& ctata SJdcocate. . J. B 0 It D W E 1. L. Editor. SATURDAY. AUGUST 1 3, 1 ft70. FOR C0NOUK88. II01T. GLENNTW. SCOFIELL. for AaRnr.Y. williameTlatiiey. FOR PRESIDENT JUDGE. L. D. WETUOBB. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TWEET. lur County Commfminirr, A. W. GRAY, cf .lay lonnrliipr J'or Jury ('onnui'fffnvrr, HO RACK LITTLE, of Rulgway. for County JSunfivr, J. L. EKOWN, -of .tones I o nVi ij. For Ctwnfi Awh'lnr, CHARLES M'VKAN, of St. Mm-s. JlMUCIAl. CoNVrNTlON. The Judicial convention mot according to adjourn- tncnt nt Irvinton on themorning oftlie lOlli, inst., at -1 p. in. nml adjourned to D'n. in tbo 11 th. The Convention assembled on the lltli, an J after much useless balloting Ac, L. D. Wctnioic, of Warren county, was nominated, Eric county withdrawing and not voting. We will give the proceed ings in full next week. The Public Debt. Over seventeen millions of the public debt were paid during the month of July. This and former reductions have been made without ny reduction of taxation. Rut Congress at the last session made a con siderable reduction m certain taxes and if he payment of the debt hrrcnf'tcr is not as rapid as heretofore the people must re member that this accounts for it. Our pay ments -so far show the honesty and fidelity of Grant's administration and stand thus: Public debt, decrease for July, $17,034,123 74 Public debt, decrease since March, 1S70 011,054,001 17 Public del t, decrease during Grant's Administration 150,138,784 01 Average monthly decrease for 1000 7,201,231 00 Avornco monthly decrease for 1S70 10,800,800 24 2TSV7S W EHIEF. : The Court Square was mowed last week. liiebvd Merchant, a young rutin of Bus ti, N. Y., shot himself because a Miss Min nie Kicker refused to marry him. The Secretary of Slate has received a formal acceptance by Mr. l'relinghuysen of the uiinMcii to England. Rumors are in circulation that the Cath olics of Austria will embrace Protcstttnism, unless the doctrine of l'apal itifulibility is considered rjualiu'ed. Tho game of base ball between the Mu tuals nini Ixcdstockings, at Cincinatti, on Saturday attracted a large crowd. The l'ed Stockings won' by a scoro oi 15 to 12. Henri Ricbefort is the first French fort raptured. Ho w;ts taken by a poliecsrnan. The trouble was that be kept bis vocal em brasure open constantly, and was all the time blowing up tho government. Tho Treasurery department commenced on Tuesday to destroy the 8120,000 ,000 in bonds purchased by the Secretary for the Srceial end sinking I'uuJs. Authority was given for this by Congress in the new Kundina bill. At Courtland, New York, on the 20th. a young woman, named Melissa Blye, was stripped naked and tailed nnd feathered, by a party of young men, for intimacy, with a Mr. Moore, whoso wife recently wont crazy and drowned herself. The Republican County Convention of Lycoming county met at Williamsport on Wednesday last. Hon Win, II. Arms- strong was renominated for Congress by Napcicon Proclaims. Vauis, July 20. The following is the l'roclaimation of the emperor to tho army on assuming command in person : Soldiers ! I come to take my place at legate departments. There aro also special dapartments for all the orniincntal branches, such as vocal and Instrumental Music, Drawing and lViuting, Needlework, Wax work, &c, with special teachers for each. The course ot study is lull, and tho meth ods of teaching thorough, as is abundant ly evidenced eaeh year by tho exaroina tions, which are conducted more or less by teachors not connected with tho College. Added to all this, the constant aim of those in cbargo of the college is to mako it a christian homo for thoso committed to their care. Most heartily