' ' .' , t ' ski II w .'X VOL, 1. HI DO WAY, PA., AUGUST 20, 1870. NO 44. t V i II . . V 11 .VI vunrAsufiD weekly, , a t &i jp e . J .r .r u v . ' ' Unto of Advertising. Adr.'r and Ex'rs notices, one, 0 time!", S 3 00 Auditor's notices, cncli, I (ii Camions fi.nl Estrays each, J limes :J (K) i ransient Advertising per srjuro of 8 lines or less times, or less... 2 no for each subsequent insertion bO 'Mlioial n'.lvevti-iii2 for each square oi 8 liner or less : times orUs 2 00 For eiioh siihseouent insertion "" Professional card;, " lin.-r. 1 yr ii 00 Loal notices, per Una. one time 15 IMtuuvy nolieei, over 5 lines ; 10 Yearly Advert ii;. nne-lmlf column "0 (HI f early Advert iHinir. oiieeoluinn 1(10 0.) Blanks, jinprle quire 2 60 lilanl;. three t niro 2 00 4Innks, Ci quires , p-r quiro I 7") I'l.mks, over H qui res per ijuive 1 5C ('or bunk notes, subpoenal, hiiiiiiioiis, ex ecutions, wnrranis. ennstnhle tales, road nud school ardors, each per do....2" Handbills, eiydit sheet. 2" or ler.1 1 'VI ' foio lli sheet 2"orless 2 fi'l ' luiH'-slicfl. 2"orless 1 'VI ' whole sect t'" orless rt 00 Over 2.) of each of above at proportionate rates. BUSINESS CARDS. J. S. BOJtDWELL, M. ' t. ' ECLECTIC 1 M IS IClvt Jl Toe word eclectlo means to choose or se lect ' medicines from nil the different schools of medicine ; using remedies that re safe, and discarding from practice nil medi cines flirt, liave an injurious effect on the sys tem, such as mercury, antimony, load, cop per. &.C. 1 lay asulo the lance Ihool'l liloolIctter, reducer or depleti r, and eqiuilizo the circula (ion nnd restore the system to its natural state by alteratives and u.uics. I shall hero after give particular attention to chronic dis eases, such as Kbeuinnt'sui, Dyspepsia, Liver complaint. Catarrh. Xciralgia. diseases of tiic throat, urinary organs, irid nil diseases pecu liar to females, Sc. CATARRH I treat -with new instrument of s late invention which cifesevery ease. TKMTH extracted 'viihnut pain. Office and resilience Siutli of tlio jail on Centre St. Office hours from 7 to 8 a. ; m 12 to 1 p. in : fi to 7 p. m. Dec. 2:;'i7.-iv. j. s. r.()i:i)vi:i,L. Select Sftiscdlaim. T0I1N G. HALL, Attorney at law. Kidg way, Elk county Vn. mnr-22'(10 ly founts 5ircaj;3- COUNTY OFFICERS. President Jndsze S. P. Jolmon. Afi'litiutiiil Liiiv JuJge lion. J ho. P. Associate Judges K. C. Sclmllzij, Jesse KyliT. I)i.stri(;"t Attorney J. K. P. Hall. Shuriff J.wnh .Mu('a'lley. Priithoi) tary ity., Froii. Se'ue uing. Treasurer Olnti'lius V. Giliis. Uo. Sti'ierititomlivil. liuiu Ijiii'.ire. ('niiiiniss:o!ie"s !. Warner, Jos, M. Taylor. Louis VoIIidt. Atniito.-s C'lark Wi'.cox, (rwrgo P. I'lv'sseuirer. ,uid Josepli Willudui. t 1 1 y Survnyor !.leo. Vii':!!!'v. .1 itvy (.Viiiitni.-.-dt'iiers. (.itorjo iJickiosn, and IJorneu liittlo; Tim n (;f iiou-ixfj conir. Stvnii.l Mn!i.;ay in I tuuary. IvTlSi AI illl:l y io n: U. First Motidiiy in i!'u-:t. J'iint Mctiday in Xtivciii'o'jr. .lll.l.N (i. II ALL.... ...I.S. K. i. ITALL & I3HO. Attoriipyp - at - Law ' ST. MARVd: DKXZINGEIt, P. O. EI k. COUNTY, PA. Sc jitcmber 20, 1800. ly. J. S. Hoi-dwell, M. D. Kolectic Physician Ollice and residence opposito the Jaii. on Centre St., l'idjray. Pa. l'ro.npt at t"iition will bo p'von to all calls. Ollic'- lumrs : 7 to 8 A. M : 12 to2 P. M. ; nnd 0 to 7 P. M. Mar. 22, Oii tf. - The Eoy Who Won Himself. I was going up tlio Mississippi in 1845, Juds-e 1'iiuerwood.of Kentuckcy, nnd Hen ry (Hay being on board. That's a toui'h crew, from NutcheJ!,' re marked tbc cleik, who come upon tbo deck- as we were nbout going below. 