The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 10, 1870, Image 2

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    (tilt Gowtl gWiocate,
J. S. B 0 R fi iV E f, I, Edit or .
lor County Commissioner,
A. W.'GRAY, of .lay township.
For Jury Commixsv-itrr,
HORACE LITTLE, of Ridgway.
f'nr County Kurwyor,
J. L. BROWN, of Jones township.
Fur Ctmntif Auditor,
t'llAKLKS M" YEAN, of St. Mtv,
It vas said tli;tt the tax on gross receipts
whs si severe upon the railroads anil prevcu
tid tliem from making as low rates as they
wished. In behalf of tliu people, the last
Congress relieved" the railroads of this tax,
anJ the principal linos bl the country have
bhown their gratitude by doubling tho price
of 1'reiiibta, thus defeating the objects of
Congressional legislation by puling upon the
country additional millions of taxation.
Wheat in Stoke. Every effort is Wing
made by speculators to force up the price of
v, heat and Hour, by crying out that the crop
was short, Sec, but it would seem, from the
following figures, tukcu from a Uufialo j aper there is no 'necessity for Advancing
prices : 'The amount of wheat stored at Buf
falo, August 1 "), 1870, is 5,111 ,070 bushels
against l,100,(Jl0 one year previous or
..MJ 11,570 iu excess. At Chicago, Milwau
k!e and New York tho amount is two-thirds
in excess of last August.
Tin: Democracy have undertaken a heavy
j.ib. It is to gain C") members iu the uext
Congress. If they can do this they are
iviYccl in estimating that it will give them
a working majority; but it 'vill require
harder woik than nuikiiig up a tablo ol
figures .showing their intentions. No
one doubts that they will make some gains
in the Southern St,tes, and possibly a few
ii t tic Northern. The South would be un-
f.rcit!iil enough if it turned its back on
tiuni after so many saeraifices; but they
vill come far short of carrying us niauy
ins nets in that section as they
now count on; while sueh gains as tun
new numbers iu New YorJ, and about the
fine in proportion in the other Northern
States, to iut-ke the claim good, is too much
of'a caller, public creduality. It is on
opeu question which party will make gaius.
and the chances of the democracy losing
Mime of their districts are quite as good as
their gaining others, llcpublicaus should
take note of the Democratic prngrmme, and
sec to ic that no discord prevails, and that
every voter docs his duty. It is safe in
this case to learu w isdom from the enemy,
and to be watchful and ready for all emer
gencies. A Democratic victory would be
u uational dishonor Ex.
Five Young Men Struck Deaf.
The report wo mentioned yesterday that
five young men had been struck deaf at
II. lena, Arakansus, is fully confirmed,
though the phonnmena remains a painful
mystery. One of the young meu, as we
stated, is in the city for treatment. His
rame is liobb, aod ho formerly clerked in
Mansfielt & Uigbce's drug store. Yester
day he wis met and accosted by an old
acquaintance yesterday who had not
lieaid of his mislortune. He produced a
pencil and -apcr and wrote 'I cannot hear
a word you say; I have been struck deaf.'
This rather dumbfounded his friend, but
hey went into Uigbce's drug store aud
had a long talk on paper.
The additional particulars which we havo
learned are as follows : Tho young men
were together in a room one evening last
week, and when they sepeiated for the
night all were as well as usual. Next mor
ning the alarming fact was discovered that
they were all completely deaf, and the most
of them suffering from a heavy pain in the
head. No relief could be had in Helena;
60 four of them went to New Orleans for
treatment, and young Mr. Robb came to
Memphis, put hiu:self under the treatment
cf Dr. Yoorhees. Various conjectures
. have been made as to the cause
of this singular oceurence; some ascribe it
to a direct visitation of Providence ; others,
of superstitious minds, to some subtile in
fluence, not of God nor yet of man, while
some seek to find a scientific cause in the
condition of the wrather, or what they ate
sod drank on the occupation,- Memphis
Frightful accident. We lcaro from
a telegraphio dispatch that on the SOth ult.
while Wdj. A Thompson, of Franklin, was
carrying some torpedoes in a wagou two of
theoi exploded and blew him to pieces. The
first known of the accident was the finding
ot his remains by a milkman, who heard the
the explosion some time before. He leaves
a wife aod three email children. Warren
cue v;a?, in zuao?s.
