ClPf. KIND'S BCH1E0 TIIEASURE8. A Cheat Exhumed on the aatcrn Hhore ef J,on Inland-The Finite' ICnnqnet n jjarillner'a Island A Diamond la a Well. It ia a well-established fact that the eastern end of this island" ultiimt Mm." b Mrs- Sigourney very properly stylus that region iu one ot her moBt chaining poems and particularly the adjacent Gardiner's Island, wag a favor ite rendezvous of Capt. Kidd j and such being the case, and also that the pirates ulways buried their plunder, it is rea sonable to presume that much treasure lies hidden underground in this neigh borhood. Coin and jewelry have been found from time to time, but in piece meal, so that the "lead," as tbey say in the mines, has not been struck yet, and remains to bo discovered. Some years back a chest, containing coin and valu ables, undoubtedly deposited by the pi rutes, was exhumed on the islaud. Ttiis is a historical fact. That the shores at the eastern end or t.iil of the topographicitl fish formed by the island have bteu the receptacle of the treasures of the great pirute chief tain there can be no doubt none at least to a synthetical mind from the tact that discoveries have been made, and that the neighborhood was a favor ite rendezvous of Kidd and his meny men. It is related that once, flushed with victory, Capt. Kidd ran into Gardiner's Island and requested the host 88 to rotst him a pig. Now, pigs were by no means numerous on the island at that period, and this demand of the pirate was un reasonable, even for him. If Mr. Gardi ner hud been at home, it is likely he would have talked the captain out of this whim J but he had suiled early in the morning on a voyage along the southern coast of Long Isltind, and pro bably would not return for two days. Mrs." Gardiner, fearing to rouse the cap tain's anger by a refusal, ordered the killing and roasting of a sboat, and that night the captain and his crew were feasted on roast pork, and doubtless made merry, as thoy remained on the island throughout the night. In the morning, when his craving was no longer for roust pig, the captain, who is said to have been a privately commis sioned officer of the Eughsh king, and whom all accounts agree in pronouncing a gentleman, remembered the reluctance with which Mrs. Gardiner had complied with his request, and sought to compen sate her for the sacrifice. Mrs. Gardiner, however, would accept neither gold nor jewels ; and the captain bethought him self of tru-ans to reward her in a way the would not decline, lie half resolved, it is related, to plunder some New Eng land sett'.rment of its pi!S, and present them to Mrs. Gardiner. He determined not to leave the island till he had satis fied his conscience that ho had amply recompensed Mrs. Gardiner for the pig, which, we f.tney, must have produced indigestion. At length a plan oocurri d t him. He had in his pocket a costly diamond, which he had taken from u French nobleman on a previous cruise, and this ho slyly placed in the bottom of the well-bucket before embarking. The sun was directly overhead when 3Ii s. Gardiner sent her little daughter, a golden-haired, rosy-cheeked girl of cix or ho, to the well for a pot of water. The child was struck with the brilliancy of what appeared to be a drop of water remaiuing in the bottom of the bucket as she lowered it, and was so surprised upon drawing it up and emptying it, to find that the crystal drop ull shone, that she involuntarily called for her mother, who, alarmed, hastened to tho spot. Mrs. Gardiner, too, was surprised at the effect, but soon found what had produced it. This singular discovery" of the diamond puzzled her lor a while, when bIio recollected having seen tho pirate chieftain stop at the well on his way to his ship, and with a woman's in tuition sho needed no explanation. IirofHyn (.Y. Y.) Union. Picture of a California Home. A correspondent of the Pacific Coast Woman 8 Journal, writing Irom lubu City, furnishes the following pen pic ture of a beautiful California home: Pil'ty-tive milts from the bay-window where we write, the snow-covered heads ot the Sierra Nevada Mountains stand out clear and Bharp against tho eastern sky. Here in the foot-hills, fuschias, geraniums and roses are bright with half-open buds und blossoms. In the closet are crisp, hard quinces of last year' crop ; along tho borders the quince-trees are thickly covered with blossom?. Tho pure.-t crystal waters come leaping from the hearts of the hills, and all tho meadows laugh with tho gayest-colored flowers. Humming birds and swallows, callii-lilies and ver benas, oran .re-trees, limo-trecs, leiuon trees, are all mixed up in sweet confu sion. Yonder aro olive-trees in porpet ual green, and a littlo further, Euglish walnuts and grapevines, with leaf-buds fast swelling. The npplo-trers do not believe summer time has come, ana pa tiently bide their time and season, but peaches and apricots and nectarines aro tossing to the breeze sweetest pertumes. Fig-trees generously give three crops a year, and in these early March days htve pushed out all along their naked arms hundred:) of figs as large as an in fant's thumb. Pomegranates, almonds, and Newton pippins grow in tho same border a peaceably as if they hud been life-long friends. Oleander and swoet cassia tree are from ten to twenty feet high, out of doors all winter. Down the garden walk I see blackberries, rasj- berries, currants, and gooseberries. There, also, are half-grown strawberries, In the vegetable gardens the beet, car rot, and cabbage do not seem to know when summer leaves off, and so they keep on growing all the year, until sur prised out of all propriety by being rudely pullod and thrust into market. Down the hill slopo there is one acre of catfalfit und red clover six inches high which gives three crops, and furnishes an average of fight tons a year ot sweet and tender hay. Around theta boulder rocks aro erapevinos that every year re joice in ten-pound clusters of perfect fruit. A littlo further along, ugainst the fence, is a seven-yer-old vine, thiee fet high, with three or lour snort arms from its head, that annually bt ara 1U0 pounds of grapes There is a'patch of raisin grapes, three