0ounifi gitroratf. . S. SORD WELL. Editor. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER M 1870. FUR CONGBKHS. HON. GLEITNI V. SCOFIELD. FOR ASSF.MIILY. WILLIAM E. LATHEY TOR PRESIDENT Jt'DllE. L. D. WETMOHE REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. for County Commissioner, A. W. GRAY, of Jay township. 'or .wry Commissioner, CHARLES MEAD, of Ridgwny. For County Surrt y or, J. L. BROWN, of Jones township. For County Auditor, CHARLES M'VEAN, of St, M.rys. Erie Countj vs. Warren County. "There is not a true Republican in Erie count j who does not sincerely desire the success of the party; there is not an honest Republican in the County who docs not de sire its eucceis by honorable and fair means. And wc do not believe that there is a sin gle honest Republican in the couuty who does not regret the present un.'ortuuato Judicial imbroglio. The success of our ticket is jeopardized by the factions action of a few who regard the success of their candidate of greater importance than that of'the paaty. Already the Democracy is on the alert, ready to take advantage of the discord ntid division in our ranks. Already it is becoming matter of common talk among them that the Republicans of Eiie are so thoroughly disgusted with the tricks of Warren county politicians that they will not only oppose Mr. Witmore, but also Mr. Soofield. It becomes us till, therefore, to ex ert ourselves o the uttu. s: tbatthe c . il t fleet produced shall be countermanded, and the party strength concentrated upon our tick et." We clip the above from the Krie Gatctlc, a paper professing to be the Republican or gan of Krie county. Kvcry word of it is true, and yet that paper reads i.ttlf out ol the Republican party, because it is doing what a "true Republican" ought not to do, supporting and trying to make S. K Wood ruff a candidate for President Judge when fo far as any declaration of Mr. Woodruff" s he is not in the Geld or a candidate, and is not before the people for that oCee. To support a bolter when he is before the peo ple as a bolting candidate is bud enough, for a "true Republican" to do do, but to mislead the people by declaring a man to be a candidiite when he is not, is tiifting with the confiJoooo of the people, and des troying the future prospects of the alleged candidate. The success of the "ticket is jeopardized by the factious action of a few who regard the success of their can-. dida!e of greater importance than that of the party" and when tho Gazette said that. U was looking at its own looking glass. Let it take its own medicine and quit saying that S. E. WodrufT, Esq., is a candidate for President Judge, or else tell when he was nominated and when he accepted, and quit iudircctly supporting Hon. Seden Marvin for congress. Democratic Judicial Nomination. The Democratic Judicial Convention met at Warren on Wednesday the 21st, inat. B. Grant, Esq., of Erie, Hon. 11. Brown, of Warren, and Hon. John G. Hall, of this county were the candida tes before tho convention. Each would do credit to the position, and are every way qualified fcr it. Judjje Brown was the nominee, lud we think that he is better known personally throughout tho district than cither of the other gentlcmrn who were candidates, he having filled the posi tion for a year after tho death of Judge Galbreath, and was well liked for the satis factory manner with which ho discharged the duties of the office. Both the candi dates for the office of Presideut Judge live in Warren j location then cannot effect them ; they ar! both good men for the place, and in the ordinary course of things one or the other of them will be the next President Judge of the District. We have always felt sorry that no man in Erie coun ty could be induced to take the position, or could consent co be a candidate, but eueh being so, we will have to put up with whit Warren county can do for us in the way of furnishing us with a Judge. The modesty of Erin oounty in not wishing both Judges is very commendable. She will bo honored we hope in the future. Old Settlers Gone. The Fredonia Censor of last week has rather a remarkable Hts of deaths for a single