(Saunto Steak Rate of Advertising. Adni'rand Es'rs noticed, ae, 0 times, $800 Auditor's noticed, each 3 00 Coutums and (-stray each, 3 times !J 00 Transient Advertising per (time of 8 lines or less a times, or less 1!0'I for ccli Mibscqticnt Insertion CO Ollicisl advertising for each square of 8 liner or less 8 timet or less. ..2 00 Koretoli subsequent Insertion r)0 Professional cards. C liner, 1 yr 0 Ot) Ificul notices, per line, one tinio 15 Obituary notices, over U lines 10 Yearly .Advert iing. one-lin'f eoliinin..'0 00 Yearly Advertising, one column 1110 (iO llmiks, single quire - CO HUnkr, tluve quire 'i 00 Jlliink. ( quires, per quire 1 7.-, Itlanks, over ) quires per quire 1 50 tor bunk notes subpoenas, summons, ex ecutions, tvunnnls. constable rules, road nt.d school orders, each per dot..,"5 Handbills, eight sheet 'i't or less 1 0 " lout tli sheet 25 or less...... 'J fit) ' Imlf s'leet 25 or less 4 'i0 bole sheet 25 or less 8 00 Over 2o of euch of above at proportional rates. Ei Lodge, A. T. M Stated meetings of Elk Lodge will be held at their hall on tin second mid fourth fueaduys uf each month. J. K. W1UXM0RE. Seo'r. Tamjle of Honor and Temperance. F.lkton Temple, No. 8 , uieeta on Thurs day of each week, at the Good Templars, Lodge room, over C. V. Gillis' store. C. It. SLA UE. A. E. iltZXTS FOR TELE AITOCATZ. The following named persons arc author ing iijtents for the Advocate to receive Kubycrip .ions, advertising or Job work, take ay thorei'o? and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. ALiiniun, J. L. Baowx. liana. Gi:.v. Thomas. L. Kami. .St, Matys. Ciias. McVkak. CcntreviUe. .) ami's Urccx. Caledonia. If. A. WfcEK. Hen nexetto. Ub asm fg MottST. spring Creek. A. W. IrviN. Highland. Levi ELr.oTHourr. Ilonou. ). C. Ovhtkk, N. M.Hrookwat. New lork. S. M. 1'kttksuili, a Co.. 87 Park. How. Gku. i. UotrKKL k Co., iu 141 Park How. (i:llt dlmmlg Sircctorjr. UH'MY OFt'lCERF. President .liidiro L. D. Wctomre. Additional Law Judge- lion. Jho. P. Vincent. Associate Judges H. C. Sohultte, Jesj Kyle.-. I'istrii-t Aiiorney J. K. P, ITail. Siierili' Jacob Mol.'uuiey. I'lotlioiioti.iy ,( c , i red. Sebflcning. T reitstircr Cinndiiia V. Gills. Co. uteviiii-niiRr Itiiius iiicuro. tJiiuini?sioiN:jki U. Warner, Jos. W Taylor. Louis Vmluier. Auditors Clark Wile's. George ! Munsnnic'i. nml .l;si'ph Willirlm. County tui'veyur Geu Wilamley. Jury Cniumisxioners. George Dick inson, ami Horace Little. TiMROK 1IOLDLVG COURT. r-eeoMil Monday in Jr.uuury. Irisl Monday in April First Voiidsy in August.. 'ir-.t Monday in Xoveniber (ij to tliii ilydj iloj-,e and see th j Yankee Washing Machine." Clara Loui.sa Kcliou toutrs in JCrie on the eveniugof the 4tli of January, 71 The wca.'ber far the past fcur or five has been bbnutiful, with the excep tion of a few hours' drir.it liyg rain. Vo are noir having warm, sunshiny da), a til wbiia limits every iiiht. What uest, deponent Kaith not. The Cumberland Civilian gays the Pittsburgh and Connel'sville railroad will be finished to that city inside ot two Month, and sutrests the propriety of cimn-irtf lh nft.ee of the road to the Pittsburgh. ad Cumberland railroad, as 'uuibeilau(l, aod not Connellsviilc, is now the terminii. The State Journal pullishcd at Har- risburg is the best newspaper ever pub tished in that city, and in one of the ablest journals in the State. It id an indispcDsible to every business man oud x'amily, as it will eorUiu a complete d -t-ht of all the ncarij of tlte week, and a n;ui:iiry of all the l.oUl.itive doings t iis wioter. The weekly come at 82 per year, und the daily at tti. Liberal Jiscuutit (u clubs. Subscribe ODe aud all, an i addresi State Journal, Harris- burg, i'a. Charles Hole lias removed to his