'They play hard mid liigb.' 'Let's go and look on awhile,' said the Jud.e ' We went down into the saloon, where we found the parties at play. At otic ol the ta ble sat four men, about which were "father ing a large number of lookers on ; and ns these proved to be the heavy player, we joined the group of spectators. The game was twenty-deck poker, aud money was changing hands with startling rapidity. One of the players, u middle-aged man, whose face Hhowed but too plainly the ravages of an excess that was Flipping his life, aud who, I afterwards learned, was a cotton planter,liad staked his lust dollar and 'called' his oppuatnts hand. He held four' queens, against which were laid down four kings. And he was 'broken.' IIo slartod to his leet as though he would leave the table. 'Are ye dead broke, colonel V asked he of the four kings. 'e to the last picayune ' 'flive mo yer note, and I'll lend ye.' 'No,' replied '.he planter, with nn oath. 'he.; Inr'-e jind e.'inmuiious hotel. attention pai l to the convenience nl ctn-stri. ii. i.a:::;::v. nay:') .js; ly J, A. iuALONK. P.KILAD L?K:A i ESIE EL. MM oil TI.MU TAIiM'.. kNT an.'. fi.rM'"!iAY ill? t:-;'.ins on I i: l'li Jtaiuoad will run as inl'.nws : v. r.trw .vim. JMfiil Train lec.vc:' Philadelpliia... " Kii'way " " arrive at Kne .Krie Exp lr.aves t'iiila lelphi.i ... . ' ' iii'u'iiy ' " arrive at l.rio i:asi 'iv a ii:. Jiaii Train leaves J-rie ' " ' llid;:Vay " " arrive at l l ibid'a rio Express Kmivcm T'.ie I'ld.w.-y " ivi-a. l'llll:!'!.'!)'"' !"- Expres.-', M;il ii.a:l A'jcut V.W :M:!i.l U'ieipiii.i i: ..10 ' . 1 ' " p. i:,. 7 p. in. .. -,,!0 p. .. itt - i0 a. in. . 2 ; a. m. ..11.20 a. I I . 3."!i a. pi. .. 2. Is j,. m. XTASUK Kettles. T.'-as K.-tlles. PoveVnn Sauce Pans. Freiuli Tin -! K oiee P ius. Friiii ein the clienpet and hi at W. g. tjEllVICU"?, Ilavdw. ire. Store, Pidcna v.Pa. Ta. HYDE i;0U;?K, PlIlfi.VvY. Co . U. SCilil.V.M, Proprietor. T!:ri:k!'iil for the paironiTe herctof.ri so iiberally bestowed upon him. thu new nr.i piietor. hi)'es.. ty pnyinp siiict attention io th couifurt fin 1 floiiveiiieiioe of guests, to m rit a en i'iniiance of tho same. Ort. so l;-r). .. 0.2' I a. m. .. '.i.il'.l p. ill. 1.20 a. in. .".:;;i i. in. 'Htniatbui, eat and wc.-st, connei:i at t'-'iry aijit ;t v.'e.-I. 1. u !i I irains aud Mail Acuyiiiia'id.v.i'in ea-'t nt. li'vin lon w'.'.t the Oil Craek and Allegheny ilivev liail ii. . a l. WM. A. BALl;iViV. C' li'l !np't. 'lUWIIKSV VAI.L'.A KAIL l!OA. A 'ilie only dir.ii.it route to Pittsburg WITHOUT aiAXGL OF CARS from 0:1 r-,. On and at': Y'ill run as :' lay :ov. 'r Mun ,llow:i : G MN'tt SOUTH 21 I: (rams Day Express Icai v Oil City at VKW n. m. Avrivii.g at Pittsburg at -i.'l p. m. ' Kitrbt Kxprrss b.-i'.ves i).l Ciiy at ''. :' p. in. Arriviiij. at Pitt: Lin-;; at 7. din. in. Kitianui.".;; Are. lt-.ves Eialmton 0. to . in Irriviving al Ki'.ia'.mi'.i; !'.'': p. m. Jiixrd Way leiived Oil ( ity r.t 7.t'0 a. In. Arriving at We.-'t V.-iiu .liun'tion at 7,t:") p. in. oo!3M :; : r. nr. liny Eynre-s leaves Pitisljiiij; at 7,15 n. m. riiviii'; st Oil City at 1,"" p. in. Jiipht l.iipi esslean.T! Pilisbin at 8. Oil p. in. - it i vi njr at Oil at O.ilJa m Parker Acc. leaves JCittauuiug T.