gllt mtnfT gduoc;att ""rnVlisUAY, KOVKM15EU !7. 1 870. th& Elections. JiVwYork. give Holfiian only 32,000 for Govrnor.where the llemocrfs claimed JU.tCO. That don't look much like 8 Derooertic Raiu. The other state loUlmp elections tins month have not clmit;eJ tuuth from last year. Wbnt we loose io one section we gain in another, and we fail to see tLo boasted heavy Pfffiocratic gains. The War. Totlts, Friday, Nov. 11 A dispatch frvio Gen. DVAuilles de Paludiues, the commander of the Army of the Loire, was received by the Minister of Wr In it evening, and has just been given to the public. It is &9 follows: "Wo have taken possession of the city of Orleans. after a fight which has lnstcd two days Our segregate losses in killed and woun c!.d do not reach 2,C00, while those if the enemy a:e much larger. "AVc have mado more then 1,000 prisoners thes far, and arc continually lidding to them, as we follow up ihe tleting enemy. Among the properly captured are two cannon of tho Prug fian model, 20 ammunition wagons, and great number of vans and provision vagotis. The hottest of the fight took place around Coulmier on Wednesday, the 9th. Notwithstanding tho bad weather and other unfavorable circutus lances, the clan, displayed py the troops was remarkable." Gen l)e l'nludincs, cn occupying the city, issued tho lullow ing congratulatory order to the officii-., under omcers, and soldiers ot the Army of the Loire: ''ihe action ot yesterday was a glorious one for our atwy. Kvery position of the enemy was vigor ously carried, and the enemy is now retreating. I have informed the Gove Ttnent of your conduct, and am instruc ted to return to you their thanks for your victory. Amid Uoro about tho 'Qake. Among the bills presented to the Lake Shore Nitro Glvcerinn Cnmnnnw v I'-"J or damages resulting from tho explo sion at Fairport last week, was one for killing a borec. Tho owner stated that he lived twenty-eight miles fnm Fair port. His horse was standing in the barn, and ws instantly killed so sud denly, in faci, that he had not time to fall, but was found standing erect, in the act of reaching for a wisp of buy. Mr. Ilinchley, who went up to sotlle for damage, declined to audit this bill, but took a diu" lam of tho cetitleuinn's head who presented it, and forwarded it to Fowler & 'Yells, crainiologUts. The Toledo Commn-ciul says that at the time of the explosion ot Fairport, the schooner Lyman Casey was on her way to that port aud about three mile8 from shore The captain was asleep ot tho time, but tho vessel was so shukeu that he was aroused from his slumbers, and all on board supposed they had struck a rock. The vessel was jarred and shaken until the dishes rattled, and all feared she had met a disaster, uuiil they discovered the cloud of smoke and lis.ird tho report emanating from the Litro-glyceriiio explosion. Erie Dispitkh. M7. C. It. II3A3D, BE-:V03. which France is plunged, her eyes an: upon you, and she counts upon your courage. Let us nil make every efiori. in order that this hope may not be mistaken. D'ACREI.T.S DF. I'ALAMNIS Com mander-i n-( ; h iff. "General Ileadqvrtcrt, Nov 1 870." The journals report that the I 'r In dians have lost over 10,000 men killed and wounded and 1,800 prisoners in tin batticg around Orleans, and are retreat ing toward Chartres and Ftninpes. A large number of guns, thrown away hv ihe enemy, have been picked up and distributed among tho National (juanh nt Orleans. The entire Army ol tin Lore is advancing. Irwiu Kennedy, a prisoner at the jui who has confessed to a burglary com mitted three years ago, and who is the principal witness against a man who is charge! wiih being accessory to it be fore tho fact, is either becoming insane, or is simulating insanity. He has smashed the shelves and other little conveniences which he had fixed up in his cell to make him comfortable and throws himscll on the floor, laughing idiotically at