gJ-3?A! ffy f l1!!? Hates of Advertising. A Im'r nod Ex'rs fiotiecr, too, C times, S 200 Auditor's notices, o.tch B 00 '.utions and ewtrayt each, 8 limes 8 00 Transient Advertising per lima of 8 line or less 8 times, or less 2 0 For enc.b subsequent Insertion 60 Jflioial advertising for each square of 8 liner or less 3 limes or less... 2 09 Fortiauli subsequent insrri iun AO I'rufc.SHional ca-ua. 0 liuer. 1 yr 0 0J Local not iocs, per Hue. mte lime 15 oiiiiiMt-y nnticrsovor A linen r...lU Yearly .uvi'iiii:ij. one liaf ,olumn..".0 00 Yearly ..five i-i.soig, ac column 10 00 )!!.iiks, Kintrla ne , - 61) Iil.mks, tbi"e quire 2 00 h!ai!n, 0 quires, per quire 1 75 Jlimk, ove." 0 quires per qniro 1 &u For I'Ktifc notes subpoenas, summons, ex ecutions, wnrnnits. con-table vales, ron.i in.d school orders, eaoh per doi...2r Handbills, eijrht shot 2o or less 1 r0 tn i t li sheet 2-i ot les! 2 fin ' half sieet L'.'iorU'M 4 f.0 whole sheet '') or less 8 00 Ovr2j of each of above at proportional rate. Eli Lodge, A. Y. M Plated meetings of Klk Loh?s will lie k'.d ai their hull on ill" second and fourth feat-days of each month. J. K. WII1TMOUE. Sec'y. Tstnpls cf Eoncr and Temporance. l.lkton Temple, No. 8., m-;ct on Thurs iti ni' eaeii week. ill. the (jood Templars, Lodge room, over C. V. Cillis' s'ore. C. li. MADE. A. R. AGNT3 FOR TKE ADV0CAT3. The follnrinf?nuned persona tire iiiilhrr if" agent for the Advocate to receive !ib ei iption3, advertising or Job work, take jay there for and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Ai.DBicit, J. L. Dbow.v. Kiin". t!t. TnoMsS. L. Kami. St. Mniys. Ciias. MoVeais. Ceuireviilc. Jamks On ken. Caledonia. it. A. Wbki. Ben.tie.if tie. En asm is Motisr. Spring Creek. A. W. Iiivis. Highland. Levi lii.i.ornnp.pg. Ilortnu D. C. Ovstku, N. M.Hrockwat. New Vork. S. M. Prttknciii.i. a Co.. 1? Park Row. Geo. I'. Uowkkl Co., 40 441 Park How. lfe (fonntu gircctocj. 01N1Y OFFICERS. President .Tiido L. V. tt'etmire. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jh.. F. Tinconi . Associate Judges E. C. Schultze, Jesse Kyler. DHrirt A fnrney J. K. I'. Hail. M-erilt .I'leoli Mo-auiu t. Viiiilinnot .ry .4 c . Meil. t'eliocniiij. Tre.i-iiier I i-iit'li'.is V. (iii'.i, Co. iSupriuti'ndeni I!nui3 l.uenre. Coi!iviiii ners II. Warner, Jos. W Tuylor. Lruis Yali'iiep. Auiliio! s I 'lurk Wilcix, Cieore D Heo-enirer. nml .l.sepli Willie'm. Coutily hitrveyor (ieo W iliinde'y. Juv Coin;iii"i.)iiC'i- lieore llck insoi;, cud t.nM-e I,inlo. TIMKOK IfOl.DKVa COCItT. C-i'-.'it:nl Jl'iiidiy in .1 .uiiiary. I.'ui Mond iviu Apcil First Monday in An;riwt. i'-t Mon I iv in N ivftinhcr French fa&tiious are goin out of Kusincss men complain tnnt limy Dover knew scssua as tluil us thy pres ent. l'ltes riser Iravrl over the liailroad in perceptibly diminishing. uur stores nre niiin? up witH uon hunt and tempting dii-phya fur the hull dys. Tho curds of our St. Marys' friends will aj.peur neit wetk. There w.is an attempt at robbery at the Hyde House ou JXuuday evenin List. A li'ht of glass viiii btoken, the fastener raised, entry made, money drawer attacked, alarm geared him, in uia'.es aroused, do rubber Bee. a, and no mouey tuken. The weather for the week past has been delightful, except on Monday flight last, when ve had a big blow violent thunder and rain, run and tnow alternately ou Tuesday, and as we go to press it is warm aud eunshiney. Uad roads muddy roads new roads, three feet below where