-'t'n. m. Arrivina; ill Parker '.K'i'j a. in. .Miicil Way leave West Potiii June. at. 7,00 a. in. ..AiTiviii"' at Oil City at 0,00 p. m. Connections at (.'orry nnd Irvine'on for Oil liiy and Pittsburg. At l-'raii!;liii with Jaiues twn and 1'rsnKlin 11. It. Connection with AVest Peiin, K K. at Vr'est Penn Junction for L'lairsviUe and all points on ike main line of tho Pennsylvania. H. 11. ".""Silver Palacu Sleeping Cars" on all Night Trains both ways t'ruui Pittshigh to Corry. J. ,T. LAWIlllNCi:, General Sunt. Tuos. M. Kino,. Asst. Supt, TlinrcVAV. PA. D.JYIU TllAYr.i:. Prop'-ietfir. Tl-e iiiiders'sned haviiijr: fitted up a la:";e oid coinni'idlous hotel on the seiuh'.vosi eci -n':r f C"i-.ire nnd Mill stvet.-. with pood and convenient stnldiii'; nitaelied. respect fully solicits the patrona-re of his oi l friends iii'l ilo'i 'i' iio generally. d-ci roii lj DAVID TI! AYKP.. T'-EKSEV HOCSK, C'LNTuCYILIE, ELK Co., Pa. John Collins, i'ropriotor. Tliniiliful for the pntronnao heretoioro so liliiM-iil'y bestowed upen liim, the now jiro prictor, holies, liy jiayinjj strict itlteniion to the comfort nv.d convenience of guetus, to merit ,i continuance of the same. vl Ii20 lv. M OltTOX HOUSE. KRIE. PA .1. T". Miwc. (1'ilc, of (he )yih Hov.t?) J'i'oji' it On: Open I")ay and Night i:l.Jtf. U. V'1'..K, Manufacturer and Tlealer J9 in Lnjrtr P.ecr, opposite tlio Jlnilroail Di'Dnt, ,li. Mary's, Elk county Pa. M.ir-22'00-1 . B 00K AGENTS WANTED Ft) It : Struggles and Triumphs of P..T..8ABNUM V.'tf (All f.V lt'unlAl in nnn tdftrn Ol'tllVO Vol. lime nearly (SOO pagen printed iu English and GeiDian, Bd full page uugruvioss. Item. lii'ttces forty year rcooUuetioim of liia Vuty life, ; as a. inercUnt-, manager, banker, Ueturcr nnd showman. No book published v0 ftcceplublc t ) U clasucs. Every ouo wants it. Aguuts ver- ajte from 60 to 100 cuhscrilicrs a wee'. We , titer cxna iuduceiuents. 1 11 ist rated cuiulogue ' uid leibij lo uger.ls sent free. 'J. li. BL'llU A CO., Publishers. . Pty ' llartloi J, Cuiiu. . 7T0U WOilKTFa.r ll0U5 "Ubj", di-icii-v I duue ut tLioilioii : . - ( ' I OfficA. T? LIANlvLI N IT O U S Ii I JJ ST. ,M.MlV-s. Pa. ! LA P. GEY & M ALONE, Tn irr.'s. i T!"'. ryv j'tov? respectfully a-k the attention j 'I can do belter than that. Where's Wack- t i'. iiieir irieiuis iiroi me juiuiic in enei'i'i io hotel. t.v.'Vi 'Ifere,' or.swcrod a dark visagpj man. 'rin.jr that girl and boy hero that I lo'jght at Zvitchez. Hold on the game just oiii; o.in Ur , j-cutluuaa, and I'll make a rise. T'oc tiiiii went nwny, r.nd thnrtly return ed accottipa:,iod liy the 'girl and toy." Said 'giiT roved to be a bright iiiula'.to woman, of five-iiiiil-thirty, or thercr-bouts, and the boy waa her s:n. The L.iy was not far fruta ton years of aj;o, with a face hltr in color than wti? his inothei-'s his features really haud.some. 'I:Oo!: here "entletnim,' sjioke the planter, ring, 'hi re's as likely a pair, (urn girl nnd her brat, as y mi can searo up, J paid eight hundred dollarn lor theiu. Vho'll give sis V ' T.'iiy not put tlicru up separate V a.-ked one. ''Twot.t d ) to sell 'em stiarate. The girl has sworn that she will kill hevi-elf if her boy is sold away from her; and her old mar tor f-avs she'll be sure to krep her word. Hut don't you see the woman is worth more than I n:-k for the pair. Now what d'ye say '! Vi'ho'll take 'em at fix hundred'?' The owner then waited a few seconds without receiving an answer, and theu said : 'I njvtf.t have the money ; so here goes for a rafila. Twenty dollars a throw, and thirty clir.nces for the pair Come, gentleman, let's see the coin- of your coiu. Xhetu that Luys art will throw tiist." Here v,a excitement as well ns a chance1 for profit. Tho three players at the table two clianees rath. Then llie epectators sur ut d up, an twenty chances were sold as fast as the planter could take the money and write dcwn.the Datura. Then came a lull. The platitci himself toi k two chances, where upon his three companion each took one more Then three men in the crowd 'doubled up. 