Tho Germans Trinmphant. i
Terrible Fighting The latth of Sedan
A'apolcon and Mv Malum' Army Sur
rendered Downfall of tlie Krewk Em
pire Fravre a Jtrpuhlic, tcith 7rochu
as Drtxident,
We copy the following from the Erie
Tho events of the past week have been
startling, and to u great extent unexpected.
The tenible battles which have followed
with unparalleled rupaiility culminated at
Sedan on the lid inst., iu a complete victory
of the l'rusiun army over MsMahon's for
ces, when the l'rcnch capitulated, the Em
peror Napoleon being among the number.
The surrender of Napoleon was no doubt
compulsory. With Bnzaiuo shut up in
Metz, and this fite of McMahon, thb dis
ciplined t roups of France are gone. It now
remains to bo seen what course will be
adopted by the French pcoplo under the
new order ot things.
Whether the war will soou close is by no
meaus certain, for reports conn) that the
rrcuch at 1 arts are unyeilding, and are
not ready to give up the contest. And yet
we cannot but believe that France is in bet
ter condition to-day to treat for peace than
iho will be nt any timo in the future. Look
for a moment at tho events of a tew weeks
past, and see if they do not loud some plau
sability to our views.
On the l'nh of July last war was de
clared by Napoleon. Time surely has re
vealed that Prussia was ready, but France
was not. Two weeks later a half million
men stood facing euchothcr on tho Rhenish
frontier. On the 2d of August a heavy
column of French troops moved forwards
Saarbruck ; it was ouly an out post and
the enemy, a few hundred strong, fell back.
France was elated, and Paris resounded with
cheers for the 'first victory.' Her joy was
traucient. While sho was rejoiccing the
right wing of her magnificent army was
being overwhelmed and well nigh annihi
lated at Wcissnburg and Woerth. Simul
taneously with the advance of the Prussian
Crown PriDce, General Steinmetz moved
forwaid, recaptured Saarbruck, and fell
heavily upon Frossaro at Forback. The
immediate withdrawal of the French line
to the Moselle was imparitive. But here he
could not stop. Flanked at Nancy, another
retreat was necessary. McMahon succeed
ed in getting back to Chalons, but Marshal
Bazainc, in attempting to do so, encounter
ed an enemy thrice his numbers, and after
five days' terrific fighting was securely caged,
within, the fortress ot Metz. With an ar
my two hundred thousand strong McMa
hon left Ivhcims on the 23dof August, de
termined to rescue his unfortunate confed
erate ; three days after, with his perilous
jouiuy but half accomplished, be finds a
wall of bayonets across his path. To re
treat without fighting was impossible. At
ihc cud ot three days' conflict his army is
driven within tho town ot teuen, encom
passed by a victorious and determined foe,
in no condition to resist further, and, with
the Fiinncror Naoolcou ' lays down its
at iho t
Meanwhile, a new order of things is in.
augurated in Paris ; a Republic is proclaim
ed, aud General Trochu is appointed Presi
dent by u provisional government, compos
ed cf eleven members of the Corps Lcgis-
latu and all the deputies raris, which, we
are told has been ratified by popular acclaim
ation. The offiics of the provisional govern
mentarc as follows : Minister of the interior,
Leon Gambetta ; minister of foreign affairs.
Jules Favre; minister of fiuancc, Pierre
iMagne; minister of public instruction,
Jules Simon ; minister of justice, Emanuel
Cremieux; minister of war, General Trochu
president of the council, M. Grevy; secre
tary general of the provisional government,
Andre Lavertujon.
The city was tranquil at latest advices.