the old ones uied to be. The Uailroad company hare nearly completed a new turn table at St. Marys. A bevy of hands tine young kdie a were on the street this uioruin;. They probably took a peep at Charlie Ilolca' new jewelry. Domestic broils are becoming Dumer ous. Heard of wi in ii day. Ehcrill' McCauley was iu town Tues day, accompanied by bis loDg-legged boots. What' up. Sheriff 1 The Rural AVw Yorker, published by D. D. T. Moore, 41 Park Uow N. Y ia hereafter, ou account or its large aire, to be divide! into two volutuea yearly, instead ot one, as heretofore, the curreDt volume beginning wi)h the irst Dum ber in July, lbs last number in June contaiued indices of suhpets, illustra tions and advertisements, which will be very convenient for those wbo preserve the papers for binding, as every one thou'.d. The RjfUL sustains its high reputation as one of the very best pa pers ia the world. It would not be too much to say that Mr. Moore is without a rival ia enterprise ia making an agri cultural paper. The price of the Ru B si. U $1 SO volume. ?!'' Constable Malohe was called down towu n Monday evening last, to settle a little 'Tnplm."iintntss" between a bus band and wife. Choice epitbetn were used by the liosland, ttii tbe tntlee ike (he weather at that lime; wns very stormy, indeed. The night beii g daik Mr. M. thotight he could not bring him up to entertain him ot Leaser's bojcl,' co he allowed him to remain.' IIo told the (JouRtiible, however, that if lie ciiJ not arrest liiin then, he would arrest liis wite iu the mortiiitg; end at this writing (it being Tuesday morning and both of them in town,) he is, undoubtedly, with mi air of "injured innocence," eonsult 'ng some leifnl functionary for redress. liATEtt. IIo found justice in the poison of Esq Mead, who for the threat ened desertion of his family, after turn, ing theiu out, ot doors, held him in 8800 lor his appcaraneu to court. lie is now at lliu "hold." The Esq , however, in formed him that any arrangements he might make with tho Overseers of the I'o'or, he presumed would be satisfacto ry to nil concerned. We sincerely hope the gentleman, af ter the neeiless exposure of his domes tic troubles, will su conduct himself that order will "reign in Warsaw" hence forth. Fashion Holes. Alaska sablas are distressingly fash ionable, j Laced boots are taking the place of buttoned. Postillion waist aie more iu fashion than ever. Chatelaine braids of hairaro displa cing cbignctis. Open gauntlet sleeves are worn in street costumes. Tho gjpey hat with a low crown is the hit of the season. Passementerie and lriare3 will be generally adopted as tho season advan ees. Scotch linsey of a bottle greea color, is the most popular weather costume foi ladies. Silk and velvet are used in almost eqtal proportions in the fabrication id ladies' dresses. Ecglieh calfskin gloves of chalk slatt color, long and two-butoncd are now orn for demi-toilette. Loirs of cherry or garnet silk cut on tho bias and fringed at the edge an more tashioDab'c than ever. Pretty bells, with postillion sash tnd.