'Two more chances, gentleman.' Clay whispered apart to tho Judge, and then made his way to tho table, and threw down two gold eadua. 'What name V 'fiive it to the woman.' 'Kb ! the gal herself V 'All right. One chance for Ninette.' 'efore the planter could call agaiu.Judge I'nderwood had placed twenty dollars upou the table, saying as he did so 'This is for the boy.' 'Good !' cried the owner of the property. 'Here's a chance for Tommy. And that takes tho lot, here's the clerk V 'Here.' 'Have you got blauks for this sort of busi ness?' .. Ves.' ' j 'Then won't you fill up a bill of sale of these two Ninette and Tommy aud leave a place to put iu the name of the win ner ? Now for the dice, gentleman.' The dice were brought on, and the shak ing couimenud. There were three dice, aud each player was entitled to three throws. Of the first tea throws, thirty-six was the highest uuniber cast, CTe eleventh ' throw I again till the twenty-first throw, when . one of the gamesters threw out forty-nine. The crowd was dow all excitement. For ty-nine was a hard point to heat. The low. est number that could be thrown was cine and tho highest (nine sixes) was fifty-four, muting what is called an average throw, about thirty-one nnd one-half. Of a hundred throws, the majority will fall below thirty t(V0. Again the dice rattled in the box as tho second gamester took his turn ; but his throw was a low one. The twenty-eighth throw be longed to the 'clerk of tho boat, who had now returned with the bill of sale. He threw forty-five tying the gamester. 'Come, Ninette! It's your turn !' The woman started and quivered, and pre-sed her hand over her heart. Only tho groaning and puffing of the engine broke the stillness of the place. 'Will the gentleman who paid for the chance throw for run V she said, in a low, musical tone, earnest and emploring, and of purest aceant, 'Let your boy throw for you,' returned Mr. Clay, who shrank from the ordeal. 'His luck should bo better than mine.' Tommy came forward and took tho box. His mother's hands clasped, and her lips moved in prayer. The boy trembled like an aspin. What a world of weal or woo hung upon tho fickle chauee ! He held in haud the sealed book in which was writen the fato of his mother and self, nnd it was to be open ed upou the hazard of a die ! lie .shook the bos, and turned the dice upon the table. Three aces ! A moment he gazed upon the three single spots, and then, dropping the box, he sank back, pale and frightened. 'Shake again, Tommy,' said tho planter. 'It's no use, master. I cau't get forty-nine.' A Erava Girl. XVKLOPES, LAllIU.S & TAGS ne:it!y Ilj printed 1 1 the Advocate Oilicc. I IV -S cured of tleafness nnd Catarrh by a siaiple remedy, nnd will send il.o receipt lice. MILS. M. C. LKOtiETT. Iw Iloboken, N. J. "pit C. H. FULLI'.U, BOTANIC PHYSICIAN, Itiiu'ivAY. Pa. Residence nnd office opposite the Thayer House. 'l'ut you have got vour own chance, my boy.' 'Aye !' cried tho Judge. 'That was your mother's chance. Now throw for yourself throw for the chance I gave you brace up, and tako heart and may Ilcaveu help you!' That was not an assembly of ruligiously inclined persons by any means ; but, the fer vent petition of the J udge met with a warm .and impulsive responses of 'Amen,' l'rcm nearly all prescut. Again the boy came forward and lifled thu box. His lips were tightly shut, and the old quivering of ihe limbs was hushed. The on ly sound in that saloon above the deep breathing of spectators, v:is the clicking of the ivory cubes- Presently the first throw was mada. 