the other prisoners. Day before yesterday he iusanely toro to pieces his vest, but with a wisdom tha'. savored of reason, carefully took some money out of the pockets and trans- tho disasters in tened it to his breeches, belore destroy- . Fanaticism. Fauatioism is no evil ; but it is au evil that tee are not very liable to. Our temptation is the olhur way, and, in general it seems to mo that mnn do not enough mark the necessity of jntntise, fervent continually fervent aud infuse religious experience, to taeiliate their courage the Royal road. If jour feel ings fire riijht, do not be afraid ofhav ing them too deep. For, while the pas sions, while all the lower lcelings, aro apt lo wear a man out by intensity, it is one of tho peculiarities of the moral sen timents that they nourish and feed men. Excitement in the higher valuo'of fi cl ing does not wear men out. It is the appe'.ite that grind out the fibre of life. Jieechcr. The Great Authority. The moth er o! a family was married to an infidel who made jet ol religion in the presence ot Ins own children; yet she sucteded in bringing them all up in the fenrof the Jiord. 1 asked her one day how she preserved them from the influence of a father whose sentiments were so opposed to her own. This was her answer : 'Because to the.authority of a father I ao not oppose the authority cf a mother. but that ot tw' jToin their earliest years my children have always seen the Bibie upon my table. J his holy book ids constituted the whole ol tlieir reli gious instruction, l was client tna: l might allow it to speak. Lid they pro pose a question, did they contradict a lank, did tiicy commit a fuult, did they perform a good actiou, I opened the i- bic, and the Kiale answered, reproved or encouraged them, liie constant reading of tho sciiptures has wrought the prodigy which surprises you. liev. Adolplt! Jlaioil. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN Important- French Victcry. The French victory at Orleans is the fir.-t imnortaut victory that has been gained by the French army since tin begiuning of tho war, and it appears to have been a o uplcto one. The Ger mans were driven, afior two days linn fTsibtiiic. out of Orleans, towurd Cl:a- iig tne vest. Jtis sentence lias been detuned two terms mi accouut of the rial of his alleged accomplice, who, un ol tne bunging ot tins, cnargo iiuu ai- wns borne an unsullied name. Erin Ouputrh. A KoMiNTic -UfAiit A man lamed Frank ur.incr, of Milton, had ieeu, it seems, courting h daughter of Mr. Nathaniel Kingsbury, an aged and respected citizen ot that town. .Un I'uesday last Sumner had taken Miss lvinsbury o i' for a drive, and returned bout noon to her father's residence. i lie re tindintr sonio trouble in opening he baru door, he went to the old man n an excited stato. High words, it v.ipposct!, pa-sed betweeu them, when ho L'ay lover proceeded to beat the old nan in so unmerciful a fashion as to ndanger his life. Among the injuries bus inflicted upon Mr. Kingsbury were five cuts on the head, and bruises md cuts on the body. On Wednesday iio ease was brought before justice !2stoy, of Hyde Park, who, after a hear ing lasting tuny Jour tours, ordered both Sumner and Miss Kingsbury to dud bail in 500 to appear at the supe rior court, in Dedham, in December sw ,eni w k DAN SCItlUNUll WISIIliS TO IX- fonn the Citizens, of Itidyway, and the public gcLcrnl'y that lie lins start edit Liv ery Stable anil willjkecp GOOD STOCK. GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies, to let upon I he most reasona ble trims. Kfjjh.'