- .ina lappeis in iront, simulating a vesi rout, are becoming very popular. The most fashionable color for drcsse re bottle green, olive green, tuarooi ;i!um color, garnet brown, and dark bluf Inline weather a piece of plain oi lotted black net is now wora folded i round tin neck, in the fame y blu veils were worn last season. Have you ordered your ''Yankei' Washing Machine?" If there is any branch of domestic labor that is a drudg' and :ives an unrest to an household, i' is washing and washing day; and it there is any branch of mechanism thai has baffled the ingenius and thus fai proved a failure, it is substituting au machinery to take the plaos of hand la bor in this the most laborious of house hold duties; in fact, every garret is filled with old washing machine trumpery useless from the very start and people have been led to believe from these fail ures that there is no other way onl hand labor, sousing one's self ia a wash tub and rubbing the hide off every fin ger ot each succeeding wash day. It really seems strange that ingenuity has not overcome these difficulties and re- ieved women in some measure from this hardship. It Las supplied mowing.reap- iug, raking and pitching machines, lor farmers; it has, in place of the old. tedi ous upright saw and its surroundings. substituted the circular, headblocks, saw sets, gum mors, &c, Ac, all ot which facilitate labor, and are of great value, but in this branch of household duties, no improvements have been made since Noah's wile washed her duds in the Ai k and dried them on deck. It is claimed that this "Yankee Ma- chiue" meets all the requirements, and from what wo havo seen and heard, are in the full belief that it is a fact. Call on Mrs, Schram, Mrs. Messen ger, Mrs. Whitmore, Mrs. Cummings, who have tested these machines, and see what they say. If it is a fact that these machines if ill accomplish the same work in one-third of the time saving sub stantially all the "wear and tear" of gar ments, then it seems folly to coutiuuo in the old track, because we have said and believed there was no way but the old way. JJuy one ot these "lankeo- Ma" chines," by all meaus, if they will ac complish one-third of what is claimed for them. Go and see ooe at all events, as that will cost you notbiug. George Kinigh, of Keraey, is the fortunate owner of the right for Elk nljefferwn Common. HUTIIJ '.'.UJ U TeteTsoti'a Mag8ino for January, .'71 is received. It is a njngriiflcent num ber. Either ot the steel engraving?' Grade's Pet," or "Coasting," ute woh the price of the number. Theu the double-sized colored Berlin Patterns would be chgap at 50 ccqts. 1 he Mam moth Colored Mteul Fashion Plate is hu peji; in its Fashions, "Peterson'' ia ac knowledged as the authority. In this nupiber, Mrs. Ann 8. Stephens begins it copyright novelet "The .Reigning 15el!e," tho opening chapter of which will draw tears from .every eye. The o'. her contributors arc Mrs. II. Hardibg Davis, Frank Lee Benedict, and othcus of tho very best American writers, lie member, it is tho cheapest of tho lady's books! To singlo subscribers it is $ 2; 5 copies, $c; or 8 copies lor tV, with both au txlta copy and u superb pre mium engraving to tho person getting up tho club. Specimens are sent gruN to thoso wifebing to get up clubs. Ad dress Chas. J. Petersuu, 3CG Chestnut St., Philadelphia. The ClearSeld Journal nays, highway robberies are beeoniiug quito lrquenl on tho mountain. Two weeti ago wc published an account of the robbing of ;i Mi. Shopc, a short distance Ley-cud Philipsburg. The Journal of that place last week stated that a man Darned flood was stopped on the road betweeu Altoona aud Wiliiauis'ourg by two tuco, in daylight, and robbed ot 873. From the description given, the robbers were the same scamps wno relieved Mr. Shope of his money. It is a pity tho scoun