new building ucxt door lo Powell & Kiuics. lie returned from New York Mouday jast, wbere he purcbased a large atouk uf Jewelry, Watches, &o. In eoouec iion with bis busicessaa Jeweler, hibas cMtablkbed a new staod, wbere may be louud all the lutett periodicals of the day. He baj also laid in a large stock of Holiday presents for children. Call and see hiui. IwiBOVi siiMB. AVe oot'ee that our Supervisors have put down a good Hide-walk in fircnt of tha new stores of Powell & Kiuie, Holes and Walker, which is great improvement. Why can't we have the side-walk between fiwo and Elk Creek bridge rebuilt f 2 U absolutely dangerous for a stran ger to pass in daylight, and passengers arriving on the night trains have to take their chances in the dark' . That old side-walk was, and is atill, (what still sticks) spiked to J. S. Hyde's fence, and should now be cut loose and be placed on a, substantial founda tion, "not for Joe" alone, hut for the Jsepaflt pi the public A wrestling match for $500 a side, lb Titusville JferaU ssys, is proprtfed between John 11. M'Loulilin, bolder of the wrestling champion's belt in this country aod Harrison V. Comstnck, a California man now living in Washing ton. Com; lock is tho challenger. No pluco of meeting lias yet been determin ed on. J. II. M'Luughlin ha gotiQ to Albuoy, N. Y., to settle preliminaries Ho wants the match to cotno oil in Tr tusvillc, wbilo Couistock prefers Wasb iuj:to:i or Alexandria. The match will probublf come off tho latter putt of this mouth. Of the parties to this gymuaa tio exhibition ibo lhruld says: "Mr. M'l.aitjzliliu is familiarly known here, Having giuu public exhibitiout of his skill and powers as a wrestler, in mutches with Homer hauo and James Do Witt. M'Langhliti is a Hercules in stature and size; he stands 0 feet 1 inch iu his boots, and his weight is -M, with u powerful development aud ruddy couu teuatice indicative of pctlcct physical health, lie has followed the trade of blacksmith una toaiblo cutting, and served during the whole war, going iu as a private aud coming out with the rank of Major. He boasts that bo never touched a glass of liquor, nor docs be use tobacco in any lorm. When pre puriug lor a contest he subjects himself to sti lot truioirii;. His exerciso consists of a rapid walk of tiotless than 20 miles a day, iu all weathers, to improve the wiod aud hurdeu the muscles am! induce free pcrspi ration. His diet consists of rare beet or leau mutton, Graham bread, sjf't boiled cg?s, aud beef tea, a course of regimen observed for scvctal succes sive weeks. He also takes a rock salt bath every mortjiug, which for muscular development uud actiou in connection with the diet and exercises Bpokeu of arc. simple as they sccui, all-sufficient to tit him fer tho most arduous contest, which sometimes last for several hours. Mr. Cuuistofk is au expert, is said tu be a heavier man than his antngonist, and the coming match will be awaited with a good ileal of interest." The match is to come off at Titusville, Dee. Gili, between M'Laughlin and one J. J. lenjamiu who is backed by Corn stock, square bold, best two in three, for $500 a side and the championship of Anicriea. Wo are thiuking of challeng ing tho winner! Strange I'ue.noml.nox The in habitants of Basket Station on the Dela ware division, Eric railway, says tbo l'ort Jerv'w Gazette, were treated to a fits, elbss bcnsa'.ioa. About two miles north of the place, three acics of laud heavily timbered with hemlock, occupying an el. evatcd position, suddenly sank beneath the surlacc, disappeaiiog in u manuer similar to a load of dirt when tho bot tom is let out of tho wagou. Thure was no apparent cause, but it has certainly sunk to the depth of about 40 feet, lea v. ing