.le will also do job tennlnj;. Stable in tlio Rrooks Barn, near the rest Office, on Mil' street. All orders left at the Tost Office wi'.l meet promptattcn lion. Aug 20 1870. tf. TO TUB NERVOUS & DEBILITATED, WHOSE SUFFERING HAVE BEEN PRO- TRACTED FROM HIDDEN CAUSES, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE vnoJiPT tsi i?f tvh ejpt TO RENDER EXISTENCE DESIRABLE gOMETMXO NEWT IN RID G WAY 1 loot & shoe establishment: Tin. tnWv'.bnr (nips tliia m.hod of in r,vmi imp : ot' l'..iliiiiy and v.cniy lhat he has opened a KOOT & SHOE STORE, :n I'le room lue'y occupied by Henry S. Tiniver in liie ti c:iJ ni' the llyiie House. where muy be ieuudn general ajaoument of PnTSICANS AND S UNDAY-SciIOOT.S. One who is himself a physician gives the following testimony : There is ro class of our brethcrn who cau do more efficient service iu the Sunday-school than practicing phy sicians. They ride around to visit the sick, and arc thus brought into contact with children at their homes; they can pick up little straglers, and turn them to Sunday. schools with less difficulty than many others, and their influence is greater than that of most men. Yet I have known brethcrn to make the proffesion or practice of medicine an ex cuse for negleciing the Sunday-school. While I lived in Hertford county, a physician of largest practice was one of the warmest friends of Sunday schools, und a regular teacher of the Diblo class. My precptor io medicine had a large practice while I was under his tuition; it averaged S12.000 per anuuin ; with that he was professor of anatomy and physiology in a medical college, yet he '.va- seldom absent from his class in Sunday-school. 1 ali-s Shnp. Gftitienicnx' Ron' mil Shops. Boys' Boots nui Children's Shoes. ALSO, teaudun. where thev received suti a leliing fire iu the rear that they chaiijreo direction and continued their retreat by the Pithiviers toad. They cow lest at 'J'oury, where they are receiving rein foreciuentB from Prince Frederick Char Je's forces tit Charters, and will doubt- uest. Boston Traveller, Nov. 7 lc.-.s make another stand. It is taid the French army, under Pnladinc, will utnuabcr the Prussian force even with theso reinforcements. What it i said that the French army, under I'aladinc, will outnumber the Prusion f irce even with these reinforcements A Capital Jcke. The New Jersey Patriot tells the fol lowing story, which it says is nil the more because it is true aua can be vouched for. It took place a 'ew Sundays since at one of tho prom inent 4th street churches. It seems What it may accomplUh will of course that a worthy deacon had been very depend very much on the skill and ce-1 industrous in selling a new church bock, h rily with which it is handled. The costing 75 cents. At the services in Germans around Paris are apparently question, the minister, just befcre dis undismayed by tho reverse ot Orleans, missing the cngregUion, rose and said: King William calmly telegraphs the ''All you who have children to baptize fiict home to tho Queen, concealing will please present them nest Sabbath." EUSINISS CARDS. ENRlf SOUT1IEK, Atlornpy-at-Law Ridgway, (fcb2!)'ol?), H GA. RATIIBUN, Attorney-al-taw . Ridgwny !. 2 2 If. nothing. The deacon, who,by tho way, was a little deaf, and having an eye to selling the books, and supposing his pastor was referring to them, immediately jumped np and shouted, " All you who haven't i The New GovEasoa of Utah. Vincent Vaughn, who has just been ap pointed Governor of Utah, in tho place Governor Shaffer, deceased, it is stated, aDy can get ag muuy U3 y0U WaDt was an efficer in the Lontedeiale ser- calling ou me at 75 cents each. " Tho vice until the close of the war, when preacher looked cross-eyed at the broth lie was selected to fill one of the minor ers, tho brothers looked at the clergy. professiorships at the University of Al- meD, the audienco punched the audi- obaraa, which he beld until last spring, ence in the side, the bubble grew larger, Inconsequence of political difficulty, until it burst in a loud guffaw- Ladica Wr. Vaughn wasoompelled to leave his colored up, crimsoned, blushed, and home. His disabilities were removed thanked the Lord for the low price of ly Congress at its last session to enable peopling tho earth. There