years old, the old wood, three inches iu diameter, headed three feet from the ground, with trian gular frames around them to support the fruit. After the children, and chick ens, and wasps had picked at them last year, they yielded ten pounds each of perfectly luscious dried raisins. The quality and quantity of pears, plums, and cherries ia to us so marvelous we dare not risk our reputation for truth-. fulness by repeating tnn items as tuey were told to us. Around the east porch It a solitary rose-bush, trained iu fes toons, reaching over seventy feet at that point cut back, because it was en croaching upon the rights of its neigh bor, who was ambitious to share the honor of crowning this sweetest of mountain homes with buds and blos soms. The owners of this paradise are working people. The wife is mnillv at homo iu the kitchen, nursery, or chicken-yard, at the piano or in the parlor. The husband is tho son of a Puritan sire, and a pioneer Californian, who, in addition to his daily work, has used tho early morning hours to transform this rocky hillside into a fruitful flower crowned paradise. The I'll cue m rim of Earthquakes. In earthquakes we Bee tho conserva tive agency of fire culled in to counter act the destructive acency of water. VVind and rain, heat and cold, are con tinually at work rending in pieces Bnd grinding down the solid rock J the dis integrated portions of rock form the soil of tne lowlands, and this in its turn is eaten away by running streams, swept down by heavy rains, to be cankd by the rivers and deposited in the sea. It is thus that the shujlowsand great river deltas are formed ; and the materials so brought down are gradually by the ac tion of the waves distributed over the bed of the ocean. This action, if suffered to continue without interruption, would in time level tho highest mountain ran ges j and in the place of a varied surface of land and water there would be a uni form shallow sea covering the whole earth. Here tho working of fire steps in to counteract the destructive agency of water. It acts suddenly and with ter rific force, and therefore it is more noted und more feared than the work which is done so silently and slowly, yet so irre sistibly, by the gentle flow of rivers. Of one thing we are sure, that they are caused by the internal heat of the eurth. lney usually occur in volcanic regions; they are frequently accompanied by vol canic eruptions; during their continu ance flames are said to burst from tho earth, springs of boiling water rise from the soil, and new volcanots have been raised as their result. We know that at a comparatively small depth below the surface of the globe there is a tempera ture very far exceeding anything which we experience at the surface. nether we accept the hypothesis of a vast cen tral lire, or consider that this heat is generated by chemical action or by elec tric currents, we know that there are stored up beneath our feet vast reser voirs of beat. What gases are stored under pressuro in the cavities of the earth we know not. But we know that the increased expansive force of an elas tic fluid under a comparatively small in crease of temperature would be sufficient to rend asunder the solid rock and pro duce the effects we see. Perhaps a fis sure 60 opened may admit water to the heated nucleus, there to be instantly converted into steam with vast increase of volume. This exerting enormous pressure ugaiiiht tho rocky walls of the cavity in which it is formed causes a wave of compression in tho zone of the rock immediately surrounding it, and this wave is propagated onward through the rock, just as a wave travels through water. The confined fluid strikes the walls of its prison chamber a fierce blow, and this causes a shudder to run through the cai vh, which passes along the surfuce as a shock, whose intensity is the only measure we have of the forces causing it. The 1'tftpW) Magazine. Impression. If a wafer be laid on a surface of pol ished metal, which is then breathed upon, und if, when the moisture of the breath has evaporattd, tho water be shaken off, we shall find taut the whole polished surface is not as it was before, although our senses can detect no dif ference ; for if wo breathe again upon it, tho surface will bo moist everywhere except on the spot previously sheltered by the wafer, which will now appear as a spociul image on tho surface. Again and again we breathe, and tho moisture evaporates, but still the spectral wafer reappears. This experiment succeeds after the lupso of many months, if the metal be carefully put aside whero its surface cannot be disturbed. If a sheet of paper, on which a key has been laid, bo exposed for some minutes to the sun shine, and then instantaneously viewed in the dark, the key being removed, a fadiug spectre of the key will be visible. Let this paper be put usido for many months, where nothing can disturb it, and then iu darkness be laid on a plate of hot mttel, the spectre of the key will again appear. In the case of bodies moro highly phosphorescent than paper, the spectres of many different objects which may have been laid on in succes sion, will, on warming, emergo iu their proper order. This is e qually true of our bodies and minds. We are involved iu the universal metamorphosis. Noth ing leaves us wholly as it found us. Every man we meet, every book we read, every picture or landscape we s?e, every word or tone wo hear, niiujrles with our being and modifies it. On the Itegiiinini: of Novels. An interesting essny might be written, we think, on the best method of begin ning a novel. Most authors, us far as our observation goes, follow one of three plans they begineither chronologically or philosophically, or else plunge at once in media rat. Those who adopt the iirst method, if their hero is of noble birth, begin with the Norman Conquest, and give a rapid sketch of the exploits of his ancestors from that date , if but a com mon man, they are satisfied with the history of his grandparents on both sides. Tbosa who follow the philosophical method, us", of course, a great many ad jectives with capital letters, and rapidly become incomprehensible to their read ers ; while those who plunge into their subject at once often find it advantage ous to turn spe dily to tho chronological ordi r. How often doi s a novel begin somewhat after this fashion: "John," suid Mrs. Bennett, "shut the door." " Now Mrs Bennett was a widow lady. Her grandfather was a gentleman of ousy f ji tune," &o. There is a good deal to be said for such a style of composition. It is always pleasant to be taken without any tedious introduction right into one's story ; at the s tine time it is convenient to be informed at once who everybody is, and who are everybody's parents and grandparents. A novel of this kind sat isfies both these requirements; we are at once introduced to Mrs. Bennett as she is iu the very act of giving a simple but severe command, and the next moment we are informed who Mrs. Bennett is. Saturday ReeUit. Miss Thompson, ordained to the min istry at the late Michigan Universalis t State Convention, isdescribtd as the most graceful woman orator ia the country. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. Sheltered ORfciiAnps. Itmusthavo struck all of us as remarkable that thero should be two successive years such ex cellent fruit Beasons us there has been the two past ones. It has bt en very un fortunate for rival systems of fruit grow ing. Fruit has been produoed equally well under the best systems, under care less management, and under no system at all. Along fenco-rows, in gardens, and in orchards, everybody has had fruit. 1 How nice it is to be so favored of na ture I We cannot expect it always to be bo. It may bo worth while to inquire why it has been so, and try to imitate the favorable circumstances which have brought so much fruit about. It is quite likely that much of this good fortune was due to the comparative ly mild winters of tho past two years, and in the absence of cold dry winds in the spring of each year. Cold, dry weather ia very destructive to the health of trees. Of course everything living contains moisture. A dry stick has no life. Whatever has moisture parts with it in a dry time, and there are few things so drying as a high wind under a low temperature. Thus the sap, under euch circumstances, is drii d out of a piece of living wood much faster than the roots can supply it in winter, and in such cases the flower buds, being tho largest and best developed, are the first to suffer. If, therefore, we would prevent this in jury, wo must plant the orchard where cold, dry wintry winds have little effect on it j or if we have not the power of selecting such sheltered situations, we must (shelter it by artificial means. In the far West, where con tin m d ex posure to prairie winds has brought un der notice more prominently the evils of dry cold, which follow these gales, pro vision to shelter the orchard is now com monly held as a part of the proci ss of planting. A belt of evergreens is now a general feature of a fruit garden. In our own climate, though winds are not so severe as on the prairies, we 6hall still find protection belts a great advan tage where there aro no natural woods already favoring us. It is worth reflection that these belts of timber are not only profitable in tho shelter they offord the fruit trees, but pay for themselves in an incredibly Bhort space of time by tho timber they afford. Only a few days ago the writer of this passtd through a piece of land, about ten acres, which, fifteen years ago, was waste, but now covered with pines about twenty-five feet high. This piece is in the city limits of Philadelphia, and could have been sold ut that time for 200 per acre. The trees are now most of them over three feet in circumference, though standing very thick, and if now cut down for firewood would bring over ten per cent, per annum profit, over all expenses; besides, the land could be sold for a largely increased price. Yet the whole cuBt was under ten dollars for the seed, which was simply sown on tho rough ground. Some might say thtt tifteen years was a long time to wait, but there has never been u year since these pines grew up that this increased annual interest could not have been readily obtained on the prospects of tho wood alone. Of course this consideration would have no weight in those districts where wood is abundant, or where shelter for orchards naturally exists ; but there are numbers who are not so situated, and whom these remarks may aid. Formtf I'rexi. Treatment of Cows ix Winter This, from an essay by J. M. Case, of Cold (Spring, Wisconsin, is sensible ad vice: "As a matter ot economy and comfort, the stable should be kept warm ; should prefer a temperature of about 00 degrees, btock require less tood m warm than in cold stable s. They should be well ventilated and kept clean. The manure should be removed each day to a pile or compost heap, some little dis tance from the stable. We find the best way of removing is to use a wheel-bar row with a large wheel, lho Hoor on which the cows stand should be of eurth rather than plank. A mixture of clay and sand, covered with a thin coat of sawdust, or refuse straw, is very good. The trough for the drippings should be made ot plank und tit: lit, bo as to pro vent the filtering of tho urine. In stormy weather the cows should be kept in the stalls, but in weathi r that is suit able they should be let out three or four hours a day tor exercise. It possioie, we would arrange it so as to give water twice a day in the stable. It this can not bo done in very cold weather, we would feed in the morning before turn ing out, in order to lessen tho quantity ot cold water thoy would drink on com ing out of tho warm stable. A free use of the currycomb would add much to the comfort and appearance of the stock, especially in tho spring. Special care will be urcessary to keep clear of ver min, or their tortures will lessen seri ously the receipts of the dairy." Animal Instinct. The instinct of animals is sometimes really surprising. There was once in tho possession ot farmer in Cloumel, a goose that by ac cident was left without mate or offspi ing, male or female. Now it chanced that the good wife had set a number of duck's eggs under a hen, which in due time were