(Blh Cjmuiiir guluccafc. L'ttr-Time tit Mlldgtcatf. Erie Express v-nM 2:- p do do West 1:01 " do Mail East lV! p. m. do do Wet 1:fw P- i. Cecal Freight Hunt :- do do West 6:10 P- Elk lotae, A. Y. It ainloil montinim of Elk Lodge Will he meetings or Llk neld nl. tlicir hall on tin second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. J. K. WIIITMORE, Sco'y. I..0. 0. T. The Regular meelmi?: of Ridgway Lod;e, No. 2')6. held every Wednesdny evening at LcirXodge lloom. II. A. PARSONS, W. S. AGENTS F3R THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorized gents for the Advocate to receive subscrip ,ions, advertising or Job work, take pay there for and give receipts. Wilcox. A. T. Alihiich, J. L. Brown. Kane. Fra.k W. Mk.kck, Johnsonshurg. Isaac Haoas. St. Marys. Chas. McYeah. Ccntrcvillc. IIomkr H. Leach, Mnj. Burke. Caledonia. W. V. Smith, B. A. AVbbu. Bcnticzctte. John C. Bard, J. tV. P Shawniut. John Farrrr. Ppring Creek. A. W. Irvin. Highland. Levi EiaoTiioitrs. . Ilorton. D. C. Oyster. N. M. Brpckway. Ridgway cast oue "Ulack Abulitiuuitt, Radcal Republican vote." A frost e"ery niyht aud our timbernien wa'tng for a flood. If you ffant a cud of nice fresh oy? tors jro to C W. Hcaley's. He keeps XX XXX uaJ B. C. M's. Powell and Kime have moved into their new store and are? opening out their new stock just received. They invite every body to call and look at their goods. ' They never say they want to sell them. The express going west ran in'o a freight on Tueadany ntoriiinur lust, between Jen r'mger Filing and St. Marys. The Ex press car was burnc'; we believe that no body was killed. A portion of the freight train was burned. II S. Beluap, E-q., of RcjnolJsville. gave us a call on Moud iy, looking; good, as he is. lie said he curue over to buy a few wagons and sleighs from Jackson & Weaver. Ho subscribed for the Advocate and his card cau bo found in another column. Many improvements have been made in town this fall in street gradiug and side walks and there should be more done, which will cost but a trifli, and preveut many little accidents. A broken plank re placed by a sound ouo aud a Fpike diiven where ueeded will do all required. Meeting our old aud estctned friend Burns, with a large plaster on his riht cheek it occurred to us that a hand-spike an ox or something had kicked him, but on inquiry found that it was only one of Job '8 comforters. Charley will soon re cover as it is located square on his laugh ing point but oh S what u cheek. Give ua a lift. Our friends in the country would place us uudur obligations by sending any items of local news transpi. ? 1 . T- ring in meir miast. rennea up in our office, it is impossible for us to collect such matters ourselves, and are compelled to de pend upon the kindness of our readers and patrons, iu certain parts of our couuty, to keep us posted. J ust give us the facts and we wi'l try and put them in shape. The Postmaster General has issued an order requiring the name and address of the sender of registered letters or packages to be affixed to the same and in case of non delivery, the registered letter or packages will be returned directly from the office to which it is sent to the sender ' without (as now) bemg returned through the dead letter offiso. If the sender cannot be found it wil go to the dead letter office and be treated as other undelivered mail luattcr. PniTlMd. -The following is given by an excliange as a specimen of printers' techni cal terms, it don't mean, however, asmuch it would seem to the uninitiated: "jiin, put Oeorce Washington on a galley: and then finish the murder you commenced yesterday. Set up the Ruing of Herculuneum and distribute the smallpox; you needn't finish that runaway match, put a new head on General Grant, lock-up jeff Davis, slide Hen Butler into Hell, and let that pie alone till after dinner. Put the ladies fair to press, and then go to the devil (his given name is Aaron in this case ,) ant' put him to work on Deacon Fogy's article on eternal punishment. How IT is DoNE.