The Elk County advocate. (Ridgway, Pa.) 1868-1883, September 03, 1870, Image 1

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' H I n-.j fMM ' KJ' Li I I Bail I ZU.
I K I ra i,3 1 Ri IS. 3 G
VOX, 1.
Ill n a WAY, PA., SEPTEMBER 3, 1870.
II ,1
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A T $ K K J r .v r .7 .
Hates of Ailvortissin.'.
Adi-.'r urn! Kx'rs urnices, cac, 6 t imps, $ 3 00
Auditor's notieps, fiu-h, 3 (Id
f.'an'.inns anil Katrnys rnuli, !J timrs 3 00
transient Advi-rlixing per secure of H lines
or leas 3 tiuif-s, or lvs ' 00
for eiic.ii KiOoiU(!it iiinimion CO
'JlhVnil advorli-iiiij Cur pnuh pquare ot'8
liner or loss ) 1 1 m cm orl'jH t.2 00
For each sii'is Vj'icnt. "spviion Ml
t'rol'e.-si'iiiul, litmr, 1 yr.. 0 00
Lnul notice. j"?r 1 in a. one time 1"
'.Miliary milieu.-, over " !i:n'- 10
Yenr'y A .ivurlisi'i;.-, oni-luilf column M) 00
I'env'y .-. ni.pCuUlinn 1"" 00
r.l'ink's, siii'iio ijiiii " - M
i-ianlis, tl:iee tiiii P - 00
iil.mkr., (i , 1 1 1 1-v -i , pi r lyir.e. 1
SUnk. nif 0 c,u:n s j " r cjuivv ...1 00
t'or haul: niclof. siilij u.-n i;, f uimnon, cx-
uor.r.ons v.imi:i!j, cuKS'abie sal;!,
voa-l nn'I - h'lol unlovs. t.u-li per doz...23
llamlliUls. i-ivr'il c'ncirf. -i or Us 1 "0
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I'. Mr. 'I sllvtt - 01- ll'SS.
....4 00
" n-H oi-U-s" H 00
Over - of cacli ofalmvent pruj.urtiuiiatp vale?
(iJHt (Counts liircctorLT.
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C Scliulizc,
P. Hall.
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1 :ie only direct route to I'ittshurg
from ii! Ci!.y.
in and n: tor Monday Xuv. 2Jd 1S00, lriius
Ttlll run u..i foi'ows :
G ,ixa SOUTH
Day Express leaves Oil City at 10. SO n. m.
Arrivii.g at PItt.-bi'.rs at. fi.-IO p. m.
i-iiu'iit Exprrss l -avos Oil City at O.Sn p. m.
Arnv'ng .it I'itisbnig at 7.tK) a. in.
Kittaiitiiujr Ace. leavrs Eiultnton O.lO p. nr
Arriviving f.t Kittaiin'iiig f.Ol) p. in.
aiixed 'iV; y leaves Oil :iiy at 7,00 a. in.
Arriving at V.'e.t 1'enn .lunution at 7,00 p. in.
Py Rxpress leaves Pittsburg at 7,15 a. m.
Arriving at Oil City at l.iO p. in.
Kigla i-y.pvt"s le'ives I'it-sburg at 6,00 p. m.
-Arriving at Oil City at i'.iSU 111.
Parker Aej. li'iives Kittanuing " 7.0 u. m.
Arriving; at i'ai kcr !i.u" a. ni.
Mi.-u-il U ay leave West Tcnii June, at 7. DO a. in
Arriving nc Oil City ut ti,0J p. m
Con lections at Corry and Irvine'on for Oil
City kulI l'utsiiurg. At li-atiklin with Jaires
lowo and Krannbu R. R. Conuections wiih
West 1'cnn, R. R. nt West Petiu Junction for
I'lairsville and nil pohita on tho main line of
the Pciinsylvauia It. R.
Fr-jT-Silver I'a'tuB Sleeping Curs" on all
Nigiit Trains buili ways from Pittsbrgh to
.T. J. L.V'.VRENCH. General Supt.
Tuos. M. Kixn, As-?t. Supt.