was no bene- him to accept the appointment of fcecre- jjotion that morning worth sncakin ot tary of the Territory of Utah, to which jhe deacon, after be bad found out his he had been nominated by the Presi. mistate) changed his pew from the dent and confirmed by the toenate. lie front 0f tne chuich to the third from baibeen in Utah but a law months. the rear; and though he cannot bear '. .'" T tuj the sermon, he is consoled with the a man in Vtis, jnas., UUM I thought that the young ladies can ioug eunerea wuu muuiug guicker at him. her lee lately became tired of listen- 1 ing to her griefs and caring for her We notice by our exchanges that the diseased member and so he bound the prevailing opinion among the people woman npon a bench and with a butcher that apples will not keep long this knifo' and handsaw cut her big leg off. Of oouise he knew nothing about taking up bleeding arteries, and death soon ttmt to tit relief of lbs euflorer. winter. The best winter fruit is now more matured than it usually is in jan uary, on aoeount ot the warm pleasant weajW this fall. Saturday Night. Among the mul titude of suggestions far spending Sun day in a profitable way, I beg leave to -ay to that Saturday night has a close counction with it. Saturday night is one of the resting places in the journey of life, when it becomes every niau to settle his accounts. 1. Settle with the world. The busi ness of a single week is easily reviewd ts mistakes easily rectified, its expe rience terned to good accouut. The man of business should sometime on Saturday look over his books, examine his outstanding debts, and, and see that 11 is straight and safe. This is all the more important if his accounts aro uu merous. Tho srreatest watchfulness is required, il be would escape embar rassment and trouble. He who knows exactly how he stunds every Saturday night, will not be likely to live a very poor aian ; or if he does, he will hardly ever be found in debt or in want. 2. Settle with con-cience. Let him review his words and his actions, his motives aud feelings daring the past week, II anything is seen to be wrong or defective, (aud who is he that sin- neth not?) let the remerabcranco of it bo carried into the next week, that a repetition may be avoided. Let him in prayer seek not ouly forgiveness for what has been mis through the past, but grace to do better through the cum ins week. 3 Settle with the LonVt Treatury. Every man owes constant returns el gratitude to the Giver of all good. Is it not meet to finish the settlement ol Saturday night by reviewing all the mercies ot the week, and setting apart a portion of its profits to serve some gooL.cause that will promote the glory of Him "who gave himself for us." How much better, happier might life be with a downright honest ttttle ment every Saturday night '.' How much brighter would Sunday morning; bow f!nnnpc!pil with ihp above etnbllsbmpn? Invi n l!nr r nnd Imp. Munu'iiPturiiip K. inbllshnipnt whpre work wiV be miido m orJor. Ki'imirinff 1 1 rt t on slioil notice and on riMonatre tom.s Top iiuli':p aro inv.iP'l to ?'v me n c-ill. oo23,'G9y GEORGE VY.VLE.ER. If you are suffering or have suf fered, I'roin involuntary discharges, what fleet does it troduce upon your Lrcneial health ? Do you feel weak, de bilitated, easily tired 1 Does a litllo extra excrtiou produce palpation of tho heart; Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidueys, frequently et out of order? 