T SHU (Kilt dotmtir glduoqiif . 8. XOR1) W ELL, Ed iter. PATURDAT, AUGUST 27, 1870. TOR CONGRESS. HON. GLENNI W. SCOFIELD. FOR ASSEMBLY. WILLIAM E. LATHE?. FOR PRESIDENT JUDOK. L. 35. WETMORE REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. tor County Commimoncr, A. W. GRAY, of Jny township. For Jury Commissioner, HORACE LITTLE, of Ridgway. For County Snrrryor, 3. L. BROWN, of Jones township. For County Auditor, CHARLES M'VEAN, of SI. Mnrys. The object of those who advocate protec ion to ratine industry is to wipe off cntire y and absolutely every remainiug tax on food, on raw materials of any and every de scription, and to substituto for it a tax on foreign manufactured poods. Congress at its last session reduced the ixes more than 875,000,000. By this re ductions the industries ol the people and the necessaries of life were relieved of bur dens amounting to millions. And yrt these measures received but liltlo support lroin the Democrats in Congress, who sought to throw the odium oi high taxatiou upon the Republicans. Death of Commodore Farragat. AVasiiinoton, August 14 The follow ing annouucciucnt was promulgated this evening: The Secretary of the Xuvy has the pain ful duty of announcing to the uaAy and to the country the death of the highest officer of the service. David Glascoe Farragut, Admiral of the navy of the United States, lied at Portsmouth, N. II., at noon on the 1th instant, in the 70th year of his age. .i'he life of this offiucr has beenspcutin the , ervice of his country. The record of his doedi is written on the noblest pages of her history, and his death will be mourned by the whole people, who loved while' t'hey honored him. President Judge. We enpy the following from the Cosmo jndite, Dan Rice's paper, publised in Girard, where Mr. Woodruff live:: The Judicial Conferee Convention reas Fcmbli'd at Irvioeton, pti the 11th inst. and, alter ballotting all day to no purpose, Mr. Wilbur offered a ifsulutiou ullowing each delegate on the nest ballot to vote for a first tnid sccoi.d choice, and the candidate having the lowest number of votes to be dropped. This was adopted, the Erie delegation vot ing in th.o negative. The result was : Wet more, 14 j Woodruff, 10 ; Souther, 14. The Erie delegation, which had voted for Mr. Wooedruff under this resolution, left .the Convention, which after several ballotKjY gularly and properly nominated L. D. . more Esq. of Warren, us the Republican candidate for President Judge of this Dis trict. Mr. Woodruff's conferees immediately bolted the regular nomination and request ed Mr. Woodruff to do the same and rno as a bolter's candidate, which he kindly con sented to do. This iS a brief but complete and truthful statement of the facts in the case, aod made from an entirely indepen dent aud unbiased stand point. Of course Mr. Woodruff and the ten indi viduals they were no longer conferees in any sense of the term who assumed the re sponsibility of thrusting him forward to dis integrate and possibly destroy the Republi can party in Erie county, found some ex cuse for their extraordinary conduct neces sary, and the excuse is embodied in a pam phlet, which we have the most satisfactory reasons for believing was prepared in ad vance and with prudent anticipation of an iutended and forseeu result.-The document is signed by the ex-cooferces, and has al ready been so generally aDd widely circu lated that its publication in our columns unnecessary. Its main object is to mislead public opinion as to the responsibility of Mr. Woodruffs conferees for their deliberate action and votes in the Convention, and to establish the impression that they were ousted through fraud on the part of the Wur reo and Elk conferees. The attempt is so lame as to bo almost ridiculous when they are confronted with their record. No argu ment is required to substantiate the position that when members of any convention vote upon any proposition presented, each one's vote is, in itself, a facit pledge that he will abide by the result. This Mr. Woodruff's conferees were bound in honor and by every precedent to do, and in refusing to do so they stultified themselves and placed them selves outside