incubated, and ot course tho duck' lings took to water, at which the moth erly old hen was in o sad pucker her muteinity urged her to follow the brood, and her sellibhnets to remain on dry land In the meantime up sailed the goose with clack and clutter, which in terpreted '-Let me take ctre of them." She swam up and down with the young sters, aud when they were weatied of their aquatio excursions recommitted them to tho guardianship ot the hen In the morning down came the ducks, thero was tho goose, and the hen in great flustiation. On this occasion we do not know if the goose invited the hen for a friendly sail, but it is a fact that, being near the shore, the hen jumptd upon her back, and in company they cruised up aud down, as it were, convoying the leathered Uutula. JJay by day the ben, on board tho goose, might be soen. in perfect content and good humor. Numbers of people came to visit this extraordinary occumnce which happened day after day until the juvenile excursionists ai rived at the days of discretion, aud no longer needid the services of " goose and lien pilots, in btructore," etc. This is what a California paper says of the Legislature of that State : " This mud volcano of ours, which gets in oper ation bienuially und pollutes the whole atmosphere by its lout exhalations, throws up more laws at one eruption for tho unhappy-halt million ol people who reside within the limits of California than the British Parliament, which has to reg ulate the concerns of an empire that con tains rising one hundred and eight mil lion souls. A man named Henry Riohardson has been put under bonds in New York to answer a charge made against him that he was a manufacturer ot headless fowls, and guilty of a cruelty to a common fowl, generally known as a rooster, by cutting off its bill or beak, piercing out and de stroying both of its eyes, taking a portion of its brain out, pulling the feathers from the head and neck and then skinning the same, after which the skin was drawn up so as to make the said rooster appear head less. According to the testimony, Kich ardson was in the common practice of performing this operation upon roosters, which were sold for the purpose of public exhibitions, and the unfortunate fowls, after undergoing the operation, lived iu great pain and torture for periods rang ing from one week to two months. He wus bound over to answer. LITERARY NOTICES. Frank Leslie's Illustrated News- papek, the oldest ns well as best of the picto rial papers, presents every week an illustrated history of lho times from the pencils ol the best artists, both at home nuil nuronu. By mall. $4.00 a year. Frauk Leslie, Publisher, 5o7 I'uarl-st., New York. Frank Leslie's Boys' and Girls' Weeklt is hecoraine the liivorito among the yonutrer fulke, on uccount of its attractive Mo no., sKctehcs, puzzles, ete. It is unnilsoiuely Illustrated. liy mail, &i.50 a year. Frauk Leslie, Publisher, 5o7 Pearl-st., Ncy York. The Chimney Corner. Among the new etorles announced iu this popular weekly nre"My Father's Wile : or. Due Flse Slep Demands Another," liy the celebrated Eimll.-h authoress, Annie Thomas; and "The Toad iiin," by another lavonte writer. I he shorter stories and sketches In the Chimney Corner are nil of the most Interesting character. A series of beautiful turomo-lithoftraphs will be distributed gratis among the subscribers to the Chimney Corner during the months ot Decem ber and Jauuaiv. Bv limit, ?4.00 ft year. Frank Leslie, Publisher, 537 Pearl.Bt., New York. Frank Leslie' Lady's Magazine. The December number of this unrivalled lady's magazine contijns n large double-page colored tushiou-pluic, besidu a line I'our-pagu engraving, exhibiting twenty-four figures, em bracing all the latest styles ot cveuing, car riage, and walking il'tsses, with full descrip tions of the same. There arc also numerous designs ol the latest styles in hats, bonnets. cloaks, and everything pertaining to a lasuion ablc oil! lit. Added to this are some titty pncs of readable stories nud miscellany, the whole profusely Illustrated, making this magazine par excellence the tjmn of the Fashions. r rank Leslie, 1'ubllsher, n.ji rcarl street, Acir York. New York Markets. Vmrn A"n Mpai floori nhlnnlnp frtrn Stills flour was in g ml tt-umul, liiuiei, mu nlv at 0.110 a tint other liramU Aci-etu law supply, aim tree, ly ottered, rniiRina: mine in p.itea, llioiiR'h no actual ecllue; anlt-a a 5 10 a 0.40 'oraui'e.tiiie, fci 75 a til for Mi ppiutf exit as, ni.d $u.2ii a &."5 for minium to t'hoii-e linkem and fanulv i.ruiiila boil hei n H nit U m ut sVi a fa Mi (ur shipinne i xtr n, unit Su 75 a tit for tr--nV fittnily exti tm. lire tlimr : ! at Si M) a S."i50. o u me. 1. $1 & (SO for western at a koiuio rn, wnn nraniiy in nt tH ui, Hlleku Ileal Hour I iwei . at .25 11 tsl.,5 4 100 tt)ri. lor sjtutu aitd I'eiiiiHylvaiiia. SCSIiiiliis. C ttnn fitiily active. Vut lower at 16', c. for liiitltiliivv iiiilntKtn ni:d Im. for low tnlililliiu. iiisk y nioie ileuvc alio ue.ter; sales at sy a siic Taluw tilth unit heavy : sal, s at s n UWo siteurine null at i:t n i:i(c. s-pirilH tiiii,-utiii dull i 4 u -4-tc. llosin limit! urtive; h.uch htlont ut P. for Kiiaineil. l'etioh uni lower; hales reUlied ut a lor rtovetuUci. ORorEKirs. Coflt. vprr nnfpt. but tiriren firm : Rio. H a IsHc. : Java. -0I n 2;k. ami Mtna'-ailio. lo? a Is.-., a 1 iioht; hire la muuM sniiply ami linn, but ouiet : miles nt 7H a 7, lor t Riolina Molasses qtil'.t aud weak; I'ono Klco at 4 b 6sc, ainl N w (ji lsnin 77 a 7sc. We quote Culm cluvcd, 18 a 53e. : do. Muscovado 20 a 33c; aud 35 a lioc. for Pol to Kieo. Hue .r huw ia quiet, uni mm ; lair to goou Venning. v a 10c ; Cuba a 10c.. and low ui-mle Bill ia at SHe. Ketluett dull unit heavy al 13 IZC. tor hur. , aud l'JS a li for white ' A." PlinVlsloXR -Port in wholennln xvav rrmnlna dull but. a lair Job Injr biiHiiteHs lining ai ste. ily pricea; salf a at &1.50 for tiniiiRppeted thill loena, 75 it t'3 for ew lucM : fcs: 50 lor city mean, $SI a e'j;).'J.i for old hickh; also 500 bb'.a. new mesa tor Feo. roHfy, $19.50, seUer anplioa. Reef quiet at tl0aIH lor piiiiii ami cxira iiit-H-,. l icree u ei aieauy sales at &!5a&sfnr pi hue mesa tin-4 ts t,'.r lmlia niCHH. Iteef ImiitN dull at y a s:ll. Cut liii-ats ttiul ; piekltd ftlioultler.