the tops of the trees just risible above '.ho surface. The siukiug was ac companied by a loud crash, which died at?iy in a dull rumble, beard at a con siderable distance. The trees were stan ding iu the.r natural positions, having evidently experienced uo particular inju ry in their descent. It is usual when suah (reals of na ture occur for the sunken earth to be im mediately (submerged by volumes of wa ter, but in this instance no such phenom ena attends. Thb soil is of a clayey Da tore, and tho sides ot the cIuum formed by the sinking, present a smooth and even appearance, us if a huge spado hud bceu thrust dowu, and tho earth thrown out. The people at tho Basket, and from tbo surrounding country for miles, vis ited the scene of tho phenomenon en Sunday, aod viewed it with awe and consternation. They dou't like to be lose to where the bottom seems to be dropping uut of terrestrial thiugs. Clarion has a prospect of getting out of the woods ut last. The last Democrat cootaius a double-leaded column leader announcing that if the ptople along the line will do the grading, the Allegheny Valley II. It. Co., will equip a road from the mouth of Catfish Some years ago lie Commissioners of Clarion Coucty subscribed $100,000 to the stock of any company that would build a railroad through the county. Since then the A. V. company have extended their road the entire distance of the river line of the county, and now claim tho subscrip tion, while the people hopo to compro mise by the completion of the Catfish route "Nibblkbs." Some of tho Potts rille grocers complain bitterly of "nib blers" just now. A "nibbler" is a man who enters a grocery store, runs his fin. gers into a sugar barrel and takes a cou ple of ounces, then goes to the cheese and cuts off a slice, just to taste, then, as a matter ot course, must have a few crackers, and perhapajbefore he makes up his mind to purchase a quarter dol. lars' worth, be has eaten up the profits on two dollars' worth of groceries. "Nib- blers" visit other groceries besides those of PotUville. Governor Holden.of North Carolina, in his message to tho Legislature, gives the tatsj debt of .that 6tatt at 120.900.. 0i5. Political. Tbo Republicans of New York lost 10 members of the Assembly, in dis tricts where Woodford had a majority for Governor. Senator Williams, of Oregon, still ha hopes for that State. Ha says "it will go Republican in 1872, it Grant is re nominated for tho Presidency." Tho official returns from Iiliuois show that (ion. Lngau, for Congress at largo, ruu foiiio 1.500 ubead of his ticket. The Republican majority in the Senate is 14, iu the Houso 25' Charles J. Faulkner, whose name has been mentioned in connection with the Virginia United Stales Senatorship, baa written a letter in which he says he is incapacitated under tho 14th amend ment from holding any office, State or Federal. Governor Bullock thinks tho election in Georgia will puss off quietly, and that no additional troops mil be uecded. Geu. llalleck has beeu ordered to make such disposition of the troops now iu tbo State, as he may decai best. Tbo Board of Education iu New York recently made tho study ot tho Gcrmau language part of tho regular course of instruction! iti the public schools. The I'ish have taken the war puih, and aro entering their vigorous protests against tho innovation. Uelfort is the only remaining fortress yet in possession of the French in that part of Frauee formerly belonging to Germany. It is well fortified, piovision ed aud garrisoned, aod is naturally a strong position. It cau hardly be taken unless by starvation. lulSSO, Delaware polled 303 Re. publican votes; in 1800, ,815; in 1804 8,130; in 18G7, 8.348, and in 1870, 9,' 980, a gain ot