do we commend it to all who huvo daughters to educate, and who desire for them true culture of both brain and heart. In buildings, Fac ulty, patronage, and all the faculties for im parting a thorough, solid and ornitnental education it. is emphatically the Qucon Col lege of the West. Send to the President, llev. I. C. Pershing, P. 1)., for catalogue. Tho Full term will commence Sept. 0. A Shower of Greenbacks. Puring a rainstorm in Washington on Monday a curious shower of greenbacks oc curred at tho corner of F and Fourteenth St, A messenger for a leading business houso bad drawn a large amount of money from the treasury, which he placed for tem porary convenience in his hat. He then mounted a horse and galloped off dowu the street, when a very violeut storm of wind, accompanied by dense clouds of dust, broke out and raged with fury for a few minutes, and was followed by a shower of rain. The wind lifted the messenger's hat from his head, and at once released tho bank notes, which were blown in every conceiv able direction, up, down and across tho NEW ADTF.RTlSEMF.NTa "V I sV THE SECOND VOLUME OF "A SAFF, CERTAIN ARO Speedy Cura run (Jnnrnlm'i KF.RV0U3 DI3EASE8. fli. rr It is nn nsrAit.ism hhmkdt In nil oases of Neuralgia Facialis, often e.UVcling a perfect cure in less than twnnty-'otir hours, from the use of no mora than two oh Ttiitr.K I'iM.s. No other form of Neuralgia or Nervous Dis ease has failed to vlold to this woudorful re medial agont. Even in tho severest, cases of Chronio Neural' gia and general nervous derangements, of many years standing affecting the entire sys tem, its used for n few days, or a few weeks at the utmost, always affords tho most astonish ing aelicf, and very rarely fails to produce a complete anrf permanent cure. It contains no drugs or other materials in the slightest degree injurious, even to tho most delicate system and can always bo used with perfect safety. It. has long been in constant used by mauy of our most eminent physicians, who give it their unanimous and unqualified approval. The following, amorigmany of our be9toituens testify to its wonderful eHicacy : 'Having used Dr. Turner's Tic-Douloureux or universal Neuralgia Till penounlly, and in nnmerions instant es recommended it to pa tients suffering with neuralgia I have found it, without an exception, to accomplish all the proprietors have claimed. J. II. DILLIA'GTIAM, Dentist. 12 Winter Street, Boston, Feb, 18th 1877 , . rnv - 1 .V J acclamation. The district is composed of street. J no amazeu messenger uimiiuuuiuu tl, r.nni;na .if rw. Clinton. Lvcnminsr. and raced about frantic at the loss of his Tiorr, nnd Potter m0Dey his 0"'"' drawing a brge and o I .... .1 j .r ... . I ...J . sympaui'zing crowu oi siicei- uuya nuu ui- A IVtsville. Pa.' dispatch says: After hers, who kindly volunteered to help Cud four months of suspension in the anthrecite it. The falling rain had the effect to wet legion, n compromise has been effected be- the notes and stick many ot them to the tween the operators and men, and work pavement, which enabled him to recover will be generally resumed on Monday next, the greatest part of his funds. A few hon Tt will be generally resume! on Monday est persons assisted in saving much of the next. It will require about a week, how- j inoney, and after a long and agitating ever, for all the collieries tto get fully to search in all directions, the messenger count work. Great History of the War is now ready. Agent wanted. Rend for circulars, with terms and a full description of the work. Address Na tion' Publishing Co. Phila. Pa. 39 4w ., I will send the re ceipt by which I was cured of Catarrh and Deafness free. Ad- ui unit iii) it. 