetiie l as heing "eomposfd of rare and precious suhsiances broii(fltl from the four corners of the enith, cniried sctu im.es aceross the tlrnt Desert ul j.hi,rrnh on the hacks ol' fourteen camels, aa.l Lronthl serosa :he Atlatilie Ocean an tea f-hips." It is a mp't milil iuoimui) utmtmj, a ftrfttl .V.c)r lur Calm rh anj "Lolil in Ihe head." nlso for ohVnsive Ureaili. Loss or itiipii aient ot the Sense of Saiell, Taste or llearint. Wslei in-' or r.eak fyes, l'a' or Fresmre in the Head, when ou eil, as they all not tiufreqtieiiily are. ky the vtnleace of I'aiarrh 1 ofler in food f.ith, a aunding Mew.ird of i-jIKJ for a case of Catarrh '.hat I cannot cure. FOR SVI.1C KV MOST DRUGGISTS CVCKrWKkKS Fa tea SO Cist. enl ky mail, post tmi 1, on receipt of ixtt Ci.M. Four packagaa lor $i(X) or p l)oin I'nr $"o0 Send a two cent stamp for Ir. Pajre's lauiphlet on Catarrh. Addreas the I'ro. P'inor, K. Y. I'iaaa, m. d., Iirtii.1, N. Y. BRIDE, B"BCK1 THE 6UBSCK1I5KRS ARK READY Tu furnish brick in quantities to auit purchas ers. Will deliver on hoard of car aaika Daugaschoanda Railroad at larlry. T. KING A CO. Barley July 12. 1870. 8m CAUTION. Whereas Ihe imurnDsr con duct of my wif. Koxy, has mam it uecces aary for aclf proleciitn, that we live gener al, and thus having left ber ia pocsecaiou of premises and personal proper I v. I here by forbid all persons trusting her on my account or purchasing peiaonal properly left wiia ber, as I shall rav uo debta of her eoatracling after thia data. SA.VLIL LEWIS, RiJgway Rovmber 24th 1870. J OB WORK in witk dinatek at !.;. raru. viiwt;aaaMjLUi!uuaiJBauaiML'iiJiaa-UJ!a TEB CELEBRATED XawC7S3 OKIODE (iULU WATCHES, $12, $15. $10, $25. DURINO the pust fouryeitrs our Watches have been an tliorouglilje tusled, that lor iippvamnce, aijl ol tiiiisU, hud aeourcy of time-kcepitig, t he Garard Watches' areuniieraa'ly Kecedeil ,tj be the best They return llieir brilliancy anil color un til worn out. Vji.U ftfler pitrchMin and fairly try ing, uiiy'on ia uot tully siitiafiacl, w will clieerlittly reloml lite money. jr."iL,Tiiy ara ll Hunlinj Caies, Oentle iiien'a ami Luilivit' siies. tvery Viuluh guiirantaeU tor ttuia ami waar, by special cerlilio it ia-i. large sorlmenl "Improved Oriode1 Clonus, t'i to ia. Alko, (Jeuilvtuea'a uud tultas' Jo.liy ia gra.U v.nly. lWi,13..i o'' limtittious. Urdtr di re "lioiw in or our auiliorned Aleuts. AewU auil oil. ara applying tor circulara ill plv.ksa utiiwa luiaa cuul alikiup lur pus an. ..tJooJ sent to r.a paid for oa delivery, t Usloliiar pl'lllllllnl tu xiuiii Wllikt tiny oi.ler (lift. in pi bil.;, ou puyuiaJt of hipii cli. ' bum U'Vtlia .i.V h tticUua ra oidarad at once, wulkvuJa sn- S atca (ui aoui kiud) tf. tfl'uiek tears Maiding at aorce diatanc fro. iipr ollioa, au i ileatrtug In '! tiiua an! xeuxs, tta u it, g.to4 beul by Mwii, Oy i tiuillni j Ub In oriler Ilieauoiuui i..k. by 1. U. Money oriler, rvgiai i.Usr, Ji...l wt' vueva. paylii. lo our vruer, ilatrrii. Auiiress piaiuly, jamks i; Kit vi & co., 1'. O. ii i a.U'Jl. 2x' York. Si Aau Mratt. 