1- JL 8llt founts gdtioplt, J. S. B 0 RD W E L L, Editor . SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1870. FOR CONGRESS. SON. GLENNI W. SCOHELD. TOR ASSEMBLY. WILLIAM E. LATHE? FOR PRESIDENT JUDGE. L. D. WETMOEE,- REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. or County Commissioner, k. W. GRAY, of Jay township. For Jury Coniniisnv;ner, CHARLES MEAD, ofRidgway. For Cowi'y Surviyor, 3. L. BROWN, of Joucs township. For County Auditor, CHARLES M'VEAN. of St. Mirvs. A Word to the Charitable and the Pros perous. In the fall of 1S68 this paper was iu the hands of, nnd owned by J. F. Moore, Esq., and was Democratic, advocating the Election of Seymour and Blair. Two weeks prior to the Presidential election, and af dr the State election, Mr. Moore was called o another field of lahor, and the office and paper was offered for sale. The Republi can party in the County then Jr;i! in a state of hilarity, and some of the leading 1'epublicaus in this place, without konw ing.the difference betveeu before election nnd after elcctiou, thought it would be a good move for the party, and for the mor als of the couuty, to purchase the concern and make it a Republican paper. A con tract was made with Mr. Moore, and James H. Ilagerty, J. S. Bordwcll and John It. Paird, acting as trustees for those who paid a portion of the purchase mouey in- hand to Mr. Moore, and for those who should pay thereafter, and the paper was purchased. These gentlemen had assuran ces that the money to pay for it would be obtained, but only a portion of it has been forthcoming. Mr. Moore assigned his con tract to a very worthy and liberal member of the Democratic party in this place, for a debt due the latter gentleman, who after waiting patiently for tbo money duo him, fully as long as any Republican would or ought to have waited, sued the Trustees and obtained a judgment against them for the balance due upon the contract, about $l)CO. Upon this judgment a very worthy Republican became bail for stay of execu tion as time was of importance to the whole republican party of this county,num bering is settled by the resolution of the late Republican County Convention of Erie County j3G3, as against 8007 in that eouuty The time fur the stay run out some time ago. A Julgment ripa for execution is recorded in the court of the highest civil power in this county, we cannot disguise the fact; the Sheriff has now in his hands a paper, with a seal upon it, and upon that seal is the Coat of arms of this Common wealth impressed, and the opening para graph of the paper is "The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the Sheriff of Elk County, Greeting : The kind Sheriff says it is a ,Fie far" and he must have it paid lie was asked if he had no bowels of com passion, and he replied 'not one entraih' The document, and the money must be re turned to toe court, which meets in tins place the 7th. day of November. The debt was at first $1200, it is now about $900 If we can raise 8500 from that description of persons who are referred to at the head of the article, the balance can be made up here, and the organ of the proud Re publican party in this county saved. If not it must disgracefully trailed in the dust, and the three gentlcme who acted as Trustees for the Republican party uiust pay the debt which belongs to the party to pay, which would be gross injustice to them. If we had officeholders in this coun ty we would bleed them ; but we have not We tried to have a condidate that h might have been depleted for this purpose, but be was wrenched from us. We are politically poor and impecunious. W implore aid now, material aid, and we can be saved. If any one doubts what we Bay they can scud to the Prothonotary of this county and get a certified copy of the record. Friends and fellow citizens, remittances sent to James II. Ilagerty or J. S. Bord well, of this place (Ridgway, Elk County. Pa.1 will be thankfully received, and ap propriated to a good cause, and acknowl edged in our columns, if requested, and the autographs of the senders preserved for future reference. If we are not re lieved as we desire, this may be the last appeal we shall ever make to a liberal and benevolent publio, for our confidence in it will be lost. 