week. There are ix persons, Mrs. CorneliajStiles, aged 87, Mrs. Cynthia M. Starr aged 02, Mr. J ere Shepard aged 69, Mrs. Eliiabeth Stookton aged 82, James Usywood aged 80, JUrs Eliza A. Jackson aged 52, six persons ag creeating 432 years. The Censor of the 14th records the death of Israel Lewis, aged 101 years, 7 months and 20 days. He came to that place about aeTonty ycjrs ago. 8k Tha War 2ot7een Fraoa and Frieda While nothing definite is known couecrn- mg the tho progress of negotiations, rumors came from London that the prospects of a Speedy sessations of war are regarded brighter than during any previous days. Lord Lyons is said to hae gone to the Prussian head-quarters, and Julius 1'avre is to meet Risuiarek with specific proposi sitions. The lastcst dispatches tell ns that Lord Lyons is conducting negotiations be tween I'avrc and Risninrck, and a brief ar mistice has been arranged. Palis is invested by german troops, who occupy the hights of Villcnuvo and Bru noy, and cannouading cniumenced -on the south and south-cast of the city. During the latter part of last week, the French Secretary of the Interior and other members of the Republican government with the Corps Diploaiaticque removed their offices from Paris to tho city of Tours. Three or four well known Paris journals changed their place" of publication to Tours on Sunday and Monday. That city is now the actual seat of tho Government of tho Trench Republic. A corresponded telegrphs to the New York Herald that he has had pretty fair opportunities of judging of the tone and teniber of public opinion in France, and he rdpresents it as being adverse to the con tinuance of war. He says that the French people ore downcast ; that outside of Paris there is no military organization, do chief, no controlling mind, no political confidence1 The dosire for peace is universal, but there is a vercy general belief that no treaty of Peace will be signed until after tho Ger man army i3 in the military occupation of Paris. A woful picture is given of the condition of the 10,900 working people at Rhcims, King William's head-quarters, thrown out of employment by tho war. They are starving. Their only hope is in emigra tion. Many ore preparing to leave, ani aro looking toward the United States Paris is represented as quiet and dull. 1 rouble is feaied from the Red Republi cans. They continue to placard the walls with bills announcing a new Government. No symptons of disturbance, however, were observable Monday evening. Tho Parisians arc suM to be still enthusiastic and confident. The soldiers march out jauutly, bravely to to encounter tho over whelming force approaching the city ; and men exhibet a chivalric dctc:miuation to fight even to death. There is a wretched want of dicipline in the French military organization, aud trouble, consequently, is apprehended. Gazette. THE EAST. Uollowei.l, Me., September 20. Lost night a painter, naiLcd Edward 3. Haswell, killed John Lflin with a common jack knife and tuiously cut his own wife. Jeal ously was the cause. 1'no vnKNCE, September 20. At a small fire this morning a boiler ot a steam fire en gine exploded, injuring five persons, one perhaps fatally. Auburn, N. Y., September 20.-A steam boilci iu Stalker's planing exploded this rooming completely demolishing a large brick building and badly damaging other buildings. James Hamilton was killed. Boston, September 20. Maynard's ma chine shop, formerly McKay k Alder's Ijo omotive works at East Boston, were burned this morning. McKay's wharf and two barks lying alongside, were nearly destroyed to gether with the machine shop of George M. Bitd and the rigs'rig loft of A. B. Low. An explosion of naptlia during the fire tend ed to spread the flames. The vessels burned were the St. Cloud and Nova Scotia. Tho Atlantic Company Iofe lurgely, in machinery Total lo.s, 8150,000; insured -for about half. Ihe principal losers are .Maynard, S50.000, insured 820.000 ; Atlantic Works Company, 83o,000, fully insured ; Boston Car Wheel Company, SoO.000 ; Mr. Win. Bird, 825,000 ; the two vessels about 88,000 witn some smaller losses. Arrived, the steamer Tulniyra, from Liv erpool. Boston, September 2C. Ex-policeman John M. Dunn is under arrest, charged with concern with another party, in alter ing three forge! checks on N.jw York banks and obtaining 82,000 on the same from tho Second National Bank of Bostou. 