5 3m GOLD! GuLD! GOLD IIAUNEiS ! UA li.E: HAUNTS! COLliAtlS ! COJLLAUJ! COLLAKS! IIZAr.O ?;VTZLL, havo renicved their ii.ii uvss iii.p over coweil & Kiutt'g 3lola aiiu nave ou uauU lue ebi'est nssm tin jut ol' Im i noos lur lumbering ik.ei pleasui o pur poses, m luis or a ljuiuoig cutiiilies, uud u.i oilier uruulea beioutuj lo I tie liauc. TKLIXXS, SADDLES, VALISKS, Viail6, IJi.A.MvLX?, COij LAJkJ u.0. Would invite the aiuaiiaa of ail owuurs horses lo uty uv i'ATEM' LiiAsno oor.x house CUi.t.AU, which proves tj be li.e best Collu.- iu ixisletiee lor these leus.ms: bcin very Eiasti liny uo uot cli.uc or g.nl una. the oik bctu a iiou cjuuuctur, il.ey pieveut isjuiy liutu bcut. Cull and sea in. m. All work warranted Kepaiiu, inuiiu and CpliolslcilLig doue a u he Lcalne.-s aud dispatch. lib; AUI) Ji DOW ELL. n29 tl OKFHAN'3 COuUTSALE The under .iiuvd. Aduiia.ii'rtior of liiv efliula of ' .1 i e. .-.!, iaisot' Llm C..uni, ailleipo J ii. skit I j 1 1. Li.e Ki.i.ke, or utiiety, ki the. , Colin liutt.e, ia Uu.way, ou Muiul .y , Jan uary t.M, ICI. i, utuOUltlV., p lit, :! l'u 111- . ui .t ol ...u .il.iil I i .ll. ilio d, io- .i: la lb aui lour or less, b oi iit.l purl ui . ii.i ul bbud sttuata iu Fun ip., I'.lu (..j, a .i'i a.iti 1 4 bi.a u.i.uc Atirrni i' tar . .-il. ii-o vli'v. ol l..ia, ui.it; la.l part ul - -J..1 1, iu u. ly, ii.u lid 1UU aerrs, uior. or i, pi of i4.rAiit No llM. iu k'oa .p, i.u iiU ViariKUt "ito Z7w. iu If ui 1 p, Cu, vouia.uiiig i yj avian, inuia or la 4upitnj imuaiala and iuiuiii; rt.Ua uiu t ..iinui No 4J7U, uiFoKi'pi r'' - a i.u ..iii.i;' J.i J uurea exuepliog uiiuvr.tl aud uiiuiu i rights jAilj A ft.. Ks.VLl., tda Aduiiniatraior .Nut leu is I. cieO) gixeu Uiul litt ers ot AdifiiUislluiloii ou lb Estate ol L. L. Ziuiim ruiau, l.ta ot Vox Jowuship, Elk Co no') lVuusUama, deceased, have bceu ur.uted to lue uuJesrsij ned. Ail persona iudwpted to said Estate are requested to vail aud siiliia, aud thus having viaiiii aaiut the Estate will present ttitui tioiy aulheniieaied lor be.' ileiueut. JOilX GUEEW, Aduiiuiatrator, asTxni.iiiani 1830. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' Cam I SaT7i! Saws! SUPhliiOKTO ALL OIHER3. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish ing', uud Machinery. Se9Ga: ike Xtli thej will prove the cheap est. Prices reduced. Send for price List and Circulars, WELCH A GRIFFITHS, Bests a, 2tM., 9t Datroit Hi:! 61y. The moat rempletr nualntaa 1 la;e inlhe Iniud Mulei, Affording facilities for acquireing a thorotipli practical business education. posessedhy no other School in thecountry Since its incorporation in 185-5. nearly SixteenTliousnnd r iudeois. representatives from every Stat in the C'nion, have ailonded here. No vacations. Student enter at anr time, and receive private iuslruciions throughout lb entire eourae. T. B. Circulars with full particulars and all aeoeea ary information, oa addressing SMITH t COWLKT, Prinoipala, WaitBj tk. TUB OLDYiT PA?X 1 TH.Z COUNTY, IIAVIXO THE LARGEST CIRCU LATION', IT 13 TIlliRliFORU THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN TOE COUNTY ! Jt-otfi to tlsf 3Jtrvc.?t c f t 2f ?U TEr.l.:3:-$2 03 PES 73A2. 