-We olip the following from the St. Mary's Gazette for the speoial benefit of strangers visiting that town, and who might aooidently "get a drink ahead:" FAVORITE. Fort Seston U rapidly be coming most popular place of resort, (thats whertte Grtette'is published.) Last.Sunday day it was tenanted by two disconsolate individuals who were o'targed with stealing a watch. When the examination waa had they were discharged j the evidence being decmbd insufficient to warrant their ootn mitaicnt for trial. On Thursday evening a free fight was impovised for the benefit of a centlcnian, who hud a thousand dollars "to foight ony nmn in town," and whoso muscle was languishing for exercise. Cons table Christ suiilenly appeared upon the scene and by ninth euntio persuasion suc ceeded in imluoing the pugilist to iicecpt a lodging, in. Fort Stxion ; the next move was alter" some chaps who had attempted a rescue of the prisoner; Christ cmiuht one of them the same evening and salted him for further repairs Yesterday morning another was caught and Fimilar'y fi'rd away. Acting Isutyess Wittnan imposed a board bill of five dollars and costs en each of them. Two paid up, and were shaken out of the Fort; but the uuluoky third was loft to mue on bis post follies and the state of things in general untill six o'clock, P. M unless his fine were paid. The Lady's Fuiend For November. This is a very haudsunic number. The fashion in this magiizino are always superior to any that can bo found elsewhere, in all desirable particulars. A ;roup of gracclul and elegant ladies, iu parlor or pleasure ground, tastefully and styliihly dressed that is what we see in the colored fashion- plate of The Lady's Fuiend; and it is not possible for those living in country places to have a better guide to fashion. The steel-plate is a scene from fcott's "Fair Maid of Perth;" there is a pretty, colored Tidy pattern, and the music is the famrus "German Fatherland." ".Solid Silver" is an admir able story, and "The Mysterious Chest" will be pure to please young ladies. In the attractiveness of its literary matter, this magazine is admitted to take the lead. Great inducements are offered to new subscribers. . All nrw subscribers for 1871. who subscribe by the first of November shall receive the November and December numbers in addi.ion gratis, making lour tccn Months in all. 'llio.se who subscribe by the first of J )ecciiiber, shall receive the December number -er making 7 hirteen Month in all! Those desirous of subscrib ing tor a lady s iimqzihc for next year should take advantage of these liberal offers. Price 82 50 a veur (which also in eludes a larso steel cns-ravinsY Four copies, SG. Five enpir (and one gratis) 88 "The Lady's Friend" and "The Saturday Evenins Post-' (nnd one engrav intr), MOO. Published by Deacon f Peterson, Philadelphia. Sample . cqiici tent jr it s. Petrson's -i auazi.n ... The Novem ber number of this, the lirxt of the h.tly't (jO'ch, is running over with orignul stories tod poetry, to siy nothing of engravings, fashion-plates, pattern in embroidery, &c, Aio. A powerful storv bv Frank Lee Ben diet, culled '"Far From Hume," illustrates r.e of the most touching and beautiful teel Dlates wo huve ever seen Tlio col- ired fashion-plate is superb. In A word everyimng in me iisiio is ur l-iato- His Prospectus for 1S71 is just out, with great inducements to subset -.hers. The lice ol Peterson's", is only two dollars a year to single subscribers, while other tnigazincs tl its class are thiee or lour. To ciubs the terms are lower still, viz : five copies forS8 or eight copies for 12- Every person getting up either of these clubs will receive t ii . . i ...I the magazine for 1871 