DP. . J. S.BOUDWELL'S Medical Fee Uill: Advice at office, common cases, ' 81 00 Call in (owu J o ,' Call in town nt n'v.1 1 . 2 00 Travel by Rail. cad 8 miles 5 00 " ;; .1 " GO rcr ru.le " f - - . 7 oo Over 14 nii'tis from C.'i to 50 cents : per m ie. Tiave'.lug with own convey ance one wio 2 00 Teo lo twelve nii'es ' 11) 00 OLs;e.,;cal Cai.! v.:;ii;u ten tL'Ie 10 UO r " ' hyta I lo in 'rs. 10 00 -unless dcia'.ped beyond ilie utiul time, lor cu-e Ha (.'a a -Ii. ''uni five ;o f oeo do'ia's. l or eurt:n tjci'LM'u a S-wt uu -or Ivns'Ev.!, fiyui tweuiy lire to one liuu c'red Jinia.i , ; Tooih Extraction, ' 50 Yacc'wit'on , , f)0 Lane hs Fe'on. ' ' ' 1 (nj Uii-n i ii onrd and Suru'cal opera iot.s wi.l be clia'i'l according !orcuui.anrc9. To thine 1 v'nar ("eve ai oh'i s ! inn a l):ui Eto e I ' u n'-li such midV'uc as I carry. I give i ii . U'C list lo (;'! iiio riui.-i.int wago'.'y --ig of' mj cla.vs by interested pai i-s. TLe above a'js about nty usual charges and have boon fur ft-viial vra'. A SPIES Ui 0 1 I! ' Z.E FUR Tti 13 la t. f.?. "lie finest, mo- Teni i-, and co.'? on-nv- ing ever pub ') n i. i i.i be p'ci.eu.id as a piem vol u i-.u-li snbac di v iq . .. DEMORESTS MONTHLY, a mnrn?.'ne o" r' nr n '" y ' i (lie house, a ri::Tur o' the i :.ti a 1 . v volm - Ya.or of u i cm anl c r fnt. n'kti.. .o o! ihe lu.ji u jja lu r tiia i.e Ml iiir il - -,' ue iv 'i ;i mi :. Ik nn fa 1 1" "''.' i ii ;nHip', s 'mm , be o -id. I lie Pic No on he I nt" i f- .i ' 'I'm ii ii i : link a wlmV vrfi ii'i'l tV .'i! ti-ie.. i.. in- .i .- ' J ..).. .. . .i.li . .- !.;. ! V , V .) v i; ,1S .Ie ii i"i "nn- I he '. bv oi ' .it a i - '...In I ...(-- - - mi"! 1 1 si . .i. mid Sir i in' II., ' : : u ) lirtv ! iten ii.Ii.i-' i it in in' '"'Mil t'urojii- to tin s i il. The on): a ! . ..n- ' i-mi li'il ! :IC "iicei'Sb It lll-l'l C "' ' f i .' 'i I -.'it- "Ui i s e .u .1- y in . ' :. i' . " -u I ..i i :! r 1:V Surd Oil i'i J ("; in m l';. ..i!.il ''- tfit'i :s vc y (i 'io nn" i - ' 'i'i. i tie ru c f ri'ii hi i he lii'.ni i.i'.i Ji" i i n '- liu e ' i'r if. mil. '1 :n' ii ii .' i i. i.ud x . i.'e is c:.ei 'i i"l w it iinur'ni! :il' v. u'td r e!." id comLicfi Vn i n-. '.' . coti. ;on i .o (lie meresSs oi' ,!ie " lv- i a u iiuii',! -cd pi'iiii'' oi'-ilm i r.- ! ii-. . 'ltifW" k on il'i' f-i'. - fiv'iicr p'iti.i rr nvrr tCVl'U ' I'l'I'tU'lll iil--li''-. i't ', '" lll'tr-t '' ' lie I'nt'V r I ; . mid ix niri. n..' i'i-.. I I.; cimiivcUm:! j n i ! u en Im mos e'r ' -..t im-.. 'ni'ijo urk of H-i pvur piii .iv' , ' i ' i. i IC ri');i-( I'' .ii f 'i 'I'i.lli-p. nn l:ciiv v c ' e 1 1 i ! r ii ii 'i n-c lobe given as a j u. v...v. s.... '.-locv id EF.MOKESrS MONTHLY MAGZINE. Venvly R'lVif 0' :p . re n'n Tln;ec foVa"?. and Inn com i i1' i'1 -I'm 'i ill? "iil'- M' I'MOll, .'I' i"i " .1- " I'll Mil'. i 'i:.in iii mm, will 'e ma n;d .n.ii y douo up on n II)' ' f. Tii s sec fvnly 'ie ';:(" . irm. I't i'vnl H'.i'l x,':iMni i a i cu. ' it .ii t'.-r I'ih'ii'd !ni '!; e M.o.ev.l.crs I... - i-i a!!-.:-..x..;. r.n i-leaiil woi i !'