Snuggles and Triiimphsof
if a
j 3
Written by himself. In one large octavo vol
unia uoarly BUO pages printad in FInglish
and Gerniun. 83 full pagj engravings. It em
braces forty year reioiloe.lions of his busy life,
us a merchant, liiwager, b inker, lecturer and
showman. No book published so an-epiuhle to
all classes. L'very oua wants it. Agents aver
age from 60 to lui) subscribers a week. We
otter extrr. inducements. Illustrated catalogue
and terms to agonts sent frea.
J. ii. RURR U CO., Publishers,
8w, Cor.n.
"JOB WORK of all kind
.J .1 "e ft ' ! in nTj-o
mi descri-
eclectic rm8ictjijr
Tlie word eclootio means to choose or se
lect medicines from all the different
schools of medicine ; using remedies that, are
safe, and discarding from practice all medi
cines that have an imjurious effect on the sys
tem, such as mercury, antimony, lead, cop
per, &o.
I lay aside the lnncc the old hloodlettcr,
reducer or dcpleter, and equalize the circular
tion and reciore the system to its natural
state by alteratives and tonics. I shall here
after give particular attention to chronic dis
easPK, such as Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Liver
compbiiu!, Catarrh, Ne iralgia, diseases of the
throat., urinary organs, and all aiseases pecu
liar to fpmales. &o.
CATARRH I treat with ft new instrument of
a lnte invention which enresevery case.
TK1ITII extracted without pain.
Ollice and residence South of the jail on
Centre St. Office hours from 7 to 8 a. ; m 12
to 1 p. in ; 6 to 7 p. m.
Dec. l!3'07.-1y. J. S. ROHDWELL.
TOHN G.HALL, Attorney at law, Ridg-
' " wny' Elk co,ln,y Tn- mar.22'C0 ly
Attorneys? - rvt
Si. jMAKl a :
. .September 20, 1SGG. ly.
"1" S. Dordwell, M. D. Eolcctio Pliysican'
fj Olhcc and residence opposite the
Juii. on Centre St., Kidgway, Pa. Prompt at
tention will be given to ail calls. Office hours s
7 to 8 A. M-: 12 to 2 P. M. i and 0 to 7 P. M.
Mar. 22, CO-tf.
M-. .Mary's. I'a.
LARGF.Y & MALO.NE. Tiinrn's.
The proprietors respectfully ask tlie attpntion
of tliei friends nnd tlie puhlio in general 10
t lie r larire and coiuniodious hotid. very
attciniou paid to the convenience of ensts.
nay30 ny J. A. m ALONE.
" TARL1X Kettles. Brass Kettles, lo
V Z. Pauce Tans. Trench Titled Sauce
r in t
cans ttie cheapest ami nest, at n, S.
-SEUVICE'S, HardttaretStorc, ridgway.Va.
PtwiwiT, Ei.kCo., Pa.
W. IT. SCIIRAM, Propriott.r.
Thinkful for the patrnmge heretofore so
lil rr.illy bestowed upon him, the new f rc
piietor. hopes, ry payinsr strict attention
io the comfort nnJ oonveuienco of guests, to
in.-i-ic a continuance of the same.
:t 30 IStii).
D.YTD THAYER, rroprictor.
The uiiricmigned hnviap fitted up n Urge
n:d emiiTnoilious liotpl on tho southwest
corner of Centre and Mill Htreets. with good
nnd convenient si.ibling attached, respect
i'uily solicits the pinrnnage of his old friends
and t'lep'itlic generally.
deel.Tliti ly DAVID THAYER.
Cestheville, Ei.k Co., Va.
John Collins, Proprietor.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore so
liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro
prietor, hopes, by paying strict attention to
tho comfort atd convenience of gucnu, to
merit a coimnuance ol tlie &ume.
M. V. Moore, lute of the JlyAe How.)
I rnpnt tnr.
Open Tty and. Night-
""I H. VOLK, Manufacturer nnd Dealer
Vy in Lngtr Recr, opposite the Railroad
Depot, St, .Mary s, Llk county Pa.
Mar-l!2'(i0-l .
JlJj printed 1 1 the Advocate Otnco.
T WAS cured of Deafncfe and Catarrh bya
3 simple i-emeuy.
nnd will send the receipt
Iloboken, N. J,
BOTANIC prirsicrAX,
Riiowat, Pa.
Residenco and office opposite tho Thayer
Ridgway, Pa.