gratis, and also splendid copy-right engraving, (21 inches by 20,)" Washington at the Battle ol Treo ton, Now is the time to get up clubs, Specimens of the magazine sent gratis if written for. We advise you to subscribe for nothing elso until you have seen specimen. Address Chas. J. Peterson 300 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. A profuse and many times excessively offensive aischarge from the nose, with 'stopping up' of the nose at times, impair ment or tne sense of smell and taste watering or weak eyes, impaired hearing irregular appetite, occasional nauea pressure and pa:n over the eyes, and at times in the back of tho bead, occasionally chilly sensations, cold feet, and a feeling of lassitude and debility are symptoms wieh are common to catarrh, yet all of them are not present in every case. Dr. Sa"e's Catarrh Remedy cures catarrh in its worst forms and stages. It is pleasant to use, and contains no poisonous or caustic drugs. Sent by maii ou receipt oLjty cents- Address Dr. R. V. Pieice, Bubio. N. Y. For sale by most Druggists everywhere. Tue People's Lherary. Companion, for November, comes to us a bright and as fiesh looking as the gveen iTolds are after a gentle rain. It is published by E. C. Allen & to., Augusta, Maiue- Terms 75 cents per year. A fiue Steel Engraveing, entitled "From Shore to Shore," is pres ented to every new subscriber. It is really one of tho most pleasing engravings ever before the public The Companion is printed ou fiue, heavy paper; its columns are filled to the briin with good things by talented authois, aud withal it iaonoot'the largest and fiuest illustrated family papers published. Shooting Mavcu. R. li, Morey will have here on Saturday, tiie 29th iost., sev enty chickens and lony turkeys which will be put as prizes to be shot lot. Mr. Morey lost a limb last summer aud ia no longer able to work. We hope that our marksmen ill urn out and civo biiu a benefh. Curb for eiie Toothache. Dr. Henry T. Roynn'da. of Raliimore, writes to the editor of the M h'cnl A'rtr, that for eighteen months he has been using acetate of lead (sugar of It od) as a teiiiedy for toothnclio. lie finds it I ct'er than any ol the numerous remedies propo-cd in the books, and in ease in which it is r.pplicablo the relief is iustnntancous. lie advises the sufferer to apply from one to three grains to the cavity for a moment or two, then spit it out. It fails in fewer cases than any remedy that Dr. Reynolds ever tried not more thau eiaht per cent ESTOCL337HL2, JIFISP-SOIT CO., PA. . II. S. BE'iX VP, raoptETOR. LS. A. FISHES. Surgeon Dentist, of Watrcn, Pa , will be in St. Maiy's the third week in each month. Ollice iu Dr. Uuss' building, Centre s'rojt, St. Mary's, and at Ridgway every court week. Office at the Hyde House. Mad. Foy'8 and L CVEnglish's Skiit snp porterCorsets can be had at Mrs. P. Mulonc's i t from $1 50 to 82. BRJGK, BRICK ! THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE BEAUT Tu furnish brick in quantities to suit purchasers Will deliver on hoard of cars on ihe Dangas- choandn Railroad at Eurlcy. T. KINO A CO. Eearley July 12. 1870. 3m t : NEW i.ivmtY IN STABLE DA.N SCRINKK WISHES TO IN- forui the Citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally, ehat he lins slavted a Livery jiiunie and win Keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES & Buggies, to let upon the most reasonable terms BtT.!Ie will also do job teaning. Siahlu in the llrouks Barn, near the Pesl Office, on Mil' street. All orders left at 1 lie Post (Wire wi'l meet prompt attention. Aug JO. 1!70. If. AGEITTS wmmmm Vted for Twelve Years v Wild Indians & Plains. I lie wild adventures and iimrvcious experi ences of Geo. I', li Uhi. k iown as the ' lii'j Wurriur' 'brrut Iiiunr,' and famous ' ))iuf: t'h if t, of 100 lod-.