.. :i l'n '.ii." 1.'.' ire I'm! isonW lies i' i anu 'ii i ln wnv ui n:iiii''!i laMn.i iiini ii )i-! j " i' ""ii iider of n d ty vl. mi -..ii ii t'i ' .i : - . i and l.e'd in rc- lacmbrjiict liy t ' 1 m A vi. 1 he recei .'. n.''rti' 'lit r-rtine v.:'.akeev..,y .elio ',i xm .uve any i li'nji 'n ".i.v i'i? iluu i ll' w:'! floi procure another iiai couiCiue.-i so much of in- li l t i and litamy. . 8ie'iiuent o'. i n Mniaz'ne, with cireulava, pivinjr In! i.a-iiiiiliiiB. will be hciu to any giv. cn lutiirefS. "osi iree ou h'ciiih o: j-j tcuis. Address DEMOUKSf MOXTIILT. nov20tf fcs Broadway, N. V. HE LADY'S riUE-NU. .V. TWO MON"l'l!S GUATIS ! Iho Lady's Friend . announces . the following Kove'cit. ''ir 170 : l d lie Fnr-ct llir ? ' by I.eiv-e Clitinilier Mnnl.i.u : '- Tin- Cascannnn u Atir.i.' i'y bluabetb l're-io t. aa lii-r of lu iffsiilwu.' ic.i SuiM H'.Urt ; or, .'li'Vie l)cniies Bridal Gi'i.' by Amu dn M. Douglas fiuiliorof'ihe ipi'barry Fortune.'', wnU uu- liiiious pUoner siut.es vj a uni. iir.i gu.u.-.y ui lildy wrilers. , A finely executed sleel cnjrravinjr. a hnnd ecmo double P'ipc. finely colored lasliion pluie. lind a large asuoi luient of wood cms, illu'at in the fashions, fancy work, etc., are giveu in cvtiiy number. .... Invi1' give a popu'arpieco of Musie in ev ery number. PORTRAITS OF DISTINGUISHED AUTHORS. ' The January number will contain portraits lenptaved on sleol) of Mrs. ' Henry Wood, l'lniiice - Percy, Louise Chandler Moulion. llliJiil oih Prescott, Aniunda M. Douglas Mrs., Margaret Uosnier and August Bell, NEW SUBSCRIBERS ' Who tend in their names before the first of No v..;,,U..ii. shall receiuo the .'November an J De- coniber numbers of ibis year iu addition irai-k jug fourteen months iu all 1 And new tubsi" i hers Mild ug in their lia.ne by tbe fut of December bball receive the uiaaii.ficenl Decem ber holiday number, uiakiug ihirieeu uiomhs iu all ! TERMS : . , . , $2 CO a'year ; two copies, f 4 ; four copies, ?C; eroienhte. (andone gratis) $8 . One copy of e Lady s Friend aud oue of the Poat, S-l stV copy of tbe lorge aud beautilul Preininm ' Weel cug-aving Taking tha Measure of the oeddin? ttiu? 'engraved iu liug'and at a ' Bos-t of" $J0U0 will ha sent to every person ending a club. This engraving is a gem of art. . f . Address . i ' ' JJ L. I. W .1 C I 1. 1 I. ""'.'I 819 Walnut street. Philadelphia. ,i-. Ppcoimen copies sent for ten cenls. W JT .SS 9 a m l .J Ki.H - m m The 6ubscriber having ordered COO tonsti " "', luminous and aothrieite coal b now prepared V to furnish the people of Ridgway with lard 01 soft eoal, nut or stove sizes, lump run of mines aud Blacksmithing July 23. 