Erie Express 2:2. r" m- do do 'West :01 m. do Mail East -2:48 p.m. do do Went p. m. Local rrcight Kst 7:20 a. m. do do West 6;10p. in Eli og3, A. T. II Stated meptinrs of Elk Lodge will be hell ai their ballon 1i tecoud and fourth fuesdars of cacli ninuih. J. K. WHIT.UORE. Seo'y. Tempi of Honor and Temperance. Elklon Temple, No. 8., m.'ets on Thurs day or eaou week, at me uood Templars Lodge loom, over v. Uiins more. C. It. iSLADE, V. It. AQEJJT3 TOK THE ADVOCATE. Tho following tunned p' rfons are author ixel aiMH s tir i tie A'irurnfe lo receive aun-cri,i inn, n lveriwinj or Job work, tako pay th-relo. and give rvct'pts. Wilooi. A. T. ALiinicn. J. L. Brown. Kana. Gm. Tihijias. L. K;.E. Hi. Matys. Cims. McVkam. C'nirev:lle. J amis G ueln. Ciledonin. It. A. Wkkii. ltennrzmte. Khahjii'h Moret. f priii;' ("reek. A. V. Irvin. lliglil.nid. Lbvi Ki.i.otiiobpf. Ilorion. 1). I'. Ovutkr. N. M.Brocrwav. Niw York. S. M. Pki'Tencill Co. 7 Pare Uow. G.:o. 1'. Kohkki, Co., 40 A4i Turk How. We will be up to time next week. The weather, though cold, is extreme ly pleasant (or November. Locals are as scarce here this week 88 red-headed barber's wives. II. S. Thayer, Esq. has just moved into his new dwelling house, on Mill etreet. Subscribe for the Advocate nnd you wIU hear from your friends every week and know "whose evjry man's k2 belongs to." Powell & Kirna are still reciving new oods. If tliey have not the article on hand called for by customers, they im mediately order it. A friend of ours tue other night dis covered a fellow stealing his coul. The thief, observing our friend, but thinking himsolf unobserved, away. Ex. j'x-M Avon, W in. Ada ins. of Alleghe ny. .Pa., formerly mayor of that ci'y convicted of passing counterfeit twenty lol!ar notes on the tftioc and Leather liauk of New York, ha been sentenced to pay a fine of $1,000 and tu undergo an imprisonment of seveu years in the western pcnilnnt'wrv Ai'P.;:s. It is no trouble lo pet a good eating apple this full, cs fruit lias matured early ; but first class cook ing apples are scarce. W. O. Ilealey has just received what evoy body wauts in the apple line. He has something that will make a pie, something good to cat now and some that will keep un til spring, which ho sells by the bushel or barrel at living rates. IIukters. Four or five young men from the eastern part of the state, ar rived in town on Tuesday rooming fully equiped for a deer hunt. After breakfasting, ut the Hydo'IIouse, they tttarted fur Shawmut, fbotiog it up the track, in the best of spirits, being as sured that doer are plenty there. Every deer they capture, kill or take will be be very dear to them. We wish them luck. Oa Thursday night the New York Central Railroad Transfer Freight House at Buffalo was destroyed by fire together with numerous freight cars, many of them loaded with freight. Loss $500,000. The new edition of tho School Laws of Pennsylvania is ready for delivery. School directors and con trollers will be supplied by the County .Superintendents of their respective counties. Any person can get a single copy by Addressing th& School De partment at Ilarrisburg, und enclosing ten cents for postage A very careless man iu Scenectady threw a kiss to bis little daughter in the street. Another man's wife Btood in range, and thought the kiss was meant for her; so she made a similar demon stration. Her husband just then, un luckilly, came upon tbe scene and wit nessed the transaction. lie was very mad and his anger caused him to thrash the father of tbe aforementioned little daughter. The result is an assault and battery case, which bids fair to furnish food for gossip in Socnectady lor some time to come. Ex. The members of the Forty second Cougrew already elected number I'll, divided aa follows; Republicans, 128 Democrats, 91' Five Statss, Connec ticut, California, Geo.gia, New Hamp shire and Texas are yet to vote for re presentatives, and tbe probabilities are that they will elect 8 Republicaus and 13 Democrats. This will give the Republicans good working majority in tbe next House 137 to 107. ' Rtnrfc.rj, Jfoy.'U-A desperate nnd bloody fight took place in the' woods on Mount Holly, eight miles from ibis place, on Saturday last, between s gang of French woodcutters, 17 in number, and three oflicors,' who were endeavor mg to nrrcst them, The Frenchman were armed with axes, and cut and peat two of the officers in a brutal manor. The Frenchmen escaped to the mountains, but this morning. 