"J, 0. LUTH S XL, Editor. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24. 1870. " How to Mark a Town. liio Dell ville, Illinois Ptoph sots forth the fol lowing factd which wo commend to tho earnest consideration of our people i la 1857, Aurora had a population of lens than 6,000: the C. 13. & Q. ma chine works were located toere at a cost I $zvv,vvv v mo citizens and the present population is 20,000. Gales burg had machine shops located there t about the same time and ratio of in crease of population is about that ol Aurora's The machine shops of the C. A. f St. L. R. R. were put up in jHoomington in 1859, since which time they have doubled in population. The Illinois Central put shops in Chain- pain in 1858, since which time the in crease of her population has been 5,000. The machine shops of C. C. & I. road vaie bnilt at Logansport, Ind., by Mr Young, in I860, at a cost to the citizens cf $200,000, have since inceeased her population 6,000. Mr. Young also put up the Tort Wayne aud Ind., shops in 1850, at a coss of 8200,000 to the citi Kens, and the increase of population has been 15,000. EELIGI0US BEPABTMIT" HnnswsanarTv9lsFV BEV. C. J. H2AED, EDITOB. Beath of Senator Watt. lion. Wm. Watt, member of the Feuato of this State, died suddenly at his residence in Philadelphia, on Friday last. Him death creates a vacancy m tho first benatonal district of this etate, Mr. Watt has been for a long time an influential member of the republican parly of Pennsylvania. He served lour terms as a representative in lower house, and was recognized as an able member. lie was about fifty yetirs of e"c at the time of his death. Senator Watt's death makes the parties in the l'ennlylvania Senate a tic 16 to 16. A special election to choose his successor must be held under a writ directed by the Speaker of the Senate to the Sheriff of Philadelphia 'Iho Constitution of tho State require the Speaker to issue the writ wheu the vacancy occurs, and the net of J u!y 3839. prescribes that the election shall be held within not lcs3 than fifteen and not more than thirty days from the Usui ng of the writ A deep interest will ccntro about tho election to fill the nnj, 't'fwill h a strutralo for party sunremacv in the Senate Tho district r is democratic by asinall majority, as we think the election returns of the past few years will show. Gen. Win. McCandkss will doubt less fill tho vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr Watt- The splendid run which he made in 18GG, when be was elected in the First District by t, majority af about 1S00 votes over Jerry Nichols, marks him as the standard hnarerer in the coming contest. Dcin- xchanyc$. The Corning Democrat says that about the 1st of May last, a Mr.Xivisou ..rw-tlriny nhn him devoted a larger tortion of his life to the study of geolo' yj, became couvinced, from repeated experiments, that the hill contained mineral deposits that would pay for in vestigation. Mr. Nivison procurctl a lease of the land, and proceoded to ex. cavate, hoping to quarry stone suflicicut nay expenses. But this hope proved futile : uarties needing stone woul rather buy it of some other man than do anything to assist an enterprise iu which they had no faith. Only one man was found whose faith led him to assist in carrying the enterprise to a sue. cessful iesuo, and that was Joseph IIol enbeek. Joseph had faith, and now there is exposed to view a lead, five feet thick and 80 feet wide, of black stone, which we are assured contains a large percent age ol silver, copper and lead. Prof. Hall, State Geologist, visited the mine last week, and gave it as his opinion, that the rock contained mineral in con siderable quantities. He took spacimens with him for examination. A small quantity has been smelted in a common cruciablo, and the result proves satisfactorily that the quarts is rich in mineral wealtn The objsct now is to have a proper assay to determine whether it will pay. A Young Man's Mistake. A few days since we were conversing with a young man who seemed quite disposed to cavil at religion as illustrated in the lives of Christians- lie manifes ted the prolound ignorance obliviousness of facts which infidels display when talking on this subject. One of his remarks was that he liked that class