0. Leggett, Hoboken N. J. A lew more . KJTTS are WANTKD for one nf the Cheapest and Best Books in the wo1" rnv. ir. . nrjraLEr's Natural History Giving a clear discription of nearly every known species of Beasts, Birds, Fishes, In sects Ttcptiles Sc. &c., enlivened by 1000 Bpir. ited illustrations and replete with exciting and amusing anecdotes of their manifold pecular- ities. The cream of the famous London four THE GREAT MEDICAL DISCO VERT Dr. WALKKlVfci CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTER S. 2 E S KOBE THAN 500,000 TEBSONS 5. B' B" "o Bear testimony to the wonder- r t " X oe-g Jul Curative Effcots. ?f S WHAT ARE THEY ?s 3 . .3 Sal X X 2. Si s " a I Tat t' i-Wt I If i It! wpF' as es T1IKY ARE HOT A TILS DRINK, 2 INFANCY s Everybody is delighted with it, old ' ? , drm,ke.ncl,.s naru. ' r. ir, i,r. . ,,., iuti,ir, 111,8 mcdiolnc, made from the iwMn Roots, 8Ih. .M A -?. t7nnri roflt5 ftuJ "wbs f California, free fro all Alcohol- the nild' Agents report pronts . Ul. , , ,, . . ,,, ; lues, me crenra 01 me nuiMiuo uuiiuuu luiir f,i t ,,,, . , . volume edition, with valuable additions, from Mo of Poor Bum, Whiskey, Prool Spirits. th. works of other distii.guiseud naturalists, a"Z dtored.. spiced, anA ,. . .... . sweetened to nluase the tnntn-inlll Tm, .u " wuttau, Agassi?., wooa, nuson Auuinon, ana .. ,", ,, ----- -...v, n,.nnlli.r. Nn Irnutiln in A irnntu n ollt Rent '-PPtiitcrs, "Restorers, &0 la lead U. or party. . and young. 1:1.. !- r. . 1 1 1 . ... r jrj.T.O 3 . .Bl ? Stimulants. They are the Great Dlood Puri. tne latest nnd beit edition of bibles extant. ."Vw Send for illustrated circular and our most lib- o'Mor .nd InTigorator of the System, earry- eral terms for the Book and Bible. 0 f"11 P01R"3 """8 the- A. II. HUBBARD, Publisher, 400 Chestnut ,b1"dt' a ,',U,3r con'1, .l.,on- iN V" cai? . , .. ' (i take these Bitters according to directions, ami 1 6J 4y remain long unwell. 3 I A A DAT-Business entirely new and . ,w"' "f n ""W P- ( Ihononhl.. Liheral indeenmnU.- V,d.eJ ll,e b,,I,.C8 r0 Dot "??. b7 ""neral T1 poisons or other means, and the "vital organs Address J. C. wasted beyond the point of repair. 6m. I for iiinamraatory nuu Chronic Rheumatism. and Gout, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, BiliouH, itemittent, ana intermittent Fevers, Diseases Descriptive circulars free. Mr. J. M. R. Sto.v. for many years an ap- RAND & CO., Blddeford. Me. ot'iecary in this citv, and for three years dur- inir the war, in tho Hospital Department under vui rxui VA1 the U.S. Government, thus speaks of it. A PF NTT'S W'iWKn V VirT?nn.l,or tnr of ,'ie I!leo(l, Liver, Kidneys, and Bladder, I have known Dr. Turners Tic-Douloureux """-' " ' "'V " these Bitters have been most sueossfuL Such) or Universal Neuralgia Pill for twenty years. V W & EH f$l7 713 We diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which 7 have sold it and used tt personally, and I AAililA 1 1 JXiiiM it luJu itJIX Xtf S is generally produced by derangement of th have never known of a case where it did not qruaT PRATER "TUB CHRISTIAN Digestive Organs. give relief. Customers have told me they would UNION." is given away that superb and Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you not be without it if each pill cost 510 I think world renowned work of art, MARSHALL'.! find its impurities bursting through the skin it the most reliable remedy lor neuralgia and HOUSEHOLD ENGAVING OF in Pimples. Eruptions or Sores: eleiinso it nervous diseases in the world. WASHTNOTflM when it is foul, ami your feelings will tell you "iLTtta""" of my family The best paper and grandest engraving in :S h!,,h 0f has suffered severely with Neuralgia. The