S)A72, siuce 1850. At this rate of increase it will not take ma ny years to change the political corn plcsion of the State. The Boston 0 ravcller endorses the views of Gen. Butler. It says that timid counsels and hesitating politicians are daugerous, and that if tho country wo'd approve of what the General says, Eng land would do us justice. Con&dencs Kan done for at Troj. Yesterday nDon, says the Troy, X. Y., Prtes of the l'Jth, a countryman coming dovu Fulton street, with u valise swing ing in each bund, was discovered in close conversation with u spruce looking young follow, who was evidently u con fidence man plying bis vocation. He accompanied the countryman to the Museum building and there, by means ot a false "check," borrowed S3'j ubcut all the money greeny bud. He stutted to go up btuirs. ostensibly to pay it bill which lie owed and promised to return immediately, telling his friend to wait at, the toot of the stairs. The confidence man evidently intended to play the old game of going through the upper hall and out of tho building by tbo Fulton street entrance, leuviug the greeny to wait for bis money on ltiver street. But, in this instance the victim was entirely too sharp, and the moment the operator disappeared up toe stairs a suspicion ot trickery spread over the grecuy's mind, and with a lusty wur-whoop he started af cr the borrower. He followed him up stairs, through the hallway and dowu to 1 ultoo street, with hi3 two valises swing ing convulsively from side to side, aud. finally, just at the Fulton street door, he seized the swindler by tbo coat collar with a grip like that of a viso. The confidence man struggled vaiuly to free uimselt, and finally seizing the country man's band in bis teeth, bit it dreadful ly. A crowd had by this time congrega ted, and seeing the condition of affairs, a gentleman rushed up aud mado the swindler disgorge the 536. Tho coun tryman, as soon as his money was return ed, released the swindler, who fled with all possible speed down the street, while "couutry," still tightly grasping his two valises started off on a frightful pace up the middle ot r ultoo street, stnkiug u bee line tcr the depot. Excitement. We had quite an ex citement here, says the Emporium In dtjtmdent, on Saturday afternoon. At about halt past 4 o'clock tho deep bay ing of a hound greeted the ears of our citizens, and on looking out into the street, a noble deer with majestic ant lers went bounding past, in all his na tive beauty, closely pursued by his ad. vcrsary, tho hound. Through the town they went, with long, though wearied strides, und such a hurrying up as was then enacted by our sports to get their bunting gear, has seldom been witnes. sed. Meanwhile, the deer, after run ning through the town, concluded he had gone far enough in that direction, turned and ran back, closely pursued by a score of men, boys and dogs, and after a short race was captured by the dogs no was a noble specimen ot his species and had been chased from the First Fork of theSinnetoahouing, some six teen miles distant. The banquet of the Bar of Crawford County to Judges Johnson aod Vincent, on Friday evening last was a very fine affair, and reflected credit alike to the donors and the recipients. Many speech, es were made by talented lawyers, laud atory of their offioia! careers, and the remarks of tha retiring Judges were feeling and to the point, Rev. C. M.Heard's appointments for Ccntrcville s"nd Toby are postponed for one week, and accordingly there will be preaching os follows: Centrevillc, Tuesday Eve., Doe. 13. Hewitt's; Wednesday Eve., " 14. Keystone, Thursday Eve., " 15. There will bo preaching at Ridgway, in the Court House, Sunday, morning and evening, Deo. 4th, bciug the regu lar time. An Indiana paper, tolls of a lawyer there who chatged a client $10 for col lecting 89; but said ho would not press him to pay the other dollar for a few days, if it would be more convenient for him to let it stand. QKl'HAN'd O lUKTBA.E-Thounder-signed. Administrator of the estate of A l'enr.