1870. ' - JOB WORK done with JUrjatch at this 1 Office. PJWELL & KISIE. QOODS FOR THE MILLION. P O W. ELL & K I M E. At their capacious store in ItlDGWAY Have on hand, a sp!ocdid assortment of all scasonab'e Goods adapted to tlie vtauts cu t tie people of K!k and adjuiuinp couDiiro, wi.'lch iliey arc selTng at prices tiiat dc'y cnuipeiuioo. Tbcy would simply stule Lcie, tiiat being vcj la'-o dealers ;beir faci'iiies for pu'.cbni'Pg are un equalled by any establishment in tht county. They buy di-ectly from ruanu iactureis and on the GROUND FLOOR. AnoiLcT advantage. You can always I , . . . j '-ct what you want at. their store, hence I , Vl,u save lirne by going dilC'cly to i , j jjqjj We ; have no space hero to enumerate all the ad- j i Vant:nrt.s you will have in patronizing their I 1 , ,. , ,, , , establtehmcut. But call and see, and venp the advantages for yourselves, ' j Axong their Goods you Will find DRY GCOD3 in en Hess", varieties, ; GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING of best material superior eaz and uish, I300TS & SHOES of the best block and make, CROCKERY for newly married, middle aged aud elderly. DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, PORK, HAMS, LARD, PLOUR, COP N MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE. Nearly all kinds of country produce taken at the market value ' Tlnltf. W S. SIEVICE ;)00,000 CUSTOMERS WANTED. At the new Masonio Hall Buildin?. STOVES at prices that will please of all de siralilo kinds. TIN-WAUE of every kind on hand at .! times Special attention given to Wholesale orders, rrice list furnished to dealers on application. SI1 LET-TIN AND COPPER WARE House furnishiDg goodsagreut variety. STEAM AND WATER TU'EIN'O, PUMPS, "FIjIIIXG A.VU UTNTIN'Q TACKLE, such us HODS BAS KETS, SEIXES, FLIES, HOOKS, CAPS. POWDER. &c. ie. ALL OIIDEUS 1011 GUN WORK Promptly attended to. BIRD CAGL'S A NICE VARIETY. ROOFING, GUTTERS, STOUTS. of Tin, Galvanized Iron and Copper an 1 every Lind of HOUSE AND JC3 WCRK done on short notice and warranted, AGEXCY of Henry Disstons celebrated saws. Orders for saws at fastory prices so licited, also for repairing. Information and price list furnished on application. PAPER RAGS, OLD ROPE, OLD COPPER, BRASS, TEW- TER, LEAD, IRON, BEESWAX, HEAVY HIDES, DEAKON SKINS, SHEEP PELTS, GREEN BACKS, NATIONAL BANK . " NOTES, U. . 6. BONDS.&e. t taken in exchange for Goods or Work ' vln20k - W. B. SERVICE. THE ELK CO. ADVOCATE. THE OLDEST PAPER. IN THE COUNTY, HAVING THE LARGEST CIUCULA TION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MKDIUM IN THE COUNTY ! Jjvolcdi to llic Sfitlcv'jis ofthe rojilc of CUt (Cciiulit. TE?kX3:--.:2 00 PS3 ISA?.. BRING ALONG YOUR ADTEUTi?E- M EN rS AN 1) G ET, T Li M I N bEU'j IiD IN Til E ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES If you want to sell anything, let the poop'e Lnow it through the Advocate the irrcat advci ,'tinj mcd utu. She (Elh gdeocate Job Print ing Ollicc la Court Iluv.e. Rii'gway, la. The best woik of done, iod at tbe vc i-y lowest pi lees. Blunts kept constancy on band th's office. iTaod bills printed at the shortest notice, Call in and get our pi ice for adven'tlug andjobbiug. SatibracJoQ wan anted. Or ders by mail promptly attended to. Address J. C. LUTHER, RirxawAT, Pa. ItidS way, March 1st, 1870. j SPECIE PAYMENT! GOLD Oil GREENBACKS I TAKEM IS EXCHANGE FOR OR JOB WORK A T