1 he Directors ot tne iiartiora a r.ne Railroad have chosen F. A. Lane, Presid cnt. Tho Universalists commenced to-day the celebtatinn of their centennial anniversary at Gloucester. Ihp orhcers are : President, Governor Elect Pcrhnni, of Maine; Vice President. Rev. Dr. uestern, of Illinois; Secretary, Hon. N. Ilemiup, of Minn. Coxcord, N. IL, September 20. Cor rected census returns show the population ot the State at 317,970, a not loss of 8,071) in ten years. Rev. I)r. Niles, tho Episcopal Bishop elect of New Hampshire will be consecrated on Wednesday. J he President Bishop of the Uuited States, Rev, Dr. Smith of Ken tucky, the Lord Bishops of Quebec, Bishops Doane of Albany, Bissel of Vermont, Nealy of Maine and Williams of Connecticut and many other clergy have also arrived. THE WEST. Chicago, September 20. At Moline, 111., yesterday noon, as the Western Union passenger train was running through town, a young lady aged twenty-three years, oauie not given, after waiting until the Ifain haa passed, with the exception of tho last car, I threw her shawl oer her head and PDianir lieadformost under tho oar. The wheels of which pasHcd over her, killing her instantly. The non-fulfillment of an en gagement to marry.by a man residing in an- o:hcr part of the State was tho cause. James Richardson, of Beverly, Adams county, 111., living with his father, on Sat urday morning compalioed of feeling un well, and went into tho parlor and shct him self through the the head. lie was a young gentleman of'the highest respectability, and his parents were quite wealthy. Tf.riie Haute, September 20. James MeNairy, an unmarried man, formerly re siding in HarriRbtirgh, Pa , but for some time employed on the construction train of tho Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad, was uo over aud cut to pieces by a train on the track of that road in this city last night. The remains were found this morning, and the indications are that he was intoxicated and laid down on the track. St. Louis, September 20. A match was made yesterday betweeu Tom Allen and James O. Galagher, to fight Novem ber 1st, within fifty miles of St. Louis, for fifteen hundred dollars. Allen staking one thousand dollars and Gallagher five hundred. Vice President Colfas. : TheBrooklin Eagle published a letter from Mr. Colfax relative to his nomina tion. The following is an extract: I thank jou for your good wishes in my behalf, but I iutend with this term to close my public life absolutely. Lvtill then have had eighteen years continuous service at Washington, mostly on a stormy sea, long enough for any one, and my ambition is all gratified and satisfied. General Grant will doubtless be renom inated and I think he should be. My ar ticles and specchs show my faith iu him and my regard for him. But tho people will want some Eastern or Southern Vice Presidont and should have one. I shall leave public life voluntarily and without regret, and expect to go into acth e business. My friends hero all know of this and I asuure you it is no pretense but a re ality, as you will see. This is tho last campaign in which 1 shall participate, and I feel as happy at prospective release from the exactions, care, misrepresentations and excitements of political life as the stu dent who is about to graduate and go from the walls in which he has been for years, free from professors and critic. When you think it all over you will concede it is a wise determination. NEWS IN ERIEF. Emporium had a block of buildings burned on Monday night of last week. Louisville has 100,200 population against 0S.033 in I8G0. The Cheyenne Ledger say that Chey enne i played out. The completion of the Denver Pacific gave it its death blow. It is now thought that it will cost tip ward of S8,00C,000 to make the necessary improvements to the Wellund canul. When the English were good Catholics they usually drank the Pope's health in a