of their party lines, aud in willful and wrongful antagonism with the Republicans of this County, as well as those of Warren and -Elk. This is precisely the view taken by the leading Republican organ in this county, and it is the only fair con clusion Mr. Woodruff's own conferees per mit to be reached. The cry about the rights of Erie eouuty by reason of her larger vote u irrelevant and impertinent, and mere bosh in the connection, for the simple reason that she exercised her full rights in the Conven tion, and having, through Mr. Woodruff's conferees, elected .so to do, has now no right to deny to the balance of the district tho odvantnge gained. The course pursued by Mi. Woodruff and his cotifcrccs being so clearly irregular and unjust it was deemed imperative to secure for it official indorsement at homo, and for this purpose, on Saturday last, with secret indnndue haste, a meeting of the Republi can County Committee was concocted, not called, at which but twenty one out of the forty members were present. With a bare working majority of tho Committee or ganized and then proceeded to accomplish the special purpose for which it was con vened, by passing tho following resolution : h'rtoh'cJ, That the course pursued by the Eric County Republican Judiciary Con ferees, meets with the unqualified approba tion of tho committeo, and this Committee pledge themselves and the Republicans of Erie county, to support suoh action, and use all honorable means to secure the elco tion of Hon. S. E, Woodruff as Presidct Judge of the Gth Judicial District. Now this amouuts to just an unauthorized indorsement of an unauthorszed act, and nothing more j and the wrong of the twenty one members of the committee cannot recti fy or legalize the wrong of the ten ex-conferees. Neither will it answer thus insult ingly declair that the Republicans of the rest of the district have no rights which Erie County is bound to respect, and we do not believe that fair minded Republicans will consent to have their party allegiance circumscribed within the narrow limits of a single county, or betrayed into an act of great injustice as of gross political folly, through appeals to local selfishness. They ihould not lose sight of the fact that Mr. Wetmore is now as much their nominee as oould Mr. Woodruff have been, under any circumstances, and that they as well a3 he are under an obligation which no County Committee can absolve them from, to stand by the regular party nomination. The instigators of this threatening spilt in the Republican party were the loudest denouncers of bolters last fall, and even weut tho length of vehemently asserting that it was the duty of every Republican to stand by the regular nominations under all circumstances. If they were honest then they are dishonest now, and dangerous coun selors, who point the way to ii reconcilable uissensioo and the downfall of their party. It is with extreme regret that we find ourselves unavoidable hostile to Mr. Wood ruff in his present position, and with the greatest reluctance that we perform the un avoidable duty of opposing him. Our col umns bear witness that, when he was a can didate at the primary election, we cordially sustained him, and, asa neighborand a friend would that we could do so now. Hut his mistaken course leaves us without an alter native, and we must follow straight on in the path in which earnest reflection and investi gation point out as leading to the goal of right. The Democratic convention having decid ed to make no nouiioation their is but one regular candidate for President Judge in the District, and that is Mr. L. D. Wetmore. We are personally unacquainted with him, but the testimony to his ability and integri ty and fitness for the bench is unanimous, lie is a fine lawyer, an impartial man, and, moreover, possessed of such large means as to be protected from those temptations to which a Judge is necessarily exposed when his office is made an elective one. His repu tation precludes the possibility ot even a suspicion th it he would conbent to resort to any dibhonorable means to advance himself or defeat an opponent. We bclievo hira in every way deserv'iDg of