JIanufaoturer and Dealer in Boots & Shoes,
Main St., opposite Hotel,
nov27y Wiioox, Pa.
Near the Depot, Wilcox, Ta.
The undersigned has opened a large hoardirg
house at the above plaou, where he is amply
prepared to satisfy the wants of those who may
avorhim with their custom. novG920,
MARTIN SOWERS, Proprietor.
Rook Binders And
tf Blank Rook Manufacturers,
Wriebt'a Rlk
Corry, Pa
Rlauk Books Made to Order.
LANKS of all
no 9.
kinds for sale at this
t'Ori WORK dotie with JiBwitcb. at his
tkti 3Misccllairo.
Tlie Frrparetmnt of the Democracy for the
jrhll Campaign Mr. Naxby Atsi'sls in
Arranging the Detail.
Harp vv Erin S'loon, Sixth Ward, )
New York, July 80, 1370. j
The time heven arrived to begin prcpara
shens for tho fall cimpane, preparashenn for
the fall enmpane vruz actually began. The
General Committee for the Yoonited States
met three weeks ago in Noo York, and de
cided upon the tactics to be employed to
make certio the carryin uv the nert Con
gress by the Dimocrisy, Not bein a mem
ber uv tho Committee, I wuzn't prpsent at
the conference, and consekently can't say
precisclywat they decided onto, but ez a
member uv the workin committee I know all
about it, lor I helpt to execoot their orders.
Some time previous a cirkler hed bin is
hood, rekeslin the Dimocratic Central Com
mittees all over the country to send in all
sich property ez flags, banners, trausparencit
and sich, uv wich they mite be posaessed,
all of wich wood be altered to meet the ex
igencies uv the times, nt the expense uv the
General Committee. Jtwuz my dooty to as
sist the charcuian uv the Workin Commit
tee to arrange this mas uv properties that
they mile be properly altered.
We found on hand the following mater
ial : 4,000 banners and transparencis, on
wich wuz painted hidjus male niggers, with
the ioscrip.shnn below, 'No sich husbands
for us !' all uv wich hed bin carried over
wagon-loads uv Constooshuel Dimckratic
ladies doorin the years from 1S3G to 180G.
4,000 banners and transparencies onto
wich was painted ekally hidjus female nig
gers, with tho ioskripahen, 'Is sich az these
to be the future mothers of Aineriky V
4,000 bunncrs iuskribed, "No nigger vo-
tui no nicker labor.
4.C00 banners iuskribed 'Ameriky for
white men.'
4,000 earicatoor portrates uv Chase, paint
ed over a grecuback, wiuli wuz carried in
1SG3, inskribed, -The king nigger lover, and
the trash he is manufacturing
4,000 caricatoors uv Ilorria Greely kissin
hidjus female nigger woman, inskribed,
"Wat tho Radicles are aitnin at.'
10.000 banners inskribed, 'Free Trade
and down with Protective Tariffs.'
In addishen to tliase we hed some hun
dreds uv thousands, transparencies and sich
wich h.3d bin sent in from various parts uv
the country for revision and sich altcrashcn
ez wood adapt etn to present yoose. Somo
of them protested agin drafts, and taxashnn
tn support an unholy and uneonstooshne
war, others detnandid the rcpoodiashen uv
the Nashnel debt, and there wuz others too
tedjus to menshun.
The Charcuian uv the committee under
stands the Democratic party better than any
man livin, and he went at his arjus dooty
with a clear headeduis I never saw ekallcd
'Send 1000 uv the male nigger trabrpa
rencies, and an ekal number of the female
nigger transparencies, jist ez they are, into
tho Southern parts uv lllinoy, Injeany and
Ohio, and all over Noo Jersey, waroin our
committee men in the border States, to keep
them fur enuff away from the river to en-
shoor their not bein seen by the niggers on
the south side thereof.
'It shel be done,' said I, amazed at the
knowledge he displayed uv the tastes and
paedelecshuns of the people.
'Where is our core uv artists ?'he askt.
'I got em in with their brushes and
'Take 1,000 uv the male nigger banners,
redoose ther lips, shorten their heels, make
ther foroheds cz full ez them uv average
Dimocrats no, that wood hardly be compli
mentary to em well, make ther foiheds ez
full ez them uv average men in general, soft
en the complexion to. a mild black, rub out
the inscripshen, 'No sich husbands for us !'