'Is your urine sonie- lmes thick, milky or flotkj, or is it ropy on settling Or does n thick kuiu to the ton? Or is a sediment at the botU'iu alter it has stood awhile? Do you have spells ol bhoit breathing or dyspepsia? Aro your bowels con stipated ? Do you have spells of fainting, or rushes ot blood to the head ? Js your 111011101 unpaired Is your mind constunily dwcllins on the suhiec? Do you leel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of liie ( Do you wish to bo alone, to get away from everybody? Docs any little thing u.uke you stait or lump : is your sleep tirokcn or restless ? Is tho lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom of your cheek as bright Do you enjoy yourself in so ciety as well: JM you pursue your business with the same euergy ? Do you feci us much confidence iu yourself? Aic your spirits dull and fl:ij;ina iven to fits ol uieleucholy ? Jf so, do not lay it to vour liver or dispensia Have you rcxilcss nights ? Vour back weak, ami nave lull little appetite, and ynu attribute this to dyspepsia or hvcr-comp laiut i Now, reader, self-abuse, vencral disease badly cured, and sexual excesses are all capable ot producing a wcakress of the generative organs. Tho organs of the ueiierutinn, when in perfect health, nniKc the man. Did you ever think that thoi-o bold, defiant, enetgettc persevering business-men are iuwuvm tho-c whoso generative orgunsare in perfect health: lou. uevcr hear Mich men complain of being melcn clio'y, ol nervousness, ol' piiipututicn ot the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in business; ihey don't become sad and discmirkgcd ; ihey arc liiways poliic and pleasant in company of ladies, and look you and hem right in the lace none of your dowueast looks or any other meanness about ihcm. I do uot mean those who keep the orgrns inflated by running to excess. These will not only ruin their consti tutions, but also those they do business with or for. How manev men. from badly cured dis eases, from the eiiects of ml!' abuse nud cxci'ssfji, have brought about that slate of weakness in iiils.' otgnns ihai ha reiiiiceds Ihe general system so much ns to mdiieo almoat every oilier disease idiocy, pr. ulysis, spinal nlleeiioiis, suicide, nnd almosi every oilier form of disease which hip mainly is heir io and the real cause of ihe trouble scarcely ever eiispeclvd, and have (loe;ored lor ail but Ihe right one. DISEASE OF THESE ORGANS REQUIRE THE USE OF A DIURETIC. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT HALL & BRO. Attorneys at Law ST. MARY'S, Ig C0TOT7.PCTS7L7AyiA. IB. Rordwell, M. D. Eclectic 1 bjsinn . Office and residence opposite the Jail, on Centre St., Ruljrwiiy, l'a. Prompt attention will be given to all culls. Olliee hours: 7 to 8 A. M-; 12 to 2 I. M. ; nud 0 lo 7 P. M. Mar. 2'2, CO tf. A. FISUER. Surgeon Dentist, o Wnrren, l'a.. will bo iu St. M'irys tho too third week in each month. Office in Dr. Russ' building. Centre street, Si. Mary's, and at Ridgany every court week. Office at the Hyde House. JQR C. 11. FULLER, JJOTAMU rilYSlCIAN, RinowAT, Pa. Residence and office opposite tho 'J buyer Hons?. HYDE HOUSE, H inn way, Elk Co., Ta. W. JI. SUJIUAM, Proprietor Thankful for the pnlronneo Wrelofore so liberally beslowed upon hioi, the new prcprietor, hopes, ty paying strict at tention lo the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of tho same. Oct 30 180N. QHARLE3 HOLES, fRACTICAt WATCHMAKER. ENQRAVER JEWEL ER. Wist end of Hyde House, Ridgway, l'a. Sells as Cheap as Ever, GOLD AND SILVER WATilAES, Clocks, Jewe'ry, Silverware, XX VIOLIS AND GUITAR STRINGS, Spectacles, Pens and Pencils, Exclutive gent for the sale of ALEX. MORTON'S GOLD PENS. Repairing Watches, etc., dote wilh tbesam accuracy as heretofore. nov20,'09lf T M1AVER HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. DAVID THAYER, Proprietor. The uiiilersicncd having htteJ np a GOLD! GOLD! GOLD" HARNESS ! II AllNESt!! IIARN1CSSI COLLARS ! COLLARS! COLLARS! H2AID ft POWSLL, hare remcved their llnrness Shop over I'owe!! A Ki.iu-'s Sioro and imveon limr.l the l-iret h-sh IniMit of liui ric. lor hrjiucriii' ami jJciu' e pur pones, in this or adjoining tontines, oiul ml oilier Ariicles beloii'jiui! lo il.o Hade. TRUNKS, SADDLES, VALISES, WHIPS, BLANKETS, COL LARS &e. Would invite tho attention of all owners large and commodious hotel the sunt li