The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, October 27, 1870, Image 2

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    (Slit djomrfg gduotatf.
J. C. LUTHER, Editor
THURSDAY.- OOToflKH 27. 17't.
As itumutipvd two wi'i k.H a no the coining
timi o( J. S. 1'orJwoll wiili ilio Advocate
i-iitsrd with that number, n'ml tlio mnnao
lucnt 1a tlinnjrod, s will bit sti-ii by tint
itiir!ut nt tlic head of tltis column.
Hereafter llie Auvocatk will bo pub
lished od Thursday, mid ll.u tliango el'
publication day remit red tliu is.miim id a
j'lipcr last week nil impossibility. W'c weio
compelled to imike this flumjio iti order
tint our subscribers in different purls of
(he county, imperially in lU-nciclto and
.lay, iniglil receive tlicir papors the sir jo
week iu which it is primed, n id wo hope
b leaf er that we shall not fall to have the
AnvocATK welcomed Ircsh from the ptcss
This paper has. since it tcemio 1? p ib
liciio in i's politics, labored under seiiiius
' disn-l vintage. Our party is largely in tni
Lority in the county ; the association was
buraoued with debt;!, arid no oue seinud
dispose ! to cmuo fur raid atid save it fiom
the iMitaifTs hands. It is now, however,
wo are pleased to siy, pi icd .nap rniaticni
lootins:, mid our subscribers ned fear nu
loss of subferptions or irregularly of issue.
Farther than this we nuke uo promises
but wil". let the future speak for it.-clf.
This number, owing to the ehiinga of
hand, could not bo greatly improved, as
changes in printing offices, as well as in
0 her thii gs devolve tlcla; next vcik wi 1
show a part of what wo propose to do, and
should wo make such improvements as v.,
hope to, wo confidentially expect that tin
Republicans of E'.k and all others wishing
a first class family paper, will support us in
our enterprise and ftrengthen our lianrs
for our struggle with brothers Muler an
Tub War of the Prfaciiebs They
have a "ptrfrctly splemlid" clerical war
down east. The Rev. Theodore Tilton
publishes a statement in the Brooklyn
Union, to the effect that the Hev. Ju'tio
I). Fulton drank several glasses of beer in
a liowcry saloon on Sunday irht, altei
preaching a serman Thereupou the
friends of the meek and lowly Fulton meet
together at Boston, and vote to pioseeute
Til'on for libel. At this the Wqv. Tilton
publishes a card in the Un'on with on
immense heading, reiterating his charge
bgditht Fulton, adding thas a "well kt.owi.
and reliable gentlemen" will make affi
davit substantiatihg that charg. If wf
recollect rightly, it was this same Fulton
who accused Theodore in print, of visiting
h saloon and tossing off a bottle of wine
Tilton owned up to the toll impeachment
and hence it is a little inconsbtrut in him
to pitch into his assaliaat on a similar score.
A desire for revenge hnwer, which is a?
sweet to your clcaricul geut as to Mr.
Spotted Tail, probably influenced our cwl
TteoJore in makins: the charge.
Take Care. Within thirty days from
to-day there will be many deaths which
might be prevented by warmer clothing.
Nany a fatal case of disease is caused by
the want of woolen under-shirt or an extra
blanket at uiht. The suddeu changes of
the temperature which occur at this season
of the year are very tryinir to the const itu
tion. People with weak lungs quickly f eel
the effect of them. Frequently the ther
mometer, falls many degrees within a few
hours. Not only the feeble but robust and
strong persons suffer from such great va
riations of temperature. When the weather
grows cold rapidly the pores of the skin
ore suddenly closed, and the reult fre
quently is a bad cold, which may hold on
all winter and terminato in consumption,
or a fatal attack of dyseDtery, or that
dreadful disease the typhoid fever. If the
day seems ever so warm and bright, it is
much safer to wear plenty of uuder cluthing
at this season.
A Terrible Swim for Life.
Saturday, at a post court martiul at
Newport Barracks, William Pache a Uoi
ted States soldiers, was found guilty of
desertion and sentenced to ono years con
finement at bard labor.
Yesterday morning, between the first
and second roll calls, he was marohod out
of the guard house under two soldiers and
toward the Licking river. Baehe broke
from his guard and plunged into the Lick
ing, not to drown himself, but to swim to
the opposite shore, where he believed be
was at liberty, while behind him he would
leave a galley service. Tho guards cried
. .. . - 1, i
halt. It WIS no use. jiaene swam uu.