-t at V Huron lower: aaha a US a llsjC. for loiur dear, ami r.2V for choieo slini-t eh ar )r.'ssed hoixs linnerat saline. dull; RiilcH ai 12 a I3c. lor city, anil l:iS a 131,1'. for Western ate ulll ltlltter quiet ; good sjlate, 3'J a 3c. Chei ae dull ai llaliil,c. fli:t Wheat active:'-a at St. 31 for Xo. 2 at ring 111 Rtore:$l 55 lor while Michigan, 31. 4nforrcd es'cin. i.3i?u a ti 3U inr .mi. api-inu aiioat ami $1.37 for No. 1 Niir.iur. Hurley minimal at fl a -1.05 for Can.itia r ast, aud $1 a tl.l'J for Canada W at. llvo dull at K5 a S7c fin ol , ami 95 a 07c. for new Wtrttci-n. Oats in active demand for kihtiiI iiion ami higher; h lt'Hat ill a lU' for Chicago iu store ami atloat. ami G5i'. lor wi He. Coin fairly active ami line, for new tto., use for uuw silato yc.low, ami 01c. iinaer; hui Bairn a ii-e. .or 0111 Ufsifin inixcu, s, , for oM omei'U yellow. LIVE Stock Maiikkt. Tin re was tint little life in the market, ami such wero slow, liul inir to 11001I hiitclieriiw i-tnck brought a fraction niglier ricca thull on Monday; hut the extreint! range ialllCHUiiic. vui ving fioiu 12c. t 10c. 4 lb. for ordinary le cxtia native atccra. and S a 11c. for Tt sat h. 'l ho receinta of fliet-it for two ihiys iiuiub r !.o?j hea 1. wild the liial'Kt-t was a astatic weaker. Milt a inclut poor to prime at 31 n ot,c lb., with the bil k of the trann. ut-tiona at -IMa-IV:. The few lainba one cd wire sold at 5S n sic. 4 15. 1 lie tone ol the 11 arket for awim- is a little better, nod fair to good com-fed arc qiiotaiiie al u 7',c. 10 10. m-csseu were nruicr ui o!-al'c. FABEH Sb VAN DOREN, 8S7 Llberty-st., Pittsburgh, Pa. 8team En- ui.sF.s, Iron and Wood WorkliiL' .Machinery. Steam Pumps, Engineers' und Machinists' Tools, steam fire hugiuea, belting, Woolen Muehiuery, Machine Cards, Manufacturers' and Mill Supplies. A constant supply ou hand und Itirnisiied on short notice. Orders eolU'ilcit Groat Oporu House Drawing1 ut Uamll- tin, Ohio. T'.r nn advertisement elsewhere it will be seen flint u piand diHwiup is to tnko place at "nuiiltou, Ohio, nn theHlstof ijcccm cr, niidiiiiionpthe ini.eri ottered will be tho opera house iu Oat city, there lias been so much swindling iu thee drawings the i:tM lew enrs, iui uie people ate lotn 10 invent ui ti em. The fact is, luosi of them have been gotten up bv parties who are o i ti e " make." mid the ni ti- ct s advertised were never intended to lie olb re ut the drawing This is not the case with the iliuwinp we to-d:iV call the altent ou of nor readers to. if we can ile i .end on the re. ouiineiidatioiis of go ticmcn of known integrity and high standing in bus neni c riles. The u mee of the gt iitlenn-u ntt ched to tho advertisement clw where, stating their full re liance iu t lit enterprise, embr. ee some of the best nud 1110 t weuiihy li'izcns of Ohio, iuclu tug even millionaires The list of articles in be orawn in- t lime the Hamilton Oitcra limine, valued at; the Timnenmm rami, near Jinniiitoii, nt t-,t'iu; the llageman Farm, near the same place, at (ift.MiO; und the Sanderson Resilience, in the Second Ward of the city of Hamilton, at t.OOO. The tickets have In en placed ut live (hillais each, aud lho e des rill to invest shhuld addres. "Ocia J louse Commis sioners, Hamilton. Ohio.' ADVERTISEMEHI 5 FREE TO BOOK AGENTS. XV will nenft li.inilniimo I'ropfCtu of our yew 1 huliaud J-amily llibit tomiy i.ix.fc t'liui;. Ailmt'H NAllONal. Hl'llLIHUINU I'd., l'lillmU'liihia, 1'it.; C'liiuitfu, 111.; Ciucluuuti, Ohio, or tel. Louia, Mo. VII K I I.I.I ANT, BEAUTIFUL, BUil IlitonS lv InttTi-HiiiiK uoi'k in Wi rlil-Fttiumm Womi'U. liy l'r,.uk 11. (iiiiiiliiuli, kou of l'i"i'l 1'ni l.y. A gall- ry ui 1 KplrLdul iHUti'iiilii ou kltul. with live ut illa iiiiKUilieil woiiiiu fioiu Zeuulna to Victoria a ,d Kueuio. ir. bn-i'tii book iiow reuiiy book auou. A truly apli'U.ii.i (.lift look of ptrniuiixiit lilHtml valuu. Ai live Agi'ina, ii m or wouit-u, hIh.iiM ttule exn rit-iiro auu Icriitoiy wauteu, aud wiilo al out ioi circular. WM. II. MOORE CO., PutillR'ipra. Hi lVailal., Cincinnati, O. AUKN IN A.Mi 'ANVAs;HtW aililreu itu stunipllie Acm- I.liu'ii Maikr Co., 811 Uaicliiy St., N. V., fur Circulam, bmupli-ii, and full liul li. ulurn of an entirely new auil la. minus milts Invention (re mils fur ID for uiuikiiiK cloililDiT, cunU, rto Kui rior 10 auytlilug evor invented lor lho aauie puruoa. AGENTS WANTED (22 A.MONTH1 bythe AMKKICAN KNITTINI MACHINE CO., BOHTON. MAHS., or fcT. LOUS. alu. II OI.1IIAY JOUKNAL. to' onntaini a i'urlstuiii btory rtuleinid riaya. IMmii Mrl, Ac.i 4a uaiiea; liuatmud. Kvnl k'rtsa on receipt of one atum in in in iMiimluiro. Addrea, AUA.Us a til., rubliaki ra, laton. Mn IHiKPK'l UAL, AXI.K Ul AnK.-WIU I ant foul timea . Oliver llian miy oiler, iryit Put up by NATIO , SIAM'i'id L'RINU CO., i;a Waauiutftou siret, !' York, 1 OltKV- PATKNT DITll.LO.H MBATM. s ,iiii rtAtt.fc. uit. ii .an lou per cent, more body than any other. Wat hot or cold will uul drive it out. I neil by all the f iuclpal ti prima Companies Kendforclmuhir. ili IonaLmaN I'PACl'URIKU CO., 178 WaaUKtuu at eet, Kew Vol a. q i SOMETHING NEW! Head the following: A What tho City Missionary ot Doslon BAY ABOUT ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM. THTCRK CKUTATNT.YCAX NOT RE KOVXD A, JJKTTKK COLOii OH 1ANU HKMKDV. A3 A N EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL I BOflTOV. Muss., Frh, 18, IStfl. Missus P. DAVIS HON Ut'iilleiTHMi : The pickup of Allen's Lunjr Bnlam you snt me tonse fttn.niK tVio mill, led poor in my city missionary work linn proved very n ret tnblw an t uarfm. It poiio liito scivrriil families, nml wltti leiuurkuble efTi-ot iu eery Instance One woman hss bw?n rrstoreil from what hfr phy. slrtan i.rnnonn trt consumption, aftr several months' sit kiirss with coujrh, print pnln In the Mines, ami pr strn i-tn, so Hint she Is nt! w toilo hmisrwnik aim nssisi in the supinirt of hot- family, ami wlili i-nrr and mn'inuo i use of the i-alsam, sho expects entire icstorntloit. Another person, a yunnp wnmnn to whom T pnve one bottle, has re -el