west I horses lo my new coi ncrol'Centre and Mill streets, wilh good PATENT ELASTIC CORK HORSE nnd convenient stabling nttiiehed, respect fully solicils the paironnge of his old I'riendsiind ihe pablio giierlly. declU'iid ly DA VI I) THAYER. I7H A N K L I N II OUS 1 Sr. Mn's. ' LARGE Y & M ALONE, Proi-b's. The propi-ieiora respectfully ask thoniten- lion of their friends and the public in general to their large nnd commodious hotel. Every nttcutiou paid to Ihe couvo- uience ot guests. II. LARGEY. mny30-lRG8.1y J. A. m A LONE. TEVNOLOS HOUSE, IZYSTOirSTilLB, JI7?ESS0 CO., PA. I!. S. HELNAP, pRoriuiToa . KERSEY HOUSE, Cc.viiiLviLLR, Elic Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Than k ful for the patronage heretotnre so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro priotor, hopes, by paying si riot nt- lenlion to the eoiuforl nr.d convenience of guests, to merit 4 continuance of the same. M ORTOX HOUSE, TirtlE. PA. J. V. Moore. (Iitf of the Jjide House) 1 r'ipi i, tar. Open Day and Night "I II. VOLK.' Manufacturer and Di-aler Vy in Lngtr Beer," opposite Ihe Railroiiu Depot. Si. Mary s, Elk county l'a. INVELOPKS, LABELS & TAGS ne-itly Uj printed nt tne Advocate Olhcc. laach more profitable the whole day ' 1 ins it -J I'.i 1 nt i BL'ti, gotten up to dupe t lie ignorant and credulous, nor in it represented as being "composed of rare and precious substances brought, from the four comers of the earth. earned teven tunes accross the Great Desert of Sakarrah on the backs of fnu teen camels, and bronght across the Atlantic Ocsan on tw Ships." It is a tmplt mild tooihiuf Krmedy, a perfett Sprcifie for Catarrh and "Cold in the head," also fur offensive Breath, Loss or impairment of the Sense of Sll, Tt or Hearing, Wittering or r)Mk lyes, fio or Pressure in the Head, whe eimeJ. as ihey all not unfrequently are, y tne violence ol Untarrh. 1 otter in food faith, a standing Reward of (300 for a cm of Catarrh that I cannot cur. FOR 8 ALE BT M03T' DRUGGISTS ETIlTWHKMi Pmci 50CiXT. Bent by mil, post paid, on receipt of Sixtt C if ts. roar packages for JJOXJ or 1 Doien ror iwi Send two cent stamp for Dr. Sage's pampniel on latarrn. Address the Pro prietor, . ?. Puici, . p. BUCHU IS THE OP.ET DICRETI, AND IS A CERTAIN CURE FUR DISEASE OF THE R LADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAK NESS, FEMALE COMLAINTS, GENERAL DEBILITY. And all other diseases of the Urinary Or Jans, whether existing in Male or Feualk. fi'iiti whatever cue originating, and no iiiiiiter how long standing. If no trrninient is submitted to. con sunptiou or insanity may ensue. Our and flesh blood are eupporied from these sources, nnd the hea'ih and happiness, and Hint of l osieniy, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. 11 EM HOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, establi shed upward of 19 years, prepared by 11. 1 . ILKL.MliUL.D PARSONS, Manufacturer and Dealer iu Boots & Shoes, Main St., opposite Hotel, nov2iy Wacox, Ta. JOARDING HOUSE, ear the Depot, Milcox.T.i. The undersigned has opened a larce board- ii gnoiiso ni me aoove place, where he is amply prepared to eaiUfy tho wants of those who may avorlnm wtih ihcir custom. MAKTIN SOWERS, Proprietor T ACOB YOUNG & CO., Book Binders tf And Blank Book Manufacturers, Corry, i a. u uiik Liuutts ..iii-iu iu uruer. 1 l I leau Sauce Tans, French Tined Sauce Puns. Fruit, cans the cheapest, oud best, nt W. S.SEUVICES, Hardware Store, ridgway, l'a. 4 S. HILL, Physician aud Surgeon, XV. tversey, tilt Co. ra. XOHN G. HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg. ff way. Elk county Pa. mar-2'UUl JO, I.N O. HALL ..JAS. K. f. HALL B LANKS of all kinds for sale at this fio. DRUGGIST, 591 Broadway, New York and (I THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE READY To furnish brick in quantities to suit purchas. ers. will deliver on board of cars on the DaugaBchoanda Railroad at Earley. T. KING & CO. ZarleyJuly 12. 