'Five five six, are sixteen ! announced the platiter setting down the figures. The dice was gathered up, and thrown again. 'Six six aud a five. That's seventeen. The boy Was as pale as death ns he took the box fur the first throw, and his mother lcanpd against a stanchion lor support. At length and the book was opened ! "Three sixes ! Kighteeu ! and that's Fifty-one ! Tommy, my boy, you're a trump! -Now Mr. Ckrk, fill up tho bill of sale, and Fll sign it before all these witntsses.' The sce'je thai followed can be better imagined than described. The last time I heard from Judge Underwood, he was alive and well, though long letircd from active lii"e. Ninette was his housekeeper, and Tommy his trusted and trustful henchman. HLNUY SOUTHER, Kidgway, Pa. Atlorney-nt-Law (feb2'J'0)S), J D. PARSONS, Manufacturer nnd Dealer iu Hoots & Shoes MaiuSt., opposite Hotel, nov27y AVlsox, Pa. , JTOAP.L'ING UOUSK, Near the Depot, Wilcox, Pa. Tli undersigned ling opened a large bonrdirg house ot the above place, where lie is amply prepared to satisfy the wunls of those wlm may uvcihiin with their eustonu nonliWO, MAUTIN SOWERS, Proprietor. JAOOll YOUNG & CO , Hook Hinders Aud Blank Rook Manufacturers, Wright's Rlk Corry, Pa Blank Books Mado to Order. BLANKS qf nil kinds fur sale at this' -. ... ,-:.. JOB WORK done with dUoakh at this 1 1 V An exchange says : "And now we hear of another man up in Flmira who has mar ried a girl while he already had thro wives living." It does seem strange how absent minded some men are ! We should think a fellow who had three women on his hands would never have a chance to forget about it. Hut this singular forgetfulnesa seems to seize then, no matter if they marry a a whole woman's rights' convention. Ev ery man who is married ought to tie a knot in bis handkerchief so that he would re member about it. It would save a great deal of trouble. -..- '-.y'Urnctl up foity-two. TLcu the jcore fell A Model "speech. An Ohio member of a School Board delivered the following speech at a recent sitting of the board : 'I rise for to that is, is to make a motion, which is as follows : Resolved, That there ate do need to build such costive school houses as some of this ere board Is propo- sin to 'rcct. No, Mr. Oheerman, I'm 'posed to epeodin money for more housen, Tbe old onea are pretty good yet, and for to go for to build a pretty (disk house will cost $10,000, or more yet, its all wasted.' ' t The Most desirable reception this warm weather aro cool reception?, ' " Our heroine lived iu Bartlett, New Hampshire, and was adescendent of the old Crawfords. Her father was a Crawford, and followed tho profession of a guide among the mountains. Her name was l?essief and she was the only daughter re maining at homo a dark-eyed, brown haired girl of slight frame, just enteriug her nineteenth year. Her mother had been dead several years, and upon her de volved the whole caro of tho household. One day late in the bummer, Mr. Claw ford went, with a partv of travelers, away to tho headwaters of one of the many moun tain streams that empty into the Saco, find Eessio was left alone. Even the do.'s bad gone with the pleasure seekers. Near the middle of the afternoon, while the irirl was sitting by an open window in the f'rout room, engaged in sewing, a man came up the road and asked her if she would give him a drink of water. Eessie had seen this man before, and had not liked