ct preat bem-lit, so thai her co go, which wns of months' stunning, Is trettliiff better and sho has purchaseri t ie second bottle, and ha every ndiratlon of a cpeeily cure. A you up mn'iwhowu raising boot, and quito wetik nn I siek, 1hs, by the use of two bottles, oe n much improved, nnd is nblH to do a littlo at his work A younjr mini to wh' in I iccommemled a trial of It, Alio ha h 'd n bad couph, .nd much pain In hi luntrs for months past, an I unable to pet rest or s'eep, has commenced takirtp it, and is now uslnp the lonrth bottle with emit bent tit. Ho said to nu on a r cent visit, be would no do without It He Is bopinp tand tvasointhly it seems to uie) to be able to resume his work niratn. Very 1 npe tiullr nnd crntefullr rnnrs, CIIAKLLS A. ltOUNfrY, City Missionary. J. N. HARIilS & CO., Sole Proprietors, Clncin mui, Ohio. CSHOLI) BT MmiCIXK B KALE 118 GRSKRALLT 6'G0 PER WKKK. A(re- ta address R. CLAKK, Publisher, Milton, Pa. P. AffontH ! Kontl r.riiis! 117 E WILT. PAY AO K NTH A RLAKY of " ?TO wee and expenses, or allow lnrii corftmUsinn, to sell our new a underfill in vent I jus. Address .u. WAU.Nhu a. tu., ju unman, -men. Local Agents Wanted. I want a local RfftMit In every town und In i lie countrv to canvass :or the U hSTKUN WiM(M). A UnHntdceul $5 1'remiiim Meel Knrtivins to every suttscriber. From 1 tii 10 an be e sily made in an ev n utr. Liberal cash commission allow d. send stamp for hrttuu:.a uud i'uiZK JAMES II. ELLIOTT, Boston, Mass. mm CETTINC UP CLUBS. GREAT SAVING TO CONSUMERS. Portion enonire how to not nn clntn. Onr answer Is, send for Price List nml a Cm'i lonn will accom pnnv It witli full dlreitloiis, makiUB a lurire hjivIur lo cliununiom and remunerative to Club organizers. The Great American Tea Co. 31 cfc 33 VESEY STREET, New York. P. u. itox 3:. DON'T WASTE TIME St. LABOR bv ui'K up nn old Axe tind 91.110 to LIP P'INCOTT A BAKKWKLL. itlsln.IKli, Pa., and tlii'V will aend a tlr-tiip Axe. I'Xpiesn.'iL'e puid. Half a dar lout in trindli p will tlnm he pnved. ITPIIAM'H PEPILATOKV POWDEK. J Ri-iiioV' a Bum nluo ahiiii iu five minute. Willi- out injury to he nkiu. McM oy fovgl.2.1. UPHAM'S ASTHMA CURE Itollerea nio violent iarnxvin in fin minute, and . nYclH a apeedy cure. Price 42 by mall. THE JAPANESE HAIRSTAIPT Col ra the whiKkersnnd hair n beiiutlfui 1,1. ArK or iihown. It conaistrt of only one vrennrattttn. ,., ents bv mail. AdilieH K C. CI'llAM. No. 721 J.ivne airfet, I'liiUulelpliia, Pa. Cliculara aeut free. Bold by all 1 i uukiMh. a Weeli Mnlary ! Yonn, men wameitaa local nud travelllnft siileamen. Addreae (with stamp) K. H. Walker, 34 Park llow, N. Y. FARMER'S HELPER Shows how to double the pkofits OF THK FARM, nml llow formers nnd their tnnn can each make 9100 PEIt itlO.NTII In Winter. lO.oou copiei will be uiaLed free to formera. beuti name una auui c ha 10 ZKIOI.EU MccrRDV. Philadelphia, Pa., or Kiirluitfleld, 2Iaa. A111A HAY VOU AI.I..-stencilToolHiimplf V uiuauedireo A. J. r ur'wwuy.A.j "Eight 'Clock I" 1.I'I!I1 1'KNT. fTPlKKT, i' OP O GOVERNMENT TAX. MARKET SAVINGS DANK, K.4 NA8SAU-BT., NEW-YORK Open tally from 19 a. m. to S r. H., and on MON DAYS and THCRSDAYS from Sto7r. M. IntercsK Roianisacei oa the Qrat dtty of eack month. WM. VAN NAME, President HENRY 11. CONKI-lN. Secretary. W EU STEli'8 I1KFI.ECTINCI AND CENTER-DRAFT Hot-Air Furnace, For Dwellings, Hn'la, t'hurrhev, etc.. ete. Manufactured and tor sale by FILLY & LYMAN, OKFICK AXft SAt.F.SKOOM WATER BTP.KKT, COKNKlt BKEKMAN, NEW YORK. UT yr Monev for all. Address CM It. . JONES, Wilininglou, Del. HOWTO CET PATENTS IS FULLY EXPLAINED in a Pamphlet of 108 pa ga Juat issued by MUNN k CO., 37 Park llow, N.Y SENT FREE. MUNN & CO., FMtm Scientific Ameri ean. the best Mechanical Paper in the world, (25yenrH experience), have takeu PATEKTS.ire iintenia nnd exnniined more in venlioiiH Itian any other agency, feimid aketch and description for opinion. NO CHARGE. , I'ntrnt ( ollur.Stiid nnd Tie Holder. 1 ' Tho l.-opB of ".iiaji" lie Irak f st in Ihe Holtedbulb. Well gi'hl-l'lated. Mailed fni hi cents. Agents wauled. S. K, WILLIAM. Hartford. Conn. TAN T F. II A K N TB, I i ai per d a v I to sell t he celebrated HOM' bliCTTLK SEWING MACIi INK. lias the unoVrMrt, makes the I U ckntttch" (alike na both Hides), and iauily iicer. i or oesi uuo cneapesi lainiiv new ! ing Machine iu the market. Address JOHN. SON, Cl.AKK H CO , Huston, Mass., Pitta burgh, Pa., Chicago, 111., or St. Louia. Ma To Dye any Color In a common Tin Wash-Boiler, USE HOWE'S Analme (.'(impound CONCENTRATED FAMILY DYE COLORS. ut. uie the rn mil tot nine years' t xipH- enre iu llie buHiucHH, ami far exocl all ih(ri nw tuauufai'turfMl. They are the hrillhint liquitl roltirt firi'imied railv t iliftHolve in wn'vr, u(.iniinoK torn (u- to nix t(m? wore thim the liquid fnr (he aiue price. Any calur, except Black uiul Itrabs, we Houd to any piiiuu iu the Uiiitvtl 8tte free of !OHiaee, on iwtinl of t wfiitv-tlve cents, provided lie? are not tor mile hy fliedottlfTH, lilackH aud di abt are Hfiit for (ortyceuta each. Bend with the order a am nil piece of lite uiaterl.-U you wiHh to color; alrio poHtave stamp for pamphhd t-out;ilniiiir partu ulara. Colors for Hue bv Ut uKtstH, iirocera. and Ueal era. MANLEV IIOWK, Piaiaictor, (and aucceaaor to Howe & Btuwun) 374. 37d, aud 376 Broadway Hob ton Maas. THE NEW No TowdiT. INo tlanaer. A emi- lne piahd,liacUaig(-l liy compr-a aaeu air. wuiimi er or lra force, aa may It-aae the op mUtr. They WllUMlttttD are at-lModua;, rtoiiJK away with all cotupiicated charging appartua, uud are capable of Ik-iiik di chared aixtni'tper uiuute. Hubbita, BniiinHa, bii-tla. and all kii.ila of tfkine. can be hit with thia platoi aa well aa though powder audap; u were u e l. The beautiful tarai't which ao onipuulea each.furniahea a jaiu iiiatiiiK" novel pailuryame, which la runidly gaiuinff favor evtrvwiiire. Two a taof barbaa eaeut nitbeiclt pistol one for the pnnor iur,:er- pmtt iiih outer ior i'Ui-oofr bjmjit, etc It can be uaeil witli perfect exae and aafelv by cli'ldivn ISofainilv ahould be without one, 8urly every boy will ha-euun. Frice ouiyll.CO. 8e d mom-y lu a wi ll aealed letter. We will aeun the pUtol to any , O. ud'iieaa iu Aratr ia. ThouaHUtla are aell na dally, Kvery uiau a-nl bov akouhl have one. Addrewi B, hi AN WOOD A CO., i'cit.aiid. TzTIrju Till Subscribe at Oncol FOR TXX8 .iv TtlE PKOPLK'S FAVOnrTK JOtlRNAI. 