1870. 3m COLLAR. which prore9-to bo the bet Colli in existence for thr;-o rciioti: Rein very Elastic they do ot chafe or :iill nrn) the cork being a non conductor, Ihey prevent injury 1'roui heat. Call and see thcui. All work warranted Heparin, Triming nnd Upholstering done withe neatuc.s and dispatch. 11 HARD & POWELL. n29 tl Rates ol" Advertising. AJui'raud Ex'rs notices, aac, Gtimes, $30O Auditor s notices, each II (K Cuutions and estrnys each, 8 times '! Uv) irunsient Advernsiug per suare uf 8 line or leM a limes, or less - 00 For each subsequent Insertion 60 Official advertising for each npiare of 8 liner or less .( limes or less...- OU For each subsequent insertion lit) Professional cards. 5 liner, 1 jr i 00 Local uniices, per line, ono time 15 Obituary not ice?, over li lines 10 1 early Advertising, one-hai' column. 0 00 i early AdvcriiKing, one column 100 00 BUnks, single quire " 60 Blank?, three quire i 00 Blanks, ti quires, per quire 1 75 ISIauk1', over li iiuireH per quire...., 1 CO For bank notes Mibpoenas. summons, ex ecutions, warrants, con-table Hales, road ai.d school orders, each per dot... 25 Handbills, eight sheet 'J 5 or less 1 f0 fourth sheet !' or less - 00 half s'leet H.'iorless 4 AO ' whole sheet .j or less 8 00 Ovcr5 of each of above at proportionate rates. tOL'NIV OFilllERS. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. J ho. P. Vincent. Associate Judges E. C. Schullic. Jesse Kyler, District Attorney J. K. P. Hail. Sheriir Jacub McCuuley. Prothonotury ,j c , I red. Hcbccuing. Treasurer Claudius V- OilU, Co. uperiiitendem liul'us Lucore. Oomuiissiom-rs II. Warner. Jos. W Taylor, Louis Vollmer. Auditors Clark Wilcox, George D- Messenger, and Joseph Wilbelm. lounly burveyor Oeo Wilmslcy. Jury Commissioners. Ueorco Dick inson, aud Horace Little. TIME OF HOLDI.VO COURT, tecoiid Moniluy iu January. Lust Monday in .April First Monday iu August. First Monday iu November. RAILROADS PHILAD LTEIA & EEIE EAILSOAD. SUMMER TIME TABLE. ONnndafier MONDAY. MAY :10th, 1870, the trains on the l'hilade'oliia at Erie Railroad will run us follows: WESTWdlll. Muil Train leaves riii'aelpilliia.lO.SO p. m. inugway J. o7 p. ni. " arrive ui hue. 7.10 n. m. Erie Exp leaves l'biladelplii 10 60 a. in. " KKl;way... i ill) a. ni. " arrive at Er;o a. 7.5 a. ui. KAsrwAau. Mail Train leaves Erie 8.50 n. m. " " Ridgway 12.48 p. m. " arrive ui l'hilad'a... II 'ill m Erie Express leaves Ene M 0.00 p. in. " ridj-way... o ..(i u ar-at Philadelphia.. o.:;0 p. m. Express, Mail and Accoinmodadou. cast and west, connect hi Coiry and nil west uuunu uaiusand Mail accowuicdaliou east at lrvinion wuU tho Oil Cieok uud Alle gheny River Ruil Road. HM. A. BALDWIN'. Gen'l Sup't. 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia Pa. PRICE $1,25 per bottle, or 6 bottles forf ti,60, delivered to any address. Sold bt all Dicooisti evihtwhibi. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE CP IN STB XI ENGKAVKU WEApPIB, WITH FAC-siHiLii or mt CHEMICAL WARS HOUSE, a uamD, COAL! GOAL!! The subscriber having ordered 600 tons bituminous and anthricite coal is now prepared to furnish the people of Ridgway with bard ot soft coal, out or stove sizes, lump run of mines aud Rlackemithiog coal, in quantities to suit purchasers. 40 tf M. T. FRENCH. Jul 23. 1870. JOB WORK don ith 4ianeta1i ei IL T- HZLMBOLX. The most Complete Ilusiness College lallie Lolled Is talcs. Affording facilities for acquireing thorough practical business education, pojsessed by no other School in ihecoumry . Since lit incorporation in 1855, nearly Sixteen Thousand Students, representatives from every Stale in the Union, have attonded bere. No vacations. Students enlei at any time, and receive private insiruotiona throughout the entire cour.o. N, U. Circulars wilh lull partionlarsaai allnaoessary information, on addressing MITU COWLEY, PrinoiptU, (ffmiHaj P4. V