drels cuu't be caught and punished. We have just received "The Old Franklin Almanac," for 1871. It is published by A. Wiuch, 503 Chestuut street, Philadelphia. This Almanao coetaius, exclusive of the actual Astro oomical calculations, a great variety of statistical information; no household, storu, cuuuting-ioom, or placo of busi uess, can afford to be without it. Price, -0 cents. Don't forgot tbo publisher's address, 5 J 5 Chciout street, Paila. Wo have received a neatly bound oogt from Munn & Co, editors ot the Scientific American, and Patent Solic tors, containing the U. S. Patent Law, and iustructious how to obtain Letters Patent for New Inventions, and all in structions necessary for the use and Bale hereof, together with valuable taloula aotis, probleus, etc. Everybody hiio'd iavo their book and their paper. Their iddress is, Muuu it Co., ill Park iiow, A. Y. City. Laurie J. Blakely, of the St. Mary Gazette, made ua a short call on Mon day afternoon last, and was as well dres sed and smiling as ever. Now, Laurie, seriously, 'don't th'j late changeable .feather on thoso Alpiue heights k:ud ol admonish you that a little sly cuuversa .lou with boino handsome young lad tvould uot come amiss? We auxiouslj awjit your reply. John Lamb, the young man. who bi ins leg so badly broken at Poitlaod last iveek, that it had to be amputated, will nave to uudctgo another amputation, ffhiclt surgical operation will prob ably be performed by Dr.s. Bordwelland ilartmaa this (Tuesday) afternoon. Dan. Seull, Esq., and family, of St. Marys, have moved to Philadelphia. Mr. S. was connected with one of the coal companies of that place for a lout: lime, and made Lusts of friends, all ot whom will regret his departure. Hon. L. D. Wctm'ote, the new Judge elect oi the Judicial District, compri sed of the Couuties of Eiie, Warren, aud Elk, was sworn into nlliee iu War ren on Alouday last, Judgo Johnson re tiring. Our friend, Dr. E. J. Kuss, of St. Marys, has been appointed Examining Surgeon for Pensions for the l'Jtb Con gressional District. The County Commissioners of Elk County will meet at their office, ia Hidg- way, oo Dee. 19th. C. II. McCauley, Clerk. Ktv. C. M. Heard's appointments tor Centreville and Toby are postponed for one week, and accordingly there will bo preaching as follows: Centreville, luesday Eve., Deo. 13. Hewitt's; Wednesday Eve., " 14. Keystone, Thursday Eve., " 15. There will bo preaching at llidgwnv, in the Court House, Sunday, morning and eveuing, Deo. 4th, being tbo regu lar time. CAUTION. Whereas the iuiprop.r eon- duot of tuy wii'.i. lloxy, hag iuaoe it tiecces sary for self protection, that we liteseper ate, and thus bavine left her ia possensiou of premises and personal property. 1 hero. by forbid all persous trusting ner on my account or purchasing penoual property left wita her, as I shall pay no debts of her contracting after this date. ISAAKbU biiniO, WCmta..tl I' W-'l ...TII3 CSL3E3.AT3? 