1 . ' ' i Tbr ffloat Inlerentlng orlra Arc always to be found in toe IViaW YORK W13EKLY AT rnF.SF.NT TTTER15 ARK SIX ORE AT WTtlttl r.'.w rnnuinir tliroilah its columns: and at lenst ONE 8TDHY ia beun KVERY MONTH. mencrinent of a now continued atory, no matter when they subscribe for the New 8tihicriiierHnre tiiusnure 01 nnvinir me com. NEW YOllIC WEEKLY Porh nnmlwiT nt the NEW YORK WF.F.KLY contains several beautiful Illustrations, double the amount of renillnir matter 01 any paper 01 us einnn, and the Sketches, Bhnrt stories. Poems, etc., are by the ablest writers of America and Europe. The NEW YOIMC WEEKLY does not confine Us usefulness to amnsement, bnt publishes a (treat quantity nt really Inatructive matter, in the moat condensed form. The NEW YORK WEEKLY DEPARTMENTS have attained a hlirh reputation from their brevity, excellence nnd correctness. of the cnncenl rated wit nnd hu nor of ninny minds The Pi.EAHANT p A KA( RArnM nre mane nn T ie kxowi.kduk HU.X Is cnuiiueu to useiui Infiirinatlon on nil miuiiier of subjects. The NEWS IT KMX iriveln the fewest words the most nntnble dninps all over tiie world. TlieuusMir Willi lunMr'WUftrtiopiii. talus answris to enquirers upon all imaginable subjects. An Uiirivallpd LKoriirv Vivr IB TDK NEW YOIIIC WEEKLY Fach issue contains from EtOTIT TO TEN SHOUT fc'IORIKS A v D SKKTCHrS, and halt a.lozen POKMS, 111 nddl'inli to the MIX SK"IAL UTOKItS and the VARIED DEPARTMENTS. rysPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREK LVI The Terms to Nubscrlbera 1 Ono Year HIiiRle Copy Js nn One Year Four Copies l2.0O) 10 Oil One Year - tlKlit Cojiieo 20 00 Those sendlnsr 8C0 for a Clnb of Ktuht. all sent at one time, will lie entitled to a coov free. (itters.iiii of rluba cin aitcrward add siug'lo copies at ii.f eacu. STREET & SMITH. Proprietors. No. 55 Fultou Ktre t. New York. NOW IS THE TIME! SUBSCKIBE WITHOUT DELAY, FOR THE FIRESIDE COMPANION, THE BKBT, NEATHT, niOUKST-TONED, AN MOST GKNERAILV INTK KSTING FAMILY STORY IN AMERICA. fliu lif'Kil; CJoiiipiinion, thouKh only lust about to enter Into its fourt'i year of publicati is r couniiz.-d all over the . world aa one of the .Host Rrllllnnt, Donhlna. linrortnlnlna; and Vulunble Journuia in bxiaience. And for iho following reasons : ITlio Xifowitlc Oumimiioii Contains SPI.F.MI111 CONTISl'El) HTtilllKH, FINK POK THY, tSHNSATIONAI. AX11 HKNT1MKNTAL MUilTilKII iMKUEbTlMI A.NKC1IUTKH, ail l Sllcll n ItAHE COMM. NATION Of VaKFl'L FACTB, Wll, and IlLMOIt, llllil other t-ntcrtnfniiik" innt'er that r es to form a par exce I tenet-Uiriliei Family Circle, aa hnSKi.noM iikkx KUM.KP, NKVFR ' t'KI'AHHKlll nioux the oilier striking fentiirea of The Pireaiile Comimninn, are Its Hkaiiimi for I.ittlb 1-oi.ks and I (iiikk ai'oMiKMa COi.rMN, which are under the manage ment of some of llie Most, wiitv, and KxrF.ltlENCKii WiiiTKitaoF THK I)AV, andaloiie worth double i he cost of the paper. The Editorials are, likewise, First-Class, the Jokes aa 1 liftliabieastieoplecirialand lthniit In ina-their Kuttou-, The lliustrntl is by Celebrated Artists, The sketches of the He i Varied, Thri. Una;, and In terest ins Character, and. therefore, it may be seen at a glance that Tlio Fireside Companion must prove a Highly Welcome Visitor In every fam ily in the land Among the more - nnspiciious wri ters for The Klrcslile l oiniuililou, are Uie fol lowliig celcbrateil names: Miih. St mnf.ii IIayiip.n, HA V ItAMIAl.LCOMFOKT, Capt. Carlftok, John F. cowan, KENWAICn PH1I.P, HOIiEH -TAIHH'CK, gkohiir s. aiken, OUKY O'LANlb, 3. W. Mackey, JOHN H. NKVINS, Jut. J 1 1 ri i n paeon, IIAIIIIY IIAZI.E'ON. THE OLII 'rilAI'I'KIl," IttCIIAItll FENW1CK, 1'I.AHA I'KKCV, (I It ACE SIOHTIMF.R, MAIIAMK I IK MAU1IIA F.VA KVKI1IIIIKKN, HKIIECCA FOUUUI, IIIIIKIMAII'IE, SIIIIU.EY lillUWXE, Leslie Thuunk, eva alice, mai'.y j. wines, ilAJOll AUIYH, Cavt. Mayxk niiti'i A BUI S1LX 1JAL1 , AVlille the almve lirilliuut airav of Authors gunr RntecMaKe nt of Vh- fill and Churiniiig He di tit for the most fuslidioun epicure, we aro continually ou the watch for any New star that may Appear iu tho literary Firiiuinirnt. Iu abort, no cxirUHe will be apurcd to keep The Klrcalde C-'omimuiou fully "UP TO THE AOE," and what It purports to be in every respect A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY PAPER. Wo nre alnrnt to nuhlinh several Htoilea of Won. derful I'owerand Iutercat- Stories tliat aro certain to create n aeiiHation In the rending world therefore do not uhsh tho oj-p-u tunity, but urtUr Uie paper at once. Iakr KPF.CIAL NOTICE. The FlrpHlde Com pnnion, ferone year will furuixh Two T hoi 8 a mi nnd KKiMl Y fOl.lMNH aliout Viiiy frotHl Hized vol umes a ta t well worthy of r-imuiliraiico bv all woo ieaiio viuunuiy as wvu as yuaiuy tor tneir money SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. TKKMS TO KUUKCKIUKHS. One Copy, lor one year . 9 M.OO r our l oiiirs, lu.lill Mile t'oiiiea . ... till. 110 I'ersous itet inir up Clubs, can altern'arda add aui gle cuiiiea at i2 60 eaeh. CEORCE MUNRO. Publisher. P. O. Jlox 5067. 81 Ueekman St., N, V. HAMILTON OPERA HOUSE miAWING!! Guaranteed by the Best M:n in Ohio. AFPiiAisrcn nv COUNTY FOLLOWS : OFFICERS Af THE OPERA IIOL'BE, TIMBKRMAN FARM, . HAOEMAN FARM, A FIXE 11ESIDEXCE, SI 00,000 j t,so N.000 TO BE DRAWN AT HAMILTON, OHIO. Decomber 3 I st, 1870. FOR TICKETS 15.00 each) AND INFORMATION ADDREKM OPERA HOUS COMMISSIONERS Hamhton, Ohio. We renportfiilly refer to the followlnit promineut wvu nuu uuv iuve&iiguieu una enteriiruo : Hon. I. D, Campbell, Member of Cunirreaa. M. Hughes, Prea. Ut Sat. Rank, Ilumilton, Ohio. A. C. bauila, " 2d " " John it. Lone, of Long, Black & AUatatter. J. E. Oweu.. of Owen. Lane, Dyer 4 Co. P. JIuithea, Tra.'er and Rank I) rector. Jaa. Bcatt)-, of Beatty, Trowbridge A Co., Cin. Louia Bouugen, Malater and firalu Dealer. J W. Beuuiugbofen, of Bhuler A Bonuiughofen. Jacob HhaOer, of bliafier Blonn & Co., fin. Hon. Alex. F. Hume, lute Judge Common Fltaa. Hou. Thomas Mil lken, Attorney at Law. Dan'l Helwlg, Caao. ut Ni.t Bank, Middlelown. J. W. Coit, Miller and Bank Director. John W. Holm, Tanner and Bank Director. - Lands in South-West Missouri. THE ATLANTIC PACIFIC RAILROAD (Embracing-late Honth Pacific) have fo- aale 1.600,000 aci-ea,oi ueat quallly, loni cnoit, cheap. For par. Honiara, In paiuiihleta aiiply u AMOS TUCK, Laud Oouuulasiuuer, Ko, UH Walnut tuwl, hi. LoJa, alu. A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Sr. WALKEB'9 OAIJ70SKIA V!IKE OAR BITITEES-. g ," Hundreds 6f ThoisandJ b 9 . Dear tc'tlmony to their XT oadoi 1 1: lul Curatlvi tllecU. 