full glass after diuner; an bou pcre ; wheuco the word hamper. The seashore of the State of Maine, following its sinuosities, is upward of 2,000 miles in length, iu a direct line is only 22li miles. A lady at Green Bay, WU., recently gave-ababy party at her house. Sixty baby carriages were ranged side by side iu the yard at one time. One night lately, at Jefferson, Texas, some negroes took out another, and whip ped him severely. lie said it seemed like old times. A negro who went to sleep on a New York railroad track very much damaged a hand-car which went over him. He then resumed his slumbers The New York Esprcst has discovered that the people who rush out of publiu places of amusement at improper times, and to the annoyance of quiet audiences, are members of the Big Horn expedition. The cities of Binghamtou and Elmira are rivals. The inhabitants of both pLce) live inexpectation that iu five years hence tho lattor will have a population of 20,000 and tho former 10,0(0. Their floating drapirics and gay ribbons fluttered in the September breeze tho plu mago of Birds w'uilo the hum ot their merry voices was like twittering of the "songsters of the grove iu early spring," is what the Providence Jourul says of the returning shool girls. One of tho results of tho war sayi the N. Y. Standard, now being waged in Kurope will undoubedly be tho settlement ot the Itoiuan questiooe. The Kternal City has placed tho Pttpal dominions completjly at the mercy of the Italian King and people. Victor Emanuel has given pledges to Napo leon that the Pope will not be disturbed in the possession cf Rome, and ho will cer- Itaiuly fulfil ttpso obligations as. Ivmg aiho Emporor has it in his power to compel obe. diencc. But Napoleon is a prisoner, and leaves tho Italian King free to act as ho pleases. Victor Emanuel will respect the Pope's authority only so long as he finds it conven ient to do so. The fall of tho Napoleonic dynasty would leave him perfectly free to act, and there is not muoh p.obnbility that the new government of France, whether a monarchy or republic, will send a French garrisou to guard tho Castle of St. Angelo. Ths Census Muhter Rolls1 The Leavenworth Iiu'lctin has an amusing 'take off on the pretensions to vast populations by Missouri River cities previous to the census, and sums up the actual condition of things, after the marshal's books have been made up as follows : Omalm, before the census 150.000 Omaha, after the census 13,000 Killed, wounded and missing 27,000 Council Bluffs, before the census 20.000 Council Bluffs, alter tho census 11.000 Lost inaction 9,0(10 St. Joseph, before the census 40,000 St. Joseph, after the census 18,000 Not accounted for .22, 000 Leavenworth, before the census 33,000 Leavcuworth. after the census. 21,000 Gone to Congress 14,000 Kansas City, before the census 50 000 Kansas City, after the census 17,000 Killed, wounded and deserted. 33,000 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE- Notice is hereby given that Letters ot Administration on the Estate of John Nolf late of Horto.i Township, Elk County, de ceased, have been granted to the under signed. All persons indepted to said Es tato ere requested to call and 6ettle, and those having claims against the sa-ne will present them duly authenticated for settle ment. PET Kit THOMPSON, JAMES It. GREEN, 45 Ot Administrtors. SnUNTCGTOT'SALE. By virtue ot an order of the Orphan's Court of Elk County, tho undersigned will ofier for salo, on Saturday, Soptsnlw 24th, 1S70, at public vendue, on the premises, all that tract of land situate in Jay Township, kuown as the Daniel Hewitt farm, contain ius Eighty-three Acies and forty perches strict measure. TERMS OF SALE. One third cash on conformation of sale, aud the Dalance in two annual instalments with interest to be secured hy judgment bond, and mortage on the premise?. WM. B. IT E WITT Executors J. W. MEAD. glciu gilucrihicmts. 