011IODK UOLU WAICI1E3, $12, $15. $20, $25. ICRIN'd the p!st tour years our Walcliei havo been so thoroughly lusted, lhat ir Bppenranoe, Blyle of liaish, itud aeeuracy of tinie-kcepiug, the '-Uiraid Waiches' aro uuifersally acceded to be tho bett They retain lueir brilliancy and color un til worn out. SQulf after purchasing and fairly try ing, any ooe is not lully mil istiud, we will cheerfully refund the money. B.tii'i'tiy are all Huutiug Cases, Clonlle meu'a aud Ladiei' sites. Lvery Waieh guaranteed fof time and wear, by special ueiiiliciie. IMfe.A large assortment "ImprovcdOriode' Chums, a to $3. Also, (ieutleiuoa'a aud .ndies' Jewelry in gi'et Turin ly. d3AUetiu'e of mutations. Order di ree. iron ua or our authorised agents. Agents and others applying lor circuiais will please enclose tare cent, siimp lor pus.ie. ,Uoods sent to be paid for on delivery. Customers permitted In t.viiiiiie what ilivy order before pnying bili), ou payment of JJxprtss charge boili ways. (kgrnliim .MA naicuts nre oiaere i in. once, we will send uu extra Watch (cl some kittdl free. (ejrPurchsrs residing at some distance from Express oliiuej, aud Uesiriurf to sate time and expenses, eau have tu gio'j sent by mail, by remitting with the order the amount required by P. O. Money order, registtred letter, draft or checu, payable, to our order, ai our r sk. Address plaiuly, JAMES GKUAD & CO., P. O. Box 3,1391. 'w York. 8 J Nassau btrect. r5 3m GOLD! GOLD! GOLD" IIAKNESS ! HAU.NES. HAUXUSi! COLLAUS I COLLAIW! COLLAliSl HZAO Si P0"i7ZlL, hv removed their ri,ujij3 oliop over i'owi'11 Kuno's bioi and have ou nnu.1 Hie miisi ihwi tai jut of harness for luuibenug ajd pitii.ure im poses, iu luis or adjoining coiniuos, mid bil other aruclus beioiiiu lo the irauc. TRUCKS, SADDLES, VALISES, WlllPii, BLANK LIS, COL LAI IS iVe. Would invite tho aiteaiion of ail omicr.t horses lo niy new PATENT ELASTIC C011K HOii COLLAR, which proves to bo the beit Collar iu existence tor these Rusuus 5 ' .being very Elustio they lio not chute or gall and the cork being a non-conductor, they prevent injury iroiu heat. Call and sec theiu. All work warranted llopaviug, Tianiug aud Upholstering done withe oeatuuss aud dispatch. HEARD & 1'OWELL. c2i tl OUPIIAX'3 COL'ilX SALK Theuader signed. Administrator of itic estate cf a itaisail, lute of i.)k Couuly, will expo SJ losule by public venule, er ouici j, ui ihu Court liwuse, in Hidjway, ou Moou.iy , Jan uary tiU, 1-7 1 , tail oviock, piu.au tue iu luie.il ot said Allied t'eumail. dtc d, to-B.i: 1, lUO acres, more or less, being mat part of a tract of laud suuaiein tux ip., tin Co, warrautedll Die name o. Allreut'er bull, lid iiso acres of luiei, Oeiug thai part of No 4271, iu i'ox.lp, bikCu 3d 100 acres, more or less, pan. ot warrant .No -1181, iu Pox 1'p, D.k Co 4tu Uurraui Ho i27S, iu box dp, LiK Co, cautaiu.ug Slo'J acres, uiore or less excepnug minerals uud luiuiug rights oih lUriuui o 12 7u, in k'ox l'p, cila o, vouiaiuiug JJ acres exceptiug uiiueral aud ui.uiug rights JAMlid A Ph.iUa.iLIi, ids Aiiuiiuistiaior ASmSTSATOS'S JISTICZ. Notice is hereby g.veu mat Lt eisof Aduuuistiatiou ou tlie Eitato ol L. L . Zimmerman, lute of Fux 'luwuship, Eu County Peuusylvauia, deceased, have been y ran led to the uudesrsijutd. All persous iudepted to said Estate are requested to call aud settle, and those J having claims agaiut the Kslale will S preseut them duly authenticated lor set tlement. JU11N UULL.V, Administrator, lST4BeiUIDIH 1830. WELCH GRIFFITHS' Saws I Saws I Saws I SUPERIOR 10 ALL 01ur.RS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnish ings, aud Machinery. . tQrGeUhe httl, they will prjve the cheap est. Price reduced. Send for price List and Circulars, WELCH & GRIFFITHS, Boston. 