13, were arrested, and arc now undergoing examination. Jersey City, Nov. 14. During an affray in a lagar beer saloon, last night a uian named George Meyer was beaten so badly that be will probably die Louis Rabold and George Kuhn, resid ents of New York, were arrested for the assault, and committed without bail. The wife of cx-Aldernian Thurston m r n tlf.nim. fivtm M wannri .Lid a. ... n , . and fatally injured. Richmond, Nov. 14-The court of appeals, to-day, declared unconstituti onal that part of the enabling act, empo wering the decisions of the same court, when it was composed of military appo intees. Only two judges dissenting. The Army Retiring Hoard. The board for examining the records and efficiency of army officers, organized under tho act of Congress of July last, of which Gen. Hancock is President, has not yet got to work, owing to the non-arrivnl of one of its members, Gen eral McKensie, of Texas. The rapidity with which officers are going out under the provisions of the act allowing a year's pay will probably reduce the numper of supernumerics to one hun dred and fifty by the ISth. of Jan uary. As the latter number will be required to fill the vacancies occasioned by caasualities during the year, it is thought that the President will recom mend to Congress the propriety of ex amining those remaining in service at that time from the operation of the Act mustering them out. Extf.vsivk Fire. Oa Wednesny night the reflection of what appeared to be a large jonllagration was visible, in a direction north west from this place, and gave rise to many specula tions as to what it might be. On Thurs day we received information that it was a large quantity estimated to be in the neighborhood of 1,000,000 feet of lumber, belonging to Messrs. Iles- ser & Iliietnan in Clearfield county, the lumber alone was consumed, as the mill had been reiuoved to some other point sfiine time since. It was evidently the work of an incendiary, as there appears to have been no buildings inhabited near the spot. It was inshured for 20fiOQ-I'h;i;jshi,ry Journal. A Historic Craft. Tho Detroit Ptxt says: The Revenue cutter Andrew Johnson whilo on a cruise uorthward from Milwakeo, on the 27th of October, rescued the stranded schooner Harriet Ross, and towed her to North Bay. The Harriet Ross is undoubtedly the oldest vessel afloat on the lakes, and has a historic interest, as in 1812 she was flagship to Commodore Perry, on the lake. Since then she has been length ened and rebuilt eevcral times, and is now a staunch craft, supplied with an excellent outfit, and having a carrying capacity of over 150,000 feet of lumber. R. V. Huddllescn remarked at breakfast this morning that he recently shot a bear somewhere up the creek that weighed over COO pounds ; but Isaac Reed immediately destroyed all interest in Huddleson's achievement, by de'ibertety telling of one be hud killed severul years ago near the same spot, which, weighed, when dressed, over 2,800 lbs., giving the day and date and all the particulars in the most minute and serious manner. Bob said not another word, but shoveld in tbe fried bread in threatening si lence. Forest Tress. Da. Sage's Catarrh Remedy is u-arrnted to cure Catarrh in its worst stages. The most painful cases are speedily relieved by it, andjstoppages, offensive discharges, and tainted breath all yield to its wonderful curative pow ers. "Cold in the Head," dizinest and thin watery discharges are removed, the head cleared, the air passages opened, and relief and comfort afforded by its use. It contains no strong irritating, poUnous or caustic drags. Eent by mail on