The new Mayor has issued the followinn
proclamation :
IIoTEr, de Ville, Paris, Sept. 6
Citizens ! I have been called by the peo
ple and government of the national defense-
to tho mayoralty of Paris, while waiting for
vou to be called to elect your municipality,
I have taken possession of this oity hall in
tbo name of the Republic, which was the
scene of tho patrioitio event of 1(92, 1830,
ana le ts, i spcaK to you now as your
lather tiia in ItM'Z. Citizens, the country
is in danger! Rally round the Parisian muu
icipaliry defended to-day from siege by u
soldier of tho Rcpublio ! Vivo La Repub
lique Etibnne Araqo.
Chicago Divorces.
Chicago not only divorces people by whole
sale but it also marries thorn, sometimes
without their consent. Here is a case in
point. A person rejoicing io the suggestive
name of Woulfsbach has just filled a bill iu
the Circuit Court of the city against a fe
male assuming to bear his name, asking to
nave an alleged marriage between tho par
ties set aside, on the ground that ho was
married without knowing it.
Complainant, after alleging that he was
married to the defendont on the 2Cth of
October last, states that at the time in ques
tion he was confined to his bed by a fit of
extreme illness, and that for several days
during such sickness he was unconscious,
aud 'had lost his presence of mind,' and
that while in this state of derangement 'the
defendant went to the County Clerk's office,
procured a marriage license, proceeded
tbence to a minister of the gospel, conduc
ted him to the bedside of the complainant,
and, while be was luboring under the influ
ence of mental paroxysm or derangement,'
the minister united him in marriage to the
defeodent. It is alleged that the defendant
at the time was in complainant's service as
a servant.
He claims that he knew nothing of the
so-called marriage untill some time after,
when he recovered, and that he has never
treated the women as his wife. Persons not
disposed to enter the marriage state will do
well to jvoide Chicago. brie hepmlican
news m bhhf.
No Frost in Ridgway yet.
The Commissioners met this week.
No venison has been brougt to town for
sale this fall.
Sun Francisco has a child three years
old, weighing 100 pounds.
Brighara Young is thb host of William
Seward at Salt Lake. '
The tobacco crop of tho west is Baidto
be somewhat unfavorable.
Four good habits punctuality, accuracy,
steadiness and dispatch. - '
Maltese cats, in Indiana, are trained to
fight black snakes and like it.
Boston has a wandering street mcrchat,
who sells lobstets and war maps.
It is said that tho?e visiting summer re
sorts are much afflcted with bill iousncss.
'Come over to cur house and see the bil-
lious fever,' is the Indians salutation.
A Saratoga landlord rents a hammock
on his bock piazza for three dollars a night,
Imagine a more melancholy spectacle
thau a lot of hens try'ng to roost on a clothes
The Indies in some pnrts are organizing
base ball clubs and next year we suppose
they will have them here.
Diamonds in the rosettes of her slippers
are tho attractions ot Sarratog belle's 'twink
ling feet,'
Tt is a good sicht to see the color of
health upon n man's face, but not to see it
concentrated in his nose.
A Lancaster county, V., official has
sued anf'ther for charging him with wearin a
woman killing mustache.
A Java erandee is enmine to this country
with his eiirhtv-one children and wants to
engage board in some quiet family.
Tho machinery for a very large shoe
mnnufnctureinsr establishment wasreerntly
shipped from tho United States to Switz
erland. rrid2et Fagan lost her voice at Fajette
Pnrincs from sleeom!? in a damp rom.
Her husband has never enjoyed more
The waiter irirls at the Trolfilo Hr;nse,
White Mountains, are nil rlaochters of yell-to-do
farmers of the neighborhood.
Tho southern cotton srrownrs want to
oolonize tho English sparrows then to
fisht. the insects that injure the oatton
crop. 1
The German ladies of Rt. Louis will
shortly hold a Brand fair, tho proceed? to
bo devoted to the relef of wounded Geraian
soldiers. j
Hoop skirts are dwindling away to noth
ing in their old age. Report says wi are
to know them not this winter. j
Now and then they cut off the ears of a
thief in Oregon, and then telegraph east
thot the crops were never better thon they
ore this season. ,
A New Haven Temprance Convention
got away with thirty thousand galssts of
root beer, and twenty thousand bottles of
soda water in two days.
A dose of Iowa whiskey killed a water
snake a foot long, which had slipped down
the throat of a farmer while he was drinking
from the river.