pain America. Agents report 'making $17 in half pjw and other Worms lurking in th was almost unendurable. We tried various med- daj- Sales easier than books, and profi.s !y , X Z ,2' . icines without success. A few mouths since, we greater.' Vide awake Agents, Teachers, destroveU and removed ms '"e u,tc"",uy began the u of your Pill. It. has proved per- Olcrgymen and others male or female should IaliliouSi Hemi.tn.t," and Intermittent Fe- , ....i--. t .1: iP spnil nt. nnre for nnnv nf nntipr unit full rtiiftii.. . ... ,lV"M iinf riinrieill l e lecuy successiiu, nuu uu iiauBs i mo uiCu - - w -- r-i r vers, these Jtitlcrs havn nn canal- For full . t n l .n.A.l.. t nliirs of this entirolv new nnd nnnvri'oilf.ntnrl I .. . ... 1 lIB1 1 ur lul l eilllHll. 1 I'illl HliHUJ ICVWKIIIH.U , jyu. iuivuj to all sufferers from Neuralgia. Respectfully yours. F. W. TELTON. Boston, March -Jo, 18U7, Counsellor at Law. Sent by mail on receipt of price and postage One package -$1.00 - - Postage cents. Six Packages - 5 0 ) - - " 27 Tt. ie shM hv nil ilmili-rs in 'drill's and medi cines and bv TUNEll & CO., Sole Proprietors, both sides anJ is the only licensed under-feed rSOLD BT ALL DRTJGOISTS ft DFAI l-'OTREMOXT ST. BOSTON, MASS. 4w shuttle Machine sold for less than $(i0. Li- Kll3 or. T uiurs ui inio eiuu eiy new unu unpreceuentcu ,i;.ia i . , r .,, " , - .... . i , . i I Uirections read cavefullv the circular around combination, in which there is moro money I .i. u,iim i i r . i ftr,,n'1 than anvother now offered. A. H. HUBBARD. ,Zl ,.: .. 'J . , , , K""B "S" Publisher, 400 Chestnut St., Phila. 89 4v lish, German, French and Spanish. J. WALKER, Proprietor. 3L' Commorre St., V V II TI Hf-TWVVT I l 1, v. , WsWl "price iis it n,,Ln. ir v .;.u r..i:i. " "v "! o-t vora- Tlie black white nnd red flag of the North German Bund will, during the com ing campaitign, be waved for the fiepttime over the the Cold of battle, the field of vic ed over his pile and found that he was after all only about 300 out of pocket by the opperation. Ex. Wild. Certain. Safe and . Efficient. Tt ntwin kM invite a ml i n vi irnrn ( i-S It II tllA Vl Norristown Herald of Tuesday. "Yester- tnl fl,nu,i0ns, without causing, at any time, or cumstanccs, the slightest injury and uniform success has Killed by a Mowing Machins. ITardlv a week casses without recording n r -1.1 r tory or dclcat. X tie uag is lour years tlie i0P8 0f a iife 0r a limb by a mowin having. been adopted by the JNorth Uerman roacaiI)e accident. Here, for instance, is a Parliament when the present Bund was tcrrible an$ ,atai case described in the your head to defend the home nnd soil of ortauiiscu, aucr utc war upon wm. our country. You go to combat agnst f, n . rnnv;PtPd of vi0lntiou ot My" "W tho nrr"M "JohnO. Hailman, under any c.rcumstai one of the best armies Europe contains, but , , ,it laws was BCntcnced Saturday an old and much rpected citizen of Ply- ThJ lnoit co,;pletc otlior crmtnrtcs ss valiant as inis nave nm teen ablc'to resist your valor. It will be the same to-day. The war which commences now will bo long and hardly contested. Its theater will be hedged with obstacles and thick with fortresses, but nothing is beyond the pcrsevcrving efforts of tho soldiers of Africa, Italy and Mexico. You will prove once moro what the French army is able to country, are almost a unit in favor of ontheseatofthe.niachinc, wounded hi m censed by Whteler t Wilson, Grover & Baker and Smgor and Co. All other nnder-fced shuttle Machines sold for less than $(iO are in fringements, and the seller and user liable to ! prosecution. Address JOHNSON, CLARK & CO., Boston, Mass., Pittsburgh, Pa., Chicago, 111., or st. Louis, wo, B 3m. AGENTS WANTED FOR WONDERS XJS W AD Vhli TlbEMKNTij. AGENTS WANTED FOR "Lost Abroad." Send for specimen page, circulars, terms, etc. AUUeross 8. M. UETTS & CO.,H.irtfort Conn. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE FOR, IREY. ALBERT BARNES. NEW EOOK. SALES IMMENSE- J ... I il. t l' AT ,,.,.. ... r. r. Tt ,.Bliiia ntrotidprl its 11 KA in at Windsor, V t to two years mipnosmeni . . . . . . . . -. , . UnitedStates : and it is witli a most nornoie aeatn wi.uo operating ow offered to the general public, with the most U.,, , . BItD. , ite convietien that it can never tail to AC- I ' and ten dollars fine ; Colonel J. Brown was sentenced to nine months' imprisonment and five dollars fine, and Captain 3Ionaghan wa sentenced to six months' imprison ment and one doilar fine. OF THE WOULD," Ovkii onk thousad Illustrations. The lar gest best sellins. and most attractive subscrip tion book ever published. Send lor Circulars. Business for Everyboby. Pays $50 to $800 with terms at once. Address, U. 8. Publishing per mouth. CO. 411 Broome st. N. V. 89 4w slnh for Circular to ZEIGLER. MoCURDT nFrnce, and WHY DON'T YOU TRY C sod B0Ul" SUtU 'S'-i PuiIadolPnio. WJ'jJjJja UAKLSULilU lABJjrJTS. n ninwin-r ninahine. lie was orivint? two nlisnlnte convi ,lin.Mintmn ondt.nr complisti all that is claimed for it. com, croup, uiptneira, tatarrn or liorsncss; .u to a patent mower, anu tut- '..miless in the extreme, at all times, also a Successful Reraedv for Kidnev Diffioul- tine oats, when about four o clock in the nnd under all circumstances : and is unequalled tics. Price 125 cents ner Box. Sent bv mail - , 5 m by nnv rcmedv yet. kuown to the world where 0n receipt of price, by J. Q. KELLOGG, 34 ntrnninfT nnn nt tho nrni ennnpntd with UJ - .. . , I r K. . J . . . r purgative is liiuicaieu. , , I flatt ot., iew lorK, Hole Agents for JN. i. he fan got out o! place, and in revolving lt produces little ornopain in us opeiat on ; n-i t. : . ..... e aves the organs entirely tree Horn irritation, xne ctuuuHu.u pic.3 i" y-- - ,iTU0i nt, n. upon tue Head, as lie sat up- nil :,,, Kiiri,test tleeree. overtaxesor 80 8w SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. excites the nervous system. accomplish, animated by the sentiment of France against Trusia, in the impending H0 severely that he fell forward on P' hat ao our natuiaiizea uer- jjg wa9 carnC(i 8mnG distance before his itisthegrandPuriferofthe uiaod, and hence AGENTS WANTED fSlO PER DAY) by the AMERICN KNITTING MACINGCO., Boston Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. 80 3m dufir mninfninsd bv discinlinc. influenced hostilities, . : . ... . . i. -i .i:. 4?it . . r ir -i- i .1.- cannot fail to eradicate from the system Scro by love ot country. mans leltow citizens mm, oi una son, wuo was not :ur on, aiscovereu um uc fu)a El.yaipoi,lS, Salt Rheum, Canker, and Whatever road we mav take across our ot thintrs? The greater portion of them J cident. The kuifo being in operation cut Cutaneous Eruptions generally. Irregular, or " . I ........ n-i.l- , U J.Kn.. frontier, we will find upon it glorious traces vot9 the Democratic ticket, and yet the through the back part of deceased's head : p" . , Diarrhaja' of our fathers ; and we will show ourselves lnndma- omans of the Democracy take de- ami nec-. alm0st soverincr the head from Water-brush. Sour and Bitter Stomach, and -it,., riUn, All r-'mncfi follows toiiLm.j 1 .mct tho Lat. int.prp.atfi of LL . i ..i .. il.i -i n. i : foulness and faintness of the same; Impure nwt'j "i ... ... - j I uiuuu juiuiiuuo ..w i mo uouy, iuo mini; puuctuniuy tuo uiuwi. MATMV HALE SMITH'S NEW BOOK. Twenty Years Among the Bulls and Bears OF WALL STREET. 