his looks. He was a stout, broad-shouldered, ill-favored fellow, aud bits of moss and the spikes of the pines upon his clothes indi cated that he had slept in the woods. Lut Bessie did not hesitate, She laid aside her work and went to get tho water. When she came back the man had entered the room. She did not like this, for she was sure he bad como in by the window : but she handed hi:n the tin dinner without remark. The man drank and then set tho dipper down upon tho table. Then he turned upon tho girl, and drew a brotid bladcd knife from his pocket. 'Look ye, my young lady,' said he, 'I know there's money in this house ; and 1 know that you aro alone. Show me wh"re the money is! If you don't I shall kill you, nnd then hunc it up myself. I'm in earnest, oud there ain't no time to wasto. Don't male a fuss for if do you'll feel this knife quick!' Bessie shrank back, and looked tho man in the face, and she could see that he meant just what he had said. 'If 1 show you where tho money is, will you promise not to do me harm ?' 'Show me, honest, and I won't harm yon.' 'Then come with me. But you will take only tiie money you won't tako my father's papers.' 'Only the money, girl.' Bessie led tho way to a small bedroom on the ground floor, where there was an old mahogany bureau, tho upper drawer of which she unlocked. The man, when he faw this, thinking, doubtless, that Craw ford's gold was within his grasp, shut up his knife and put it into his pocket. The girl opened the drawer, and quick ns thought, drew forth a large navy revolver one with which she herself had killed a trapped bear and cocked it. 'Villain,' she exclaimed, planting her back against tho wall, and aiming the weapon at his bosom, '"many a wild beast have I shot with this good pistol' and I'll shoot you if you do not instantly leave this house! I will L'ivc VOU not even n samm,!' Start or I fire !' Tho ruffiau could read human looks as Well as could tho maiden, and he could read very plainly in the firm-set lips flashing eyes but more clearly in the steady hand which held the pistol that she would not only fire, as she had prom ised, but her aim would be a sure and fa tal one. And ho backed out of the bed-rrom then jumped from the open window and disappeared. Bessie kept her pistol by her side until her father and her guests came homo j and when she had told her story, bearch was made for the ruffian. But he was not fouud. Our herone had so thoroughly frightened him that he never came that way again. CLIPPINGS. What may he supposed to Lave been Eve's reply when Adam asked her for kiss ? "I don't care A-dani." . . Some one has discovered that a girl can not swallow her apron because it goes against her stomach. An exchange says it takes nine bushels of blackberries to supper the Ohio Peniten tiary. What will it take to supper it at the berries give out? To prevent a dog from becoming mad give hint half ounce strychnine every hour until he ceases to growl. The remedy is a sure oue. A farmer in tho country has a sign nailed to his gate post, informing the pub lic that "No life Insurance nor Sewing ma chines are wanted here." A brimstone spring has been discovered in Westfield, it is said, and that the in habitants are looking palo, fearlul lest Hades is about to break loose upon them. ' A child wts recently born in Altoona which weighed tKentij-lhree pounds. Its father must have been the famous Car diff giant, or some other fabled monster. The difference between a tanner and a schoolmaster is simply one tans hides to save them, and the other saves