our cordial support, and we are independent and honest enough to give it and to counsel others to do like wise. The following is a list of the fall elections and the dates on which they occur : September G Calitornia and Vermont. September 12 Maine. October 1 Indiana. October 3 Florida and Mississippi. October 11 Iowa. Ohio and Pennsylvan ia. October 27 AVest Virginia. November 1 Delcware, Kunsas, Louis ana, Minnsota aod Missouri. November 7 South Carolina. November 8 Maryland, Illinois. Mas sachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York an! Wisconsin. Kepoblican Econemv. President Grant's Administration, io the sixteen months of Andrew Johnson's service (from NoAember 1, 1867, to March 4, I8 60,) aod yet no taxes Lave been increaeased, aud the collections have been made uuder the same law. This ia Republican econo my compared with Pcuiocratic extravagance. HSW8 IS KUET. The blackberrys, are about all gone. The Clarion and Elk Creek are now low er than they have been for several years. A woman's co-operative union is working successfully in San Fianoisco. Miss Eliza Jennings has been lately made a bonk director in Cirnfield, Ohio. The bartenders of New York have or ganized a mutual benevolent association. The highest in rank of the recently ad mitted Freoohman at Yale was a colored boy. Many a man's vico sat first been noth ing worse than good qualities run wild. The Toronto Telegraph has Fort Garry advices saying that "Rid" is continually drunk. The Scotch pronunciation of summer is not far out of the way this season Sim mer. Alexander A. Stephens has been re-eleo ted Grand Master of the Free Masons of Canada. 1 he San Francisco Jews have abolished the sepcration of sexes in the synagogues. One hundred gentlemen ot St. Louis are going to try the Chinese as house servants. Ssmpson was an eminent tragedian in his day, and in his last act brought down the house. The Indian tribe of Connecticut are camped near New London. There are one of him. The family of the murdered Mr Nathan are in receipt of about two hundred letters daily. The 'Woman's Journal," of Boston, has been married to the "Woman's Advocate," of Ohio. Rev. Theodore Woolsy has announced his intention of resigning the Presidency of Yale College. At the funeral ot a young lady in Zanes- ville, recently, six young ladys acted as pall-bearers. Henry Ward Beecher has gone to his sumaier residence at Peekskill, to spend the rest of the season. Tbe New York Nation thinks there will be 99 Democrats and 143 Rcpublikans in the next House. R. C. Ilaliburton, son of the famous 'Sara Slick,' is a candidate for the Chief Jus ticeship of Manitoba. It is said that there arc more men, mar ried and single, at Long Branch, than any other watering-place San Francisco has determined not to cut down the salaries of the women teachers in the primary schools. Most of the conductors on the Albany and Susquehanna Railroad have been dis charged. They didu't turn in enough money to supply the cars with boll-ropes. A peach-tree, growing from the spot where General Tilgham fell, in Mississippi, bears blood-red fruit and leaves, and all grafts from it have tho same peculiarity. An eagle was shot a few weeks ago in Austria, In Bellyre, bearing a collar with the date ot 18G4, and some arms partially effeccd by time and exposure to the weath er. A writer in an exchange expresses the opinion that it was shameful for Napoleon to leave Eugenie and go to Nancy, seeking auother engagement. Juhn T. Alexander, farmer, has thirty-four improved land. Last 76,800 for wages, worth of live stock. the great Illinois thousand acres of year he paid out and sold $493,000 A Change of Front. We take the following irotn Forney's Press of last week : The attitude of the American press and pcoplb upon the presnt war in Europe has been significant in the extreme. The sym pathies of a great majority of our people are uodoubtly on the side of Prussia. The immense influx of Germans into this coun try and their unification with the American people has not alone been the cause of this. We still cherish as fondly as ejer the recollections of the assistance which France, through Layfayette aod