Take likewise an ekal number U7 the female
nigger banners, alter em to correspond with
the others, puttin on each a waterfall and a
parasol, aod inscribed on em 'The Ladies
uv Ameriky our Country's Hope.' These
banners must be keerfully packed and sent
to our committees in the Southern Staies,
where the d d beasts are all voters, and
bold the balance uv power.
'It shell be done sed the artists, amazed
at bis invensbun.
'Take a thousand uv them Diggers faoes,
and soften the complexion to the Chinese
'It can't ba did,' sed the head artist, 'the
black is too in ten be.'
! 60 it is, but I bev it. There is thou-
( sands uv banners on wich is mulatto faoes
i with the ioFkripshen, 'The Result of Kadi
kel llool.' Take em and change the feech-
ers to the Chinese pattern, put pig tales on
their heads and shee-hammers in their bands
with strings uv rats over their shoulders,
nnd puppy-dogs running away from em in
affrite, and send em to MnsBychoosits, Con
necticut and Californy.'
'The caricatoor uv Chase and the green
backs, wat can we do with them ?' sad I.
'Do with em ?' he answered, 'change tbe
caricatoor to a portrate, and under the green
back write "In this sine we conker !' and
send em west. I wish that all our work wuz
ez easy ez Chase hez made this.
'The llorris Greelys kissen the nigger
wimniin, wat shell be done with them 1" I
'Improve Ilorrisses feochers tosutbin or
dinarily intcllectooal soften the wenches
face, nnd for an inskripshen write 'The era
uv good feelin hez come,' and send em South
the other half must be doctored a trifle. Bub
out the first six words, leavin only 'Protec
tive Tariff,' and send cm to Pcnnsylvany,
Noo England, and sich Congressional Dec-
stricks elsewhere ez are largely interested in
'So far so good,' sed I, but there is thou
sands uv banners protestio again drafts and
sich,' wich we reely can't afford to lose. The
muslin onto which ther painted is ezgood
ez new, and its a pity to throw cm away.'
'There's no need uv throwin uv em away,
or even wastin paint and labor on em. Send
em jist cz they are to the interier counties
uv Pennsjlany. Tho Democrotic Central
Committees in those counties probably
know that the war is over, but tbe rank
and file don't aud they'll do to fire thei
hearts ez well ez anything else. See that
all this iz done, and bo very keerful to
pack and send era per dircckshuns."
Kz soon cz the artists hed finished their
work I packt them and thankt that a tejus
.York wuz off my hands, buf, little
did I antisipate tie sea of trouble into
which I lied pulngtd myself and the com
initte. I hed two assistants to direct the
boxes, and tbe committee sent us a demi
john uv likker for refreshment. We re
freshed perhaps more than wuz prudent,
cousiderin tho very delikate nacher uv the
work we bad to do, and with recklis stoo-
pidity directed the boxes at random. Kz
mite hev bin expectid, the banners intcn
ded to caphcr the nigger in the South went
to Soutbrn Ingcany, where they stone nig
ger lovers, and the caricatoois uv niggers
intended for Southern lllinoy went South.
The Free Trade banners went into Pcnnsyl
vany, nnd the Pcitective Tariff ones into
the wheat states uv tho West.
Every box come back, and si 3b litters
ez accompanied them ! The Pennsylva-
committees all sod that ef Free Trade wuz
trooly made a part uv tbe Dimicratic creed
they wood swaller it, but it wuz a dose for
em, but all the rest cussed us for a set uv
sots. A nigger in South Carliny, which
our people down there had capbered, opend
a box (which should have gone to Injeany)
containing the most horrible carictttoors uv
his people, and read tbe letter which we
enclosed, in wnich we urged tbe Central
Committee to file the battle upon the one
ijee that niggers was apes aud entitled to
no rites whatever ! He indignautly want
ed to know 'et this wuz Dimocrisy !' The
committee in injeany, who sbocd bev got
this,got one instid full uv the picters uv tbe
improved Greeley kissing theimproved fe
male nigger, with inskripshen, 'The era uv
good feelin is come,' and be indignantly
wantid to know 'el this was Diuiocracy V
and so on all around.