It is reported that the fall fashions for
ladies' hats will be a funnel arrangement
with the small end behind. The idea, we
understand, is brought from China.
. . -
Appointments. Dr. John II. Gihon
has been appointed by Governor Geary
Quarantine Master for the post at Philadel
phia, in the place of Robert Gartside, Esq.,
who died last week of yellow fever. The
Doctor was editor and publiscr of the Daily
Topic, at Harrisbur?.
A Brother of Bayard Taylor, the journ
alist and traveler, a prominent physician of
Chester county, has also besn appointed
lazaretto physician at Philadelphia, made
vacant by the death of Dr. Thompson, who
also died of yellow fever.
Rittin by a Rattlesnake. A few
days since a snake charmer died at Plcas
autville from tho effects of a bite
of his favorite reptiles. Yesterday mor
ning his wife, another 'cha rnicr,' removed
to Tytusville and reopened tho show on
Franklin street, under the auspices of 'Hon
est Jack.' But in Act I., Scene I.,
where the woman bans her brawn, thrusts
it into the cage, seizes tho rattlesnake and
puts it into her bosom and coiles it about
her neck in act first, as we said wheu
she attempted this reckless performance
one of the largest snakes in the collection
stuck his fangs into her fore-finger, iuflio
ting a severe wound. 'Honest Jack,' who
sat at the door collecting the stamp?, heard
a yeil of agony and discovered the cause.
Dr. Moody was called in, and at once cut
the affected part and cauterized the wound.
Whiskey was at once adminestered to the
patient and after an hour's sleep she was
pronounced quite well again and went on
with the exhibition. .Not so with the
snake who is reported quite Biok, and evi
dently got the worst of the bite. Herald-
2 g S MOEE THAU 600,000 PERSONS B" S 2
2 "a Bear testimony to the wonder- - 3 w
-5 fill Curative En eot.
fff S WHAT ARE THEY ? 3 H 5
So 2 o t
J08 x
sis is-
r! c s-t Vnw S5 tor tro
u, v . . o
MadeofToor Hum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits,
and Refuse Liquors, doctored, spiced, and
sweetened to plcaso tue taste; called "Tonics,"
"Appetizers," "UeRtorers," &c, that lead the
tippler'on to drunkencss and ruin, but. aro
true medicine, made from tho native Hoots
and Herbs of California,, free from nil Alcohol
ic Stimulants. They are iho Great Blood Puri
fier aud Life Giving Princ':plo, o perfect 1'ecn
ovalor nnd Invijrorator of the System, carry
ing off nil poisonous matter, and restoring the
blood to a healthy condilion. No person can
take these Kit: its Recording to directions, and
remain long unwell.
$100 wilt be given for an incurable case, pro
vided the bones are not destroyce? by mineral
poisons or otber means, and the vital organs
WAsied bej'bnd the point of repair.
for IntlniriDiatory and Chrome Rheumatism,
nnd Gout, Dyspcps;a, or Ind'gc9tion, Bilious,
Remiltent, and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases
of the Blood, Liver, K'dnrys. nnd Bladder,
these Bilters have been niosi successful, uch
Diseases are caused by Viiiated Blood, which
is generally produced by derangement of the
Digestive Organs.
Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you
find its impurities bursting through the skin
in Pimples, Kruptions or Sores: cleanse it
when il is foul, nnd your feelings will tell you
when. Keep the blood pure nnd tho health of
tne system will follow.
Pin, lape, nnd other Horms, lurking in the
system of so ninny thousands, are effectually
destroyed nnd removed.
Ia Bilious, Remittent-, nnd Intermittent Fe
vers, these Bitters have no equal' ior full
directions read carefully the circular uromid
each bottle, printed iu four lnnguogas Eng
lish, (.lernmn, trench and Spanish.
J. WALKER, Proprietor, 82 Comm:rce St.,
n. y. it. ii. McDonalds. co..
Druggists, nnd general Agcnlo, i-nn Francisco
and Sacramento, California, nnd 32 & M Com
merce St., N. Y.