Til E RID GWAY WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my slock beforo buy. ing a Lumber or IMcasute Wagon. I use the best selection of Michigan ., . . T,r. V 11 1 1 Jjj WAtV Aiiit LJ lJiVuX f I emp'oy none but F.nl Clin Median- irs T use rjoth'tng but the lest Refined Iron. I think it will bo to your interest lo pive me your order. Having twenty 8ve lumber wagons in 3 courscol instruction, I wid be able to turn'sh any pal ty by the first of Api il. I All oidei'3 by mail, also aoy orders left with W. S. SERVICE at iho Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. Ma eh 5. if S.JACKSON. c 1HAULES JloLtS, rcAcricAt, WAru'.lMAK'.H. ENP HAVER JEWELER, WtslciKlo1- Hyde House, Kiilgnay, i'a. t'c"s as Clicip as Ever, GOLD AND SILVER WATtlAGS C otks. Jewoby. S 've wa'e, XX Vld'.'V A N D l.i L'l'i'AR STP.IXGS, fcijiec i.c'ca, Pens aud Penclla, Esc'i ve .4gcnl or lie s.ile of ALEX. MO 11 ION'S GOLD PENS. Itep.V-'n3 Wa.chcs. ttc. doto wl.h 'M eamo - cciiiiyr, lioc 'i.e. uovU, O'J.f GOLD! G ?LD GOLD:: . IIARNis: UAi:Ni;l! 1IARN Eb-'S ! r,ui 11.51 (HIAl'vt nil r l' lAM.il... . Kjljl.a. ,. WUliAtifl . JO". Yi. Hliir"3 ''as removed b! Uu ti: (i on !' u i At K .ne r . 0 e nml on nn i I lie i '-i a-'O . n mi, d 'ia nes o- o" i.ji'ii :!; I , i I'liie (in coses, in i ' it ' i i'i in" i anu h i u tier a . 'i'es be'o 'i; .0 - ie ule. Till NKS. SADDLES, VALISES, Wli I I'S. BI.AN K EiS, COL LA IIS Ac. Woti'd 'nv o be n .cu. on of a", owners o lio'scs .ii iny new PATENT ELASTIC CORK HORSE CO LI. It. which proves to bo tbe oet (InHar lit ex s cuco ''.' iheso re tsnii": liomy ve-v r.la-- i'i: lliev do not elia'o or "..i'i anu .ho ro k be-u'j a tto'i cotiduetof, tbey pteveut iuju-y J'O.II llfut. C-il I aodsccthem. All wot k wa tanled Rcna'""'.'. Tiitu'na and Urjliola evintr dooe wi.he oeatoe-j and dii...t'h l29iP JOSEPH M. HEARD LORILLARD'S EUliEKA Smok'ng Tobacco is an excellent article of grainrii.eil Vnginia. . -vyi.crivc"' mvoiiu ed it is un-ve-sally ad- in.".'. ,. , - 11 -s put up in nanusome nii'snn DaT in w 11 01 'ci a Met ibclium P pes a' c daily pat ed l.dltlt.LAAH S VACH T CLUB". Smot'iig To' .' iio 110 be n oi : uc iigdenl co 11 .t-i, ii cannot i-i nevele cor-ii.u- ili r pcop't' or ! null uab'is Ii i- p'onuceif . 0111 Me'eci'ons or he fine-ii s.ocn. nan piepu t i oy a j a emea aud orts.ul uiantie , l lieuce 1 v. I' a-. iiioIi longer iiau others; nor do" ;. bui a o' ft '. .he lougue, or leave a li's it-i'C.ib'e . .r 4a e - (i'ii" ..ir ee.11: .ie, e'egau.'y caved Vie MMia.iiii !' )" 4 've moii'i.eil. aud pack- ed in lira, lea.iiei puc- . ci.ea, a e pJa e i dn iije tjitcUi C'u o brand uaily. L OBI LLABD'S CENTURY T , rm , .. ...... . 