-s. irom 1853 t 1S70. A book of T rillimj interest Tntih- Jul Tcive, fresh, iinri rl. l.ig-imifito -'nets not Fiction. Richly illustrated, tint ed paper, elcgnrt binHinr. Will charm everybody and sell to exceed any book out. Lice, uile airalee agents nd early lor il lustrated poster, sample paes aud terms Agents repcTrtinir S50 to 8100 per week. A. H. II riJBARl), Publisher, 400 C lies nut St. Phila. 51 4w Agents V7 anted (Hale or Female ) for the PUVSICAL LIFE OF WOMAN, BY GEO, II. N.UM1EYS, M. D, This brave, pure Book is Ihe great success of the year 4't 0 )0 have already been sold. It still soils with iv rapidity rpiiie unprecedented .Agents agree thai they nmke money faster sel ling it ihnn any other. Much first class terri tory is still open. Send at once for pamphlet, &e. . Address, GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher. PHILADELPHIA. SUV YORK & BOSTON. 4v. CH.LDR.EN CRY rOKTHEM. W E L L ' S CARBOLIC TA3 LETS. The f real tlr.aliug Ilalsomtc tinned ii lor toughs, Coltts, Sore Throat, 1sthsna, Ac, &c. M-'or Wormy Children they are invaluable ; for Kid ney Difficulty a epcoifiie. TRY THE.M. Price, 25 ecntg pef Box, ent by mail on receipt of price, by J. U- KELLOGG. 81 Piatt !., N.Y. Sole Agent for the U.S. SOLD bl' DIUG GISTS. 464w AGENTS WASTED FOR TUE LIGHT OF THE TCCSLD. Containing Fleetwood s 'Lile of Christ,' and 'Lives of ihe apposlles. Evangelists and Mar tyrs," Doddridge "Evidences of Christianity;" 'History of the Jews,' by Josephus; 'History of nil religious. Denominations.' with treatise and tables relating to events connected Willi Bi ble History, containing maDy fine engravings. The whole forming a complete Treasury of i.iiriBi 1:1 u ivnowieuge. W. FLINT, 20 S. SEVENTH ST.. yhiladelphia. 61 4w AGENTS WANTED FOU : FREE LOVE. AND ITS VOTARIES. by Dr. Ellis. Stupendous revt lutiens and startling dis closures. Tho whole subject laid bare and its hideousness eiposel to universal execration. Writcn in the inter ests of Civilization, Christianity and l'ub- iio Atoraiity. becd for circulars aud terms U. 8. 1'ublisUing Co , N. Y., Cini 'iunati. Chicago and St. Louis. 51 4w DON'T DO IT I FBIEXOl, C'lil-.VrttV.MKN AND LoVERS t DOIKIl iiir "Ol lll l.. I. S. M. W..II1,. .in linrat, K'i-1 ..e, O'l i lie nt.,hori v of 1:il,s beivwi.h sri' mi .eil, ih.u mine money's ivo'.h is given in i"e i u-iis or new fu'i-oi ihevs lo U'OiiliX lhilcr'.lMH.D ,1 G.ZlK.Iiaii for an o,he:- pub' im. on in .,e Weill. Also, ilia, 1 iee o IV; . F'vj Jii;uii e. DolV 10 any Tub o'ur wio nM MKci'il in pioving.he ton.ia y u liiii a. a ,ou. provided .hiji i.icii li,b sliPi' slia'l dmi-e hi mik mention in inu. a. 'i' 6 lir'ore veeei I n ' lo do at : uKa. that in t o lie 'i.iij be. ho s'i i" l'or',-,t i0 ire i tie iiro aiiiovi in, n ut iiirioiiuce ilio c-n'i in regu-i'- lyj'e iu ihe LJiioi !a! toluuius of bit next ue. 8. S.WOOD. Publisher and rropT'olov Woor IIOVSEULOU M AO Z m " V'l iv (nan N. y. " March 12, 1870 1 was cured of Doaiueus C'auirh hw aiwpi.e remedy god will send ihe leoeipt, free. mj. iu. v. iir.uur.i l', iioboken, H. j 24 6w ' TO THE NERVOUS and DEBILITATED, WHOSE SUFFERING HAVE BEEN PRO TRACTED FROM H1UDEM CAUSEa, AND WIIOECASES REQUIRE I'll OJT1 1 T TSt tVf 7VT! EJ'T TO RENDER, EXISTENCE DESIRABLE. If you are suffering or have suffered, from involuntary discharges, w'liat effect does it i r iduee upon your general hra!th 7 Du you feel weak, debilitated, ea- S'!y t:reu r Uoes a lit t lo extra exertiou pi educe palpation of'the heart? Docs your liver, or unuary orpans, or your kidneys. Iicqucnt'y get cut. ol order ? Is your urine soniet:mes thick, milky or flocky, or is it ropy on settling t Or does it thick skum rise to the top '( Or is a gedjinent at the bottom alter it has stood awhile? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipa'.ed ? Do you have spells of fainting, or tushes of b'ood to the head? Is your memory impaired? Is your mind constantly dwelling on the sub ject? Do you feel dull, listless, mop-ug. tired of company, of lile ? Do you wish to bo left alone, to get away from everybody? Docs any liule thing irtike you siart or jump ? Is your sleep broken or resiles ? li the lustre of your rye a b-il'iant ? The lloom of your cheek as blight? Do you enjoy yourself in soeieiy as well ? Do you pursue your business w:th the same rrn r gy ? Do you feel as much confidence in yoursell? Are your spirits dull and flai ling, given to fits of mclencholy ? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dispepsia. Have you restless nights? Your back weak. and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver-complaint? Now, reader, self-abuse, vcncral disease badly cured, and sexual escec.v are all ca pable of producing a weakness of the gene rative organs. The organs of the genera tion, when in perlect hea'th. make the man. Did you ever thin!, that those bold,, defi ant, energetic, pers.veriiig business-men are always tho.-o whose generative organs arc in perfect health ? You never hear such men coiupluin of being mclenclio:y, 6f nervousness, o!' palpataiion ol the heart They arc never afraid they cannot succeed in business ; they don't become sad and dis couraged ; they are always po!i;c and pleas ant in company of ladies, and look you and In-ill right in the laec none of your down oast looks or any other meanness about iliem ' I do not muan those who keep the nrgriH inflated by running to excesj. 'i iir.-e will n-it only ruin their eonsrituiions, but also lho.se they do business with or for. Hon- rnaney men. from bad'y cured d'sene, f' oui i lit ell'eels of peif abuse and excesses, have brought about that slate of weakmvs In ilu se orjrans that ha reduced : he geneva! sys ii'iii so much as lo induce a aiosl evevy oilier disc.isj idiocy. p"rn'ysis. sp'iml nlleciious, suicide, and almost eve y o. Iici form of d's. ease which humanity is heir lo ad Ihe 'veal eau-e of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for alt but the right oue. DISEASE OF TII1CSE ORGANS REQUIRE THE USE Of A DIURETIC. ELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU IS TIIE GRET DIURETI, AND IS A CERTAIN CCRE FOR DISEASE OF TIIE I' LADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, DROl'SY", ORGANIC WEAK NESS, FEMALE COMLAINTS, GENERAL DERILITY". AndU other diseases of Ihe Ur'nary Oorgans, whether existing in Malk or Female, IVoui whatever cawe originating, aud no niai.er how long standing. If no treatment is submitted to. consump tion or insanity may ensue. Our tlesh and blood are supported from these source, and the health nud happiness, and that of Poster ity, depends upon prompt use of a ro' ub o remedy. HE.MUOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU, established upward of 19 years, prepared by II, T. IIELMBOLI), DRUGGIST, 591 Broadway, New Yhrk and 104 Sontb 10th Street, Philadelphia Pa. PRicE$l,25 per bottle, er 6 bottle, for U,0, delivei td to any address. Sold bt all Dbcooibt rvkrvwukri NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS PONE UP U BTEI, ESOBAVKU W4ppKB, WITJ AO-lMI- ui or mt CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, au 8IQNBD, H. T- HELMB0LD. TUE LK GIL ADVOCATE. THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY, HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCULA TION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDIUM. IN THE COUNTI" ! Scolcd to the 3futrvfst4 ofthccoptc of (tilt Counijj. TSS3I3:$2 00 PER YSAE. l!RlG ALONG YOUR ADTERTISE M KN IS ANT) GET THEM 1N SEIll El) IX TUE ADVOCATE, AT. LOW" RATES If you want to fell nnvtniosr, let the people know it thiouli the Auvoc.uE tlie great aJvcr'.ii'iDg medium. She glh giduocafc Job Printing Ollice, lo Cou.t Iloue, KiJjjway, Ta. '1 he List o:k of dooe, aod at tbe vi rj lowett pi 'cos. E'auls left constanily on