550 Pages Finely Illustrated. Prioo $2,60. It shows the my si cries of stock and gold gambling, and the miseries of unfortunata speculaiion, and exposes the swindles, tricks and frauds of operators. It tells how million are made ana lost in a day, how shrewd men j are ruined, how "corners" are made in grain fTPTTTl DT?TJ PTTrTT j and produce, how women itpeoulnla on th LlUiil tJUJA WilliNl. UULiJ street, eto. Agents wanted. We pay freieUt Send foi terms. vr . ' c.j . IT CSl. UCUU 1U1 iVl IUS. J. B. BURd a CO., HARTFORD, CONN. on w tho God of battles will be with us. Napoleon Signed with ardent prayers. The eyes of the uni- eh fatherland. verse are unon vou ! Unon our success de- pends the fate of libority and civilization. J he iJniiaaeipnia cn.oeiatS Soldiers ! Let each one do his duty and ccedingiy uesponeot. n seems to ue wu on all hands that the Republicans will car ry the city by an overwhelming majority. After nominations of that party were made, somo little dissatisfaction was expressed in THE WAR- relation to several of the candidates ; but , , it rr...;.t howcj exceptionable these may appear to London. Aua 9. The following official uw i . . V . wiiuw, ub" " , , tlinsc. ii ttcd asaiust them by decatch is dated at Hamburg to tho 1'aia- ' r . " p.:,. tR,.pw-ii o nmnmt p nrinvnntions are so far inferior r.ir . T K ..1 W . . 1 " ' " J " tinate, 'J:43 A. M., augut I . ,, . mmm fin;,linnationS for the "Yesterday, alter tho battle ot ocrtn, - ' , , . i .. , . ... . ,l:.J- oiliccs to UO unuu, niav the enemy retirea in me gicatubi, uibuivh... ...i.i . ... , ... -..I. anv dOUDt as to which miuuiu mwu- The rrencii artiucry euueavuiuu j.ioion.t- - 1 . .iJ 1 T.:.lK...,r 1,1, t It OUlll. 'J w " . but nt all r,nrfi-niinded CltlZi US. 1 lie en- nnmw 1 ' v I ,lrv tiro Republican ticked for city and county I .11 t 1 ...1 l. J rV...nR. lomceawiu no eiecteu ocyuuu mo oiiauuuw doubt, Death was of course almost instantaneous. breath, dhzinss, symplithetio, nervous, or sick Headache. Rheumatism, Gout, and lnflamma- t .11 . anrl tl IrmMrn,! lll The son stopped the horses almost as soou easeg CRn Blwa,gi)e wholly cured or greatly re. aa it. nut n,v:ihlp. fnr him tn An so. but fil- lieved hv this mild vet powerful remedy. ., , . i . . i'i. .. .-j .1.. i uenerat jeuu hiviiiwiiibcuhiiiuh nuuvwr tnougu too late to save me, preventeu tuc mliu,al fta Physical,-such as body from being horribly mangled." geen-sickness, lassitude of mmd and body, JlW gictrtisemtnts. BRJCK ! FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF TnE ISSUE OF $ 1, 500, 000, BY THE St. Joseph and Denver City HAILSOAD COMPANY. THS IS NO HUMBUG ! -.i By Bending 85 CENTS, with age height, color of eyes and hair, iou will receive, by return mail, picture of your luiui-B iiuBuuuu or wne wim uunie anu Uatt or marriage. Address W. EOX, P. O. Drawer No. 24, Fultonville, N. Y. THE SUBSCRIBERS furnish brick in ARE READY To drowsiness, in disposition to exercise, weakness of the limbs, feelings of discouragement, des pondency and distrust, all disappear under uy mncic lutluence. It reirulates and invieorates tne ooweis : is i a sure antidote for obtinate cogtiveneBs and It denominations of $1,000 and $500, coupon pilei j vigor to the stomach ; evokes the action or registered, with interest at Eight per eent. of the liver: dissipates the yellow dye of jaun- per annum, payable 15th February and Au- dice and eradicates from the skin, bilious spots gust, in GOLD free of United States taxes, in or mould-moth and frecftles. I isew iork or Europe. The bonds have GREAT REDUCTION is l'aion or TEAS AND COFFE3 TO CONJOUM TO PRICE OF GOLD. Increased Facilities to Club Organixert, Send for New York Price List. 1 colored hair or beara to a permanent cncrai a'lteiative, wheseby the intire impar- ,, . .,.., black or brown, it contains no poison. Any tcJorgftuism ig gtimulated to renewed energy, " r.'V'V ' v-j.ua. one can use it. One tent by mail for $1. Ad- and to a heaItliy Tigor Bnd vitaUty. It is en- . .'