ERS. 2B 8m
U. uy scnuing ijij-..iio,
with nee height, color of eyes nnd hnir, jou
will receive, by return mail, picture of yrmr
futuro husband or wile with name and dale ol
marriage. Address W. P. O. iJiawcr
No. 24, Fultonville, N. Y.
Boston Mass., or M Loins, Mo. 30 utn
Business entirely new nnd
able. Lihcral inducements.
liescriptive circu'ars free.
HAND a: CO., Blddciord, Mo.
Address J. C.
S'J 3m.
AGENTS To sell the HOME
ii maKcs tue -i.ocn gtitcn, UKe on
both Bides and is the ouly licensed under-feed
shuttle Machine to'd for less than ftiO. Li
censed by Whtelcf i Wilson, Grover& Baker
nnd Singer nnd Co. All other nndcr-feed
shuttle Machines sold for less thnn SOU nre in
fringements, and the seller nnd user linhle to
prosecution. Address JOHNSON, CLA UK &
CO., Boston, Mass.. Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicago,
IU., or St. Louis, Mo. C'J-'.m.
Well's Carbolic Tablets
After much study nnd scientific inJestigntion
as to the remedial qualities of Carbolic Actu.
Dr. Veils has discovered by proper combina
tion with other articles in thb form of n Tablet
a specific for all pulmonary diseases. THESE
TABLETS area SUBECURE for nil diseases
also a successful remedy for Kidney difficul
ties Pkicb Z'l cents pkh Box. Bent by Mail
upon receipt of price, by JOHN Q. KELLOGG,
ClitlSt., rew lork, Sole Agent lor the
United Stales. 29 8w
in mm
01 THE
By J. II BEADLE, Editor of the Salt Lake
Reporter. Being ati exposeof Their f-'ecret
Kites, Ceremonies nud Crimes.
With a full nud authentic hislory of Polgnmy
and the Mormon Sect, troin tue original to
the present time.
Agents nre meeting with tnprecedcnteu suo
cess, uao reports 1 1 subscribers in two rys
one 29 the first day.
Send for circulars. Addresi NATIONAL
PUBI.ISL1NG CO., Philade'phia. Pa. 89 4w
form the Citizens of Ilitk'wav. and the
publie generally, that be Las started a Livery
Stable and will keep
Buggies, to let upon the most reasonable terms
BWiUlIe will also do job teaming.
Stable in the Brooks Barn, near the Post
Office, oil MiB street. All orders left at the
Post Office will meet.prompt attention. . .
Aug 20. 1870. tf.
"ARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tags,
J Handbills, ko., donein a neat manner.
and at the wwusr i-kick, FOR CASH, at
be 1.1k Advocate I riming O:lico.
VINGS, 111 Nassuu St., N. Y. Anybody
onu sell them. Cheap. Sell fast. Pay hand
somely. Send for new circular. . 29 4w
FOR FAMILY USE timyle, eltap, rtliabU,
Knits kverythiso. AGENTS WANTED,
Ciroularand sample stocking FREE. Address
Me. 8 m
Vntli ttt
Ti cItb Years "Z WM Mans & Rains.
a love of wild adventure nnd a thirst of kowl
edge of the Indians their Customs, Sports,
Wars, Goat Buffalo Hunts let., &s lett a home
of plenty in Ohio, joined the Indians, adopted
their modo of life, married the beautiful V7ash
tella. became a Grent Warrior, Hunter anil
Chief of lOO Lodges, was appointed Lieutenant
in the U. a. Regular Army, for men tons ser
vice with his braves ngainsl hostile Indians.
A Book of the most thrilling interests, a reali
ty well authenticated. Truth is stranger than
than fiction. Supcrhiy illustrated. u en
gravings, wiln portrait, ot tue nuinor, in iuii
frontier costume. I'rtce low. snouia outsell
ny hook extant. Send atouce for illustrnted
circular, table of contents, sample pages and
terms. 44 4w
A. H. HUBBARD, Publisher, 400 Chestnut
St. Philadelphia.