Tbe two guards fired, but did not hurt
him. Tbe whole post guard was called out
and ordered to fire upon the deserting
comrade. Bang, bang, went the guns.
Baehe was not touched by tho soores of
balls that splashed the water around his
bead. Uo he swam only the faster toward
freedom, away from hated restraint 83 the
whi of the minnies increased. . The banks
of tho Licking were lined with people,
excited .intensely, not heeding the deadly
missiles that soreamed after the Btrugglinj;
fugitive. One soldier was swimiug f r life;
forty soldiers were sending death's firecast
mengeii after him. He was struggling
with ihe waters with an utter contempt for
danger.. Six hundred yards from where
I e plunged in he came out of the rivei, fell
exhausted but unhurt upon tho ground,
and was made an easy captive. About t
hundred shets bad been fired at him
Clwiinati Gi zUte Od. 3.
Ml'RDKn v Kittasninm On Friday
evening la.-t aTrer'tlio ofTi i:it returns M'thr
tfeeiiuii hail b'-cn iMvcn out, a party id
and men p it Fine I ubiuit the main
street of Kitlatitiing to ctli'l.rato I lie
victory. Ituufircs were kindled and other
nit'itis of eivating nn rxeitelnetit worn
Liken, mid the party became rattier imis
mid diTt.iiit. Aiimmi' them was yuuiii!
nnn named Joseph Steiiiil Iroin ('nluinhus,
( It in, wlni ntmlo hini'rlf pinliciilarly d sa
L'lreablo to ninny pi'r-iins alioiil lite nnigli
lu li'iid, and p -irlienliirly to ICrasitH
Pmiirherly, a dry uonds dealer, whoso stole
Was to tro plaeo of the ilist'nliaiieo.
When the tar barrels used for I ho bonlire
were humid out, Steinel went over to
Dougherty's storo to get soma dry goods
boxes to replenish the flames, when sumo
words passed between iho two men mid
Steinal struck at Dougherty, who iitimcdi.'i
e!y drew a revolver and fired deliberately
it leinel, the bull striking him in his left and loif j; il in hi? back, passing
tlirnugh a ol the henit in its emii'so.
Alter rercivinir the ball Stcinol hurried
and walked a Ur rods, when exclaiming
' ho has shut me," and fell dead, lie was
taken to a house near by and a post mortem
examination made revealing the course o!
the ball n staled. An inquest was held,
jiiJ a verdict rendered iu accordance with
these fads.
An information for mu.der was made
against iVmiihcrty, but ho had already
i;iven hlnise!!' up to the Mayor, and was in
charge of the Sheriff. Preparatory to
being brought to the jail in this city, he
was kept at the Sheriff's lun?, under strict
walch, niybt and diy, but it if probable
he will bo allowed ids libevty nn bail, on
application for a writ of hnbni corjnu
having been made. The excitement in
the town is intense, for Dougherty -is an
old ciiizeu of the place, of middle ago, and
renerally respected. In his business rela
tions mid socially he has always !tood
liih, and it is a matter of wonder, ns well
as regret, to his friends, how he could have
placed himscll, in such a position. Stciuel
"was unmarried. Pittsburg Mall.
Atotlwr Porgery The Express Eobbsry
at Sochestor.
Xew York, Oct. 14. Another forgery
was brought to lijiht to-day. J. K. Liv
ingston boimht one hundred thousand Kan
sas railroad bonds Irom Wells, Fargo & Co.
at 77J. aud gave in payment what purpor
icd to be a certified cheek, of Ilallgarteu &
i Jo. for seventy-seven thousand five hundred
dollars on the Park 1'ank. The check was
leposiled in the Continental Hank, aud
weut to the Park Uatik through the exchan
ges. The forgery was uot discovered until
the teller of the bank proved his certiGca
irn. Tonison, cashier of the Continental
Hank, immediately started to ferret out the
fraud and in a few hours to-day accom
plished it aud saved all parties from loss.