of persons who took an intrcst in the worl dly welfare of their fellowmeo, and not those who were bringing their religion into everything, instead of supplying the temporal needs of society and con tributing to their mere amusement. One might have supposed that he had just been born iuto the world, so igno rant did he seem of facts. Wo took him up on his own ground,and bv refer ring to tho charities of this great city, rich and poor, showed him that the Tety people who are giving their tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars lor the temporal relief of the suffering and the needy, are the Christien people while the worldly millionaires are hoard ing up their gold for their own selfish satisfaction. Let any one take the re ports of our hospitals and houses of ref uge and houics for the unforunatc, and he will find that in most of them, nearly every dollar comes from Christian men and women while the men and women who are threading alleys and climbing rickety stairs to search out aud help the chi-dren of want, are Christians. Who ever meets in such t'laces an iuCdel engaged in a work like this- Such thing may be, but if it does occur, it must be by a very strange exception to the general rule. Comparsons are odious but never so much so as when they are untrue; and tho encmis of tho Gospel are very fond of making tho falso corn parson indicated above- All facts prove it to be not only unjust, but notoriously untrue. N. Y. Obscner. Esccomendad and Endorsed by over usTon uunaraa doctors i UK, LAWRENCE'S COMPOUND FLUID KXTItACX OF XOSKOOI Tim oilier HEALTH RESTORER I Not a Secret Quack Medicine Formula Around the Hottle. . . 0no Crop of Ink One drop of ink will blacken a whole glassful of puro water. So will one evi' communication make the whole heart loul. . bu ware of those evil words. You might drop in many drops of pure water into tho icky tumbler, but it would have no perceptible infiuenoe. So it will take thousands of good pre cepts und good instructions to root out tkiu ol'il U'nril. Evory child knows who of his associ ates are pure in heart and in word, and who are the opposite. Let him shun all evii speakers inoro than he would a leadly viper. There is no greater snare to a child's sole than such compauy. Only the pure in heart shall see God either here in this life, or in the life to come, tiocl snows hnuscii to tnc pure hearted in a thousand forms of beauty and goodness around h'un. The little flowers tell of his hand who painted them the littlo birds of his love who cares lor even sparrows: the plant rocks arid the rolling thunder speak I bis power aud greatness. But to the impure tliesu thm9 aro liko a sealed book. Sadder than all' none dut the ure can enter heaven. They must dwell lot ever with that evil throng who aro without the gate O, beware of this single drop of ink ou the souls white ness. Presbyterian. PREPARED SOLELY BT Dr. J. J. Lawricnce, Original Chcmiet KOSKOO STRIKES AT THE ROOT OFDISEAS3 PURIFYING THE BLOOD, RESTORNQ T11K LITER AMD KIDNEYS TO A HEALTHY ACTION, AND IN VIGORATING THE, NER VOUS SYSTEM, This is the Secret of its Wonderful Success iu Curing Cousumption in its early stages, Scrof ula, Syphilis, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, chronic Itheu Matisai, Neuralgia, Ner vous Affeoiion, Eruptions of the Skin, Humors, Loss of Vigor, Diseases of Kid ney aud Bladder. AND ALL DISEASES CAUSED RY A BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD. It thoroughly eradicates every kind of Humour and Bad Taint, and restores the cntiro system to healthy condition It is bepond question the FINEST TUNIC IX THE WOULD. Thousands have been changed by the use of this Mcdieiue from weak, sickly, snffeving creatures, to strong, healthy and happy men and women. Invalids cannot hesitate to give it a trial. No Medicine has obtained such a great reputation as this justly celeharted compound. FOR TESTIMONIALS From Physicians, Eminent Divines, Editors, Druggists, Merchants, &c, see KOSKOO ALMANAC for this year. TRICE ONE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE FOR BALK BY RAILROADS- ' PHI LAD LFKA & ERIE SAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after MONDAY, NOV. 21 st, 1870, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows t WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philaolpdhia.. 