bis brave compeers, rendered s in the war for independence. To France the American people bear not hostality; to Nnpolean III. they do. lie represents political ideas opposite to our own. lie strangled a republio which gave signs ol proving a sucsessful experi ment, to found bo empire nnd perpetuate his dynasty. lie attempted to plant an empire in Mexioo when he deomed us pow erless to prevcut him. Ho represses in France liberty of speech, liberty of the press, and nearly every other right dear to the Americon heart. For these causes we welcome the defeat of Napoleon as the downf ill ot bis empire and the end of Ciosarisra in Europe. The ltepublic&n por tion of the American press has been uuan. ymous in its emaciation ot this idea. Tb, Demoeratie newfpapcrs, or. the other hand, with a few noteworthy exceptions, at the outset ol the struggle arrayed themselves npon the other side. The four leading journals of the party, its representative or gans in the sections of the country, espoused the cause of France, and labored in the vain endeavor to prove that Prussia was the aggressor and had forced the war. The four journals of which we speak were the Boston Pott, the Cincinatti Enquirer, the New Orleans Bulletin, and tho New Xork World. Of these, all, with the exception of the World, retain their original positions. The ktter journal, when it became prabable that Prussia would bo victor, fearful of alienating the Germans in the Demoorat io party, changed its front. But the fact remains the same. The intellegent Amer ican, as well as the German who has made his home here, can draw his own inference. THE GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. WALKER'S CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS. E S KOBE THAN BCC.CSO PERSONS E. 5' a g u2 a Bear tesiimony to the wonder-ZT i M n -5 ful Curative LKcc.. gfc- 1 fe WHAT A RE TH EY ? 2 3 2 THEY ARE NOT A VIT.E FANCY DRINK, 2 Made of Poor Bum, Wiiskev. Proof Spirns, ana Heluse Linuor. doctored, miccd. and sweetened to please ilie tnele; called "Tonics," Appetizers.'' "Reslorers." &c. that lead the tippler on to drunkeness and 1 uin, but are a ttue medicine, made from the uativc Eoots aud Herbs of California, free from nil Alcohol ic Si'niulm.s. They nre the Great Ulood Puri. tier and LifeGiviug Principle, perfect Keen ovator and Iuvigorator of t lie System, carry ing off aU poisonous manor, and restoring the blnod to a healthy condition. No persun can take tliee Bitters according to Uirectious, and remain long unwell. $103 '! be given for an incurable ense, pro vided the bones arc not des..o,vcc' by mineral poisons or other means, and the vital organs w.is.ed beyond the point of r'-pa'r. For Iiiflammaio-y and Chronic Rheumatism, and Gout. Dysprpe'a, or Indigestion, Uilious, RemUtent, and 1 uieruiitteni fevers. Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, these Bitiers have 'nern mo-, successful. Kuch Diseases nre caused by V ,'ated Blood, which is generally nvoduced by dcrangeoient of the Digestive O.'g.ins. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find iis impurities hursiiug through the skin in Pimples. Eruptions or Sores: cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep . lie blood pure and the health of the Hysiem will follow. Pat. Tape, aud other Worms, lurking in the system oTso lratiy thousands, nre effectually destroyed ai d removed. Ia liilious. l!eni:ticnt, and Intermittent Fe vers, these Bi..en have no equal- For full diveotions read c.ii-efui'y the circular around eiu-h bott'e, pruned iu four lnntruacs Euv- lish, German. French and Spanish. J. WALKLl, Proiv 'n.or. 82 Commcrca St.. y. ii. k. McDonald & co., Druggists, and creneral Ascutc. S.ia Fraucisco and Sacra m "n.o, California, and 32 Si 84 Com merce St.. if. Y. Sag-SOLD BY ALL DRUGOISTS & DEAL ERS. o5 3m US IS NO HUMBUG ! By sending 35 CENTS, with age height, color of eyes and hair, jou will receive, by return mail, picture of your future husband or wife with nume aod date of marriage. Address W. EOX, P. O. Drawer No. 24, Fultonville, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED ($10 PER DAY) by the AMERICN KNITTING MACINE CO., Boston Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. 