Ilc-CHESTER, Oct. 12 The bag that was
toleu lrora the express messenger ut the
'entrj depot in this city a tew days ago
vas found to day in the mill race. All
the papers contained in tho ba! were
'ouud, but tho $15.UU0 bad beeu abstracted
So clue has as yet beeu obtained to the
Chicago, Oct. 17. At about 4 o'clock
'his morning, as tlu Pacific express train
reached a crossing about 10 miles cast of
Valpariso, Ind., it was suddenly thrown
from the track by the displacement of a
rail, and the locomotive and secondclass
passenger car were precipitated down an
HinbaukmeDt some 15 feet. The engineer,
Samuel Sch'agle, and fireman, L. Hancock,
were both buried under the engine. It
lock an hour or more to dig thcui out.
Sohlagle died a few minutes after being
rescued, and Hancock was so badly injured
that be could survive but a few hours at
the most. The passengers in the second
class cars were all more or less hurt, but
none seriously. No one was injured in
the first-class and sleeping coaches, It is
pretty certain that the accideut was caused
by the icmoval of a rail from the track, by
a man living near by, iD revenge for the
loss ot a cow which had been killed by a
train, and for which the railroad company
declined to pay.
Hiciiuoxd, Oct. 17. The City Con
servative Executive Committee has issued
an address calling upon all voters to engage
in, and abide by the election ordered for
the 9th of November.
The present iucumbents will appeal to
the Supreme Court to prohibit the elec
A legislative committee has re
tuincd from Lexington.
While they "have no positive promise,
they are couviuced that the removal of
Lee's remains to llichmoud, will ultimately
be allowed.
The Hou. Robort liidgway, M. C. from
the Sth district of Virginia, died at his
residence in Amherst county, last night.
- ' - Death of the Wickedest Man.
The New York Sun says: John Allen
noted two years ago as the "Wckedest
Man in New York," died at the residence
of his father, at West Perth, New York,
on the 16th of last month. J din, it may
be remembered, kept a dance house aud a
drinking saloon on Water street, and turned
his establishment into a place of daily
prayer, under the influence of several
gentleman connected with the Howard
Mission. More than a year ago he moved
into a large brick building, which he had
erected at Roosevelt and Batavia streets
and kepi grocery on the ground floor. Tho
upper stories he rented to families. At
first be attended to business, and prospered;
but after iho death of his wifo, his old
habit (lf drinking ovcrciimo him. Ilo
lived in idleness for six months previous
to bis death, and his storo Was without
iroods. In August he won t to bis fathers
Inrm, and remained until his decease. Ho
leaves over $100,000, earned chhjflf in his
iiolarious Water street pursuit. While
residing in Itoosovelt street, ho frequently
visitod tho Howard Missi m in his sober
moments, and professed religion.
This calamity to the country was brought
about by tho direct intervention of the
lliiti.-h Ireo traders. Wo have reliable in
formation that eight ngents of this inter
est were quartered at tho Philips House,
in Payton, during the lute, cjnvass, with a
eon option fund of 100,000, which was
spent, in part, ostensibly in distributing
documents ami in other legitimate elec
tionceiing taettcs. Tho other part sup
plied thh purchase-money of a portion of
tiic fraudulent majority reported for Lewis
1. Campbell. Wo do not believe that
Oereral Schcnek is' the man fo submit to
any such rascality. Wo hope" that he will
contest the election, and ventilate the frauds
by which he was cast in a minority.
Philndrtphin Prrsx.
Not long ago we published tho law of
Congress giving to soldiers homesteads in
alternate reserved sections of public lands
along Western railroads. According to an
official statement .'rom the Commissioner
of Public Lands of the estimated quantity
of theso rescived even sections still undis
posed of, and now subject to entry under
the homestead and pre-emption laws, there
arc 4,350,000 acres in Minnesota, 1,550,
000 acres in Michigan, 500,000 acres in
Iowa, and 2,050,000 in Wisconsin, of
which tho West Wiscousin Hail road, from
Tomah to Lake St. Croix, is credited with
000,000 acres, and the St. Croix and Lake
Superior Hailroad with 550,000 acres.