1 hi UI.UIU o! r tne i ut Chewing Tobacco I , . . . . -i . Lumpo'- oi onor itie largest fauiily new. pa pas no t-upe-Mir any ntre. I i u i .n i -i v i Ul I I I .1.. i . Is, wulwiuidoubi, the best chewing to , i bacco ui iln coi'.i. v. i iuiiii.niii'n i Ji i 1 nvap llfl u.i.l k it w i-ir tn it url uil trail ..tm ' bis. ' win en i n-el. Ir y.,..i t u-ekteiieis does not have these aiiit'e for ti'e. .. .k u .u .o gei ueai. Tiieva- eao'd by rcpeoiaoie jobbers a' mute- vwue'e - -Lrs.c.'i h-h mailed on application. ' n MMtmm.s m . j . ... . ' . v, , -, .iiiviuiii. Ct ARDS. B 11 Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags, llaiiiiv'l't. &o . dunein a ueat uiauuer. and at the lowksv pb-ve. FOR CASH, lie b.k Advocate I'l'jtin Uiuoe. TRY MOP.E a CO S OVAL STEEL E NG S VI Sua. Ill Nassau St., N. Y. Any bod v can sell them. Cheap. Sell fast. Pay baud- somely. Bend for new circular. . 29 4w IIINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE run rAiiit.1 tea umpit, tntap, reliable, ii im namiwr r w ii n l Knits svsaxTHisd. AGLN 18 WANl'fcD. Clrcularand sample slocking FREE. Address HINKXEY KNITT1NQ MACHINE CO., Bath. The moat Complrle Iliiiln Cnl Iveiathe lulled Slates. Affbrd:ng facilities for aoqn'reing a thoroneh jiiao.:cal business ediicaiioa, possessed by uo oiher School in the country. Biiiee its inc'-no'aiion in looo, neany fc x- Ileen Th(inniid Siudenls, reprcsenla ives fr n every b.me in lift Union, have ftttomieJ hers. Novauaiions. Btudcnis enier ai any tiri'. and rece.ve private insi uciions throt'bout the eti . i-o course. K. 11 Oculars wilhullrarticulftrs and all necen.ary infnt mutton, on addressing . ........ ., .-.,.11 T T.T- T1. ' CM 11 11 d liUVt libit riluuipniB, rmsDDBQR, Pa. OOMETI1IXG JCEWIN RIDGWAY I LOOT & SHOE ESTABLISHMENT ! The subscriber takes thia mzthod of inform- inp i ne cu icns oi niugway anu vicinity mat LOOT & SHOE STORE, in the room lately oc!ur.ied by Henry S. Thay- er in ibe wei end of ..ie tlyde House, wuer. may be founu a general assortment of Laj:0, g,oe9 Geui.eniens' Coots and Shoe. Doy' Boots oud Children's Shoes. ALSO, Cor.neered with the shove establishment I hava a Horn and Shoe ManuiMoiurni j Eabl'shnj' it wliere work will be made in order. T jair.ug anne on Mliort notice ana on ren?unati e tera.1. The iiublic are invited lo I've me n t.t '. ocJJ, OUy GtOitGU WALKER. riu m .e. ,.y ones not, i.to the 1 po'sonous irri no u.irn aud stronir r'isnn sn'iii onn wnti which Ii v peoplo have !on been hiinitiiigged. naiply palliate for a stioi-c lime, or duve i lie tcaso to the lungs ns tb'ie da"-rei' o doing :n the use of such nos tril. ns. but it produces' perfect and pcrmancut ernes of be wstsl cases of (,'hronii Catarrh, as thiinvnids. can ieiity. Cold in the head is cure ed wnli a fewVipplicmions. Cntarrhal Head ache is re'ievcl and cured ns if by magic. Ii .p.. .ves ufli'ii"ve hreaili. 'oss or mpaii oient of e sruse of taste, smelling or hearing, water g nr weak e;'es, anil iuipa:ied memory, wliea ciiu'.'d bv lh" v olruee nt l.'f.iarah. astbev fre- T"'? Ti-.l ?r ' "uod 'Ui? 8 8'an,J'n? ,ur " i,s ul warra tuai i I c;itMini ruin PrVeoi, cents. A,k y.mr drutrgist for tbe remedy hut if r ' uo. yet gin ii nn a'e, don I put it oft' by ac'e'iMi any mi erable worse than wor:hless il 'iiite, bui enclose inly rents to me, and lie reaiedy m1' be seni you uostpu' l. Four puck ijes f 1 oi nneilnzeii 'or Mi. Send a .wo wi Mnnp'"i Dr. Sutrc's nainnli'et ou Ca.arrh. Adai ess the pioprimor. 