'In the altnanaos eays a Paris paper, 'we find a list of nine princes of the Bona parte family ; how many of them are in frcot of tbe enemy?' Rosponse of Erie Co? Committee. Below we give the response of the Erie County Committee to a communication of our Committee: Erie, Ta., Sept 19 1870. W- &. Ilamhlin, Esq., Chairman of Elk Co. Erjmblican Committee. Dear Sm. I have tho honor of ack nowedging tho receipt of your letter of the 3d inst., addressed to me in reply, to the offer of tho Erio Couuty Committee made ut their meeting on the "5th ult. I have to state that your communication together with one ironi the Warren Cctn mitteo on the same subject were regarded by me ns presenting questions of so grave a character as to need tho aid and advice of the County Committee Accordingly that ody was called to meet on tho 13th inst. Neatly all of the members of our large com mittee responded to the call. The replies from Warren and Elk coun- ies were laid before them for action. A delegation from Warren being present for consultation, a committee was appointed to confer with them, who after an iutcrview made a report with the followiug resolution annexed : "Resolved That waiving the question of the regularity or irregularity of tho nomi nation made cu the 11th of August at Ir inton, we do in behalf of the Republicans of Etio Couuty, nominate and present tho ante of Hon. L. D. Wcttnore as our can- idate for President Judge of the sixth Judicial District, hereby pledging the hearty support of the Republicans of Erie County." Which was passed. This action prompted by the unanimity with which the nominee was being suppor ted by the Republicans of Elk Couty, and by the representations of the high character, the Cue attainments, irreproachable life and eminent fitness of Mr. Wetmore for the position, made by his Warren neighbors has now placed the three counties of the uittrict in political unison ; and in com mending the fact I can officially and per sonally tespond to accept tha kind send meuts expressed by you towards Mr. Wet more, a fact uow alluded to with moro em phasis as you know fiom the proceedings at Irvinton the zeal and pertinacity with which I adheied to our county's first choico, lion. S. E. Woodruff. Be assured that now, prompted by the same wish to- wards having, which you have so well ex pressed, it will be the aim of our Republi cans to matntaiu at this election the pres age which Erie County has so loug en eyed as the Banner County of the North West. Our ticket now complete, we arc hard a work and trust that the same activity throughout the Sixth Judicial and the Nineteenth Congressional Districts may give to our candidates the majorities they merit. Very truly yours. D. B. McGreauy, Chairman M. E. Duslap, Sec-.etary. JUS WAR IN EUROPE London, September J24. A correspon dent's letter just received, which left Paris on the night of the 20th, hiings eight hours later advices than previously received. It confirms the rumor previously expressed of another revolution in tho capital, this time in the iuterest of the extreme radical party known as "Reds." There is great danger of a revolutionary outbreak, involving aoothcr change of Gov ernment. The lleds are furous against the presen leaders, and express themselves eager for place aud power. They have been thor oughly organized, and evince a disposition to seize posession of the Hotel de Ville as the initial step of their rebellious progrmme iicis.'ance to their plans will bo difficult It is impossible to fay what would be tho effect of 'iieir obtaining control of the Gov eminent, but the people dread pillage au assassination. London, September 24. The Times hrs the following details of the meeting of King William of Prussia and tho Emperor Napo lton at 13ellevue : The meeting was very cordial apparently. After shaking hands they entered the conservatory. The officers came out, leaving the two alone. A dia logue then took place, of which tho follow ing is the substance : King William 'God has given our arms victory in the war you have piecipitated.' Emperor Napoleon 'The war was not sought by me, but was imposed upen me by publio opinion.' The King, asserting emphatically, 'Your ministers created that opiniou. Your army, however, certainly fought bravely.' The Emperor 'Uut the Prussians had the discipline that mine has recently lucked.' The King 'Before and siiice 1866 we studied carefully the experience aud inven tions of other nations.' The Emperor 'Your artillery now is everything ; it is the finest iu the world.' The King 'Iu the matter of artillery particularly, we have utilized the experi ence of other nations.' The Emperor 'Prince Frederick Charles decided the event oi the last battle, hLa ar- my carrying our last possition.' Tho King 'You err ) it was my son who fought at Sedan.' The Emperor 'Where then was Prince Frederick Charles.' The King 'His army corps is before Met.' Tho Emperor's selpos&ession apparently eserted hitn momentarily on receiving this intelligence. The King continued ; 'Have you any thing to piopose ? The Emperor 'Nothing whatever; I am a