-al', Inteof Klk County, willexpnsa to sale ly public vendue, or outcry, at Hio Court Housn. in Ridgway. on Monday, Jan uary Ulli. 1871, at3 o'clock, ptn, all tho in terest of sai'l Alfred Tearsall. deo'd, to-wit: 1, 109 acres, moro or less, being that part of a tract of land situate in Fox Tp., Kite Co, warranted n the name of Alfred l'car sail. 2d 880 acres of land, hoing that part of No 4271, in FoxJTp, Elk Co Cd 100 acres, moro or lcs. part . of warrant No 4IH4. in Fox Tp, Elk Co 4th Warrant. Ko 4278. in Fox Tp, l'.'.k Co, containing 9 8! acres, more or less excepting minerals and mining rights 6th Warrant No 427(1, in rox Tp, LIK Co, containing )Jt acres excepting mineral and mining rights JAME3 A 1'ErtRSALL, tds Administrator ' ADMINISTRATOR'S 1T0TICE. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration on the Estate of L. U. Zimmermnn, bite of Fox Township, Elk County Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to the uudesrsk'ned. All persons indeptcd to said Estate are requested to call and settle, aod those having claims agulnt the Estate will present them dulv authenticated tcr set tlement. JOJ.1N GREEN, Administrator, CAUTION'. Whereas the improper con duct of my wifo. Hoxy, h&9 made it aecces ary for self protection, that we live seper a'e, and thus having left her ia possetsinn of premises and personal property. I here by forbid all persons trusting her on my account or purchasing petsoual property left with her. as I glmU pay no debts of her contracting after this date. SAMUEL LEWIS, Ridgway 5ovember 24th 1&70. I am now taking and tilling ordvrs for the celebrated "YANKEE WASHING MACHINE" All who see are thoroughly convinced'nf its entire puccesi, ('all and see one at the Hyde House. Am also authorized to Bell territory. Any one wishiug to make r.om cy ami every boly glad, will find in this a sure way aud easy method. Otf A. J. MARSH. eT4UL1U11HN ISuO. WELCH & GRIFFITHS' S;v;s ! Caws I Saws ! SUPEHIOR TO ALL OTHERS. Axes, Files, Cast Steel, Mill Furnisb iuge, aud Machinery. ky Get the e$t, they will prove the cheap est. Trices reduced. .Send forpi;ic,o List and Circulars, WELCH & GRIFFITHS, Eestoi, cr Detroit Jiich. THE CELEBRATED IMPROVED GERARD OI1IODE GOLD WATCHES, $12, $20, RUKIXO the past four years our Watches have beeu so thoroughly tested, that for appearance, style of liuis-h. and accuracy of time-keeping, the tierard Watrlies" arc universally acceded to be the fest They retain their brilliancy and color un til worn out. t.ulf alter purchasing aud fairly try ing, any one is not lully putisticd, wo will cheerfully refund I h money. KTliey are all Hunting Cases, Gentle men's and Ladiuii' sites. Every Watch guaranteed for lima and wear, by special certificate. VS&.A lurgc assortment Improved Oriode' t'liuius, J2 to $8. Alto, Gentlemen's uud Zadies' Jewelry in great variety. B(S&,l!uwiirt of imitations. Order li. reel from us of our autborixed agents. Agents and others applying for circular will please enclose tjiice cent stamp for posiago. dWjUUoods sen; to be paid for on delivery. Customers permitted to examine what they order (before paying bills), on payment of Express charges both ways. tijrWhen SIX Watches are ordered at once, we will send an eclra Watch (of somo kind) free Ujjrl'urchasera residing at some distance fitni Express ofiices, und desiring to save lime and expenses, can have the goods sent by inuil, by remitting with the order the amount required by P. O. Money order, registered letter, draft or check, payable to our order, at our riik. Address plainly, JAMES GERAD & CO., V. O. Box 3,391. New York. 85 Nassau Street. 