Under the law passed last July every
soldier, or seaman, or officer, who has
served ninety days in the Uuiou army or
navy, is entitled, on the payment of a fee
of $10, and other usual small commissions
to the land offices, lo enter a quarter sec
tion of land, uot mineral, of any of the
even-numbered sections within tho railroad
land grant l'tnits of ten .miles on each side
of the line of the road. Phlhutctjihlit
Majjh General John A. LonAX,
commander-in-chief of tho Grand Army of
tho Republic, has recently issued an im
portant order relative to the graves of
deceased Union soldiers, which caouot be
given too vido publicity. Many of the
fallen heroes are buried in obscure and out-of-the-way
places, known only to a few
friends or acquaintances. Tho order al
luded tD calls upon persons knowing of
such graves to report the information to
officer of the organization. In this State
the proper person to address upon the
subject is Major A. H. Calhoun, of Phila
delphia, .
Cameron, The Democrats of Cameron
elected their entire county ticket by ma
jorities ranging from 18 to 230, though
the county is decidedly Republican. This
result was occasioned by a split iu the Re
publican ranks a thing which is too
epidemic in many couuties. Scofield (Re
publican candidato for Congress) got 47
majority, while Noyes, the Democratic
candidate lor Assembly, got 342 majority
over Carter. We hope tho Republicans of
little Cameron will never again sacrafice
their ticket on account of personal .prefer
ence or prejudice. M'Kcan Miner.
Explosion The powder-works of
Messrs. & Hand, near Pottsville,
Penna., exploded recently, destroying
several buildings belonging to the works,
and instantly killiug two men who were
working in the packing house. The
bodies of the men were picked up in small
pieces. The amount of powder exploded
was between 600 and 700 kegs, the
principal portion of which was in the dry-
house. This shock was terrific, and was
felt at a distance of 1G miles. - Tbe loss to
the company will amount to about $0,000.
It is stated positively at the Whito
House that Secretary Cox has tendered
his resignation, aud that the President has
accepted it, to take effect when the annual
report of the Interior Departmonl is fiuished
The President, speaking in regard to the
reports ot Secretary Fish and Hobeson
were also to retire, said that he was per
fectly satisfied with both of them, and if
they were satisfied with him, there wculd
be uo cbauge in either the State or Navy
The Ooshen Republican says jhere is a
woman living ie the town ot Walkill,
Orange county, N. 1., who earns her
living by daily labor at washing, etc., who
I I. L f 1 l 1 I I 'II
nas ta&on ner ims-janu ana cnuaren to
every circus and show that has come
within a day ' travel of her residence this
summer. Ihe family arrived in Middle
town about 8 a. in. on Tuesday last, as
usual, to attend tbe circus
CHUT 1MIOI T.AM.VTIOX.-Wlieens. tl
llt.ii. S. 1'. Ji.l,M.n. I'ii- ,) ti. .I.Mlgeimd
i,ns. K. ('. Siilin no nml Jcs.n h.-i!f, Aj-o ,
ciMies. .Iii'lcs of die (.'nu t, ' ' , (. r 8e mis
Orilians' (Vurt, Oyer 'i t 'J - . (.-, nn, o,..
i th! .hit'ile'.ivrt-y, lorllinl n!' C;ip n! nml
nihcr iiR.-n-e in ilm cioin y tu. hv their
jircp'pi la nic ilircninl. Ihivb unli-ii I iho
nlovfiiirt nann'il L'ihihs lo lie liu'loi n R .Jjj.
way, in finj lop ilie coii'i y of nn i tic
li'si Nion l iy of November it j ih 7
day of I lie inomii, and :o sou ni.e me wink.
No. Ye'!. Iicriliv c veri lu the ( , n r . ,Iti ris
of I if I'tiice. m il Cnim hVi o' i Up .-n'.l cutnt.y,
tltn. hie., nn. I,y jlig p ,. oi,,.,,..,,,,! 10
do ilii'ti nml ilirrn iaihcir jirnt.i-r pf on nl
ten o olnclf. , , M., of m'iI du.r. w n inrir
rn'ls. itco'ih and iii'iuViinn, mid u her rc
inriiiliran' . lo do I iin'O llj'.ngs wliY'i ihrir
olliocs npl.erln'a lo lie dune, nnd ilial
JuMieos of t.i' i tintttiy make rru-nsofnll
fccngiiiiaiices chirred iulo before llii'iti. to the
Clork of .Ilm ('o)irl, su per net of Assembly of
Mnn'h -till IH; I. And iline who nro hound to
proc;ii;e tho prisoner Mint are or shall be in
the.ini! of I lie cottnly of K'k, nml lo be then
nnd there to proscoutc nga.tist tlicm as shall
bo just.
T.idgwnv, Picubtr 'i. nil to
Hy v'rtue of Sundry w; its of Fieri Faclan
issued out of 'Jie Couit of Common Pleas of
10 1 k Couiny, aud to me directed, I will ex
pose 10 puiilic sale or outcry, at the Court
House ia liidgway on
Monday, November 7th, 1S70.
at 1 oVuck 1. M. ilie following described
property, to wit :
All tlie rijihi, lil'e. inlc est. claim and de
mand ot the deiead' m in and to all that
piece or pu'rie of laii J s.i.iiiei in spring
("reek lownsliip, IOk cjut y. Pennsylvania
bounded uud ilcciiied us loUuws: IJegin
nitig at the ( 'a !oj rivpr where the old
county line (the wcsic n boundary of said
cnur- y") cie-ses tho same; Tbenee north
4i!j5J0, oue bund ed and seventy-three
poi dies 10 a map'e, Thence snuih 7o5 K
two bind ed and six pe-clies to a hemlock
at Cii Yin liver ; 'I i.'Oedjwn said river by
iii sere a' incam enn-.i to the place of be
ginning, being the fu;e n ?;'. I ol tract No.
-11112, and contain n.; t'X liumn ; d and three
JCrcs, be llie s.ime mo e c less, and has
creeled i 'le'icn one lug house twenty J'uet
long and eign eeii 'eet wide, also oml frame
barn th:My loot lung and tweuty-Bve feet
wide, and of said laud about ten acres has
been improved.
ALSO. All that certain tract of land
bouuded and described as follows: Ucgiu
oinn at a po.-t on (he norih Hue of tract
number twenty n''iie bundled aud forty-two
(21)12;) Theuce south one hundred per
ches to a post, thvnce east one bundled and
seventy perches lo a beech ; Thence north
ono hundred etches loahemlock; Theuce
west out hundred and seventy perches to a
post, the place of beginning :
Containing one hundred acres more or
les of which about twenty acres has beeu
improved and has twenty bearing fruit
trees crowing thereon. A'so one log l.ouse
twcnly-fi ur feet long and twenty feet wide
and one story hi;;h, and one log barn forty
feet long and thirty luet wide, has been
erected on said lands.
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of Jeremiah Klliott nnd lo bo sold, hv
JACOB McCACLKY, Sheriff. '
Ridgway, Ostober lftth. 1.S70 tc
By virtue of a writ of Lnvnrf taring.
issued out of tbe Court of 'Jomniou Pleas
ot Elk countv, lYousvlvanifi, and to me
directed, I will esno-e i l'UliLlU SALK,
at the Court Iluuie, tn liiduwav, on.
Lloachy, November 7, 1S70.
t one o'o'oek P. M , the lnllowini des-
cribt'd tracts of laud, mi irate in the towu-
hipof Uiilirway, county of Klk, and State
of i'euusvlvania, bounded aud described as
lollows, to wit :
First, all that tract of lanl lyinfj and be-
in west of iho 1'hiladelphia aud Krie
railroad known as the JohusonOurg coal
lot, containing four hundred aud forty
acres, more or less, and bounded as follows,
10 wil : Boini! part of wavrauia 'a'l, oo and
-1S50. beKinuinj' at a post corner standing
one bundled and forty-seven rods north of
tho south west corner of one huudred and
niucty-ciijh acre lot lying on tho west aide
of tho Jolinsonburgh tract, thence 60ulh
ono hundred and seventy-six rods to a post
corner, thence east one hundred and fifty
rods to a pos, corner, theuce soutt. one
hundred and seventy-four rods to a post
corner, thence west two hundred rods to a
post corner, thence north ono hundrca and
ceveuly-six rods '.o a post corner, theuce
north one hundred and seventy-tour roas
lo a post coiner, thence east two hundred
rods to a post corner, tbe place of beginning-
Second, that certain piece or parcel ot
land situate in the towusbip of llidgtfay,
Klk county, Pennslvacia, and being part
of warrants No. 11285 and 4850, bounded
as follows: Uegiuoing at the centre of the
the Clarion river, in the south line of Wil-
marth & Uictinsou a one thousand acie
tract at Johnsonbuig, thence west forty
five rods to a hemlock, it being the south
west eorner of said lot, theuce north on the
west line of tho same uineiy-sir rods to a
post, theuce west eighty rods to a post. it
being tbe souih-west corner of a lot of said
'.Viltuaiih & D'cuosou, containing oue
hundred and niuety-eight acres, theuce
north on the west liue ot same twenty rods
to a post, thence west one hundred aud
(orty-oine rods to a post, it being the north
east corucr of said Wilma thaod Dickinson's
forty acre lot, thence south one hundred
and seventy-six rods to a post, theuce fast
oo line of said lot one hundred and fi ty
rods, theuce south on cast line of same
one bundled and seveuty-four rods to a
Dost, it beius the soui beast corner of said
tract, thence east two hundred and tweniy-
tive rods to iho centre ot said Clarion river,
a hemlock corner on the west bank, theuce
up the ccnue of tbe same to the place ol
beginning containing four hundred and
eichtv-tour acres.