. f , T' ", ' ME MAGIC COMB Will change any j Will, deliver on board suffrages, not only ot tho Republican party, cnoan(ia Railroad at Eerlcy. Ecarley July 12. 18V0, retired enroute to Ritsche. The cav f Wiirtpmherc cactured the enemy's . o . - I . J f rf ...fWlnriraf KninehW- I OI stores anu ioui jnuoo w. boffen. Tho cavelry of Wortenbnberg r,i,ir.r1 tbo fincmv's stores and four PiTTKnimnn Female COLLEGE. As UlltV HMW J I - - pieces ot artillery at Reichshoien. JJeaci tije time , ttt haud when parents are com ... ., ', It excites the Kieneys to renewed, vigorous thirty years to run, payable in New York in TllS GrP!i.L. AtY Pv'wn Tea frt quantities to suit purchaseers. onj hettUilT aot10n; and is certain to bring GOLD. Trustees, farmers' Loan and Trust , (? i c IBS, 1:0. , prompt relief in all cases of Diarrhoea and Company of New York. The mortgage which x dmh.j 31 4 8 Vesey 8t., New loard of cars on the Daugas- Jjy8enlery, secures these bonds is at the rate of $13,500 orK- 89 4 T. KING & CO. 3m " . ...... .1!.. I ;,. , . , . It is eminenlT ellectuai in tue cure oi an ui. i per mue: covers a complete roau ior every eases of childreii, however infantile, especially bond is a first and ONLY mortgage. This 1 for colic, worms, andirntation and fretrvllness line, connecting St. Jasepb with Fort Kerney, while teething. I will make a short and through route to Lalitor- As a dinner Pill orUigestcr. it is secona 10 nIa none other, taien witn tlie toou. u. operates an BOOK AGENTS wanted for the AUT0EIOG&422T H PEBSOiML BEC0UJ65- TICNS 07 dress 1 15 8m MAGIC COM B CO., Springfield, I; and wounded covered the route of the re treating army. London, Afternoon, August 9 The tall Mall Gazette in its issue of this evening says : We have assurauces from Paris that the Fronch Empire is ia daticer of immediate dissolution. It is ap mencing to look around for suitable schools for their daughters for tho coming school year, wo cannot render them better ser vice than by calliug their attention to the vacilities and advantages afforded by the Pittbburgh Female College. It has all the requisites of a really nrst-ciass institu tion. Tho buildings are largo, airy, wen ...... ... . . i . .1 I nuu. prehended that the empire is ueateu ai- md VCDtikte(1) anJ fitted up jn ready, Tho Germans will shortly be en e Every privBta r0Om, and route to Paris, and even if their march is . . . d witU car. delayed the Empire cannot live. The Or. mattin. The Faculty-twenty- Ir . -..... :.. hio Venn aMnctnd with ready discussing tho policy of muktng prop- rtauyu.fl j. j or r teacher has had from oaitions to the French Chambers to declare btB" , . :: 1 P.mmnnt fnr VrnncP. the UV0 10 twenty Yiai. a- illUYBiuai UU.. , - I . . ., t J : Emperor having provoked a war without More thao ono-tiaii me numoer uua.u ... p.pb at the same ta- possessing means to sustaiu it. noiuiuBui uu.., vwutv.-B r dmperalists are leaviaiug the country, ana Dies witn tue pupus. un u.o La friends of the Emoeror are preparing the constant overstgni oi ineir ueu.m, u.u- for tha flight of Empreis and the Prince nors and morals. The literary course is di- o ..... . t. . j ni IinpetkL viaea ,nt0 1 rimary rreparawry uu tensively used by the Faculty as a convenient and thorough cathartic, having no action other than the one intended. 8$g-Sent by mail on f AUTION. Whereas my wife Emma J. receint of Drise and postage, vis: J Brandt has left ray bed and board without 1 itnT. . o.25 . Postaee. 