prisoner. Tho King 'With whom, then, am I to treat V Tho Emperor 'With the Empress; with the Government at Paris; I am pow- rle? s ; I can make no terms and give no orders,' Tho King "Will Wilhclmohoho suit you as a residence V The Emperor 'Yes.' The conversation was continued a short time, the King expressing condolence for tho Emperor's misfortuues. He at length withdrew with every mark of respect. Tours, September 28. A letter dated Paris 21th, says tho populatiuu is animated by one sentiment, the defence of the capi tal. The Mobile and National Guard's bo have with great calmness "and determina tion. A Zouave who fled in thfc recent fight without firing a shot, and afterwards attempted to kill the officer who arrested him, has been shot by order of court mar tial. Severe measures have been taken with regard to others who behaved badly. The cowards are mostly recruits, who joined the fragment of the Zouave regiments which escaped from Sedan. ifews m xaiEP. Bears bring 810 a head in Attawa. St. Louis is building a 5900,000 jail. Topsfiell has a goose ninety years old. Brazil will bag about 800,000 sacks of coffee this year. Louisiana smiles sweetly over the large sugar crop. The Grand Trunk Railway is building Pulluien cars. Missouri has disclosed to tho census tak ers 21,000 colonels. The sentrj's challenge at Paris Ilugo's there ? Detroit Iribuae, Politicians sometimes find that log-rolling is not so easy as rolling off a log. The cotton market is dull to-day it Liv erpool, New York and New Orleans. Chicago has doubled her populatien since 1SG0. She has uow 349,000 inhabitants. The Red Stockings will make another eastern tour the first week in October. In Milwaukee, when a lazy man is oaught at work, they say he is 'meddling with in dustry.' It turns out that the woman who has not spoken to her husband for twenty years is an old maid. Four men engaged in a wash-tub race across the Ohio river, at Cincinnati, yester day. The vomito has broken out in Barcelona, Spain, and a largo number of deaths have already taken place. Tho Father of President Grant will give them Jesse from the Ohio stump in the cur rent campaign. The female school-teachers of Crawford Couuty, Indiana, have pledged themselves not to wear corsets. Over $104,000,000 worth of internal revenue sti.mps were sold last year, June 30, 18(59 June 30, 1870. Pope Pius will arrange a concordat with Italy whereby he will be allowed to remain at llome, but without temporal power. Ye are surprised at the coolness of the census taker who reports that 'there is no tailing oil JNiagara. iv. 1. Evening Post. The cholera is raging in Persia and South Russia. There were one hundred cases iu St. Pctersburgh last week, and forty-three deaths. A writer in Lippincott's Magazine an nounces that most of the lakes in Florida have holes worn iu their bottoms and are' leakiug badly. The Statue ot the late lamented for any other man) is doubtless placed in its present situation iu remembrauce ot his efforts to see the Union square. It is said to be a trick of tho politicians now to report in the newspapers that every promiuent man they waut to kill off 'has had an attack of paralysis.' The Ku Klux World has noticed that the Wyoming women voted theopperhead roughs out of office in the territory, and has opened the viles ol its abusive wrath upon mem. Uow much trouble would be saved if peo ple would heed the following sentence in 'Lothair :' 'Never you sign a DaDcr without reading it ficet, and knowing well well what it mouna ' Gen. II. M. Bowermnn. a prominent mili- tita Dflieer and colonel during the war, has defaulted against the Government to the tune of 825,000. The steamer City of Brooklyn, which sailed from New York on Saturday, took out one hundred ana hlty recruits lor the trench and Prussian armies. The furniture factory and ware-rooms of Elliot & llughans, at Richmond, Indiana, were entirely destroyed by fire on Sunday night. Loss, $35,000 insured for $5,000. Miss MaryC. Greene, of Ohio, employed as a compositor in the office of the Gov ernment printer, has, by au almost unani mous vote, been nuimtted as a member of the Columbia Typographical Union. A gentleman residing at Utica declares that on a recent occasion, while walking along the track of the New York Central Railroad, he was struck by the cowcatcher, and caught in coming down by the fireman, who held him last until! the engine was stopped. The United States steamer Guerriere has been placed at the disposition of the com mute tor the removal ot I'arragut s remains to New York. Two divisions of militia will parade on the occasioned of the funeral, and the Seventh regiment will act as a guard of