Seized and taken in execution as tbo
property of the Wilmarth Coal Company,
at the suit ot Samuel' A. and George K
Crozer, aud to be sold by
JAUUU pi ualj.ii, onenn.
Sheriff 8 Office, )
Kidgwsy, Pa., Oct, 12, 1870. j Oct 15 to
SJciu aiwlisemwifc.
Mt). 49 3m
Law Rook for
Business Men
dress O. 1. CAS . CO., Hanfcid Conn.
Speedy Curo
It Effect era
AN I'XF.ULTXG REMEDY for Neirm.oia
Facia i.:s bllen illVciine a perfect cure in
siti(ilo ilny. No form of Nervious Disease fails
lo yeilU lo its wonderful power. Even in the
severe eaves of Chrome Neuralgia, affecting
(lie eni:fc ylcui. iis ne for a few ilays affonls
the tuoil a loiiii'iing relief anil ra 'cly fails to
prmliiee a r,miilem nml peimnnent euro. It
coulalti s no inaieiials in I lie sliglect degree in
jurious. U ltns llie utiqiiolified rpproval of
tltn led pliy-icnns. Tltot'vands in every part
of lite contilty, grctel'iilly acknowledge its
power to sooili llie lorlured nerves, and resto
ring the failing Ftrengih.
H'iit by nuiil on rcceist of price and poslagf.
One nneUigo - S'l.nO - - 1'oslagc tl eenis.
Six Tacka ;ei - 6 I ill - - " 27 "
1. !!.. id liy all di'tik-rs in drugs ana modi
cities tnui liv TUM'.It & CO., Pole rroprietors,
T ANTrP AOI'.NT?. tS'JO pcrdny)loscU
tlieeeUti.tied HOME iMIUTTLU'SLW
1NU MAC.II IN lias llio nntlrr-frtd, makes
llie '-luck aluci" (ulike on lml li sides.) and is
luily lieetivfd. The best and cheapest family
Sewinj Mitehitit! in the market. Address,
JOHNSON. CLAltlv & CO., Uostoi, Mass.,
riiibUurgli l'a., Chicago, I'll., or St. Louts,
Mo. 4'J 3m
offe ed to live
men. Knre
lyiiatico. JM'tiu stiiLiip.
in t li t oil, Del.
Diiiinoud li.. Co., Wil
48 ;;i
O AA ptritur and e.xpenpes guaran-
jpVM M iced lo a'l nndiiiions, men and
v ' nun selling our world renowned pat"nl pat
mil Biterr .If .' Wire Cioih J. Mm. For full
pat lieuliits address ibo viia ku WiBe M i.i.s
I'iih.a.. l'a. IS 4w.
I will tend the re
ceipt by which I nt
etned of cniarrli and
Deafness free. Ad-
L77f?lWL i
me. .l Vj i.u.
.loboken, X. J. 4w.
TO sflTi rm pnprnn witrwNi
fUlkl Jb M.HTcr. c r -r r-
INFORMATION forthe PeoDfa.'
rm.D Eue..rfA...injtil.
tnonpest a Best Family Blhlea.
fluHl Turma OfTnr.uf ..,u-r .
FASMELZZ i CO., Fhil.d, iphl.. p..
Great Saving to Consumers.
rnrties enquire how to get up clubs. Our
answer is send fir I'Hcb List, nnd a Club form
will aecoiupnny it. with full directions, mak
ing a large saving to consumers and renumera.
live to Club organizers.