tauil litis iffico. ilauJ lil's prlateJ at tlio sliorlest notice. Cill iu n'id get our price for advcuUiog and juLLi-i. Salisliiciion warranted. Or lcrj by mail piemptly attended to. Address J. C. LUTHER, RlDGWATj Pa. Hid g way, JMaroh 1st, 1870 SPECIE. PAYMENT 1 GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKES IN EXCHANGE FOft WAGONS OR JOB WORK A T THE RID G JF.I Y WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock before buy. ing a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY j I employ'none but Firtt Clan Mechan ic ; T us e nothing but the belt Refined Iron, I think it will bo to your interest to jiive me y.'ur order. Having tweo'y five lumber wagons ia course of costruc;ion, I wi'l be able to fnrnish any par:y by the fi-st of April. All otder3 by ma ', also any orders left wkh W. S. Service at the Tin Shop, will receive prompt attention. March 5. tf S. JACKSON, 1AIILES HOi-LS, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. ENGRAVER k JEWELER, West end of Hyde House, Kidgway, l'ft. SuVt 03 Ciicnp nj Ever, GOLD AND SILVER WATilAES. Cocks. Jewe'ry, 81'vevware, XX V!Ot !N AND GUITAR STRINGS, Precludes, Feng and Penoils, Eie'i-slve Agent :o? t'ae sale of ALEX. MORTON'S GOLD PENS. Tepc.'ng Wntche". e:o.,doue w:lh the Mmo aci.u uey in lie e u.o e. novU'OliL'if GOLD! GOLD! GOLD" IIAKXKjsS: 11 AllN Ey ! HARNESS! COLLARS! COLLARS! COLLARS! ,1 fiirve.J I'r, i cs i i'l'WI1 c :. e-. ,V e . ii e R -d iias i ' . o : a i;es .nr c h-:.' e rr.fn-f. Ml litis en en u :. i . ,i r ll .1 i (i:' li ' n hi. i i iiud u ! c.iitr articles bt oi'i :nr .o i "e i tide. ii ; o TRUNKS. SADDLES. VALISES, WHIPS, R LANK LIS, COL LARS io. Wou'd :nv'.e the at.eu.xa ef all owners of !io'e3 io my new PATENT ELASTIC CORK HORSE COLLAR, which proves to be the be t Collar in cxis ence !o.- tlic-e reasons : Rcnir very Elas tic they do not clta'c or una the cork btinsr a uoa couuueior, they pvevent injury lioni heat. Call and sco them. AH work warranted. Eepariog, Tiim'.ng and UphoUiering done wiihe nca'.oc;j and d-p:i;cli. o20 1 1 JOSlil'H M.UKARD. L01tIL,LAltl3'S KUllEKA. Smoking Tobacco is an excellent article of granu'aied Virginia. Wherever introduced it is universally ad- nvvcil, -li f put up in handsome mtisl'n bags, ia wnch orders 'or Meerschaum l'ipes are daily puoled. ' LOniLLAAD'S "TACHT CLUD"' Mnok tip Tohneco bx no superior j being deni co. nveil.ii cnoiioi injure neve'esj cousdtu tiuu. or people of kodeniary hahiis. -U is produced from telcciions of Ihe finest slock, ami prepared by a patented and original manner. It is very aroqini:o. mil.l n,l rt. ..;ni,i hence it wi'l iasl much longer thau ..,bcvs; nor does it burn or ming ihv tongue, or leave disag-eeab'e n'.e'-ius.e 0"Jern for cetiu'iie. e'eeini' e.irvml Vee-'St hau.n l'-ne. !ver mouu.e.l. nJ nneW. cd in neat leathe- poekei caees, are plaeida the Qachi Club brand daily. LOEILLARD'g CENTURY Chcw'ngTohacco 1 ii'K Ufa It J of F'na Cut riipwin TnV, has iio nup.T'or any here. , It W. mi.iiout douhi, the best chewing to bacco in i In cot' n v. LOIHLI.AHTYS SMni?l?'a lluvs t.et n i ii oetie'a' usu iu the L'u!;ed Stares over 110 yea- , aud at.lt ucknowlsJged ihe best.'' u'hr'ever i'c l. If yn'.ir B.u: ekeepers docs not have theaa ar.it'vs for aa'e. h m to get them. i uey a-e eo:a by respectable jobbers ! most eve-y Kite: e l.Vc.i va umi'ed on application. f.LOIl I LLtiU tf t o , tu York. CAliUS. Kill-lie j Uaudn'lU. ice.. Heads, Letter-Heads. Tairs. (luiiein a neat manner. aud at the lowest pbice. FOR CAaH, at he t:i Advooa.e I'rini ng Office. TRY MORE COS OVAL 8TEEL EXGRA Vl.VOd. Ill Naaau St.. N Y. AnvhoJr can sell them. - Cheap 8e!l fast. Pay "hand somely. Bead for new circular- 2U 4m H INK LEY KNITTING MACHINE1 FOR FAMILY USE m,.e. cheap. r,l,M. RKiTi vBurTHis. AGENTS WANTED! wiruuint-aim .snip e Slocking FREE. Addrma 1I1NKLKV KNITTING MA 'lUNE rn K1