89 8m $10 A DAY Business entirely new and honorable. Liberal inducements. Descriptive circulars free. RAND & CO.. Blddcford, Me. Addresti J. C. 89 8m. ANTED AGENTS To sell the HOME SHUTTLE SEWIFG M.4CAINE. Price iZ-, It makes the -Lock stitch, I alike on both sides and is the only licensed under-feed shuttle Machine sold for less than $i)0. Li censed by Wbbeler Wilson, Grover & Baker and Siugor and Co. All other tinier-feed shuttle Machines sold for less than $00 are in fringements, aud the seller nnd user liable to proseoxition. Address JOHNSON, CLARK & CO., Boston, Mass.. Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. d'Jom. Well's Carbolic Tablets After much study -and scientific indestigation as to the remedial qualities of Cakbomc Acid, lr. Weils bus d scovered by proper combina tion with other articles in thb form of a Tablet a specific for all pu'mnnary diseases. THESE TABLETS area SURE CURE for all diseases of tho BESPIRATOUV OllUANS. SORE THROAT, COLD, CROUP, Dll'THElUA, ASTHMA, CATARRH, or HOARSEN tSS : also a successful remedy for Kidney difficul ties Prick i"i cents i-ta Box. sent by Mail upon lecsipl of price, by JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 22 Cliff St., New York, Sole Agent for the United States. -9 LIFE-IN UTAH oa inn MYSTERIES OF MOBMONISM By J. H BEADLE, Editor of the Salt Lake Reporter. Being au cposeof Their Secret Rites, Ceremonies and Crimes, With a lull and authentic hibtory of Polgamy and the Mormon beet, from the origiual to the pie.-tnt time. Agents are meeting with unprecedented suo cess. One reports 71 subscribers in two rys on. ?9 the first day. Rend for circulars. Addresi NATIONAL PUBL1SL1NG CO.. Pliilade'phia. Pa. C9 iw m l auxiujm wnereas my ife. Mary, lis ti this diyleftmy bed and board without joust cause or prvicatioi, all persons are here- uy rot oia trusting or barbortrg her on ray ac count. C4SPEB ROPER. J Jones Township, Elk Co., Pa., July 1800. " 3 ' fi , tTW .COW f u ii O S B "-id - cng? B E P75 9 5' 5 2 a I K k 3raii P B S 18 I ' v. I siiL9S ii.; s, yr Ahimfi'y a S 5 2 a as JtfEW A D TER TISEMEtiTS AQE1TTS SBHBBHI WntiJ TfelFfi Years ,zgilil ManKaiiis. THE LIF2 OF OrO, ?. FiapEN, who from a love of wild adventure r.nd a thirst of kowl edge of the Indians their CVjrtons, Sports, Tta, PaRt E'ufr.ls r.Kte Ik., &C , left a liome of plenty (a Ohio, joinid tho Indians, adopted their mode of life, married the beautiful Wash It'll a, became a Great Warrior, Hunter and Chief of 100 Lodges, was appointed Lieuteuant in the U. 8. Regular Army, for rnerhous ser vice with his bmves ngainst hostile Indians. A Book of the moft thrilling interests, a roali ty well authenticated. Truth is stranger than than fiction. Superbly illustrated. 70 en gravings, with portrait of the author, in full frontier costume. Price low. Should-outsell any book extant. Send at ouoe for illustrated circular, table of contents, sample pages and terms. 44 4 w A. II. HUBBARD, Publisher, 400 Chestnut St. Phi'adolphia. A SAFE, CERTAIN Sftaij Cur Ton Ncnraloa AUD ALL NERVOUS DISEASES. Iti Effect if Magical. It i an rNFAii.tNO remidt In all cases of Neuralgia Facialis, often effecting a perfect cure in less than twenly-foo hours, Jrom the use of no more than two on three p;i.ls. No ether lorin of Neuralgia or Nervous Dis ease has failed to yield to this wonderful re medial agent. Ever, in the severest cases of Chronic Neural gia and gene. :il nervous derangements, of many years standing nlfociing the entire sys tem, its used for s few days, or a lew weeks at. the utmost, always affords the most astonish ing aelief, and very rarey fa.ls to produce a corfiplcte anrf permanent cure. It conta' ns no drugs or other materials in the slightest degiee injurious, even to tho most delicate system and cuu always be used vtith perfect safety. It has long been in constant used by many of our most eminent physician, who give it their unanimous and Uiiqur.'ified app-oval. The following, among many of our best Citizens testify to iti woinle'.:u! eluoacy : "Having used Dr. turner's Tic-Doulouroux or universal Neuva'gia P:li pctsou.,!ly. and in numerious instances recommended it to pa tients sul'.ering with ncura'g'a 1 have found it, without an exception, to acconipL&li all the proprietors have claimed. J. It. D1LLIAT.TUM. Dentist. 12 Winter Street, Boston. Feb. 18th 1877. . Mr. J. M. R. Story, for many years an ap othecary iu this city, aud for three vcurs dur ing the war. in the Hospital De(iarinicnt under the U. S. Government, thus sneaks of it . I hnve known Dr. Turners 'f ic-Dou'ou'-eui nr Universal Neuralgia Pi'l for twenty years. have sold it and ued u personally, and I have never known of a case where it did not give relic!'. Customers have told nieihcy would not be without it if each pill cost $10 1 think t the most reliable remedy lor neuralgia and nervous diseases iu the world.' Mcrssrs Turner & Co. : For alone time a member of mv family has suffered severely with N.-nralgia. The puui was almost unendurable. We tried various med icines without success. A few months since, we began the use of your Pill. It has proved per fectly successful, and no trucKSof the di.eae cnnan. I can gladly reeorcaieui your remedy o all sufferers from Neurf.'gia Respectfully yours. F. W. P ELTON, Boston, March -'j, llsli", Ctuwellor at Low. cent by mail on receipt of price nnd posinpte. One packagu - 1,110 - - Pouaje ti cen.s. SixPackns.es - 5 00 - - " 27 ' It issnl-1 bv all dca'-.rs in drugs and mcdi oines and by TUNER & CO., Sole Proprioto-s. 120 TREMONT-ST. BOoiON, MASS 4w Mill, Certain, Safe ani Effi:ieat. It at once relieves and invigorates all the vi tal functions, without causing, at any time or under any circumstances, the slightest injury to any of them. The most complete and uniform success lias for many yesrs attended its use in Frnco, arid in some tiortions of the United States ; nnd it is now offered to tho general publio, with tho most absolute conviotien that it can never fail to ac complish all that is claimed for it. It is harmless in the extreme, at all times and under all circumstances : and is unequailcd j any remedy yet. known to the world where b nuri!ative is indicated. It produces little or no pain ia its operation ; ea ves the organs entirely free from irritation, and never, in the slightest degree, ovrtaxesor excites the nervous Bystem. In Bilious Diseases, Indigestion and Dyspep sia, it is invaluable. It is thegrand Purifcr of the Blood, and henco cannot fail to eradicate from the system Scro fula, Erysipelas, Salt Kheum, Canker, and Cutaneous Eruptions generally. Irregular, or want of Appetite, Colds, Coughs, .4sthmii, Ri-onclntis, Catarrh, Colic lams, Diarrluca, Waier-brush, Sour and Bitter Stomach, aud foulness nnd faintness of the same; Impure breath, dizzinss, symphthetic. nervous, or sick Headache, Rheumatism, Gout nnd inflamma tions in all forms, these nnd all kindred dis eases can always be wholly cured or greatly re lieved by this mild yet powerful remedy. General Debility with its inseparable accomi- pammenls, nihtiial and physical, sucli us geen-Bickuess, lassitude of mnd and body, drowsiness, indisposition to exercise, weakness of the limbs, feelings of discouragement, des pondency and distrust, all disappear uuder its magic influence. U regulates and invigorates the bowels; is a sure antidote for obtinate vostiveuess nnd pile:'; vigor to the elomncu ; evokes the uctiou of the liver ; dissipates the yellow dye of jauu dies and eradicates from theskin, bilious spots or uiould-uioth aud freckles. It excites the Kieneys to renewed, vigorous and healthy action; and is certain to bring prompt relief in all cases of Diarrhoea aud Dysentery. It is emiiieuly effectual in tho cure of all dis, esses of children, however infantile, especially for colio, worms, andirritatiou and freifvllmsss while teething. As a dinner Pill or Digester, it is second to none other, taken with the food. It operates as a general alterative, whesebv the intire inirar- ted organism is stimulated to renewed energy, and to a healthy vigor and vitality- It is eu tensively used by the Faoulty ai a convenient and thorough cathartic, having no action other than the on intended. sj?"Sent by mail on receipt of prise and postage, via : 1 Box, $0,25 - Postage, 6 cents 6 Boxes, 1,00 . - " 18 " t It is sold by all dealers iu drugs and medicines, and by TURNER A CO., Sole Proprietori, 120 TKEMONT St. BOSTON, Mat. 43 Iw . TO THE NERVOUS and DEBILITATED, WnOSE SUFFFP.ING HAV1 33EN PRO TRACTED PnOK HIEEE1 CAUSES, AND WII0S2 CASES EZQrJlRS pnojfiPT TnntTMz)rT V TO RENDER EXISTENCE DESIRJLBLB If you are suffering or have eufferedis, from involuntary discharges, what efieot doe it produce upon your geneal health ? l)o you feel weak, debilitated, ea sily tired ? Dues a tittle extra exertion produce palpation of the heart ? Does your liver, or urinaty organs, or your kidneys,, frequently get out of order ? Is your urine sometimes thick, milky or flocky, or is it ropy on settling ? Or does it thick skum rise to the top ? Or is a sediment at the bottom after it has stood awhile ? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated ? Do you have spells of fainting, or rushes of blood to the head ? Is your memory impaired ? Is your mind constantly dwelling on tbe sub ject f Do you feel dull, listless, moping, ired of company, of lile ? Do you wish to be leit alone, to get away from everybody? Docs any little thing uceke you start or jump ? Is your sleep broken or restless ? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom of your cheek as bright ? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well ? Do you pursue your business with the same ener gy ? Do you feel as much confidence iu yourself? Are your spirits dull and flag ging, given to fits of tuelencholy? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dispepsia. Have you restless nights ? Your back weak, and have but little appetite, and you attributo this to dyspepsia w? liver-eoiujlaiut ? Now, re-.rdcr, slf-abuse, venerJ disease badly cured, and sexual excesses, are al! ca pable of producing a weakness of the gene rative organs. J lie orjiiins ot the Kcuera- tioti, when in perfect heulth. make the man. Did you ever think that those bold, defi ant, euergetio, persevering business-men are always those whose generative organB uve io perfect health ? You never hear such men complain of being tuelencholy, of nervousness, of palpataticn ot the heart. They are never afraid they cawiot succeed in busiucss ; they don t become sad and dis couraged ; they are always polite and pleas ant in compauy of ladies, and look you and fhem right in the laee none of your down cast looks or any other bieanness about them I do not mean thto who keep tbe orgrus inflated by running to excess. These. will not only ruin tbeir constitutions, but also those they do business with or ior. How maney men, from badly euretl diseases. from the effects of sulf-nhuso and excesses, have brought about that slate of weakness iu these organs that has reduced the general sys tern so much as to luduce almost evury other disease idiocy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and almost every otbw form of dis ease which hutuauity is heir to and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doctored for all but tho right one. DISEASE OF THESE ORGANS REQUIUU THE USE OF A DIURETIC. s FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU IS THE OUET J'llUETl, AND ISA CEKTAIH CUP.K FOR DISEASE Ol' THE DLAPDEll, PBorsr, KIDNEYS, ORGANIC GRAVEL, WEAK- . NKSS, FEMALE COMLAINTS, G EN E B A L D E H I LIT Y. And all other diseases of the liiuary Oortins, whether existing in M.i. or Fkmalk, from whatever eaue originating, aud no niatler how loug standing. If no treatment is submitted to, consump tion or insauity may ensue. Our flush and blood nro supported from these sources, and the heulth and htippiucss, and that of Poster ity, depeuds upou prompt use of a reliable, remedy. 11 EM BOLD S EXTRACT HUCIJU, established, upward of ID yeurs, prepared by II. T. HELMBOU). DRUGGIST, 594 Broadway, Nevt ituiK AND 101 Soutb 10th Street, PhUudeJrAii T. PRICE $1,25 jr boitlev or bottlea for $6,50, delivered to any atlaVesa. Sold uy all Dttrseisra eyiiywhirf.. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS DONE UP" IX STftl&J, JtMOaWKB WBApriB, WITH TAC-UMI- iu or my CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, IIGS CD, H. T- HELMBOIJ).