31 a 3:1 ITSf f STIIEUT,
V. O. 15ox 004:1. NtW YORK. 4w
A DAY llustness euurely new aud
lioLoiuble. Liberal inducements.
Descriptive circulars free.
RAMD & CO., Llddeford, Mo.
Address J C.
39 3m.
An unfailiii reined v for all Jituccbial Dif
ficulties, Sore Throat and colds.
also purity the blood, assists circulation and
arrest decay, acting directly on the .Mucous
Membrane they should be promptly taken
in nil exnosure or violent cdaoireof weather.
as the) will keep up the circulation oi the
blood and thus ward off all tendency to cold
and Lun difficulties.
Wells' Carbolic Tablets
are a never tailing remedy. 'IKY TIIEM.
SOLI) BY IJJil'UUlSTS. 61 4w
Q A WEEK paid agents, male or female,
n)JV)inanew manufacturing business at
home. Nacupiiul. .4ddross Nuvklti Co., Saeo,
Me. 01
TTTTTyTegarmade from Cider, e. in 10
Y JJj hours without Drugs. SendlOcents
for Ciioular 10 F. SAUE,
51 4W Couiwell, Conn.
wA w;n liAmlsnniA ProsDeatus of our
V... Tl).,.lT,.fA 'h'nmiltl libit to AD V Boolt AaeuU
free of charge. Address, National Publishing
Co., Phila., l'a. 61 4w
$10 MADE FROM 50 Cts!
Something urgently neeUed by everynoy. can
H ..mmine or aim Dies sent (postaae paid)
for 60ot8 that retail easily for $10. R. L. Wol-
cott, 181 Chatham Sq., ri, i . oi w
novTo wivrrn rnn
Auveaiure aiiu oiiiin-woiug
"Our Sister Republic." '
r . i. . . .nnw: i m u ill i, st rat Pil
isawomui -nmiuoii.. ..-
Send !orci"cu!arBloCo!uaibiau Book Company
lls' iroru, ci.
. ... f.i j
61 4w
-ri rT-n'Q tltt.T.pwn
c,.1.?. L,Ai S7. , . ti a n r i h f A u M .
aud tow farmers aud lUsir sons can each make
cum Pli'lt MOXTII
1VIV'V '
In V'inter. lO.OOOCnpics will be mailed free la
Farmer, i'end nam and addi esato Z1EOLEK
..... (I . Rim. I
& McrURUV. 1'uiuvieipnsa. im, v
tTTrtTVfrsflil NmrralrJiJi.
2 KOSE THAN 500,000 FSESONS t o 5' g
fc S o Lr tetimr.iiT lo the wuuder- Ta" n
LilCurniiTeLnectii. ST 5"
W 3 -
til toll il
an i-,v-ij iW,W l . 2
5' -4
b At .
Made of Poor Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits',
nnu nciiie, doctored, spiced, and
sweciet.od to flese ihe taste: called "Tonics "
;.ppoiizer," "Restorers." &o that lead the
tippler on lo-driitikeiiess and ruin, but are a
lute medicine, made from the native Hoots
and Merits of California, I roe from all Alcohol
ic Siiiiitiliinls. ThcynroiheOreut Mood Purl,
tier aud Life Giving Principle. perfect Rcen
ovitor and Invigorator of liie System. ca.. y
ittgofTa'l poisonous matter, ond" restoring tho
blood to a healthy, condition. No pvrson enn
lake these UUiers according to directions, and
remain long unwell.
$103 will be given for nn incurable case, pro
vided the boiwsnrc not di'striiyei' by ui:ne"ul
poisous or oihr means, and the vkalo-gans
wasted beyond the point of repair.
For Inflammatory and Clnonio tlheumasn,
nnd flout, Dyspopeia. or Iiidi.eeslion, lil.ous,
Ketnilien. and Inicrmittvitt Severs, liscaes
of Iho lllnod, Liver, Kiilnpys. ami Uadnv",
liicse Diners have been must snctwsfiil. iMieh
Diseases are caused by Viiintcd Llood,
is generally produced by deraiigement of lue
Digestive l Irgatis.
I'lennse tlie Vitiated Il'ond whenever you
find its impurities bin -si ,113 through the skiu
in Pimii'es. Krnpi'tons or 8oi es : e'ennso it
wia u it is iuul. an. I vMittr t'.'cl ngs will leil you
when. Keep lit ' 1.1, mil 1, ure and ilm iipalili of
the syilem will fuli.i.v.
li 1. Inpe, nml nihnv Wo'-ins, lnrkinir in ll
sy-ieniol Bi many UniHSruni-, are ttlvcluall
dettnve I nnd remofe-l.