6 cents iust cause or provicalion, all persons ore here- 5 Boies. 1.00 " 18 " by cautioned not to trust or liurhor ner on my u s tQ j bT n dealers in drugs an medicines, account as 1 win pay no uepts ot ner contract ing unless compelled by due course ot law. MARTIN J. BRANDT. Arroyo, July 7. 1870. 8U3t and by TURNER & CO.. Sole Proprietors, 120 TREMONT St. BOSTON, Mass. 43 4w Well's Carbolic Tablets- After much study and gcientifio indestigation as to the remedial qualities of Cakbomc Acid, Dr. Wells has discovered by proper combina tion with other articles in th form of a Tablet a Bpeeifio for all pulmonary diseases. THESE .... ,nn iivrtn rtnnll 11 J : The subscriber having ordered COO tons bi tuminous and authricite coal is now prepared TABLETS are a SURE CURE for oil diseases to furnish tho people of Ridgway of the INSPIRATORY ORGANS, SORE with hard or soft coal, nut or stove sizes, lump run ot mines aud Rlacksmithiug coal, in quantities to suit purchasers. 40 tf M. T. FRENCH. July 23. 1870. THROAT, COLD, CROUP, D1PTIIERIA, ASTHMA, CATARRH, or HOARSENESS: alao a successful remedy for Kidney dilhonl ties Pales 25 cents pes Box. sent by Mail upon reoeipt of price, by JOHN Q. KELLOOQ, 22 Cliff St., New York, Sole Agent tor the United States. 2U 8w TTTANTED AGENTS To tell the OCTA- GON SEVYINU MACHINE. It is lionsed, makes the 'tlastio Lock Stitch" and is war ranted for 6 years. Price $15. All other machines with an under-leed sold for $lu or less are infringements. Address OCTAGON SEWING MACHINE CO., SL Louis, Mo., Chicago. Ill, rutbburgh, Fa., or Boston Mass. I was cured of Deafness and Catarrh by a simple remedy and will send the receipt free, lino , it LvinuT'r- trr.kftl.ow 7 I iU.lO. 11. V. L.UJVk i .auuukvu, 4... w 24 Gw JOB WORK done with disuatch at this Office. And a grant of Land from Con gress, of 1,600,000 Acres, val ued, at the lowest estimate, at First Mortgage bonds, Total, - $10,000,003 The whole enlivened with Sct!nt iM.ni. I full of interest and Tj&tW Fin. .,. 4,000,000 sold the bvst five month.. Tii -:n w- 1,500,000 this, notwithstanding the "hard times." It ' i pleasure to sell it for it is doina muoh $15,500,000 good- The work la splendedly bound and il. Inst rated. Address Total length of road, 271miles; dist. included 1 H- C Johnson, No. 632 Arch Btreet, Philadel- 89 4w int hiB Mcitgage, 111 miles; price, 974 and ae cured interest, IN CURRENCY. Can be ob. tained from the undersigned. Also, pamph lets, maps add information relating thereto. There bonds, being so well secured and yeild a large income, are desirable to parties seek ing safe and lucrative investments. We re commend them with entire confidence. W. P. CONVERSE A CO., COMMERCIAL AGENTS, No. 64 Pine Sreet, New York. . TANNER & CO., FISCAL AGENTS, No 49 Wall Street, New York. June 3m. phia, Pa. il OK TBI MYSTERIES OF MORMONISM By J. H BEADLE, Editor of the 8alt Lake -.r-... vjudou. ueir recrel Rites, Ceremonies and Crimes, With a full and authentie history of Polgamv and the Mormon Sect, from the orit-inai the present time. Agents are meeting with onpreoedente ana cess. . One reporte 71 aubseribert in two rva Send for circular. Addresl NATIONAL PUBLISL1NQ CO., Philadelphia, P 89 4w TvP0?0?wQt,C0; BoB'.n'iersAnd milE HAHD-IN-HAND MUTUAL 1IM ti blank Book Manufacturers, WnghfiBlk 1 Insurance Company wanU a nuLbai Ctr.y, Pa Blank Book, Made to Order. .fed Aients. al.o .Wi Oe..i .!5 Pittsburgh and vicinity ; also, a General Agant for the German counties of Pennsylvania. Ad. dress the Office. No; J12 loutU 4th ttreau Philadalphia, Fa, 19 4V B LANKS of all kinds for sale at this ficj.