receipt of sixty cents. Address R. V. Tierce, 14. D., BuffJo, N. T. For tilt by most druggists everywhere Lamp Explosion. On Saturday evening last, ss Mr. O- Woode, an sitae he of ths 6cribner House, was about to leave the building with s ligh ted lantern, it suddenly biased op, sod scon exploded, leafing it an entire srreck Mr. Woods was fortunate, bowefer, in getting the blazing mass outside of the building before it burst, thus saving very probable conflagration. Bookville Republican. ' Fatal Accident. Paddy Quinn who formerly kept a saloon at Sorg's oorner, met with an accident a short timo ago which resulted fatuity. He had been below Benciette during the day, starting for Burke'j at Caledonia He stopped at Os Johnson's to inquiie tho way, and, being told, it was supposed he went on. In the morning he was found in a stall in Johnson's barn almost trampled to death. It is supposed ho lost his way and went into the barn to pass tho night and goon to Caladonia in the morning. He died in a lew days aftor he received his injuties. Gazette. The Jamestown Journal stys that Earnest C. lloyt met with a very nar. row escape of his lifo yesterday (the 7th inst.) afternoon while out hunting. He called at Griffith's Hotel.about 6 o'clock while on his way homo, for tho purpose of warming. As he asoended the steps the trigger of his gun eame in contact with one of the steps and caused the musket to discharge. Part of the con tents struck him in on the right side of the head, tearing away a part of the ear and fracturing the skull. The wound is not considered dangerous. Quarterly Meeting. At Ccnfre- villo commencing Wednesday evening Nov. 23 and continuing duirng tho next day. Rev. Jo. Leslie, ot Corry, the Residing Elder will bo present and conduct the services. CLLINS IIORTON. At the res idence of the bride's father, on the 9th of November, 1870, by the Rev. Mr. Lanning, of Keating, Pa Mr. Jo UN II. Collins, of Keating, to Miss Em ma M. IIorton, of Ridgway. They have our best wishes, and we hope that their future may be as'rtreet and rich as the wedding cake recived by us, THE MERCHANT'S J0U1IRAL AKl NEW YORK & rillLADKLPIIIA PRICE CfRBEST. EVERY WEDNESDAY at $2 per annum. The Journal is the cliimneot Cninnipri-inl paper published- It gives the latest com mercial una nnanciat reports anu latest news, business items nnd articles of inter est nnd value to the Merchnnt, Farmer and family. It er'iva n full nmt rplmhln nrinn list, which every merchant shouli hve. sunscripiion ugenis wanteu. A lioeral com mission paid Address WATSON & CO., Publishers, 16 S. 7th Street Philadelphia. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby iriven that Letters of Administration on the Estate of L. U. Zimmerman, late of Fox Township, Elk Couuty Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to tiie uudesrsi-j tied. All peoons indepted to said Estate are requested to call and settle, and those having claims againt the Estate will present them duly authenticated lor set tlement. JOI1NZGREEN, Administrator, 2 61 TETERSON'S MAGAZINE Prospectus for -1S71. . o: tF TIIE CHEAPEST AND BEST. To evelry person gettJnglup'a Club of four, at $1,50 sachtwill be sent free, our superb copy-right eagraTicg, laiiwhis by 23, "WAHISGTON AT THE BATTLE OK TBESTON." While to those getting up Clubs of eight, at $1.60 each, an extra copy of Magazine for 1871, in addition will be sent, free. PETE80N 8 MAGAZINE has the best Original Stories of aay of the lady's books, tbe beet Colored Fashion Plates, the beat Bteel tngravings, &e., o.t Every family ought to take it. It gives more for tbe money than any ia the world. It will con tain, seit year, ia it twelve numbers One Thoueand f ages J Fourteen Spleoded Steel Plates I Twelve Colored Berlin Patterns I Twelve Mammoth Colored Frsbions I L'ine Handred wood Cuts I Twenty-four pages of Music ! It will alea nive Five Oilfiaal Copyright Koveletts by Mrs. San S. Stephsas, bua drd saorter stories, all erigiael Its su perb MAMMOTH COtOaiD ASHIOBT 1M.AT13 art a keal of ell others. These slates oa eil, twiae ike usual ait. lm-Myt2 aMrsnosi 1 CP ytr..M ft 00 Cf 00 13 CO fever pertee ettug a e Clab ef four, at 91.60 taeb, chell receive, rat, a copy of "Wafhingtoa 1" and copy of the Mageiiae for 187111 Address, CHARSLia J. FETERS09. 