53m GOLD! GOLD! GOLD " HARNESS I HARNESS! HARNESS! COLLARS ! COLLAR3! COLLARS! EEAEI3 k FQWST.T.. have removed their Harness Shop over l'owell Si Kime's Store anu ii are on nana ine .largest asaorinisnt ot harness for luaibering and pleasure pur- DGSes. in fhlH or Ailininintr riiiintipn nn.l all other articles belonging tp the traije. TRUCKS, SADDLES, VALTSES. WJUJ'S, BLANKETS, COL LARS &o. Would in vita the attention of all owners horses to my new 1 ' PATENT ELASTIC CORK HORSE COLLAR, which proves lo be the belt Collar in existence for these reasons: Being very El at do thev do not ehafe 'or eall and the ork being a non coudactor, they prevent injury from heat. Call and see them. All wrk warranted Reparing, Triming and Upholstering done withe neatness and diipatch. HEARD 4 fOWELL. THE E1KCU ADVOCATE. TUB OLDKST PAPER 15 Ttf3 COUNTY, HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCU LATION, IT IS Til EREFQRH THE ADVERTISING M EDI UM IN TIIE COUNTY ! Dvotctl to the interests ot (h 2g6 ot C'U comity. TEItU3;$2 00 PES ISAB, BRING ALONG- YOUR ADOS. TISEMENTS AND GET THJJfc INSERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RAT2JL If you want to sell anything, let tha people know it through tho Advoojtj the great advertising medium, She (gift Sdrocafo Job Printing OMce In Court House, Ridgwsy, Pa The best work done, and at dka very lowest prieea. Blanks kept constsatly Uaoi at this oSee. Hsnd-bills printed at the skerift . Call in and get oar price far ajvarajfr ing end jobbing. Satisfsetion warraatatl Orders by mail prosiatl altaadei Ajdeeb W. S. SERVICE 4)00,000 CUSTOMERS WANTED At tho new Masonio Hall Building. STOVES at pv?ces thai will please of all desirable kinds. TIN-WARE of every kind pn hand at altimes. Special attention given to Wholesale or ders. Pries list furnished to dealers on application. SIIEET.T1X AND COPPER VCAPyE House furnishing goods a great variety. STEAM AND WATER PirEIXG, pumps, rismxo and hunting TACKLE, such as HODS CAS KETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CAfS, POWDER, Slc. Jo, ALL ORDERS FOR GUN WORK Promptly attended to. BIRD CA GESA NICE VARIETY ROOFING, GUTTERS, SPOUTS, of Tin, Galvanized Iron aud Copper an 1 every kind of HOUSE AND JOB WORK done on short notice aud warranted, AGENCY of Henry Disstons celebrated saws. Orders for saws at factory prices solicited, also for repairing. Information and price list furnished on application. PAPER RAGS, OLD ROPE, OLD COPPER, BRASS, PEW TER, LEAD, IRON, EEESWAX, HEAVY HIDES, DEAKON SKINS, SHEEP TELTS, GREEN BACKS, NATIONAL BANK KOTES, C. S. EONDS &o. taken in txchaiitje for Goods or Work vlniOt W, S. SERVICE. ltidgw-ay, March 1st, 1870 SPECIE PAYMENT! GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKEN IN EXCHANOB FOR OR JOB WORK AT THE RIDGWAY WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock beforo buying a Lumber or Pleasute Wagon. I use tho best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY ; I employ none but Pirst Clast ile- chanict; I use nothing but the lett Refined Iron. I think it will be to jour interest to give me your order. Having twenty-five lumber wagons ia course of construction, I will be able to furnish any party by the first of April. All oider3 by mail, also any orders left with W. S, Skrvicb at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. 