1ms., or Detroit Xich. Tlie most romplcfe nusliiemH Jollegje Inllie Uullrd Mulct, Affording facilities for acquireing a thorough praoticul business education, pojseestd by no other School in the country Since its inchnoratioa in 185S, nearly Sixteen thousand (tudonts, representatives from To ry Stale iu the Union, have attoude Lire. I - No vacations. jStudents enter at any time, and receiie private iusiructioiis throughout the entire course. N. B. Circulaii with full particulars aud all necessary infi-mation, na addressing 6M1JU i eywmi, rnneipals, THE OI.DBST PAl'SIt IS TBI COUNTY, HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCU LATION, IT IS TIIEI1EFOU1S THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY ! 5i-ote4 fa ilic ntCNSt.i cf iU JiHB cf ttih tiouaty. TSriS:-?2 CO PS3 TEAS. BRING ALONG TOUR ADTRIt TISEM ENTS AND G ET TII IK INSERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATBSk If you want to sell anything, let th people know it through the Adtocaih the great advertising medium. SThc (lh Sltlcocate Job Printing OlTice In Court House, Ridgway, P. The best work done, a ad at ifc very lowest prie Blanks kept eons'aatly m a4 tl this olee. Hand-bills printed at As iktrtert nim. Call in and get our prise ftr t,4Tsrala ing andjobbieg. Sstisfsotioa warraat4 Orderj by mail prosittlj altidod tt Asdsxii J. 0. LIT 1ft, W S. hhliVlOE .'" f)ii0,00U CUSTOMERS WAN 1 ED. At the new Masonic Hail Building. STOVES at prices lhat will please of all desirable kinds. T1X-TTARE of every kind on hand at allimca. Special attention given to Wholesale oi ders. Price list furnished to dealers on application. SUEET-TIX AXD COITUS WARE House furnishing goods a great variety. STEAM AXD WATER TirEING, ITMPj?, IIM11XG AXD HCNTIXG TACKLE, such as KODS EA3- KETS, SEIXE3', FLIES, HOOKS, CAPS, POWDER, &o. jo. ALL ORDERS FOR GUN WORK Promptly attended to. BIRD CAGES A MCE VARIETY ROOFING, GUTTERS, SPOUTS, of Tin, Gulvauizcl Iron and Copper anl every kind of HOUSE AND JOB WCFIK done on short notice and warranted, AfiL'M'V f Usury Distons celebrated saws. Orucra for saws at factory prices solicited, also for repairing. Information and price list fu.nished on application. PAPER R.VG3, OLD ROL'E, OLD COPPER, CRASS, PEW TER, LEAD, IROX, DEES'.V.VX, HEAVY HIDES, DEAKON SK1XS, SHEEP PELTS, GRtEX BACKS, XATIOXAL DANK NOTES, U. S. t.oxds &c. tulcan in exchange, for Goods or Work Tln20t W. S. SERVICE. Rids way, March 1st, 1870 SPECIE PAYMINT! GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKES I EXCnANOI FOR WAGONS OR J OB WORK A T THE RID GIT AT WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock before buying a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY; I employ none but Firtt Clu'si ile- chanic$; I use nothing but the lest Reined Iron. I think it will be to your interest to give me your order. Having twenty-five lumber wagons ia course of costruetiou, I will be able to fnrnisb any party by the first of April. All oiden by mail, also any orders left with W. S. Servicb at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. S. JACKSOXdt WEAVER TO TUB NERVOUS DEQILITATED, WHOSE SUFFERING HAVE BEEN P&Q TRACTED FROM HIDDEN CACSEi, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE rilOMPT Til Cf TVKT EJVT TO RENDER EXISTENCE DESIRAXLii If you aro suffering or have Buf fered, Irom mvoluutury discharges, w t3ect does it produce upon general health ? Do you feel weak, J; bihtated, easily tired 1 Does a LU; extra exertiou produce palpation ol heart? Docs your liver, or uimaf organs, or your kidneys, frcqu. -it v get out of order? 