A 8MT,
S;wly Ciira
Its Effects trt
It is nn I'Ni'AiLisa bkmkmt in all cases of
Neuralgia Facialis, often effecting a perfect
cure in less than tweniy-'our hours, from the
use of no more thnn two on twrkh pills.
No other form of Neuralgia or Nervous Dis
caso has failed to yield to this wonderful re
medial agent.
Even in the severest, cases of Chronic Neural
gia and gene. al nervous dernngemnnrs, of
many years standing nfVocting the cniiresys
tern, its used for a few diys, or a few weeks nt
the utmost, always affords the most astonish
ing aclief, and very rarely fails to produce a
complcie nnd permanent cure.
Ii conta:ns no d'-ugs or other materials in
the slightest degree injurious, even to the most
delicate system and can always be used with
nerfect safety.
It has long been in constant used by mauy
of our most eminent physlcinn!, who give it
their unanimous . and unqualified approval.
The following, among many of our best citizens
testify to its wonueriul elhcacy :
"Having used Dr. Turner's Tic-Donlonrcnx
or universal Neuralgia Pill pcisounlly, nnd in
mimerious instanees recommended it to pa
lients suilering with neuralgia I have found
it, without an exception, to accomplish all the
proprietors havo claimed.
J. K. DILLT.VGHAM. Dentist,
12 Winter Street, Boston. Feb, 18th 1877.
Mr. J. M. R. Story, for ninny years mi ap
othecary in this city, and for threo yenrs (!nr
ing the war, m the Hospital Department under
the L. S. Government, thus speaks ot it .
I have known Dr. Tiii-noi's Tic-Douloureux
or Universal Neuralgia Pill for twenty venrs.
havo sold it nnd used it personally, and I
have never known of a case whom it did not
give relief. Customers have told meihcy would
not bo without it if each pill cost $10 I think
it the most reliable remedy for neuralgia and
nervous diseases in the world.
Mcrssrs Turner & Co. :
For along time a member of my family
has suffered severely with Neuralgia. Tho pain
was almost unendunible. Ve tried various med
icines without success. A few months since, wc
began tho use of your Pill. It has proved per
fectly successful, and no traces of the disease
eminn. I can gladly recninincu 1 your remedy
o all suffer ers from Neuralgia.
Respectfully yours. F. IV. riSLTON,
Bnstoii, March 25, 18G7, Coumtllor al Law.
Sent by mail on receipt of price and postage.
One package - 1,0(1 - - Postage ti cents.
Six Packages - 6.00 - - "27 "
ll issnM bv nil dealers in drugs ana mcdi
cincs nnd by TUN lilt & CO., Sole Proprietors,
Mild, Certain, Safe and Efficient.
It at once relievesand invigorates all the vi
tal functions, wiihout causing, at any time, or
under any circumstances, the slightest injury
to any t them.
The most complete and uniform success has
for many yesrs attended its use in F'rnco, and
in some portions of the United States ; and it is
now offered to the general public, with the most
absolute convictien ihat it can never fail to Ac
complish all that is claimed for it.
ll is harmless in the extreme, nt all times,
nd under all circumstances : and is unequalled
any remedy yet kuown to the world where
jjuiguiive is luuiumeu.
It produces little or no pain in its operation :
eaves the organs entirely free from irritation.
and never, in the slightest degree, ovrtaxesor
excites the nervous system.
In Bilious Difeises, Iudigestion and Dyspep
sia, it is mvaiuanic.
It is the grand Purifcr of the Bbod, nnd hence
cannot fail to eradicate trom the system Scro
fula, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Canker, and
Cutaneous irruptions generally. Irregular, or
ant or Appetite, Colds, Coughs, Asthma.
Brouchitis, Catarrh, Colio Pains, Dinrrhcen,
Wnter-brush, Sour and Bitter Stomach, and
foulness nnd laintness of the same; Impure
breath, diggings, sympathetic, nervous, or sick
llendncue. Rheumatism, uout and Inflamma
tions in all forms, these and all kindred dis
eases can always be wholly cured or greatly re-
i: 11 .1. ! i i
iieveu uy ihis niuu yet powerrui remeuy.