honor. Gen. Ulrich, the bravest commander of modern times, telegraphs that he will soon have to surrender StarHburg, as the Prus sians are using tour hundred guns against the city, and ho is out of ammunition. He deserves to be made gcneral-in-chief of the of the 1'rcnch army ot the Re publio. i The Corps in Michigan. The Detroit Fete Press says the splended weather of the past week (ending September 10) has been well improved by toimers iu their fall work. A large amount of wheat has been sown, and a very large amount of ground prepared that will be sown the coining week. The hot weather has ripen ed the corn and put it out of danger from frost, and at least half of the crop is cut and put in shock. The large crop of buck wheat is maturing rapidly, and will soon be harvested. In some few localities the po tato crop is nearly destroyed by the bug, but where the insect has not appeared the crop is first rate. A large amount of hay has been cut and secured during tho week. The late cut grass will make a sufficient amount of fodder, of superior quality. The crop of broom-corn is excellent, and all of it out of the way of uost. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Letters ot Administration on the Estate of John Nolf, late of Horton Towuship, Elk Couuty, de ceased, have been granted to the uuder signed. All persons indepted to said Es tate are requested to call and settle, ana those haviuj: claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settle ment. PETER THOMPSON, JAMES R. QUEEN, 45 tit Administrtors. ORPHANS COURT SALE. By virtue of au order of the Orphan's Court of Elk County, the undersigned will offer for sale, on Saturday Septenber 24th, 1870, at publio vendue, on the premises, all that tract of land situate in Jay Township, known as the Daniel Hewitt farm, contain ing Eighty-three Acie3 and forty ptrches strict measure. TERMS OF SALE. One third cash on conformation of sale, and the balance in two annual instalments with interest to be secured by judgment bond, and mortage on the premises. V Executors A GENTS WANTED .'$225 A MONTH) A bv the AMERICAN KNITTING MA CHINE CO., BOSTON, MASS, or ST. LOUIS, MO. 4i am A fcENTS WANTED "TO SEL'L CHAilEEELIN'S Law Book for Business Men THE BEST SUBSCRIPTION BOOK OUT, Ad dress O. D. CASE & CO., Hartford Conn. 49 4w WANTED AGENTS, ($20 perday)tosell the celebrated HOME SHUTTLE SEW ING MACHINE. Has tho under-feed, makes the "lock ttilch" (alikoon both sides,) and is fully licensed. The best and cheapest tamily Sewing Machine in the market. Address, JOHNSON, CLARK & CO., Boston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicago, 1 11., or 1st. i,ouis, Mo. 49 8m THE MAGIC COMB Will change any colored hair or beara to a permanent black or brown. It contains no foiso. Any one can use it. One sent by mail for $1. Ad dress MAGIC COMB CO., 1 15 8m Springfield, Maes. LIFE IN UTAH OB TUB MYSTERIES OF MORMONISM By J. H BEADLE, Editor of the Salt Lake Reporter. Being au expose of Their Secret Rites, Ceremonies and Crimes, With a full and authentic history of Polgamy and the Mormon Sect, from tha original to the present time. Agents are meeting with unprecedented sue cess. One reports 71 subscribers ia two days one 29 the first dav. Send for eiroulars. Addresl NATIONAL PCBLISL1NG CO.. Philadelphia. Pa. 89 4w JOB WORK doue with disoatcb -at this NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A SAFE, CERTAIN Speedy Cum roit Hcnralgia ABD AM. NERVOUS DISEASES. IU Effect! era Magical, AN UNFAILING REMEDY for Neuralgia Facialis often tffecting a perfect cure in a single day. No form nf Ncrvious Disease fails to yeild to its wonderful power. Even in the severe cases of Chronio Neuralgia, affecting the entire system, its use for a few days affords the most astonishing relief and ra-ely fails to produce a complete and permanent euro. It ontain no materials in the sligtost degree in jurious. It has the unquolified rpproval of the best physicans. Thousands in every part of the country, gratefully acknowledge its power to sooth the tortured nerves, and resto ring the failing rtrength. Sent by mail oh receist of price and posing?. One package - $1,00 - - Postage 6 cents. Six Packages - 6.00 - - " 27 " It is sold by nil dealers in drugs ana medi cines and bv TUNER & CO.. Sole Proprietors, 120 TKEMONT ST. BOiTON. MASS 4w TVTrrVTTTVTmC1ofle.adto live r l J II, i IJVS men. Rare Chance. Send stamp, Diamond K. Co.. Wil mington, Del. 48 8m. Cli C f f f PC Vtar ani expenses guaran- tjpiVl Ivteed to' all ambitious) men and w omen selling our world renowned patenl pat ent Silvrr Mould Wire Clothes Lines. For full particulars. address the Girded Win M ils Phi la., Pa. . 