8. JACKSON WEAVER TO TIIS NERVOUS & DEBILITATED, WHOSE SUFFERING HAVE BEEN FBQ TRACTED FROM HIDDEN CAUSES, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE VIIOJ1PT Til Ei XYTJ EJfT TO. RENDER EXISTENCE DE8L&AM-4V If you r9 suffering or have suf fered, from involuntary discharges, whaf effect docs it produce upon tour general health J Do you feel weak, i, bilitated, easily tired ? Does a 1h"0 extra exertion produce palpation of th'i heart? Does your liver, or unnn'V organs, or your kidneys, frequency get out of order? Is your urine w luiea tinck, milky or flocky, or i ropy on sctUin'? Or docs n th't'k t 17 skuui rise to tho top? Or is asedinieuT. at tnc oottotn alter it has stood itftMu-r Do you have spells of short breath": or dyspepsia? Are your bowe' '' stipated? Do you have spells of fiiintiiM, or rushes of blood to the head ? 1. your memory impaired ? Is your n.itul constantly dwelling on (be subj' i ? 1'" you feci dull, listless, mopiog, tired ut company, oflila? Do you wish to b alone, to get tnvqy from ever.lrn!? Does any litilo thing make y.;'i I or jump ? Is your sleep br"ken or restless 1 Is the lustre of' your i;vo i brilliant? The bloom of your chi-i'n bright? Do you enjoy youiscll ut n -cicty aa well? Do you pursui. yiir business with the satno energy ? ) yii feel as much coufidenco in yo'nx'll ?' Are your spirits dull nod l!ivi:'i'. given to fits of inclenclioly ? li k.. n. not lay it q your liver or dii-tn-M-.t liavo you restless nights ? V,nr ln'oi.: weak, and have but little appetiu-, mi you attribute this to dyspepa w livcr-coyir.luiut ? Now, reader, self-abuse, vitictxl disease badly cured, and sexual cxtwu-en are all capable of producing a we.tki e of the generative organs. The nij.:tii of the generation, when in perfect lir.ittii, inaku tho man. Did you ever t'liu. that thoo bold, defiant, enfiiL'i no, pers-3veriiig business-men are tilw:,;. thoo whose generative orgacsaio perfect health ? You uever hour such men complain of being nicl-n-choiy, of nervousuess, of palpatafion t thq lipart. They aro never afraid thty cannot succeed in business ; they don'; beootpo sad and discouraged ; tbey oi always polito and pleasant in company of ladies, and look you und hem right in the face none of your downcat-t lojks or any other meanness about them. I do not mean tbpso who keep Hbo orgrns inflated by runpmg to excess. These will not only ruin their consti tutions, but alsq thosp they do business with or for. How ronncy nien, from badly cured dis eases, from the e Heels of self-abuse and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that ha reduced tbo general sysipui so lynch as to induce almost every other disease-idiocy, pur. alysis, spinal affections, suicide, and alaiosi every other form of diseaso which hu manity U heir tor and the real cause of the trouble ecarecly ever suspeoted, and have doctored for all but tho right one. DISEASE OF THESE ORGAXS BEQUIRU THE USE OF A DIURETIC. MUD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is Tnraavc diureti, and is a certain CURL OR DISEASE OF THB BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAK NESS, FEMALE COMLAEfTa, GENERAL DEBILITY. And ftll nth Pi rliaantina ef tl.a IT: 7 , ---v.a i ... ununry ur? n , - iqiiug 4w . nua uri H ALB, i'roia whatever caue originutipoj aa nu uwn iwuft 9 mill U, suiiption or insanity may ensue, our and flesh blood are supported frgn thesu sources, ami the health and happiuoas, ttUlj that of Pgsteritjr, depends upon prouipi use of a reliable remedy. HEMBQLO'S EXTRACT BUCUU, cstabU shed upward of 19 years, prepared by DRUGGIST, 594 Broadway, Niy Vhekahb 104 South 10th. Street, Philadelphia. Pa. PRICE $1.25 tier bottle. forf 8,50, delivered to any address, Solo bt at.l Dbcgqists isvibvwbibi NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS L'oNH UP IX STtll. SSOBAVIO WEAppig, WITH !"-n"",U' ' "T CHMICAL WAUlA IlOUeE, AianoiiD, H. T IIELMEQLp,