13 your urine ' lnies thick, milky or floeky, or e ropy cn settling? Or does 11 ! skutn riso to tho top? Or is a se.i.ino;. at tho bottom after it has stood av, nt' Do you havo spells of short bn ... or dyspepsia? Are your bowei -s:ipaied? Do you havo spells of i.m.iii g. or rushes of blood to tua Ilea J .' your memory impaired? is jo'i - i.ii.iU constantly awelling on the suiij -i-.' i't you leel dull, listless, uiopinu. :i .I eotiipaiiy, ot lile i Do you u.-i, t o tilniiu, to get uway f rom ei,l. i.i.' Does any littlo thing make y ia.5 or jump? is your sleep t-i ... " re.--1 less ? Is the lustro of yi i.r . j ' brilliant? The bloom of your c. , ., n briglit? Do you enjoy youi in - ciety us well? Do you puij.. -' business with the same energy .' f.-el us much con tide uce 10 y ..... ,1 ; Aro your spirits dull and iiiu.:m-i given io lits of ineleneho'y ? it o uot lay it to your liver or u Have you restless nights ? V.m . weak, and have but little app I you attribute tlus to tlysv, .-. r liver-com;-iuiut? Now. reader, fielf abuse. veneral disease badly cured, and sexum .e -e arc all capable of producing a of tho generative organs. Tin ., .!. of the geiioi;t:ou, when iu period ... .'i'., roase the ciau. Did jou e i t .... . that tiioso bold, deli-int, euiui'iit,' pcis.'vcriug busiues-meii ate ...va those whoso generative organs. i im perfect health? You uevei 1. - such men complain of being meien ciioly, oi nervousness, of palpaiai 1 11 Uie heart. They are never ui'raid in-, i-'iimot suecct-d m business ; tiiey 0 ..i . Iiecoun sad and di.veoun.ged ; tliey m alivays polite an 1 pleasant in company of ladies, und look you and fheui ri.'i.t in the lace none of y our downe-i looks or any other uicaiwess ab., . them. I do not mean tho.-a, who ke. ,j the oigius inflated by running to exces. These will not only ruin their cousti. unions, but also those they do business with or for. How maney men, f.um badly cured dV eases, from Hie licet of sell-altuso a., i excesses, have brought 11bn.1t that slato u weakness in ih.se organs thai ha, reduceds lue geuernl sysiem eo much tis to induce aiiiiosi, every otiier diseas.- idiocy, pHP. aiyis, spinal aliections, suicide, iiiiti almost every otner form oi' disease wuieh hi., inaniiy is heir to iiad ih 1 sul euuso u the Irouble scnrculy ever suspected, au uave doctored lor dU but iho right oue. DISEAS3 OS THESE ORGANS Ii.fiQLlti.it THE USE OF A DIURETIC. .HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU IS THE QR'T DIUaKTI, AND 18 A CI&TAfff CCR1 OR DISUASC 01 TBI BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAK NESS, FEMALE COMLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY. And all other diseuad nf n.a r. g'tna, whether existing in M.lb or Fbxal ..uu. nuaivir cause originating, and 1. . matter how loug standing If nj treatment is submitted to, sumption or insanity may ensue. Uae aud flesh blood are supported froni then 1 sources, and the heuliuaud happiness, uai that of Posterity, depends upon promnt lis. rtf - ,.!, ,kl ... L aw v. .CUUUIQ ICUiCUVi HEMROLDS EXTRACT r.ITfTrir ....ui: - , 4bwil. shed upwardof 19 years, prepared by Jtt. L'. JrlUljAl.BOLD DRUGGIST, 591 Broadway, -ty- Yhb; xa 104 South 10th Street, Thiladelphi PPTnu n- . - ... . .. ' " tt per Dome, or 6 bstttt dtjUvored to an address. Sold bt ALt, Druggists ivf,hthf VTi"'L.i a rt .s, ....... " isuisc Ann. e.t,.te;iMi CNLESM DONa UP I Ji STtKL SN0AVKI1 WEppaa WITH hU1 ' "T C1IEM1CAL WABlts HOUSE, aB siaaio, iTT5fB, r. Iff vt, Pa. n. T HKLMB01D.