90i Cacstast rild.elpje, ft. 7- S. SERVICE 200,000 CUSTOMERS WANTED. At the new Masonio Hall Building. STOVES at prices that will please of all desirablo kinds. TIN-WARE of every kind on band at altimes. Special attention given to Wholesale or ders. Frioe list furnished to dealers on application. SI1EET-TW AND COPPER WARE House furnishing goods a great variety. STEAM AND WATER PIPEINO, PUMPS, FISHING AND HUNTING TACKLE, such as RODS BAS IvETS, SEINES, FLIES, HOOKS, CAPS, POWDER, &e. c. ALL ORDERS FOR GUN WORK Promptly attended to. BIRD CAGES A NICE VARIETY ROOFING, GUTTERS, SPOUTS of Tin, Galvanized Iron and Copper anl every kind of HOUSE AND JCB WORK done on short notice and warranted, AGENCY of Henry Disstons celebrated saws. Orders for saws at factory prices solicited, also for repairing. Information and price list furnished on application. PAPER RAGS, OLD ROPE, OLD COPPER, BRASS, TEW TER, LEAD, IRON, BEESWAX, HEAVY HIDES, DEAKON SKINS, SHEEP PELTS, GREEN BACKS, NATIONAL BANK NOTES, U. 8. BONDS 4c. taken in exchange for Good or Jor7c vln20t W. 8. SERVICE. Ridgway, March 1st, 1870 SPECIE PAYMENT! GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR WAGONS OR JOB WORK A T THE RID GWAY wagon' shop. Call and examine my stock beforo buying a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the best selection of Michigan WHITS OAK AND HICKORY j I employ none but Firtt Clan Me chaCci; I cse nothing but the lest Refined Iron. I think it will be to jour interest to give me jour order. Having tvrenty-fivo lumber wagons in course oi costruetioo, I wiil be able to fnrnish any party by the first of April AH oiden by Bail, also soy ordeis left with W. S. Sibvici at ths Tin Shop, will reooive prompt ittention. 8. JACKSONJ WEAVER THIS COLUMN RESERVED FOR HOME Advertisements PJWEIX & KIME. QOOD6 FOR THE MILLION. P O WE L Li & KIME At their oapacious store ia RIDGWAY Have on hand, a splendid assortment of all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants ot toe people of Elk and adjoining counties, which they are selling at prices that defy competition They would simplystate here, that being very large dealers, their facilities for purchasing aro unequalled by any establishment in the county. They buy directly from manufacturers and on the Ground Flour. Another advantage. You can al ways got what you want at their store, hence you will save time by going directly to them and TIME IS MONEY. We have no space here to enumerate all the advantages you will have in patronizing their establishment. But call and see, and reap the ad vantages for yourselves. Among their Goods you will find DRY GCODS in enlless varieties, GROCERIES choice and fresh . CLOTHING of best material su perior cut and finish, BOOTS & SHOES of the best stock and make, CROCKERY for newly mar- ried, middle aged aud elderly. DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, FORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE Nearly all kinds of tountry pro duos taken at tho market tali 111 THE Ejl ., THB OtDHSX TXVitL W ...... COUNTY, ; HAVING THE LARGEST CIR0TJ LATION, IT IS THEREFOR THE ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY I Svotti to the uitMsts of tu Ivyl of &h iCotttttji. TEEMS :-$3 03 P3U 73A3. J BRING ALONG YOU LI ADVBE TISEMEXTS AND GETTIIBJC INSERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, 'AT LOW HATM If you want In c' aurthiog, let the people know it through the AdyoOAE the great advertising niei!iu. SCIte (l!t aduocaft Printing Office la Court House RMgway, P. The best work doue, sad at the very lowest pricts.. Blanks kept constantly en kai4 at this uffiec. Hand-bills printed al the tksrtast lemecj Call in and get our prioe far drerans ing and jobbing. Satisfaction warrants Orders by mail promptly attested le. Ats J. g. Ltfimt,