1RING ALONG YOUR ADVHIv TISE.MENTS AND GET TU JM INSERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATIM. If you want to sell anything, let tlx people know it through the Adtoc.ite tho great advertising medium. She i!i aduncate Job Printing GT&c In Court House, Ridgway, Ta. The best work dona, aid at tata -very loweat prix Blauks kepi tonstaatly laaai ai thiaclt. Hand bills printed at tha iierrawt atti. Call ia and get our prite for adrar! ing andjobbiog. Satisfaatioa warraattd Orders by mail promptly alUaied tr Acsiiii . 0. rarriM, BMWT, t A. 9)0,1.00 CUSTOMERS WAN! ED. w At tho new Masonio Hall Ruilding. STOVES at prices that will pleas of all deiirabl kinds. TIN-AY A RE of every kind on hand at allimss. Spccinl attention given lo Wholesale or ders. Price list furnished to dealers on application. SIH.ET-T1X AND COPFEI WARE House furnishing goodaa great variety. STEAM AND WaTF.U riPElNO, rUMrS, FIMILNQ AND HUNTING TACKLE, such aa KODS BAS KETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CAPS, POWDER, So. Jo. ALL ORDERS FOR GUN WORK Promptly attended to. BIRD CAGLSA NICE VARIETY ROOFING, GUTTERS, SFOUTS. of Tin, Galvanized Iron and Copper nul every kind of HOUSE AND JCD WORK done on short notice and warranted, AGL'NOY cf Henry Dis.-:tons celebrated saws. Orders for savrs nt fastory prices solicited, also for repairing. Information and price list fu. nishcd on application.' PAPER P..VGS, OLD KO?E, OLD coiTEn, muss, pew ter, LEAD, IRON, ceeswax, heavy hides, deaicon skins. s:;e::p pelts, green backs, national bank NOTES, U. S. BONDS &e. ttilccn iii txclimi-je fur Couth or If 'or A vln20t W S. SERVICE Ilidgway, March 1st, 1870 SPECIE PAYMENT! GOLD OR GREENRACKS TAKE1 IN EXCIIANG8 FOR WAGONS on JOB WORK AT THE RIDGWAl WAGON SHOP. Call und examine my slock beforo buing a Lumber or I'leasute Wagon. I use the best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY; I employ none but Pint Cltss Mj chanifi; I use nothing but the lest Refuted Iron. I think it will be to your interest to pivo me your order. Having twenty five lumber wagons in course of costruction, I will be able to furnish any party by the first of April. All oidew by mail, also any orders left with W. S. Sebvici at tha Tiu Shop, will receive prompt attention. S. JACKSON WEAVER TO TUS NERVOUS & DEBILITATED WHOSE SUFFERING HAVE BEEN !RO TRACTED FROM HIDDEN CAUSED, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE PUOA1FT TItE.lTjriEJfT TO RENDER EXISTENCE DES1RABLB If vou are eufTerintr or hnra aof fered, liotu involuntary discharges, Wb ' effect (hie it M'tn..rt itnnti i-hhi- general health ? Do you fcel xvoak, iia- ointuiea, easily tired r Does a lui a urn cxernoo prouuee palpation ol t.'.a heart? Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kioueys. Ireuu. ti.' et out of order ? Is your urine si.-hh. lutes thick, milk v or ilockv. or ,f ropv on sett in-' J1 Or A nnn ti t ii ai skuiu r.se to the top? Or is asediuit . at tne bottom utter it has stood ax-. 