0.20 p.m. 1 " " Ridgway J.Ott p. m. ' " arrivo nt lOrio 7.40 p. m. Eric Expletives Philadelphi 12.20 p. m. ' Ridgway- 2.07 a. m. " arrive nt Erie....... ..a.7.40 a. m. Accomodation, leaves Renovn....7.15 a. tn. " " Ridgway,..6.01 p. m. arr at Kane 8.00 p. m. VA8TWAHD. Mail Train leaves Eric - 9.00 a. m. " " Ridgway 3.00 p. ui. " arrive at Phila'd'a... 0.6O a. m. Erie Express leaves Erie 9.00 p. m. " " ' lidgway... i:,U7 n. m. " ar-at Philadelphia- o 30 p. m. Accomodation, leaves Kane 7,30 a. tn. " " Ridgway ...10.40 a. m. " arratSt.Marysl2.no m. leaves St. Marys 7.15 a: m. " " Emporium 0.40 a m. " arratRcDovo 3.00 p.m. Express, Miil ami Accommodation, east and west, connect nt Corry and all west bound trains and Mail accommodation east at Irvinton with the Oil Creek and Alle gheny River Rail Road. Mil. A. DALVWIK. Geu'l Sup't. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGHMY powell & kime. TEE ElK CtJ ABYflCATJL QOOD3 FOR THE MILLION. P OWE LL & KIME At their capacious stoie iu RID G WAY TUB OLDBST PAPER IK THJI COUNTY, HAVING TnE LARGEST CIRCU LATION, IT IS THEREFORE! THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY I BUSINESS CARDS. TTENRY SOUTUER, Attorney-t-Law 1 Ridgway, r. GA. EATFBL'N, . Ridgway Ta. (feb29'08), Attorney-at-Inr 2 2tf. DAN SClllBNElt WISHES TO IN form the Citizens of llidgway, and the public generally, that he Las etarteda Liv ery Stablo and willkccp GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES aud Buggies, to let upon the most reasona ble terms. pgHe -w ill also do job teaming. Stable in tlte Brooks Barn, near the Post Office, on Mil' street. All orders left nt the Post Office will meet proniptalten tion. Aug 20 1870. tf, Have on hand, a splendid assortment of all seasonable Goods adapted to tho wants ot tne people of Elk and adjoining counties, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. They would simply-state here, that being very larv;e dealers, their facilities lor purchasing are unequalled by aay establishment in th& county. They buy directly from manufacturer and on tho The Principal Drw.yhtx in the Unrted Utiles and British America. Da. Lawrence's Woman's Emend Cures all Diseases peculiar to Females gOMETmsa NEW IN R1DQW AY 1500T & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT ti, mi, .--iV,KT takes thia mithod of in formiae the eifuens of Rldgway and vicinity that he has opened a BOOT & SHOE STORE. in tli a rnnm lutelv occupied by Kenry S Tlmvpr in this west end of tho Hyde Hon se. whereniay befoundageueral assortment of Ground Floor. Svfltrd to the interest of iU of CUt Coutttu. HALL & BllO. Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, STliordwell, M. DTCclecflo-Pbyeiaa OHioe and residence opposite the Jail, on Centre St., Eidgway, Pa. Prompt attention will be given to all calls. (Jfiioo hours: 7 to 6 A. M- i 12o2P. M. ; aud ') to 7 P.M. Mar. 22, CO tf. DR. A. FISHER. Surgeon Dentist, of Warren, Pa., will be in St. Marys the i no third week in each month. Office in Dr. Russ' building, Centre itreet, Ft. Mary's, and at Ridgnay every court week. Office at the Hyde House. Jt C. n. FULLER, BOTANIC niYSTClAN, RiixiWAT, Pa. Residence and office opposite the Thayer House. TTVDE HOUSE, XI Rimiwat, Elk Co., Pa. W. II. SCHKAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort ana convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of tba same. Oct 30 1800. TERMS :-$2 00 FES YSA3 BRING ALONG YOUR ADTKrV T&EMENTS AND GET TUHM INSERTED IN THE, ADVOCATE, AT 10 VY RATS rpHAYER HOl'SlJ, I RIDGWAY, PA. DAVIT) THAYER, Proprietor. The undersigned having tilted up a large and oomniodious hotel ilia southwest. corner of Centre and Mill streets, with good and convenient stabling attached, respectfully- solicits the patronage of his old friendsand the public generally. dcclS'OO ly DAVID THAYER. HAN KLIN HOUSE, St. Mary's, Pa. LARGEY h MALOSE, Panra's. The proprietorsreppec! fully ask the atten tion of their friends and the public in trencritl to their lnrge and commodiotm hotel. Every attcntiou paid to tho conve nience of guests. II. LARGEY. ainy,l0-lf!8.1y J. A. mALOSE. Another advantage. You can al ways get what you want at their store, hence you will save