43 4w. I wtll send the re ceipt by which I was cured of catarrh and Deafness free. Ad- uiu v.ii-s. id V i.eitgcii, iiobokn, N. J. 4w. AGENTS WANTED FOR. FREE LOVE. ITS EOTARIES, by Dr. Jno. B. Ellis. The most startling book of modern times. Tne whole subject laid bare and its hideousness ex poped to universal execration. Written iu the interests of Civilization Christianity and Public Morality. Send for circulars nnd terms. U. S. Publishiug Co., N. Y., Cincinnati Chicago and St, Louis. 4w, A CHINA & UNITED STATES TO uiLL lint hftpnn v-AiiL-ai w INFORMATIONforthe Pannrn. lUll Our RULEIH and niLDinuro ' fc'A Cheapest & Beat Family Blbles.N I'M B1 Tenn oiwml. A.ldrua far ClrooUri. mmmmmm Agents Wanted (Male or Female) for the PHYSICAL, LIFE OF BY GEO, II. NAPIIEYS, M. D, This bravo, pure Book is the great Biiccess of the year. 4o.0UU have already been sold. It Ht ill ella with a rapidity quite unprecedented Agents agree tnat they nrnKe money taster sel- ing it tlinn any otner. Allien first. class terri ory is still open. Send at once for pamphlet, &c. Address, GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher. PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK & BOSTON. iw. CETTINiG UP CLUBS. Great Savin? to Consumers, Parties enquire how to eet up clubs. Our answer is send for Price List, and a Club form will accompany it with full directions, mak ing a large saving to consumers and renumeru. tive to Club organizers. TIIK GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO. 31 S3 1ESl r-r STREET, V. O. Bot 5U43. NEW YORK. 4w AGENTS WtnUl for Twelye Years "ss Wild Mans Mains. THE LIFE OF GEO, P. BELDEN, who from a love of wild adventure and a thirst of kowl edge of the Indians their Customs, Sports, Wars, Geat Buffalo Hants &c, &c, letta home of plenty in Ohio, joined the Indians, adopted their mode of life, married the beautiful Wash-tfllll- became a Great Warrior, Hunter and Chief of 100 Lodges, was appointed Lieutenant in the U. S. Regular Army, for-meritous ser vice with his braves against hostile india-s. A Book of the most thrilling interests, a reali ty well authenticated. Truth is stranger than than fiction. Superbly illustrated. 70 en gravings, with portrait of the author, in full frontier costume. Price low. Should outsell any book extant. Send at ouce for illustrated circular, table of contents, sample pages nnd terms. 44 4w A. If. HUBBARD, Publisher, 400 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. AGEFTS EARN 8200 A MONTH Selling Jon S, C. Abbott's la-t great work, the LIVES OP ALL THE PRESIDENTS. Over 500 pages, nearly fifty steel tnd wood engravings. Sells at sight. More agents wanted. Send for dricrlption and Term. Franklin Publishing Co., 721 Market st. Phil adelphia, Pa, 46 4w .500 WORTH SOLD BY ONE Agent in 4 moths. Agents wanted for MEN OF PROGRESS by Jas. Parton Greely and other prominent writers. It is the most complete and compen dious literary and artiolio work ever published. It contains Bketches of Charles Dickens, Bur lingame and 50 other prominent Americans. LNDON, NEW YORK AND HARTFOD PUB LISHING COMPANY, 205 to 213 East 12th st. N. Y, 46 4 w CHILDREN CRY FOR THEM.' AY ELL'S CARBOLIC TA3LETS. The Great lleallug Mtalsomic Itemed y for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Asthma, tic. &c. for Wormy Children they are invaluable j for Kid ney Difficulty a speoiffio. TRY THEM. Price, 25 tents pef Box, Sent by nail on reoeipt of price, by J. y. KELLOGG 84 Piatt t., N.T. Sole Agentfor theU. S- SOLDUYDRJGGISTS. 46 4w C1ADAY Business entirely new and toXVbonorable. Liberal inducements. Desoriptive eiroulars free. Address J. C UAND & CO., Bldtleford, " .v mi i mimlii ! n ii i i iii mammmnmmmmmrm THE CHEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. 2 S S MORE THAN 500,000 PEHSONS E. 5' S gj s p Hear testimony to the wonder- a "J o o-S ful Curative Effect. T S r f S WHAT ARE THEY ? H 5 o -o a THEY ARB NOT A VILE J1 $ ill ShFANCY DRINK. Made of Poor Bum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits. and Hetuso Liquors, docLored, spiced, and Bwectened to please the taste; called "Tonics," "Appetizers," "Restorers," &o., that lead the tippler on to drunkeness and ruin, but are true medicine, made from the native Roots nud Herbs of California, free from all Alcohol ic Stimulants. They are the Great Blood Turi. fier and LifeGiviug Principle, aperfeot llccn ovitor nnd Invigorator of tho System, carry ing off all poisonous mutter, and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell. $100 will be given for an incurable case, pro vided tne bones are not destroyed by mineral poisons or other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. tor Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism. and Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Bilioug, Remittent, and Intermittent revers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful, iruch Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of tho Digestive Organs. Clennse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its imimi iiies bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions or Sore9 : cleanse it when it is foul, niid your leeliiigs will tell you when. Keep the blood puro and the health of the system will follow. Pi i. Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the sy stem of so ninny ilumsauds, are ellectually destroyed and removed. Ia bilious, Remittent, and Intermittent Fe vers, these Bluer have no equal- For full directions read carefully the circular arouud each bottle, printed in four languages Eng lish, German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor, 82 Oomm rce SL, n. y. r. ii. Mcdonald a co., Druggists, and general Agonte, San Franciaoo and Sacramento, California, and 82 Si 34 Com merce St.. N Y. eSOLD BV ALL DRUGOIST3 & DEAL ERS. 20 3m nr.iis IS NO HUMBUG .! 1 By sending 35 CENTS, withmge height, color of eyes aud hair, jou will receive, by return mail, pioture of your future husband or wife with name and date of marriage. Address W. EOX, P. O. Drawer No. 24, Fultonville, N. Y. AGENTS W.4NTED ($10 PER DAY) by the AMER1CN KNITTING MACINECO., Boston Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. 30 3m WANTED AGENTS To sell the HOME .SHUTTLE i'EWlFG M.4CAINE. Pries $25, It makes the -Lock stitch,' alike on both sides an! Is the only licensed under-feed sliulile Machine sold for less than $UO. Li censed by Wheeler i Wilson, Grover & Baker and Singer and Co. All other nnicr-fecil bh utile Machines sold for less than $(0 are in fringements, nnd the scIIt nnd user liable to prosecution. Address JOHNSON. CLARK St CO., Boston, Mass.. Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicigo, III., or st. Louis, Mo. 3'J3ni. Well's Carbolic Tablets- After much study and scientific indestigatiou as to the re nedinl qualities of Carbolic Aciu, Dr. Wells has discovered by proper combina tion with oiher ariioles in Ihn form of a Tablet a spee;tic lor all pulmonary diseases. THESIS TABLETS area SURE CURE for all diseases of the BESiM RATORY ORGANS, SORE THROAT, COLD, CROUP, D1PTHERIA, ASTHMA, CATARRH, or HOARSENESS: also a successful remedy for Kidney difficul ties Pr.icu 25 cunts l'ttt Box. sent by Mail upon leci-ipl of price, by JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 22 Cliff St., New Yolk, Sole Agent for the United States. 29 8r I rMIE SATUBDAYVENINQ POST. 'f ' THREE MONTHS GRATIS !. This cheapest and best of the Literary Week lies is ollering unequalled iflducenfents tenev subscribers. w In i he first paper of October, it commenced abri'l'.mt Novelet, called " a Family failing," by LI'iibe'h Prescott. It also is nojfr running a serial, called " George Canterbury's Will," by Mrs. Hem y Wood, the famous author ot Last Lyunc, S.C. NEW NOVELETS will contiruilly succeed each other. Among those a' ready on hand or in progress, are L'deral'.iu, by Amanua M. Douglas; " Leonie's Secret," by Frank Lee Benedict j a Nove'el. by Miss Hosmcr, te. The post also gives tne gems or tne knjlisn magazines. NEW SUBSCRIBERS For 1870 will haue their subscriptions dated back to the pnper of October 21, until the large extra edition of that date is exhausted. tins will bo tlurteeen papers in additien to the regular weekly numbers for 1870 or fifteen mouths in all ! When our extra edition is ex. boosted, the names of all new subscribers for 1870 will be entered on our list tha very wk they are received. TERMS t $2 50 a year. Two copies, $4. Four copies, tivo copies (and one gratis) JiB. On copy of the l'ott aud one of the Lady's Friend, eta S X 322. -3 fik f O h E 2 o V 3v a p 2 J5 a S 4 f VJf 1 m c E tf l 21 OKiF ell- 4. A copy of the large and beautiful Premium Steel Fugraviug, Taking the Measure of the Wedding Ring " engraved in Euglaud at a cosi of $2010 will be sent to every full ($2 50) subscriber, aTid to every person sending a club. This is truly a beautiful engraving ! Audress H.PETEESON&CO., 819 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Specimen copies sent free for five ceuls. WANTED AGENTS To sell the OCTA GON SEWING JACH1NE. Itis licensed makes the 'Elastic Look Siitoh' and is warran ted for 5 years. Price $15. All other machine with au under-feed sold for $15 or less art in fringements. Address OCTAGON SEWINU MACHINE CO,, St. Louis, Mo., piuoag. 1th, Viti.r . r "- Vivi.- tax