In 1. 'Ui-.i, HemiitcKt. nnl Ttitermillciit Fe
veis, I lit so Ultters lniv u eunnb li'nr full
li. ee. 'nn read caret ully llie cM citlar around
eav;,i butile, prititeil in four languages Eug
iisu, uerniiin. rreiicn ami fipaniHli.
J. WALKliK, Proprietor. aJCotnm:rce St.,
V. 1!. II. Mi-DONALDS CO.,
Driigitists, nnd general Agente. San Francisco
and SacrniiiL-iiiii, Caiil'ornia, aud '62 Is. Si Com-
niorce St.. N Y.
KU3. 2 3tn
Dy sending 85 CENTS,
with nge licijht, color of eyes nnd hair, 3014
will receive, by return mail, picture of your
I nt lire liiit-banil or wile with inline nnd date of
marriage. Address AV. KOX, P. O. Drawer
Xo. 21, Ftiltonvillc, N. Y.
llus.ou Mass., or St. 1-ou'is, Mo. 30 'Sra
II makes (lie -Luck sttlch,' alike 011
both sides nnd is ihe only licensed under-feed
shuttle Machine sold for less than $00. Li
censed by Whteler Wilson, Grovcr& Baker
nnd Singer and Co. All other nnler-feel
shuttle Machines sold for less Ihnn $tjO are in
fringemenls, nnd the seller nnd user liable to
prosecution. Address JOHNSON. CLAKK&
CO., Boston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa., Chic igo,
111., or st. Louis, .Mo. o'J.ini.
Well's Carbolic Tallets-
After niiidi study aud scientific indestigation
ns to tl.e remedial qualities of Cakboi.ic Acid,
Dr. n ells has discovered by proper combina
tion with other art icles in tltn form of a Tablet
a speeiflo fur all pulmonary diseases. THESE!
TABLETS are a SUltE CURE for nil diseases
also a successful remedy for Kidney difficul
ties Prick 25 cknts vtn 1'nx. stut by Mail
upon lecsipl of price, by JOHN Q. KELLOGG,
'li Clitf St., New York, Sule Agent for tha
Unitea Slates. Ti t
This cheapest and best of the Lilorary Week
lies is offering unequalled inducements to new
In the fi3t paper of October, it commenced
brilliant Novelut, called " a Famiiv Failing,"
by Elizabeth Prescott. It also is now running
a serial, called " George Canterbury's Will,''
by Mrs. Henry Wood, the famous author cf
fcust Lyone, se.
will continually succeed each other. Among
those already on hand or in progress, are
" Under a ban," by Amanda M. Douglas ;
" Leonie'a Secret," by Frank Lea Benedict j ft
Novelet, by Miss Hosmer, 4C
Tbe post also gives the gems of the English
For 1870 will bane their subscriptions dated
back to the caper of October 2d. until tha
large extra edition of that date is exhausted. I
This will bo tbirleeen papers in addition to the
regular weekly numbers for 1870 ot fifteen
mouths In all I When our extra edition is ex.
hausted, the names of all new subscribers for
1870 will be entered on our list the very week
they are received.
$2 50 a year. Two copies, $4. Fonr copies,
$0. Five copies (and ono gratis) $8. One
cony of the Post aud one of the Ladv'a Friend.
A copy of the large aud beautiful Premium
Steel Fograving. Taking the Measure of tho
Wedding Ring " eugravel ia KDg'aud at a
cost of $20C0 will be sent to every lull ($2 50)
subscriber, and to every person seudiug a club.
This is truly a beauiitul eagrav'.nj; !
819 Walnut 8. reel, Philad. pair.
Specimen copies -eut tree for fire ceuis.
GON 8EW1NG MACHINE. Itia license
makes the 'Elasiio Lock' and ia wa. rau.
led for 6 years. Pi .'ce. 15. All other caacuiaea,
with an under feed sold for $!6 or less are in.
fringements. Address OCTAGON 5EVYINQ.
MACHINE CO,, BU Louis, Mo., Cbioago, IU.
Pittst argh, Fa., er Boetea. Mais. 44 &m