time by going directly to them and TIME IS MONEY. We have no space here to enumerate all the advantages you will have in patronizing their establishment. But call and see, and reap the ad vantages for yourselves. Among their Goods you will find If you want to sell anything, lot th people know it through tho Advo8AT the great advertising median. IEYNULOS HOUSE, E2TCCLBS71LLZ, JEFmSCU CO, PA. H. S. IJELNAP, PaorniBToa . K ERSEY HOUSE, C'EKTBKVIIiLK, Ll.K Co., Pi. John Collins, Proprietor. Sudden Death. On Sunday mor- niu" last a very sudden death occurred in Bradv's Bend, this Co. It appears i.. n tha mornioz named Mr. L. Le roy arose about 4 o'clock to get a drink of water. He had something of a cough and was buffering with an attack of the : TIa took a drink and was reaching for another, when a sudden nf nnnehintr seiiod him, and stagcer- Iia fell to the floor dead. The physician gave it as their opinion that paused in consequence of the .--cin nf a blood-vessel in the neck tt lmv has lone been a resident of 7t,ni1. hut had recently loeated a Tarker, where hi jewelry shop was fmaued down, ana no iiaa rcmrucu w Lest They he DiscotUAfiED. A father had given his son a book, and as he was going away to preach at a distant appointment, he spoke of the appropri ateness of his spending his leisure houas on the Sabbath in reading. While he was gone a sudden impulse seized the boy to win his fathers approval by seeing hoff much he could read. So every moment ho could gain he read in his new book, thinking all tho time how pleased his father would be with his dilligence. When he leturned, he hastened joyfully to meet him, showing him the mark, and telling him the number of pages he had read. But the father was cold and tired, and worse still, was thoughless. So he hastily put thd boy aside with the word3. 'You shoud have read twice as much. It a blow had struck tho boy to the earth, it would have been a slight injury, compared with this blow to tho spirit. It crushed hoDelesslv for the time all aspi ration, all effort after knowledge. It made him lqok with almost aversion ration, all enort alter knowledge, it made hira look with almost aversion upon his father. The sear on the spirit was carried away into manhood. That book stood on the library shelf, but tho mark had never been moved. No addi tional page was ever read in it. O, how we need to watch ourselves these moments of weariness and perplexity! Hasty, petulant words, where a child looks for approval, are wounds to tho spirit hard indeed, to bear. It takes all our niaturer fortitude to meet with an even mind such disappointment, PETERSON'S MAGAZINE Pro:p3c;us for IS71. 9a?" TnE CHEAPEST AND BEST. "8 To eveiry per:en getting'.up'a Club of four, at $1,0 eacilwill be sent free, our superb cotv-right er.frr&ving, 24 inches by 20, "WAIILNGTOS AT THE BATTLE OF TRENTON." While 10 those gettlug up Club9 of cipbt, at $1.60 each, an extra copy of Magazine for 1K71, in addition will be sent, iree. PETESON' S MAGAZINE has the best Oriciual Storieg of any of tho lady's booka the best Colored Fashion Plates, the best Steel EncraviaifS, &.O., S c., Every lamily ouehl lo take it. It gives more for the monev than any in the world. It will con tain, next j ear, iu its twelve numoers Ladies Phoe. Gentlemen Boots and Mioei, Doys' Roots and Children's Shoes. ALSO, Connected with the above establishment I have a Hoot and Shoe Manufacturing es tablishment where work will be made to order. Repairing done on short notice ami on reasonable tertt,s The public are invited to give me a call. oc-3, oyy vituiia n.vuar.u. in Ono Thousand pages ! Fourteen Splended Steel Plates ! Twelve Colored Berlin Patterns Twelve Mammoth Colored Fashions ! Nine Hundred wood Cuts ! Twenty-four pages of Music It will also give Five Original Copyright Novelette by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, huu dred shorter stories, all originaL Its su perb MAMMOTIT COLORED FASHTON TLATES are ahead ufall others. These plates on steel, twice the usual she. TEUilS Alwaysllu Advance : i ci'y 'r ne yer $200 4 copies ti 00 8 12 CO PREMIUMS. Every person getting up a Club of four, fttl.