Uencral Debility with its inseparable acoomi
paniments, ranntal and physical, such as
geen-sickness, lassitude of mind and body.
drowsiness, indisposition to exercise, weakness
of the limbs, teelings of discouragement, des
pondency and distrust, all disappear under
us magic louuenoe.
It regulates and invigorates tho bowels ;
a sure antidote for obtinate costiveness and
piles; vigor to the stomach j evokes the action
of the liver ; dissipates the yellow dye of jaun
dico and eradicates from the skin, bilious spots
or niouiu-motn anutrccfties.
It excites the Kicueys to renewed, vigorous
and healthy action; and is certain to bring
prompt relief in all cases of Diarrhoea and
It is emineuly efieolual in the cure of all dis
easos of children, however infantile, especially
for colio, worms, andirriutiou and fretfvllness
while teething.
As a dinner Pill or Digester, it is second to
none other, taken with the food. It operates as
a general alteiative, wheseby the intire impar
ted organism is stimulated to renewed energy
and to a healthy vigor and vitality. It is en
tensively used by the Faculty as a couveuien
and thorough calhartio, having no action other
than the one inteoded. jtySent bv mail on
receipt of prise and postage, viB:
1 Box, . $0,25 . Postage, 6 cent
6 Boxes. 1,00 - - " 18
It is sold by all dealers in drugs and medicines.
and by TUitN tK CO., Sole Proprietors, 120
IMJlU.M bl. BUSIU, Mass. 43 4w
Selling Jon S, C. Abbott's last great work, the
Over 600 pages, nearly filly steel knd wood
engravings. Sells at sight. More agents
wanted. Send for description nnd Terms
Franklin Publishing Co., 721 Moiket St. Phil
adelphia, Pa. 4-8 4w
Agent in 4 mother Agents
wanted for
by Jns. Parton Grrely end other prominent
writers. It is the most complete nnd compen
dious literary nnd artictic work ever published.
it contains sketches of (;lvarles LUCKens, isur-
lingsme and 00 other prominent. Americans.
LISHING COMPANY. 205 to 213 East 12th St.
N. Y, 40 4w
The f.rcnt Itealluf ttalsomltr
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Throat, jlslhma, Sfc. &c. M'or
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receipt pf price, by J. V. KELLOGG. 84 Piatt
St., N. Y, Sole Agent for theU. 8-
TED AGENTS To sell the OCTA-
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TANNEll & CO.,
No 49 Wall Street, New Torlc.
June 4 3m.
rjniiE saturdayjJveninq tost.
This cheapest snd best of the Literary Week
lies is offering unequalled inducements to new
In the first paper of October, it commenced
a brilliant Novelet, called " a Family Failing,"
by Elizabeth Prescoit. It also is now running
a serial, called " George Canterbury's Will,"
by Mrs. Henry Wood, the famous author of
i-ust Lynne, &c.
ill continually succeed etch other. Among
those already on band or in nrozress. are
Under a Ban," by Amanda M. Doutrlas :
" Leonie's Secret," by Frank Lee Benedict : a
Novelet, by Miss HoHiner, io.
The post also gives the gems of the English
For 1870 will haue their subscriptions dated
back to the paper of October 2d, until the
large extra edition of that date is exhausted.
This will bo thirteeen papers in additien to the
regular weekly numbers for 1870 or fifteen
mouths in all I When our extra editiou U ex.
unlisted, the names of all new subscribers for
1870 will be entered on our list the very week
they are rcceiveu.
! 60 a year. Two copies, $4. Four conies.
$8. Five copies (and one gratis) $8. Oua
copy of the Post aud one of the Lady's Friend,
A copy of the large and beautiful Premium
Steel Fngraving, Taking the Measure of tho
Wedding Ring " ngruvei in England at a
oost of SJ(M.Owill be sent to every full ($2 50)
subscriber, and to every person sending a club.
This is truly a beautiful eugraving !
819 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
Specimen copies sent free for five cents.
I was cured of Deafness aud Catarrh by a
simple remedy sod will tend the rcoeipt free
MRS. M. C. LEGGETT, Hoboken, N. i
24 5w 1