11. V. l lLllUE. M. D. novJ'tiOy BuiTalo, N. V. .MAS ill. nil: HOW LOST, ilOrt" RE.- I OR ED 75 JuU pii'i-'tiiod . a new edi i.i- . a I' -iv i 'i ' e e t cu 0 . ' ho i. or f c a nal v - i.i v o '' f . . I.O-. I lino. " . j a I u..eJ e c t . .i ii.. i- l,i .lillil OV IP IUJ -1-UC9 e-i w ii .i ir i ,i .. '.. . O Mil a L . Il-'J r u -e , Ii , .- a - I' i.i;. i, i' i ."'line, only (j cen s. 'i'.ie let .i i i. - in .h..- a liv- ,i'j e cs , , .' i . , j it. i. m i- i. i"Hii a ..Ir. y .v."- i..i.i- .'ma' "i .10 ft'H "J- .'Cl'lifc- .,:-- "O se a "iio n :iv be ",m v i . to cl w n.ui. .ne-ia" c-u eof i e n' -J i-s u- ' ' o' tie ko e; un o. 14 a 0 11. .ice c '. i'i , '5. ce'.a a ail I' iiy us n' li en evEiy m,Se e. uo 11... e .ii .. i' en n .1 "ii may be. may cuts i, .i.-e' .-.. in j p m v. mi l mi1 i i' f. fly- 1 .. 1. -i . 0 Mi.i'd be in ilia hands of ev- .. you h tt'id im v in -in in the 1 11'. v Inn t-a .1 ' n a lilt, in .1 .' una in f,v .,., oa ;.c..a 0f six eeu.s, or two D. Cu'vsrwe'r. 'Marriage Guide, .,- 0 p i e - 1 1e.11 . A . ,a lLa p ,fr9, t. il VS. J 0. ITLTVE & CO.. 127 Bowery, few lo.k. Poat utlce Box4,6C$. it, it 01 THE WORKING CLASS We are now I n1.A Mm,.i fiifiiiMli aV elassea w - h runs aat 11 i ' employ uient ai home, the wbo'e of the uuie or for die spai e moments. Business new, l'jht and prohiable Peiten of enher sex ea 'y ea,-u from 6Uo. toiS'i per evening, and p op. I poitsonal suin by devoting ilieir wuole I'.ne to tbe but ue-s. Buys aud gi.ls eato uea v as J much as .neti. Thai all who ee lhs no ca I may s ud itie'r address, aud ieai the bus litis. wo make .u' uhparalleled one : Jo such as are not well satiahied. we will send $1 10 pay l lor t tie iiouote ot writing, t all particu'a's, I - .I...1.I. i i.:i. mi .1 . . . . is vaiuauie inuni'e. wmcu win uu tti ujfuiueuH I work mi n.iil a. onnv n. Thjt Hennln'm i.i rnr' 1 ucin I'uu mil acuv u jr uiu". Avea- - I r. .,., . .., . . c. ii tuu .mil iicn'iaunj., uiu nmo n. . ,iil-..,i teb. 19 8m, IVVIX uJ II ; T?dtp,mtb. Countrymen ami Lovers s .. x , m - , wnot ror geiiuat i, d. o. ouu, uu uereoy declare, on the authority of facts herewith " bmi-ed. that mo'-e "'oney'. worth is given in iirBrD'UTna lor new subsoi ibers to WOODS iKins EitOLD MAG AZ1E than for an othe- publication iu the World Also, that I atrrea to lor en Five Hundred Dollars to any Pub' lisuer who shall succeed in proving the comm ai I ry to this dec. ui ation, provided thai guch Pub- lisher suati uei.iure nta lutentention to inves 1 1 gin e oeiore preceeuing to ao sc ; also, tnat in case be fails he, he shall forfeit to me the A - same amount, and announce the result in reeu- lar type iu the Editorial columns of his next issue, S, S. WOOD. Publisher and Proprietor Woods Housshlod MtaiEjKa." Ncwbubk ' March 12. 1870 t 1 I was cured of Deafuess and Catarrh by gijnple reniedv and will send the reoeipt free. MR8. M. C. LfiQGETT. aobokn.-S. i4