1 1 : lb you have spells of short biea r dvsneiisia? Ari? x-onr hm.. s.ipated? Do you have spells of lan;'i.. r. or rustics in oiooj to tlie licai! " 1 ui.uU :T u.' 1 ol M 1 your memory iutpaired ? Is you constantly nweliins on the subji you l eel dull, listless, iiionui", i company, of lil it ? Do you wish alone, lo pet away from cverv'.i Dues an v lilt o thin" imL-n v.,.. . ..t or jumn ? Is vour sluen hi L i. .. restless? Is tho lustre of your nriiiiunt: I he lilnom ot vour e!,. . bright? Do you enjoy your-i ,i .u . . ciety as Well f Uo you puts-.i; y,jt business with the saute etirr 'v '' l' ," . . t'-iel us much eoulideueo in v. .i,.-! ? Are our i-pirits dull and ii .. in.vr, I t. iven to his of nielem.-holy ? I; , not lav it to vour lixvr or i-.,, Have vou restless tii-'hts? V.i .r wruk. and have but little sptiei, .you urtiioure tins to elys.,M. v livcr-comj.laiut? Now, reader, self-abuse, r,"; iiscase badly cured, and sexuu! et ire all capnVe of proJucit..' a v.v .,..-( of liio generative organs The a. f the mention, when in nerii-i-r , make liio man. Did you ever r that those bold, defuut, cm-r,r persevering busi.icse-uieii are a;.v tho-o whoss gcusr.it ive or .'ansa-j . pcri'ect health? You nevjr he,.--uc!i men complain of being iin.;n 'iioiy, of nervousness, of nalp itati. n .; 'he heart. Tiiey arc never air.iid tbt cannot, succeed in business; they d.m ', iu eoiue sad and uise.itir.,r..d ; they always- polite n.-.d pljasint in company of ladies, una look you and llinu rig.i'i in the face nune of y nir do.vii.-ii looks or any other meanness nbo.u iheu. I do not mean those who keep the orgi us inflated by running to escess. These will not only mi l their consti tutions, but also those they do busiaesj with or for. How r.inney mn. from badly cured dis eases from t!:e clip's ul' seU'abu.rO uud excesej, lmvo brntt;;!.!, uhmit tli.it st ite of xveakness ill l!i,.u or;;uiis thitl ha rctuecda the general system si tuuoli ns to indite ahiKist every ntiier dise'.J.- i liu j pj-. 'ilysts spinal aiieLtioiH, siiichlo, uud .-.L.toii -.-very other form .f .lissao which ha inanity is heir 1 1 n.i t t!u real e.:a,e of the trou't.l.. s.-:r;e!y ever su-;iecte.l, aui aave doctored i'or all bat the right ouo. DISEASE OF THESE OR3.VN3 R2QUIH THE USE OF A DIUUETIC. 8 ,f7 ISLlBOiB'S ill FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIXJ ISTIIEGlt-' DIUniTI, AMD 13 A CUT AW cuat ion. disease op i'na BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEV. DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAK NESS, FEMALE COMLALXTS, GENF.R VL DEBILITY. And all oilier dise.n-j of Hie Urinary Or. (Tans, whether esisiing in MtLB or F15.H xlb troia whatever cau-e origiiwiing, and 1, mailer how long standing lfn) treatment is sub-nittel tn su'iipiion or insanity 111 ly etivia. Oae and llesli blood are supported fro 11 thes sources, nud the health and li.ippiuejs, on 1 that of Posterity, depends uuuu prom at use of a reliable reuudv. IlEMliOLD'S EXTllACi' BUCIIU, establU ailed upward of 1!) years, prepared hy ll. T. HULMBOLt) DRUGGIST, 501 BaoADWAV, Xnv Yhbk as 104 Soulb 10th Street, PhilaJdphl l a. m K foib,5 J, delivered to any address. Soto bt Ait DacootaTS evejitwhiei NONE ARE OEMU1NE UNL.EsVdOI3 UP is nut .NttaAvnn waipp.n. wlTn U0XIa..VUNIICiL WARr'