This thing uv hevin a dozen sets uv
principles may have its advantages, but 1
kin swear that it hez its perplexities. The
The Committee wuz immejitly called to
gether agin to take sich steps ez the kin
to nootralize the effects uv the blunder.
Wat they kin do in the matter the Lord
only knows. -
Petrolium V. Nasby,
(Which wuz Postmaster.)
C couple of the best counudrums we ev
er heard were perpetrated the other day
in a social eircle of gen ten en, one of whom
had a very bald head: One genxlcman
asked :
"Why is Mr, 's head like Alaska 1" All
Gave it up.
'Because it is a great white bear place.'
Hardly bad the laugh subsided ou this,
wben another asked,
Why is his head like heaven V
This was worse to get at than tbe other,
and the answer came,
'Because there is no dying or parting
An Arkansas Father's Advice to
nis Son. Bob, you are leaving home for
strange parts. Yo-i are gaing to throw
me out of the game and go it alone. Th
odds are again you, Bob remember that
industry and perseverance are tbe winnin
cards, as they are the bowers. Book learn
ing. and all that sort of stuff, will do to fill
up with, like small trumps, but jou moet
have the bowers to back them, or they
ain't worth shucks If luck is agin you
pretty strong, don't crave and look like
aick chicken on a rainy day, but hold up
your head nnd make believe you are flush
with trumps ; they don't play bo hard agin
you. J ve lived and traveled around some.
Bob, nnd I've found out that as noon as
folks thought jou held a weak hand, they'd
nil buck agin you strong. So when you'
sort'r weak, keep on a bold look but play
cautious; be satisfied with a piot. Many'i
the hand I've seen 'em euchre cause they
played for too much.
Keep your eyes well skinned, Bob : don't
let m nig you, recollect that the game lays
as much with the head as the hands. Be
tempcrte, never get drunk, for then no
matter how good your hand, you won't
know how to play it ; both bowers and the
ace won't save you, there's sartin to be
. : .) - 1 1 . .
-wins ueai, or soraetning wrong And an
other thing, Bob, (this was spoken in a
low tone) don t go too mnch on the women,
queens is kinder poor cards, the more yon
have of them the worse for you ; you might
I if t . T
imve uiree anu nary a trump. 1 don t say
discard them all, if you get. hold of one
that is a trump its all good, and there's
sartin to be one out of four. And above all
be honest, never take another man's trick
wot don't belong to you, nor 'slip cards or
nig, for then you can't look your man
in the face, and when that's the, case thcr's
no fun in tbe game, it is a regular 'cnt
thnat.' So now, Bob, farewell, remember
wot I tell you and you'll be sure to win ;
and if you don't saives you right if you
gjVV lib UUDUi
rrnf elr tiri r aA
How to Treat Slander. We once
heard a story told of two men who started
one morning for a whole day,s journey.
They soon became teperated, the one
reached his destination before the sun bad
sunk behind the Western hill, where he
made himself comfortable at tho inn. His
only trouble was concern for his laggard
companion. He thought sure some evil
must have bsfallcn him.
Long after dark, his fellow companion
arrived. When r.skcd the cause of bis de
lay, he repled :
'1 was obliged to stop at every other
house to whip off tho unmannerly dogs that
barked at me. Didn't they bark at you ?'
'ies, replied the other, 'but I did not
stop to whip them. I simply told them
that they were ill-bred curs, and drove on.'
We are generatly losers in the end, if
we stop to refute all the back bitings and
gossiping we may hear by the way. They
are annoying, it is true, but not dangerous,
so long as we do not stop to expostulate
and scold. Our characters are formed and
sustained by ourselves, by our actions and
purpose, and not by others. Always bear
this in mind, that, 'calumnies may usually
be trusted to time and the siow but steady
justice of public opinion.'
IriE Latest Serpant Story. Avery
pronounced fish story comes from Barry
county, Michigan, where, we are 'told,' a
monster resembling a make is residing in
Harwood Lako. It is represented as being
about twenty feet long, and from five to
seven inches in diamster. It has been
seen a number of times ouce, last summer,
by a Sweede, who supposed it to be the
devil. Tho other day his snnkeship was
seen again by a boy, who was fishing at the
time, and had quite a string of fish lying
on the bank. The boy says the snake camo
out of the water, and, with one gulp, swal
lowed fish, string, and all, and then came
for him ; and he, not. particularly wishing
for such an associate, made tracks for a
more congenial companion. 'It is said'
that the teeth of this serpant are three or
four inches loug.