hides to tan them. Brigham young has fearful qurrels with I'. is mother-in-laTS. Brig, cannot therefore be a woman's rights man, or he is to much of one, we can't tell which. The brilliant p'annct now visible in the evening sky is saturn. It rises about sun set, and nrrives on the meridan a little be fore midnight. A Jersey maid servant becoming imbued with the spirits of the the time, apple-jack, recently gavo nn exhibition in the costume of eve, before she pet on the fig-leaves. A Syracuse waiter attended church, 'on n recent evening, and fell asleep. He wa kened himself by bawling 'Ham and eggs for two !' and soon left the sacred edifice. A prcoocious boy, in a public 6chool out Yv est, who stands high in geographv, was recently asked by his teacher wlere Africa was located. He promptly answered, 'All over the United .-tntcs.' A nice little boy in Pittsburg went to a circus th i other day and amused himself by thrjwing stones at tho elephant while ho was drinking. When he got through the boy tried to propitiate him by offering hira a piece of gingerbread. Before excepting the. cake, the elephant emptied about sixty-four gallons of water over the boy and then slung him into the third tier to diy off. The boy is very indifferent about cir cuses now. He says he believes ho docs't care as much for them as ho usod to. Soir.cfour weeks ago, as an omnibus dashed up to one of tho Long Branch Ho tels, a lady's hat blew under the wheels and was crushed. Her dinnl r.f ,i i'-V fjuuu- natureover tho accident so sturck an English lord that he sought an introduc tion, and they were shortly engaged to bo married. It is now stated that not a 'bus drives to n Long Brach hotel but that the ground is so covered with hats that the driver can't get down until a small boy shovels them into a hand cart. The full name of Prince Leopold, whose ambition is to occupy tho Spanish throne bas kicked up such a fuss in Europe, is Leopold Etienne Charles Antoine Gustave Edouard Thassiio, of Hohenzallern-Sig-maringen : and his wife's name is An toine Marie Fernon de Miohaela Gabrielle d'Astize Gonzagne Selvine Julie Augustie do Brangence Bourbon, Duchess of Saxe. So at least they are called Siggy and Saxey for short. Weston is to take a tramp at the New York King, commencing on the 9th of Nov., jn which he is to walk four hundred miles in five consecutive days ; U2 miles to bp made in. twenty-four Iipuis, , ; '. .'' The Lewiston (Me.) Journal treats the ladies to this pleasant paragraph : 'We published a few days since an hom referring to insects in tlijs bark switches so gtnrallj, worn. Some deubted it at the time as stated. We can assurg all doubt ing Thomasci that tbe fact was even so. A well known physician ot this city has shown us two of these lonthsome creatures, which were found in the switch, of a lady,' in Auburn, exhibited to him, and transfer red to a glass vial, where they can be seen with the naked eye. Under the micro scope their appearance is hidious. They have a large brown, pointed head, any number of legs, a iwzt on the back, and crawled along with a wriggle something like a caterpillar. They appear to resem ble the centipede family. The lady who discovered these had bad trouble with ler head for some weeks, hut did not at first thiukofher switoh containing the cause Ibe back of her head wa. punctured and sore. The switch from which these were taken had previously beeo subjected to a half hour's steaming, but the creature, were as lively as crickets. Another amal. ler kind has been found, whuh akip about ,'ike fleas."