13 3 lis' WHAT ARE THEY? If 5 m- iu B u , TITET ARE NOT A VILE s s F A N C Y DRINK, a '( Madcnf Poor Rnm, Wlilsliey, Proof Pplrlta nnilRrfiie Liquors doctored, spiced and sweet ened to pt?np the taste, called " Tonics," " Appetiz ers," Mne9torers,"fce.., that lesd the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, bnt are a true Mcdlclno, made from the JTattvc r.oots and Iterhs of California. free from nil Alroliotie Stimulnnfu. They are the :cat i::,t):; pi jiifiem nnd a life IJIVIX(3 r"INCIPI.E c pfrf.'et Pcnovstor and. Invlsor:;tor of the :-" tcr.t, crrrylnp off nil poonov.s matter :indri.-iorit' the l t"od to a healthy cor.cMtion, Ko rf'n cm to:o tht-rc Ritttin cctording o iflrcc tion and rcnialn lor unwell, 100 wl'.ltc rIvcti for an Insurable ense, provided the bones are not itettroyrd by nilneral poison ot other means, nnd tlit vi:al i.rj.au8 watted beyond llie point of rerttlr. For Inflntnninf nry nnd Chrnnln Rhcnmn tlm iin.l flout, l)yitteiHlR, or InillsrrHtlon, IVi:imm.Kcm;tlc:it nml Inlcrnilllcnt Fever nisraiira ol the Itlnod, Liver, Kidneys and IMitddcr, tlienc Itinera nave been most success ful, rlucli Olsinsca am caused by Vltlnted lilood, which Is generally produced by derangement of tho Digestive Oi uons. DYSPEPSIA Oil IXDIGESTIOX, Head, ache, Tnln lnthcShonlders,Conj:hs,TI;htncssof tho Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Etomnch, Bad tasto In the Month, P.lileus Attacks, Palpitation of the Ilearf, Inflammation ot llie I.nni.raln in tho rcclons of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro tho offsprings of Pyspcpsia. Tiicy Invigorate the 3toinnch and stimulate the tor pid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled I emcacy In cleansing tho blood of all impurities, and Imparting new life ar.d vgor to llie whole system. VOU fit IX DISEASES. r.ruptlons.Tcttcr.Salt lihucm.P.iotclips, Spots, Pini pics. Pustules, Bolls.Cnr- bnnelps,,Pealdli',ad,Pore Eyes, Erysip elas, Itch, Scurfs, Ulscolorntlons of the Fliin, Tlitmors andOIscasesof the R!;!n, of whatever nnmc or nature, aro literally dug up and carried out of the system In a hort time by the ue of these Hitters. One bottle In such cases will convince the most lncrnO ulous ol' their curative effect. Cleanse the Vlvlatcd T.lood whenever yon llnd Its impurlticsburst Inr through tlicsMn iiiPImlp.nrni--tions or sores j clean rlr when ; it olii-trucli d and slnggish in tl'.e vrlr.s ; el ;aii!-c It v. iii'll It Is foul, and your feelings will tell you wlu-n. n.-rptlie blood pure and tho health of the syst . in will follow. PIX, TAPEandotlier Vlt:S, lurking in Uie system of so many thousands, are effectually tfortrny cd and removed. For full diree;ons, read carefully the circular around each boti.e, printed In four Ian- e onges F.njillsli, German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. II. MoDONALD t CO lr'i-.'i"ts and Gen, Agents, Baa Francisco, Cal. ar d 13 and 84 Commerce Street, New York. n nv ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Twelve Reasons Why VOU IIOICMEM, WILL CURE RINGBONE, SWEENY. STIFF JOINTH, HPKAIXH, JIUUISES, ARlt LAHKNKSS OF ALL KINDS. Addreaa D. O. CAREY A CO., 185 lleaile-Ht., Now York. GET THK UEST! CAREY'S VEGETABLE HORSE & CATTLE POWDERS. Theso Towilera are the renult nf fifteen ftiiily nnd trtTVittion by one f the most em nent KiirnieiH nml tioi Hemen Aini'i li a ha pro'lih nt. lie nterveil how healthy. ttlik. nctiV'- nnt fat InTnen Hiut entile wouhl l)ecoiMu nilnwetl toiun lu tlit imrtture, im.i liy rlnr-e obm rvi'tion ureetdeil la nndiiiK out the vegetables whieli vruductd this teucuriiil refiult. veL-etiihlo aro Kitreu a tlie proper time, iowdered nnd put up in yellow wrnppeta, tach paukiiKe cuutuiuiug hall a pound or ninre. Th rtlfflcnlty which nttendn thennewf nuny of the "HAeet-S( ented PowdeiB" of thedav, 1h thai the perfuiiierv nat d alinoHt lnvanaoiv eouuti-racta the real lnrdicuto cniitjiltied iu them. Ve une nn pe'fum ry of nnv klnil.irtferrnpr the use of t UHK MKDICINKS tor diHeiiMil miiniitlfi. Our Powdern cure Miatr Fever, llenv h.CiiMh, Fonndern, DlMein niliem, I,'fl f Aiip'-'ite. I,obs of Vital KneiKy,ete. Frue per pnekitpe, 2.1 centa Sold iy all druKlHt. isS Reade-at.. New York. OLLAB AND HOW TO INVEST ITJ Send Si Centa fur s Certificate iu PACKARD St CO.'S Holiday Distribution or l'UXOS, MLI.ODEOXS, WA TCll ICS. , ; WEI. tt r. S-e.. $1 Pl VAl,l-i:i AT 8730.008. . ry Br!lri,, !ll'oed of on the V'.tl niiin. mul not i liu in. l,l r.,.,,1,111 you know what, yon nre lo receive. Ceil llciites nml Ciiviiluni sent on receipt of 33 Cents, or U for $1. PACKARD & CO., 5S W Fouth Ht., Clnclnnaft, O. $1 OLLAR AOENT4 WANTED FOB Sexual Science, Ineliicilnc Hnnh'iod, Womanhood, and their mutual inler-relalloiia ; Love, ita lawa. poer, c.i by PitiL O. H. Fowler. Hend for crcuhua and apecinien acea of Uie work. Aihlreaa N-TIONaL PUB. I.1S1IINO CO., PhlhdKlpeia, Pa.j Chicago, IlLi CiuciunaU, O.: or bu Louia, Mo. Woman's Rights Washer. THK BEST NOW OUT FAR BUPEKIOB TO THK OLD AND H IG a PRICED MAC11INKS. . Sample lent to any addreaa on reoelpt of IX LIVE AGENTS WANTED ttoo blgheat eom. miaaioua allowed. Addreaa WOMAN'S EI0HT8 WASHER CO.. WUminton, Dai. C. M. JONES, Manager. A. GHEAT OPFEltr HORACE WATERS, N. 481 BROADWAY, NKW YORK, Will dlnpnaeof ONa HtiKDRHD Pianos, Milodeohs, and Okgand, of all nrat-outaa makera, lnelnilnig Chickerinc A Bona, af aztramWy low price or eauA. during thU moutK, or will take aiutt ta to 2t uontb. y e. a ?i & T w is? s-s-V--vS' vMi til mmw pf H7ii C u- "2 1 i Mi ly iuitUld. 'rr 1