A wedding couple at Yincennes went to
a hotel and said that they would like a room,
but didn't care about supper, as they had
brought provisions enough with them to last
several days. The affable o'erk wept at their
A ruralist at Newport, seeing a lad?
driving and her groom with folded arms
behind, thought 'that nigger must pay that
nice-looking girl a pile to drive his carriage
A lmd-to-ioutb existence That of a
Why is a ehairmafcer like a school-master
1 Because he canes bottoms.
A bazaar lately tools place in London in
aid of the 'Home oi Lost and starving
A Polish Countess Skorska is keeping
hotel at Monroe, N. Y, Sh wa a gold
broker in New York years ago.
There is an umberlta in Bangor Me.,
which has been in possession of one family
for fifty years. It was a bridal gift.
A very severe battle was fought between
a herd of swine and a dun of rattlesnakes ou
a farm near Columbus, Ohio. The for
mer were victorious.
The papers relate that there was a fire re.
cently at Northampton, Mass., by which the
heart of the town was burned out. The heart
being gone the the livers were obliged to go
'Bill,' said Bob, 'why is that tree called a
weepiug willow V " 'Cause one of the sneak
Dg plagney thinge grew near the school
house;and supplied themaster with switches.
A Drop of Oil.
The sewing machine went hard, and
would not do its work well, despito all of
sister Amy's efforts. She had oiled it
thoroughly she thought; had attended prop
erly to to the tention and all that ; and still
t was preverse.
Brothor Will came and looked over her
shoulder, and knit his brow, as was his cus
tom when in a puzzle. At last, turning
back the machine be glanced over tho
works and asked,
'Did you oil it here, Amy'?'
'Why, no, I never thought of that.' A
drop of oil was applied, and in another
minute the slender needte was flyin"
through tbe work like a fairy. No more
hu-d work to turn the wheel. That one
drop of oil on a dry spotj in the machinery
niauu an rigui
There are many other places a
drop of oil works just as creat wonders.
Coll mornings, when tempers are apt to
get frosted, as well as toes and finger-tips,
there is no mngic like a few cheery words.
Oil to a dry machine is only a faint com
parison to its good effects.
So when any one is angry and ready to
0 nnd say many rash thinzs. lust l-!v
them a soft 'answer.' You know what the
Bible snys about su jb answers.
If Bridget is hurried and cross, just uive
er a little timely help. Make her fire
blaze up brightly tor one thiLg, and see if
er temper does not soften.
All day long nsyou mix with vour mate
at shoo! or at home, you v,ill find plenty of
oil; and oh, how it will cheer and brigh
ten the way for yourself and all about you 1
The ChilJ'$ World
Would Sing It. A storv is told f
an old clergyman who has the most uu
bounded faith in Watt's hyms book. He
was fond of saying that he could never
open any page without findina an am.
pnate hymn. A niiscbievoua
thought it would be a good joke to test his
father's faith. 80 he took an old song and
pasted it on one of tbe pages of the book.
over a hymn, so nicely that it could not be
easily detected. At church, on Sabbath
morning, the minister happened to open at
that vervcaire. and mnim..,i i .
"Old Grimes is doad
There was a sensation in the audience. lie
looked at his book : b
' mo -aim
in Ratts hymns that he undertook it
"gain, commencing with the same line
There was another sensation in the audi
ence. Looking at it again, and then at the
congregation, and then at the choir, said
he, "Brethcrn, it is here io the regular or
der iu Watt's hymn book, aod we will sin
it anyhow." 0
A Great Discussio.v.-The Knat
cussion at Salt Lake City, between Dr,
wiuao ana urson Pratt, on the question
Does the Bible sanction Polygamy f b in
full blast, The wily Mormon leaders resorted
to varous subterfuges to evade tbe disous
cussioo, but the bcligerent Doctor was de.
terminednottobe circumvented and so
eepted the debate on their own terms rath
er than be foiled. The araument. vL
sides have been quite forcible, and notwith-
standing at least
o ww-uuia 01 tbe Vaafc
r, LT nM:T" wm times
pWded. The debate 7T pk XtS
famous new Tabernintln T. " th
fcrtably seating ten ousanT: