Var Time at JlUtgtcay. Erie Express East 2:-0 p. m. do do West 1:01 ft m. do Mail F.nt 2:4 p. w. iio do West VJu p. m. Local Freight East 7:20 a. tn. do do West - 6:10 p. m. Elk Lodg , A. T. M. Stated moetinps of Elk Lodge will be field at. their hall on tli9 second and fourth l'ucadivys of each month. J. K.. WI1ITM0RE, Seo'y. I. 0. G. T. The Regular meetings of Ridgway Lodge, No. 250. held every Wednesday evening at heir Lodge Room. H. A. PARSONS, W. S. AGENTS FOR THE ADVOCATE. The following named persons are authorized Agents for the Adroeate to receive subscrip tions, advertising or Job work, take pay there for and give receipts. . Wilcox. A. T. Ai.Dmctt, J. L. Brown. Kane. Frank W. Mef.ce. Jolmsonsburg. Isaac IIaoas. St, Marys. Chas. McVeak. Centreville. Homk.r fl. Leach, Mnj. Burkr. Caledonia. W. P. Smith, B. A. Wbku. ' Beunezolte. John C. Barii, J. t . Bnows. Sliawnml. Jons Farrkr, Spring Creek. A. W. Irvih. Highland. Lkvi Eu.oTHonra. Norton.- 1). C. Oyster, N. M. Brookwat. Thre is r split ia the Democracy of Jef ferson county. Mn. A. Mrs Jones desire to thank the friends, of Ridjrway, for their kindness du ring the sickness of their child. PEttsoNAt. Leuian Stephens has em imigrnted to Iowa Charles Holes is rebuilding his ptore. M. T. 1'reneh is stowing nway coal for n inter. Better buy your winter stock of liiru now while it is cheap. Rkv. Wm. Sampson's appointments for next week arc ns follows: Wilcox. Pnndiiv. August 21 t. Cenrroville. Tuesdny, 23d. Toby. Wednesday. " 24h. Key Ston". Thursday, " Ridsjway, Sunday, I'.irn. 28th. Pkntat,. Dr. A. Fisher, Dental Fur jreon, of Warren, hss t.ikrn renins at the Hyde rious":;, whero ho will remain n few 'lays. Dr. Fisher wishes us tosny that, ho will hereafter visit Ridewny every court week, and that he will be in Pt. Marys du rins the third week of e:ieh month. Skr Mr. Dan Scribner's Lvery ndver tisoiucut elsewhere, Dan has soino pood Iiorses now and ."ays hn is coins: to add several linnd more to his stock sonn. lire n riiratid try their sped. Tie will also do hnu!in;j on reasfnahlis terms. 'iliMHIH, August 11, -The sheriff of A :istii:. MifMi-sippi. passed ihrotijrh here xnvetal dav' n.uo with Beck, the murderer .it' the Gondlnc fa.oiiy nn Fuvrito Island Yr-sterday morning a mob broke into the jail, tool: the prisoner to Favorite Inland :ind after extorlinjr a confession hung him to a tree. Tin; Wr.ATiiF.u. From a tecord of the weather kept in the IVniisylvania Ilospi tr.l io l'iiibidt.-lphi:t, we learn that the mean temperature of the month of july was 80.0" k'rees. There were iwolve days on which the mercury rose above ninety. It appears that the mean temperature of the mooth ol July io the year ISliS was 80.94 decrees, neatly nuts third nf a decree above that of hi't looijili. !t will thus be seen that the opinion oiiiei'taiiicd by many persons that the heat of tho past month was without jueeodetit, is not supported by facts. Ex f'ontiY JtKiviMi Pakk. Association'. The Fall Meeting of tills association Will he he'ld ou Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day ; August UGili, it Ills'., und September la. The Managers announca the following Programme : Purse Xo. 1. Trotting. S2;jl) ; for hor ses that have never beaten 2.'50 ; fiirst horse SI 40 ; second 80 ; third S3C. Downer House Puue No 2. Trotting. $.r0 ; Two ruik aad repeat, free for all. Fisrt horse, 6300 j second, $140; Third hose, 800. Purse No. 3. $200. Pacing, free to all ; first horse, SI 10 ; second horse, $ 05 ; third horse, 625. Second Pay. Puese No. 4. Trotting. $600; for horses that have never beaten 2.35; firs horse, 8325; second horse, $200 ; third horse, S75. Purse No. 5. $400 ; for all horses that have never beaten 2.42 ; first horse, $250 t 6coond, $100; third $50. Purse Xo. C. $150: Running half mile and repeat ; catch weights for horses that never beat 52 seconds; first horse, 580; seeoud, $50; third, $20. TUIKD DKT. Purse No. 7. Trottiug. $800; for horses that have uever beateu 2.25 ; first horse, $125 ; second horse, $275; third $100. Purse No. 8. $300 : Running, lree for ail horses ; first horse, $175; second, $S5 ; third, $10. Sm Jon Frankun'8 widow is now sojuring in New York. For more than twenty yeari this devoted wife has given up all her time to the sacred duty oi search ingor her lost husband. Her visits to America was mnde to find a person in tho western pari of the continent who, it was said, had some information in relation to Sit John Franklin's expedition whioh he would impart to no one but Lady Fraokln herself. We are afraid she will never ac complish the sole object for .which she has lived. Sir John and his companions have long been hurried with their ead stoTj in the snows of a frigid zone. Yesterday morning the poliece made a raid on the baby carriages that were being numerously trundled through market, nnd anxious mammas were compelled to haul their loads out of the crowd. Tho order was issued for sake of convenience of per sons attending market and not from sus picion that an unlawful us was mnde (if the wagons, but subsequently a complaint was made that a womau had slyly loaded her baby wagon pretty well with vcgtables, covered up as though tho caariage containd a sleeping child, and had trundled it off without being detected. Erie Dispatch. The English claim to have a rifle which beats the neddle guu, Chassepoi., EuOeld or Snyidcr; and that is the Martini-Henry; and if the account given of it in the Lou don papers can be relied upon it must be a deadly weapon. At a receut paize shool- idz match at ltnbledou lour competitors stood up with this rifle, and the closeness nnd constancy of the fire resembled the tile filing of a company ; in three minutes the tirjjet oecame almost lnvisablo, owing ti the smoke ; one of the men fired fitty- fivo times in three minutes, or rather mor than eghtccn times a minute, and he hit the target every time. The taret, too, was so defaced as to be useless. This is uu dcniably good shooting. The wilcrsearch for gold in the Western mountains has never given rise to so luoli.h and desperate aDd enterprise as that of the Uig Ilom Expedition. Aginst the protest of Indians tribes with whom the country desires pc:ice, and in violation ol the orders of the the Govern mcnt, a baud of 120 ;neu, without military organization and incumber ed by a large train of wagons, has penctrn into a country from which United States regular 'roups were driven a year ago by hostile Indians, who are more hostile than ever. Already rumors of their tutu reach is. If not truo now it is impossible to le 1 eve that it will not. yet be true, and that ihe expedition will be frequently and sav agely ilttackfd. The United States t'avalry which has been sent Im ivard to order the return of tho expedition may save it from !aujihter, but grave doubts of it bale return must be entertained. Timples on tho Face, Eruption, Blotches, Scrofulous diseases, and all sores arising from impure blond, are cured by l'r Pierce's Alterative Extract or Golden Medical Pis coviry. For JJruucliitis. Laryngitis and all chronic, severe or lingering coughs nothing equals it. Sold by druggists, or seud three ami a quarter Hollars to JJr H A' Pierce, llufbilo, N V.. and get three bottles free of Express .barges. Mad. Fov's and L. C. Engli...ti' Skirt Supporting Corsets can be had at Mrs. P. Malone's at from ?1 50 to ?2. DIED: At 1'eufzett, on Tuesday August 2d, 1870, Mrs. Mary E. Morey, wife of Eras mus Morey, aged 70 years and 7 moths. E3T2AY.' Est rayed from the premises of the suhscri ber, in Wilcox Ta.. one light rod cow, with a white sjiol on forehead. Ariy person rcftirn ing taid cow or giving info, ma'ion of her whereabouts will be liberally rewarded, faaid cow had k bell ou her neck when she left. JOHN I! EN SOX. Wiloox, l'a. Aug. 10. 1870. at CAUTION. Whereas our son, Fraucis Si mon Loeseh, bns left our house and boavJ with out just cause or provication.we hereby forbid any person harboring or trusting linn on our account as we will puy no debts contracted by him. FR.1XCIS A. & FRANC1SC.V LOESCH. St. Mary's, Aug. Hi. 1H70. 44 4t OEPHAN'5 MUST SALS. By virtue of an order of the Orphan' Court of KUCouiity, the undersigned will expose at Public Sale, on the premises, on Saturday, Sepetemter 3d. 1S70, at 1 o'clock 1. M., one hundred acres of laml, more or less, situate in the Township of Spring (reek in the County of Elk, known as the James Crow Warrant, bounded on the east, south and west by lands of Khinesi Dilwonh, and on the north by lands known as the Wil xon Warrant. TERMS: One-third cash in hand, the bal ance in two equal annual payments with in terest to be secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. JOHN CHAMBRLIX.t , 1'ETER CHAMCERLIN, 0uJe4na 42 t apt. NEW IIVEIIY STABLE PAX SCRIBXER WISHES TO IX form the Cittzens of Kidgway, and the public generally, that be has startad a Livery tiluble and will keep , GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES & Buggies, to let upon the most reasonabla terma. tHe will also do job leaning. Stable in ihe Brooks Barn, near the Tost Office, on Race street. All orders left at the l'ost Oflice will meet prompt attention. Aug 20. 1870, tf. CAUTION. Whereas my wife. Mary, has this day left my bed and board without joust cause or prvicntioa, all persons are here by forbid trusting or harborirjt her on my ac count. CMSPKR ROPER. Jonea Township, Elk Co., l'a., July 28. 18G0. TO THE IS'EFWOUS and DEBILITATED, WHOSE SUFFERING HAVE BEEN PRO-J TRACTED FROM HIDDEN CAUSES, AND WHOSE CASES REQUIRE PIIOJUPT Tit Ejt TJtlEJTT TO RENDER EXISTENCE DESIRABLE. If you are suffering or have Buffered, from involuntary disonarges, what effect does it produce upon your general health ? Po you feci weak, debilitated, ea sily tired f Poes a little extra exertion produce palpation of the heart r 1'ocs your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order r Is your urine sometimes thick, milky or flocky, or is it ropy on settlmj' f Or does it thick skum rise to the top ? Or is a sediment at the bottom after it has stood awhile r Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels constipated ? Do you bavo spells of fainting, or rushes ot blood to the head ? Is your memory impaired ? Is your mind constantly dwelling on the sub ject ? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired i 'company, of lilc ? Do you wish to bo left alone, to get away from everybody? Does any little thing nr.ake you start or jump ? Is your sleep broken or restless ? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom of your cheek as bright ? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well ? Do you pursue your business with the same ener gy ? Do you feel as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and flag ging, given to fits of melcncholy ? If so, do uot lay it to your liver or dispepsia. Have you restless nights ? Your back weak, and have but little appetite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver-complaiut ? Now, reader, self-abuse, veneral disease badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all ca pable of producini; a weakness of the gene rative organs. The organs of the genera tion, when in perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think that those bold, defi ant, euergetic, persevering business-men are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health? You never hear such men complain of being nieleucholy, of tiervntiMiet-s, of pa'patatirn of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in business ; they don't become sad and dis couraged ; they are always polite and pleas ant in company of ladies, and look you and fhnra right in the face none of your down cast looks or any other meanness about them. I do not mean those who keep the orgrns inflated by running to exces. These will not only ruin their constitutions, but alco those they do business with or for. How mn:iey men, from badly cured diseases, from the ctreuts of self-nbuse nnd excesses, have binuzht alioiil lhat slate of weakness in tin so origins that has reduced the ceneral sys1 ti'in so much us to induce iilmo I every other disease idiocy, pnrnlysis, spinal attections, suicide, and almost every other form of dis ease w hich humanity is heir to and the real cause of the trouble Hoarsely ever suspected, and huvc doctored for all but tho right one. DISEASE OF THESE ORGANS REQUIRE THE USE OF A DIUHETIC. HELMB0LO 3; FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU IS THE C.ltr.T Dl L'UCTl, AND IS A CERTAIN CURE FOR DISEASE OP THE 13 LADDER, KIDXEYS, GRAVEL, DROPSY, ORGAXIC WEAK NESS, FEMALE COMLAIXTS, GENERAL DEBILITY. Andall other diseases of the Urinary Oorgan9, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cnue originating, and no matter how long standing. If no treatment is submitted to. consump tion or insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of Poster ity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. HEMUOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, established upward of 19 years, prepared by H. T. HELMBOLDi DRUGGIST, 594 Broadway, New Yhre and 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia Pa. PRICE $1,25 por bottle, or 6 bottles for $0,50, delivered to any address. Solo bt all Deiooisti ivirtwhieb. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS COMB UP I ITIIL SNOBAVID WBApPBB, WITH rAC-dlll- lib or my CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, aid IIOXZD, j POWELL & KIME- QOODd FOll THE MILLION. P O W E L, L, St K I M E At their capacious store in IilDGWAY, Have on hand, a splendid assortment of all seasonable Goods adapted to the wants of tho people of Elk and adjoining counties, which they are selling at prices that defy competition. They would simply state here, that being very large dealers, their facilities for purchasing are un equalled by any establishment in the county. They buy directly from manu facturers and on the GROUND FLOOR. Another advantage. You can always got what you want at their store, hsnce you will save time by going directly to them nnd TIME IS MONEY. We have no space here to enumerate all the ad vantages you will have in patronizing their establishment. But call and see, and reap the advantages for yourselves. Among their Goods you will find DRY GCODS in en Hess" varieties, i GROCERIES choice and fresh CLOTHING of best material superior cu: and Euish. BOOTS & SHOES of the best stock and make, CROCKERY for newly married, middle aged aud elderly. DRIED FRUIT, BUTTER, EGGS, PORK, HAMS, LARD, FLOUR, CORN MEAL. AND EVERYTHING ELSE. Nearly all kinds of country produoi taken at tha market valur tlnltf. THE ELK 8. ABYMAT THE OLDEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY, HAVIXG THE LARGEST CIRCULA TION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE COUNTY ! Svdc to the 3?nt(rf.t.9 of tit eopU ot eut touutyj. TERMS : $2 00 PER YEAR. BRING ALONG YOUR ADTERTISE- MENTS AND GET THEM IN SERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES. If you want to sell anything, let the people know it through the Advocate the great advertising medium. She OHIi ataafc Job Printing Oflice, In Court House, Ridgway, Pa. The best of work done, and at the rery lowest prices. Blanks kept constantly on hand at this office. .Hand bills printed at the shortest notice. Call in and get our price for advertising and jobbing. Satisfaction warranted. Or den by mail promptly attended to. Address J. S. BORDWELL, Ridgway, Pa. Ridgway, March 1st, 1870. SPECIE PAYMENT! GOLD OR GREENBACKS TAKEIf Iff XXCHAMOI TO 11 OR JOB WORK AT THE RID O WAT WAGON SHOP. Call and examine my stock beforo . bujC ing a Lumber or Pleasure Wagon. I use the best selection of Michigan WHITE OAK AND HICKORY I employ none but Firtt Clan Mechan ic i I uee nothing but the lest Refined li on. I think it will be to Your interest to give me your order. , Having twenty five lumber wagons ia course of costruction, I wiil be able to furnish any party by the first of April. All orders by mail, also any orders left with W. S. Service at the Tin Shop, wiil receive prompt attention. March 6. tf S. JACKSON. 1HARLES HOLES, ' PaACTICAL WATCHMAKER, ENGRAVER a JEWELER, West end of Hyde House, Ridgway, Fa. Sells as Cheap as Ever, GOLD AND SILVER WATOAES, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, XX VIOLIN AND GUITAR STRINGS, Spectacles, Tens and Pencils, Exclusive .4 gent for the Bale of . ALEX. MORTON'S GOLD PENS. Repairing Watches, etc., done with the Batue accuracy as heretofore. nov20,'69tf GOLD! GOLD! GOLD - HARNESS I HARNESS ! HARNESS ! COLLARS ! COLLARS! COLLARS I JOS. M. EE AUD lias removed his Harness Sliop over Powell & Kime's Store and haa on hand the largest assortment of harness for for lumbering and pleasure puposes, in this or adjoining counties, and all other articles belonging to the trade. TRUNKS, SADDLES, VALISES, WHIPS, BLANKETS, COL LARS 4c. Would invite the attention of all owners of homes to my new PATENT ELASTIC CORK HORSE COLLAR, which proves to be the beat Collar in ess ence for these reasons : Being very Elas tic they do not chafe or gall and the cork being a non-couductor, tbeyjprevent injury from heat. Call and see them. All work warranted. Reparing, Triming andj;Upbolstering done withe neatness and dispatch. n29 ti JOSEPH M. HEARD. LORILLARD'S EUREKA Smoking Tobacco is an excellent article of granulated Virginia. Wherever introduced it is universally ad mired. ' It is put up in handsome muslin bags, ia which orders for Meerschaum Pipes are daily packed. J LORILLAAD'S "YACHT CLUB" Smoking Tobacco has no superior ; being denU cotinized, it cannot injure nevcles8 constitu tions, or people of sedentary habits. It is produced from selections of the finest stock, and prepared by a patented and original manner. It is very aromatic mild, and lightweight hence it will last much longer than others j nor does it burn or sting tha tongue, or leave a disagreeable after-taste. Orders for genuine, elegantly carved Meerschaum Pipes, silver mounted, and pack ed in neat leather pocket cases, are tjU a idn the Qaoht Club brand daily. LORILLARD'S C E N T U E T Chewing Tobacco. This brand of Fine Cut Chewing Tobaoao baa no superior anywhere. It is, without doubt, the best chewing to bacoo in tha country. LORHLLARDS SNUFF'S Have been in general us in tha United States over 110 years, and still acknowledged "tha best" wherever used. If your storekeepers does not haw. it,. articles for sale, ask him to get them mojMjjgiu Dj respectable jobbera alv most everywhere. Csrculari mailed on application. P.LOHILLiU if Co .Jiew Work. CARDS, Bill-Heads, Letter-Heads, Tag.. Handbills, 4e.. done in & neat minni.. and at the nowsat pbiob. Fur f!AKw .1 he Elk Advocate Printing Office. TRY MORE a CO'8 OVAL 8TEEL ENGRA VINGS. Ill Nassau St., N. Y. Anybody oan sell them. Cheap. Sell fast. Py hand somely. Send for new circular. 29 4 HINKLEY KNITTING MACHINE FOR FAMILY USE tnPU, tktap, rttJL KBITi IViETTHiao. AGENTM BlUnr? Ciroularand tampia sleeking FREE. AU. HISKLEV KNITTING MACHINE rr S!! Ma. "V"