4 GENTS WANTED S-'-'i A MONTH) Abv the AMERICAN KNITTING MA CHINE CO., BOSTON, 11A6S, or ST. LOUIS, MO. 40 ?,m A GENTS W A N T El) TO SELL CHAIIBESLIN'S Law Hook for Business Men THE REST SUBSCRIPTION HOOK OUT, Ad dress O. D. CASE & CO., Hurt ford Conn. 4rJ 4w Tr ANTED AGENTS. iS-'O perdny) to sc'.l V the celebrated HOME SHUTTLE SIEV ING MACIUN K. Has the uml,r-fenl, makes the "luck stilch" (alike on both sides.) nnd is lully licensed. The best and cheapest, lamily 8cwing Machine in tho market. Address, JOHNSON, CLARK & CO.. Bostoi, Mis., Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicago, I'll., 6r St. Louis, Mo. 49 3m 71 TILD Certnin. Safe Eflicient. It is for the VI best Caihanic remeily yet dsscovercd, and at once relieves and imiigorates all the vital t'uucliuns, without causing injury to nny of them. The most complete success has long at tended its use in many localities, and it is now oft'ered to the eeneral publio with tho convic tion that it can never fail to accomplish all that is claimed for it. It produces little or no pain ; leaves the organ free from irritation, nnd never over taxes or excites the nervous system. In all dlenses of the skin, blood, Koinuc'i bowels. liver, kidneys of children, and in many dif ficulties pecultinr to women, it nnngs prompi relief and certain cure. The best physicians recommend rnd prescribe it : mid no person who once usesthis will voluntarily return to the use of nny other cathartic. Sent by mail on receipt ot price anil posiage. 1 box, ffO 2."i Postage ti cents, 5 boxes, 100 " IS 12 2 2o " "1 It is sold by all dealers in drugs and medicines TL llKU J( CO., l'ropnetors 120 Tremonl Slrout, Boston Mass 4'J 3uieow T HE MAGIC t'OMU Will change any colored liair or heart to a permanent black or brown. It contains no hoisom. Any one can ute it. One ent bv niinl for $ 1. Au dress MAOIC COMB CO.. 1 15 gin Springfield, Mass 1 J Lie J J IS J S OB TIIK MYSTERIES OF MORMOX1SM By J. II BEADLE, Editor of the Salt Lake Reporter. Being an expose of Their Secret Kites, Ceremonies ai ! Crimes, With a full and authentic history of Poljramy and the Mormon sect, trom the original I thn nrfKAllt lime. Agents are meeting with unprecedented sua eess. One reports 71 8uoscriosrs in two ' ji oue 'J the first day. Send for circulars. Addresi NaTlO Au PIULISLINO to., l'iii'ade'pl.it. Pa ? 1 4mm mi i wiwnnmmlMannwi A771I' A I) TF.R TISEM ES TS A GAPE, CERTAIN .Speedy Cura Iron Nenralgia llMrersaijYefurs AND ALU NERVOUS DISEASES. rti Effect? are Magical. AN UNFAILING REMEDY for NEtRAtoiA Facialis often iJTecting a perfect cure in a single day. No form of Nervious Disease fails to jeild to its wonderful rower. Even in tbt severe case of Chronio Neuralgia, affecting the entire system, its we for a few days affords the most astonishing relief and ra.-ely fails to produoo a complete and permanent euro. H oontainsno materials in the sligtest degree in jurious. It has the unquolified rpproval of the bent physicans. Thousands in every part of the country, gratefully acknowledge its power to sooth the tortured nerves, and resto ring the failing strength. sent by mail on receist of price and poelage. One package -$1,00 - - Postage 6 cents. SUP.ickag.s - 6,00 - - "27 " It is sold by all dealers In drugs and medi cines and byTL'NER & CO., Sole Proprietors, 120TREMONT ST. BOoTON, MASS 4w ForarrnNiRSome,.J,K,i;: Chance. Sena stamp. Diamond K. Co., Wil- r :'ngton, Del. 48 3tn. f r "v ptr year nnd expenses gunrnn D -lUUl Jteed tol nil ambitious; men and TT ; ...1.1 Ar,a.l nilonl tint. w uiueu soiling inn uiiiiiDitun.iv i nt S.7.TI- Mould Wire CoMp Linn. For full particulars address the Uibabd Wibk M i.ls rtiiLA., ra. 48 4w. I wtll fccud the ro ceipt. by whioh I was cured of catarrh and Deafness free. Ad- ..tin. il O ).egeii, ilODOKen, Pi. J. AGENTS WANTED FOR FREE LOVE. ITS EOTARIES. by Dr. Jno. B. Elms. The most STABTMNii book of modern tinie.4. The whole sulject laid bnrc nnd its hideoueuess ex posed to universal execration. Written iu the interests of Civilization Christianity and Public Morality. Send for circulars and twins U. i'. riiblishing Co., N. Y., Cincinunti Chicago and St, Louis. 