&0 each, shall receive, free, a eopy of Waf hiugton !" and a eopy of the Magaitine or 1871! ! ddiees. CHABSLEStS J. rETER?OH. 80 CheBln tit reel, Fhiladelpiu, I a. THE MERCHANT'S J0U1TIIAL AK SBW TOKK & PHILADELPHIA rICi CUB(ST. EVERY WEDNESDAY at $2 per annum. Tha Journal is the cheapest Commercial paper published- H gives the lateft com mercial and financial reports and latest tiiiHinuss items and articles of inter est and value to the Merchant, Farmer and wry DRY GOODS in endless varieties, GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING of best material su perior cut and finish, HOOTS & SHOES of tho lest stock and make, CROCKERY for uewly uar-' ried, Middle aged aud eldeily. 25h 6lh gldwcafe Job Printing Office In Court House, Ridgway, Pa. Thankful for the patronaite heretoiora bo liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort nt.d convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the dame. jyjXJRTON HOUSE, ERIKi'l'A. M. V. Muore. (Atte nthe JJiJe Uouse) Proprietor. Onen Diiv :iti1 Nitrlit- n30tY. " CII. VOLK, 'Manufacturer and Dealer , in Lagtr Deer,' opposite tho Uuilroatl Depot, ht. Mary a, Ha coumy Pa. lNVELOPES, LABELS & TAGS neatly 11 i printed ut the Advocate Office. J."' PARSONS, Manufacturer and Dealer in Hoots & Shoes, Main at., opposite Hotel, nov27y Wilcox, Pa. family. It give a full and reliable price lint, which evorv merchant about i have. and can we be aurpiised that the tender ubsoription agents wanted. A liberal com- ,. . , I million paid. Address child' spirit growl discouraged and. WATSOn ft CO.. PuHUhcra, 13 8. 7th bitter under the-m? rhihddrhta. This is NO PATEFT MEDICINE HUM BUG, gotten up to dupe the ignorant and credulous, nor is it represented as being "composed of rare and precious substances brought from the four corners of the earth, carried seven times accross the Great Desert of Baharrab on the backs of fourteen camel, and brought across the Atlantic Ocean on twa Ships." It n a iimple miH molhiuj JtrmrJi, a perfect Rjiecilie for Catarrh and "Cold in the head," also for offensive lireath, Loss or impairment of the Sense of Smell, Taste or Hearing, Watering or Weak Eyes, Pain or Pressure in the Head, when caused, a they all not uufrequenily are, bv the violence of Catarrh. 1 ofler in cood faith, a standing Reward of S jOO for a easa of Catarrh thai I cannot cure. FOR SALE BT MOST DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Paica 50 Cints. 8ent by mail, post paid, on receipt of Sixtt Ckts. Four packages Tor or 1 Doien for $500 Sind a two cent stamp for Dr. Sage's paroriulet on Catarrh. Address the rro prietor. R. T. PiaRCe, W P.i DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, PORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUK, COBN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ILSB. The Lest work doua, a ad tt Tery lowest prieat. Hlanks kept comtaatly at this ; , Hand-hilli printed at ikarltft JgOARDING HOUSE, rcar the Depot, W ilcox, Ta. The undersigned has opened a largn board irghouso at the above place, where he i amply prepared to satisfy the wants of those I who may avorhim with their tuptom. MA It TIN SOWERS, Proprietor JACOB YOUNG k CO , Book Binders And Blank Book Manufacturers, Corry, Pa. Blank Books Made to Order. MASLIN Kettles, Brass Kettles, Pore lean Sauce Pans, French Tincd Sauce Puus. Fruit, cans the cheapest and best, at. W. 8. SERVICE'S, Hardware Store. Pidgwny, Pa. AS. HILL, Physician and Surgeon,. , Keraey, Elk Co. Pa. JOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridp way, Elk county Pa. mar-22'titil J Oil NO. HALL..-.. .JAS. K. V. HALL IB LANES of all kinds for aale at this DC3. Call in and get our priea fat a4w ing and jobbing. Satiafattioa warraaHA Orders by mail promptly ttkM lt& tft. Nearly all kiadi aouatrj pro-! duoe ttkrt at the sirkot Tilo Vial'' THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE READY TO furnish brick in quantities to suit purclias- Will deliver on board of cars ontlta Daugaschoanda Railroad at Earley. T. KING & CO. larley July 12. 1870. 8m coau mm The subscriber having ordered 600 ton bituminous and anthrieite coat is now prepared to furnish the people of Ridgway with bard oi soft coal, out or stove sties, lump run ot mines and lilacksmithing coal, in quantities to suit purchasers. 40 tf M. T. FRENCH. July 23. 1870. JOHWOKK done with ilititch'ii this Offieei 7 3