4r. to mix orn porcur wokksi CHINA il UNITED STATES. INFORM ATION for th Pennfa. oaiaro ina ruu liuhts, to, ' uur kuhk ana our RIGHTS. Cheapeat A Best Family Bibles rAJua.c a uu., ruuiieipiii, p.. mm Agents Wanted (Hala or Female) for tho rilYSlCAIj 1AVK Of WOMAN . BY GEO, II. NM'IIEYS, M. D, This brave, pure Rook is the great success of he year. 43.000 hnve Already been soul. It ill sells with a rnpidily (iute unprecedented gents neree Ihnl they nnke money filter set. ling it ilinn nny ot"icr. Mtieh first .class terri- ory is still open, good nt once tor pamphlet, o. Auuress. HBO. M 4XLBAN, Publisher. UILADEL1HIA, NEW YORK & BOSTON. 4w. CTTING UP CLUBS. Great Saving to Consumers. Parties enquire how to get up clubs. Our answer is send for Price List, nnd a Club forni will accompany it wiih full directions, mnk- ing a Inrgu saving to consumers and renumern. lve to Club organizers. TIIK G UK AT AMERICAN TEA CO. ill A' S3 STItEET, O. Boxiu43. NEW YORK. 4w AGENTS WtBtSl bt Twelye Years t:s Wild Ww-& Plains. THE l.IEE OF GEO, P. BELDKN, who Irom a love of wild adventure nnd a i hirst of kowl- dge of iho Indians their Customs. Suorts. Wars, Geat B'.iFalo Hunts &c, lett a home of plenty in Ohio, joined the Indians, adopted lieir mode of life, married the beautiful wash- tella- became a Great Warrior, Hunter and Chief of lnO Lodges, was appointed Lieutenant in Hie L. is. Uegular Army, for meritous ser vice willi his braves against hostile inuiat s. A Book of the most thrilling interests, a reali ty well authenticated. Truth is stranger than han fiction, buperbly illustrated, it) en gravings, with portrait of the author, in full frontier costume. Price low. Should outsell any book extant. Send at ouce for illustrated ciroular, table of oontents, sample pages and terms. 4f iw A. II. HCBBAItD, Publisher, 400 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. AGEFTS EARN 8200 A MONTH Selling Jon S, C. Abbott's la-t great work, the LIVES OP ALL THE PRESIDENTS Over 500 pages, nearly fitty steel hnd wood engravings. Sells at sight. More agents wanted. (Send lor description and Terms, Franklin Publishing Co., 721 Market st. Phil adelphia, Pa, 40 4 w SlC.500AgenT SOLD BY ONE 4 moths. AgentB , . MEN OF PROGRESS by Jan. I'arton Greely and other prominent writers. It is the most complete and compoii dious literary and artiotic work ever published. It eontains sketches or Charles Dickens, Uur- ling-line and 50 other prominent Americans. LNDON, NEW i OKK AND HARTFOD PUB LISHING COMPANY, 205 to218East 12th st. N. ', 4ti 4w 'CHILDREN CRY FORTHEM.' WKLL'S CARBOLIC TAELETS. The f-reat Healing Ualtomlc itemed for Cough. Coltit, Sore Throaty Asthma, tsc- &t. 3'or Wormy Children they are invaluable j for Kid ney Difficulty a speciffio TRY TUEM. Price, 2a ecnts pef Box, Sent hy mail on reoeipt of price, by J. O,. KELLOGG. 84 Piatt st, N. V. Sole Agent for the V. S- SOLD BY DRJG GISTS. 40 4w V I I A DA i Business entirely new and tp Lhouorable. Liberal iuducemeui,,. Descriptive circulars free. Address J fv i..ii o. v'., DiuueTci'V ate. 3. 3;n, THE GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVESY Dn. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. 2 g 6 KOBE THAN 600,000 PERSONS g. B' 5' g o "g Hear testimony to the wouder- g, 3 ' 5 o ve iui curative cneci. ?f WHAT ARE THEY ? 3 ft I 8' THKY ARB NOT A Vlt I-sFANCY DRINK, Made of-' Bum, WliUVev, Troof Spirits, nnd Liquor, doctored, npireO, ami weclr io plense the taste; called "Tonic," Appetizers," "Restorers," Ac, that lend the tippler on to dronkeness and ruin, but ara ft, title medicine, mle from the satire foots niid Herbs of Cnlifcrrnin, free from all Alcohol ic Stimulants. They are the Great IiloodVnri. tier and Life Giving Principle, n perfect Keen ovitor nnd Invigorator it the System, carry ing off all poisonous mutter, and restoring the blood to a healthy condition. No person cm take these Uiltera according to directions, ami remain long nnwell. 5103 will be given for an incurable case, pro vided the bones ore not destroyed by mineraf pontons or other means, and tue vital organ wnsted beyond the point of repair. ror Innammntorv ami Chronio Rheumatism, nnd Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, Kilioim, Ilemitte"!, ami Intermittent levers. Diseases of tho Hlood, Liver, Kidneys, nnd Bladder, these Bitters hnvebeen most succnxsfnl. Puoli Diseases are caused by Vitiated lilood, which is generally produced by dcrnngemvut of the Digestive Organs. Cleanse the Vilintetl Blood whenever you find its impnritics bursting through lha kiu in Pimples. Eruptions or Sores: cleanse it when it is foul, nml your feelings will tell you when. Keerlbr- WwhI pure mid I ho health of Ihfststem will follow. Pi i. Tape, mid oilaer Worms, lurking in th syatein ot so nmnr tiiMul-i, nra etleelunlly destroyed and leinnvn). In Kilious, Rrmiitc), mil Intermittent fe vers, these Hitlers Imve- no eitial- For lull directions read oiDefullj hc circular aroumi each bottle, primed in frwir languages tiig lish, German, French awl Spanish. .1. WALkbll, Propnelo. K! Commerce 2H, X. V. K. II. MeDON A LD CO.. I'ruggisls, nnd general A grate, San Francisco nnd Sucrninento, California, ul 'AZ Si 34 Com merce St.. X. V. PwrSOLD BV ALL DRUG01ST3 4 TiEAL IHtS. i!6 3m IHS IS NO IIU.MRVU ! By sending 85 CENTS, with age height, color of eyos and hair, jou will receive, by reiurn mail, picture of your Inlin e husband or wife with name nnd date of marriage. Address W. EOX, P. O. Drawer N o. 24. Fultonvillc, N. Y. CENTS W the AM Ell lioxion Mass., i CENTS W.INTED (If 10 I'Elt DA Y 1 by IEKICN KNITTING MACINKCO., or St. Louis, Mo. 31Coi ami linger and Co. All other nnier-feeit shuttle Machines sold for less than $00 are in fringements, and the seller and user liable to prosecuJion. Address JOHNSON, CLAKK& CO., i'ston, Mass.. Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicsgo, 111., or si. Louis, Mo. :t(j:!m. Wei IV Carbolic Tablets- After much study nnd scientific investigation as to tl.e remedial qualities of Cariioliu Acid, ASTHMA, CATARRH, or HOARSENESS: also a successful remedy for Kidney ditlicul ties Phick 25 cknts i-kii Box. sent by Mail upon lec.-ipt of price, by JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 22 Cliff St., New York, Sule Agent for the I'niled Slules. '-"J 8w fl-IlE SAT U U DA Y YE NINO TOST. I THREE MONTHS CIPvATIS I This cheapest and best of the Literary Week lies is offering unequalled inducements to new subscribers. In the first paper of Ootober. U commeuced a brilliant Novelet, called " a I'uini'iy Failir g," by Klizabeih Prcscolt. It also is now running a serial, called " George Canterbury's Will," by Mrs. Henry Wood, iho famous author of " ast Lyunc, &c. NEW NOVELETS will enntii u illy suooeed each other. Amofij those already on hand or in progress, are " Under a Ban," by Amanda M. Douglas ; " Leonie's Secret," by Frank Lee Benedict ; Novelet, by Miss Hosmer, so. The post also gives the gents of the EnjlUU magazines. NEW SUBSCRIBERS For 1870 will liaue their subscriptions dsttj, back to the paper of Ootober 2d, until the large exti a edit ion of thai date is exhausted. This will bo thirtecen papers iu addition to the regular weekly numbers for 1870 or fifteen months In all ! IV lien our extra edition Is ex hausted, the nnmes of all new subscribers for 1870 will be entered on our list the very wk they are received. TERMS t $2 i'0 a year. Two copies, f 4. Four eoplea, $ti. Five copies (and one gratis) $8. On copy of the Post aud one of the Lady's Friend, $4. A eony of the large and beautiful Premium 3ieel Fngraving, Taking the Measure of lha Weduiug Ring eugravet in England at s ,2JS X x tin i P 15 ill v&W y Dr. Wells has discovered by proper nuibuia tiou willi other nnioles in ihw form of a Tablet a specific for all pulmonary disoases. THESti TABLETS are a SUUE CUBE for all disease uf Ihe BESPIRATOUY OUGANS, SOUK I' HE OAT, COLD, CBOl'P, DIPTHEIUA, 1 cost of $2010 will be sent to every full ($2 50) suosoriDer, ana la every person sending a club. This is truly a beautiful engraving ! Auuress H.PETEESONJtCO.. 819 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Specimen oopies sent free for five cents. WANTED AGENTS To sell the OCTA GON SEWING JfACIUNK. Uis licensed makes the 'Elastio Lock Stitch' and is warms, ltd for 5 years. Prioe$lo. All other maehines with an under ff ed sold for $15 r less are in. fringeuienis. Address OCTAGON SEWINO MACHINE CO,, ft. Louis. Mo., Cliiing, HL. Pittsburgh, Pa., er Boston MssV. 4